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6 theSun | THURSDAY JANUARY 29 2009

news without borders

More than
The MPK had, however, issued

10,000 jobless Liu challenges Teh three summonses on the restaurant

as it is illegal to run such an estab-
lishment from a house. Liu at that
time said no one is above the law
and urged the authorities to take
action if there was any wrongdo-

to open debate

since Jan 1 Last week, Teh made fresh accu-

sations against Liu, saying Liu had
abused his position by collecting
funds from traders at the Chinese
New Year bazaar in Pandamaran
KUALA LUMPUR: More cal new job-seekers flooded and wanted Liu to account for the
than 10,000 Malaysians the job market every year, Datuk Teh Kim Poo to an open monies.
have lost their jobs since he said. debate in Pandamaran village to Liu, on his part, accused Teh
Jan 1, Malaysian Employers These comprised uni- counter all the accusations made of getting federal funds allocated
Federation (MEF) executive versity graduates, diploma by the latter against him over the for the refurbishing of a basketball
director Shamsuddin Bardan holders, skilled workers and past month. court in the village revoked. He
disclosed yesterday. fresh school-leavers. PTP is Teh, however, said this was un- also said he is tired of responding
He said more were ex- Adding to the woes of the necessary as the matter was being to Teh’s accusations in the press.
pected to be jobless in the jobless was the presence of
Malaysia’s investigated by the Malaysian Anti- “That is why I am challenging
days ahead as companies, 1.5 million to two million No. 1 port Corruption Commission (MACC) him to a public debate to answer
particularly in the manu- illegal foreigners who were pg 11 and that he and the parties affected the accusations he has levelled
facturing sector, struggle to also vying for the same jobs. Liu ... tired of Teh ... wants to will ask Liu for an explanation against me,” he said.
keep their businesses afloat. He said the MEF believed accusations in see receipts as during the state’s local authority In response, Teh said a debate
In an urgent appeal to the the economic condition the press proof roadshow scheduled for March. is not necessary. He wanted to see
government, he said that it would take one to two years Teh has held several press con- receipts as proof of money collected
was of utmost importance to improve. ferences over the past month level- and the amount paid to MPK.
for the second stimulus “In the meantime, it would by Maria J. Dass ling various accusations against “Why should I debate with him
economic package to be be best for the government to Liu including that Liu’s former when the MACC is on the case, as
released fast so that com- assist businesses and jobless personal assistant Pua Joo Kian this will interfere in their investiga-
panies could know clearly Malaysians to tide over the PETALING JAYA: Selangor state had prevented Klang Municipal tions,” he said. He maintained that
where they stood. bad times.” executive councillor and Panda- Council (MPK) officers from car- Liu’s explanations were all lies.
The government released He suggested that the maran state assemblyman Ronnie rying out enforcement operations “Everybody knows what is go-
a RM7 billion economic government deal with the Liu has challenged his predecessor on his restaurant operated illegally ing on and we will all gather and
stimulus package last month situation by implementing from a house on Jalan Bertek. ask him for an explanation during
and Deputy Prime Minister the following measures: Pua opened the restaurant in the MPK local council roadshow
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Ra- » Repatriate all illegal Taman Gembira, Teluk Gadong which,” he said, “will hit the road
zak had promised a second workers to their country of on Nov 5 last year. in March.”
package soon. origin;
Shamsuddin said the » Replace legal foreign
economic downturn this
time was worse than the one
workers in stages with Ma-
laysians; Press Digest
in 1997 because it was more » Freeze foreign recruit- by Kong See Hoh
widespread. ment; and
The situation was more » Give job priority to Ma-
critical as almost 600,000 lo- laysians. – Bernama More debtors may turn
Ops Sikap death toll at 131 to AKPK for help
BANK NEGARA’S Credit Counselling of people turning to the agency, but he
KUALA LUMPUR: Twenty- day that of the three others
and Management Agency (AKPK) is not optimistic the situation would
one people, 18 of them killed, two were motorists
predicts that more debtors will seek remain the same by the second quar-
motorcyclists, were killed in and one a pedestrian.
its services in the next two to three ter of this year.
road accidents throughout He said 869 accidents
months. Mohamed said although the
the country on Tuesday, were reported on Tuesday,
Its chief executive officer economy has slowed down, it does
raising to 131 the number of which 102 were on high-
Mohamed Akwal Sultan said many not mean Malaysians have to live in
of deaths on the ninth day of ways, 292 on federal roads, Malaysia’s first sub ... people have incurred large expendi- debt. The key to debt-free living is to
the Ops Sikap 19 operation 169 on state roads, 269 on THE Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has acquired its tures last month in sending children maintain the right spending patterns
launched to reduce road ac- municipal roads and 37 on first submarine, named KD Tunku Abdul Rahman back to school, and/or preparing for and have proper planning, he said.
cidents during the Chinese other roads. after Malaysia’s first prime minister. The Scorpene Christmas and Chinese New Year. He said many people, especially
New Year holiday period. He also said 9,477 conventional submarine was built in Cherbourg, But most salaried workers still the younger ones, found themselves
Bukit Aman public rela- summonses were issued France and handed over to RMN last Saturday. It have their bonuses to help them pull in debt because they lack knowledge
tions chief Supt Rasdi Ramli yesterday for various traffic can monitor waters to a depth of between 100 through, he reckoned. in managing their finances and be-
said in a statement yester- offences. – Bernama and 200m, and is equipped with six torpedo tubes, However, he told Sin Chew Daily cause of their lifestyles and incorrect
anti-ship surface missiles and anti-submarine tor- in an interview, more manufacturers attitude towards spending.
pedoes. Malaysia has also ordered another similar or companies may cut production “Every individual should form the
submarine, named KD Tun Razak after the country’s and retrench their workers after the habit of saving the moment they start
second prime minister. Chinese New Year. work, keeping at least 10% of their
Those who were recently laid off salary.
or saw their bonuses slashed may “They must remember to pay
already have been in financial woes themselves (saving up) before they
last month but normally they would start spending instead of saving
let their problems drag on for one whatever is left over (at the end of
or two months before seeking the the month).”
agency’s help, he said. Regardless of their financial
“Only when the banks start to go situation, consumers should spend
after them or apply pressure on them according to their earning power, he
would they begin to seek help. said, adding that in the past 10 years,
“As such, I expect more people to the average increase in salaries was
seek AKPK’s help by March or April, not able to keep pace with the aver-
especially those who have been age increase in living expenses.
retrenched.” Mohamed disclosed that 60% of
He said when the sharp petrol those who have sought the agency’s
price hike in June last year led to price help were aged between 20 and 40,
increases of other goods, there was and 70% of the debtors were there
no significant increase in the number because of credit card debt.

SMI exports drop by 60%

THE global financial tsunami has goods they are manufacturing at the
caused exports by small-and me- moment are to meet previous orders.
dium-sized industries (SMIs) to drop He expected them to feel the impact
by as much as 60% in the past three of the crunch in March or April.
months. “The worst for the Malaysian
Orders from the United States economy will come in the second
have contracted noticeably and the quarter of this year,” he said, but is
going is expected to get tougher in optimistic that the slide will be ar-

the next six months, Nanyang Siang rested in the second half of the year
Pau reported yesterday. and some quarters would begin to
SMI Association of Malaysia na- recover early next year.
tional president Chua Tiam Wee said The consolation, said Chua, is that
the export orders for most SMIs have SMIs export only about 26% of their
dropped sharply and the bulk of the products.

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