Soal-Soal Bahasa Inggris Listening

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Listen to the story and choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer

Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like a duckbill. Platypus is a native Tasmania in southern and eastern Australia. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick, and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light. Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams or river banks. It is blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

1. What is Platypus?
a. b. c. d. A native animal from Indonesia A cute animal living in sea A native animal from Tasmania A native animal from Italy

2. Platypus also known as... a. Duckill b. Duckbill c. Ducktail d. Duck 3. What is platypuss feet and tail looked like? a. Webbed and flat b. Round and flat c. Oval and flat d. Round and oval 4. What is bill used for? a. To chew the food b. To kill the prey c. Detecting prey and stirring up mud d. Stirring up mud

5. Where did the platypus lived? a. streams, rivers, and lakes b. Rivers, streams, sea c. Streams, rivers, sand d. Streams, rives, jungle 6. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound... (par 2) The word it refers to... a. The prey b. The bill c. The platypus d. Platypuss feet 7. It is blocked with soil to protect.... (par 3) The word it refers to... a. The platypus b. The bill c. The burrow d. The rivers

B. Listen to the story and decide whether these statement are true (T) or false (F)

History of Halloween
Halloween has its origins in the ancient Samhain festival celebrated by the Celts to signify the end of summer. Many of todays Halloween customs can be traced back to Celtic times. Halloween is also known as All Saints Day. The Roman Catholic Church created this name to celebrate saints without their own specific days during the rest of the year. European Halloween Customs Bonfires are often lit in Ireland on October 31st. This tradition dates back to the Celts, who used fire to ward off evil spirits. The Celts also dressed in animal skins on Halloween, and believed that the dead returned to earth disguised as various creatures. One of these creatures was a black cat, which remains a familiar symbol of Halloween. Apples also have strong ties to Halloween. Some believe the fruit can be used to predict future partners. Another Halloween custom involves bobbing for apples in water. In Scotland this is referred to as dooking. Jack o Lanterns are a familiar people at Halloween. There are several theories about where they originate from. An 18th century Irish folk tale features a character called Jack, who is refused entry to both heaven and hell upon his death. The Devil shows him pity and presents Jack with a lump of coal. Jack then places the coal inside a hollowed out turnip, lights it and uses to illuminate his path.

Other explanations include references to the will o the wisp phenomena, when peculiar lights are seen to form over peat bogs. Night watchmen were sometimes referred to as Jack o Lanterns, providing yet another possible origin for todays pumpkin carving. Halloween in America Halloween did not become a major festival in America until the early 19th century, when it was popularised by the huge number of Irish immigrants arriving. Nowadays it is the second largest festival in the country, after Christmas. European customs such as trick or treating and wearing fancy dress are widespread. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Halloween be held on early summer by the celts ( F ) The Roman Catholic church uses a fire to ward off evil spirits ( F ) Appels used for predict future couple ( T ) Lanterns Jack o are a familiar peolpe when Halloween ( T ) Jack was accepted in heaven after he dead ( F ) Halloween famouse in america at begining 19th century ( F ) Immigrants from irlandia introduce Halloween to america ( T )

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