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In the Light of Time 29/01/2009 09:46

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In the Light of Time

| Posted on 24th of May, 2007 |

I. The Thought Experiment: Our Time Perception

You don’t know why we have locked you up in the room with no external sources of light i.e., windows. You will have to spend
exactly 24 hours inside it. There are two clocks, one outside the room (which will be invisible to you throughout the experiment)
and one inside the room hanging on the wall. They both start ticking at the same time you enter the room and will stop at your
exit. A bulb is provided in the room for you to look frequently at the clock. You eat, drink, play the scrabble, read the books and do
other activities but also keep the track of time while in the room. After 24 hours you come out as planned. We ask you the
question, how much time did you spend in the room? Your answer will be 24 hours. But when we showed you the external clock it
showed 25 hours, one hour extra, you get shocked. Actually we conducted a time-perception experiment on you. The room clock’s
second was actually 1.04167 compared to the normal 1 second, therefore, your clock took more time to spend one second than the
external standard clock did. This meant room clock completed its customized 24-hour cycle in standard 25-hours. The experiment
mentioned above proved that your perception of time is not dependent on some ‘Universal’ standard time scale units. You will not
have any problem if your clock’s second is slightly faster or slower than normal i.e., about 0.04167 of a second’s difference. In the
long run, you will not even feel any time-lose of 365 hours each year which is equivalent to 15 days and 4 hours.

II. The Perception of Time through Light

That was a fascinating thought experiment if understood properly. There is another subtle indication in the experiment which is not
only worth mentioning but our episode is all about it. That’s the ‘Perception of Time through the Light’, or ‘In the Light of Time’.
Back in the room, whenever you wanted to know the time, you saw the clock. The clock was lit by the bulb and you saw the time
in the reflected light of the bulb. If somehow the clock was able to show down to the levels of microseconds (one millionth of a
second) and nanoseconds (one billionth of a second), you could easily record that at a distance of 5 meters, you saw the clock as it
was 15 nanoseconds ago in the past. Further you are away from the clock, further you look back in time (1 nanosecond for every
foot you go far from the object) i.e., if we see the television, located at 10 meters, we actually see 30 nanoseconds in past. This is
because Light has a finite speed, 300,000 km/s and therefore takes time to reach in our eyes before our brains could process the
information. It will also take further time for the conversion of photons to electric pulses and then the transmission to the
appropriate area of the brain. This means that we are blind to know the True Present. Somewhere in our brain we are able to
‘sense’ the ‘True Present’ where our awareness is in play but the fact is that our brains are located in one of the darkest regions of
the Earth, namely skull. So, our brains are bound to wait until the light from an object is perceived therefore we can only perceive
the past and this is how we perceive the ‘Time’ and the world around us. If you are told that there is a thing naming X, moves at
50 kilometers an hour, you only now know it’s limited properties, but what exactly the thing is, you don’t know. ‘Time’ has the same
issue. We know how it behaves in certain circumstances thru Light and other senses but what ‘Time’ actually is, we don’t
understand it.

III. The GPS System and Fractions of a Second

You may be thinking that nanoseconds and microseconds are no big deal to cop with, after all, we haven’t been encountered any
problem due to this time delay since the known history. This argument is wrong in today’s scientific era. Though it is right that we
don’t face any general problems because of these apparent minute effects but it is important to know that these effects grow
exponentially by increasing distances and velocities and prohibit us from accomplishing certain important tasks which are the bread
and butter of modern era. Lack of knowledge in this area means our current era could be no different than a few centuries ago.

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The GPS system is increasingly becoming famous due to its use in navigation at sea, on land and in the air. Ever wondered how
GPS works? The 24 satellites are equipped with accurate atomic clocks and radio transmitters onboard. Your personal GPS receiver
computes its location and motion by comparing the radio signals received from three or four GPS satellites in the range. These
signals travel at the speed of light. Our GPS receiver then calculates the time delays in nanoseconds of available satellites located at
different distances to it and builds its 3D or 2D information image for us to know the location and time.

IV. The Cosmology and Fractions of a Second

In Cosmology, the Big Bang model is accepted as the best model of our Universe because it has passed many tests of observations
and predictions. It states that though the real time of Big Bang is hidden from us, it is possible to calculate the phenomena in about
1/42 trillionth of a first second after the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago. You would need to write decimal point, 43 zeros and
then 1 in the end to show the figure. So, in other words, the duration the light reaches to your eyes from your own hands, you
could easily create billions of Big Bangs each creating protons, helium, other subatomic particles, and forces of nature and
expanding into vast distances of Space (or expanding the Space into vast distances of another Space, which is more accurate). This
is the remarkable discovery and the symbol of human excellence in the knowledge.

V. The Astronomy and the Finite Speed of Light

This dependency of the speed of light dramatically increases specially in Astronomy. We have developed this dependency to use it
as a distance measurement scale. A Light Second is a distance in kilometers the light would take to travel in one second, 300,000
kilometers or in other words one second in the past. Likewise, Light Minute means 60 Light Seconds. This makes possible for us to
understand the Light Hour, Light Day, and Light Year. We always see our Moon as it was 1.4 seconds ago (1.4 Light Second or
385,000 kilometers away). The Sun is at 8.3 Light Minutes, whereas, the nearest star is located at 4.2 Light Years. Planets are in
the range of Light Minutes and Light Hours. You need 12 minutes for your signals to be delivered to a robot on Mars, and another
12 minutes for the robot to answer back to you. The mainly visible stars in the night sky are located between 8 to 50 Light Years.
Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 Light Years in diameter, whereas, our closest neighbor galaxy, Andromeda is at 2.9 Million Light years
away from us. With most advanced and orbiting telescopes we are able to probe into billions of Light Years in the past even when
the Universe just started to give off the light. Jodrell Bank Observatory of University of Manchester has discovered a very distant
extremely bright galaxy (we call them quasars) naming ‘Old Faithful’ in the constellation of Ursa Major whose light is divided in such
a configuration that gravity of some closer galaxy in our line of sight has magnified it and split into two identical images of quasar.
But most interesting thing is that the light from one of the twin-images takes longer time to reach us. It means that whatever event
happens in one twin, exactly same event happens after about 400 days in the other twin. It was observed as predicted. It’s like
viewing past and future of a quasar at the same time. There is also the prediction of those groups of galaxies hanging out there
whose light didn’t reach us since the creation of the Universe. This is because Universe is expanding faster than the speed of light
away in the depths of deep space so we will have to wait another billion of years to receive their light. This clearly indicates our
perception of time mainly depends upon the Light. We are blind to see the Universe as it is right now. But what exactly the Time
is? That’s still a mystery.

VI. If you are a Photon of Light

Until now we were discussing about the nature of Time being an observer and the Light being object. According to the Theory of
Special Relativity, if you are a photon (a particle of light), you are bound to travel at the constant speed of light. By doing so, the
Time will freeze forever for you. This is because Time slows down the more you increase your speed, up to the extent, Time
practically stops at the true speed of light. This is very well explained by Stephen Hawking and other scientists working on Black
Holes. A Black Hole, as the name suggests, a location in the space where Spacetime is so much warped or curved that nothing can
escape from it, not even the light itself. Whatever falls in it, can never come out because it requires the speed faster than light to
escape from it, which is not possible in our Spacetime. Time practically stops inside the Black Hole. If you happen to be inside the
Black Hole, the moment you find yourself inside it, Universe has already come to an end. You spent billions of years or more in a

VII. The Time Travel

Traveling at half the speed of light, you can spend a holiday in the deep space for a few days, and when you will return to Earth,
many centuries would have been passed away. These effects of Time Dilation have been experimentally proven using spacecrafts,
space probes, and satellites and also at various laboratories of Particle Physics in the world; one of them is CERN in Switzerland.

VIII. The Timeless Dimension

So putting these effects in Wisdom, the time the Photon is generated in the Big Bang, the creation of the Universe some 14 billion
years ago, the Universe has already come to an end in the same moment for that photon, whatever the end is. We use Light as
means of Time Perception, and the Light itself is in Timeless Dimension. This was a philosophical or metaphysical description until it
was proven scientifically. There are many other so called metaphysical phenomena which will soon be part of Science and
Observation. This is important to know, however, Truth is always Truth, either we can experiment it or not. This is normally the

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limitation of our own tools and imagination, not the Truth.

IX. The Subspace Dimension and the One Universal Moment

As we discussed in the previous episode that there is a background dimension of Space, or Subspace, upon which our normal
Spacetime and Universe is floating, is the only explanation to BEFORE the Big Bang and the expansion of the Universe INTO

"Presence of Time is the absence of perfection. This, to me, is what the notion of paradise, with its absence of time, implies;
perfection is changeless and thus timeless. Eternity is not just an infinitely long time but the absence of time, the absence of
change, the absence of renewel, 'never-ending present', as Saint Augustine wrote. It is decreed in the Old and New Testaments
that time will come to end when good defeats evil. While they both coexist, time flows forward, inexorably. We are here now,
dealing with this battle, trying to make sense of our mistakes and choices. What would life be if we made no mistakes and thus
needed no forgiveness? Would we still be human? I, for one, am not ready to give up time." - The Prophet and the Astronomer,
Marcelo Gleiser.

Thus the background space is timeless and limitless in nature, never changing and eternal, that is how it holds the changing
Universe and the time-bound space-time intact, otherwise the limitations of speed of light thus gravity and any other information do
not have the ‘real time’ to hold all of the objects located at incredible distances relative to each other and relative to the constant
speed of light. The dynamics of Universe at large scales or the quantum levels defy our defination of 'living thing' and 'non-living
thing'. Can a non-living like the Universe behave how it behaves, especially creating living-things, like us, out of non-living itself, or
creating itself out of incomprehensible nothing? Either whole Universe is a living-thing and we failed to perceive it, or there is a
background living-thing on which the non-living is layered, or both. Both cases imply the need of living background. And if our
time-bound life is the property of the background living-thing, the time living creature dies, it is transmigrated into its original state,
the near-massless state of being and the essence of life, not necessarily out of Earth. Due to the timelessness and limitlessness of
the source, this near-massless state of being doesn't require traversing the distances to merge with its source at some special
location. There cannot be any spcial location anywhere with reference to omnipresent background Space. This near-massless state
of being experiences the perception of time which has to be different according to the spacial relativity and can be calculated
experimentally, once its mass has been determined. When we sleep at night, we don’t have any way to keep the track of time
while asleep. We cannot tell how much long our dream was. This will be equivalent to the phenomena faced by us, finding ourselves
inside the event horizon of Black Hole. This clearly indicates that basically there is just ONE MOMENT in which everything happened
since the Big Bang and will happen until the End of Universe. This One Moment used to dominate before the creation of Universe,
as in Stephen Hawking's phenomenon of singularity of time and space in the beginning derived from the theories of relativity and
comparable to a black hole and which is essentially the transitional state between the creation of time-boundness from
timeslessness, thus still dominating independent of our current perception, and will dominate after the End of Universe. Though the
view of singularity in the beginning triggers another question: Where do the contemporary black holes connect inside them, linking
to another universe? Our minds are destined to quantify the One Universal Moment. This quantification is solely the way we
perceive the time, and for us it comes naturally from immediate surroundings and benefits us in general matters, but holds extreme
problems in future when finding the root of everything at Universal levels and from the point-of-view of different observers other
than us humans i.e. photon.

The True Present or Time we cannot ‘sense’ directly is the property of that limitless background space where speed of light is not a
limitation and where events are not bound by series of interdependent time periods. Thus, we cannot tell what the ‘Time’ really is,
other than how we perceive it.


2007 © SubSpace Research, Manchester, England

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