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This directory contains many files related to hardware that can be connected to your computer. The absolute file name of the first partition on the first hard drive The absolute file name of the third partition on the second hard drive Adding a new user also appends information to these files: "password" "group" "shadow" "gshadow" They are located in which directory? The absolute file name of the static file which shows information about the drives and partitions that were mounted during the original installation of Debian When you add a new user, Debian Linux creates a new home folder. The path to the new folder for new user "user2" When you plug in or insert a removable device that contains any kind of filesystem, Linux automatically detects it and attempts to mount the drive for you in this directory The system will shutdown at this runlevel The system will run in Single User Mode at this runlevel The system will run in Full Multi-User Mode at this runlevel A hard disk can have up to this many primary partitions The numerical values for read (r), write (w), execute (x) cd /tmp/orbit-user1 This command uses a(n) ____________ path. (Type A for Absolute or R for Relative) Keyboard shortcut to open a run dialog box in Gnome When configuring a printer in Gnome, to connect directly HP JetDirect printer, select this from the Devices list Command string to search the manual page names and descriptions for the word "partition" Command string to download and install GVIM, (the "vim-gnome" package)



These specify file names, user names or other targets that direct the action of the command Command to display all of a file's contents at once Command string to use the "cat" command to scroll forward or backward through a file called "Declare" Command to return to your home directory Command string to change to the parent directory of the directory you are in Command string to change to the root directory Command to change permissions on a file or folder Command string to give the file "Declare.txt" the following permissions: Owner = rx Group = rx Others = none Command string to give the file "Declare.txt" the following permissions: Owner = rwx Group = rx Others = r Command to clear the screen Common Linux command format


/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb3 /etc


cat cat Declare | less





cd cd .. cd /. chmod chmod 550 Declare.txt












chmod 754 Declare.txt

8. 9.

0 1 2 4 4, 2, 1 A

27. 28.

clear Command Options Arguments cp Create new words or merge partial words. Ctrl + D Ctrl-Backspace date defaults



29. 30.

Command to copy a file The five rules for strong Linux passwords, Rule 2 Keyboard shortcut for the "exit" command If you press BACKSPACE and see "^H" echoed to the console, try pressing this Command to display the current date and time If a partition is functioning correctly, this word will appear in the "fstab" file in the options column Command to list the mounted partitions of internal and external hard drives and show how full they are



31. 32.


Alt-F2 AppSocket/HP JetDirect apropos partition apt-get install vim-gnome









Don't use anything identifiable to you, (name, birth date, etc.) echo $PATH eject -T cdrom eject cdrom exit extended, logical

The five rules for strong Linux passwords, Rule 5


locate Declare logout LPD/LPR Host or Printer

Command string to find a file or folder called "Declare" Command to log out of an su or ssh session and not close a login shell When configuring a printer in Gnome, to connect to a printer that's connected to some type of UNIX machine that you know is using line printer daemon (LPD), select this from the Devices list Command string to print the file "testfile" that is located in the current directory Command string to get brief help with the "ls" command, and a list of options Command string to list all of the files and directories contained in the current directory Command string to list all of the files and directories contained in the current directory, so that when the current screen is full the system will pause for the user's input to scroll down Command string to get full help with the "ls" command At the top of each man page is the command followed by a number in parenthesis, ("updatedb (8)", for example. This number indicates When media is automatically mounted, the mount point name is created, (by default), based on this Command to create a directory Command to display a files contents one screen at a time Command to determine the File System Type of all the mounted volumes Command string to mount a usb drive that contains an Ext4 Volume named "USB1" as a second drive Command string to mount a CD drive




Command string to view the PATH environment variable Command string to load a CD that's been placed in the open tray Command string to eject a CD Command to log out of an su or ssh session and close a GUI terminal If you need to create more than the maximum number of primary partitions allowed on one drive, you must create a(n) ________ partition. You can create several ________ partitions within it. Linux / Unix file names, folder names and commands are not case sensitive. ( T or F) Keyboard shortcut to toggle a command prompt window in and out of full screen mode Command string to determine the file system type of the unmounted third partition on the second hard drive Command string , (other than using the "locate" command), to find a directory or folder named "java" These control options Options added to Linux commands are called ________ . Command in Gnome to open a terminal window from the run dialog box Command to find the word "human" in the file "Declare" that is located in the current directory Command to start the GUI version of VI or VIM in Gnome Command to display the first ten lines of a file's contents The five rules for strong Linux passwords, Rule 4 In the Synopsis of a Man page, items in brackets may be When configuring a printer in Gnome, to connect to a networked printer (meaning that it has its own network card and isn't actually directly connected to any computer), select this from the Devices list
69. 65. 66. 62. 59.



lpr testfile ls --help ls -la

39. 40.




ls -la | more


F F11 fdisk -l /dev/sdb3 find, /, name, java Flags Flags gnometerminal grep human Declare gvim head If possible, don't use words at all. included or excluded Internet Printing Protocol (ipp)


man ls manual page section number





46. 47.

media volume name mkdir more mount mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb /media/USB1 mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 mv mv Homework1 homework passwd user2 poweroff, halt, shutdown -h now








70. 71.

Command to move a file Command string to rename the file "Homework1" to "homework" Command string to set a password for a new account with the name "user2" Three commands that shut down the system







Command to view a list of environment variables, the path, your current location and other information Command to display the path of the current directory you are in Command to leave or quit a man file Command to exit from a file that has been displayed using the "| less" option cd orbit-user1 This command uses a(n) ____________ path. (Type A for Absolute or R for Relative) The three levels of standard permissions


Use at least 8 characters. User, Group, Others useradd user2 w whatis fdformat which

The five rules for strong Linux passwords, Rule 3 The three categories of standard permissions


pwd q q R


76. 77.


Command string to create a new account with the name "user2" Command to view a system status and see who is currently logged in and what they are doing Command string to display a brief, one line description of the "fdformat" command Command that checks your PATH environment variable to show you the exact path of the program that will run if you type a command When configuring a printer in Gnome, to connect to a printer that's connected to a Microsoft Windows computer or is part of a Windows network, select this from the Devices list





read, write, execute reboot, shutdown -r now Replace some of the characters with numbers or symbols. rm rmdir runlevel servicesadmin sh firstscr space-bar, b



Two commands that reboot the system



The five rules for strong Linux passwords, Rule 1

Windows Printer via SAMBA

82. 83. 84.

Command to delete a file Command to delete a directory Command to determine the current and previous system runlevel Command to load the GUI Services Administration Tool in Gnome Command string to run a shell script called "firstscr" When scrolling using ls or in man pages, press ________ to scroll forward one page and ________ to scroll backward one page. Command to login as root A shorter, relative path can be used to go to a ______________ of the directory you are currently in. In order to mount a usb drive that contains an Ext4 Volume named "USB1" as a second drive, there must be a subdirectory in the /media directory to mount it to. True or False? (T or F) Command to display the last ten lines of a file's contents Command string to update the access and modification times of a file called "Declare", (located in the current directory), to the current date Command to unmount a drive or partition




88. 89.

su sub-directory



tail touch Declare




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