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Kuvempu University

Assignments for B.Sc. (ITIM) Elective Subject: Interconnecting Network Devices Subject Code: BSIMS-E1 Assignment: I
1. Define the functionality of networking devices like HUB, REAPTER, SWITCH, BRIDGE, and ROUTER. 2. Explain how ARP protocol is used to communicate between two PCs? 3. Explain the working of a router at layer 3 of ISO/OSI model. 4. Explain the Functionality of transport layer in ISO/OSI model. 5. What is a password management on IOS based routers and switches, briefly explain different types of passwords and how it can be enabled. 6. Explain how the packets are passed from one to another network. 7. Explain the static routing with an example. 8. Explain the dynamic routing with an example. 9. Differentiate between static routing and dynamic routing with an example. 10. Differentiate between different versions of Routing information protocol (RIP)? 11. What are the different types of interface or ports available on the router externally, explain each of it briefly. 12. What are the components available on the router internally and explain briefly each of them 13. What are the different methods to overcome routing loops,explain briefly. 14. Explain types of OSPF routers and area types? 15. Describe and explain briefly Link state protocols.

Assignment II
1. What is an Access List and define different types of Access list. 2. Differentiate between types of access list. 3. Explain with an example how you can restrict access to web services to internet, if the traffic is originating from local LAN to Internet using extended access list. 4. Explain the concept of NAT and different types of NAT. 5. Differentiate between NAT and PAT? 6. Differentiate between Circuit switching, packet switching and message switching? 7. Explain different types of WAN connection types ? 8. Explain with an example, working of WAN Protocol PPP and its authentication capabilities. 9. Explain IEEE 802.11 a, b, c standards? 10. Explain IPSec VPN?

11. Differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6 IP addressing? 12. What is Distance vector protocol and explain how these protocol works with respect to route learning? 13. Explain with an example benefits of named access list over number based access list? 14. Explain briefly about IPSec VPN types i.e. Site to site VPN and Remote access VPN? 15. Explain with an example difference between routed and routing protocols? 16. Explain briefly the Functions of a Layer 2 switch and what are the advantages VLAN in networks.

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