Sukatan Pelajaran Pendidikan Alam Sekitar 1

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KOD : AS 2050 D KNOWLEDGE 1. Introduction to Environmental Education(EE) 1.1 History of EE Stockholm (1974) Tbilisi (1977) Malta (1991) Cabinet (1979) 1.2 Aims of EE 1.3 Objectives of EE 2. Introduction to basic Ecological concept 2.1 Components of Environment SKILLS Identifying the historical background of EE at international and national level Identifying the establishment/ existence of EE programs Seeking information through internet and mass media. VALUES / REMARKS Value Global cooperation Realise the importance of EE in schools Strategy Integrating ICT Self acceleration learning Locating information from Internet Discussion Values Locating information pertaining to concepts of environment and its components from various sources Thankful to God for creating the environment Recognise the importance of keeping biodiversity for continuous existence of species. Strategy Usage of video and multimedia programmes Inquiry Brainstorming Discussion 2.2 Biosphere and ecology Biosphere concept Ecology concept Values Comparing and contrasting the concepts of biosphere and Appreciate the beauty of ecology biophysical environment and biodiversity of species. Strategy

Explaining and giving examples natural environment man-made environment for each component social cultural environment

2.3 Ecosystem

Brainstorming, Discussion

The definition of biotic Values and abiotic Identifying and mapping out and ecosystem in the college Recognise the importance of Concepts of niche environment biodiversity Transfer of energy in Appreciate the existence of food chain and food ecosystem in environment web Identifying and drawing an example of a food chain/food web Strategy Balance of ecosystem Natural cycle such as water cycle, nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle . Drawing any one of the natural Field studies cycle Cooperative and contextual learning Values Responsible toward pollution Practice the 5R principles Planning and implementing an experiment to identify Strategy environment issues such as air and water pollution in the college Experiment Inquiry

3. Environmental Issues 3.1 Types of Issues Population growth Flora and fauna Reduction of swamp Enlargement of deserts Soil erosion depletion Soil, water, air and noise pollution Global warming Ozone depletion Limited water, minerals and fuel resources Acid deposition on earth surface

Values Responsible toward environmental degradation and pollution. Strategy Making inferences and Discussion predictions of the sources of Inquiry environmental issues and their Futures studies impact on human. Resources Articles from newspapers, magazine pertaining to environment issues. Video / VCD / CD-ROM related.

3.2 Sources of environmental Issues Population growth Technology usage Natural disaster Politic and war Cultural and ethnics Enforcement of laws

3.3 Consequences of Environmental Issues

Flora and fauna depletion Low quality living Degradation of earth Negative political international relationship Identifying plants & animals at extinction risk.

Analysing the consequences of the environmental issues. Values Cooperative Environmental cleanliness is the responsibility of all Strategy Brainstorming Debate Graphic organizer

3.4 Addressing the issues Suggesting ways in addressing Environmental acts environmental issues Department of Environment DOE/JAS Individual participation Community participation. Forum / Intellectual discussion between students

4.Sustainable Development ( SD) 4.1 Concepts of sustainable Development The balance between development and the quality of environment Explanation the concept of sustainable development, preservation and conservation Effective management of natural resources

Values Explaining the concept of Practicing the basic concepts sustainable development and its of sustainable development in importance to the existence of everyday life. species. Appreciate the importance of Explaining the concepts of balance development to preservation and conservation sustainable development Suggesting activities for preservation and conservation Construction of scenarios to show the impact of unsustainable development on the environment. Strategy Role-play Debate Forum Environmental games Values Realizing that development of a country is a continuous of process Minimise environmental damage in developing natural resources. Strategy

4.2 Purpose of sustainable development

Starting the purpose sustainable development A continuous harmonies life on Earth Empowerment in qualities of life

Discussion 4.3 Strategies for sustainable Development Concepts of 5R (Recycle, Reuse, Repair, Reduce, Rethink) Usage of renewable or alternative resources; eg. Solar, wind and sea waves. Mind mapping to show how the type of things can be utilized Values using 5R concepts. Appreciate the importance of sustainable development to Comparing and contrasting the keep the balance between renewable energy and non development and the renewable energy. environment. Practice habits that are environment friendly. Realising that development of a country based on concepts of sustainable development. Analyze the types of national Strategy economic development in accordance with principles of SD Project, Forum, Scrap Book, Role Play, Brainstorming, Planning and carrying out Discussion, Inquiry. campaigns such as: Love he environment, Earth Day and Values environment Day. Practice of the 5R Moderate life styles concepts. Strategy Jumble sale/garage sale. Use of computer programs to create attractive poster and graphics to attract students participation in campaigns. Self evaluation Self reflection Contextual learning Experiential learning

Sustainable economic Development Management of the love the Environment campaign.

Environmental Acts and international Convention - Langkawi Declaration - Agenda 21 (Earth Summit) - Kuala Lumpur Accord - UN commission on Sustainable UNSD & others. - International Whaling Commission (IWC). - Kyoto Protocol - Johannesburg Sustainable

Values Human have a moral responsibility for the well being of all living things in the environment. Identifying and differentiating the core issues of each act and Strategy convention Inquiry Cooperative learning Internet-based learning Values

Development 4.4 Government and nongovernment Organisation and Corporate Bodies in Aiding Preservation and Conservation Policy. Government Organisation: - Department of Environment - Department of Local Authority - Department of Forestry - Forest Research Institut of Malaysia - Department of Wild Life and National Park - Department of Drainage and Irrigation - Department or Fisheries and Marine Park Non Government Organisation - World Wild Fund for Malaysia (WWF) - Malaysia Nature Society (MNS) - Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) - Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia (EMSEARCH). - Environment Protection Society of Malaysia (EPSM) - Business Council For Sustainable Development in Malaysia (BCSDM) - Treat Every Environment Special Realising the human roles in balancing natural and built environment Discussion based on the function of various government and nongovernment organizations and corporate bodies in preservation and conservation of the environment. Cooperation between government, non-government organizations and corporate bodies toward sustainable development

Strategy Project Forum Field study Guest Talk Seminar Lecture

Values Every individual is responsible towards safe guarding the Earth and its resources. Practice management in daily expenditures. Individuals contribution towards preservation and conservation. Strategy Project Exibition Contest Quiz Inquiry using checklist

(TrEES) Corporate Organisation Alam Flora Indah Waters Golden Hope Sime Darby Hongkong Bank UMW Bata Malaysia Shell Malaysia Syarikat Alam Malaysia (Toxic Waste Disposal) Self evaluating the personal daily practices according to environment friendly principles. Values Preserve ecosystem and conserve degredated environment Strategy Self-reflection Campaigns Exhibition Values Realising the significance of integrating Environmental Education in every aspect of school community Realising the significance of environment as a source in enhancing students learning. Strategy Lecture Discussion Brainstorming Demonstration Practical work

5. Environmental Citizen 5.1 Sustainable life style

5R practices as a way of life Avoid buying/using products made from endangered species and products which pollute Identifying and classifying the environment products while pollute the environment and products made 5.2 Individual involvement in from endangered species and its preservation and conservation implications on the environment. of environment Participate in environmental campaigns. Participate in recycling campaigns. Participate in community based activities such as cleanliness projects in college, local organization and river. Support and take-up membership in environmental related organization. Establishment of environmental societies Planning and carrying out a campaign or an activity for preservation or conservation Classifying college based and community based projects. Identifying environmental based organizations and getting information regarding their activities.

in schools and college. 6. Environmental Education across the curriculum Explaining the concept of whole school approach Resources Buku Panduan Guru Pendidikan Alam Sekitar Merentas KBSR (1998) and Kajian Masa Depan (2000) by Curricullum Development Centre Modul Pendidikan Alam Sekitar KPKM Anjuran Bersama BPG dan WWF (2002/2003) Values To cultivate positive attitudes in preservation and conservation of the environment. Planning and preparing a lesson plan integrating environmental education in school subject. Identifying and listing the elements of EE in various Co-curricular activities. Analyzing the environmental elements in various co curricular activities Carrying out the green audit in college, using Green Audit form To set up; Recycling centre Compose site Planting varieties of plants EE resource center Analyzing and suggesting a well organized way towards sustaining college resource. Actively involved in environment friendly cocurricular activities Strategy Brainstorming Discussion Field studies Values Realising that greening of school programmers provides opportunities for students to have a healthy life style. Realising the collective responsibility and accountability of each individual in managing the sustainable college environment Strategy Discussion Field studies Forum

6.1 Whole school; approach curriculum co-curriculum school management school community school management

6.2 Curriculum Approach about environment in environment for environment

Elaborating and applying the three curriculum approaches through school

6.3 Integration of EE in the teaching and learning process 6.4 Co curriculum approaches Uniform bodies Sports games Club / organization

6.5 Green audit in the college 6.6 Greening programs


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