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Big sound, and bigger personality. We at Sector3 know that even with the best equipment, we still havent done everything in our power to help you achieve your ideal bass playing experience. We all know what it feels like to get into the groove, and we strive to create the perfect enviroment to help you get into the pocket.

A message from the Founder of Sector3 Je Stumacher: Big sound, and bigger personality. We at Sector3 know that even with the best equipment, we still havent done everything in our power to help you achieve your ideal bass playing experience. We all know what it feels like to get into the groove, and we strive to create the perfect enviroment to help you get into the pocket.


This is our motto here at Sector3. Whether youre just starting or youre a seasoned pro, the pocket is something that every bass player strives for.

This is our motto here at Sector3. Whether youre just starting or youre a seasoned pro, the pocket is something that every bass player strives for.



To reconcile the tradition of, in the pocket rhythm, with personality and needs of the individual, we will provide our musicians with superior look and sound that matches their pocket personality.

The mission: To reconcile the tradition of, in the pocket rhythm, with personality and needs of the individual, we will provide our musicians with superior look and sound that matches their pocket personality.

We at Sector3 understand that not everyones personal pocket is the same, and that it is just as important that we focus on how each individual achieves this.

We at Sector3 understand that not everyones personal pocket is the same, and it is just as important that we focus on how each individual achieves this.



Having built our brand on the foundation of knowing how the individual bass player nds his/her pocket, we feel comfortable in knowing that Sector3 is a company for all bass players. When it comes to the pocket, we transcend age, genre, and style.

Having built our brand on the foundation of knowing how the individual bass player nds his/her pocket, we feel comfortable in knowing that Sector3 is a company for all bass players. When it comes to the pocket, we transcend age, genre, and style.

Meditative players experience the pocket much more internally than other players. When they get into the groove, they are in a whole other world.

Meditative players experience the pocket much more internally than other players. When they get into the groove, they are in a whole other world.

Level players experience the pocket more internally than some. However they tend to perform more outwardly.

Level players experience the pocket more internally than some. However they tend to perform more outwardly.

Outward players typically experience and express the pocket openly and loud.

Outward players typically experience and express the pocket openly and loud.


We want to always keep in the forefront, that all bass players nd their pocket in di erent ways. This should be apparent in our branding and every Sector3 experience.

We want to always keep in the forefront, that all bass players nd their pocket in different ways. This should be apparent in our branding and every Sector3 experience.

Historically the bass player has been the backbone of every band. Were going to start acting like it, with pocket rhythm and attitude.

Historically the bass player has been the backbone of every band. Were going to start acting like it, with pocket rhythm and attitude.

Low, big, heavy, and punchy. The sound that the bass is known for is embodied within everything we do and every mark we make.

Low, big, heavy, and punchy. The sound that the bass is known for is embodied within everything we do and every mark we make.



Before we take a look at where the Sector3 brand is going, lets take a look at a couple of key competetors and what they could be doing better.
Before we take a look at where the Sector3 brand is going, lets take a look at a couple of key competetors and what they could be doing better.

Ampeg has had a long and fruitfull history. Their classic look and what could now be considered vintage style has taken them very far, but one crtitique of their design might be that the vintage style only caters to a niche market, and their identity could seem too fragile or shrill for some players to identify with.

Ampeg has had a long and fruitfull history. Their classic look and what could now be considered vintage style has taken them very far, but one crtitique of their design might be that the vintage style only caters to a niche market, and their identity could seem too fragile or shrill for some players to identify with.

Genz Benz is on the other end of the spectrum from Ampeg. They have done well with their sturdy, solid, utilitarian design. They have done so in a way that they could market to anyone. In doing this however, they have lost the opportunity to dissect and deliver on the knowledge of who their product resonates with.

Genz Benz is on the other end of the spectrum from Ampeg. They have done well with their sturdy, solid, utilitarian design. They have done so in a way that they could market to anyone. In doing this however, they have lost the opportunity to dissect and deliver on the knowledge of who their product resonates with.


At Sector3, the personal side of our brand is the most important aspect,. Being able to recognize the needs of the individual and make the experience of playing in the pocket more easily accesible is what sets us apart from being just a cold, utilitarian company.

At Sector3, the personal side of our brand is the most important aspect. Being able to recognize the needs of the individual and make the experience of playing in the pocket more easily accesible is what sets us apart from being just a cold, utilitarian company.

Sector3 the name, is derived from the brands three design attributes and values. The Sector represents the in the pocket groove that so aptly personies bass players as individuals and musicians. One of several denitions for Sector is: an area or portion that is distinct from others. This makes the perfect case for the personalization of the brand to the player.


Sector3 the name, is derived from the brands three design attributes and values. The Sector represents the in the pocket groove that so aptly personies bass players as individuals and musicians. One of several denitions for Sector is: an area or portion that is distinct from others. This makes the perfect case for the personalization of the brand to the player.

The logo type is very solid and evenly weighted. This resonates as a visual representation of the sound and feel of the bass guitar. Seeing this gives the brand a sense of legitamacy and trustworthiness. The logo can be either black or white, as with most of the brands elements, depending on what contrast is needed.

The logo type is very solid and evenly weighted. This resonates as a visual representation of the sound and feel of the bass guitar. Seeing this gives the brand a sense of legitamacy and trustworthiness. The logo can be either black or white, as with most of the brands elements, depending on what contrast is needed.

The logo as a signature is put into a container, giving it added weight and emphasis. The area around the signature should be free of any other elements by as much as the x-height of the logo type on each side. The exeption being the bottom, when the tagline is present the space at the base of the signature triples.


The logo as a signature is put into a container, giving it added weight and emphasis. The area around the signature should be free of any other elements by as much as the x-height of the logo type on each side. The exeption being the bottom, when the tagline is present the space at the base of the signature triples.

Museo Sans 700 is utilized for any primary type, while Museo Sans 100 is used for body copy. The use of this typeface makes for a clean, stable, and unobtrusive addition to the photo and color handling which is the primary focus in most cases. Being that a majority of the brand focus is dedicated to showcasing the style and identity of bass players, the copy should be supportive of the imagery. The type will never appear in color for this purpose.

Museo Sans 700 is utilized for any primary type, while Museo Sans 100 is used for body copy. The use of this typeface makes for a clean, stable, and unobtrusive addition to the photo and color handling which is the primary focus in most cases. Being that a majority of the brand focus is dedicated to showcasing the style and identity of bass players, the copy should be supportive of the imagery. The type will never appear in color for this purpose.


Each image must be converted to grey scale and then multiplied over by one of four di erent lters. The blue represents the meditative players. The green represents the level players, and the red represents the Outward players. On any other occasion the lter will be grey. When a box is placed over an image, whatever is inside that box is a key moment or expression that acts as a clue into the mind of that bass player. The stroke of the box can be made thicker or thinner depending on the type of player. The box can be either white of black, but not in color.

Each image must be converted to grey scale and then multiplied over by one of four different lters. The blue represents the meditative players. The green represents the level players, and the red represents the Outward players. On any other occasion the lter will be grey. When a box is placed over an image, whatever is inside that box is a key moment or expression that acts as a clue into the mind of that bass player. The stroke of the box can be made thicker or thinner depending on the type of player. The box can be either white of black, but not in color.

The Sector3 mark compliments the brand as an extention of both the logo and of the box element used to call attention to key moments in imagery. Alone, it is even more solid looking than the logo type itself. Again, the mark can be used in either black or white, but not in color.

The Sector3 mark compliments the brand as an extention of both the logo and of the box element used to call attention to key moments in imagery. Alone, it is even more solid looking than the logo type itself. Again, the mark can be used in either black or white, but not in color.

The following is a set of brand touchpoints for Sector3, meant to be viewed and utilized by customers before and after purchase.

The following is a set of brand touchpoints for Sector3, meant to be viewed and utilized by customers before and after purchase.

These cards are to be distributed at music stores where bass equipment is sold. They are cut to match the brand elements, and to be more intriguing when displayed on store counters. Each card has a coloration to match their respective musician.

These cards are to be distributed at music stores where bass equipment is sold. They are cut to match the brand elements, and to be more intriguing when displayed on store counters. Each card has a coloration to match their respective musician.

Each envelope can contain a number of items, such as a CD, a letter, or an invoice.

Each envelope can contain a number of items, such as a CD, a letter, or an invoice.

The invoice will be sent in the color matching the customers bass style.

The invoice will be sent in the color matching the customers bass style


Letters will be sent after a purchase has been completed. They will also be tailored to be customer appropriate.

Letters will be sent after a purchase has been completed. They will also be tailored to be customer appropriate.

To be worn by band members, roadies, groupies, fans, and Sector3 representatives.

To be worn by band members, roadies, groupies, fans, and Sector3 representatives.

When roadies load out equipment in these Sector3 sponsored road cases, itll be sure to cause some chatter amongst techs and band members alike.

When roadies load out equipment in these Sector3 sponsored road cases, itll be sure to cause some chatter amongst techs and band members alike.

If you request it, Sector3 will deliver your order to your home in a branded Scion xB. Advertising and delivery in one.

If you request it, Sector3 will deliver your order to your home in a branded Scion xB. Advertising and delivery in one.

Bass player? Not a bass player? Whats meditative about playing the bass guitar? Well, were glad you asked.

Bass player? Not a bass player? Whats meditative about playing the bass guitar? Well, were glad you asked.


Each platform will allow you to access and see your personal sector prole. The mobile app gives you the advantage of having a onthe-go tuner.

Each platform will allow you to access and see your personal sector prole. The mobile app gives you the advantage of having a on-the-go tuner.

A promotional video for Sector3 which showcases both the product and the attention to the individuals bass pocket playing styles.

A promotional video for Sector3 which showcases both the product and the attention to the individuals bass pocket playing styles.

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