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Driggers days


Until The Whole World Hears

While the Lord was preparing us for our ministry in Papua New Guinea, words from the song Until The Whole World Hears by Casting Crowns greatly impacted our lives. Until the whole world hears, Lord, we are calling out! These powerful words continue to encourage and inspire us. Since arriving in PNG, we have witnessed daily Gods promises coming to life through the work of Bible translation. The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it Matthew 24:14 NLT It is hard to believe that 2012 is drawing to a close. Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is quickly approaching! As we look back on the past year, we are in awe of what the Lord has accomplished and would like to share one very special memory of our time here in Papua New Guinea with you. Inspiring, Motivational, Moving, were some of the words expressed after our community wide All the Nations service in Ukarumpa. The service was a celebration of Papua New Guinean Scripture translation projects produced in the past year. Forty-seven different efforts impacting more than forty language groups were recognized, including six completed New Testaments. Four of these New Testament publications also included portions of the Old Testament. Also receiving recognition were single New and Old Testament books, audio and video Scripture recordings, Jesus films and online publications. The celebration began with a processional of Papua New Guineans, each displaying a completed scripture portion. The crowd responded with enthusiastic clapping and cheering, as each participant brought a new translation to the front where each was placed on the display table. One colleague was so excited that he shouted out praise in his own language while walking down the aisle. The processional was followed by an international choir singing All The Nations, while a video highlighting the new translations was played in the background. Many attending the celebration were directly involved in the language development and translation work, or like our family, support the process.* And many others, just like you, were also represented there. It is because of your willingness to pray, give, and encourage that us Driggers are able to participate in impacting the lives and language groups of Papua New Guinea. Thank you for allowing us to be the hands and feet of Jesus here in PNG. We hope you will share in our celebration as this year draws to an end. To God be all the glory! Until ALL have heard (cause they will!),

And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Mark 13:10 NIV
Marty and Sara Driggers PO Box 1 (185) Ukarumpa EHP 444 Papua New Guinea (We LOVE to get mail and candy!) Skype with us: Marty.Driggers Sara.Driggers Follow our blog updates

Marty, Sara, Taylor, Tia, Miriam and Jade

*adapted from Tok Save: A Papua New Guinea Translation and Language Development News Release by Tim Scott

We said, Yes!
Since our transfer to the childrens home department was approved, God has been super busy giving us fantastic opportunities and fun experiences pertinent to our new roles as hostel parents! We have been able to spend time building relationships with the kids we will be serving, participating in weekly departmental meetings (giving us great insights from everything from finances to how hostel life will impact our family unit), following along on shopping trips, and we even spent three days as live-in hostel sitters. It seems that God in His sovereignty really knew what He was doing too! :o) We were just asked by the Papua New Guinea branch to begin filling the role of hostel parents in January. And guess what? We said Yes! What does this mean? It means that our family will participate in language and cultural training in Ukarumpa instead of being separated from Taylor, Tia and Miriam for fourteen weeks of POC (Pacific Orientation Course). It means that our current home will be home for at least five new missionary kids beginning the second week of January. It means that following repairs by a Wycliffe Associates team to the Townsend Hostel, we will be moving our family and hostel kids to a much larger and centrally located hostel the first weekend of February. It means that God has answered our prayers and given us the desires of our hearts to serve in furthering Bible translation AND impacting the lives of kidssooner rather than later. His purpose, planning and timing are always perfect! Please continue to pray for each member of our family as God is continually preparing us while working in and through our lives here in PNG.

Please join our praise to God for what He has accomplished and provided in our lives:

A wonderful first Thanksgiving Day in PNG. A free and new-to-us artificial Christmas tree to make our first Christmas season away a bit easier on us all.

Endurance as we have battled continued health issues. The beginnings of beautiful new friendships. Gods perfect timing revealed and His will being served by allowing us to begin serving as hostel parents in January!

Please continue to lift up these needs to our Heavenly Father:

More transitions! Please pray for our girls as they move homes for the third time this year, and learn how to share mom and dad with other kids.

Time management. Please pray that as parents we will intently listen to the Holy Spirits guiding and correctly balance our time between our marriage, children, and new jobs.

In order to continue effectively serving in Papua New Guinea we must take care of the debt that we owe to the PNG branch. This indebtedness comes from unexpected duty charges from our sea freight shipment and from several months of not meeting our ministry budget. Our current debt is more than $6000. We trust God will supply. Look what He has done already! If you feel led to give towards this need, please know how grateful we would be. We cant wait to share news of Gods miraculous provision with you.
How to give tax deductible gifts to further Bible translation: Giving Online (one-time or recurring) By Mail Please make your check payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators and send it with a separate note for the ministry of Marty and Sara Driggers (account # 270928) to: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200

Health. Please pray that the Lord would restore complete health to each of us. Finances. We are in need of one-time gifts to cover our indebtedness to the PNG branch. Please pray that God will provide for this need and that our minds would be eased from this emotional burden.

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