The Y@ Pack Sponsorship Proposal

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New Orleans Delegation to SXSW Sponsorship Proposal

Prepared by:
Net2NO Digital Media Organization

January 28, 2009

The New Orleans & Louisiana Delegation Trip to SXSW to Promote Digital Media

I. Overview

One day in the near future, as a new, burgeoning digital media community takes
its place alongside Louisiana’s Film industry, we will look back look back at the
seminal developments that paved the path to growth. Before us stands an
opportunity to place an important stepping stone on that pathway, as Louisiana
sends a delegation of tech-savvy ambassadors to technology and media’s most
notable conference to introduce itself as the industry’s market to watch.

The South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference convenes March 13-18

in Austin, Texas, attracting industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, observers
and media to discuss and demonstrate trends driving the dynamic markets our
region aspires to influence. The insights shared at this event often drive
discussion and activity in digital media for the year to follow. This year, the Net2
Technology Meetup Group of New Orleans aims to inject an unanticipated thread
into the discussion.

The Y@ Pack is an informal confederation of enthusiasts who gather to share

insights on a variety of digital media topics in cities around the country. The
group began as the New Orleans’ Net Squared chapter, formed only six months
ago, at the same time as chapters in markets more commonly associated with
technology, like Atlanta, GA and SXSW’s own host city of Austin. Yet, New
Orleans’ chapter has grown at twice the rate and has already generated
participation on a regional level, prompting the evolution into a locally owned
non-profit organization. The group has facilitated an impressive array of speaker
presentations, and, more importantly, developed enthusiasm and a shared sense
of purpose that is often verbalized and appreciated by those who have long
considered themselves nomads in a technology desert. Each monthly meeting
brings new members and substantive discussion. The energy that is galvanizing
is palpable, and SXSW offers an ideal opportunity to demonstrate both the style
and substance of “Digital Media, Louisiana Style.”

The SXSW Music and Media conference has established traditions beyond
talking business. In the festival’s own words: “It features a legendary festival
showcasing more than 1,800 musical acts of all genres from around the globe on
over eighty stages in downtown Austin. By day, the Austin Convention Center
comes alive with conference registrants doing business in the Trade Show and
partaking of a full agenda of informative, provocative panel discussions featuring

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hundreds of speakers of international stature.” By night, music takes center stage
as parties rage at venues dotting the city’s landscape.

The recipe that SXSW has followed to attain its legendary status is comprised of
ingredients our region offers in plentiful supply, and of a quality unsurpassed

• Music
• Film
• Arts
• Media
• And of course, parties.

This combination of elements, together with the x-factor of technology, has

helped to propel Austin itself into an elite technology and music market. With
technology now irrevocably intertwined with Music, Film, Arts and Media, our
region must follow the example of SXSW and assert its resources to gain
position as a Digital Media hotbed.

This proposal outlines an ambassadorial mission to the SXSW Conference to

promote our region and its resources, and to communicate the progress we are
making in the area of Digital Media. This mission will also provide tangible
opportunities for our local businesses to generate awareness within the highly
sought-after market of SXSW attendees.

II. Project Description

The Y@ Pack’s primary objectives are:

• To provide educational & business opportunity to delegation members
• To provide a visible and cohesive message of tech readiness in Louisiana
• To support local business leaders participating in the SXSW conference

Provide Educational & Business Opportunity for Members

Members of the delegation will gain access and exposure to the industry’s
leaders. They will see presentations on technology, distribution, marketing, legal,

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and creative issues, and have access to, literally, an entire industry in a
concentrated environment. They can explore new business opportunities,
compare their findings with each other and approach people they may otherwise
never gain access to. They can leverage their status as the Louisiana delegation
as an entree to conversations with leaders from around the world who are
particularly interested in the future of New Orleans. It’s a unique and incredibly
concentrated opportunity to advance a group of our region’s Digital Media
leaders over the course of just a few days.

Expressing Tech Readiness of Louisiana

Y@ Pack will arrange for the transportation and lodging of 30 ambassadors to
Austin, and create promotional events to maximize exposure there. While at
SXSW, the group will strive to deliver consistent messaging and concrete
examples of the progress New Orleans is making in Digital Media. Members will
be visually identifiable as the Louisiana delegation and promote the sponsoring
companies and groups in various creative ways, including a branded bus wrap
touring the city, a New Orleans Rum party with live entertainment downtown, and
additional collateral pieces such as t-shirts, stickers and hand-outs. They will
stick together and seek to interact with as many attendees as possible to impress
upon people the cohesiveness of the mission and team. The group plans to
document its journey online and be generally omnipresent at SXSW venues. The
group has great confidence in its ability to draw attention, and then capitalize on
that attention to deliver the intended message.

Support Local Business Leaders

New Orleans entrepreneur Chris Schultz, CEO of Flatsourcing and Voodoo
Ventures, will speak on a SXSW panel on the topic of outsourcing. Team
members will promote Chris’ panel and attempt to generate maximum
attendance. Chris is sure to deliver multiple endorsements of New Orleans as a
viable business location for entrepreneurs.

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III. Sponsorship

As a sponsor of this effort, you will first and foremost be taking a role in the
progress of the city by supporting an innovative outreach and branding effort. In
return, you will get 30 very vocal brand anbassadors of different ages, industries
and interests, who share a common passion for innovation and the city. Together
we paint a diverse and rich tapestry of the creative community and the
opportunities that New Orleans offer; both professionally and culturally. We want
to shout our story. We want to recruit like minds to help the city thrive. We want
your support to help us make it happen. We have identified 3 sponsorship levels,
detailed below.

Presenting Sponsor $5,000 - $10,000

• Logo featured prominently on bus signage & banners
• Verbal recognition of sponsorship at New Orleans party on 3/16/09
• Featured company or organization profile on website
• Logo on e-newsletter sent to local professional database of several
• Logo on all collateral including t-shirts and postcards
• Distribution of company promotional materials at SXSW conference
booth to 13,500 attendees
• Access to database of names & emails we collect for attendees
interested in receiving more information about Digital Media in New
Orleans & Louisiana

Gold Sponsor $1,000 - $4,000

• Featured company profile on website
• Logo on e-newsletter sent to local professional database of several
• Logo on all collateral including t-shirts and postcards
• Exposure at conference booth to 13,500 attendees

Company Sponsor $250 - $500

• Exposure at conference booth to 13,500 attendees
• Individual sponsorship of member of delegation who will wear
promotional t-shirts and distribute promo material

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To sponsor this delegation, promote your organization, and help build digital
media in Louisiana, please contact:

Tiffany Starnes

Damien Lamanna

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IV Budget

The budget is subject to fundraising, we currently are forecasting being able to

raise $23,500 to cover the cost of the event.

Attendees 30
# of Days 5
Attendee Co-op 50%

Travel & Admission per day days unit cost per # per person total cost Co-op
Interactive Badge 375 1 375 11250 5625
Condo 390 5 1950 8 243.75 7312.5 3656.25
Bus 7175 50 143.5 4305 2152.5
762.25 22867.5 11433.75

Marketing Budget
t-shirts 2000
flyers 500
stickers 500
banners for bus 2000

Doublestand 10x20 1980

Venue 2400
Band 3000

Total Budget
Travel 11433.75
Marketing 5000
Tradeshow 1980
Party 5000

Trip Cost 381.125

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