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SmartPlant 3D

Installation Guide
September 2002 Version 3.0


Copyright 2002 Intergraph Corporation All Rights Reserved Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization.

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Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software---Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished---rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001

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All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in your purchase contract, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT.

Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, SmartSketch, FrameWorks, SmartPlant and INtools are registered trademarks and PDS and MARIAN are trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems Inc. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of AutoDesk. Solid Edge is a trademark of Unigraphics Solutions, Inc. ISOGEN is a registered trademark of Alias Limited. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................ 6 Welcome to SmartPlant ................................................................................................. 7 Third-Party Integration.................................................................................................... 8 Hardware and Software Requirements......................................................................... 10 Disk Partitioning Guidelines Hardware Requirements Software Requirements and Loading Order 10 11 13

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation ......................................................................... 17 Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Workstation Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Install Microsoft Office 2000 Install Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 Service Pack 1 Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components Verify Startup of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) Install the Three-Button Mouse Driver Verify a Workstation for SmartPlant 3D Installation Install SmartPlant 3D Workstation 18 19 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 30 31

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator ...................................................................... 36 Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Administrator Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Install Microsoft Office 2000 Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components Verify Startup of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) Install the Three-Button Mouse Driver Verify an Administrator System for SmartPlant 3D Installation Install SmartPlant 3D Administrator 37 38 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data ................................................................. 53 Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 53 54 56 58

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 3

Table of Contents Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components Verify Automatic Startup of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Services Install SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Install and Configure the COM+ Application on a Windows 2000 Server 60 61 62 65

Install Optional Software for SmartPlant 3D............................................................... 72 Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases ......................................................................... 73 Register SQL Server Create the Site, Catalog, and Schema Databases Create the Plant Database Create the Reports Database Assign System Administrator Privileges 74 78 82 84 86

Configuring Piping Manufacturing............................................................................... 90 Modify Default Isometric Paths Bulk Load Database with Data 90 92

Installing and Configuring VB Part Definition Wizard .............................................. 94 Install VB Part Definition Wizard 94

Configuring Interference Checking Server .................................................................. 95 Set IFC Permission Requirements Create IFC Permission Group Folder and Permission Group Set IFC Permissions 95 96 97

Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection ..................... 99 Launch IFC Database Detect 99

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D ........................................................................... 102 Update Site Database Name and Path Open SmartPlant 3D Configure Your Tasks Define Your Workspace Save Session Files 102 103 103 104 105

Remove SmartPlant 3D Software ................................................................................ 107 Register Solid Edge Version 10 .DLL File 108

User Assistance .............................................................................................................. 109 Customer Assistance ..................................................................................................... 112 Common SmartPlant 3D Acronyms............................................................................ 113 4 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Table of Contents Index ............................................................................................................................... 115

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 5


This document is an installation guide for SmartPlant 3D Administrator, SQL Server Data, and Workstation. The purpose of this document is to explain how to install and configure SmartPlant 3D for Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft 2000 Server, and all necessary prerequisite software. This document is delivered in .pdf format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Adobe Acrobat Reader is delivered on the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. For information on SmartPlant 3D commands, refer to the SmartPlant 3D online Help. Note

This document does not cover basic Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Professional, or SQL Server 2000 operation. Refer to those products' printed documentation for basic operation information. You can find the most recent guides and online Help in the Help directory on the SmartPlant 3D product CD. Copy the updated files from the Help directory on the CD to the Common\Help directory on the workstation machines.

6 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Welcome to SmartPlant

Welcome to SmartPlant
The Intergraph Process, Power & Offshore SmartPlant family of process industry solutions is discipline-specific software that provides an integrated solution for the entire plant life cycle. SmartPlant provides knowledge-based, intuitive, easy-to-use, accessible, flexible, and data-driven tools that support global workflows. With SmartPlant, users can create information and provide data to multiple users at any moment. From these products, users are empowered to create logical and physical definitions of the plant model and have access to plant data from conceptual design through decommissioning.

SmartPlant 3D: An Overview

SmartPlant 3D uses Web and Windows technologies to provide a familiar interface for the user to produce step-changes in three-dimensional detailed plant design, procurement, construction, and operational system performance. This new datacentric solution approach generated by SmartPlant 3D synchronizes key elements of intragration and relationships.

Intragration - SmartPlant 3D allows multiple engineering disciplines to work concurrently and in real-time against relational databases. Relationships - SmartPlant 3D's relationship manager controls design changes across disciplines, which in turn establishes and maintains appropriate behaviors among structures, equipment, and systems.

SmartPlant 3D understands that plant design encompasses more than just 3-D modeling. As such, SmartPlant 3D is designed to integrate the SmartPlant Product Model with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Operations and Maintenance (O&M), and Front End Engineering and Design (FEED). Traditionally, the only way to extract and load data from one application to another was through neutral format text files. SmartPlant 3D uses stress analysis, flow calculation, pump-sizing capability, and support selection point applications to perform these same tasks. Session files are used by SmartPlant 3D to empower users to define their own view of objects in the database. Its Project Management task enables users to administer and restrict user permissions to areas within the design catalog and the plant model. The optimistic locking feature in SmartPlant 3D makes it possible for users to work concurrently in the same environment and with the same component, whether it's specific to plant design or associated with the relationship of the components themselves. Additional features such as angle locking and interference checking make SmartPlant 3D the ideal software to manage system performance and maintain design intent. Related Topics Preface, page 6

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 7

Third-Party Integration

Third-Party Integration
Equipment Modeling Capability
Although an extensive library of symbols is delivered in the [Product Directory]\Catalog Data\Symbols folder on the administrator machine, you can customize additional three-dimensional symbols for your company using the Visual Basic Symbol Wizard or Solid Edge. Two-dimensional symbols for structural cross-sections are delivered in the CatalogData\Symbols\CrossSections folder. You can create your own two-dimensional cross-section symbols using the SmartPlant 2D Symbols application. The Visual Basic Symbol Wizard allows you to create and customize threedimensional symbols that fit your company or project. The wizard produces a Visual Basic project for building the symbol ports and graphics, and generates an Excel workbook for bulkloading the symbol data into the Catalog database. SmartPlant 3D also integrates with Solid Edge to provide users with parametric modeling and assembly design capabilities. With Solid Edge, users can build intelligent equipment reference data libraries of base parts that can be placed into the SmartPlant 3D model. An entire catalog of standard equipment can be modeled with Solid Edge, as well as custom, one-of-a-kind equipment for specific plants. Solid Edge's design assistance automatically monitors how close the assemblies match design objectives and comply with design rules. Solid Edge and SmartPlant 3D use the same user interface paradigms, including SmartLocate, SmartStep, and QuickPick, making Solid Edge a natural addition to the SmartPlant 3D product suite. Optimal knowledge of Assembly is required to maximize this capability. You can create member cross-sections using the SmartPlant 2D Symbols application. This application allows you to define different representations for the cross-section using layers. You also can define variables to drive the dimensions of the crosssection symbol. For more information on SmartPlant 3D's equipment modeling capabilities, see either the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide or the SmartPlant 2D Symbols User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Isometric Drawing Capability

SmartPlant 3D's isometric drawing interface gives users the ability to create piping isometric drawings by extracting data from 3D models and fitting that data into software components. Additionally, the SmartPlant 3D isometric drawing interface works with ISOGEN software that not only enables users to create piping isometric drawings, including dimensioning, but that also allows users to generate notes, recognize attribute changes, and define which symbols to use in the final drawings. Knowledge of isometric drawings is required to effectively utilize this functionality.

8 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Third-Party Integration Related Topics Welcome to SmartPlant, page 7

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 9

Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and Software Requirements

SmartPlant 3D is a state-of-the-art graphics application, capable of creating and displaying very complex three-dimensional models. The SmartPlant technology requires comparable state-of-the-art hardware to ensure a successful, productive, and efficient experience. Before continuing with the installation of SmartPlant 3D, confirm that the administrator, server and workstation machines meet the recommended guidelines for disk partitioning and meet both hardware and software requirements. Related Topics Hardware Requirements, page 11 Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13

Disk Partitioning Guidelines

For best performance when loading and running SmartPlant 3D, partition the hard drive according to the following guidelines: 1. Format all SmartPlant 3D partitions as NTFS file systems. By default, SmartPlant 3D is installed to C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\3D. Ensure you have sufficient free space on your C:\ partition (or another partition if you wish to install SmartPlant 3D there) according to the following information: Minimum Disk Space Requirements for SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Internet Explorer 6.0 Microsoft Office 2000 Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 Service Pack 1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft 2000 Client Tools Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components 3-Button Mouse Driver Varies. Refer to the READMESP.HTM file delivered with Service Pack 12 MB Varies. Refer to MS Office documentation. 20 MB 270 MB 153 MB 147 MB 4 MB

10 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Hardware and Software Requirements Minimum Disk Space Requirements for SmartPlant 3D by Setup SmartPlant 3D Workstation SmartPlant 3D Workstation with Project Management option SmartPlant 3D Administrator SmartPlant 3D Server Data 519 MB 530 MB 484 MB 112 MB

2. Ensure that the partition where the SQL Server data files will be stored has sufficient space. The system requires 120 MB to create a new set of databases and a small model will take a minimum of 250-300 MB. Intergraph PPO recommends that you have at least 1.0 GB of free space for database storage. You also will need additional disk space if you intend to use other products, such as Visual Basic 6.0 with Visual Studio Service Pack 5, and/or Solid Edge version 10. Please consult your system administrator for this and additional software not provided by Intergraph PPO. Warning

Do not continue with the installation of SmartPlant 3D until enough disk space is free on the workstation, administrator, or server machine as stated in the aforementioned procedure.

Related Topics Disk Partitioning Guidelines, page 10

Hardware Requirements
For optimal viewing and performance results of SmartPlant 3D, the following minimum hardware requirements are advised:

500 MHz Pentium II processor, or higher, recommended Minimum of 256 MB memory for each client Minimum of 512 MB memory for server 100Mbit or better network with 100Mbit or better NICs in each machine Minimum of 1 GB hard drive disk space on the drive where the SQL server databases are stored Access to a CD-ROM drive or network drive 21" color monitor (capable of a minimum of 1024 x 768)

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 11

Hardware and Software Requirements

Graphics cards designed for 3D intensive applications that generate low CPU overhead and meet the following requirements:

32-bit main RGBA pixel buffer Hardware OpenGL 1.1 support Hardware Z buffer: 32 bit 64 MB RAM recommended, 32 MB RAM minimum 4-bit minimum overlay buffer support 8-bit stencil buffer Hardware Alpha blending support Hardware Anti-aliasing support recommended


If you are unsure about your graphics card's capabilities, contact your vendor or local system support group for assistance. Notes

Many of the recent generation video cards provide some level of OpenGL acceleration. Some manufacturers provide poor OpenGL drivers that can cause artifacts. Testing has shown that NVIDIA and Intense3D provide good drivers. ATI and Matrox often seem to have OpenGL problems with their drivers. Cards with double-buffered overlay planes (such as the Wildcat cards) have an advantage because highlighting can be done without having to do save/restores. Cards without overlay planes rely on blits during highlight operations, so good blit performance is needed, as well as good drivers. For example, the NVIDIA Geforce 2 graphics cards had unacceptable performance with their initial drivers, but since the release of the Detonator 3 drivers and beyond, the Geforce 2 cards have shown good performance while running SmartPlant 3D. Dual screen configurations should have either a single graphics card with two VGA outputs or two identical graphics cards. The graphics card(s) should otherwise meet the requirements of the specified graphics card recommendations.

Related Topics Hardware and Software Requirements, page 10

12 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Hardware and Software Requirements

Software Requirements and Loading Order

Software Requirements
For optimal performance, Intergraph PPO recommends installing SmartPlant 3D on systems running on a Windows 2000 platform. To aid in product installation, SmartPlant 3D comes with two CDs:

The Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD includes essential software for the successful operation of SmartPlant 3D. The Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Product CD includes SmartPlant 3D administrator, server, and workstation installation software. Important

The Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD contains only software that Intergraph PPO is free to distribute. Contact the appropriate vendors for other software required, such as Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Office 2000.

The following table outlines the prerequisites associated with each of the three SmartPlant 3D installations and the established load order for each: Server Installation Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Internet Explorer 6.0
1 1

Administrator Installation Windows 2000 Professional


Workstation Installation Windows 2000 Professional



Windows 2000 SP2 Internet Explorer 6.0

Windows 2000 SP2

Build 2195

Internet Explorer 6.0


Microsoft Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 13

Hardware and Software Requirements

Server Installation SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2): Database Components

Administrator Installation SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components

1 2

Workstation Installation SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components 3-Button Mouse Driver

Version 8.00.534

3-Button Mouse Driver

Logitech Mouseware 9.1

Denotes items provided by Intergraph PPO on the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client tools and SQL Server 2000 SP2 are only required for the Workstation installation if the Project Management option is installed; otherwise, they are not integral to the default Workstation installation. Important

SmartPlant 3D guidelines require that you load your workstation, administrator, or server with the specific versions of software listed above. Earlier or later versions may not work. Do not proceed with the SmartPlant 3D installation if the versions of the products installed on the system do not match versions specified in the previous table. If it is necessary to regress or update a software component to match the above versions, contact your system support personnel.

Software Loading Order

The ability to run SmartPlant 3D successfully is greatly affected by the order in which all the necessary and underlying products are loaded. Do not deviate from the recommended order. Doing so can result in a component that is out-of-sync with the guidelines; consequently, it will be difficult to determine the exact nature of any postinstallation problems you encounter should you deviate from the recommended installation order. The following software packages are required for SmartPlant 3D to run optimally: 1. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server or Professional 2. Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 3. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 4. Microsoft Office 2000 5. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 SP1, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and/ or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

14 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Hardware and Software Requirements 6. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components 7. Drivers for middle mouse button 8. Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Workstation, Administrator, or Server Other users who want to perform different tasks in the overall plant design workflow might need additional software, such as Microsoft Visual Basic and Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10. You may install these packages on individual machines after SmarPlant 3D and its prerequisite software have been installed successfully. Important

Do not skip any restarts recommended by the system. Doing so can have unintended consequences.

SmartPlant 3D Installations
Three installation options exist for SmartPlant 3D:

SmartPlant 3D Workstation SmartPlant 3D Administrator SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data.

Only specific configurations can exist simultaneously on the same machine, as outlined in the following table: SmartPlant 3D Workstation (with or without the Project Management Option) SmartPlant 3D Workstation SmartPlant 3D Administrator SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Note

SmartPlant 3D Administrator

SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data










If you wish to have the functionality of both the Administrator and Workstation builds on the same machine, you should install SmartPlant 3D Workstation and include the Project Management option as part of the installation select set.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 15

Hardware and Software Requirements Related Topics Hardware and Software Requirements, page 10

16 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

The SmartPlant 3D Workstation software is intended for general SmartPlant 3D modeling and should not be used for building a SmartPlant 3D administrator machine - the SmartPlant 3D Administrator software should be used for that purpose. You can, however, get all the capabilities of the Administrator software by selecting the optional Project Management component during the while installing the Workstation software. The following table summarizes the differences between the Workstation and Administrator software: Task, Utility and/or Application Name SmartPlant 3D with the following tasks: Cableway Catalog Common Drawings Equipment & Furnishings Grids Hangers & Supports HVAC Piping Piping Manufacturing Reports Space Management Structure Systems and Specifications X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Workstation Administrator

2D Symbols

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 17

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

Task, Utility and/or Application Name Project Management Database Wizard Bulkload Reference Data Check Interference Tool

Workstation Optional1
1,2 1,2 1

Administrator X X X X

If you choose to install Project Management as an optional part of the Workstation software, the Database Wizard, Bulkload Reference Data, and Check Interference components are also installed. For the Database Wizard and Bulkload Reference Data components to function correctly, SQL Server 2000 Client Tools and SQL Server 2000 SP2 must be installed on the same machine. Important

SmartPlant 3D Workstation and Administrator software should not be installed on the same system. If you want to use the many tasks contained in the Workstation software, as well as the functionalities included in the Administrator software, you should only install the Workstation software and include the optional Project Management component; otherwise, install only the default components of the Workstation software.

This section describes how to install Intergraph SmartPlant 3D and its prerequisite software on a computer running the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional operating system. Before beginning the installation process, verify that the workstation meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11 and Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. Related Topics Install SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 31

Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Workstation

Prior to loading SmartPlant 3D on a workstation machine running on a Windows 2000 platform, you must verify that the following prerequisite software is installed:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP2 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Microsoft Office 2000

18 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 SP1 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools (includes MDAC 2.6 SP2 and is required only when the Project Management option is installed) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components (required only when the Project Management option is installed) Three-Button Mouse Driver

The following sections provide step-by-step guidelines for verifying and/or installing prerequisite software. Important

Before beginning the installation process, verify that the workstation meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11. For optimal performance, Intergraph PPO recommends installing SmartPlant 3D on systems running on a Windows 2000 platform. You must have all SmartPlant 3D prerequisites installed in order to run the SmartPlant 3D Workstation setup. For more information regarding software specifications, see Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. You must have administrative privileges on the workstation machine to start the installation. See the online Help for Microsoft Windows 2000 for instructions on how to establish administrative privileges. The SmartPlant 3D Workstation and Administrator setups should not be installed on the same system.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Ensure that Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed.

Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2

1. Click Start > Run. 2. Type winver in the Open text box. 3. Click OK. 4. The About Windows dialog box appears. Verify that Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed. If the information matches the graphic, proceed to Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, page 22. If

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 19

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation the information does not match the picture, perform the steps in the next section to install SP2.

5. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box.

Install Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation dialog box, click Workstation Prerequisites.

20 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

3. Select Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. Click to accept the license agreement. 5. Click Install. Important If a dialog box appears with the following message: Warning: You have chosen to overwrite our existing uninstall of Service Pack 1. Are you sure you want to Continue?, click Yes. 6. Click Restart on the Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup dialog box when prompted.

7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000. 8. Click Start > Run. 9. Type winver in the Open text box. 10. Verify that Windows 2000 SP2 is installed. 11. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 21

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36 Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

After verifying that the appropriate operating system and service pack software are installed on the workstation, install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 on to the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional workstation. Tip

If the operating system does not have an existing Internet connection method, the Internet Connection Wizard appears. Consult your system administrator to establish a connection.

Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

If you have Internet Explorer already installed, verify the version installed by following these steps. 1. Verify the version of Internet Explorer installed on the workstation by launching Internet Explorer. 2. Click Help > About Internet Explorer. Note

If Internet Explorer 6.0 is already installed, the version number displays in the About Internet Explorer dialog box as Version 6.0.2600.0000.

22 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

3. If the version is not correct, follow the steps in the next section to install Internet Explorer 6.0.

Install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

1. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Workstation Prerequisites. 2. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. 3. Click I accept the agreement. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Next. 6. Click Finish to exit Internet Explorer setup and to restart your computer. 7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional. 8. Wait as the different services are configured on the workstation. 9. Launch Internet Explorer. 10. Click Help > About Internet Explorer.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 23

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation Tip The About Internet Explorer dialog box should display Version 6.0.2600.0000. 11. Click OK to close the About Internet Explorer dialog box.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install Microsoft Office 2000

Several of the SmartPlant 3D tasks require Microsoft Office 2000. SmartPlant 3D designers need Excel to create reports and system administrators rely on Excel to make changes to the reference data spreadsheets and bulk load them into the Catalog database. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data User's Guide, available from the Help>Printable Guides command in the software. Important Approximately 310 MB of hard disk space is required to load Office 2000 Standard Edition. 1. Insert the Microsoft Office 2000 CD.

2. Double-click Setup.exe. 3. Enter the appropriate User name, Initials, and Organization information. 4. Click Next on the Welcome to Microsoft Office 2000 page. 5. Click I accept the terms in the License Agreement to accept the License Agreement. 6. Click Next. 7. Click Customize. 8. Select the installation location. 9. Click Next. 10. Expand the hierarchy for Microsoft Office.

24 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

11. Select Run all from My Computer. 12. Click Install Now. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36 Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 Service Pack 1

After installing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Office 2000 on the workstation, you can now install MDAC 2.6 SP1. Important

If you intend to include the Project Management software as part of the workstation setup, skip this procedure and move on to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools, page 26. MDAC 2.6 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is automatically installed on the system with SQL Server 2000 Client Tools.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 25

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation 1. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation dialog box, click Workstation Prerequisites. 2. Select Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 Service Pack 1. 3. Select I accept all of the terms of the preceding license agreement. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Finish to begin installation of MDAC 2.6 SP1. 6. If given the option, select Let setup restart the system now. 7. Click Close. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

After installing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Office 2000 on the workstation, you can now install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools. During installation of Client Tools, MDAC 2.6 (SP2) is installed. Important

Installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools is optional for a workstation. If you are installing the SmartPlant 3D Project Management software on your local workstation, you must also install SQL Server 2000 Client Tools. If you do not plan to run the Project Management task from the workstation and previously installed MDAC 2.6 SP1 as outlined in Install Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 Service Pack 1, page 25, skip to Verify Automatic Startup of Microsoft Data Transaction Coordinator, page 28 to continue with the SmartPlant 3D Workstation setup process. Warning

SQL Server 2000 is a separately licensed Microsoft product. Make sure you have a valid license for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools software

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 CD. Tip If the compact disc does not autorun, double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server Installation page, click SQL Server 2000 Components.

26 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation 3. Click Install Database Server. 4. On the Setup Warning page, click OK. 5. On the Welcome page, click Next. 6. On the Computer Name page, click Next. 7. On the Installation Selection page, select Create a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools, and then click Next. 8. Follow the directions on the User Information, Software License Agreement, and related pages. 9. On the Installation Definition page, select Client Tools Only, and then click Next. 10. On the Select Components page, accept the defaults, and then click Next. Tip Approximately 208KB of free space is initially required. In addition, a typical installation requires approximately 151MB of space on the system drive, regardless of the location of the program or data files. 11. On the Start Copying Files page, click Next.

Tip The status bar displays the progress as the SQL Server 2000 files are copied to the workstation. Once the files are installed, the installation script will take a few minutes to start or stop some services, register components, and perform other configuration tasks. 12. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 installation is complete.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components

After installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools on the workstation, you can now install SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components. Important

Installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools and SQL Server 2000 SP2 is optional for a workstation. If you are installing the SmartPlant 3D Project Management software on your local workstation, you must install SQL Server 2000 Client Tools and SP2. If you are not planning to run the Project Management task from the workstation, skip

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 27

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation to Verify Automatic Startup of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC), page 28. Warning

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools must be installed on the workstation prior to installing SQL Server 2000 SP2. If you have not installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client tools, refer to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools, page 26 before proceeding.

Install SQL Server 2000 SP2

1. Insert the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Administrator Prerequisites or Server Prerequisites.

3. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Software License Agreement page, click Yes. 6. On the Start Copying Files page, click Next. Tip The status bar displays the progress as the component files are copied to the workstation. Once the files are installed, the installation script will take a few minutes to start or stop some services, register components, and perform other configuration tasks. 7. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 SP2 installation is complete.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Verify Startup of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)

Verify MSDTC is Started
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and doubleclick Services.

28 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation Tip You can also right-click My Computer and select Manage. In the Computer Management window, expand the Services and Applications node and click Services. 2. Locate Distributed Transaction Coordinator in the list of services, and verify that the Status is set to Started and Startup Type is set to Automatic.

3. If the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service is not started, follow the steps in the next section to start the service; otherwise, proceed to Install the ThreeButton Mouse Driver, page 30.

1. If the Services window is not open, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and double-click Services. 2. To change the Status or Startup Type, right-click on the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. 3. On the General tab, select Automatic from the Startup type list. 4. In the Service status section, click Start. 5. Click OK. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 29

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

Install the Three-Button Mouse Driver

The following steps to install the three-button mouse driver should be performed to ensure correct SmartPlant 3D middle-mouse button functions. 1. From the root directory of the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD, navigate to 3_Button_Mouse_Driver\lmouse_Driver. 2. Double-click Setup.exe. 3. Select English from the list on the Choose Setup Language dialog box, and then click OK. 4. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the default location. Tip To select an alternative destination location, click Browse and navigate to the desired location. 5. On the Select Program Folder page, click Next to accept the default. The required files are installed on the machine.

6. Click Finish. The system will automatically restart to configure the new files. 7. Log back onto the machine. 8. Click Yes on the New Device message box. The Device Setup Wizard starts. 9. Click Next. 10. Select the side on which the mouse will be positioned, and click Next. 11. In the Other: list, select Middle Button, and then click Next. 12. Check the Make Double-Clicking Easier option, if desired, and then click Next. 13. Click Finish. 14. Click OK on the Mouse Properties dialog box. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Verify a Workstation for SmartPlant 3D Installation


Approximately 519 MB of hard disk space is required to load SmartPlant 3D Workstation. Prior to installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, select and size the workstation's hard disk partitions accordingly. For additional information, see Disk Partitioning Guidelines, page 10.

30 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

SmartPlant 3D version 3.0 has not been certified with other Intergraph PPO software installed on the same system. It is not recommended to install other Intergraph PPO software with the SmartPlant 3D application. If it is necessary to install both SmartSketch and SmartPlant 3D version 3.0 on the same system, it is recommended to install SmartSketch before installing the SmartPlant 3D application. If you intend to use Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10 on a workstation machine, you must install it prior to running the SmartPlant 3D Workstation setup. Caution

The selected disk partition must be formatted using an NTFS (not FAT 16/32) file system. Verify the file system for the desired partition using Disk Management under Microsoft Windows 2000 Administrative Tools. If the partition is formatted with a FAT 16/32 file system, contact your system administrator to have it converted to a NTFS before commencing the SmartPlant 3D installation. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management. 3. In the console tree under Storage, click Disk Management. 4. Select the disk partition on which you want to install SmartPlant 3D. 5. Right-click the disk partition and select Properties on the shortcut menu. 6. Verify that 519 MB or greater free hard drive space is available on the partition in which you plan to install SmartPlant 3D Workstation.

Prerequisite Software
Ensure the proper SmartPlant 3D prerequisite software has been installed on the workstation according to the instructions outlined in Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install SmartPlant 3D Workstation


Prior to installing SmartPlant 3D on a workstation, verify that all prerequisite software has been installed. For more information, refer to Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 18.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 31

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

If you have an older version of SmartPlant 3D Workstation installed on your machine, uninstall it before loading the new software. Refer to the section entitled Remove SmartPlant 3D Software, page 107.

You must have administrator privileges on the workstation to install the software. 1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Product CD.

Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. Select SmartPlant 3D Workstation Installation.

3. Click Next on the SmartPlant 3D Workstation Setup page. 4. On the License Agreement page, select I accept the license agreement, and then click Next. 5. Click Next on the Readme Information page. 6. On the User Information page, enter information in the Full Name and Organization boxes. 7. Click Next. 8. On the Select Features page select the SmartPlant 3D product features that you want installed. Important

If you want to be able to create databases with the workstation setup, scroll to the bottom of the Select Features list, and highlight the Project Management option. Tip

If the default configuration options meet your needs, you can skip steps 9 and 10. 9. Click Browse and select the directory location for SmartPlant 3D, and then click OK.

32 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

10. Click Next. 11. Click Next on the Ready to Install the Application page to begin installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 33

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation

12. After SmartPlant 3D Workstation is loaded, the following page appears:

13. Click Finish to exit the SmartPlant 3D Workstation installation sequence.

34 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation Important

Restart the computer to complete the installation.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 35

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

The SmartPlant 3D Administrator software is intended for creating and managing SmartPlant 3D databases and is not intended to be used for building a SmartPlant 3D general modeling workstation. The SmartPlant 3D Workstation software should be used for that purpose. Installing the Administrator software installs a limited set of SmartPlant 3D tasks on the machine along with some additional applications/utilities not installed by a default Workstation installation. The following table summarizes the differences between the Administration and Workstation software: Task, Utility and/or Application Name SmartPlant 3D with the following tasks: Cableway Catalog Common Drawings Equipment & Furnishings Grids Hangers & Supports HVAC Piping Piping Manufacturing Reports Space Management Structure Systems and Specifications X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Workstation Administrator

2D Symbols

36 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Task, Utility and/or Application Name Project Management Database Wizard Bulkload Reference Data Check Interference Tool

Workstation Optional1
1,2 1,2 1

Administrator X X X X

If you choose to install Project Management as an optional part of the Workstation software, the Database Wizard, Bulkload Reference Data, and Check Interference components are also installed. For the Database Wizard and Bulkload Reference Data components to function correctly, SQL Server 2000 Client Tools and SQL Server 2000 SP2 must be installed on the same machine. Important

SmartPlant 3D Administrator and Workstation software should not be installed on the same system. If you want to use the functionalities of the Administrator software and the additional tasks included in the Workstation software, you should only install the Workstation software and include the optional Project Management component; otherwise, only install the Administrator software.

This section describes how to install Intergraph SmartPlant 3D and its prerequisite software on an administrator machine running the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional operating system. Before beginning the installation process, verify that the system meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11 and Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. Related Topics Install SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 49 Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 37

Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Prior to loading SmartPlant 3D on an administrator machine running on a Windows 2000 platform, you must verify that the following prerequisite software is installed:

Microsoft Windows Professional SP2 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Microsoft Office 2000 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 37

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components Three-Button Mouse Driver

The following sections provide step-by-step guidelines for verifying and/or installing prerequisite software. Important

Before beginning the installation process, verify that the administrator machine meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11. For optimal performance, Intergraph PPO recommends installing SmartPlant 3D on systems running on a Windows 2000 platform. You must have all SmartPlant 3D prerequisites installed in order to run the SmartPlant 3D Administrator setup. For more information regarding software specifications, see Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. You must have administrative privileges on the administrator machine to start the installation. See the online Help for Microsoft Windows 2000 for instructions on how to establish administrative privileges. The SmartPlant 3D Administrator and Workstation setups should not be installed on the same system.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Ensure that Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed.

Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2

1. Click Start > Run. 2. Type winver in the Open text box. 3. Click OK. 4. The About Windows dialog box appears. Verify that Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed. If the information matches the graphic, proceed to Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, page 22. If the information does not match the picture, perform the steps in the next section to install SP2.

38 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

5. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box.

Install Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation dialog box, click Administrator Prerequisites.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 39

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

3. Select Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. Click to accept the license agreement. 5. Click Install. Important If a dialog box appears with the following message: Warning: You have chosen to overwrite our existing uninstall of Service Pack 1. Are you sure you want to Continue?, click Yes. 6. Click Restart on the Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup dialog box when prompted.

7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000. 8. Click Start > Run. 9. Type winver in the Open text box. 10. Verify that Windows 2000 SP2 is installed. 11. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box.

40 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36 Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

After verifying that the appropriate operating system and service pack software are installed on the administrator system, install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 on to the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional administrator system. Tip

If the operating system does not have existing Internet connection method, the Internet Connection Wizard appears. Consult your system administrator to establish a connection.

Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

If you have Internet Explorer already installed, verify the version installed by following these steps. 1. Verify the version of Internet Explorer installed on the administrator system by launching Internet Explorer. 2. Click Help > About Internet Explorer. Note

If Internet Explorer 6.0 is already installed, the version number displays in the About Internet Explorer dialog box as Version 6.0.2600.0000.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 41

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

3. If the version is not correct, follow the steps in the next section to install Internet Explorer 6.0.

Install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

1. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Administrator Prerequisites. 2. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. 3. Click I accept the agreement. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Next. 6. Click Finish to exit Internet Explorer setup and to restart your computer. 7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional. 8. Wait as the different services are configured on the administrator system. 9. Launch Internet Explorer. 10. Click Help > About Internet Explorer.

42 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator Tip The About Internet Explorer dialog box should display Version 6.0.2600.0000. 11. Click OK to close the About Internet Explorer dialog box.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

Install Microsoft Office 2000

Several of the SmartPlant 3D tasks require Microsoft Office 2000. SmartPlant 3D designers need Excel to create reports and system administrators rely on Excel to make changes to the reference data spreadsheets and bulk load them into the Catalog database. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data User's Guide, available from the Help>Printable Guides command in the software. Important Approximately 310 MB of hard disk space is required to load Office 2000 Standard Edition. 1. Insert the Microsoft Office 2000 CD.

2. Double-click Setup.exe. 3. Enter the appropriate User name, Initials, and Organization information. 4. Click Next on the Welcome to Microsoft Office 2000 page. 5. Click I accept the terms in the License Agreement to accept the License Agreement. 6. Click Next. 7. Click Customize. 8. Select the installation location. 9. Click Next. 10. Expand the hierarchy for Microsoft Office.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 43

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

11. Select Run all from My Computer. 12. Click Install Now. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36 Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

After installing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 on the administrator system, you can now install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools. Warning

SQL Server 2000 is a separately licensed Microsoft product. Make sure you have a valid license for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools software.

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 CD.

44 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator Tip If the compact disc does not autorun, double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server Installation page, click SQL Server 2000 Components.

3. Click Install Database Server. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Computer Name page, select the Local Computer option, and then click Next. 6. On the Installation Selection page, select Create a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools, and then click Next. 7. Follow the directions on the User Information, Software License Agreement, and related pages. 8. On the Installation Definition pages, select Client tools only, and then click Next. 9. On the Select Components pages, accept the defaults, and then click Next. 10. On the Start Copying Files pages, click Next. Note The status bar displays the progress as the SQL Server 2000 files are copied to the administrator machine. Once the files are installed, the installation script will take a few minutes to start or stop some services, register components, and perform other configuration tasks. 11. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 installation is complete.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components

After installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools on the administrator machine, you can now install SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components. Warning

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools must be installed on the administrator machine prior to installing SQL Server 2000 SP2. If you have not installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client tools, refer to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Client Tools, page 26 before proceeding.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 45

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Install SQL Server 2000 SP2

1. Insert the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Administrator Prerequisites.

3. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Software License Agreement page, click Yes. 6. On the Start Copying Files page, click Next. Tip The status bar displays the progress as the component files are copied to the workstation. Once the files are installed, the installation script will take a few minutes to start or stop some services, register components, and perform other configuration tasks. 7. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 SP2 installation is complete.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Verify Startup of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)

Verify MSDTC is Started
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and doubleclick Services. Tip You can also right-click My Computer and select Manage. In the Computer Management window, expand the Services and Applications node and click Services. 2. Locate Distributed Transaction Coordinator in the list of services, and verify that the Status is set to Started and Startup Type is set to Automatic.

3. If the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service is not started, follow the steps in the next section to start the service; otherwise, proceed to Install the ThreeButton Mouse Driver, page 30.

46 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

1. If the Services window is not open, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and double-click Services. 2. To change the Status or Startup Type, right-click on the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. 3. On the General tab, select Automatic from the Startup type list. 4. In the Service status section, click Start. 5. Click OK. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

Install the Three-Button Mouse Driver

The following steps to install the three-button mouse driver should be performed to ensure correct SmartPlant 3D middle-mouse button functions. 1. From the root directory of the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD, navigate to 3_Button_Mouse_Driver\lmouse_Driver. 2. Double-click Setup.exe. 3. Select English from the list on the Choose Setup Language dialog box, and then click OK. 4. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the default location. Tip To select an alternative destination location, click Browse and navigate to the desired location. 5. On the Select Program Folder page, click Next to accept the default. The required files are installed on the machine.

6. Click Finish. The system will automatically restart to configure the new files. 7. Log back onto the machine. 8. Click Yes on the New Device message box. The Device Setup Wizard starts. 9. Click Next. 10. Select the side on which the mouse will be positioned, and click Next. 11. In the Other: list, select Middle Button, and then click Next. 12. Check the Make Double-Clicking Easier option, if desired, and then click Next. 13. Click Finish. 14. Click OK on the Mouse Properties dialog box.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 47

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Verify an Administrator System for SmartPlant 3D Installation

Disk Partitioning

Approximately 447 MB of hard disk space is required to load SmartPlant 3D Administrator. Prior to installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, select and size the workstation's hard disk partitions accordingly. Refer to Disk Partitioning Guidelines, page 10 for additional information. SmartPlant 3D version 3.0 has not been certified with other Intergraph PPO software installed on the same system. It is not recommended to install other Intergraph PPO software with the SmartPlant 3D application. If it is necessary to install both SmartSketch and SmartPlant 3D version 3.0 on the same system, it is recommended to install SmartSketch before installing the SmartPlant 3D application. If you intend to use Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10 on an administrator system, you must install it prior to running the SmartPlant 3D Administrator setup. Caution

The selected disk partition must be formatted using an NTFS (not FAT 16/32) file system. Verify the file system for the desired partition using Disk Management under Microsoft Windows 2000 Administrative Tools. If the partition is formatted with a FAT 16/32 file system, contact your system administrator to convert it to NTFS before commencing the SmartPlant 3D installation. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management. 3. In the console tree under Storage, click Disk Management. 4. Select the disk partition on which you want to install SmartPlant 3D. 5. Right-click the disk partition and select Properties from the shortcut menu. 6. Verify that 447 MB or greater free hard drive space is available on the partition in which you plan to install SmartPlant 3D Administrator.

48 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Prerequisite Software
Ensure the proper SmartPlant 3D prerequisite software has been installed on the workstation machine according to the instructions outlined in Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

Install SmartPlant 3D Administrator


Prior to installing SmartPlant 3D on an administrator system, verify that all prerequisite software has been installed. For more information, see Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 37. If you have an older version of SmartPlant 3D Administrator on your machine, uninstall that version before loading the new software. For more information on installing SmartPlant 3D product software, see Remove SmartPlant 3D Software, page 107.

You need administrator privileges on the system to install the application. 1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Product CD. The following window appears:

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 49

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. Select SmartPlant 3D Administrator Installation.

3. Click Next on the SmartPlant 3D Administrator Setup page. 4. On the License Agreement page, select I accept the license agreement, and then click Next. 5. Click Next on the Readme Information page. 6. In the Full Name and Organization boxes enter text on the User Information page, and then click Next. 7. On the Select Features page, select the product features and the location where you want SmartPlant 3D installed:

Click Browse. Select the directory location for SmartPlant 3D. Click OK.

50 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator

8. Click Next. 9. Click Next on the Ready to Install the Application page to begin installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 51

Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator 10. On the SmartPlant 3D Administrator Setup page, click Finish to exit the SmartPlant 3D Administrator installation sequence.


Restart the computer to complete the installation.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36

52 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

This section describes how to install Intergraph SmartPlant 3D and its recommended prerequisite software on a server machine running Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server. During the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data installation process a share is created in [ProductDirectory]\CatalogData\Symbols with the permission set to Everyone as Full Control. Additionally, the template files for the SmartPlant 3D databases are installed, and the Name Generation Service is also configured. Important

Before beginning the installation process, verify that the server meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11. For optimum performance, we recommend you have all SmartPlant 3D prerequisites installed in order to run the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data setup. For more information regarding software specifications, see Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13. You must have administrative privileges on the server to start the installation. See the online Help for Microsoft Windows 2000 for instructions on how to establish administrative privileges.

Related Topics Install SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 62

Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

Prior to loading SmartPlant 3D on a server machine running on a Windows 2000 platform, you must verify that the following prerequisite software is installed:

Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components

The following sections provide step-by-step guidelines for verifying and/or installing prerequisite software.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 53

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Important

Before beginning the installation process, verify that the server machine meets the specifications described in Hardware Requirements, page 11. For optimal performance, Intergraph PPO recommends installing SmartPlant 3D on systems running on a Windows 2000 platform. For more information regarding software specifications, see Software Requirements and Loading Order, page 13.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install and Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Make sure that Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed.

Verify Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

1. Click Start > Run. 2. Type winver in the Open text box. 3. Click OK. 4. The About Windows dialog box appears, as shown in the following picture. Verify that Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 are installed. If the information matches the graphic, proceed to Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, page 22. If the information does not match the picture, perform the steps in the next section to install SP2.

54 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

5. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box.

Install Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD. Tip If the CD does not autorun, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Administrator Prerequisites.

3. Select Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. Click to accept the license agreement. 5. Click Install. Important If a dialog box appears with the following message: Warning: You have chosen to overwrite our existing uninstall of Service Pack 1. Are you sure you want to Continue?, click Yes. 6. Click Restart on the page when prompted.

7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000. SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 55

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data 8. If the Windows 2000 Configure Your Server dialog box appears, close it. 9. Click Start > Run. 10. Type winver in the Open text box. 11. In the About Windows dialog box, verify that Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 is installed. 12. Click OK to close the About Windows dialog box. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 36 Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install and Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

After verifying that the appropriate operating system and service pack software exists on the server, install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 on the Microsoft Windows 2000 server machine. Tip

If the operating system does not have predefined Internet connection method, the Internet Connection Wizard appears. Consult your system administrator to establish a connection.

Verify Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

If you have Internet Explorer already installed, verify the version installed by following these steps. 1. Verify the version of Internet Explorer installed on the server by launching Internet Explorer. 2. Click Help > About Internet Explorer. Note

If Internet Explorer 6.0 is installed, then the version number appears in the About Internet Explorer dialog box as Version 6.0.2600.0000.

56 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

3. If the version is not correct, follow the steps in the next section to install Internet Explorer 6.0.

Install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

1. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation dialog box, click Administrator Prerequisites. 2. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. 3. Click I accept the agreement. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Next. 6. Click Finish to exit Internet Explorer setup and to restart your computer. 7. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000. 8. Wait as the different services are configured on the server. 9. Launch Internet Explorer. 10. Click Help > About Internet Explorer.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 57

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Tip The About Internet Explorer dialog box should display Version 6.0.2600.0000. 11. Click OK to close the About Internet Explorer dialog box.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000

After installing the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 on the server, you can install Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Warning SQL Server 2000 is a separately licensed Microsoft product. Make sure you have a valid license for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 software. 1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 CD.

Tip If the compact disc does not launch automatically, double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Installation window, click SQL Server 2000 Components.

3. Click Install Database Server. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Computer Name page, select Local Computer. 6. Click Next. 7. On the Installation Selection page, select Create a new instance of SQL Server or install Client Tools, and then click Next. 8. Follow the instructions on the User Information and Software License Agreement pages. 9. On the Installation Definition page, select Server and Client Tools, and then click Next. Tip Approximately 208KB of free space is initially required; however, a typcial installation requires approximately 151MB of space on the system page, regardless of the location of the program or data files. 10. On the Instance Name page, select Default and click Next.

11. Make the following selections on the Setup Type page:

58 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

Select the Typical installation. Click Browse to specify the drive location for the program files (typically the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ drive). Approximately 38MB of free space is required. Click Browse to specify the Data Files drive location. Note

This location can be different from where the actual Microsoft SQL Server program files were installed. Approximately 35MB of free space is initially required, but the space used by the data files will grow as you create SmartPlant 3D data. In addition, a typical installation requires approximately 183MB of space on the system drive, regardless of the location of the program or data files. 12. Click Next on the Setup Type page.

13. Make the following selections on the Services Accounts page:

Select Use the same account for each service. Auto start SQL Server Service button.

In the Service Settings area, select the Use the Local System Account button. 14. Click Next on the Services Accounts page.

15. In the Authentication Mode page, select Windows Authentication Mode, and then click Next. 16. On the Start Copying Files page, click Next. 17. On the Choose Licensing Mode page, make selections according to your license agreement, and click Continue to begin the installation.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 59

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

18. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 installation is complete. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2: Database Components

After installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on the server machine, you can now install SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components. Warning

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 must be installed on the server machine prior to installing SQL Server 2000 SP2. If you have not installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000, refer to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000, page 58 before proceeding.

Install SQL Server 2000 SP2: Database Components

1. Insert the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite CD.

60 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Tip If the CD does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD. 2. On the SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite Software Installation window, click Server Prerequisites.

3. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Software License Agreement page, click Yes. 6. On the Instance Name page, click Next. 7. On the Start Copying Files page, click Next. 8. On the Connect to Server page, select The Windows information I use to log on to my computer with (Windows Authentication) and click Next. Tip The status bar displays the progress as the component files are copied to the workstation. Once the files are installed, the installation script will take a few minutes to start or stop some services, register components, and perform other configuration tasks. 9. On the page that says You should now backup your master and msdb databases since this installation has updated their content, click Next.

10. Click Finish on the Setup Complete page. The SQL Server 2000 SP2 installation is complete. Important

Restart your machine to ensure that all settings take effect.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 17

Verify Automatic Startup of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Services

1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and doubleclick Services. Tip You also can right-click My Computer and select Manage. In the Computer Management window, expand the Services and Applications node and click Services. 2. Verify that the Status field is set to Started and the Startup Type field is set to Automatic, for each of the following services:

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 61

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

Distributed Transaction Coordinator Microsoft Search

MSSQLServer 3. To change the Status or Startup Type fields, right-click the service name, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. 4. On the General tab, select Automatic from the Startup type list. 5. In the Service status section, click Start. 6. Click OK. Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

Important Prior to installing SmartPlant 3D on the server, verify that all prerequisite software has been installed. For more information, see Prerequisite Software for SmartPlant 3D Server, page 53. 1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Product CD. The following screen appears:

62 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

2. Select SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Installation. 3. Click Next on the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Setup page. 4. On the License Agreement page, select I accept the license agreement, and then click Next. 5. Click Next on the Readme Information page. 6. In the Full Name and Organization pages, enter text on the User Information dialog box, and then click Next. 7. On the Select Features page, click Next to accept the default installation directory. Important

During its installation, the SQL Server Data software automatically creates a Symbols directory and shares it out on the server machine. All SmartPlant 3D users require both Full Control disk access and Full Control share permissions for the Symbols directory. If you install the SQL Server Data in the default directory (C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\), you must access the Properties page for the

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 63

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Symbols directory and set the share permissions on the Sharing tab and the disk access permissions on the Security tab to Full Control. Tip

If you wish to select an alternative location, click Browse, navigate to the desired directory location, and then click OK.

8. On the Server Access page, enter a username with the administrative privileges to the server machine. 9. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the user's correct password, and then click Next. 10. Click Next on the Ready to Install the Application page to begin installing SmartPlant 3D. 11. On the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data Setup page, click Finish to exit the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data installation sequence.

64 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data


If a "Name Generation service configuration failed." error message displays, you must configure the name generation service manually. Refer to the section entitled Install and Configure the COM+ Application on a Windows 2000 Server, page 65 for more information. Important

Restart the computer to complete the installation.

Related Topics Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data, page 53

Install and Configure the COM+ Application on a Windows 2000 Server

Perform the following steps to manually configure the SP3DNameGenerator application on a server running Windows 2000. Important

This procedure is only necessary if you received the Name Generation service configuration failed. Failed to update password in the SP3DNameGenerator error message during the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data installation process.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 65

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data You must have administrator privileges on the server in order to perform this installation procedure. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then double-click Administrative Tools.

2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Component Services to start the component services MMC snap-in. The Component Services window displays.

3. Expand the Component Services node under the Console Root, and then expand the Computers and My Computer nodes.

66 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

4. Expand the COM+ Applications node. 5. Verify the SP3DNameGenerator icon appears under COM+ Applications. If it exists, skip to step 13. If it does not exits, perform steps 6-12.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 67

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

6. Select Com+ Applications under the My Computer node, and then click Action>New>Application on the horizontal toolbar. The COM+ Application Install Wizard displays.

68 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

7. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Application Install Wizard page. 8. Select Create an empty application on the Install or Create a New Application page. 9. On the Create an Empty Application page, type SP3DNameGenerator in the Enter a name for the new application text box. 10. Select Server application as the Activation type, and then click Next. 11. On the Set Application Identity page, enter the user name and password to set the proper identity under which the COM+ application will run on the server, and then click Next. Note This needs to be an account with Windows administrative privileges on the server. 12. Click Finish to begin the installation.


When installation completes, a SP3DNameGenerator node is placed under COM+ Applications.

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Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

13. Next, expand the SP3DNameGenerator node to add/verify the existence of the NTNameGenerator.UpdateNumber.1 component. 14. Expand the Components node. Verify the NTNameGenerator.UpdateNumber.1 component appears. If it exists, skip to step 19. If it does not exist, perform steps 15-18. 15. On the horizontal toolbar, click Action>New>Component. The COM Component Installation Wizard displays. 16. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Component Install Wizard. 17. Select Install new component(s) and browse for NTNameService.dll Tip The component .dll is located in [Product Directory]:\CommanApp\Server\Bin. 18. Click Next on the Install new components page, and then click Finish to complete the installation procedure.


The Component Services window displays that the NTNameService.UpdateNumber.1 component is installed in the SP3DNameGenerator Application.

70 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Installing SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data

19. If you entered the user name and password on the Set Application Identity page in step 11, then you are finished with this procedure. If you did not, perform steps 20-24. 20. Select the SP3DNameGenerator application icon. 21. Click Action>Properties, and then click on the Identify tab. 22. Select the This user: option. 23. Enter the user and password to set the proper identity under which the COM+ application will run on the server. Note This needs to be an account with Windows administrative privileges on the server. 24. Click OK to complete the configuration procedure.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 71

Install Optional Software for SmartPlant 3D

Install Optional Software for SmartPlant 3D

Once the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D prerequisite and main application software is installed on the administrator or client workstation, you can now begin installing other programming software. SmartPlant 3D is compatible with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with Visual Studio Service Pack 5 and Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10. While not a requirement for using SmartPlant 3D, this additional software provides enhanced functionality. For example, to create or edit orthographic drawing view styles in the Drawings and Reports task, you must install Visual Basic on the local machine. Warning

For optimum performance, install Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10 prior to running either the SmartPlant 3D Workstation or Administrator setup on your system.

Consult the necessary documentation or contact your local system support personnel for assistance with third-party software installation. Important

The proper license should be secured for each of these products.

Related Topics Welcome to SmartPlant, page 7

72 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

You must have the server components from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installed on the server in order to create the databases. The server components are installed on the server by default when following the procedure outlined in Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000, page 58. Important

Administrative privileges are required for the following utilities to run correctly and for you to change necessary items.

Understanding SmartPlant 3D Databases

SmartPlant 3D must have five databases in order to function properly. They must be created before running SmartPlant 3D. The five databases are: 1. Site database 2. Site schema database 3. Catalog database 4. Catalog schema database 5. Plant (Model) database Note

An additional set of databases - the Reports and Reports schema databases - are optional and may be created and linked to a Plant database. The Reports database is a set of views that point to objects in other databases.

The Plant database contains the physical model of your plant. A Site database can point to multiple Plant databases. However, a Plant database cannot point to multiple Site databases simultaneously. The Catalog database and Catalog schema databases contain the reference data information, which includes physical dimensions and industry standards. Catalog and Plant databases share the same Catalog schema database. You can create a new Catalog database and Catalog schema database from a data file delivered with the software. The data file contains the definition of a catalog of business objects, including specific sizes of pipes, pipe specifications, steel section sizes, and so forth. You can modify the delivered reference data by editing and bulkloading Microsoft Excel workbooks. You can view the Site database in the Project Management task, and you can view the Catalog database hierarchy and contents in the Catalog task. The Catalog has two kinds of hierarchies: a Site database hierarchy comprised of catalog permission group folders and permission groups, accessed through the Project Management task, and an object hierarchy comprised of equipment, piping, and so forth, accessed

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 73

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases through the Catalog task. For more information about the functionality in these tasks, refer to the Project Management Help and the Catalog Help files. These help files are delivered to the \Common\Help directory on the workstation machine. For creation date and size information on each database, you can open the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. This software also provides further technical details about the relational tables in each database. The following diagram shows the relationships of the database: A Site database B Plant (Model) C Site schema D Plant database E F Catalog database Catalog schema

These databases are created on a central server using the SmartPlant 3D Database Wizard run on the Administrator system. Related Topics Assign System Administrator Privileges, page 86 Create the Site, Catalog, and Schema Databases, page 78

Register SQL Server

Before using the SQL 2000 Server software, you must first register the server with the administrator system. Perform the following steps on the administrator system. 74 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases 1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager. 2. Expand the listing under Microsoft SQL Servers in the left tree view. 3. In the tree view, right-click SQL Server Group, and select New SQL Server Registration in the shortcut menu. The Register SQL Server Wizard appears.

4. Click Next on the Register SQL Server Wizard page. 5. Type the server name in the Available servers box if the server name is not available at this time by scrolling down the list, and then click Add. Note

The workstation name appears under the listing for Added servers.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 75

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

6. Click Next. 7. On the Select an Authentication Mode page, leave the default setting at: The Windows account information I use to log on to my computer (Windows Authentication).

76 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases 8. Click Next. 9. On the Select SQL Server Group page, leave the default setting at Add the SQL Server(s) to an existing SQL Server group.

10. Click Next. 11. Click Finish on the Completing the Register SQL Server Wizard page.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 77

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

Note A Register SQL Server Messages dialog box appears that says WORKSTATION NAME - Registered successfully. 12. On the Register SQL Server Messages dialog box, click Close.

13. Exit Enterprise Manager. Related Topics Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73

Create the Site, Catalog, and Schema Databases

Perform the following steps on the administrator system. 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Database Tools > Database Wizard. 2. Select Create a new site database, and then click Next. 3. On the Create Site Database and Schema page, select the name of the server in the Site database server list on which your Site database will reside. 4. Enter the name of your Site database in the Site database name text box. Tip

Include the type of database in the name you type. For example, type Plant1SiteDB.

78 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases When you have named the Site database, the Site schema server and Site schema name default to match the Site database server and name. Use the default locations for the Site schema files in the Physical database and Log file boxes, as well. 5. Select the ellipsis button to the right of the Template file to be used to create site schema text box and browse for the name of the template file (AppRepos.dat) the software uses when creating your Site schema database. The location of the file is on the server machine at [Product Directory]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\CommonSchema\Middle\Schema\AppRepos.dat.

6. Click Next. 7. On the Catalog Database and Schema page, select the name of the server in the Catalog database server list on which your Catalog database will reside. Tips

The option control at the top of the page allows you either to create a new Catalog database by restoring a backup or use an existing Catalog database. If you choose to create a new Catalog database using the

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 79

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases Restore option, the wizard will restore the .dat file specified in the Template file to be used to create the Catalog database and schema field. The software delivers one selection for this field, CatalogDB.dat. The default is to Restore catalog from backup. If you select Use existing catalog..., then no further options are available. If you intend to create a custom catalog, you must select the Use existing catalog ... and use the Bulkload utility delivered with the product. 8. Enter the name of your catalog database in the Catalog database name box.


Include the type of database in the name you type; for example, Plant1CatalogDB. Make sure that the name you enter is different from the name used for the Site database above.

This step also automatically populates the name of your Catalog schema database in the Catalog schema name text box. 9. Use the default locations for your Catalog database files in the Physical database and Log file boxes.

10. Select the ellipsis button to the right of the Symbol and custom program file locations box, and browse for and select the \Symbols share on the SmartPlant 3D server. Tip

The \Symbols share is created automatically on the server during the SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data installation.

The path in the Symbol and custom program file locations box must be a UNC path. To obtain a UNC path, click the ellipsis button and browse under My Network Places, not under My Computer. 11. Select the ellipsis button to the right of the Template file to be used to create catalog database and schema text box and browse for the name of the template file (CatalogDB.dat) the software will use when creating your Catalog and schema databases. The location of the file is on the server machine at [Product Directory]:\CatalogData\Database\CatalogDB.dat.

80 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

12. Click Next. 13. Click Create DB to create your SmartPlant 3D databases. 14. When the Database Wizard displays the database names that you entered, click Finish. You have now completed creating your Site, Site schema, Catalog, and Catalog schema databases. The next steps are to create the plant and a Model database and its associated Reports database. Notes

You must name the databases with unique entries. Write down the names as you proceed.

Related Topics Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 81

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

Create the Plant Database

1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Project Management. 2. In the Project Management window, click on the Database > New > Plant. 3. On the General tab of the New Plant dialog box, select the Value cell in the Name row and enter a plant name such as Plant1. 4. In the Value cell in the Description row, enter a Plant description, such as Plant Number One. 5. In the Value cell in the Project Number row, enter a project number, such as 176-9872. 6. In the Value cell in the Site row, enter a site description, such as Huntsville. 7. In the Value cell in the Owner row, enter an owner description, such as Plant Owner 1. 8. On the Databases tab, click in the cell under Type and select Catalog in the list. 9. Click in the Server cell next to Catalog and select the server name from the list. 10. Click in the Name cell next to Server and select the Catalog database name created earlier. 11. In the second row, click in the second box in the Type column and select Model in the list. 12. Click in the Server column next to Model, and then select the server name from the list.

82 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases 13. Click OK. Important

This process can take several minutes. Once the process completes, the New Plant dialog box disappears, and the Project Management window is active again. Two entries appear beneath SmartPlant 3D in the tree view on the left side of the Project Management window, one for Reference Data and the other for Plants. Under the Reference Data and the Plants icons, three entries should exist for each - a database icon, a Default Permission Group Folder icon, and a default Permission Group icon.

Related Topics Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 83

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

Create the Reports Database


Unlike with the other five SmartPlant 3D databases, the Reports database creation process is not a one-time action. There are two situations that warrant re-creating the Reports database: ! First, if you use the Bulkload utility to add a new part class or an attribute to an existing part class in the Catalog, you must delete any existing Reports databases(s) for the Plant(s) that use this Catalog and create a new Reports database(s) once the Catalog modification (bulkloading) is complete.

Second, if you use the Project Management environment to add a custom attribute to a Plant, Permission Group Folder, or Permission Group, you must delete any existing Reports databases for all Plant in the Site database and create a new Reports database for each Plant in the Site database. For more information on how to delete a Reports database, see the Project Management environment Help documentation. 1. Highlight the Plant in the hierarchy for which you want to create a Reports database. Important Only one Reports database may be associated with each Plant model. 2. In the Project Management window, click Database>New>Reports Database. The New Reports Database dialog box displays.

84 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

3. On the New Reports Database dialog box, select the name of the server in the Reports database server list on which the Reports database will reside. 4. In the Reports database name field, enter the name for the new Reports database. Tips

Include the type of database in the name that you type. For example, Plant1ReportDB.

The Reports schema server and Reports schema name fields default to match the reports database server and name. 5. Click OK to begin generating the new Reports database.

6. When the creation process is complete, click OK on the New Reports Database dialog box. Notes

Reports databases do not display in the tree view of the Plant hierarchy. Reports database information can only be accessed via the Database tab of the Plant Properties dialog box. If you attempt to generate a Reports database for a Plant when one already exists, an informational message displays.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 85

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases Related Topics Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73

Assign System Administrator Privileges

Perform the following steps on the SmartPlant 3D server. 1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager. 2. Expand the listing under Microsoft SQL Servers in the left tree view. 3. Expand the listing under SQL Server Group in the left tree view. 4. Expand the listing under the <local workstation name> in the left tree view. 5. Expand the listing under Security in the left tree view. 6. In the left pane, right-click Logins. 7. Select New Login from the shortcut menu. 8. On the SQL Server Login Properties - New Login dialog box, enter the following information:

On the General tab in the Name text box, enter the user account you want to be assigned administrative privileges. For example, type PlantExercise\User1.

86 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

9. On the Server Roles tab, select the System Administrators check box.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 87

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

10. On the Database Access tab, select the Permit check box for one of the seven databases created previously. Select db_owner and public as the Database Roles.

88 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases

11. Repeat the procedure for each of the remaining six databases. 12. Click OK. Related Topics Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 89

Configuring Piping Manufacturing

Configuring Piping Manufacturing

In the Piping Manufacturing task, reference data defines the extraction parameters for isometric drawing styles. Reference data also defines the mapping of piping component information between SmartPlant 3D and ISOGEN, which is the thirdparty software used to extract isometric drawings. You can configure the extraction parameters to generate different types of drawings, such as erection isometric drawings for installation and spool isometric drawings for fabrication purposes. Each isometric drawing style has its own set of rules to break components across drawing sheets, as well as hundreds of option switches that control drawing presentation and format. Related Topics Modify Default Isometric Paths, page 90

Modify Default Isometric Paths

Perform the following steps on the SmartPlant 3D server. Important When you first launch the Piping Manufacturing task, a message box alerts you to a reference data error. Use the following steps to set up the Piping Manufacturing task prior to using it. 1. Log on to the SmartPlant 3D server machine using an account that has database ownership privileges and has administrative rights on the server.

2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the SmartPlant 3D product directory, and create a folder named PipingMfgDrawings. 3. In Windows Explorer, use the following guidelines to create five folders in which you want to store isometric drawings:

Name the folders Check, Final, Spool, System, and PenSpool. Store the Check isometric drawings on the server in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\Check. Store the Final isometric drawings on the server in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\Final. Store the Spool isometric drawings on the server in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\Spool. Store the System isometric drawings on the server in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\System. Store the PenSpool isometric drawings on the server in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\PenSpool.

90 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring Piping Manufacturing 4. In Windows Explorer, create sharing permissions on the root folder. In this example, the PipingMfgDrawings folder should be shared. Tip

To share a folder, select the folder in Windows Explorer. Then rightclick and select Sharing on the shortcut menu.

Perform the following steps on the SmartPlant 3D Administrator system. 1. Open the default Excel workbook for Piping Manufacturing: [Product Directory]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls. Important Back up your Excel workbooks before you begin to modify them. 2. Click the PipeMfgRules sheet to make it active.

3. In the OutputIsoDrawingLocation column, type the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) paths for the isometric drawing output types. Tip If the node name of the server is SMITH and you want to store the Check isometric drawings in [Product Directory]\PipingMfgDrawings\Check, type \\smith\PipingMfgDrawings\Check in the row for Check isometric type. 4. Repeat this procedure for the Final, Spool, System, and PenSpool directories.

5. In the StyleOptionMDB, IsoBackingSheet, and IngrOption columns, edit the paths to show the UNC locations of the Check, Final, Spool, System, and PenSpool files on the server. Tip In each of the above-referenced cells, replace M:\CatalogData\Symbols with \\Server name\Symbol Directory Share. 6. In the Head column under Start, mark the beginning of each modified row with M.

7. Click File > Save to store the modifications. Note

If you want to modify the isometric paths again, you must edit the workbook and re-bulkload. Do not modify the paths using the Catalog task interface.

Related Topics Configuring Piping Manufacturing, page 90

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 91

Configuring Piping Manufacturing

Bulk Load Database with Data


You must perform the bulk loading procedure from a SmartPlant 3D administrator machine. Log on with a user name that has database owner privileges. Back up all Excel workbooks before modifying them and bulkloading.

You should close all Excel workbooks before starting the bulk loading process. Do not open Excel during the bulkload. 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Database Tools > Bulkload Reference Data. 2. In the Excel Files box, click the Add button and browse for the Excel spreadsheet named BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls. Tip The default location for reference data workbooks is [Product Directory]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles. 3. After you select the BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls spreadsheet from the DataFiles list, click Open.

4. In the Database server name box, select the name of the server where the Catalog database and schema database are located. 5. In the Database name box, select the name of the Catalog database that you want to update with new reference data. 6. In the Schema database name box, select the name of the Catalog schema that you want to update with new reference data. 7. Under Bulkload mode, select Add, modify, or delete records in existing catalog mode for the bulk loading process. 8. In the Log file box, click the Browse button to specify the name and location of the log file. Tip The default location for the log file is [Product Directory]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles. You can change this location if you want. 9. The Symbol and custom program file location box should automatically display the path for the Catalog Symbols directory (\\machinename\symbols). If it does not, click the Browse button and navigate to My Network Places\Entire Network. Browse the network list for the computer on which the Symbols directory is shared and select it.

92 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring Piping Manufacturing Important Do not enter the local machine path (C:\ProgramFiles\SmartPlant\3D\Catalog Data\Symbols). The remote SQL server does not have access to these files through the specified path. 10. Click Load and wait for the bulk loading process to complete.

11. Open the log file to check for any errors during the bulkloading process.

Tips You can modify the Excel workbook and bulk load again to correct errors. 12. Click Close.

Piping Manufacturing is now configured. For more information on adding or modifying SmartPlant 3D reference data, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Related Topics Configuring Piping Manufacturing, page 90

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 93

Installing and Configuring VB Part Definition Wizard

Installing and Configuring VB Part Definition Wizard

The Visual Basic (VB) Part Definition Wizard is optional software used to create catalog symbols for SmartPlant 3D. The VB Part Definition Wizard operates within the Visual Basic environment as an add-in; consequently, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with Visual Studio Service Pack 5 is required to configure and execute the VB Part Definition software. Related Topics Install VB Part Definition Wizard, page 94

Install VB Part Definition Wizard

Important To install the VB Part Definition Wizard, you must have administrator privileges on the computer. 1. Double-click setup.exe in the folder [Product Directory]\SmartPlant\3D\CommonApp\Tools\SymbolWizard on an administrator machine.

2. On the VB Part Definition Wizard Setup page, click OK. 3. If the default installation folder is acceptable, skip to step 5. Otherwise, click Change Directory. 4. Browse for another installation folder and click OK. 5. Click the installation button. 6. Click Continue. 7. Click OK after the wizard has successfully installed. Related Topics Installing and Configuring VB Part Definition Wizard, page 94

94 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring Interference Checking Server

Configuring Interference Checking Server

The Database Detect process runs on an Interference Detection (IFC) server. The SmartPlant 3D Database Interference Detection process is based on automatically checking new or modified objects against existing objects. When an object is created or modified, it is checked for interferences against all objects in the specified Plant database. The interferences generated by this process are persistent, meaning that the interferences are stored in a database like any other objects created using SmartPlant 3D. Changing the properties of plant objects can also modify these interferences. Interferences are also assigned to a permission group, thus making it possible to handle the entire process with SmartPlant 3D permission groups. Using commands in the Project Management task, a system administrator can limit user access of interferences to the proper user groups. Important

The IFC Server must have the same product version of SmartPlant 3D as the workstations that use the Interference Detection service.

Related Topics Create IFC Permission Group Folder and Permission Group, page 96 Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection, page 99

Set IFC Permission Requirements

A Start menu shortcut for Check Interference is created when the Project Management component is installed on a machine. Since Project Management is typically installed on the administrator machine, you can use the administrator machine as the IFC server. Once the proper access permissions are configured, you can start the Database Detect process from the administrator machine. The SmartPlant 3D database hierarchy is comprised of a Plant that is associated to the Model and Catalog databases. For the IFC Database Detection process to run correctly, permissions must be set at the Plant and permission group levels in the Plant database. Important

Log on privileges for the IFC Administrator include: Read permissions or access on the Plant Full Control permissions or access on a minimum of one permission group

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 95

Configuring Interference Checking Server Tip

In the Project Management task, create a new permission group folder and permission group under your plant to store the IFC results. For example, type IFC Permission Group Folder and IFC Permission Group in the New Permission Group Folder and New Permission Group dialog boxes, respectively. For more information, refer to Create IFC Permission Group Folder and Permission Group, page 96. Minimum Read access on all other model database permission groups Log on privileges for all other users include: Read access on the Plant

Full Control access on the IFC permission group Note

Full Control access on the IFC permission group allows users to delete objects with associated interferences.

Create IFC Permission Group Folder and Permission Group

Perform the following steps on a SmartPlant 3D Administrator system. 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Project Management. 2. In the left window of the Project Management task, navigate to the Plants icon on the tree view. 3. Expand the Plants folder. 4. Right-click on a plant under the Plants folder. 5. On the shortcut menu, select New Permission Group Folder. 6. Enter IFC Permission Group Folder for the name of the new permission group folder. 7. Click OK to close the New Permission Group Folder dialog box. 8. In the left window of the Project Management task, navigate to the IFC Permission Group Folder icon on the tree view. 9. Right-click IFC Permission Group Folder. 10. On the shortcut menu, select New Permission Group. 11. Enter IFC Permission Group for the name of the new permission group. 12. Click OK to close the New Permission Group dialog box.

96 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Configuring Interference Checking Server Related Topics Configuring Interference Checking Server, page 95

Set IFC Permissions

After you create the IFC Permission Group Folder and IFC Permission Group, you need to set permissions. 1. In the left window of the Project Management task, navigate to the IFC Permission Group icon on the tree view.

2. Right-click IFC Permission Group. 3. Select Permissions. 4. Click Add. 5. Select the proper domain in the List Names from box. 6. Click Show Users. 7. Select the required users from the list. 8. Set Type of access to Full Control. 9. Click Add.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 97

Configuring Interference Checking Server 10. Click OK. 11. Click OK. Related Topics Configuring Interference Checking Server, page 95

98 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection

Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection

Both the IFC server and workstation machines must point to the same Site database for background interference detection to work. The IFC Database Detection process typically runs on the SmartPlant 3D administrator machine. You must log in to the administrator machine with an account that has proper access permissions as discussed in Set IFC Access Permission Requirements. Related Topics Launch IFC Database Detect, page 99

Launch IFC Database Detect

1. Log on to the IFC server using the Windows 2000 user account that has appropriate permissions to start the IFC Database Detect process. Warning The IFC database detect process continues to run only so long as the account which was used to start the process is logged on the IFC server. When the account logs off, the IFC database detect checking process stops. 2. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Check Interference. The Interference Checking Settings dialog box appears:

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 99

Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection

3. On the Interference Checking Settings dialog box, click the Database Detect tab.

100 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection 4. In the Check plant list, select the desired plant. 5. In the grid, assign the desired interference checking priority to Aspects for each type. 6. In the Include clearance list, select the desired clearance rule. 7. In the Assign results to permission group list, select the desired IFC permission group. 8. In the Marker size field, input the value for the desired size of the interference symbols that will be generated in the model. 9. Click Start. The Interference Detection Process message box appears. 10. Click OK to close the message box. The Interference Database Detect process is now initiated on the SmartPlant 3D IFC Server. Related Topics Starting the Interference Checking Server for Background Detection, page 99

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 101

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D

This section of the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide discusses how to map individual workstations to the SmartPlant 3D databases, start the software, and begin performing the various tasks in the SmartPlant 3D environment. Important

You must create the five SmartPlant 3D databases before running SmartPlant 3D. You also must create the reporting databases if you want to generate reports. For additional information, refer to the section entitled Configuring SmartPlant 3D Databases, page 73.

Related Topics Open SmartPlant 3D, page 103

Update Site Database Name and Path

Perform the following steps from a SmartPlant 3D workstation. 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Database Tools > Modify Database and Schema Location.

2. On the Modify Database and Schema Location of Site dialog box, in the Site database server box, type the name of the server on which the Site database resides. Caution The strings are case-sensitive. 3. In the Site database name box, type the name of the Site database.

102 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D 4. In the Site schema server box, type the name of the server on which the Site schema resides. 5. In the Site schema name box, type the name of the Site schema. Tip You can find the names in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager on the server. 6. Click OK.


The first time you run SmartPlant 3D after installing it, the software prompts you for the Site database name and sets the Site database name and path automatically.

Related Topics Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D, page 102

Open SmartPlant 3D
Each time that you use SmartPlant 3D, you can create a session that allows you to save certain settings, such as window size, layout, and view orientation from one work session to the next. 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > SmartPlant 3D. 2. Select one of the templates on the New dialog box. 3. Click OK. Note

Once you open SmartPlant 3D, you can use commands on the File menu to create new sessions, open previous sessions, save sessions, and close sessions. For more information, refer to the online documentation for the Common task or the SmartPlant 3D Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Related Topics Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D, page 102

Configure Your Tasks

Common operations within the various tasks of SmartPlant 3D are performed the same way. Therefore, the Common task refers to the functions shared with other tasks and identifies the commands required to accomplish these functions. The Common task allows you to define a workspace, as well as perform common operations on that workspace. The workspace represents the portion of the plant data SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 103

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D that you need to perform your intended task. The session includes the view settings for user modeling, as well as your personal filters for viewing the data. Many other tasks on the Task menu are not available until you have defined your workspace. After defining your workspace, you can use the Task menu to move between the various design tasks. You can perform specified functions, depending on your access permissions. After you select a task, the interface and available functionality is displayed. Some of the commands and functionality are unique to the particular task. For example, some commands for the Piping task are not available in the Equipment and Furnishings task. However, most of the Common task commands are available in all of the various design tasks. You use the Common task commands and functionality the same way regardless of the active task. For example, the View and File menu commands function the same way in every task. To use the tasks available in SmartPlant 3D, you must configure them for your session. Once you configure the tasks that you wish to use, you must then define your workspace. Once you define your workspace and configure your task list, you can save your session file. 1. In SmartPlant 3D, click Tasks > Configure Task List. 2. On the Configure Task List dialog box, select each task in the list that you want to add to the menu from the Available task environments list. Tip You can select multiple tasks by dragging down the list or holding Shift and dragging. 3. Click Add.

4. Click OK. Note

You only have to perform the above procedure once for your session file. The software remembers the tasks when you re-open the session file. For detailed information regarding how to configure tasks in SmartPlant 3D, refer to the online documentation for the Common task or the SmartPlant 3D Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Related Topics Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D, page 102

Define Your Workspace

During a SmartPlant 3D session, you define a workspace to view and work with certain objects in the model data. Defining a workspace also allows you to create and

104 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D name filters that restrict the data of the entire model into more manageable subsets for working. The workspace that you define displays in the Workspace Explorer. The Workspace Explorer allows you to move throughout the hierarchy of your workspace. You can click the System, Assembly, or Space tabs at the bottom of the Workspace Explorer to view the workspace in different ways. 1. If you are not already in the Common task, click Tasks > Common. 2. Click File > Define Workspace. 3. Select the name of the plant database you want to use in the Plant box. 4. Select Create New Filter in the Filter name box. 5. On the Filter Properties dialog box, type a name for the new filter in the Name box. 6. Specify the filter search properties by using one or more of the six properties tabs. 7. Click OK. 8. Click OK. Notes

After the Define Workspace dialog box closes, the window refreshes. Once the refresh is complete, the Common window is active. Everything in the Tasks menu is now available. For more information on workspaces, sessions, and filters refer to the online documentation for the Common task or the SmartPlant 3D Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Related Topics Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D, page 102

Save Session Files

Once you define your workspace and configure your task list, you can save your session file. 1. Click File > Save. 2. Browse to the directory location you wish to store your session file. 3. On the Save As dialog box, type the name of your session file in the File Name text box. 4. Click Save.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 105

Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D Notes

You can create shortcuts to your session files on your desktop to open SmartPlant 3D exactly the way that you left it the last time you exited the software. For more information on saving session files, refer to the online documentation for the Common task or the SmartPlant 3D Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Related Topics Getting Started with SmartPlant 3D, page 102

106 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Remove SmartPlant 3D Software

Remove SmartPlant 3D Software


You should remove previous versions of SmartPlant 3D before installing any SmartPlant 3D product upgrades. If you have Unigraphics Solid Edge Version 10 installed on a workstation or administrator system, and you uninstall/or reinstall SmartPlant 3D, you must manually register the Pvdt80.ocx file. Refer to Register Solid Edge Version 10 .DLL File, page 108

You must have administrative privileges on the system before removing the software. Refer to Windows 2000 Help for instructions on how to establish administrative privileges. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. 3. On the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select SmartPlant 3D Workstation, SmartPlant 3D Administrator, or SmartPlant 3D SQL Server Data from the installed programs list, depending on the product that you need to remove. 4. Click Remove, and then click Yes in the Add/Remove Programs confirmation box.

5. When the uninstall process is complete, close the Add/Remove Programs dialog box and close Control Panel. Important Restart the computer to complete the uninstall. 6. Browse to the SmartPlant 3D product directory.

7. Right-click the SmartPlant folder, and click Delete to remove the SmartPlant 3D folder and log files. Notes

To re-install SmartPlant 3D, insert the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Product CD and refer to Install SmartPlant 3D Workstation, page 31 or Install SmartPlant 3D Administrator, page 49.

Related Topics Welcome to SmartPlant, page 7

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 107

Remove SmartPlant 3D Software

Register Solid Edge Version 10 .DLL File

SmartPlant 3D integrates with Solid Edge to provide parametric modeling and assembly design capabilities. For optimum performance, Solid Edge Version 10 should be installed prior to running the SmartPlant 3D workstation or administrator setups. In the event that Solid Edge is installed after SmartPlant 3D, you will need to manually register the Pvdt80.ocx file. If you uninstall/re-install SmartPlant 3D or Solid Edge 10, use the steps outlined in the following procedure to manually register the Pvdt80.ocx file. Important You must have administrator privileges for the machine on which you are registering the file. 1. Click Start > Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, type regsvr32 [Solid Edge Directory]\..\Pvdt80.ocx. 3. Click OK to register the required .dll.

108 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

User Assistance

User Assistance
SmartPlant 3D user assistance makes command information available as you perform tasks. You can access different kinds of information any time that you are running the software. This information could include reference topics, narrative descriptions, or step-by-step instructional material.

Printable Guides
User's Guides in PDF format are an accessible, flexible, and fully searchable alternative to Help. This information found in user's guides is also available from online Help. The user's guides delivered with SmartPlant 3D are located in [Product Directory]\Common\Help. To view these PDF documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search version 3.0 or higher. A copy of the Acrobat Reader is available on both the Intergraph SmartPlant 3D Prerequisite and Application CD's, or you can download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader from the Adobe web site. Once you have installed the Acrobat Reader, you can access documents directly from this Help topic by clicking the document title, or you can open files individually by using the File> Open command in the Acrobat Reader with Search application.

SmartPlant 3D offers a variety of ways for you to receive help on how to use the SmartPlant 3D software. A structured table of contents, an index, and full-text search capabilities provide easy access to Help topics. You can access the table of contents by clicking SmartPlant 3D Help Topics on the Help menu. The SmartPlant 3D Help is a complete online reference tool accessible at any time the application is in use. Help provides complete command descriptions for each toolbar button, menu command, and ribbon in SmartPlant 3D. It also gives step-by-step procedures for common tasks; for example, if you need to perform a certain task, search and display the topic. You can move or resize your application and Help windows so that they are next to each other. This lets you follow the procedures without having to search for the pages in the documentation. SmartPlant 3D Help is task-specific. For example, to view Piping Help, enter the Piping task and click Help > SmartPlant 3D. To see more specific information, select one of the major topics or perform a search on a specific topic.

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 109

User Assistance



Show/Hide Show or hide the left pane of the dialog box, including the Contents, Index, and Search. Back Returns you to the last Help topic you viewed. This button is disabled when you reach the first topic in the series.

110 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

User Assistance Forward Options Contents Index Search Favorites Displays the next topic in a series of related topics. This button is disabled when you reach the last topic in the series. Displays a list of functions available for the Help viewer. Displays a hierarchical listing of the topics in the Help file. Displays an index for the Help file. Performs a full-text search on a word or phrase that you entered in the Search box. Provides a convenient way to organize and link frequently visited topics.


For more information, refer to Using Help in the Common User's Guide or the online documentation in Common Help.

Related Topics Customer Assistance, page 112

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 111

Customer Assistance

Customer Assistance
For the latest Support Services information for this product, use a World Wide Web browser to connect to Related Topics User Assistance, page 109

112 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide

Common SmartPlant 3D Acronyms

Common SmartPlant 3D Acronyms

CD COM+ ERP FAT FEED GB IFC MB MHz MDAC Compact Diskette Component Object Model - Plus Enterprise Resource Planning File Allocation Table Front-End Engineering and Design Gigabyte Interference Checking Megabyte Megahertz Microsoft Data Access Components

MSDTC Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator NTFS O&M PPO RAM ROM SQL SP SP3D VB 2D 3D Network File System Operations and Maintenance Process, Power & Offshore Random-Access Memory Read-Only Memory Structural Query Language Service Pack SmartPlant 3D Visual Basic Two-Dimensional Three-Dimensional

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 113

Common SmartPlant 3D Acronyms

114 SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide


abbreviations, 108 acronyms, 108 administrator setup, 44 aspects for interference checking, 95 background detection for interference checking, 95 bulkloading, 21, 38, 85, 87 catalog symbols, 90 changing database locations, 98 configuring databases, 68 Interference Detection Server, 91 Piping Manufacturing, 85, 87 tasks, 100 consulting services, 104, 107 creating interference checking permission groups, 92 plant databases, 77 reports databases, 79 customer assistance, 104, 107 database server setup, 59 databases changing locations, 98 creating, 68, 73 mapping, 98 names, 73 reports, 79 templates, 73 wizard, 68, 73 defining workspaces, 101 disk partitioning, 9 disk space, 9 drivers mouse, 27, 42 Excel, 21, 38 FEED, 6 file systems FAT, 28, 43 NTFS, 9, 28, 43 filters, 101 free hard disk space, 9, 28, 43 generating isometric drawings, 7 graphics cards, 10 hard drive space, 10 hard drives, 9 hardware requirements, 9 Help, 5 installing Internet Explorer 6.0 (administrator system, 36 Internet Explorer 6.0 (server), 51 Internet Explorer 6.0 (workstation), 19 MDAC, 22 prerequisites, 12 programming software, 67 SmartPlant 3D, 6 SmartPlant 3D workstation, 29 SP3D Administrator, 33, 49 SP3D Workstation, 15 SQL Client, 23, 25 SQL Client (Administrator machine), 39, 40 SQL Server, 57 SQL Server 2000 (Server machine), 55 Windows 2000 Professional SP2 (Administrator), 34 Windows 2000 Professional SP2 (workstation), 16 Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, 50 installing software, 9 integrating third-party software, 7 interference checking, 91, 92 background detection, 95 permissions, 91, 93 server, 95 Internet Explorer, 19, 36, 51 isometric paths, 85 licenses, 67 loading software, 12 MDAC, 22 memory requirements, 10 Microsoft Data Access Components, 22 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator, 26, 41 Microsoft Office, 21, 38 middle mouse button, 27, 42 modeling equipment, 7 mouse drivers, 27, 42 MSDTC (Administrator machine), 41 MSDTC (Workstation), 26 Office, 21, 38 option switches in Piping Manufacturing, 85 order of loading software, 12 overview of SmartPlant 3D, 6 partitioning hard drives, 9 performing tasks, 98 permision groups interference checking, 92 permissions interference checking, 91, 93 Piping Manufacturing reference data, 85, 87 plant databases, 77 prerequisite software

SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide 115

administrator installations, 33, 49 workstation installations, 15 prerequisites, 28, 43 software, 12 privileges for interference checking, 91 processor speeds, 10 programming software, 67 reference data, 87 registering SQL Server, 69, 81 removing the software, 103 reports databases, 79 requirements hardware, 9, 10 installation, 10 software, 9, 12 saving sessions, 101 services for SQL Server, 56 session files, 101 setups administrator, 9, 44 client, 29 workstation, 9, 29 SmartPlant 3D administrator installation, 33, 49 overview, 6 prerequisite software, 15, 33, 49 workstation installation, 15, 29 software configuration, 5 installation, 5 requirements, 9 SQL Client, 23, 25 SQL Client (Administrator machine), 39, 40 SQL Server, 53, 56, 57, 68, 69, 81 SQL Server 2000 (Server machine), 55

starting MSDTC (Administrator machine), 41 MSDTC (Workstation), 26 starting the software, 98, 99 task setup, 100 telephone support, 104, 107 templates databases, 73 session files, 99 training solutions, 104, 107 uninstalling, 103 user environments, 100 VB Part Definition Wizard, 90 verifying Internet Explorer 6.0 (server), 51 Internet Explorer 6.0 (workstation), 19 Internet Explorer 6.0(administrator system), 36 MSDTC (Administrator machine), 41 MSDTC (Workstation), 26 server, 43 Windows 2000 Professional SP2 (Administrator), 34 Windows 2000 Professional SP2 (workstation), 16 Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, 50 workstation, 28 Visual Basic Definition Wizard, 90 Visual Basic Part Definition Wizard, 90 Windows 2000 installing Service Pack 2, 50 Windows 2000 Professional installing SP2 (Administrator), 34 installing SP2 (workstation), 16 wizards, 90 workspaces, 101 your gerund index keyword, 59

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