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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................1 FORWARD ..........................................................................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................4 BUGANDA CULTURAL EXHIBITION AT A GLANCE .................................................................................................................5 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ..............................................................................................................................................7 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO LIGHTING...................................................................................................................................8 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO BRANDING ............................................................................................................................9 BRANDING, PUBLICITY AND INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................10 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO ROADS AND INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................................11 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO WATER SUPPLY .......................................................................................................................12 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO HYGIENE AND SANITATION.....................................................................................................13 HEALTH, SANITATION AND HYGIENE..................................................................................................................................14 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO TENTS AND SHADES FOR EXHIBITION .....................................................................................15 UGANDA TOURISM EXPO SECURITY ...................................................................................................................................16 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO MEDIA AND PUBLICITY ............................................................................................17 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO LIVE EXHIBITION......................................................................................................................18 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO CULTURE, CUSTOM AND PRACTICE ........................................................................................19 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO POPULATION ...........................................................................................................................20 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO WILDLIFE .................................................................................................................................21 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO DIGNITARIES ...........................................................................................................................22 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO ANCIENT ANTIQUE ..................................................................................................................23 BUGANDA TOURISM EXPO ENTERTAINMENT ....................................................................................................................24 FUTURE OUTLOOK/AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT ................................................................................................................25

The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism (PRESTO) was launched by His. Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in February 2012 in the United Kingdom. State House through the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism has weighed in to boost the tourism sector, make quick fixes and gains and leverage from Uganda being voted by Lonely Planet, an independent magazine owned by the BBC as the top tourism destination in the world for 2012. Ugandas tourism sector has increasingly become vibrant over the years largely because of a peaceful, stable and vibrant economy brought by the NRM Government under the visionary leadership of His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni that has made it possible for business to flourish. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism spearheaded by Ms. Grace Akello, Ag. Principal Private Secretary to His Excellency the President in order to catalyse the development of Ugandas tourism industry intends to organize and promote various exhibitions and events about tourism, culture, tradition and religion such as Martyrs Day on 3rd June. 'Uganda' (Swahili for 'Land of the Ganda') was the name used by the Arab and Swahili traders on the East African coast to refer to the kingdom of Buganda, deep in the interior of Africa. These traders first arrived in Buganda in the mid-nineteenth century in search of slaves, ivory, as well as other merchandise. When the European colonialists eventually extended their hegemony over Buganda and the surrounding territories at the end of the nineteenth century, they used the swahili term Uganda to refer to the new colony. Today, Uganda is made up of almost 40 different ethnic groups with the Baganda being the largest group at almost 20% of the total population. On a visit to the country, the late Winston Churchill was so taken by its beauty, he called it the "Pearl of Africa"; a fitting moniker that has stuck to this day. Buganda, like her neighbors, had a proud history of culture, beliefs, customs and traditions extending back centuries before the arrival of the Arabs and Europeans. In Buganda's case; the ruling dynasty of kings was established in the mid14th century AD. Unfortunately, the lack of a written history prior to the arrival of the Arabs and Europeans makes it difficult to establish important dates with precision. The first acknowledged king in this dynasty was called Kato Kintu. There has been a total of 36 kings from Kintu's time to the current king,His Magesty Kabaka Mutebi II. Buganda Cultural Expo endeavors to give the visitor a concise yet comprehensive look at the history, language and culture of the people of Buganda.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


Ms. Grace Akello the Principal Private Secretary to His Excellency the President and Chairperson of the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism appointed Ms. Naava C. Nabagesera Special Presidential Assistant Political Affairs as PRESTO Coordinator with the Second task of overseeing and leading the successful involvement of PRESTO in the Buganda tourism Expo event cognizant of the fact that it is critical for Ugandas image that the tourists coming to Buganda Tourism Expo experience only the best in terms of their reception, Security, comfort and services not forgetting a tourism touch to the whole experience. PRESTO in collaboration with key stakeholders including UNRA (Uganda National roads Authority), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water, UMEME, Uganda Scouts Association prioritized areas critical to the success of 2012 Buganda tourism Expo Celebrations

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


Tourism plays an important role in Ugandas economy. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in Uganda. It has grown over the years to become a major source of revenue and also has the potential to even become the economys backbone over the next few years. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism (PRESTO) launched by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in February 2012 came to boost the tourism sector, diversify tourist products, initiate and/or tap tourism promotion opportunities through organizing and promoting various exhibitions and events about tourism, culture, tradition and religion like Buganda Tourism Expo through the active participation of the private sector. In that vein Buganda Kingdom wrote an official invitation and request to PRESTO asking us to intervene, participate and boost the Expo and identified areas important for the success of the event and these included: Infrastructure especially access roads to the Expo grounds; Health and Sanitation facilities including toilets and watering places; Painting and beautification of the facilities, infrastructure; Construction of sheds; Provision of marquees for shelter and display points; Provision of screens and public address systems; information centers at all the entrances; and Provision of materials for decorations, branding and signage. Several partners in line with Security, Infrastructure, Health and Sanitation, Branding, Publicity and Information, Hospitality, and Protocol were put in place to ensure that Buganda Tourism Expo 2012 is a special one with high standards of hospitality, infrastructure, security, feeding, health, sanitation and hygiene. The PRESTO team worked very closely with already existing ministry of tourism of Buganda kingdom. We are very grateful to H.E The President for spearheading the involvement of PRESTO in the Buganda Tourism Expo 2012 Celebrations. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism in a special way recognizes and extends its gratitude to the Government Ministries and Agencies, the Private Sector and the General Public for making this Buganda Tourism Expo, a very successful and memorable event. It is therefore my pleasure to invite you to read this report and find out more about the involvement of PRESTO, achievements and areas for improvement. MS. NAAVA C. NABAGESERA SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT TO H.E. THE PRESIDENT PRESTO COORDINATOR

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism in order to promote cultural tourism and due to the potential of the Buganda Tourism Expo event to contribute significantly to Ugandas domestic and foreign tourism decided to support the organization and management of Buganda Tourism Expo celebrations because of the high number of local and foreign tourists coming to Mengo. The Buganda Tourism Expo Day was truly a special one. Unlike previous Buganda Tourism Expo celebrations that have been dominated by Buganda, this year other Kingdoms were also invited to take part in the celebrations. Estimates from the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism team at the Expo in Lubiri on 26th June 2012 1st July 2012 indicated that over Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand tourists (350,000) attended this years Buganda Tourism Expo Celebrations which was led by PRESTO and the Ministry of Tourism in Buganda Kingdom. The involvement of the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism during this years Buganda Tourism Expo celebration is a first step towards developing and transforming the cultural tourism from just being celebration owned by the Buganda Kingdom to a national tourist attraction site promoted as the Uganda National Cultural Expo, involving all the Kingdoms existing in Uganda thereby attracting local and foreign persons interested in cultural tourism leading to creation of employment opportunities and generation of income for the development of the Cultural tourism sector and tourism as a whole.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



Buganda Kingdom through PRESTO Coordinated by Ms Naava Nabagesera and the ministry of Tourism of the Buganda Kingdom opened the 5th annual Buganda Tourism Expo at Lubiri grounds which lasted for the entire week from 25th June up to 1st July 2012. In an effort to promote the tourism industry in Buganda and the country at large, the Kingdom through the ministry of tourism introduced a Tourism Expo where various tourists attractions ranging from Arts Crafts to living animals are showcased at Lubiri show grounds every July. This year Expo was special in a way that there was a lot of exchange of ideas by the people ascertaining the linkage between religion and culture chaired by Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga. The Expo was running under the theme Celebrating Our Cultural Diversity and was aimed at celebrating and promoting culture through tourism attraction especially through exposing its unique attractions across the world. The Expo aimed at promoting a spirit of the tourism enterprise and encouraging people to engage in tourism as an economic activity and as well as a means of wealth for Buganda and the Nation at large. Through the Expo, the Kingdom intends to recognize tourism as a sustainable tool for cultural conservation and development. This years tourism Expo was set to attract various activities including a celebrity Chef competition, restaurant exhibition, food nutrition education, live totem display, snake show, camel and donkey rides, wild life education, forest conservation exhibition, fruit tree farming, landscaping, compound designers, decorators, garden shows, herbal medicine, Buganda clan exhibition, international cultural exhibition, cultural fashion show, the inter-cultural and inter- religious collaborations and many more. The Expo was graced by many dignitaries of high caliber including the Kabaka of Buganda His Magesty Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II who closed the show on 1st July 2012, the Vice President H.E Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi who showed up on Saturday 30th June, 2012, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga and the minister of tourism from the central government Ephraim Kamuuntu, the Kampala Mayor, PS Ministry of Health, Minister of tourism Retired Archbishop Livingstone Mpalangi Nkoyoyo among others religious leaders.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


During this consultative meeting, the stakeholders decided to among other things contact institutions and enterprises to supply the necessary facilities and services for the success of this years Buganda Tourism Expo arrangements at Lubiri. The stakeholders meeting observed that critical to this success were 8 areas that included: (i) Infrastructure especially access roads to Lubiri and inside the venue; (ii) Health and Sanitation facilities including toilets and watering places; (iii) Painting and beautification of the infrastructures; (iv) Construction of sheds; (v) Provision of marquees for service and display points; (vi) Provision of screens and public address systems; (vii) Temporary Information Centres at strategic points (viii) Provision of materials for decorations, branding and signage.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



LIGHT After aggressive follow up by PRESTO coordinator to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy Mr. Kaliisa, UMEME was able to provide 20 electricity poles and installed security lights at the Lubiri Expo grounds for which we are sincerely grateful.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



The goal of the PRESTO Branding, Publicity and Information was to give the Buganda Tourism Expo event a national outlook with a cultural perspective in order to bring about national pride as well as promotion of Buganda as a tourist attraction. Under the leadership of Ms. Naava Nabagesera the PRESTO Branding, Publicity and Information team held several meetings and reached out to the private sector for services towards the marketing and promotion of Buganda Tourism Expo. The Buganda ministry of tourism had mainly focused on the cultural celebrations but not the promotion of the event through branding and publicity which provided both an opportunity and a challenge to the PRESTO Branding, Publicity and Information team that was already faced with time and financial constraints.

PRESTO branded Welcome to Buganda Tourism Expo through Banners. With the support from Uganda Scouts Association 8 PRESTO Banners were strategically placed in different locations. Several media stations were involved in broadcasting the event including; Uganda Broadcasting Corporation and Radio Kaboozi at the Expo. With the live broadcast even those who were not able to come to Lubiri followed the events at home. The Public Address systems helped even those tourists not close to the action point to follow the events closely.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report




ROADS The Presidential Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Infrastructure Committee that was chaired by Mr. Moses Dhizaala of National Planning Authority had the daunting task of addressing critical infrastructure issues such as improvement of access roads to Buganda Tourism Expo, construction of sheds, painting and beautification of the shrines, provision of tents, leveling of pot holes on the roads, electricity poles and installation of lights. With the support of the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism was able to grade all access roads to Lubiri Mengo.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report




WATER Working with National Water and Sewerage Corporation, the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism provided free drinking water for the tourists at Buganda Tourism Expo. Several watering points were set-up so that tourist could easily access water. Crestanks provided tanks for storing the drinking water and hand washing stations.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism Health, Sanitation and Hygiene team was charged with the responsibility of making sure that health and sanitation facilities especially toilets and hand washing facilities were in place. The team was also to ensure that drinking water is available. Maintaining sanitation and hygiene was critical to avert an epidemic since there were to be over 350,000 tourists over a period of one week. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism with support from the Ministry of Health and Uganda Police Force provided medical and emergency services. First Aid was provided by the Scouts there was no incident reported within the seven days on site. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism, the Ministry of Health and private partners provided mobile toilets about 20 in number, toilet paper and soap for hand washing. The Scouts managed the sanitation and hand washing facilities. The National Water and Sewerage Corporation treated the drinking water at Buganda Tourism Expo providing for the first time free safe drinking water to the tourists. The Scouts were responsible for collecting and safely disposing the garbage.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



TENTS 40 tents of 100-seater capacity and more than 5,000 Chairs were provided by the Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism to Buganda Tourism Expo to provide for shade and exhibition area.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



SECURITY Presidential Initiative on Sustainable tourism did not leave anything to chance as for the safety of all the dignitaries, tourists, exhibitors and visitors all the security units were called upon from, Tourist Police, red top, military, bomb squad, anti-terrorist, traffic, local police and volunteering private security firms. Inspections were done before during and after the Expo, great appreciation goes to the National. Security forces for their fast response
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MEDIA REPRESENTATION Several media stations were involved in broadcasting the event including; Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Kaboozi and others, Public Address Systems were also in place at the Expo. With the live broadcast even those who were not able to come to Lubiri followed the events at home. Public Address systems helped even those tourists not close to the action point to follow the events closely.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



EXHIBITIONS This exhibition was aimed at the recognition of the cultural artists, designers, herbalists, manufacturers and all producers of cultural items. This is for the preservation of our culture as well developing our economy. All the Buganda totems were represented showcasing their different cultural practice and tools, the clans include; Lugave, Ngonge, Nvuma, Mbogo, Nkima, Nseenene, Mmamba, Ffumbe, Kkobe Nseenene, Ngabi, Nnyonyi, Njaza ,Ngo.
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Buganda Kingdom boasts of its sustained and preserved culture which is not limited to, black smith, Drums, cultural huts, boat ridding, herbal medicine, farming, clans and totems, among all total respect for the King. All these were demonstrated and exhibited at the Buganda tourism expo with great support from Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism and Buganda Ministry of Tourism

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



POPULATION Due to the vigorous media campaigns, Maximum Security, color full nature, organized and touristic nature of this years Buganda Tourism Expo, the event is estimated to have hosted over 350,000 people, with consistency it can be one of the biggest tourist attraction, Presidential Initiative on Sustainable tourism is highly commended for the great job.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report




Uganda wildlife Authority brought the national Park close to the people by bringing in Mammals, reptiles, Amphibians and the rarest of domestic animals to add on the touristic nature of Buganda Tourism Expo

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



DIGNITARIES The Expo was graced by many dignitaries of high caliber both International and National including the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II came to close the show on 1 July 2012, the Vice President H.E Edward Kiwanuka on Saturday 30th June, 2012, 2012, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga and the minister of tourism from the central government Ephraim Kamuuntu, Princess Diana, PRESTO Coordinator M/s Naava Nabagesera among others.
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ANCIENT ANTIQUE Presidential Initiative on Sustainable tourism climaxed the Buganda tourism Expo by unveiling the Kings motorcade that was used by the His Magesty Kabaka Mutesa who reigned in the early 1960s, The tireless efforts of the PRESTO coordinator M/s Naava Nabagesera cannot go unmentioned as she vigorously pursued the hidden treasure through all the channels from H.E The President to Ministry of works where it had taken the Kingdom over 40yrs to get site of them.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report




Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism contracted the services of several entertainment groups to make the event more colorful and interesting, one interesting group is Undugu Cultural dance group which rehabilitates young ophans, drug addicts and street children to make a change in their lives.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report



The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism strives to ensure that all tourists and visitors to the Buganda tourism Expo celebration go back with a lot of satisfaction. To achieve this there are areas identified for improvement and future action and these include:

1. Marketing and Promotion of the Buganda Tourism Expo.

As we strive to promote transform our Expo into a national tourist attraction site that shall be visited by tourists every year it is therefore very important that the Uganda National Cultural Expo is promoted nationally and internationally through: International Scout Events/Jamborees that are always attended by over 30,000 Scouts from 160 countries; Tourism exhibitions; Trade fairs and exhibitions; Information desk at all Ugandas High Commissions and Consulates; and Online promotion through tourism related websites Identifying a permanent location and improving the site with more cultural structures and maintaining it To build the hype and national pride about Buganda Tourism Expo it is important that the branding extends to all border points and strategically located districts i.e. districts where major routes intersect. It is therefore important that permanent PRESTO billboards and flyover towers are erected for this purpose. Erecting PRESTO owned billboards and fly-over towers is cost effective in the long run and would also lead to the beautification of the sites where especially the fly-over towers are erected. The proposed locations for the permanent PRESTO billboards and fly-over towers are: Entebbe, Malaba, Busia, Katuna, Mutukula, Koboko and Nimule border points. Owen Falls Dam Jinja, Karuma Kiryandongo, Nakalama Iganga, Nkoma - Mbale, Awoja - Soroti, Masaka, Mbarara, Mityana, Bombo, Nansana.

2. Branding.

3. Publicity.

To raise awareness nationwide about the Buganda Tourism Expo: The Media should be engaged intensively from the Month of April to June. Live broadcasts on televisions The following infrastructural improvements are required: - Identification, allocation and Beautification of the Expo grounds

4. Infrastructure.

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report

5. Health, Sanitation and Hygiene.

For better Health, Sanitation and Hygiene Management during the Buganda Expo celebrations, the following should be done:

Public Health Education should be a priority Construction of 10 waterborne toilets (20 stanzas) Permanent hand washing stations alongside toilets should be put in place Waste should be disposed properly and/or recycled

6. Protocol.

Introduction of a centralized accreditation system for VIPs is important for ease of management of the sitting arrangement. The accreditation should start at the beginning of June which could encourage early arrivals of especially foreign tourists giving them the opportunity to visit other tourist sites before coming back to Buganda Expo. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism will support the capacity building of these Tourism Scouts in terms of training on tourism promotion, crowd control, protocol management, safety and security, health, sanitation and hygiene and emergency preparedness and response. The Presidential Initiative on Sustainable Tourism will work with partners to ensure that the Scouts are well equipped with a Scouts-owned ambulance and first aid equipment. PRESTO will also ensure that these Tourism Scouts are accredited, are provided with uniforms and scarves and have facilitation for transport and per diem.

Compiled By; M/S. Naava Nabagesera PRESTO CO-ORDINATOR Special Presidential Assistant to H.E The President/Political Affairs

PRESTO Buganda Tourism Exhibition 2012 Report


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