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Beginning with the rain cloud, use arrows to show the journey of a water drop before it reaches your school or home.

Describe 4 ways that water can be saved in the garden of your school or your home. A.___________________________________________________________________ B.___________________________________________________________________ C.___________________________________________________________________ D.___________________________________________________________________ Describe 5 ways that water can be saved in the kitchen at home every day. A.___________________________________________________________________ B.___________________________________________________________________ C.___________________________________________________________________

D.___________________________________________________________________ E.___________________________________________________________________

Activity Number 2 Water Filtration

Water filtration is an important process during water treatment at Terryland Waterworks. Describe what happened when dirty water was poured into the top of the container.

Why is it important to treat water before you drink it? _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Question: Circle the correct answer. Humans drink A. saltwater or B. freshwater.

Activity Number 3: Water Treatment

Step 1- Coagulation Coagulation removes dirt and other particles suspended in water. Alum and other chemicals are added to water to form tiny sticky particles called "floc" which attract the dirt particles. The combined weight of the dirt and the alum (floc) become heavy enough to sink to the bottom during sedimentation. Step 2- Sedimentation The heavy particles (floc) settle to the bottom and the clear water moves to filtration. Step 3 - Filtration

The water passes through filters, some made of layers of sand, gravel, and charcoal that help remove even smaller particles. Step 4 - Disinfection A small amount of chlorine is added or some other disinfection method is used to kill any bacteria or microorganisims that may be in the water. Fluoride is added to the water to protect your teeth. The water also undergoes UV disinfection which is capable of inactivating cryptosporidium. Step 5 Storage Water is placed in a closed tank or reservoir in order for disinfection to take place. The water then flows through pipes to homes and businesses in the community.

Activity Number 4. The Water Cycle.

Fill in the blanks.

A._________is when the sun

heats up water in rivers or lakes the ocean and turns it into vapour or steam. The water vapour or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the or


B. Water vapour in the air gets

cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This is called ___________. You can see the same sort of thing at home... pour a glass of cold water on a hot day and watch what happens. Water forms on the outside of the glass. That water didn't somehow leak through the glass! It actually came from the air. Water vapour in the warm air, turns back into liquid when it touches the cold glass. C. _________ occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. D. Water is __________ when water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the ground water that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts all over again.

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