(Start Test) Button: Authentication Required

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(1) On gauge, animation bandwidth reading start from 0 Kbps and as cross 1024Kbps it change bandwidth value rounded in Mbps unit and label will also change accordingly Kbps to Mbps, as bandwidth cross 1024kbps speed. [In both scenario upload & download]. I think its normal behavior that bandwidth start from kbps, and from end-user usability point of view its OK in case if users bandwidth is low likewise 756kbps so its easy to depict for user that what is my speed, instead of we show confusing figure to user in Kbps rounded which means 756Kpbs means --- 0.7Kbps in this case for normal user is hard to assume about bandwidth.


In other case if user bandwidth is in Mbps so we show rounded 1.5 Mpbs.

For example: [ 1.5 Mpbs == 1529Mpbs ]

(3) Hidden labels [Upload & Download] exact under the needle, shows which bandwidth actually application is calculating.

(4) When download finalize it shows values under DOWNLOAD label and same as for UPLOAD label. Speed calculation and units [Kbps, Mbps] is same as I describe in (Point_1) Further more if speed is low and in Kbps so its shows such as 756 exact without rounded. And in case of Mbps bandwidth it shows in rounded such as 1.5, 2.8 etc.


(1) After measurement complete click on SUBMIT MEASURE button. a. If users session is not create on server it shows an ALERT Authentication required and after clicking OK it send to SIGNUP view. b. On SIGNUP view if user click on facebook so after facebook process it show an ALERT You are signed in now. On alerts OK button it send back to Measure View Screen. c. Now finally on Measure View Screen click again submit button, so now it shows alert Measures have been submitted. Actually in background measurement submitted on server and used for other part of application.


(1) Map zoom level corresponding roughly (1screen = 10Km) (2) Overlapping issue resolved. (3) Compare Operators button text issue resolved. (4) Legend appears on top of MAP, easily depict by user which operator correspond to which color. (5) The behavior that you depict in Feedback on 1.1 #2 ( 5)Map c.iv ) Actually north west, north east, south west & south east bounds are send to server and server respond accordingly on basis of these bounds, so on this server response hexagons created on map. So what will be the server response, hexagons created according to those calculations that server respond. If you have further concern so Ill send you multiple screenshots in which hexagons are visible and invisible with server links of each screenshot with more details description. (6) On Hexagons click popup changed, only operator name & download bandwidth is available. (7) On popup detail view only upload, download & number of measurements are available according to your description.

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