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Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, acoustic ceiling removal is a popular service. The reasoning is that these ceilings contain asbestos fibers that have been proven to be harmful to the lungs if breathed in for long periods of time. In 1978, the Clean Air Act banned this kind of ceiling treatment in the United States. However, the ban was loosely enforced so many older rental homes still have the ceiling treatment in their homes. Some construction companies found loopholes around the ban in order to cut down prices in building material. However, if discovered or if a complaint is issued from a tenant that resides in a unit that has an acoustic ceiling, an apartment owner or landlord could get in some deep trouble with the state of California. Thats why it is safer, if one of these types of ceilings is seen at your apartment or in your apartment complex, to have it removed immediately as to comply with nationwide laws. For more details about Los Angeles, acoustic ceiling removal please visit:

Acoustic ceilings are commonly known as popcorn ceilings. Little, consistently round bumps cover the entire ceiling causing an appearance to the tiny popcorn bits left at the bottom of the popular movie theater treat. Cottage cheese ceiling removal in Los Angeles is usually done in bedrooms or hallways. Living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms are usually not subjected to the treatment. Since this treatment was banned over thirty years ago, ceilings that still have this look is most likely to be or similar old age. That is why it is a better idea to just contact a professional to remove the little bumps. Many websites suggest wetting the ceiling in small sections and scraping the treatment off but for the safety of your health it is better to pay a professional the small fee to get it fixed and your mind set to ease. If for some reason your landlord refuses to pay for the ceiling alteration, go to your local city hall and obtain a copy of the 1978 Clean Air Act that banned asbestos from homes. Then break off a small piece of popcorn off of your ceiling and bring it to a local research university. There are many staff members in the science department of

research universities that could complete the necessary experiments to determine if your sample does indeed contain asbestos. If it does and you show this proof to your landlord with the 1978 doctrine, ,they will be hard-pressed to comply with the law and pay for the ceiling treatment to be fixed for your health and that of your family. To know more about Cottage cheese ceiling removal in Los Angeles please click here:

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