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Part 1 - Top Reasons you will NEVER achieve your Desires, Dreams or Destiny.

By Dominik Reza Zaerin

This article originates from a life of struggle and rebellion, from a healed place of great pain and sorrow. I allow myself to write what I write, say what I say, not to be the Great Guru who has all the answers, or to insinuate any form of superiority or self-righteousness... no that is not what I am about or what this article is about. This article could only have been created because I have spent many, many years seeking and striving and battling Demons both within and without. I have been on a quest to seek liberation and universal principles that lead to truth. It is my unwavering belief that we are currently in the Age of Ignorance (Kali/Iron) and that in order for us all to heal both individually and collectively, we must confront issues that are rarely if ever addressed and my intention is to confront in order to encourage healing.

Illusionary Fears of Judgement, Rejection & Failure

I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying. Tom Hopkins When an individual requires others to make them feel happy, accepted, worthy or valued then you are by definition completely dependant on an external source for your happiness. It is an awful waste of time considering the opinion of others as more important then your own for there will always be an abundance of opinions, remarks, witty suggestions, smart ass provocations even cunning sabotage. People will always try and influence each others state of being, it is natural for others to want to chip in or add their valuable statements, even if you didnt ask for it. Listen, all I am saying is that no matter what you do; from starting a new hobby or to finally getting a sex change you will never have the true freedom or liberty if you are swayed or dictated by the externalized thoughts and words of others and through this you will always remain in bondage to the illusionary expectations of the other, or the collective. If you really want to do something, change something, pursue something first transcend your fear of externalized opinion even if your father always told you to become a doctor but youd rather live out your days sweeping the streets listening to music perhaps this is more fulfilling to your Soul, more beautiful to you? Take heart, seize your destiny by radiating your truest self from within outward to the world nothing can stop you once you do.

Not becoming whole, failing to integrate the facets of Self

In the wild struggle for existence, we want to have something that endures, and so we fill our minds with rubbish and facts, in the silly hope of keeping our place. - Oscar Wilde Those who consciousness is unified abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace. But those whose desires are fragmented, who are selfishly attached to the results of their work, are bound in everything they do. - Bhagavad Gita According to Yogi Bhajan, a Master of Kundalini Yoga we have 10 bodies. Here is a list of them all: Soul Body, Negative Body, Positive Mind, Neutral (meditative) Mind, Physical Body, Arcline, Aura, Pranic body, Subtle Body and the Radiant Body. Now to the average Westerner even going as far as saying we are a triune being of Body, mind and Spirit is slightly out there; but when we start talking of the 10 bodies, many people will just stare at you and call you a Nutter! Listen, I am not here to convert you to a religion, a cult or an ideology, but I am simply sharing powerful esoteric information that has been passed on for thousands of years through a very exclusive teaching. We are entering a New Age, where Knowledge is no longer coveted and it is now up to you to decide what truth is and what is not. Let me put it real simple when we harmonise and integrate and unify our various bodies, we literally become Whole, and we can function and experience deeper and more blissful levels of union and connection. When all of our bodies work together for a single outcome, and we are in a state of flow in the moment, we are really touching on something special and this is what it means to be really human. Not simply working from the Brain or Logical Mind, but the entire Manifest Being! He who works with his hands is a labourer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist. - St. Francis of Assisi Consciously choose a way of life where all of your bodies are honoured, grown and activated. Choose a job that nourishes both your mind and heart and feels like a glorious obsession. Give your Pranic Body the time it deserves, breathe in deeply and energise the entire system. Develop your radiant body, so that your can lead and nurture with royal courage and shine your magnificent light out into the world and into others eyes! Open your life to more than just Body and Brain a reptilian psycho-material existence You are a Man! You are a glorious Creation of great magnitude, depth and light.

Inferior Health and Sins against the Manifest God

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. - Thomas Jefferson There is a reason why Leonardo Da Vinci drew what he drew; there is a reason why Cabbalists study the Tree of Life for an entire lifetime; there is a reason why Yogis spend a lifetime studying their bodies. And yes, there are reasons why you are not told about it or why we dont learn this secret society stuff because it makes you very, very powerful and therefore dangerous. An externalized Sky God or a great punishing father deity is far more appealing when it comes to dogmatizing a population, and this is how you control the people and keep them weak. To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. - Buddha Please be aware, I do not pretend to be a Master of this, but I am a very passionate student (and this will continue for my entire life) so I am not saying I know all this stuff yet. But what I can tell you is that every mystery tradition, every elite cabal and every initiatory creed always, always begin and return to the Body. The Manifest God walking the Earth, is, in fact you. You, I and every Sentient Incarnation that can manifest Will and spiritual impulses and manifest it into objective reality is an extension of the God force, the creative principle. All the Teachers of the Ages reminded us of the Body Temple, and the indwelling Spirit inhabiting it, reminding us that there is no separation. People pray and wail for health, success even heaven yet all the while abuse their Temple by drinking Alcohol or eating poisonous food. The pray method is delusional if your actions are in direct opposition to your pray. The sins against your own health and potential are sins against the living god dwelling within you. If you are ill and diseased, do not expect Grace or Power. I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me - spiritually and financially.

- Denzel Washington

Ignorance of the Internal Arts, Meditation & Magick

Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. -Tom Robbins If you dont go within, you go without. If you dont find peace within, you will never find it in the world. You wont find the answers in scripture, stone temples or by spending money on selfdevelopment books. Your psychic powers and alchemical elixirs are all within you. The mystic feels and knows far, far more than any Scholar or Scientist could ever quantify or record. The Magician embraces and uses powers, both within and in nature he doesnt question them. Sadly, when it comes to discussing or even sharing these subjects, I am usually confronted with either fear, repulsion or the belief that I am in some way evil. If you speak to Religious people will say it is Satanic or wrong. If you talk to a Scientific Scholar he will say it is hogwash. Let me paint a far more positive and empowering picture of these hidden arts, so that you can liberate yourself from dogma and doctrine and actually start applying principles that have worked ever since the light within man awoke. Ignorant people, indoctrinated people will say all forms of aestheticism, solitude, ritual magick, trance states, psychedelic potions or even meditation is the work of the devil or some other inane and pathetic remark. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. It really is that simple, harness the mind and super charge your body with intense emotion conviction. The dictionary definition of magic given in the dictionary is; The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. Well, I ask you when you think about the nature or the location of your mind where is it? When you experience an emotion can you objectively record it? If I cut you in half, could I locate your confidence, your fears or your memories? Yet we do not question it we do not call the mind supernatural how ridiculous to assume that only because we do not see something or cannot prove it invalidates it or makes it not real. Aleister Crowley defines Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. Even Jeshua Bin Joseph spoke of magic in Matthew 21:21; "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. Practicing magic doesnt make you bad or good, it just transforms you into a very powerful and independent individual.

In closing
What have we really discussed here in this article? Simple, simple stuff! The power of Knowing Thyself, the power of awakening the Inner Guru the courage to embrace your Deepest Genius the simple truth of going WITHIN rather than greedily slurping down intellectualized, chaotic information in the search for the truth, your truth and a lasting happiness. Your ignorance and weakness and separation make you a good consumer and a very good candidate for manipulation and exploitation. If you really, truly sought answers and powers within yourself, as much as you do externally not only would you almost definitely achieve your desires, dreams and destiny you will also become a far more attractive, peaceful and centred individual that attracts what she wishes rather than chasing it like a chicken. Please, on a closing note if this post has agitated you or made you think of ME (the author) you are missing the point. I am not trying to convince you, convert you, manipulate you you dont even have to agree with me! But please notice that I am not selling you anything or telling you to buy anything simply to sit with yourself and find something nobody can take away from you, and that nobody can ever put into words or pictures. Peace and Blessings be upon you. I hope you will read part 2 Dominik Reza Zaerin Dominik Reza Zaerin is a Level 1 POWER Principles Coach at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios in London where he applies his skills as a Holistic Health Coach, Kinetic Chain Specialist, and Ku Nye Tibetan Massage & Sports Massage Therapist to help his clients re-invent themselves fast. His lifelong passion for Holistic Health, Spirituality, Nature & Human Potential has lead him to learn and study alongside many great Teachers. Dominik is currently pursuing formal studies in Coaching, Yoga, Eastern Medicine & the Sacred Sciences. He regularly runs health retreats in the Austrian Mountains.

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