c1 Curso B Prof Ingles

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Brazilian security forces occupied one of the biggest slums in Rio on Sunday. The operation was part of a major clampdown on organised crime ahead of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Authorities in Rio launched a fresh attack on organised crime by taking over the Mangueira slum close to the city's famous Maracana Stadium.
Brazilian Navy soldiers patrol in an operation against drug dealers at Mangueira slum in Rio.

Around 800 police and Special Forces occupied the slum without firing any shots. The vast majority of residents co-operated fully with the authorities; they want their community pacified and free of drug dealers. The police had pre-announced the raid, a strategy that gives criminals the chance to leave the area rather than being confronted in densely populated areas. Rio's authorities are making an effort to win the trust of those living in the slums who after decades of abuse have got used to seeing the police as their enemy. The Mangueira is the 18th slum in Rio to be reclaimed by the authorities. But there is still a lot to be done. With hundreds of slums known as "favelas" still in the hands of organised criminals, drug dealers have vast areas in which to hide and thrive.
(BBC News June, 2011)


I. Match the columns. 1. security 2. biggest 3. close to 4. around 5. home 6. majority 7. fully 8. free Now, write the opposites of
smallest 1. biggest ________________________________________ far from 2. close to ________________________________________ minority 3. majority ________________________________________

III. Match these expressions with their explanations below and translate them. 1. slum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
e h f a g b c d

(b) (d) (a ) (c )

favela __________________________ represso __________________________ crime organizado __________________________ em paz __________________________

a) aproximadamente 2. clampdown b) maioria c) totalmente d) livre e) segurana f) prximo a g) lar h) maior IV. TO FIRE a 3. organized crime 4. pacified

a) crime committed by professional criminals working in large groups. b) an area of a city that is very poor and where the houses are in a bad condition. c) brought peace to an area where there had been crime or fighting. d) a sudden action taken in order to stop an illegal activity.


disparar um tiro

Look at the different meanings of fire and shot in the sentences and translate them. 1. The raiders fired the whole town.

4. fully

partially ________________________________________

II. Fill in with the missing verb forms. Infinitive 1. to take over 2. to give 3. to see 4. to do 5. to hide 6. to thrive Simple Past
took over gave saw did hid thrived

incendiar * to fire = ______________________________________ _

Past Participle
taken over given seen

2. Jane fired the gun and hit the target.

disparar * to fire = __________________________ _____________

3. The police fired at the criminal.

atirar * to fire = ______________________________________ _

done hidden thrived

4. If the wood were not so wet, it would catch fire more easily.
pegar fogo * to catch fire = __________________________ ________ _

Complete the following sentences with verbs from the list.

thrive 1. My garden is too dry and shady not many plants ______________ in those conditions. taken over 2. In 1989 the firm was _______________________ by a Paris-based consortium. doing 3. Are you ___________________ anything special tomorrow?

5. Help! My car is on fire.

em chamas * on fire = ______________________________ ________ _

6. If your work does not improve, we will have to fire you.

demitir * to fire = ___ ____________________________ ________ _

7. The robber shot his gun into the air.

disparar * to shoot (= to fire) = ___ __________________________

hidden 4. I couldnt remember where Id ______________________ the key.

8. John shot a picture of his friends.

tirar * to shoot = ___ ___________________________ ________ _

saw 5. She _______________ a piece of paper lying on the floor, and bent to pick it up. INGLS B gave 6. She _____________________ me the most beautiful smile.

9. Fortunately, no one was killed during the shooting.

tiroteio * shooting = ___ ____________________________ ______ _

10.When I heard the shot, I hid behind a brick wall.

disparo, tiro * shot = _____ ____________________________ __ ______ _

VIII. Match the columns. 1. drug dealer 2. raid 3. criminal 4. rather than 5. trust 6. decade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c f e g h d a b

a) recuperar, retomar b) ainda c) traficante d) dcada e) criminoso f) invaso, ataque g) em vez de h) confiana

11. Bob is a good shot. He always hits the target.

atirador * shot = _____ ____________________________ __ ______ _

12.Some diabetics need shots of insulin to stay alive.

injeo * shot = _____ ____________________________ __ ______ _

13.Paul showed me some shots of his vacation in France. 7. reclaim

foto * shot = _____ ____________________________ __ ______ _

8. still

14.Jane added a shot of vodka to a glass of orange juice.

dose * shot = _____ ____________________________ __ ______ _

IX. Complete these sentences with the previous vocabulary.

Trust 1. ________________________ is important in a good relationship.

V. Turn the title of the text into Portuguese.

Represso ao crime nas favelas do Rio

raid 2. The police ____________________ resulted in the arrests of five people. fazer um esforo VI. TO MAKE AN EFFORT __________________________

Circle the correct verb in the following sentences. 1. I couldnt do / make the homework last night. 2. Did he do / make many mistakes?

3. The police have called for more resources to help their fight against
drug dealers / criminals ____________________________________.

still 4. It was _____________________ raining when I left the party.

3. He is doing / making research in chemistry. 4. I often make / do the housework. 5. They did / made a lot of noise during the party. 6. Well have to do / to make a decision soon.
rather than 5. He likes starting early _________________________ staying late.

6. Foreign tourists who have paid tax on goods they have bought can
reclaim _________________________ it when they leave the country.

VII. Pay attention! used to = costumava be used to = estar acostumada(o) get used to = acostumar-se a Turn into English. 1. Estou acostumada a caminhar para o trabalho.
Im used to walking to work.

decade 7. A _______________________ is a period of ten years, especially from a year ended in 0 to the next one ending in 9.

I. Answer in Portuguese. 1. O que aconteceu na favela da Mangueira, segundo o texto?

2. Ela costumava trabalhar / trabalhava em uma empresa sueca.

She used to work for a Swedish company.

Foras policiais invadiram e ocuparam a favela, como represso ao crime organizado.

3. Robert acostumou-se a trabalhar at tarde.

Robert got used to working till late. INGLS B

2. Qual foi a reao dos moradores da favela? Por qu?

A maioria dos moradores cooperou totalmente com as autoridades, pois eles querem sua comunidade em paz e livre de traficantes.

3. No texto, seu autor nos diz que there is still a lot to be done. O que ele quer dizer com essa afirmao?
Ele quer dizer que a retomada das favelas no Rio ser um trabalho rduo, pois ainda h muitas delas nas mos do crime organizado nas quais os traficantes conseguem se esconder e prosperar.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Do you ever get angry at people walking slowly in front of you? If you do, you might be suffering from Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). A University of Hawaii professor, Leon James, has studied peoples emotions as they walk along busy streets in New York City. He discovered that many people have serious problems when someone walking at a snails pace in front of them impedes their progress. Dr James, a psychology professor, called the condition sidewalk rage. James is developing a Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome Scale (PASS) to measure the different levels of sidewalk rage. It measures 15 different behaviors that indicate sidewalk rage. These include muttering to yourself, bumping into other pedestrians on purpose, glaring, and walking too closely to other people. Dr James research found that tourists are those most likely to cause IED. They are the slowest walkers, at an average of 1.16 metres per second. IED sufferers should easily be able to spot tourists and change course to avoid any chances of getting angry. Next slowest are smokers, cellphone users, and people with bags. These walk between 1.27 and 1.3 metres per second. The fastest walkers, at 1.4 metres per second, are those who listen to music. New York resident Jim Redman said he was shocked when he found out about the research. Thats me! he said. I get sidewalk rage every day. I cant stand it when people walk so slow in the city. I have no patience with them, he added. Mr Redman confessed that he also showed signs of IED in his home when his children slow down his journey to the bathroom.


I. 1. Sidewalk is a walk for foot passengers at the side of a street =

IV. Write the opposites of

mellow 1. angry = _______________________________________ ____ quickly, rapidly, fast 2. slowly = ______________________________________ ____

calada __________________________________________________ calm 3. busy = ___________________________________________

2. Rage is a feeling of intense anger; fury =

equal 4. different = ________________________________________ fria __________________________________________________ unlikely 5. likely = _____________________________________ ______

Translate the title of the passage.

fastest 6. slowest = _________________________________________ _ Fria na calada comum em cidades grandes

II. EVER Translate the underlined expressions: a) Have you ever been to London?
alguma vez, j * ever = ___________________________________________

V. Complete the sentences by using the verbs from the box. to develop to measure to avoid to listen to to find out to add

listen to 1. Did you _______________________ the news this morning? developing 2. They are _______________________ a new drug which will cure the illness if its caught in the earliest stages. to add 3. Ive nothing further _____________________________. found out 4. I _________________________ what was troubling her. to avoid 5. We like to leave early _________________________ the rush hour. measures 6. This machine _____________________________ your heart beat.

b) This is the best movie Ive ever seen.

j * ever = ___________________________________________

c) Shes been confident ever since she was a small child.

desde que * ever since = _______________________________ ________

d) We hardly ever go to the movies these days.

quase nunca * hardly ever = _______________________________ _______

e) As ever, the women were expected to do the cooking.

como sempre * as ever = ___________________________________ _______

VI. Look at the definitions of the following expressions and translate them. a) to mutter = to speak quietly and in a low voice, often in an angry or
resmungar irritated tone of voice = _________________________________

f) I like the house but I dont think Ill live there for ever.
para sempre * for ever = __________________________________ _______

III. Match the columns. 1. angry 2. busy 3. level 4. behavior 5. research 6. likely 7. average 8. course 9. bag 10.sign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c h f j a g b d i e

b) to bump into someone = to knock or hit someone, sometimes a) pesquisa b) mdia c) irritado, com raiva d) caminho e) sinal f) nvel g) provveis h) movimentadas i) sacola j) comportamento
olhar de modo feroz c) to glare = to stare angrily at someone = ______________________ chocar-se com, dar um encontro hurting them as a result = ________________________________ em algum

____ ___________________________
notar d) to spot = to see or notice = _______________________________ no suportar e) cant stand = cant bear = cant tolerate = ____________________



Now, fill in the blanks with the expressions previously studied.

glared 1. When he stepped on her foot, she ___________________________ angrily at him. cant stand 2. Tell me now! I ______________________________ the suspense.

X. Translate the following excerpt from the text. IED sufferers should easily be able to spot tourists and change course to avoid any chances of getting angry.
Aqueles que sofrem de IED deveriam ser capazes de identificar os turistas com facilidade e mudar de direo para evitar qualquer chance de se enervarem.

muttered 3. She ___________________________ that she never had any time to herself.

spotted 4. The police ________________________ him driving a stolen car.

I. Write T (True) or F (False). a) People are getting angry walking on the streets in big cities. b) A professor said this rarely happens in Hawaii. c) Pedestrians who walk as slow as a snail make other people angry. d) Signs of IED include staring at others. e) People with bags and those with cellphones are the slowest walkers. f) People who listen to music walk faster than those who smoke and walk. T/F

bumped into 5. We ___________________________ him when we were crossing

the street.

VII. Translate the underlined expressions. 1. If you do something at a snails pace you do it extremely slowly.
passo de lesma * snails pace = ________________________________________



2. If you do something on purpose, you do it intentionally, not accidentally.

de propsito * on purpose = _________________________________________


VIII. Write the Simple Past and Past Participle of

showed shown to show ____________________ ____________________

g) A New York resident said he got sidewalk rage on a daily basis. h) The resident said he also gets angry with slow walkers in his home.



IX. Synonyms Match: Match the following synonyms from the article. 1. in front of 2. discovered 3. pace 4. impedes 5. glaring 6. likely 7. spot 8. course 9. confessed 10.journey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a) trip b) obstructs c) see d) probable e) speed f) direction g) ahead of h) admitted i) staring j) found

j e b i d c f h a

II. Answer in Portuguese. 1. O que significa a sigla PASS?

Escala de Sndrome de Agressividade do Pedestre.

2. Mencione trs comportamentos que indicam fria na calada.

Opes: * * * * resmungar para si mesmo chocar-se com outros pedestres de propsito olhar furiosamente para outras pessoas caminhar muito prximo a outras pessoas






The typewriter, rather than the computer, was responsible for creating the modern office. But now, the only company in the world that still makes and sells them says there are just 500 left, and no more are to be made. India is well-known for its legions of computer programmers, but the country also has another face as the last bastion of the typewriter. Manual typewriters stayed popular in India long after developed nations had entirely Computers have largely replaced typewriters today. switched to the keyboard and mouse. As recently as the 1990s, the Mumbai plant of a company named Godrej and Boyce was turning out 50,000 typewriters a year. They were popular in a nation where reliable electricity supplies essential for computers are still by no means guaranteed. But even in India, typewriter sales have slumped in the last ten years. Gradually, every manufacturer stopped making them, leaving only Godrej's Mumbai plant and that switched to making fridges two years ago. And now the firm says it only has 500 typewriters left in stock. Its a far cry from the heyday of the 1950s, when Indias then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru held up the humble typewriter as a symbol of the nation's independence and industrialisation. The first commercial typewriters were produced in the United States in the 1860s. The typewriter was the dominant office technology for more than a century until the computer came along.
(Mark Gregory)

I. Traduza o ttulo do texto.
Adeus s mquinas de escrever.

III. Preencha as frases abaixo com os verbos da lista. Ateno aos tempos verbais.
sold 1. Have you ________________________ the car yet? make 2. I will ____________________ a peanut butter sandwich for Jane.

II. Preencha a lista de verbos. Infinitive 1. to make 2. to sell 3. to say 4. to leave 5. to hold up 6. to come along

Simple Past
made sold said left held up came along

Past Participle
made sold said left held up come along

left saying 3. He _______________ without _________________ a single word. comes 4. I havent got another job yet; Ill wait until something __________ along __________________. held up 5. The teacher ___________________ Bobs essay as a model for the students to follow.

IV. Combine as colunas. 1. well-known 2. country 3. long after 4. entirely 5. even 6. sales 7. manufacturer 8. fridge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d g e b a h c f

VIII. Combine os sinnimos. a) at mesmo b) completamente c) fabricante d) famosa e) muito tempo depois f) geladeira g) pas h) vendas rather than / be responsible for/ developed nations/ by no means
responsible for 1. Shes entirely ______________________________ what she does.

1. well-known 2. entirely 3. gradually 4. fridge

1 2 3 4

d b a c

a) little by little b) completely c) refrigerator d) famous

IX. Preencha as frases abaixo com as expresses do quadro:

V. Complete as frases abaixo com o vocabulrio anterior.

country 1. The tiny ________________________ declared its independence. rather than 2. I think Id like to stay at home this evening ___________________ going out. developed nations 3. Norway is one of the most ________________________________ in the world. by no means 4. It is _________________________ certain that we will be able to move to our new office in June.

manufacturer 2. Anne sued the ________________________ when her microwave oven exploded. fridge 3. Dont forget to put the milk back in the _____________________.

even 4. Everyone I know likes the smell of bacon; ___________________ Mike does and hes a vegetarian. sales 5. This years ____________________ are 10% less than last years.

X. Combine as expresses grifadas no texto, de acordo com o contexto. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) c) d) e) turning out (have) slumped in stock the heyday of humble ( b) (a) (e) (d) (c)

well-known 6. The restaurant is ____________________________ for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service.

VI. Traduza os diferentes sentidos de STILL nas oraes abaixo: 1. Im still hungry.
ainda * still = ________________________________

(have) fallen severely; (have) become very low in numbers. producing, making modest, lowly, meek the most popular and successful time of available for sale

XI. Traduza: 1. As recently as the 1990s;

To recentemente quanto a dcada de 90

2. I cant brush your hair if you dont keep still .

quieto * still = ________________________________

3. Youre very late. Still , Im glad youre here now.

contudo, entretanto, ainda assim * still = ________________________________

XII. Descubra os significados das expresses, de acordo com as seguintes frases. 1. My father worked at the car plant for 30 years.
fbrica * plant = ___________________________________

VII. Traduza para o Portugus. 1. There are just 500 left

Sobraram apenas 500

2. The subway is the most reliable way of getting to the airport during rush hour.
confivel * reliable = _________________________________

2. and no more are to be made.

e nenhuma mais ser feita.

3. The coffee drinker switched to a new brand of coffee.

mudar to switch = _________________________________ INGLS B

1. a) b) c) d) e) According to the text, there are not any more typewriters for sale in the world. India was the first nation to switch to computers. India is a well-known country for its typewriters. in the 1990s typewriters were replaced by computers in India. no manufacturers in the world are interested in making typewriters any longer.

2. a) b) c) d) e)

The Godrej and Boyce company stopped manufacturing typewriters in the 1990s. produced 500 typewriters two years ago. was the first company to produce typewriters in the world. started producing refrigerators in 2010. is intent on manufacturing computers in the near future.

RESOLUO: Resposta: D

RESOLUO: Resposta: E

3. In: They were popular in a nation where reliable electricity supplies , the underlined word could be translated as: a) fornecimentos. b) suspenses. c) demandas. d) produes. e) usinas.
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Traditional and digital news media might soon merge to produce daily newspapers on iPads. This is if the plans of Apple owner Steve Jobs and newspaper mogul Rupert Murdoch come to fruition. Industry rumours say the new newspaper will be called The Daily. There might even be a name to replace newspaper, as the new project will, of course, be paperless. There will be no print edition or even a Web edition of this new media. It will download straight to the iPad or alternative tablet for an unbeatable price of 99 cents a week. Messrs Jobs and Murdoch may be onto a winning thing here. The Apple boss has the technology to be able to deliver digital news and Mr Murdoch owns the worlds biggest news corporation. They also both have the ability to know what people want. There are reports that Murdoch is particularly interested in the iPad and how popular it is. He told Fox Business this week that The Daily was his Number one most exciting project. He seems to believe people will prefer to read the news on such a device rather than a traditional broadsheet newspaper. There are advantages of the tablet over a paper, such as the lack of origamistyle gymnastics required to turn a page on a crowded train, or avoid the corner getting soaked in milk at the breakfast table. Other more obvious benefits to an iPad include the higher level of interactivity the user has with the news. Another advantage for Mr Murdoch and his News Corporation is that he could increase revenues by selling application programs designed specifically for the iPad.
(breakingnewsenglish.com February, 2011)



I. Translate the title of the text.
Jornais digitais a caminho.

V. Do you remember the meanings of the following verbs? to replace to be able to to seem to believe to avoid Complete the sentences.
believes 1. He __________________________ that all children are born with equal intelligence.

II. Complete the chart. Infinitive 1. may 2. to come 3. to say 4. to know 5. to tell 6. to read 7. can 8. to sell Simple Past
might came said knew told read could sold

Past Participle
come said known told read sold seems 4. The child _______________________ to be healthy, but the doctor is concerned. is able to 5. The answering machine _____________________________ store messages that are up to two minutes in length. replaced 2. The factory __________________________ most of its workers with robots. to avoid 3. He had to take emergency actions ________________________ a disaster.

III. Complete the following sentences with words from the box. even as of course rather than such as



Translate the different meanings of to deliver in the sentences below. 1. The pizza will be delivered in 20 minutes.
entregar * to deliver = ________________________________

rather than 1. She makes the students think for themselves __________________ telling them what to do. as 2. He went to bed early ______________ he was exhausted. even 3. Everyone I know likes the smell of bacon __________________ my sister who is a vegetarian. Of course 4. ____________________ the lawyer sent us a huge bill.

2. Dont promise what you cant deliver.

fazer, cumprir * to deliver = ________________________________

3. She delivered a baby boy this morning.

such as 5. Animals, ___________________ elephants and tigers, can be seen in the local zoo. dar luz * to deliver = ________________________________

4. I thank God from delivering me from that pain. IV. Match the columns. 1. owner 2. price 3. winning 4. boss 5. report 6. exciting 7. crowded 8. corner 9. benefit 10.level

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

h c f j d g a i e b

a) lotado b) nvel c) preo d) relato e) benefcio, vantagem f) atraente g) notvel h) proprietrio i) canto j) chefe

livrar, libertar * to deliver = ________________________________

VII. Translate the underlined words and/or expressions in the following sentences. 1. A mogul is an important person who has great wealth or power.
magnata * mogul = ___________________________________

2. She worked in print journalism before joining CNN as a reporter.

impresso * print = ____________________________________


3. This supermarket remains unbeatable in terms of price.

imbatvel * unbeatable = ________________________________

IX. Combine the words in column A with their synonyms in column B 1. mogul 2. edition 3. alternative 4. particularly 5. required 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 b g f c a e d

a) needed b) tycoon c) especially d) income e) advantage f) substitute g) version

4. He bought his mother an electronic hearing device since shes getting deafer and deafer. *
aparelho, dispositivo device = _________________________________

6. benefit 7. revenues

5. A broadsheet is a newspaper with a large format, containing more serious news than a tabloid.
jornal * broadsheet = ________________________________

X. Translate the following excerpts from the text. 1. if the plans of Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch come to fruition.
se os planos de Steve Jobs e Rupert Murdoch tornarem-se realidade.

6. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.

falta * lack = _____________________________________

7. Revenue: what a company makes in monetary terms from its activities.

receita * revenue = __________________________________

2. people will prefer to read the news on such a device rather than a
as pessoas preferiro ler as notcias em tal aparelho em vez de em um

VIII. Pay attention to the definitions of the following expressions and translate them.
fundir-(se), unir-(se) 1. to merge = to unite, to combine, to fuse = ____________________

1. Segundo o texto, correto afirmar que a) jornais digitais j podem ser lidos em iPads, diariamente. b) Steve Jobs e Rupert Murdoch pretendem a fuso de suas empresas, em um futuro prximo. c) The Daily , atualmente, um dos jornais americanos de maior circulao na mdia digital. d) o novo jornal digital, planejado por Steve Jobs e Rupert Murdoch, ter uma edio semanal na web. e) o interessado em ler notcias em seu iPad arcar com um custo semanal inferior a um dlar.
RESOLUO: Resposta: E

2. to come to fruition = to become reality, to be completed as planned

tornar-se realidade = _________________________________

ficar molhado 3. to get soaked = to get wet = ______________________________

aumentar 4. to increase = to become larger = ___________________________

Now, complete the sentences with the expressions above.

got soaked 1. My shoes and raincoat ______________________ due to the heavy rain. increased 2. The company has _______________________ the price of its cars.

2. a) b) c) d) e)

Entre as vantagens do novo jornal, mencionadas no texto, inclui-se: maior diversidade de assuntos. maior lucro advindo de propagandas. aumento da receita com a venda de programas para o iPad. maior facilidade de aquisio em estaes de trens. mais pginas dedicadas prtica de exerccios fsicos.

RESOLUO: Resposta: C

to merge 3. He wants ___________________________ the two agencies.

4. Through your donations, your hard work and your perseverance

come to you have seen your plans for the new church _________________ fruition _____________________ .

3. a) b) c) d) e)

De acordo com o texto, o novo jornal: ser maior em tamanho. ser voltado tecnologia. no usar papel. poder ser lido em iPads e em edies especiais da web. ser extremamente popular.

RESOLUO: Resposta: C



Residents of the European Union (EU) are becoming better and better at languages. Almost 50 percent of the EU population reckon they can speak at least one foreign language very well, with that figure rising to nearly 80 percent for students. To celebrate its linguistic diversity and bilingual, trilingual or multilingual capabilities, a special day is set aside in the EU. September 26 is the European Day of Languages. The days website cites a Slovak proverb that says: The number of languages you speak is the number of times you are human. This aims to encourage all Europeans to brush up on and advance their language skills. The website predicts that Europes young generation will fully contribute to enriching Europes multilingual society. The results of the Eurobarometer survey put Luxembourgers at the top of the language ability list. An amazing 99 percent of the Luxembourgish population is at least bilingual. Those with the poorest language skills are the Hungarians (29 percent) and British (30 percent). The survey also shows that English is the most widely spoken foreign language, used by more than a third of the population. It is followed by German (12 percent), which has for the first time usurped French (11 percent) for the second spot. European enlargement to incorporate former communist countries has elevated Russian to fourth place tied with Spanish. The EU spends $36 million a year on language programs.



I. Translate the following excerpt from the passage Residents are becoming better and better
Os residentes esto ficando cada vez melhores ________________________________________________________

c) He has an attractive six-figure salary. *

algarismo, dgito figure = __________________________________

d) John is very good at figures. * Now, write in English. 1. Ela est ficando cada vez mais gorda.
She is becoming fatter and fatter. matemtica figures = __________________________________

IV. Complete the following sentences with verbs from the chart: to rise to cite to advance to predict to enrich to spend

spend 1. How much did you __________________________ on that dress?

2. O tempo est ficando cada vez pior.

The weather is becoming worse and worse. predict 2. I _________________________ that they will be divorced within two years. rose 3. The number of people unemployed ______________________ by over 10,000 last month.

3. Os atores de novelas esto ficando cada vez mais famosos.

Soap opera actors are becoming more and more famous. cited 4. He ______________________ a passage from the Bible to support his argument. enriched 5. Our culture has been ________________________ by immigrants from many other countries.

4. A vida est ficando cada vez mais cara.

to advance 6. Hes just trying ____________________________ his own career. Life is becoming more and more expensive.

V. Write the Simple Past and Past Participle of: II. Match the columns. 1. at least 2. foreign 3. skill 4. fully 5. survey 6. widely 7. spot 8. enlargement Infinitive Simple Past
became spoke rose set said put showed spent

Past Participle
become spoken risen set said put shown spent

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

e b g f a d c h

a) pesquisa b) estrangeira c) lugar, posio d) amplamente e) pelo menos f) totalmente, completamente g) habilidade, percia h) ampliao, aumento

1. to become 2. to speak 3. to rise 4. to set 5. to say 6. to put 7. to show 8. to spend


FIGURE VI. Combine the following verbs with their meanings below. 1. to reckon 2. to set aside 3. to aim 4. to brush up on 5. to usurp 6. to tie ( E) ( B) (F) (D) (C)

Translate the different meanings of figure in the following sentences. a) The page was covered with triangles, squares and other geometrical figures.
figura * figure = _____________________________________

b) There were two figures in the shadow. *

vulto figure = __________________________________



a) b) c) d) e) f)

to take the place of to reserve to score the same number of points to improve your knowledge of something to believe, to think, to suppose to intend; to plan or hope to achieve

1. True (T) or False (F)? a) Europeans are becoming increasingly better at other languages. b) Eighty percent of European students are bilingual. c) September 26 is the official European Day For the English Language. d) A European proverb says you are not human unless you are bilingual. e) Ninety-nine percent of Luxembourgers are at least bilingual. T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F F

Now, complete the sentences.

tied 1. Both teams ____________________________ on points and goal difference.

reckon 2. I _______________________ she earned a lot of money with her new novel. aim 3. I _____________________ to be a millionaire by the time Im 40.

f) Britons are amongst the top of bilingual speakers. g) French is the lingua franca among Europeans. h) Russian has lost ground on other European languages.

* lngua franca = um meio de comunicao entre pessoas de diferentes lnguas. usurped 4. The powers of local governors are being ____________________ by central government.

sets aside 5. He always _______________ some time _______________ every day to read to his children.

Answer in Portuguese. 2. Cite as lnguas mais faladas no mundo, de acordo com o texto (em ordem decrescente).
Ingls, alemo, francs, russo e espanhol.

to brush up on 6. Ill try _____________________________ my French vocabulary

before going to Paris.

VII. Match the words and/or expressions in column A with their synonyms in column B.

1. almost 2. figure 3. skills 4. survey 5. amazing 6. spot 7. former 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f g a e b c d

a) abilities

3. A que se refere 36 milhes de dlares anuais?

Ao gasto europeu em programas de aprendizado de lnguas.

b) surprising c) position d) ex e) research f) nearly g) number




have / has + past participle do verbo principal Usos: ao indefinida no passado We have finished our homework. Jane has traveled to London. They have accepted the job offer. No confunda o Present Perfect com o Simple Past. Observe os exemplos: Simple Past Paul lost his keys yesterday. My brother called me two days ago. She left last week. Present Perfect Paul has lost his keys. My brother has called me. She has left. com os advrbios EVER, NEVER, ALREADY, YET, JUST, SO FAR, LATELY, RECENTLY e expresses como ONCE, TWICE, MANY TIMES, FEW TIMES etc. Have you EVER seen a flying saucer? She has NEVER been to Rome. The students have ALREADY written their essays. The bell hasnt rung YET. Our cousins have JUST arrived. We have read five chapters SO FAR. She has traveled a lot LATELY. Have you seen any good films RECENTLY? I have flown on an airplane MANY TIMES.

com SINCE (= desde) e FOR (= h, faz) She has lived in New York SINCE 1993. She has lived in New York FOR ten years. They have been apart SINCE January. They have been apart FOR three months.


have / has + been + ...ing do verbo principal Uso: ao que se iniciou no passado e que continua at o momento presente. frequentemente usado com THE WHOLE (morning, day, week...), SINCE e FOR. They have been looking for a job THE WHOLE MONTH. SINCE October. FOR six months. It has been raining

THE WHOLE MORNING. SINCE 7 oclock. FOR three hours.

Observao: Com certos verbos, h pouca ou nenhuma diferena entre o Present Perfect e o Present Perfect Continuous.

had + past participle do verbo principal Uso: ao que ocorreu no passado ANTES de outra ao tambm no passado. After I had finished lunch, I watched TV. She told me her name after I had asked her twice. He didnt go to the movies because he had already seen the film. 17


I. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

II. Circle the correct alternative. 1. Jack ____________________________ at the CBS Company since he graduated from college. a) is working b) works c) have worked d) has being working e) has worked
RESOLUO: Resposta: E

has been waiting 1. He ____________________________________ (wait) there the whole afternoon.

had already left 2. Sam ________________________________ (already leave) the building when the phone rang.

has just heard 3. Alex feels bad. He ____________________________ (just hear) some bad news.

2. a) c) e)

My uncle ___________ a pair of sneakers in his life. never wore b) has never wear is never wearing d) never has wore has never worn

RESOLUO: Resposta: E

4. We _____________________ (have) four tests so far this semester. have had

5. I ___________________________ (write) them three times but I have written ________________________________ (receive) a reply yet. havent received

3. Since I came to this country, I __________________ a lot about the way of life here. a) have learning b) have been learned c) have learnt d) am learned e) have being learning
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

had dropped out 6. Nobody believed he _________________________ (drop out) of school.

4. a) c) e)

The Taylors _________________________________ the country. left b) have just leaving have just left d) just have lived have just lived

RESOLUO: Resposta: C

had left 7. After the guests _____________________ (leave), I went to bed.

has been teaching / has taught 8. Mr. Simpson ____________________________________ (teach) here for more than twenty years.

5. a) c) e)

The thief simply walked in. Someone ________ to lock the door. have forgotten b) had forgotten has forgot d) has been forgot had forget

RESOLUO: Resposta: B

9. Do you like lobster?

have never eaten I dont know. I ____________________________ (never eat) it.

6. Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You ______________ too many classes. a) already missed c) have missed already e) have already missed
RESOLUO: Resposta: E

b) missed already d) already are missing

has changed 10. My understanding of the country __________________________

(change) a lot since I arrived.



I. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect form of the verbs. In some cases, two answers are possible.
has worked / has been working 1. Mr. Gardner ____________________________________ (work) on this article since the beginning of the week. had she practiced 2. How long ____________________________ (she practice) when she entered the competition?

II. Circle the correct alternative. 1. She _______________________ some strange habits since she left her family. a) had developing b) has developing c) is developing d) has been developed e) has developed
RESOLUO: Resposta: E

has worn 3. Sally ________________________ (wear) this pair of shoes only once since she bought it.

2. a) c) e)

When we left the room, the sun __________________________. already set b) have already set had already set d) already had been set has already set

RESOLUO: Resposta: C

had never stolen 4. The man stated that he _______________________ (steal, never) anything. Have you ever sung 5. _______________________________ (you, sing, ever) in public?

3. The number of single-parent families _________________ lately. a) have risen b) rose c) had risen d) has risen e) has been risen
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

have you learned / learnt 6. How many new words _________________________ (you, learn) since you came here?

4. My brother ____________________ three tests since he started coming to this class. a) has been taken b) took c) is taking d) has taken e) has took
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

has been raining 7. It ___________________________ (rain) the whole day. I wonder

when it will stop.

havent heard 8. Hi, John. I __________________ (hear, not) from you for months. have you done What ______________________ (you, do) lately?

5. The cat escaped. Someone ________________ to close the door. a) forget b) had forgotten c) has been forgetting d) has forgot e) had forget
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

6. Brazil ________________ Germany 2 1. a) beat b) beats c) have beaten d) has beated e) has beaten
RESOLUO: Resposta: E

had never seen 9. I ___________________________ (see, never) any of Van Goghs paintings before I visited that museum in Amsterdam.

had already left 10. The train _______________________ (leave, already) when I got to the railway station. have you smoked 11. How many cigarettes _________________________ (you, smoke) today?

7. I got the magazine a week ago, and I ________________ a chance to read it yet. a) didnt have b) hadnt have c) havent had d) dont have e) havent have
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

8. Grandpa ________________ the whole afternoon. a) had slept b) has been sleep c) is sleeping d) has been sleeping e) has sleeping
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

12. Would you like something to drink?

have just had No, I ___________________________ (have, just) some water.

13. You dont have to pay the butcher.

have already paid I ____________________________________ (pay, already) him.

9. a) c) e) 10. a) c) e)

So far, Jane ________________ the importance of keeping fit. hasnt realized b) doesnt realize havent realized d) hasnt been realized dont realize My neighbor ________________ the flute the whole morning. has play b) has been played is playing d) has been playing has being playing.

RESOLUO: Resposta: A

Have you heard 14. _______________________ (you, hear) from his sister recently? had 15. The room was quiet when we arrived. All guests ____________ gone _________________ (go) home.

RESOLUO: Resposta: D



Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences. 1. If you dont know what a word means, look it ______________ in the dictionary. a) after b) down c) in d) up
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

14. Simon ________________ her offer of a job as the salary was too low. a) accepted b) failed c) rejected d) released
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

2. Im afraid I cant come tonight. ___________________________! a) So do I b) What luck c) What a shame d) What do you do
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

15. Good news! Our sales have ______________________ by 50%! a) decreased b) increased c) lenghtened d) raised
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

3. The doctor _______________ some different medicine this time. a) advised b) prescribed c) resigned d) subscribed
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

16. Ill let you _____________________ yourself to the vegetables. a) feed b) help c) serve d) trust
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

4. There were over 50 ___________________________ for the job. a) applicants b) consumers c) employers d) undertakers
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

17. During the storm the tree was _________________ by lightning. a) beaten b) blown down c) stuck d) struck
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

5. Oh no! The ________________ is broken! How can we open the bottle now? a) cracker b) corkscrew c) key d) screwdriver
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

18. A few flakes of _________________ fell from the sky. a) frost b) mist c) rain d) snow
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

6. We werent very hungry so we just had a _____________ snack. a) faint b) heavy c) light d) slight
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

19. Why does Kathy make such a _______________ of her nephew? a) favor b) fuss c) kindness d) pride
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

7. The water is ________________ enough for us to drive through the stream. a) deep b) hollow c) little d) shallow
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

20. What do you do for a __________________? Im a plumber. a) course b) life c) living d) salary
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

8. Im afraid I threw your letter into the_________________ basket. a) litter b) rubbish c) spare d) waste
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

21. Most workers here belong to a ___________________ union. a) business b) commerce c) job d) labor
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

9. Im sure were all very _____________ in what you have to say. a) delighted b) delightful c) interested d) interesting
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

22. If you ___________ me, I will just go and say hello to someone. a) accuse b) defuse c) excuse d) refuse
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

10. That cup is very full. Careful you dont __________ your coffee. a) drop b) fall c) spare d) spill
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

23. Thanks for everything. No problem. Its been a ______________________. a) kindness b) gratitude c) pleasure d) treasure
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

11. You must have a _____________ diet if you want to stay healthy. a) balanced b) even c) measured d) relaxed
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

12. Will we ever ___________________ the truth about the accident? a) break into b) carry out c) find out d) go with
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

24. This coffee isnt sweet enough! Have you ________________ it! a) blown b) steered c) stirred
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

d) moved

13. Whats your favorite kind of fish? _____________________, I think. a) Chop b) Cutlet c) Trout
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

d) Veal

25. James hates being dependent ____________________ his parents for money. a) for b) of c) on d) to
RESOLUO: Resposta: C



Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence. 1. I see bus ____________________ are going up again next week. a) fares b) fees c) incomes d) premiums
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

14. Our new shampoo gets rid of ______________________. FAST! a) bald b) dandruff c) partings d) spots
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

2. Is it all right if I pay ____________________ check? a) by b) in c) on d) with

RESOLUO: Resposta: A

15. The play was so boring that we left during the _____________. a) breakdown b) intermission c) pause d) stop
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

3. We will only exchange goods if you have a __________________. a) charge b) recipe c) receipt d) slip
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

16. Our ____________________ agent managed to sell the house quite quickly. a) accommodation b) building c) real estate d) state
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

4. Is this really ________________ to our discussion? a) actual b) current c) registered d) relevant

RESOLUO: Resposta: D

5. I wouldnt spend so much on a new dress. Im not that _____________________! a) costly b) expensive c) extravagant d) reluctant
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

17. Students must ______________________ for these courses by the end of the week. a) enroll b) propose c) subscribe d) write down
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

18. I hear you didnt get very good ______________ on your exam. a) additions b) crosses c) grades d) ticks
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

6. The new theme park is our most popular tourist ______________. a) admiration b) attraction c) pleasure d) treasure
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

19. Why doesnt he settle down and get a ________ job? a) fixed b) stable c) steady d) sure
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

7. Why are you limping? Ive _________________ my ankle. a) bent b) folded c) sprained d) torn
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

20. This room is _______________! Doesnt it ever get cleaned? a) faulty b) filthy c) hideous d) spotless
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

8. Can I use some of this paper to ______________ the present in? a) lick b) stick c) stamp d) wrap
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

May I ask a question? Of course. _________________. a) Go ahead b) Go off c) Take off d) Take on
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

21. They were so hungry that they had _________________ in order to eat. a) to rob b) to steal c) to sue d) to hijack
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

10. Do you think this blouse ______________ my skirt? a) goes on b) goes with c) takes after d) takes out
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

22. Laws exist to stop companies _______________ their employees. a) exploring b) saving c) exploiting d) refusing
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

11. An old man with _____________ clothes wandered into the shop. a) broken b) cramped c) shabby d) shifty
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

23. Could I ________________ your bike from you until next week? a) use b) lend c) borrow d) accept
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

12. You have to pay a ______________ of 100 dollars to reserve your holiday. a) caution b) deposit c) receipt d) fine
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

24. Whats the best way of improving theater access for people who are physically _____________________? a) handicapped b) exhausted c) annoyed d) disturbed
RESOLUO: Resposta: A

RESOLUO: Resposta: A

RESOLUO: Resposta: B



13. The policeman gave Ann first ____________________ until the ambulance arrived. a) aid b) assistance c) emergency d) help

25. These plants are not ___________________ enough to survive outside in winter. a) through b) tough c) though d) thought



Police in Chile have arrested two women, aged 72 and 80, after _____________ a stash of cocaine and cash in their house. It's thought that the women ____________________ a drug-trafficking ring in the area for years. Police raided the house during the night and found two kilos of cocaine and around 65,000 dollars in cash. They arrested 80-year-old Maria
Police found a stash of cocaine

Valdebenito and 72-year-old Giselle Gilbert and charged them with drug trafficking offences. Mrs Valdebenito is bedridden. Prosecutors say she received the drugs from her contacts and passed them to her younger and more agile accomplice to sell. The house that the women used as their base is just a few metres from Chile's biggest police academy. Prosecutors say the women should be taken into preventative custody while their case is considered. But, because of their frail state of health, they might be placed under house arrest instead.
Gideon Long, BBC News, Santiago

I. Traduza o ttulo do texto.

trfico de drogas Drug trafficking = ____________________________________.

III. Match the columns.

1. to arrest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d a f h g e b c

a) com idade de b) priso domiciliar c) em vez disso d) prender e) promotor f) suprimento g) crime h) gangue

grannies = grandmothers = _____________________________. vovs

Vov traficante de drogas Drug trafficking grannies = ______________________________

2. aged 3. stash 4. ring

Agora traduza: Dying husband = _____________________________________. marido beira da morte

mundo em desenvolvimento Developing world = ___________________________________.

5. offence 6. prosecutor 7. house arrest 8. instead

II. Preencha as lacunas do 1. pargrafo do texto, conjugando respecti vamente os verbos TO FIND e TO OPERATE de forma correta.
finding a) ___________________________________________________.

IV. Turn into English. Elas foram presas acusadas de trfico de drogas.
They were arrested charged with drug trafficking. ________________________________________________________


have operated _______________________________________________________ have been operating _______________________________________________________




V. Crimes (offences) and criminals

VIII. Crimes and criminals (cont.)

theft burglars pickpockets shoplifter blackmailer thief

Complete the following sentences with words from the chart.

kidnap robberies bribe to murder hijacking manslaughter

Complete the following sentences with words from the chart.
bribe 1. The President was accused of ________________ and corruption.

shoplifter 1. The ____________________ claimed she had simply forgotten to pay when she left the store with a book.

murdered 2. An 18-year-old student was _________________________ by her jealous boyfriend.

Burglars 2. _____________________ broke into our office last night and took the computers.

3. The gang admitted that they had committed four recent bank
robberies ___________________.

Theft 3. _________________ is a crime in which something is stolen and thief the criminal is a __________________.

Kidnap 4. _______________________ is the crime of taking someone away by force and demanding money in exchange for releasing them.

pickpockets 4. Dont put your wallet in your back pocket; ________________ will steal it.

5. Two businessmen were taken hostage by terrorists while traveling in the Middle East. The same terrorists were responsible for the
hijacking _______________________of a passenger plane earlier this year. manslaughter 6. The driver was convicted of __________________________ after his car left the road and hit three young people.

blackmailer 5. The ___________________ said he would send the photos to Mr. Kepps wife unless he was paid one million dollars.

VI. Turn into Portuguese. Its thought that the women have been operating...
Pensa-se (acredita-se) que as mulheres estejam dirigindo (administrando) ...

1. Em qual das alternativas o termo charge tem o mesmo sentido do texto? a) The boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. b) She is charged with driving without due care and attention. c) How much does she charge for a haircut? d) Who will be in charge of the department when Ann leaves? e) The shop fixed my watch free of charge.
RESOLUO: Resposta: B

VII. Match the expressions with their synonyms definitions. 1. raided 2. bedridden 3. taken into preventative custody 4. frail ( b ) ( d ) ( a ) ( c )

2. According to the text, a) police have given up arresting the two women because they are too old. b) even being so elderly, the two women were addicted to cocaine. c) both women are unhealthy. d) one of the women is in hospital. e) the women themselves sold the drugs.
RESOLUO: Resposta: C

a) placed and kept under arrest in a special secure place so they can no longer commit crimes. b) suddenly entered and searched. c) weak, fragile. d) unable to get out of bed because of poor health and/or physical weakness.

3. a) c) e)

Instead, underlined in the last paragraph, is closest in meaning to: yet b) in no time asap d) as an alternative no matter what

RESOLUO: Resposta: D




Greenland has been marking a step towards independence from Denmark, its ruler for 300 years. Ceremonies have been taking place to mark the start of selfrule, approved by voters in a referendum last year. Queen Margarethe of Denmark and the prime minister made the long trip from Copenhagen to attend the ceremonies in the capital, Nuuk. Cannons were fired out to sea after the raising of Greenland's simple red and white national flag. Self-rule will mean Greenlanders earn more from the riches lying under their melting ice fields and surrounding ocean, including oil, gas, minerals and precious stones, but the large subsidies provided by Denmark are expected to be reduced. The newly elected Prime Minister, Jakob Kuupik Kleist, said self-rule was an important achievement for a small community. Greenland, he said, was now accepted as a nation alongside others. The local government will take on responsibility for policing and justice and the Inuit Greenlandic becomes the official language, but Denmark keeps control over defence, foreign and monetary policy.
Sean Fanning, BBC



I. Match the columns.


2. Emperors and dictators rule their countries.

controlam, governam * rule = _____________________________________________

1. step 2. to mark 3. to take place 4. trip 5. cannon 6. flag 7. melting 8. surrounding 9. stone 10.newly 11.achievement 12.alongside 13.to take on 14.foreign

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

h m e b k d j l n a f g i c

a) recm b) viagem c) externa d) bandeira e) ocorrer f) feito, realizao, progresso g) ao lado de 5. She ruled two red lines under the title. h) passo i) assumir j) que se derretem k) canho l) circundante m) marcar, estabelecer n) pedra IV. TO ATTEND is a false friend and means ______________
assistir, estar presente a traou * ruled = ____________________________________________

3. The country was without a ruler when the king died.

governante * ruler = ____________________________________________

4. The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.

decidiu * ruled = ____________________________________________

6. A ruler is used for measuring things or drawing straight lines.

rgua * ruler = ____________________________________________


TOWARD(S) to attend

Translate the underlined expressions. 1. She stood up and walked towards him. *
em direo a towards = in the direction of = ________________________

classes a meeting a ceremony

1. How would you say atender o telefone in English?

to answer the phone

2. Theyve always been very friendly towards me. and desligar o telefone? *
em relao a towards = in relation = ______________________________ to hang up the phone

3. My steak was rather burnt towards the edges. *

perto de towards = near to = _________________________________

Dane 2. A person who is born in Denmark is a ____________ and speaks Danish ________________.

4. Would you like to make a contribution towards a present for Cindy? *

= com o propsito de, para towards = for the purpose of __________________________

V. Look at the different meanings of TO FIRE and translate them. 1. The ambassador denied that any missiles had been fired across the border.
disparados fired = _____________________________________________

III. RULE - RULER Translate the underlined expressions.

2. She was fired after she was discovered stealing from the company. 1. A referee must know all the rules of the game.
regras * rules = __________________________________________ demitida fired = ______________________________________________ INGLS B


VI. Complete the following sentences with: TO RAISE or TO RISE

IX. Turn into English:

a Espera-se que o novo chefe chegue na 2. feira.

1. I had ________________________ my voice in order to be heard. to raise

The new boss is expected to arrive on Monday.

rose 2. She _________________________ from her chair to welcome us.

raise 3. I want to start my own business if I can ____________ the capital.

rising 4. Inflation is __________________________ by 1% a month.

X. Complete the following sentences with: POLICE or POLICY

raised 5. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _____________ by her grandparents.

police 1. The ___________ are investigating fraud allegations against him.

raises 6. The farmer _____________________ chickens and pigs.

policy 2. You should check if your __________________ covers flooding.

VII. TO MEAN Translate. 1. Do you know what this word means? *

significar to mean = ________________________________________.

police 3. There should be more _____________ patrolling the area on foot.

policy 4. Whats your partys _______________ on immigration?

2. Do you understand what I mean? *

querer dizer to mean = ________________________________________.

XI. Match the following expressions with their meanings. 1. self-rule 2. riches 3. subsidies provided 4. policing and justice 5. keeps control over a) b) c) d) e) ( d ) ( a ) ( e ) ( b ) ( c )



= to be in or move into a horizontal

deitar, jazer, repousar, ficar, situar-se position = _______________________________________________

mentir TO LIE, LIED, LIED = to speak fakely = ____________________

valuable natural resources maintaining law and order still decides upon and regulates autonomy additional money given

Now, complete the sentences with the verbs above.

to lie 1. I used _________________ about my age but now I dont bother.

1. De acordo com o texto, a) a rainha Margarethe da Dinamarca e o primeiro-ministro da Groenlndia assistiram s festividades pela independncia do territrio. b) a Groenlndia ser um pas totalmente independente da Dinamarca em um futuro prximo. c) os ricos ganham muito na Groenlndia com a explorao de recursos minerais. d) a Dinamarca continuar responsvel pela poltica externa da Groenlndia. e) a Dinamarca manter o mesmo nvel de ajuda econmica Groenlndia, aps sua emancipao.
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

to lie 2. The cat loves ______________________ in front of the fire.

lies 3. Seattle _________ on the route from Vancouver to San Francisco.

lay 4. He _________________ down on the bed and cried.

lied 5. He _______________ about his qualifications to get the job. INGLS B lying 6. She was ___________________ asleep on the sand.




Researchers in Australia have found that tall people earn higher wages than their shorter counterparts. They also found that chubby people earn more than those who are skinny. The long and short of this Australian report is that tall workers earn significantly more than their vertically challenged counterparts. A six foot man can expect a windfall of almost $750 a year. The researchers found there were practical reasons why the size gap translated into a pay gap. Tall people were sometimes more capable of performing certain physical tasks, like reaching high shelves. But the discrepancy is explained mainly by discrimination, the simple fact that society tends to look on tall people as more powerful and smarter, ____________ when theyre not. The study from the Australian National University also found that slimmer workers tend to get slimmer pay packets. Fat men earn 5% more than their slender colleagues.
Nick Bryant, BBC News, Sydney

I. Translate the title of the text.

Pessoas altas ganham mais.

III. Match the following words and/or expressions with their meanings according to the text. 1. 2. the long and short of vertically challenged counterpart windfall tend to get slimmer pay packets slender ( ( ( ( ( (
f d c

) ) )

II. Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B. A 1. researcher 2. to find 3. chubby 4. skinny 5. gap 6. capable 7. mainly 8. smarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c h e a f d b g B

3. 4.

e ) b a

a) slim b) mostly c) surveyor d) able e) fat f) difference g) cleverer h) to realize a) b) c) d) e) f) slim, thin. usually earn less money. someone who is similar to you but different in a particular way. short. money that you win or receive unexpectedly. a commonly used expression said when you want to explain the general situation without giving details.

5. 6.

) )


IV. Complete the following sentences with win, earn or gain:

look on 5. Ive lived there so long I ______________ the town as my home. gained 1. He has ________________ five pounds in weight over Christmas. look like 6. The twins _________________________ their mother. won 2. In 1801 Nelson fought and __________ the battle of Copenhagen. look into 7. Ive offered to ________________________ the problem for him. earns 3. He ______________ a living as a car mechanic. looking for 8. Hes been ___________________________ a job for five months. gaining 4. You know when you are ________________ altitude because you begin to feel sleepy.

VI. Translate the following excerpts fom the text. 1. A six foot man can expect a windfall of almost $ 750 a year.
Um homem de seis ps de altura pode ter um ganho inesperado de 750

earn 5. How much do you ____________, if you dontt mind me asking?

win 6. If this government ____________ the next election Im leaving the country.

dlares por ano.

V. Phrasal Verbs. Translate:

tomar conta de after = take care of = ______________________

2. Tall people were sometimes more capable of performing certain physical tasks, like reaching high shelves.
As pessoas altas eram, s vezes, mais capazes de realizar certas tarefas fsicas, tais como alcanar prateleiras altas.


= search

procurar = _____________________

esperar (ansiosamente) forward to = expect = ______________________ investigar into = investigate =_____________________

parecer like = resemble = ________________ ______


= regard

considerar = ______________________

1. De acordo com o texto, a) pessoas mais magras ganham mais do que pessoas mais gordas. b) no h explicaes para o fato de as pessoas mais altas ganharem mais. c) as pessoas mais altas so sempre mais espertas. d) a sociedade considera as pessoas mais altas como mais poderosas. e) a sociedade australiana extremamente discriminatria em relao s pessoas gordas.
RESOLUO: Resposta: D

tomar cuidado________ out = be careful = ______________


procurar = search for = _____________________

Now, complete the following sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
Look out 1. ____________________________! Theres a car coming.

looked up 2. She _________________________ the spelling in the dictionary.

looks after 3. Her husband ___________________ the baby while she is at work.

2. a) c) e)

A palavra que falta no terceiro pargrafo do texto : because b) as soon as even d) however due to

looking forward to 4. The children are ____________________________ the holidays.

RESOLUO: Resposta: C



The role of women in Spanish society has changed fast since the country became a democracy after General Franco died in 1975. He had swept away liberal reforms introduced in the 1930s, when Spain was a republic. For women specifically, these included a benevolent divorce law and certain property rights. In the 1930s many women played a big part on the left, often fighting side by side with men in the pro-Republic militias during the 193639 civil war. But after it the new regime, for the most part applauded by the church, put them back in the home as wives and mothers, with divorce forbidden and working outside frowned on. Change began in the 1960s when Spain opened up to tourists. Faced with competition from sexually liberated north Europeans, Spanish women declared war on them, on men and on their elders, in the words of Lucia Graves, author of A Woman Unknown, which recounts her life as an Englishwoman married to a Spaniard at the time. That aggressive self-assertion continues. Not wholly successfully. At universities, women students now outnumber men. A typical couple has one or two children these days, a far cry from the days when families of eight or ten were common. But Spanish women still face the problems of their sisters in northern Europe. Their progress at work is often blocked, their pay often lower than mens.
The Economist

1. According to the passage, since 1975 a) the role of left-wing Spanish women has changed quite fast. b) the new regime has faced problems when bringing about changes in the role of Spanish women. c) there have been changes in the role of Spanish women. d) Spanish women have played an important part in the governments adoption of reformist policies. e) many Spanish women have assumed the role of social reformers. 2. The passage states that a) most of the liberal reforms introduced in the 1930s were approved by the church. b) liberal reforms introduced when Spain was a republic were abolished under Francos regime. c) many Spanish women fought in the pro-Republic militias in the early 1930s. d) all liberal reforms introduced when Spain was a republic benefited women. e) Spanish women obtained a benevolent divorce law and certain property rights after Franco died. 3. a) b) c) d) e) The passage tells us that after the civil war divorced women were not allowed to work outside. the church prohibited wives and mothers from working outside. most women continued to fight for liberal reforms. many women were unwilling to work outside. Spain was under a regime that no longer allowed divorce.

b) Spanish women rebelled against north European tourists who married Spaniards in the nineteen sixties. c) Tourists started visiting Spain in the nineteen sixties, after the country underwent changes. d) For Spanish women, the arrival of sexually liberated north Europeans in the 1960s was most unwelcome. e) In the 1960s, sexually liberated Spanish women had to compete with their north European counterparts.

5. The passage tells us that Lucia Graves a) portrays what her own life was like in the nineteen sixties in A Woman Unknown. b) wrote a book about the problems she faced after marrying a Spaniard. c) depicts the war declared by Spanish women before Spain opened up to tourists in her book. d) recounts the life of Spanish women after the civil war in A Woman Unknown. e) was a very aggressive English writer married to a Spaniard.



4. Which of these statements is true according to the passage? a) Although tourists helped Spain to develop in the 1960s, Spanish women declared war on them.

6. Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the situation in Spain now, according to the passage? a) A family of eight is quite unusual. b) Female workers are seldom paid higher wages than male ones. c) Despite their gains, Spanish women have not achieved total success. d) There are roughly equal numbers of male and female students at universities. e) Spanish women are quite self-assertive.

AIDS Spreading in CIS Virtually Unchecked 1. GENEVA (Reuters) The HIV/AIDS epidemic has exploded in Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States, posing the greatest health threat to youth in the region, the United Nations said on Wednesday. In a report, the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned that the killer disease was spreading "virtually unchecked" into the wider population through heterosexual contact with injecting drug users. 2. Russia and Ukraine account for nine-tenths of the estimated one million HIV/AIDS cases in the 27 transition countries, according to UNICEF's Social Monitor 2002. The figure, through 2001, compares to 700,000 a year earlier and 420,000 in 1998. 3. "HIV is spreading at a faster rate in some countries in the region than in any other part of the world," UNICEF said. "The HIV epidemic is the biggest threat to young people's health in the region...There is also little evidence that public interventions to halt the spread of HIV in the hardest hit countries have been sufficiently effective." 4. Estonia has the region's highest rate of new HIV infections, with more than one in every 1,000 people infected in 2001 almost 20 times the average rate in the European Union, according to the report produced by UNICEF's Innocenti Research Center in Florence, Italy. 5. In the CIS countries, a quarter of all officially registered infections between 1997 and 2000 were among women, suggesting increasing heterosexual transmission, it said. But awareness of the need to use condoms to prevent transmission remains poor in the region, where both the number of sex workers and injecting drug users is growing, it said.
7. Which of the following statements is incorrect? a) The transition countries report an estimated one million HIV/AIDS cases. b) One fourth of infections reported between 1997 and 2000 in Commonwealth of Independent States were among women. c) Injecting drug users are one of the reasons for HIV/AIDS transmission. d) In Commonwealth of Independent States countries heterosexuals are the cause of all officially registered infections. e) More than one in every 1000 people in Estonia are infected with HIV/AIDS. c) of every 1000 people infected with HIV/AIDS in 2001, one is from Estonia. d) twenty times more people are infected with HIV/AIDS in the European Union than in Estonia. e) one quarter of all women infected with HIV/AIDS between 1997 and 2000 were heterosexuals. 10. "20 times" in paragraph 4 refers to: a) the average number of times European citizens must be exposed to HIV before they become infected. b) the rate of HIV infection in the European Union, which is twenty times that of Estonia. c) the fact that if one out of every 1000 people are infected with HIV in Estonia, then twenty out of every 1000 are infected in the European Union. d) the rate of new HIV infections in Estonia compared to that of the European Union. e) the number of HIV infections per 1000 people in Europe, especially Italy. 11. Which of these areas has been least affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in recent years? a) The Ukraine. b) The Commonwealth of Independent States. c) The European Union. d) Eastern Europe. e) Estonia.

8. Which of the following is not stated as a reason for HIV/AIDS infection in Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States? a) A growing number of sex workers. b) Heterosexual contact with injecting drug users. c) Insufficiently effective public intervention. d) A low awareness of the need to use condoms. e) The growing number of poor people in the region.

9. According to the information in the article, a) nine out of ten HIV/AIDS cases in the transition countries are in Russia and Ukraine. b) in 2001 there were 700,000 HIV/AIDS cases in the transition countries.



Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes de 12 a 14.

Everyones an Expert

Bored with the usual encyclopedias? Then start writing your own
Putting information into the hands of the people was among the original, lofty aims of the Internet easy to forget amid the forests of e-boutiques and subscription only sites. But an online encyclopedia where all entries are written, maintained and vetted by Web surfers themselves is trying to recapture those early democratic ideals. Called Wikipedia.org (wiki means superfast in Hawaiian and is also the name of the collaborative software upon which the site is built), the encyclopedia features more than 700,000 hypertexted articles on everything from Anthrax (band) to Zeppelin. Thats more listings than Britannica.com, Encarta.com and Encyclopedia.com combined. My dream has been to put a free comprehensive encyclopedia at everybodys fingertips, says 37-year-old founder Jimmy Wales, who spends up to 12 unpaid hours a day maintaining the site. Its my obsession. It has also become the obsession of thousands of others who contribute entries and programming time for free. The concept is as simple as it is ambitious: anybody can create or edit the articles, and the system relies on masses of users to catch mistakes and thus ensure the information is correct, comprehensive and up-to-date.

12. Segundo o texto, a) Wiki o nome de um dos criadores e colaboradores do site. b) o controle de qualidade das enciclopdias virtuais feito pelas provedoras. c) a enciclopdia Wikipedia.org est equiparada s enciclopdias Britannia.com e Encarta.com. d) Jimmy Wales publicou um artigo interessante sobre o p qumico Anthrax. e) o sonho de Jimmy Wales era lanar uma enciclopdia gratuita e abrangente ao alcance de todos. 13. De acordo com o texto, Jimmy Wales gasta diariamente, com a manuteno do site, a) b) c) d) e) at 12 horas bem remuneradas. mais de 12 horas bem remuneradas. mais de 12 horas mal remuneradas. at 12 horas no remuneradas. mais de 12 horas no remuneradas.

14. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta trs preposies empregadas no texto. a) from to which b) at also for c) among amid upon d) up and for e) into an also

1) Resposta: C 4) Resposta: D 7) Resposta: D

2) Resposta: B 5) Resposta: A 8) Resposta: E

3) Resposta: E 6) Resposta: D 9) Resposta: A

10) Resposta: D 13) Resposta: D

11) Resposta: C 14) Resposta: C

12) Resposta: E



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