TheSun 2009-01-29 Page04 Thailand Denies Abusing Migrants

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4 theSun | THURSDAY JANUARY 29 2009

news without borders

Thailand denies
abusing migrants
BANGKOK: Thailand’s government It said those who had not smuggled

has “categorically denied” mistreating goods into the country received basic
migrants following reports it towed humanitarian assistance before being
hundreds of desperate boat people back repatriated. Smugglers would be inves-
out to sea and abandoned them. tigated and then ordered out, it said. Illegal
Survivors say Thailand’s military
towed hundreds of migrants from
Myanmar’s Rohingya community out
Accusations of mistreatment sur-
faced earlier this month after nearly
650 Rohingya were rescued off India
Obama seeks Republican
support for stimulus plans
to sea in poorly-equipped boats with and Indonesia, some claiming to have
scant food and water. But the foreign been beaten by Thai soldiers before treatment by
ministry said such actions had no place being set adrift in the high seas. a Thai health
in Thai policy. Hundreds of the boat people are still official
“As for the serious allegations... believed to be missing at sea. after they WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama director Peter Orszag said the government
including that various forms of mis- Abhisit has said authorities were had been struggled on Tuesday to placate Republicans must eventually get back to paying for non-
treatment were inflicted ... this must dealing with the boat people in a arrested in Congress who insist his US$825 billion emergency spending without boosting the
be categorically denied as having no humane way, but Britain on Tuesday in Ranong (RM2.9 trillion) plan for reviving the troubled deficit. The letter appeared to win over many
place in policy and procedures,” the joined the United Nations in expressing province, US economy should include bigger tax cuts of the conservative Democrats.
ministry said in a statement released “concern” for the migrants’ welfare. southern and less spending. “The key right now is to Regardless of how many Republicans
late on Tuesday. The foreign ministry statement said Thailand on make sure that we keep politics to a mini- embrace it, the stimulus package is expected
“Nevertheless, should concrete an estimated 20,000 illegal migrants Tuesday. mum,” said the president, who met Republi- to clear both the Democratic-led House and
evidence be presented, the Thai were currently in Thailand and said cans in both houses of Congress a week after Senate by the middle of February.
government would serious look into several thousand arrive each year, call- taking office on a promise to seek consensus Even so, Obama wants the political cover
such cases and further verification ing the issue “a collective problem” for and end partisan gridlock. that some support from the opposition party
(would be) carried out,” it added. The regional countries to address together. Republicans described the meetings as would bring for an unproven plan that will
statement said Thai law required that Meanwhile Thai authorities de- cordial and said they appreciated Obama’s hugely increase America’s budget deficit and
all migrants arriving along the south tained a further 78 boat people from willingness to listen but there was scant may or may not halt the economy’s down-
west Andaman coastline be stopped, Myanmar who were found off Surin evidence he had persuaded many of them to ward slide.
questioned and their needs assessed. island on Monday, police said. – AFP back the measure. The new president faces an economic
Shortly before Obama arrived, House crisis that seems to worsen by the day. Con-
Minority Leader John Boehner told fellow sumer confidence has slipped to a record low
Republicans that in its current form, he could and major US companies are cutting tens of
not vote for the stimulus and encouraged fel- thousands of jobs as troubles mount in the
low House Republicans to vote against it, his financial industry.
spokesman said. The House of Representatives “The main message I have is that the
plans to vote on the stimulus later in the day. statistics every day underscore the urgency
Pressed on whether Obama expected to get of the economic situation,” Obama said. “The
more than a dozen or so Republican votes in American people expect action.”
the House, White House spokesman Robert Republicans complain that Obama’s plan
Gibbs said: “We’ll take what we can get.” would finance Democrats’ pet projects – such
Obama told the legislators he understood as US$16 billion (RM57.6 billion) in grants for
that some of them might not support the college students – instead of creating jobs or
measure but he said it still was important to stimulating consumer spending.
have the discussion. “I think the president is sincere,” Boehner
“He said ... I understand that some of you said. “We look forward to continue to work
aren’t going to vote for this,” Gibbs said. with him to improve this package.”
“That’s fine. But what ... he wants people to Republicans agree the stumbling economy
do is have an exchange of those ideas.” needs a rescue package. But they contend that
Meanwhile, a bloc of conservative Demo- the Democrats’ US$550 billion (RM1.9 tril-
crats won a commitment from the White lion) spending proposal is excessive while
House for efforts to balance the budget, ena- a proposal to cut taxes by about US$275 bil-
bling many of them to support the stimulus lion (RM990 billion) does not go far enough.
plan. In a letter to Congress, Obama budget – Reuters

Queen escaped Australian

assassination plot: Ex-cop
SYDNEY: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II escaped “We never came up with any decent sus-
assassination in Australia nearly 40 years pects because if we interviewed people we
ago when plotters tried to derail her train seemed to be talking in riddles. We couldn’t
on a mountain pass, a retired detective has disclose what our inquiries were about” be-
claimed. cause of the secrecy, he said.
Former detective superintendent Cliff McHardy could not immediately be reached
McHardy told the Lithgow Mercury a large log for comment. But the Mercury said the royal
was placed on the winding track in front of the train struck the log in a railway cutting after
train carrying the monarch and her husband it was rolled down an embankment and then
Prince Philip to the town of Orange on April placed across the tracks.
29, 1970. “The train continued on under brakes for
The royal train hit the log at Bowenfels about 200m with the log still wedged under
in the Blue Mountains, 150km northwest of the front wheels before finally coming to a halt
Sydney, but did not shoot off the tracks and at the level crossing near Bowenfels station,”
down a steep embankment as it was going the paper said.
too slowly at the time, according to news The incident could not have been an acci-
reports. dent or simple vandalism, McHardy reportedly
McHardy, now 81, said he was breaking his said, as the log was rolled into place after a
silence on the alleged plot, which has been special locomotive had swept the tracks for
kept under wraps for nearly four decades, in security, but before the royal train passed.
a bid to flush out information on the culprits, Among those targeted in the investigation
who were never arrested. were suspected sympathisers of the Irish
“It was one of the big regrets of my police Republican Army, which was waging a violent
service,” McHardy told the Mercury, his local struggle against British rule in Northern Ireland
paper. at the time, McHardy told the paper. – AFP

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