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The history of the choir is inextricably linked to that of Christ Church. The historic record charts the growth of the choir from the first consecration service (when numbers had to be augmented by borrowing four choristers from St Pauls Cathedral) to becoming indispensable to the orderly and efficient rendering of our Church Service as reported in the Parish Magazine of July 1891; a position, we think, it still occupies today. The choir is an integral part of Christ Church, supporting and enhancing our worship here at two Sunday services, including weekly Choral Evensong, as well as at other parish events, such as our popular summer concert series and May Day Fair.

(Left) June 1926 - The earliest photo we have of members of our choir, courtesy of Diane Kirk (nee Miller). On the left is Dianes dad, Frederick (Fred) Thomas Miller, aged 10. On the right is Dianes uncle, Harry Humphrey Miller. They are also in the photo we have from 1929 (above). Diane explained how her Dad and her Uncle were both bellringers as well as being in the choir. They used to ring the bells and run down the stairs to sing! (Above) Sunday 21st July 1929 - After the last sermon given by William Perrin before he stepped down as Bishop of Willesden. Frederick (Fred) Thomas Miller is the fourth from right on the second row from the bottom. His elder brother Harry Humphrey Miller is in the bottom right hand corner, crouching down. The 1929 Parliamentary Election Poster is just visible in the background (that election resulted in a hung parliament too!)


(Right) Low Sunday 1958 - Choral Music Course at Brereton Hall School, Cheshire Training and education have always been an important part of life in Christ Church Choir. Thanks to Mick Meur for telling us some fascinating stories about this weekend! (Back Row) R OConnell, I Currie, N Hammond, Mr P Branker (Choirmaster and Organist), J Leggett, Reverend B Wardrobe, P Norden, B Lamb, J Thomas (Centre Row) Alex Currie, A Currie, P Eldridge, R Green, C Thorne, A Mudge, P Baynham, R Turvey, P White, R Perrett (Front Row) N Lord, James Sellers, A Turvey, N Turvey, R Snowsill, Julian Sellers, M Meur

Dr Martin Neary Acclaimed organist and choral conductor Dr Martin Neary has a long association with Christ Church Southgate, singing with the choir as a boy and later as an accompanist on choral trips and courses, after standing in (at short notice) to play for the 1959 carol service.

1862 - 2012
(Right) 1960s - Thank you to Sonia and Graham Knight for this photo, which we think dates from the late 1950s or early 1960s. (Left) 9th April 1972 York Minster - Cathedral visits have long been a tradition at Christ Church. Ian Winton (Back Row, Sixth from Left) and Adrian Hill (Second Row from Back, Fourth from Left) continue to sing with us, although today they model slightly different hairstyles!

(Left) 1975 - Ladies Choir (Front Row) Nicky Hamilton - ? -?-?-? (Second Row) Sue Kemp - ? Marian Mair Margaret Thomas Elaine Baker Lisa Price (Third Row) Barbara Kay Mabel Geeson Margery Todd -? (Back Row) Berta Thompson Mark Cyphus Penny Howell Can you help us put names to faces?


(Right) Ladies Choir in Scarlet Cassocks! - Mabel Geeson, who sings alto in the choir, joined us in the 1970s with some friends from the Chandos Opera Company. Mabel recalls how at first the ladies were not permitted to sing in the stalls; having to perch on the pews at the front of the nave. They wore special skull caps. The scarlet cassocks were banished to a more (appreciative?!) home after Mabel suggested a suitably colourful Christmas repertoire, including When the Red Red Robin..., much to the Director of Musics chagrin! Were glad that today, Christ Church is an inclusive church!

(Left) Four Organists! Clockwise from top left : Peter Branker, Chris Dell, John Taylor, Stephen Lloyd




Ste Clotilde, Paris


(Above) - Katie Allen (second right) reaches the finals of the 2011 BBC Radio 2 Young Chorister of the Year Competition


(Left) - York Minster 2012 - We returned to York in 2012, forty years after our first visit, for a three day residential trip, singing Evensong each day.

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