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1. Where and when did you complete this reading?

Why did you choose this time and place? What works well about it? What doesnt?

I complete this reading on Sunday night at my home because I went to New York City during weekend and all works accumulated on Sunday night. Overall, it worked well because I thought I have finished very fast than others.

2. Think about the complexities in the reading process. The texts states that reading difficulties may be the result of inadequate vocabulary, problems in perception, ignorance of contextual cues that aid in the reading process, lack of familiarity with stylistic ordering, interference from the emotional bias of the material, or combinations of these. Think about your own reading process as a first-semester college student. Have you ever been given class material written in a dialect other than Edited American English? What do you do with readings that are difficult for you?

I have the same experience that I have been given class material written in a dialect other than edited American English. And I think most students who are not native speaker would do that. Sometimes when I face a very long difficult sentence or passage that I do not understand, I would make the long sentence into several small piece and then try to figure out the meaning or I would find out the words that I was not familiar with and figure out the meaning according to the near by sentences.

3. In your own words, write out your understanding of what these authors are saying about the relationship between dialect and reading and dialect and writing. Your response should be in two parts. Be sure to include any questions you have about these two points the authors are making.

The relationship between dialect and reading is a deeply comprehensive into your own dialect.

4. The section on Language Variety and Educational Policy and Practice touches on issues of social status and dialect, grammar handbooks, the differences between grammar handbook rules and how we actually speak, and how we need to look at handbooks within a particular frame of reference. Spend some time writing about any one of these topics and what it makes you think about. Consider some rules of writing that you have been told to believe are absolute. Think about whether or not you

believe that deviation from the kind of writing advocated by grammar handbooks does or does not interfere with meaning.

Before I got into university in US, I also care about my grammar in my writing and my English teacher also correct my grammar only, however, I studied in English language training institute after I came to the US, I realized teacher are mostly care about my thinking in my reading instead of correcting grammar errors. Sometimes they would correct some important errors. Right now, I think thinking is most important than grammar because people would understand even if made mistakes in grammar.

5. Finally, what do you want to explore further in class discussion?

When we hear the dialect from another person, do we have to correct them or just keep their dialect?

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