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Facilities Report to the Broad of Library Trustees

September, October and November 2012


All preventive maintenance was completed for the months of September, October and November. One of the main first floor windows in the old Business, Science and Technology broke during the late evening on Monday, October 30. In reviewing the cameras, no one was responsible. The Citywide elevator contract has been awarded by the Department of General Services and now DC Public Library is able to ride the contract, with a task order as of November 7, 2012. All elevators at MLKML and Neighborhood Libraries are in working order. Facilitys contractor is waiting for parts to be delivered to start work on the replacement of bearings in air handle unit number 2. This will make the air supply to the center of the building much better once the work is completed. Facilities Management continues to provide setups and special coverage for all weekends and routine events that occur in the Great Hall and all the meeting rooms. There was a great deal of high profile performances during these three months. Facilities will be bringing an electrical contractor back to repair the remaining light fixtures s in the reading rooms on the second floor. All the lights were replaced, but some additional lights are out again. Facilities have turned on the GSA supplied steam to MLKML, so we are now in complete winter operations. The paint staff completed repairs and repainting of the large display cases for the Great Hall. On November 10, MLKML experienced a very large sewer backup that closed all the women restrooms on the southeast side of the building. The plumbing contractor worked Saturday and Sunday. Facilities completed a major make-over of the custodial mens and womens locker rooms located on A level at MLKML. These are the first changes of to these spaces since the Library first opened.

All preventive maintenance on all equipment was completed for the months of September, October and November. Facility staff completed the remaining work needed to open Rosedale Library on time, including all door locks, wall board and the installation of two (2) clocks. Facilities Management is hoping to get several large projects completed before the start of the cooling season, with the help of Capital Projects. These projects are drainage and foundation repairs at Takoma Park, chiller replacement at Benning, cooling tower replacement at Chevy Chase and a new roof top A/C unit for Palisades. Stormwater Management Company will be the company used to handle all storm water projects at all the LEED libraries in Fiscal Year 2013. The new janitorial cleaning contract will go into effect on December 1, 2012 and provide six (6) day cleaning under the new contract. Facilities HVAC contractor has removed the boiler from Northeast Library, as it will be used at Takoma Park.

Document #9C.1 Board of Library Trustees Meeting November 28, 2012

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