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new titles
Alternatives to Privatisation Books and Babies Capital Cities in Africa Crisis! What Crisis? Fluid Rights
The authors of Alternatives to Privatisation during the launch of the book at the Cape Town Bookfair.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

The Low Achievement Trap Old Enough to Know Realising the Dream Static The University in Development Voices of Liberation: Albert Luthuli Voices of Liberation: Ruth First Was it Something I Wore?

Academic Interaction with Social Partners
Visitors at the Cape Town Bookfair.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

Community, Self and Identity Contested Ecologies COSATUs Contested Legacy The Development of Competition Law and Economics in South Africa Finding Place and Keeping Pace Governing Cities in Africa Land Reform and Livelihoods Medicine and the Politics of Knowledge Power Sector Reform and Regulation in Africa The Search for Quality Education in Post-apartheid South Africa

Simon Bekker and Crain Soudien in conversation.

State of the Nation: South Africa 20122013 Voices of Liberation: Patrice Lumumba Voices of Liberation: Steve Biko

selected Backlist Africa Democracy, Governance, Service Delivery & Society Economics, Development & Innovation Education & Skills Development
Don Pinnock, Ben Turok and Maanda Mulaudzi during the launch of Voices of Liberation.

32 32 34 36 38 43 44 46 49 52 53 54 57

Environment, Sustainability, Energy & Climate Change Gender & Sexual Politics Health & Wellbeing History, Humanities & Liberation Land Media South Africa Pricelist

Jeremy Wightman at the launch of Voices of Liberation.

The ASAIB (Association of South African Indexers and Bibliographers) award for the Best Book Index in 2011 went to Clifford Perusset for the index of The University in Development

2011 Vice-Chancellors Annual Book Award UWC (Awarded to a book based purely on research undertaken by the author during his academic career.)

International Labor History Association (ILHA) Book of the Year 2010

Nominated for the University Book Prize at UKZN

Message FroM the PuBlishing direCtor

One of the problems when designing a book catalogue is that of categorising the extensive array of new and existing books, and relevant and exciting content. Particularly when your books are scholarly, with wide-ranging and cross-cutting research that would seem to defy any attempt to pigeon-hole them. Readers, book-buyers and search engines remain, however, persistent and insistent on finding quickly the topic, trend or theme that they are looking for. So, the HSRC Press decided to take the leap, and to organise its new catalogue as categorically as possible, to enable ease of use and speed of discovery. That said, however, we encourage the reader of this catalogue to bear in mind that our books offer much, much more than the category under which they have been placed.

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The HSRC has grown to become the largest dedicated research institute in the social sciences and humanities on the African continent, conducting cutting-edge, large-scale, and policyrelevant social-scientific research. As an external arm of the HSRC, and the leading publisher of academic scholarly content in English on the African continent, the HSRC Press shares in the HSRC mandate to stimulate public debate. The HSRC Press also shares the mission of its parent body, the HSRC, to serve as a knowledge hub to bridge the gap between research, policy and action. The HSRC and HSRC Press also have a strong footprint in African countries, through our affiliation with CODESRIA, and participation in SADC and NEPAD, and therefore we have a global presenceand global messages in our books. There is a great deal for the avid reader, keen book-buyer and heat-seeking search engine to look forward to from the HSRC Press in 20132014, not least of which are: n The relaunch of our globally acclaimed State of the Nation series, with the new edition, State of the Nation 20122013, due for release in 2013. n The expansion of our Africa-wide Voices of Liberation series, including titles on Ruth First, Albert Luthuli, Chris Hani and Patrice Lumumba. n An exciting front list of scholarly books that explore the very latest research from trade unions to the capital cities of Africa, which will help to cement Africas research presence globally. n The launch in 20132014 of pilot projects for our new eBooks, which will increase the value and interactivity of our content for readers worldwide. No matter what category under which you may find our books, the HSRC Press will continue to give you excellent content and distinctive, relevant books that are a pleasure to read. Jeremy Wightman

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Critics of privatisation are of ten told they present no alternatives. This book takes up that challenge, proposing conceptual models for what constitutes an alternative to privatisation and analyses what makes them successful (or not), backed up by empirical data on creative public service initiatives in over 40 countries in the Global South. This groundbreaking study provides a robust platform for comparisons across regions and sectors, with a focus on health, water and electricity. Alternatives to Privatisation is a compelling study and has been written by leading academics, practitioners and activists in the field.

aBout the editors

David A McDonald is Professor of Global Development Studies at Queens University, Canada, and Co-Director of the Municipal Services Project. Greg Ruiters is Professor of Governance and Public Policy at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa, and Co-Director of the Municipal Services Project.

Here is a book that many have been waiting for: an empirical, theoretical and normative case for defending and innovating the public. In resisting neoliberalism we need to show that there are viable alternatives to the privatisation and commercialisation of essential services. This book does not romanticise the state, or community, and illustrates that the public comes in many forms and guises; both good and bad. The public is a terrain on which people must struggle if we are to realise our commitments to social, cultural and economic rights.
David McCoy, University College London and Peoples Health Movement

Alternatives to Privatisation
David A McDonald and Greg Ruiters (Eds)
March 2012 | 978-0-7969-2377-6 | 532pp Soft Cover | 240 x 168 mm Price: R395.00 $48.95 39.00 Rights: Africa only

Public options for essential services in the global south

At a time that neoliberal solutions to social services have lost credibility, this book argues convincingly that alternatives to privatisation exist and are often more effective than private enterprises. Drawing on examples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, this book drives home the lesson that broad-based consultation and participation in service delivery is an essential ingredient of success.
Walden Bello, author, academic, and political analyst

Books and Babies
Pregnancy and young parents in schools
Robert Morrell, Deevia Bhana and Tamara Shefer (Eds)
Being pregnant and a young parent in South African schools is not easy. Books and Babies e xamines why this is the case. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative research conducted in secondary schools over a four-year period in Durban and Cape Town, the book explores how teachers and principals respond to the presence of pregnant learners and young parents in school, and surveys the attitudes of fellow learners towards them. Interviews with the young parents themselves yield rich narratives which, accompanied by a visual essay, invite the reader into their lives as they confront the demands of pregnancy, parenting and school. Books and Babies provides a finely textured analysis of these demands and shows the ongoing need to challenge the unequal and gendered load of pregnancy and parenting, both in schools and the broader social context.

This book steps beyond our oft-repeated concerns about teenage pregnancy, by presenting a gender analysis of the meaning of parenthood for young parents, and the responses of the educational system and stakeholders to teenage fertility and child-rearing. It is essential reading for those seeking to understand this critical area of health and education policy and practice.
Rachel Jewkes, Director of the Gender & Health Unit, Medical Research Council

Our goal in the Department of Basic Education is to support learners who become pregnant and parents at school, to help them complete their schooling and, at the same time, to promote gender equality. This book makes an important contribution to achieving this goal by identifying the obstacles that lie in the way and by suggesting the practices that will help to clear them.
Bobby Soobrayan, Director General, Department of Basic Education

We need gender equality in South Africa. We need to build a harmonious, peaceful and respectful society. Young parents in general and the schooling system in particular carry a huge responsibility. In this book we see how they handle the challenge of caring for children. When we all involve ourselves in looking after children, we contribute to gender equality.
Mbuyiselo Botha, Sonke Gender Justice

January 2012 | 978-0-7969-2365-3 | 256pp Soft Cover | 240 x 168 mm Price: R295.00 $37.95 31.00 Rights: World Rights

Capital Cities in Africa
Power and powerlessness
Simon Bekker and Gran Therborn (Eds)
Capital cities today remain central to both nations and states. They host centres of political power, not only national, but in some cases regional and global as well, thus of fering major avenues to success, wealth and privilege. For these reasons capitals simultaneously become centres of counter-power, locations of highstakes struggles bet ween the government and the opposition. This volume focuses on capital cities in nine sub-Saharan African countries, and traces how the power vested in them has evolved through dif ferent colonial b ackgrounds, radically different kinds of regimes after independence, waves of popular protest, explosive population growth and in most cases stunted economic development. Starting at the point of national political emancipation, each case study explores the complicated processes of nation-state building through its manifestation in the urban geology of the city its architecture, iconography, layout and political use of urban space. Although the evolution of each of these cities is different, they share a critical demographic feature: an ex traordinarily rapid process of urbanisation that is more politically than economically driven. O ver whelmed by the inevitable challenges resulting from this urban sprawl, the governments seated in most of these capital cities are in effect both powerful wielding power over their populace and powerless, lacking power to implement their plans and to provide for their inhabitants. In its concentration on urban forms of multi-layered power, symbolic as well as material, Capital Cities in Africa cuts a new path in the rich field of studies related to African cities and politics. It will be of interest to scholars in a wide range of disciplines, from political histor y, to sociology, to geography, architecture and urban planning.

Simon Bekker is a South African s o c i o l o g is t w h o h a s s e r v e d a s Professor of Development Studies a t R h o d e s U n i v e r s i t y, a n d a s Director of the Centre for Social and Development Studies at the (then) University of Natal. He is currently Emeritus Professor in Sociology at the University of Stellenbosch.

Gran Therborn is an international Swedish sociologist who has served as Professor of Sociology at Cambridge and Uppsala Universities, as Professor of Politics in Nijmegen, Netherlands, and as co-Director of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences. He has launched a globally comparative project on Cities of Power, focusing on capital cities.

September 2011 | 978-0-7969-2350-9 | 264pp Soft Cover | 240 x 168 mm Price: R250.00 $34.95 26.00 Rights: World Rights


Much ink has been spilt over the Zimbabwean crisis in well-meaning explanations which merely confirm pre-existing ideological hypotheses. In a dramatic departure from this trend, Crisis! What Crisis? The Multiple Dimensions of the Zimbabwean Crisis asks difficult questions about interlocking aspects of the crisis. This multi-disciplinary collection of essays shows that much can be gleaned by paying attention to the humanity of Zimbabweans at home and in the diaspora through the layered expressions of their agency. Sarah Chiumbu and Muchaparara Musemwa present an insightful collection which unsettles, provokes, challenges and enlightens its readers: a dazzling demonstration of courageous scholarship.
Pumla Dineo Gqola, PhD, author of What is slavery to me? Postcolonial/Slave Memory in Post-apartheid South Africa

Crisis! What Crisis? The Multiple Dimensions of the Zimbabwean Crisis argues that the Zimbabwean crisis is in fact a series of crises. From infrastructural problems and disease to a depreciating currency and an increasing muscular militarism, the citizens of Zimbabwe have faced an ongoing struggle to survive. The book explores the resilience of a people as they navigate the multiple challenges they face in the country of their birth. In an inter-disciplinary approach, the authors of Crisis! What Crisis? engage with issues as diverse as resource politics and livelihoods, migration and disembedment, language, and humour to demonstrate the ingenious ways in which citizens mediate the crisis. Topically, the book explores how social media offers a subversive space that flies in the face of increasing restrictions placed

on conventional media within Zimbabwe and the governments aggressive efforts to suppress freedom of speech and spread their nationalist agenda. The book concludes with a sobering reflection on the past and what the future might hold.

Crisis! What Crisis?

the multiple dimensions of the Zimbabwean crisis

Sarah Chiumbu and Muchaparara Musemwa (Eds)
January 2010 | 978-0-7969-2249-6 | R 130.00 | 176pp June 2012 | 978-0-7969-2383-7 | 288pp Soft Cover | |235mm x 168mm Soft Cover 235 x 168 mm Price: R395.00 $44.95 36.00 For more information: Rights: World Rights


This book gets to grips with the complexities of policy change in South Africa, asking how evolving doctrines and policies shape the way water use rights are conceptualised and governed. It offers an historical overview of the evolution of water resources policy and legislation, before going on to explore in-depth the process of formulating the Water Allocation Reform policy. This is then contrasted with an on-the-ground case study that brings into relief the dynamics occurring at the policy level. The book offers a new perspective that emphasises the discursive construction of rights how different principles are privileged in diverging discourses around scarcity, equity, efficiency and sustainability, and how such allocation discourses are transformed at the local level by new processes of politics and

power. The book sets these processes within the wider context of political and economic change in South Africa, and draws lessons for the broader experience of water policy and legislation in an international context. The book is aimed towards researchers, policymakers and practitioners and a broader international readership interested in water policy and development.

Fluid Rights
Synne Movik

Water allocation reform in south africa

August 2011 | 978-0-7969-2353-0 | 208pp Soft Cover | 235 x 168 mm Price: R200.00 $29.95 22.00 Rights: World Rights

Synne Movik currently holds a postdoctoral position in Global Environmental Governance at the Institute of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Prior to this, she worked on water and sanitation issues with the STEPS Centre at University of Sussex. She received a DPhil from the Institute of Development Studies, also at the University of Sussex, in 2008. The focus of her research was on water policy, water use rights, allocation and governance in South Africa, which provides the basis for the book.


Contents inClude
Background to the study Exploring policy differences and similarities Conceptual framework and methodology The schools profile The school contex t: Characteristics of principals and instructional leadership Learner knowledge of mathematics Teacher knowledge of mathematics Teacher proficiency to teach mathematics Opportunity to learn, and teaching and learning mathematics in Grade 6 classes Are more knowledgeable teachers better tea ch er s an d d o th ey p rov id e m o re opportunity to learn (OTL)? Testing the overall model of student achievement Conclusions

The Low Achievement Trap is an empirical study of student mathematics learning in Grade 6 classrooms that is unique in its focus on two school systems shaped by different political histories on either side of the Botswana South Africa border. The study provides a detailed examination of the capacity of teachers how they teach, how much they teach, and what they teach. Because of this wealth of detail, The Low Achievement Trap gives us much greater insight than previous research into why students seem to be making larger gains in the classrooms of southeastern Botswana than in those of North West Province, South Africa. Rather than identifying a single major factor to explain this difference, the study finds that a composite of inter-related variables revolving around teachers mathematics knowledge and

their capacity to teach mathematics are crucial to improving education in both regions. The message is a hopeful one: good teachers can make a difference in student learning.

The Low Achievement Trap

Comparing schooling in Botswana and south africa

Martin Carnoy, Linda Chisholm, Bagele Chilisa (Eds)
January 2010 | 978-0-7969-2249-6 | R 130.00 | 176pp February 2012 | 978-0-7969-2368-4 | 196pp Soft Cover Cover | 235 168mm Soft | 235mm x x 168 mm Price: R180.00 $24.95 21.00 For more information: Rights: Southern & East Africa World Rights (electronic)

9 9

Old Enough to Know
Consulting children about sex and aids education in africa
Colleen McLaughlin, Sharlene Swartz, Susan Kiragu, Shelina Walli and Mussa Mohamed
The teachers are careful with us because they think we are still young They think we are too young to know They think we are going to be naughty or sometimes experiment [with] what they told us [but] who wants to experiment with AIDS?
(Children, aged 12 to 13, School A, South Africa) This compelling study, comprising of a sample of eight schools in three countries in sub-Saharan Africa Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania examines the sources, contents and processes of childrens communitybased sexual knowledges and asks how these k nowledges interac t with AIDS education programmes in school. Old Enough to Know showcases t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s o f co n s u l t i n g pupils using engaging, interactive and visual methods including digital still photography, mini-video documentaries, as well as interviews and observations. These innovative methods allow children to speak freely and openly in contexts where talking about sex to adults is a cultural taboo. The study also sheds fresh light on teachers fears and struggles with a lack of training and limited opportunities for reflection on practice. It engages in dialogue with conflicting voices of community stakeholders who are both aware of the dangers faced by children living in a world with AIDS and who are also afraid of the many cultural, religious and moral restraints to sex education in Africa.

The bundle of evidence from the three countries on the gap between childrens knowledge of sexuality and the lack of interaction with that knowledge within the school context is rich and convincing. The findings contribute to work on sexuality education that points at the necessity to understand youths sexual knowledge.
Dr Ariane DeLannoy, Childrens Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa

This book offers an important contribution towards understanding how childrens sexual subjectivity is shaped by contexts of culture, gender, poverty, living environments and schooling. The study offers possibilities to resolve the gap between childrens everyday realities on the one hand and teachers curriculum-based and cultural restraints on the other.
Mike Younger, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


February 2012 | 978-0-7969-2374-5 | 160pp Soft Cover | 240 x 168 mm Price: R150.00 $20.95 18.00 Rights: World Rights


Professor Crain Soudien is formerly the Director of the School of Education at the University of Cape Town and currently a Deputy Vice Chancellor. He is involved in a number of local, national and international social and cultural organisations and is the Chairperson of the District Six Museum Foundation, a Board member of the Cape Town Festival, immediate Past-President of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies and was the Chair of a Ministerial Committee on Transformation in Higher Education.

Realising the Dream: Unlearning the logic of race in the South African school is an intellectual and practical response to the dangers that come with the ubiquity of race, race-thinking and its attendant propensity to subsume the nuances of all other social complexity. Beginning with a comprehensive scoping of the theoretical literature on race and social dif ference, the book delivers a meticulous examination of how the logic of race is played out in the lives of post-apartheid South African school students. Based on two decades of empirical research, this compelling and insightful analysis reveals how the ongoing preoccupation with race not only obscures but also prevents the evolution of new ways of understanding privilege and subordination.

We dream of a better world. The fundamental promise of education, the author argues, is to develop the capacity to make real, in our will and desire, this possibility. However, the dream can be fully realised only when the learnt prejudices and false certainties of race, gender and indeed all our unproblematised conceits about who and what we are, are unlearnt. Written by one of South Africas foremost theorists of school education, this book is as brave as it is challenging an inspiring, essential read for education practitioners and students in particular, and social theorists more broadly.

Realising the Dream

Crain Soudien

unlearning the logic of race in the south african school

March 2012 | 978-0-7969-2380-6 | 288pp Soft Cover | 210 x 148 mm Price: R395.00 $55.95 39.00 Rights: World Rights



Adam Haupt is an associate professor in the Centre for Film and Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. Haupt is the author of Stealing Empire: P2P, Intellectual Property and Hip-Hop Subversion, published by the HSRC Press in 2008. In 2010, he was a Mandela Mellon Fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University, where he conducted research for this book. Haupt has taught at the Universities of the Western Cape and Stellenbosch, and freelanced as an arts journalist for publications such as the Mail & Guardian. In the mid-nineties, Haupt set the scene for research on black youth culture with his work on pioneer rap crew Prophets of da City, whose work was banned by the apartheid regime.
October 2012 | 978-0-7969-2386-8 | 256pp Soft Cover | 235 x 168 mm Price: R220.00 $26.95 23.00 Rights: World Rights

Static: Race and representation in post-apartheid music, media and film critically examines music, cinema, social media and the politics of change after apartheid. It cuts across academic disciplines, the creative arts and the media and poses two central questions: Is South Africa changing for the better, or are we static? Is there too much static for us to hear each other clearly? Static provides key insights into recent media phenomena, such as Die Antwoord; the 2010 Soccer World Cup; Bok van Blerk; Tsotsi; Kuli Roberts Sunday World column on coloureds; revisionist film Afrikaaps and the University of the Free States Reitz video scandal. The book will appeal to scholars in media, sociology, anthropology, music, African and cultural studies as well as to anybody with an

interest in music, media, identity politics and debates about culture and change in postapartheid South Africa.

Static is a sophisticated and well-argued analysis that establishes a new context for understanding post-apartheid culture in South Africa. The close readings of lyrics, videos and films are loaded with keen insights explaining what the cultural issues are and why they matter.
Murray Forman, Associate Professor, Media and Screen Studies, Northeastern University


race and representation in post-apartheid music, media and film

Adam Haupt


The University in Development

Case studies of use-oriented research
David Cooper
A seminal study, The University in Development explores the two realms of meaning implied by its title: the university pursuing its two existing missions of teaching and (basic) research as well as a new third mission of external societal development, and the major internal revolution that this third mission involves the development of new academic structures and processes within the university that will enable it to contribute to the socio-economic and cultural development of society. This third mission, already prevalent in many institutions internationally, has begun to influence the structures and activities of research centres in universities across South Africa, and poses troubling challenges to existing academic research cultures and systems. Emerging from an extended longitudinal study, The University in Development provides a powerful analysis of the complex nexus of transformation occurring between universities and the rapidly changing global society of which they form a part. Embedded within the book is a central theoretical claim: that driving this new international transformation within universities is a global post-1970s third capitalist industrial revolution, with capitalist firms seeking out useinspired basic research (UIBR) at universities in order to survive and grow within the competitive international market. In essence, it is claimed, this third industrial revolution is symbiotically linked to the post-1970s academic revolution. The analysis thus provides new understandings of current concepts of globalisation, use-oriented research, knowledge society and economy, and national system of innovation.


The book is structured in three parts. While the first considers case studies of this global academic transformation, the second part homes in on new research centres at Western Cape universities to consider the combination of creativity and disruption arising as this third academic mission evolves in South Africa. Part 3 argues that new visions, concepts and policies of research are needed, if our universities are to unlock their knowledges for societal development, with greater social justice not only for industry, but also for civil society. The University in Development will be of interest to scholars in the fields of higher education, innovation studies and the sociology of knowledge, and is of critical relevance to policymakers.

October 2011 | 978-0-7969-2347-9 | 400pp Soft Cover | 240 x 168 mm Price: R380.00 $61.95 45.00 Rights: World Rights


Voices of Liberation
albert luthuli
Gerald Pillay (Ed.)
This volume presents a brief biography of South Africas first Nobel Peace Prize winner, Albert Luthuli, followed by a selection from the many speeches he made, first as President of the Natal branch of the African National Congress and then as PresidentGeneral. The book concludes with a reflection on his legacy from a current perspective and a further reading list.

Contents inClude
His Life Early life From Groutville to Adams College From Adams College to Groutville Religious affiliation His early political work Luthuli of the ANC The Nobel Prize for Peace and after A concluding summary His Speeches Wake up, Africans! Wake up! The road to freedom is via the cross Freedom Day message Freedom in our lifetime Resist apartheid! The challenge of our time The implications of the Freedom Charter The African National Congress in recent years What is aimed at with the African people The struggle must go on Let ter to th e Pr im e M inis ter, JGStrijdom Our vision is a democratic society Africa and freedom We dont want crumbs On the Rivonia Trial E xcer pt s f rom Chief Luthuli s evidence at the Treason Trial His Legacy Bibliography and further reading


February 2012 | 978-0-7969-2356-1 | 184pp Soft Cover | 210 x 148 mm Retail Price: R210.00 $27.95 23.00 Rights: World Rights

Voices of Liberation
ruth First
Don Pinnock


Ruth First was all about freedom. Ruth was to become one of South Africas finest investigative journalists and a champion of Press freedom. It was something she lived for and, as she opened a letter bomb sent by apartheid operatives in 1982, its what she was killed for. She never succumbed to the temptation, so strong where there is space to fill, of using words for how they sound rather than for what they mean. She had that rare ability to recreate in a short phrase or two a face, a gesture, a smell, a mood. She might write, though not often, an untidy sentence. She never wrote a lazy or phony one. If she was alive today, shed be a champion of a free Press and a country resonating with the ideas of the Freedom Charter, which she helped to write.

Contents inClude
Her Life Early years University The Congress Alliance Life in exile Her Writing Africans turned off the land Pretoria conquered by the women! Pass books for women issued in Winburg Alexandra: Where the pass laws breed murder The new slavery Tens of thousands flock to Mai Mai daily Anti-pass protests shake the land Potato boycott launched Farm slave scheme cracks In the presence of history South Africa today Our duty As we see it From the Freedom Charter to armed struggle After Soweto: A response Revolutionary propaganda at home and abroad: Discussion guide note The gold of migrant labour Gentlemen and officers The cell Her Legacy Bibliography

March 2012 | 978-0-7969-2359-2 | 192pp Soft Cover | 210 x 148 mm Price: R210.00 $27.95 23.00 Rights: World Rights



People often wear their causes on their t-shirts, in their choice of traditional attire or other garments, or by way of specific costumes, pieces of jewellery or particular accessories. In Was it Something I Wore? Dress; identity; materiality, the contributors explore the construction and performance of personal and social identities. The essays point to the significance of dress as material culture in social science research not only in their content but also in their focus on a variety of methodologies including memory work, visual studies, autoethnography, object biographies and other forms of textual analysis. The framing question, Was it something I wore? is central to the many dress questions the book raises; questions that challenge the sociopolitical status quo. To what extent does dress

visually signify the construction of a chosen identity and a chosen performance? How does dress position the body and identity in different social and cultural spaces? How does dress signify oppression and/or liberation for women and how might this differ for men? What is the role of dress in the constructions of schooling and contemporary childhood? In its exploration of these and other questions, Was it Something I Wore? addresses a variety of pertinent social issues that confront communities in southern Africa.

Was it Something I Wore?

dress identity materiality
Relebohile Moletsane, Claudia Mitchell, Ann Smith (Eds)
February 2012 | 978-0-7969-2353-0 | 384pp Soft cover | 235 x 168 mm Price: R380.00 $46.95 38.00 Rights: World Rights


Salt comes from the north, gold from the south, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu
15th century proverb
In a joint project between South Africa and Mali (2007) and the first official cultural project of the New Partnership for Africas Development (Nepad), a library to preserve more than 200 000 Arabic and west African manuscripts dating from the 13th to 19th centuries is under construction. The manuscripts prove that Africa had a rich legacy of written history long before western colonisation. The Meanings of Timbuktu, a copublication between HSRC Press and CODESRIA, is a seminal work by leading international scholars that provides a fascinating read for anyone who wishes to gain an understanding of the aura and mystique and legend that surround Timbuktu, as well as the context and importance of efforts to preserve the manuscripts of Timbuktu for Africa and the intellectual world.

Praise for this book:

A breath of fresh air a visual and tactile treat

aBout the authors/editors
Glenda Kruss is a research director in the Education and Skills Development research programme of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). Dr Kruss is an experienced researcher who has led projects and published widely in a range of educational fields. Her research over the past few years has focused on higher education, and exploring the issue of responsiveness to economic and social needs. She completed a study of university-industry interaction in sub-Saharan Africa, comparing conditions in South Africa, Uganda and Nigeria as part of an international comparative study with partners in Latin America and Asia. She has extended this work conceptually and empirically to research university interaction with social partners more broadly, whether government, communities, civil society organisations, firms or other productive agents. Mariette Visser is a research manager in the Education and Skills Development research programme. Mariettes research expertise lies in areas of planning and management of surveys, design and development of research instruments, database design and management, data mining, and data analysis. She was part of the teams that have undertaken large research projects for organisations such as the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, National Department of Science and Technology, National Department of Labour, National Department of Education, Gauteng Department of Education, Nelson Mandela Foundation and the European Union. Mogau Aphane was a researcher in the Education and Skills Development research programme at the HSRC where he worked on data-related activities which mainly involved gathering and analysing data on innovation studies and education in South Africa. Mogau currently works at the Competition Commission of South Africa as a junior merger analyst in the Mergers and Acquisition division. Genevieve Haupt is a Research Trainee in the Education and Skills Development (ESD) programme at the HSRC. She is currently involved in various projects within ESD where she assists with data management and analysis as well as report writing. The projects she is currently involved in include Tracking the Trajectories of the Learnership and Apprenticeship System in South Africa, Promoting Higher Educationindustry Partnerships and Collaborations, and Teacher Assessment Resources for Monitoring and Improving Instruction, just to name a few.

A lively debate on the relationship between the university and society is emerging. This book looks at the main results of a research study on university interaction with external social partners. It centres on definitional boundaries around whether engagement requires new forms of knowledge that differ from traditional academic modes and around who is defined as the community. There is general agreement that the field is conceptually under-specified and theoretically rather thin. Academic Interaction with Social Partners presents a comprehensive data set stemming from research conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) on behalf of the National Research Foundation (NRF). The study aims to present not only an analysis of what exists but also utilises an analytical approach that will encourage future debates to be more empirically informed, contextually grounded and hence conducted in a more rigorous and robust manner.
November 2012 | 978-0-7969-2398-9 308pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R250.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Foreword Nasima Badsha Editors introduction Brenda Leibowitz, Leslie Swartz, Vivienne Bozalek, Ronelle Carolissen, Lindsey Nicholls and Poul Rohleder Background Understanding the challenges of the South African higher education landscape Brenda Leibowitz Community, self and identity: Training South African university students for transformation Poul Rohleder and Leslie Swartz Designing the project: Theoretical approaches Vivienne Bozalek and Ronelle Carolissen Community and identity: A theoretical review Ronelle Carolissen and Poul Rohleder Outcomes and Findings Student experiences of the CSI module Ronelle Carolissen Apartheid was your past, not mine Lindsey Nicholls, Poul Rohleder, Vivienne Bozalek, Ronelle Carolissen, Brenda Leibowitz and Leslie Swartz Interpreting drawings: Reading the racialised politics of space Poul Rohleder and Lucia Thesen Using cognitive maps to heal the legacies of apartheid Stanley D. Brunn The Partners Educating the educators: Creating a powerful learning environment Brenda Leibowitz, Vivienne Bozalek, Ronelle Carolissen, Lindsey Nicholls, Poul Rohleder and Leslie Swartz Facilitating deep understanding: Perspectives from four facilitators Dianne Dawes, Neil Henderson, Sorayah Nair and Melanie Petersen Experiencing the CSI module through the camera lens Andre Daniels Thats what friends are for the CSI projects critical friends Henk J. van Rinsum, Tamara Shefer and Toke Smolders The pedagogy of discomfort as a lens for the CSI project Megan Boler

Against the backdrop of an education system in crisis, low literacy and numeracy rates, resource constraints and a competitive and globalising world, South African educators are tasked to achieve more and universities to produce graduates capable of exercising responsible and reflective citizenship. In this sobering context, Community, Self and Identity provides an opportunity to learn from a bold experiment in teaching and learning taking place across two very different South African universities: one historically black and the other historically white and Afrikaans. With a mixture of rigorous scholarship, thoughtful self-reflection, and insights which have relevance far beyond their own project, the contributors take the reader systematically through an account of what is and is not possible in transforming higher education in South Africa.

November 2012 | 978-0-7969-2398-1 224pp | Soft cover 235 x 168 mm Price: R270.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Transforming Scholarship: Conversations across the Global South Crain Soudien Introduction Lesley Green and Helen Verran Rethinking the Division of Nature from Culture Notes Towards a Political Ontolo gy of Environmental Conflicts Mario Blaser Economic Development and Cosmopolitical Re - Involvement: From Ne cessit y to Sufficiency Eduardo Viveiros de Castro On Animism, Modernity/Colonialism, and the African Order of Knowledge: Provisional Reflections Harry Garuba Of Ecologies of Place and Ecologies of Relationships About Marianos Archive: Ecologies of Stories Marisol de la Cadena The Day-World Hawkri and its Topologies: On Palikur Alternatives to the Idea of Space Lesley Green Cultivating Krag, Refreshing Gees: Ecologies of Wellbeing in Namaqualand Joshua Cohen Are Petitioner s Maker s of Rain? Rains, Worlds and Survival in Conflict-torn Buhera, Zimbabwe Artwell Nhemachena Metaphors for Climate Adaptation from Zimbabwe: Zephaniah Phiri and the marriage of water and soil Christopher Mabeza Vulnerable Dialogues: Science, State and Publics Engagements Between Disparate Knowledge Tr a d i t i o n s : To w a r d D o i n g D i f f e r e n c e Generatively and in Good Faith Helen Verran The Making of Sutherlandia as Medicine Diana Gibson and Sanjay Kilian Conservation Conversations: Improving the Dialogue between Fishers and Fisheries Science along the Benguela Coast TarrynAnne Anderson, Kelsey Draper, Greg Duggan, Lesley Green, Astrid Jarre, Jennifer Rogerson, Sven Ragaller, Marieke Van Zyl Cape Flats Nature and the Challenges of Environmental Managerialism Tania Katzschner Spotting the Leopard: Fieldwork, Science and Leopard Behaviour Ian Glenn Contesting Ecological Collapse: Rapa Nui, The Island at the End of the World David Turnbull The Last Word Closing remarks from the Contested Ecologies Writing Workshop, September 2011 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
March 2013 | 978-0-7969-2428-5 256pp | Soft cover 235 x 168 mm Price: R320.00 tbc

The chapters in Contested Ecologies: Dialogues in the South on Nature and Knowledge expose the framework of knowledge that has deadlocked nature and culture, tradition and modernity, scientific and indigenous knowledge, and in doing so make a case for the value of rethinking knowledge beyond the natureculture divide.


aBout the editors
Sakhela Buhlungu is Professor of Sociology at the Universit y of Pretoria. From 2011 to 2012 he was Ela Bhatt Visiting Professor in the International Centre for Development and Decent Work at the University of Kassel, Germany. He previously taught sociology at the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand, where he was Co-director of the Sociology of Work Unit (SWOP). In the 1980s and early 1990s he worked in the unions and in laboursupporting organisations. He has published widely on a variety of subjects. His most recent publications include, A Paradox of Victory: COSATU and the Democratic Transformation in South Africa (UKZN Press, 2010) and Trade Unions and Party Politics: Labour Movements in Africa (edited with B. Beckman and L. Sachikonye) (HSRC Press, 2010). Malehoko Tshoaedi is a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of South Africa. She previously worked at the University of Johannesburg as a lecturer; and as a researcher in the Sociology of Work Unit (SWOP) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and Fafo (Institute for Social Research in South Africa). She has done research on labour movements and labour markets in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Mauritius. She has written and published widely on the Southern African labour movements and issues of gender and gender equity in the trade unions. Her recent publications include, (with H. Hlela) The Marginalisation of Women Unionists During South Africas Democratic Transition, in Buhlungu, S. (ed.) Trade Unions and Democracy: COSATU Workers Political Attitudes in South Africa (HSRC Press, 2006); (En)gendering the Transition in South Africa: The role of COSATU women activists, Transformation (2012).

Contrary to stereotypes reproduced in the media and other public platforms which portray trade union members as a herd led by all-powerful union bosses, COSATUs Contested Legacy deftly presents a picture of a multifaceted organisation whose members are steeped in the traditions of internal democracy, leadership accountability and mandated decision-making. But these traditions are not static. They are fiercely contested among different groups and categories of union members women and men; migrant and urban workers; skilled and unskilled workers; blue collar and white collar and professional workers; permanent and part-time and casual workers. The contributors to COSATUs Contested Legacy are all eminently qualified researchers and scholars from diverse backgrounds who share a passion for rigorous analysis that takes labour seriously.

September 2012 | 978-0-7969-2395-0 224pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R295.00


Contents inClude
Introduction: Reflecting on the maturing South African competition law regime Kasturi Moodaliyar and Simon Roberts Competition law, economics and policy Public interest provisions in the South African Competition Act: A critical review James Hodge, Shaista Goga, Tshepiso Moahloli A framework for promoting competition in electronic communications: Clarifying the role of the competition authorities and the sector regulator Kasturi Moodaliyar and Keith Weeks Mergers Self-supply and indirect constraints within competition analysis Robbie Lipschitz, Fatima Fiandeiro, Paul Anderson Geographic market definition in retail mergers where a national pricing policy is applied Andrew Myburgh, Shannon Knight, Fathima Sheik Vertical arithmetic and its application in vertical mergers James Hodge, Shaista Goga, Jason Aproskie Do ver tical mergers facilitate upstream collusion? Liberty Mncube, Lindiwe Khumalo and Mfundo Ngobese Abuse of dominance The South African Airways cases: Blazing a trail for Europe to follow? Helen Jenkins, Gunnar Niels and Robin Noble Policy approaches to margin squeeze in the telecommunications sector in the United States and European Union: As applied in South Africa Ryan Hawthorne and Kate Morris Price discrimination in input markets: Analysing competitive effects following Nationwide Poles Uur Akgn, Serge Moresi and Robert Stillman

This is an important and timely contribution to the rapidly growing field of competition law in South Africa. While the South African competition authorities have established an enviable local and international profile for their work, there is a need for critical evaluation of the developments in this field since the Competition Act came into force in 1999. This book meets this need. The Development of Competition Law and Economics in South Africa is an important source for students and practitioners of competition law and economics, as well as for those with an interest in the crucial questions of competition enforcement.

Cartels South Africas corporate leniency policy: A fiveyear review Chantal Lavoie The wrong side of the tracks: What are the empirical dif ferences between collusion, parallelism and competition? Patrick D. Smith The role of information exchange in facilitating collusion: Insights from selected cases Reena das Nair and Liberty Mncube


November 2012 | 978-0-7969-2404-9 256pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R365.00 tbc

Contents inClude
Foreword by the Director of the Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transition and Equity (CREATE) Foreword by the Chairperson of the National Reference Group Introduction: The first bell Veerle Dieltiens and Shireen Motala Right of entry reserved: Education policy in relation to access and equity Symphorosa Rembe No-fee schools: Fair and free? Yusuf Sayed and Shireen Motala South Africas school-going culture: Findings from the Social Surveys AfricaCentre for Applied Legal Studies Access to Education Survey Sarah Meny-Gibert and Bev Russell On the way in: A methodology for studying access Paul Kgobe, Gift Luxomo and Elvis Ngwenya The contours of access: An aerial perspective on access in two districts Jennifer Shindler Inside the school gates: What do learners have access to? Veerle Dieltiens, Setungoane Letsatsi and Elvis Ngwenya Testing access: An assessment of epistemological access to numeracy Carla Pereira and Roelien du Toit Reading bet ween the lines: E xamining opportunity to learn in a sample of Eastern Cape workbooks Hamsa Venkat Beyond access: How can schools respond to the crisis in care? Samantha Williams Return home: Parental involvement in childrens education Gift Luxomo and Shireen Motala Conclusion: The final bell Shireen Motala and Yusuf Sayed Appendix: Dropouts Veerle Dieltiens, Setungoane Letsatsi and Elvis Ngwenya

Finding Place and Keeping Pace focuses on getting access to and completing basic education in South Africa. It is based on research conducted for the Consortium on Research in Education Access, Transition and Equity (CREATE), an international study funded by the UKs Department for International Development and which was led by Professor Keith Lewin of Sussex University. The book showcases a rich body of research dealing with educational access, inclusion and exclusion, and provides a critical appraisal of how far South Africa has come in terms of achieving the Millennium Development and Education For All Goals in terms of access and quality indicators.

January 2013 | 978-0-7969-2401-8 240pp | Soft cover 240x168 mm Price: R390.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Introduc tion Simon Bekker and Laurent Fourchard Party Politics and the Politics of Identity Exploring the role of party politics in the governance of African cities Claire BenitGbaffou, Alain Dubresson, Laurent Fourchard, Karine Ginisty, Sylvy Jaglin, Ayodeji Olukoju, Sam Owuor and Jeanne Vivet Urban planning, housing, and the making of responsible citizens Sverine Awenengo, Hlne Charton, and Odile Goerg Changing minority identities in urban Africa Jeanne Vivet, Denise Brgand, Rasheed Olaniyi and Amandine Spire Urban Public Policies: Problematising Informality Breaking down the binar y: Meanings of informal settlement in southern African cities Liela Groenewald, Marie Huchzermeyer, Kristen Kornienko, Marius Tredoux, Margot Rubin and Isabel Raposo The politics of solid waste management in Accra, Addis Ababa, Maputo and Ouagadougou: Different cities, similar issues Jeremy Grest Axel Baudouin, Camilla Bjerkli, and Hlne Qunot-Suarez I n f o r m a l i t y, p u b l i c s p a c e a n d u r b a n governance: An approach through street trading Jean-Fabien Steck, Sophie Didier, Mariane Morange, and Margot Rubin Contested social orders: Negotiating urban security in Nigeria and South Africa Julie Berg, Rufus Akinyele, Laurent Fourchard, Kees van der Waal and Michellene Williams Appendix: City profiles

aBout the editors

Studies of government and politics in Africa are dominated by a focus on the national and are typically set apart by anglophone, francophone and lusophone historical influences, with South Africa as an exception. This volume departs from a different set of questions and employs a novel approach in discussing them: cities in sub-Saharan Africa provide the pivot around which issues of policy and practice, planning and service delivery turn, at different scales and both from the top down as well as from the bottom up. Party politics, for example, is discussed at city level and urban security both within a state and a non-state context. The novelty of the approach is found in thematic rather than singlecity chapters written by multiple authors, each of whom displays in-depth knowledge of one of three or more cities treated in each case. This volume will interest scholars of African and urban studies as well as urban policymakers and practitioners.
January 2013 | 978-0-7969-2416-2 224pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R200.00 tbc

Simon Bekker is Emeritus Professor in Sociology at the University of Stellenbosch. He has held visiting fellow appointments at Oxford University, the Centre dtude dAfrique Noire in France, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala in Sweden and has lectured at summer schools organized by CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. Laurent Fourchard is a senior researcher for the National Foundation of Political Science at Sciences Po Bordeaux. He is a former director of the French Institute for Research in Africa (University of Ibadan) and has held visiting fellow appointments at the University of Cape Town and Oxford University.


Contents inClude
Introduction and Context Aims and overview Methodology and analytical approach South Africas agrarian structure Overview of land and agrarian reform in South Africa a livelihoods perspective Context and history of land and agriculture in Limpopo Overview of land reform in Limpopo and northern Limpopo Land Reform Projects by Main Project Type SLAG-based redistribution projects LRAD-based redistribution projects Restitution projects Livelihoods and land reform Land Reform and the Local Economy Locality studies Value chains Synthesis and Policy Implications Synthesis Policy implications

aBout the authors

Michael Aliber is an agricultural and development economist who has been working in South Africa since 1994. Currently he is Extraordinary Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) at the University of the Western Cape. Themba Maluleke joined the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform in 2009, where he works in the Tenure Reform unit in the Western Cape. Tshililo Manenzhe is a Content Advisor for the Parliamentary Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, of the Parliament of South Africa. Gaynor Paradza joined the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) as a Senior Researcher in 2010. Ben Cousins holds a DST/NRF Research Chair at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) at the University of the Western Cape and is based at PLAAS, which he founded.

Land Reform and Livelihoods is the South African component of a broader three-country study (including Zimbabwe and Namibia) on Livelihoods after Land Reform (LaLR). The aim of LaLR is to measure the impact of land reform, but above all it is to understand that impact how and why impacts materialise or fail to materialise in relation to different circumstances, distinct implementation approaches, and diverse types of intended beneficiaries.

March 2013 | 978-0-7969-2413-1 312pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R295.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Medicine and the politics of knowledge: Beyond the microscope Susan Levine Ethnography from southern Africa The rings around Jonathans eyes: HIV and AIDS medicine at the margins of administration Oliver Human True believers or modern believers: HIV science and the work of the Dr Rath Foundation Christopher Colvin Testing knowledge: Legitimacy, healing and medicine in South Africa Susan Levine Biomedical and traditional knowledge in the search for healing in Namibia Diana Gibson and Estelle Oosthuysen Ethnography from the Global South Believing sceptically: Rethinking healthseeking behaviours in central India Helen Macdonald Experimentalit: Pharmaceutical insights into anthropologys epistemologically fractured self Donna Goldstein Knowledge in translation: Global science, local things Judith Farquhar Postscript Trees, webs and explosions: The analogical imperative in the politics of knowledge Fritha Langerman

aBout the editor

Susan Levine is a senior lecturer in the School of Gender and African Studies, Anthropology and Linguistics at the University of Cape Town. She has written extensively on the political economy of child labour in South Africas wine industry. Her current research focuses on childrens subjective experiences of living with infectious illness in subSaharan Africa. The recipient of a Distinguished Teachers Award in 2011, Dr Levine is renowned for her experimental pedagogy in teaching medical anthropology.

Medicine and the Politics of Knowledge embodies a profoundly consequential debate around traditional medicine, efficacy, and the epistemology of knowledge production. Its powerful medical anthropological analyses draw on closely observed entanglements of non-Western medical systems, experts, practices with the problems and possibilities that biomedicine both offers and often fails to produce. Chapter after chapter, the book lays bare the power asymmetries that are deeply embedded in the enactment of medical regimes of truth and healing, whether entangled in the struggles over AIDS denialism and traditional healers in South Africa; sorcery and scepticism in village India, or clinical trials in Mexico. At a time in world history where medicine and medical practice is deeply contested in the everyday as well as in juridical terms, this book makes an essential contribution to global debates about tradition, about science, and about the politics of knowledge production.
November 2012 | 978-0-7969-2392-9 208pp | Soft cover 235 x 168 mm Price: R350.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Kenya: Enabling private-sector participation in electricity generation Tanzania: Learning the hard way Uganda: Brave reforms and new growth Zambia: Looking east for additional generation capacity Namibia: Seeking independent power producers Ghana: Pursuing the standard electricity-sector reform model

aBout the authors

J os e p h K ap ik a is a res earch er an d PhD candidate with the Management Programme in Infrastructure Reform and Regulation (MIR) at the University of Cape Towns Graduate School of Business. He is also the Co-ordinator of the programmes African Electricity Regulator Peer Review and Learning Network. Joseph previously worked in Zambia at the Energy Regulation Board, ZESCO Limited and the Copperbelt Energy Corporation. He has a B.Eng. (Hons) in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Loughborough University in England, and an M.Sc. in Economic Management and Policy from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. Anton Eberhard is head of MIR which is committed to enhancing knowledge and capacity in the management, reform and regulation of the energy, telecommunications, water and transport sectors in support of sustainable development in Africa and other regions with emerging economies. Prof. Eberhards research focuses primarily on the management of reform and regulation in the electricity sector, including private -se c tor par ticipation in management contracts, leases, concessions, divestiture and greenfield investments, as well as the challenges involved in transforming stateowned enterprises. He has also done work on financial mechanisms and business models that facilitate the introduction of energy efficiency and renewable energy. He is co-author, with Clive van Horen, of Poverty and Power (Pluto, 1995), serves on the board of the Journal of Economic Regulation and Governance, and has written many chapters in books and articles in internationally accredited journals.

The issue of energy resources and how best to grow, manage and maintain them is a growing area of interest in the world. This book offers in-depth case studies examining the factors that impinge on government bodies and the private sector in the process of infrastructure and business development in sub-Saharan Africa. Power Sector Reform and Regulation in Africa offers detailed, up-to-date and original research into how governments and policymakers in six African countries have grappled with the development of their energy sectors. Arising out of a two-year peer-learning process involving senior executives in the electricity regulators in each country, the book contains an intelligent and clear analysis of the knowledge and shared experiences gathered in Africa by African scholars.
February 2013 | 978-0-7969-2410-0 216pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R195.00 tbc


Contents inClude
Policy Debates and Issues: Context, Contests And Contradictions An overview of education policy change in post-apartheid South Africa Yusuf Sayed and Anil Kanjee Approaches to education quality in South Africa Nazir Carrim Public sector reforms and policy making Vusi Gumede and Queeneth Mlaba Personal reflections on policy and school quality in South Africa Jonathan Jansen Quality Interventions in South Africa: Problems and Possibilities The change balance sheet in South African education Crain Soudien The Education Qualit y Improvement Partnership Programme Judith O Connell The Education Qualit y Improvement Partnership Programme Respondent: Beverly Barry The Imbewu I And II Projects Respondent: George Moyo Improving learning and learner achievement in South Africa Through The District Office Brian Chinsamy The Case Of The District Development Support Programme Respondent: Luis Crouch The Quality Learning Project Martin Prew and Sharanjeet Shah Quality Learning Project Respondent: Cas Prinsloo The Learning For Living Project 20002004 Eric Schollar The Learning For Living Project Respondent: Berthus Mathee Using large-scale intervention to demonstrate school improvement Thabo Mabogoane The IEP Project in three provinces Respondent: Melinda Taylor Khanyisa School Programme Godwin Khoza Khanyisa School Programme Respondent: Ron Tuck Reflections from Policymakers on School Quality Reform A critic al cross- c as e analysis of seven longitudinal education intervention projects in South Africa Mauvia Gallie Underperformance in the schooling system Sigamoney Naicker Improving quality in education Duncan Hindle R e f l e c tio n o n e du c atio n quali t y f ro m an inter natio nal d evel o p m ent a g en c y perspective Cornelius Hacking Relections on status and challenges for school reform in South Africa Anil Kanjee and Yusuf Sayed

Eighteen years after the first democratic elections, education in South Africa is still in a state of crisis. And it is the poor, marginalised and the disadvantaged who are most affected. This book considers these issues by reviewing selected large-scale interventions to improve education quality in South African schools. It locates these interventions by providing a chronology of education policy development in South Africa since 1994 as well as engaging with key debates about the notion of education quality. Furthermore, it invites policymakers to critically review and reflect on the changes to improve education quality in South Africa since 1994.


January 2013 | 978-0-7969-2407-0 448pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R375.00 tbc

This is the sixth in the State of the Nation series from the HSRC Press. In each volume the themes tell the story of a nation grappling with its identity as a new democracy. The first issue focussed on ten years of democracy, the second on president Mbekis term of office, the third on the extent to which South Africa could be considered a developmental state, the fourth on the functional and developmental issues of the ANC, and the fifth on the issue of uncertain democracy, elite fragmentation and the disintegration of nationalist consensus. Each edition was designed and written as a reflection of critical, contemporary, researchbased issues, providing analysis and data that have not only relevance but also lasting value. Across the world, many scholars, academics, policymakers and general readers still look to these editions as frames of reference for South African current affairs and the pathways forward. The sixth volume in this internationally acclaimed series is devoted to the theme of inequality and its link to poverty. As with the earlier volumes, this edition will resonate with a wealth of valuable research grounded in the contemporary landscape, and an emerging picture that shows the need to accelerate the pace of poverty eradication and to change the developmental trajectory of South Africa.

Contents inClude
Section 1 Politics and the state Section 2 Economics Section 3 Society Section 4 Environment and health Section 5 South Africa and the world

State of the Nation: South Africa 20122013 offers 32 diverse angles on poverty and inequality in contemporary South Africa in one compelling and comprehensive collection. Five sections deal with politics, economics, society, health and environment and the global context, each starting with an introduction followed by chapters which analyse burning issues and highlight long-term and recent trends, with a focus on policies and practice. The in-depth analyses deal with ideology and modern and traditional leadership; the role of national, provincial and local government in poverty alleviation; development, economic growth, employment creation and housing; the media; social cohesion; HIV and AIDS; the proposed National Health Insurance; Millennium Development Goals; climate change; regionalism and continental power relations; South African security interventions in Africa; Chinese in South Africa; and the impact of global economics on South Africa.
February 2013 | 978-0-7969-2422-3 712pp | Soft cover 240 x 168 mm Price: R275.00 tbc



due late 2013

Bantu Steve Biko, political activist and leader of the Black Consciousness Movement was only 30 years old when he died in detention, in Pretoria Central prison, on 12 September 1977. Biko is an icon of liberation whose voice and actions continue to contribute to the shaping of national discourse, id entit y, culture an d v alu es . T h e HSRC Press views this as an extremely important contribution to the Voices of Liberation series, not least because Biko represents the importance of dialogue and the relationship between identity, agency, citizenship and social action. The selection of the primary sources enable the reader to engage first hand with the actual voice of Steve Biko who believed in restoring people to their humanity - and the need for this voice to be heard loud and clear is perhaps greater now than it has ever been before.

US documents released in August 2011 reveal that President Eisenhower directly ordered the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of Congo. But the Americans were not alone Six months after achieving independence from Belgium, Congos first legally elected Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated on 17 January 1961. The effects of that attempt at annihilation, sanctioned by the United States and carried out by the Belgians, continue to reverberate throughout the continent today as the scramble for Africa continues. Patrice Lumumba was an icon of African liberation, a hero who represents a short but realistic ray of hope for true African democracy. In this important book, readers are able to engage with Lumumbas original voice through carefully selected writings and speeches. The critical section on Lumumbas legacy reflects that his voice is crucial for the current re-imagining of the continent, the African Renaissance and questions of nation-building and identity.
March 2013 | 978-0-7969-2425-4 224pp | Soft cover 210 x 148 mm Price: R295.00 tbc


Essential reading for anyone seeking a guide to contemporary social or political issues and debates, and presents the publics responses to extensive interviews conducted by the HSRC, measuring objective and subjective realities.


An Encumbered Regional Power The capacity gap in South Africas peace diplomacy in Africa Kagwanja, P.

Africa in the Age of Biology James, W.


African Languages in a Digital Age Challenges and opportunities for indigenous language computing Osborn, D.

African Parliaments Between governance and government Salih, M. (ed.)


Africa in Focus Governance in the 21st century Kondlo, K. & Ejiogu, C. (eds)

An African Peace Process Mandela, South Africa and Burundi Bentley, K. & Southall, R.

Capital Cities in Africa Power and powerlessness Bekker, S. & Therborn, G. (eds)

Crisis! What Crisis? The multiple dimensions of the Zimbabwe crisis Chiumbu, S. & Musemwa, M. (eds)

Democracy in Africa Moving beyond a difficult legacy Southall, R.




Fragments of Democracy Nationalism, development and the state in Africa Williams, G.


Human Rights in African Prisons Sarkin, J. (ed.)


Legacies of Power Leadership change and former presidents in African politics Southall, R., Melber, H. (eds)

The SecurityDevelopment Nexus Expressions of sovereignty and securitization in southern Africa Buur, L., Jensen, S. & Stepputat, F. (eds)

Saviours and Survivors Darfur, politics, and the war on terror Mamdani, M.

Shifting African Identities Identity? Theory, politics, history Bekker, S., Dodds, M. & Khosa, M.M. (eds)

South Africas Role in Conflict Resolution and Peace-Making in Africa Conference proceedings Southall, R. (ed.)

Trade Unions and Party Politics Labour movements in Africa Beckman, B., Buhlungu, S. & Sachikonye, L.



Changing Social Policy The child support grant in South Africa Lund, F.

Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa McDonald, D.A. & Pape, J. (eds)

Democracy and Governance Review: Mandelas legacy 19941999 Muthien, Y., Khosa, M.M. & Magubane B.M. (eds)

The Development Decade? Economic and social change in South Africa, 19942004 Padayachee, V. (ed.)

Constructing a Democratic Developmental State in South Africa Potentials and challenges Edigheji, O. (ed.)

Democracy and Delivery Urban policy in South Africa Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R. & du Toit, J. (eds)



Empowerment Through Service Delivery Khosa, M.M. (ed.)


The Evolving Spatial Form of Cities in a Globalising World Economy Johannesburg and So Paulo Murray, M.J.

Local Government, Gender and Integrated Development Planning Todes, A., Sithole, P. & Williamson, A.

Peace-Making in Divided Societies The IsraelSouth Africa analogy Adam, H.


Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Bhorat, H. & Kanbur, R. (eds)

What Holds Us Together Social cohesion in South Africa Chidester, D., Dexter, P. & James, W. (eds)



At Full Speed the Tiger Cubs Stumbled Lessons from South East Asia about sustainable public service delivery Cloete, F.

Attitudes to Work and Social Security in South Africa Noble, M., Ntshongwana, P. & Surender, R.

Alternatives to Privatisation Public options for essential services in the Global South McDonald, D.A. & Ruiters, G. (eds)

Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies Issues of policy coherence: Colloquium proceedings Maile, S. (ed.)

Electric Capitalism Recolonising Africa on the power grid McDonald, D.A. (ed.)

Employment and Skills in South African Exports van Seventer, D.E.


Empowerment Through Economic Transformation Khosa, M.M. (ed.)


Food Security and Sustainable Development in Southern Africa Drimie, S. & Mini, S.


ICT Skills at the Intermediate Level in South Africa Insights into private provision and labour market demand Akoojee, S., Arends, F. & Roodt, J.


Main Results of the South African Innovation Survey 2005 A survey undertaken on behalf of DST by CeSTII Blankley, W. & Moses, C.

Mapping ICT Access in South Africa Tlabela, K., Roodt, J. & Paterson, A., with Weir-Smith, G.

Measuring Innovation in OECD and Non-OECD Countries Selected seminar papers Blankley, W., Scerri, M., Molotja, N. & Saloojee, I. (eds)

Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation A review of literature Pogue, T.E.

Trade Unions and Democracy COSATU workers political attitudes in South Africa Buhlungu, S. (ed.)

Resource Intensity, Knowledge and Development Insights from Africa and South America Lorentzen, J. (ed.)

Trends and Policy Challenges in the Rural Economy Four provincial case studies Aliber, A., de Swardt, C., du Toit, A., Mbhele, T. & Mthethwa, T.



Ambitions Revised Grade 12 learner destinations one year on Cosser , M. with Sehlola, S.

The Architect and the Scaffold Evolution and education in South Africa James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds)

Books and Babies Pregnancy and young parents in schools Morrell, R., Bhana, D. & Shefer, T. (eds)

Bounds of Democracy Epistemological access in higher education Morrow, W.


The Business of Higher Education A study of publicprivate partnerships in the provision of higher education in South Africa Mabizela, M.

Changing Class Education and social change in post-apartheid South Africa Chisholm, L. (ed.)

Creating Knowledge Networks Glenda Kruss (ed.)


Crossing Over The basics of evolution workbook for teachers Dempster, E. (ed.)

Debating High Skills and JoinedUp Policy Kraak, A., Lauder, H., Brown, P. & Ashton, D.



Doctors in a Divided Society The profession and education of medical practitioners in South Africa Breier, M., with Wildschut, A.

Education in Retrospect Policy and implementation since 1990 Kraak, A. & Young, M. (eds)

Educator Supply and Demand in the South African Public Education System Integrated report Peltzer, K., Shisana, O., Udjo, E., et al.


Educator Workload in South Africa Chisholm, L., Hoadley, U., et al.


Elusive Equity Education reform in post-apartheid South Africa Fiske, E.B. & Ladd, H.F.

Emerging Voices For the Nelson Mandela Foundation by the HSRC with the Education Policy Unit

Engineers in a Developing Country Engineering professionals in South Africa du Toit, R. & Roodt, J.

Finding Work Employment experiences of South African graduates Moleke, P.


Flight of the Flamingos A study on the mobility of R&D workers Kahn, M., Blankley, W., Maharajh, R., et al.

From School to Higher Education? Factors affecting the choices of Grade 12 learners Cosser, M., with du Toit, J.

Human Resources Development Review 2008 Education, employment and skills in South Africa Kraak, A. & Press, K. (eds)

Information and Communication Technologies in South African Secondary Schools Howie, S., Muller, A. & Paterson, A.

Learner Performance in South Africa Social and economic determinants of success in language and mathematics Simkins, C., with Paterson, A.

Learning/Work Turning work and lifelong learning inside out Edited by Cooper, L. & Walters, S.

Learning to Teach in South Africa Morrow, W.




Low Achievement Trap, The Comparing schooling in Botswana and South Africa Carnoy, M., Chisholm, L. & Chilisa, B. (eds)

Mathematics and Science Achievement at South African Schools in TIMSS 2003 Reddy, V., with contributions by Kanjee, A., Diedricks, G. & Winnaar, L.

Nursing in a New Era The profession and education of nurses in South Africa Breier, M., Wildschut, A. & Mgqolozana, T.

Postgraduate Student Retention and Success A South African case study Koen, C.

Potential Attrition in Education The impact of job satisfaction, morale, workload and HIV/AIDS Hall, E., with Altman, M., Nkomo, N., Peltzer, K. & Zuma, K.

Private Further Education and Training in South Africa The changing landscape Akoojee, S.

Prophets and Profits Managerialism and the restructuring of Jewish schools in South Africa Herman, C.

Reading Scientific Images The iconography of evolution Mason, R., with Morphet, T. & Prosalendis, S.


Researching Mathematics Education in South Africa Perspectives, practices and possibilities Vithal, R., Adler, J. & Keitel, C. (eds)

The RPL Conundrum Recognition of prior learning in a teacher upgrading programme Breier, M.

Scholars in the Marketplace The dilemmas of neo-liberal reform at Makerere University 19892005 Mamdani, M.

Sectors & Skills The need for policy alignment Edited by Kraak, A.


Shifting Understandings of Skills in South Africa Overcoming the historical imprint of a low skills regime McGrath, S., Badroodien, A., et al. (eds)

Skills Development in Very Small and Micro Enterprises McGrath, S. (ed.)


Social Work in Social Change The profession and education of social workers in South Africa Earle, N.

SouthSouth Cooperation in Education and Development Chisholm, L. & Steiner-Khamsi, G. (eds)


Student Retention and Graduate Destination Higher education and labour market access and success Letseka, M., Cosser, M., Breier, M. & Visser, M.

Studying Ambitions Pathways from Grade 12 and the factors that shape them Cosser, M.

Teacher Education and Institutional Change in South Africa Kruss, G.


Teacher Education and the Challenge of Diversity in South Africa Hemson, C.


Teacher Graduate Production in South Africa Paterson, A. & Arends, F.


University in Development, The Case studies of use-oriented research Cooper, D.


Within the Realm of Possibility From disadvantage to development at the University of Fort Hare and the University of the North Nkomo, M., Swartz, D. & Maja, B. (eds)

Working Partnerships in Higher Education, Industry and Innovation Financial or intellectual imperatives Kruss, G.


Between 2003 and 2008, the HSRC published its annual flagship publication, State of the Nation. Since the launch of the first edition, the series has captured the attention of public intellectuals, scholars, policymakers and the media in South Africa and abroad. Internationally, the series has been acclaimed as one of the most in-depth and important independent analyses of the national agenda through the lens of the South African political, economic and social context, and has been selected by university departments across the world as prescribed or highly recommended reading. In view of its historically high demand and the need for vibrant national and continental debates, the HSRC will relaunch this authoritative publication in 2013. The new edition, State of the Nation 20122013, will continue to stimulate contemporary debates on key issues in a significant way, helping to shape public knowledge, policies, political actions and individual and collective decisions. The new edition will offer diverse angles on inequality and poverty in South Africa in one compelling and comprehensive collection. Praise for previous editions of State of the Nation:

Deserves to become a regular port of call for everyone wishing to keep abreast of key developments in South Africa today
SA Review

A balanced and nuanced evaluation of the nation

Ian Taylor, University of Botswana

Trenchant observationspunctuated with hopeful conclusions

Patrick Laurence, Focus Magazine

A valuable resource for readers seeking to understand South Africas past, present and future
Journal of African Elections

Packed with useful statistical information as well as insightful perspectives about the future

A thought-provoking evidence-based review



Cleaner Energy, Cooler Climate Developing sustainable energy solutions for South Africa Winkler, H.

Fluid Rights Water allocation reform in South Africa Movik, S.


Energy Sustainability for South Africas Poor Weighing up the alternatives Clark, A. & Drimie, S.

Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in Southern Africa An EEASA monograph Hattingh, J., Lotz-Sisitka, H. & ODonoghue, R.

Women are Weak When They Are Amongst Men The participation of women in rural water committees in South Africa Hemson, D.



Baba Men and fatherhood in South Africa Linda Richter & Robert Morrell (eds)

Baba Men and fatherhood in South Africa Richter, L. & Morrell, R. (eds)

The Prize and the Price Shaping sexualities in South Africa Steyn, M. & van Zyl, M. (eds)
978-07969- 2239-7


From Social Silence to Social Science Same-sex sexuality, HIV & AIDS and gender in South Africa Reddy, V., Sandfort, T. & Rispel, L. (eds)

Gender Equity in South African Education 19942004 Perspectives from research, government and unions Chisholm, L. & September, J. (eds)

Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS Seminar proceedings Kleintjes, S., Prince, B, Cloete, A. & Davids, A. (eds)

Skills-Building for Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS Research and Practice Seminar proceedings Prince, B., Pugh, S. & Kleintjes, S. (eds)


The Country We Want to Live in

Was it Something I Wore?

Country We Want to Live in, The Hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans Mkhize, N., Bennett, J., Reddy, V. & Moletsane, R.

Was it Something I Wore? Dress, identity, materiality Moletsane, R., Mitchell, C. & Smith, A. (eds)

Teenage Tata Voices of young fathers in South Africa Swartz, S. & Bhana, A.

Women, Development & Transport in Rural Eastern Cape, South Africa Potgieter, C.A., Pillay, R. & Rama, S.

Workers and Warriors Masculinity and the struggle for nation in South Africa Waetjen, T.

Womens Property Rights, HIV and AIDS & Domestic Violence Research findings from two districts in South Africa and Uganda Swaminathan, H., Walker, C. & Rugadya, M.A. (eds)



Assessing the Costs of a Rural PMTCT Pilot Site in the Eastern Cape Desmond. C. & Boyce, G.

An Audit of HIV/AIDS Policies In Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe Zungu-Dirwayi, N., Shisana, O., Udjo, E., et al.

A Comparative Analysis of the Financing of HIV/AIDS Programmes In Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Martin, H.G.

Defining Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Skinner, D. et al


The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Interventions for the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe - Strebel, A.

Disability and Social Change A South African agenda Watermeyer, B., Swartz, L., Lorenzo, T., Schneider, M. & Priestley, M. (eds)

Doctors in a Divided Society The profession and education of medical practitioners in South Africa Breier, M., with Wildschut, A.

Exploring the Challenges of HIV/ AIDS Seminar proceedings Prince, B., Louw, J., Roe, K. & Adams, R.

Family and Community Interventions for Children Affected by AIDS Richter, L., Manegold, J & Pather, R.



Fertility: Current South African issues of poverty, HIV/AIDS & youth Seminar proceedings Department of Social Development, in collaboration with the HSRCs CYFD research programme

Financing South Africas National Health System through National Insurance: Possibilities and challenges Colloquium proceedings Botha, C. & Hendricks, M., et al for the HSRC Policy Analysis Unit

The Health of Our Educators A focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools Shisana, O., Peltzer, K., Zungu-Dirwayi, N. & Louw, J. (eds)


HIV Risk Exposure among Young Children A study of 29 year olds served by public health facilities in the Free State, South Africa Shisana, O. & Mehtar, S.

HIV/AIDS, Stigma and Children A literature review Deacon, H. & Stephney, I.


HIV-Positive Educators in South African Public Schools Predictions for prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy Rehle, T., Shisana, O., Glencross, D. & Colvin, M.

The Land and Property Rights of Women and Orphans in the Context of HIV and AIDS Case studies from Zimbabwe Izumi, K. (ed.)

Managing HIV in the Workplace Learning from SMEs Vass, J. & Phakathi, S.

Mental Health and HIV/AIDS Report on a round-table discussion March 2003 Compiled by Melvyn Freeman for the HSRC SAHA research programme

Monitoring Child Well-being A South African rights-based approach Dawes, A., Bray, R. & Van der Merwe, A. (eds)

Multiple Vulnerabilities Qualitative data for the study of orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa Skinner, D. & Davids, A. (eds)

The National Household HIV Prevalence and Risk Survey of South African Children Brookes, H., Shisana, O. & Richter, L.

Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS: Full Report South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media household survey 2002 Shisana, O. & Simbayi, L.

Old Enough to Know Consulting children about sex and AIDS education in Africa McLaughlin, C., Swartz, S., Kiragu, S., Walli, S. & Mohamed, M.

Promoting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in East and Southern Africa Klepp, K.I., Flisher, A.J. & Kaaya, S.F. (eds)



Promoting Mental Health in Scarce-resource Contexts Emerging evidence and practice Inge Petersen, Arvin Bhana, Alan J Flisher, Leslie Swartz & Linda Richter (eds)

Reclaiming Our Lives HIV and AIDS, womens land and property rights and livelihoods in southern and East Africa: Narratives and responses Kaori Izumi (ed.)

Reflective Practice Psychodynamic ideas in the community Leslie Swartz, Kerry Gibson & Tamara Gelman (eds)

Sexual Abuse of Young Children in Southern Africa Linda Richter, Andrew Dawes & Craig Higson-Smith (eds)

A Situational Analysis of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Four Districts of South Africa Alicia Davids & Donald Skinner (eds)

A South African Case Study on Social Exclusion Laetitia Rispel, Boitumelo Molomo & Sellinah Dumela

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2005 Olive Shisana, Thomas Rehle, Leickness Simbayi, et al.

South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008 A turning tide among teenagers? O Shisana, T Rehle, LC Simbayi, K Zuma, S Jooste, V Pillay-van-Wyk, N Mbelle, J Van Zyl, W Parker, NP Zungu, S Pezi & the SABSSM III Implementation Team


South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008 The health of our children Shisana, O., et al.

Understanding HIV/AIDS Stigma A theoretical and methodological analysis Harriet Deacon, Inez Stephney & Sandra Prosalendis

Working to Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Southern Africa A reflection on values, principles and organisational issues Donald Skinner, Alicia Davids, Tsela Matlhaku, Reba Phakedi, Phomolo Mohapeloa, Sonja Romao, Tshepo Mdwaba, Nene Kazi & Jephias Mundondo


African Intellectuals in 19th and Early 20th Century South Africa Mcebisi Ndletyana (ed.)

An African Peace Process Mandela, South Africa and Burundi Roger Southall & Kristina Bentley

Black Student Politics, Higher Education & Apartheid From SASO to SANSCO, 19681990 M. Saleem Badat

The Deaths of Hintsa Postapartheid South Africa and the shape of recurring pasts Premesh Lalu

Democracy and Governance Review Mandelas legacy 19941999 Yvonne Muthien, Meshack M. Khosa & Bernhard M. Magubane (eds)

Education in Exile SOMAFCO, the ANC school in Tanzania, 1978 to 1992 Sen Morrow, Brown Maaba & Loyiso Pulumani

Every Step of the Way The journey to freedom in South Africa Ministry of Education/Michael Morris

Gender, Modernity & Indian Delights The Womens Cultural Group of Durban, 19542010 Vahed, G. & Waetjen, T.

Growing Up in Canaansland Childrens recommendations on improving a squatter camp environment Jill Swart-Kruger (ed.)

Growing Up in the New South Africa Childhood and adolescence in post-apartheid Cape Town Rachel Bray, Imke Gooskens, Sue Moses, Lauren Kahn & Jeremy Seekings

Imagining the City Memories and cultures in Cape Town Edited by Sean Field, Renate Meyer & Felicity Swanson



Language, Identity, Modernity The Arabic study circle of Durban Jeppie, S.


Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa The unfinished business of democratic consolidation Melber, H. (ed.)

Inside Indian Indenture A South African story, 18601914 Desai, A. & Vahed, G.

The Meaning of Mandela A literary and intellectual celebration Mangcu, X. (ed.)


The Meanings of Timbuktu Jeppie, S. & Diagne, S.B. (eds)



The National Liberation Struggle in South Africa A case study of the United Democratic Front, 19831987 Houston, G.F.

Overcoming Apartheid Can truth reconcile a divided nation? Gibson, J.L.


Protecting our Cultural Capital A research plan for the heritage sector Deacon, H., Mngqolo, S. & Prosalendis, S.

Raymond Mhlabas Personal Memoirs Reminiscing from Rwanda and Uganda Mufamadi, T.


Representation & Reality Portraits of womens lives in the Western Cape 19481976 Scanlon, H.

The Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage Safeguarding intangible heritage Deacon, H., with Dondolo, L., Mrubata, M. & Prosalendis, S.

The Theatre of Violence Narratives of protagonists in the South African conflict Foster, D., Haupt, P. & de Beer, M.

Tombouctou Pour une histoire de lrudition en Afrique de louest Jeppie, S. et al. (eds)

Voices of Liberation Albert Luthuli Pillay, G.J.


Voices of Liberation Ruth First Pinnock, D.


Women in South African History Gasa, N. (ed.)


White Lies Canon Collins and the secret war against apartheid Herbstein, D.

Women Marching into the 21st Century Wathint abafazi, wathint imbokodo Group Democracy and Governance, HSRC



Democracy Compromised Chiefs and the politics of land in South Africa Ntsebeza, L.

An Evaluation of CommunityDriven Economic Development, Land Tenure and Sustainable Environmental Development in the Kat River Valley Hill, T. & Nel, E. (eds)

Going for Broke The fate of farmworkers in arid South Africa Atkinson, D.

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Land Rights Case studies from Kenya Aliber, M., Walker, C., Machera, M., Kamau, P., Omondi, C. & Kanyinga, K.

Indigenous Knowledge on the South African Landscape Norman, H., Snyman, I. & Cohen, M. (eds)

Land Claims & National Parks The Makuleke experience de Villiers, B.


The Land Question in South Africa The challenge of transformation and redistribution Ntsebeza, L. & Hall, R. (eds)

Migration in South and Southern Africa Dynamics and determinants Kok, P., Gelderblom, D., Oucho, J. & van Zyl, J. (eds)

Post-Apartheid Patterns of Internal Migration in South Africa Kok, P., ODonovan, M., Bouare, O. & van Zyl, J. (eds)

The Struggle over Land in Africa Conflicts, politics & change Edited by Anseeuw, W. & Alden, C.



Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa Proceedings of an African Migration Alliance Workshop Cross, C., Gelderblom, D., Roux, N. & Mafukidze, J. (eds)


Advertising in the News Paid-for content and the South African print media Hadland, A., Cowling, L. & Tabi Tabe, B.F.

Changing the Fourth Estate Essays on South African journalism Hadland, A. (ed.)

The Peoples Voice The development and current state of the South African small media sector Hadland, A. & Thorne, K.

Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media Hadland, A., Louw, E., Sesanti, S. & Wasserman, H. (eds)

Re-Visioning Television Policy, strategy and models for the sustainable development of community television in South Africa Hadland, A., Aldridge, M & Ogada, J.

Static Race and representation in post-apartheid music, media and film Adam Haupt

Stealing Empire P2P, intellectual property and hip-hop subversion Adam Haupt



Electoral Politics in South Africa Assessing the first democratic decade Piombo, J. & Nijzink, L. (eds)

Families and Households in PostApartheid South Africa Socio-demographic perspectives Edited by Amoateng, A.Y. & Heaton, T.B.

Development and Dreams The urban legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R. & Bass, O. (eds)

Giving & Solidarity Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa Habib, A. & Maharaj, B. (eds)

Overcoming Apartheid Can truth reconcile a divided nation? Gibson, J.L.


The Race to Transform Sport in post-apartheid South Africa Desai, A. (ed.)


Racial Redress & Citizenship in South Africa Bentley, K. & Habib, A. (eds)

Realising the Dream Unlearning the logic of race in the South African school Soudien, C.

Skills Shortages in South Africa Case studies of key professions Erasmus, J. & Breier, M. (eds)



South African Governance in Review Anti-corruption, local government, traditional leadership Jackson, P., Muzondidya, J., et al.

The South African Index of Multiple Deprivation for Children Census 2001 Barnes, H., Wright, G., Noble, M. & Dawes, A.

South African Social Attitudes Changing times, diverse voices Pillay, U., Roberts, B. & Rule, S. (eds)

South African Social Attitudes 2nd Report Reflections on the Age of Hope Roberts, B., wa Kivilu, M. & Davids, Y.U. (eds)

State of the Nation South Africa 20032004 Daniel, J., Habib, A. & Southall, R. (eds)

State of the Nation South Africa 20042005 Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds)

State of the Nation South Africa 20052006 Buhlungu, S., Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds)

State of the Nation South Africa 2007 Buhlungu, S., Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds)

State of the Nation South Africa 2008 Kagwanja, P. & Kondlo, K. (eds)

The Zuma Administration Critical challenges Kondlo, K. & Maserumule, M.H. (eds)


The Voices of Liberation series celebrates the lives and authentic writings of African liberation activists and heroes. The human, social and literary contexts presented in this series have a critical resonance and bearing on where we come from, who we are and how we can choose to shape our destiny. The Voices of Liberation series ensures that the debates and values that shaped the liberation movement are not lost. The series offers a unique combination of biographical information with selections from original speeches and writings in each volume. By providing access to the thoughts and writings of some of the many men and women who fought for the dismantling of apartheid, colonialism and capitalist legacy, this series invites the contemporary reader to engage directly with the rich history of the struggle for democracy and the restoration of our African identity. New editions released in 2012: Ruth First and Albert Luthuli Forthcoming in 2013: Patrice Lumumba and Steve Biko Planned for 2014 and 2015: Chris Hani, Lilian Ngoyi, Kwame Nkrumah, Walter Sisulu, Pixley Seme and Albertina Sisulu

Title Advertising in the News: Paid-for content and the South African print media Africa in Focus: Governance in the 21st century Africa in the Age of Biology African Intellectuals in 19th and Early 20th Century South Africa African Languages in a Digital Age: Challenges and opportunities for indigenous language computing African Parliaments: Between governance and government African Peace Process, An: Mandela, South Africa and Burundi Alternatives to Privatisation: Public options for essential services in the Global South Ambitions Revised: Grade 12 learner destinations one year on Architect and the Scaffold, The: Evolution and education in South Africa Assessing the Costs of a Rural PMTCT Pilot Site in the Eastern Cape At Full Speed the Tiger Cubs Stumbled: Lessons from South East Asia about sustainable public service delivery Attitudes to Work and Social Security in South Africa Audit of HIV/AIDS Policies, An: In Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe Baba: Men and fatherhood in South Africa Baseline Study on Psychosocial Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two Villages in Botswana, A Basic Concepts: In the methodology of the social sciences Basiese Begrippe: Metodologie van die geesteswetenskappe Beginner Teachers in South Africa: School readiness, knowledge and skills Behavioural Risks and HIV Sero-Status Household Survey in the Klerksdorp District of South Africa: A baseline study Behind the Mask: Getting to grips with crime and violence in South Africa Black Composers of Southern Africa Black Student Politics, Higher Education & Apartheid: From SASO to SANSCO, 19681990 Books and Babies: Pregnancy and young parents in schools Bounds of Democracy: Epistemological access in higher education Business of Higher Education, The: A study of publicprivate partnerships in the provision of higher education in South Africa Capital Cities in Africa: Power and powerlessness Census of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two South African Communities, A Census of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two Villages in Botswana, A Author/s Hadland, A., Cowling, L. & Tabe, B.F.T. Kondlo, K. & Ejiogu, C. James, W. Ndletyana, M. (ed.) Osborn, D. Salih, M.A.M. (ed.) Southall, R. & Bentley, K. McDonald, D.A. & Ruiters, G. (eds) Cosser, M. with Sehlola, S. James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) Desmond, C. & Boyce, G. Cloete, F. Noble, M., Ntshongwana, P. & Surender, R. Zungu-Dirwayi, N., Shisana, O., Udjo, E., Mosala, T. & Seager, J. Richter, L. & Morrell, R. (eds) Tsheko, G.N., Bainame, K., Odirile, L.W. & Segwabe, M. Mouton, J. & Marais, H.C. Mouton, J. & Marais, H.C. Arends, F. & Phurutse, M. Simbayi, L.C., Jooste, S., Mwaba, K., Managa, A., Zuma, K. & Mbelle, N.M. Emmett, T. & Butchart, A. (eds) Huskisson, Y. Badat, M.S. Morrell, R., Bhana, D. & Shefer, T. (eds) Morrow, W. Mabizela, M. Bekker, S. & Therborn, G. (eds) Jooste, S., Managa, A. & Simbayi, M.L. Tsheko, G.N., Odirile, L.W., Segwabe, M. & Bainame, K. ISBN 978-07969-2183-3 978-07969-2344-8 978-07969-2073-7 978-07969-2207-6 978-07969-2249-6 978-07969-2169-7 978-07969-2090-4 978-07969-2377-6 978-07969-2289-2 978-07969-2003-4 978-07969-2063-8 978-07969-1929-8 978-07969-2219-9 978-07969-2066-9 978-07969-2096-6 978-07969-2178-9 978-07969-0648-9 978-07969-0185-9 978-07969-2242-7 978-07969-2172-7 978-07969-1958-8 978-07969-1252-7 978-07969-1896-3 978-07969-2365-3 978-07969-2271-7 978-07969-2092-8 978-07969-2350-9 978-07969-2143-7 978-07969-2149-9 978-07969-2146-8 978-07969-2052-2 978-07969-1960-1 978-07969-2097-3 978-07969-2200-7 978-07969-2039-3 978-07969-2230-4 Publ. Date 2007 2011 2004 2008 2010 2007 2005 2012 2009 2002 2004 2000 2008 2004 2006 2007 1990 1990 2009 2006 2000 1992 1999 2012 2009 2005 2012 2005 2005 2005 2004 2000 2005 2008 2004 2008 2005 2003 Price R 115.00 295.00 98.00 115.00 145.00 214.00 165.00 395.00 165.00 231.00 105.00 187.00 98.00 115.00 187.00 115.00 265.00 191.00 137.00 105.00 265.00 115.00 248.00 295.00 180.00 159.00 250.00 95.00 98.00 145.00 253.00 133.00 184.00 165.00 195.00 209.00 98.00 133.00

Census of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two Zimbabwean Districts, Munyati, S. (ed.) A Changing Class: Education and social change in post-apartheid South Africa Changing Modes: New knowledge production and its implications for higher education in South Africa Changing the Fourth Estate: Essays on South African journalism Changing Social Policy: The child support grant in South Africa Chasing Credentials & Mobility: Private higher education in South Africa Cleaner Energy, Cooler Climate: Developing sustainable energy solutions for South Africa Community-Level Behavioural Interventions for HIV Prevention in SubSaharan Africa Comparative Analysis of the Financing of HIV/AIDS Programmes, A: In Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. October 2003 Conceptions of Social Inquiry Conflict, Violence and Conflict Resolution: Where is South Africa heading? Confronting the Region: A profile of southern Africa Constructing a Democratic Developmental State in South Africa: Potentials and challenges Coping Strategies of the Unemployed Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa Chisholm, L. (ed.) Kraak, A. (ed.) Hadland, A. (ed.) Lund, F. Kruss, G. Winkler, H.

Van Wyk, B., Strebel, A., Peltzer, K. & Skinner, 978-07969-2138-3 O. Martin, H.G. 978-07969-2050-8

Snyman, J. (ed.) Minnaar, A. & Hough, M. (eds) Naidu, S. & Roberts, B. Edigheji, O. (ed.) Erasmus, J. McDonald, D.A. & Pape, J. (eds)

978-07969-1417-0 978-07969-1813-0 978-07969-2060-7 978-07969-2333-2 978-07969-1922-9 978-07969-1997-7

1993 1997 2004 2010 1999 2002

350.00 145.00 98.00 242.00 137.00 165.00


Title Country We Want to Live in, The: Hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans Creating Knowledge Networks Crisis! What Crisis?: The multiple dimensions of the Zimbabwe crisis Crossing Over: The basics of evolution Curriculum Responsiveness in FET Colleges Deaths of Hintsa, The: Postapartheid South Africa and the shape of recurring pasts Debating High Skills and Joined-Up Policy Defining Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Democracy and Delivery: Urban policy in South Africa Democracy and Governance Review: Mandelas legacy 19941999 Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the politics of land in South Africa Democracy in Africa: Moving beyond a difficult legacy Democracy in South Africa: Evaluating the 1999 election Demografie: Handboek vir Suid-Afrikaanse studente Demography: Textbook for the South African student Deracialisation & Migration of Learners in South African Schools: Challenges and implications Author/s Mkhize, N., Bennett, J., Reddy, V. & Moletsane, R. Kruss, G. (ed.) Chiumbu, S. & Musemwa, M. (eds) Dempster, E. Gamble, J. Lalu, P. Kraak, A., Lauder, H., Brown, P. & Ashton, D. Skinner, D. et al Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R. & Du Toit, J. (eds) Muthien, Y., Khosa, M.M. & Magubane, B.M. (eds) Ntsebeza, L. Southall, R. Muthien, Y. (ed.) Mostert, W.P., Hofmeyer, B.E. & Oosthuizen, J.S. ISBN 978-07969-2341-7 978-07969-2132-1 978-07969-2383-7 978-07969-2119-2 978-07969-2036-2 978-07969-2233-5 978-07969-2133-8 978-07969-2064-5 978-07969-2156-7 978-07969-1970-0 978-07969-2130-7 978-07969-2017-1 978-07969-1945-8 978-07969-1804-8 Publ. Date 2010 2006 2012 2006 2003 2008 2006 2004 2006 2001 2006 2003 1999 1998 1998 2001 2004 Price R 50.00 155.00 395.00 187.00 154.00 209.00 105.00 90.00 231.00 236.00 265.00 98.00 137.00 191.00 191.00 176.00 98.00

Mostert, W.P., Hofmeyr, B.E., Oosthuizen, J.S. 978-07969-1880-2 & Van Zyl, J.A. Sekete, P., Shilubane, M. & Moila, B. 978-07969-1989-2 978-07969-2065-2

Description of the Selected Interventions for the Care of Orphans and Dlamini, P.K. Vulnerable Children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, A: Funded by the WK Kellogg Foundation Development and Dreams: The urban legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup Development Decade?, The: Economic and social change in South Africa, 19942004 Development Funding in South Africa: 19981999 Development, Health and the Environment: Factors influencing infant and child survival in South Africa Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Interventions for the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, The: A literature review of evidence-based interventions for home-based child-centred development Directory of Human Rights Organisations Disability and Social Change: A South African agenda Doctors in a Divided Society: The profession and education of medical practitioners in South Africa Earnings Inequality in South Africa 19952003 Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies: Issues of policy coherence Colloquium proceedings Education in Exile: SOMAFCO, the ANC school in Tanzania, 1978 to 1992 Education in Retrospect: Policy and implementation since 1990 Educator Supply and Demand in the South African Public Education System: Integrated report Educator Workload in South Africa Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R. & Bass, O. (eds) Padayachee, V. (ed.) Makinta, V. & Schwabe, C. Romani, J. & Anderson, B. Strebel, A.

978-07969-2250-2 978-07969-2123-9 978-07969-1944-1 978-07969-2076-8 978-07969-2056-0

2009 2006 2000 2002 2004

209.00 297.00 184.00 98.00 98.00

Sibanyoni, C. Watermeyer, B., Swartz, L., Lorenzo, T., Schneider, M. & Priestley, M. (eds) Breier, M., with Wildschut, A. Woolard, I. & Woolard, C. Maile, S. (ed.) Morrow, S., Maaba, B. & Pulumani, L. Kraak, A. & Young, M. (eds) Peltzer, K., Shisana, O., Udjo, E., Wilson, D., Rehle, T., Connolly, C., Zuma, K. et al. Chisholm, L., Hoadley, U., wa Kivulu, M., Brookes, H., Prinsloo, C., Kgobe, A., Mosia, D., Narsee, H. & Rule, S. Piombo, J. & Nijzink, L. (eds) McDonald, D.A. (ed.) Fiske, E.B. & Ladd, H.F. HSRC with the EPU Van Seventer, D.E. Khosa, M.M. (ed.) Khosa, M.M. (ed.) Kagwanja, P. Clark, A. & Drimie, S.

978-07969-1905-2 978-07969-2137-6 978-07969-2153-6 978-07969-2173-4 978-07969-2222-9 978-07969-2051-5 978-07969-1988-5 978-07969-2128-4 978-07969-2151-2

1999 2006 2006 2006 2008 2004 2001 2005 2005

149.00 220.00 170.00 105.00 154.00 231.00 191.00 159.00 242.00

Electoral Politics in South Africa: Assessing the first democratic decade Electric Capitalism: Recolonising Africa on the power grid Elusive Equity: Education reform in post-apartheid South Africa Emerging Voices: A report on education in South African rural communities Employment and Skills in South African Exports Empowerment Through Economic Transformation Empowerment Through Service Delivery Encumbered Regional Power, An: The capacity gap in South Africas peace diplomacy in Africa Energy Sustainability for South Africas Poor: Weighing up the alternatives

978-07969-2170-3 978-07969-2237-3 978-07969-2109-3 978-07969-2089-8 978-07969-2106-2 978-07969-1972-4 978-07969-1951-9 978-07969-2236-6 978-07969-2087-4 978-07969-2262-5 978-07969-2001-0

2007 2008 2005 2005 2006 2001 2000 2009 2002 2009 2002

231.00 253.00 242.00 159.00 98.00 269.00 275.00 98.00 98.00 154.00 159.00

Engineers in a Developing Country: The profession and education of engineering du Toit, R. & Roodt. J. professionals in South Africa


Environmental Education, Ethics & Action in Southern Africa: EEASA monograph

Hattingh, J., Lotz-Sisitka, H. & ODonoghue, R.

Title Evaluation of Community-Driven Economic Development, Land Tenure and Sustainable Environmental Development in the Kat River Valley, An Evaluation of the Readucate Pilot Project in the Northern Cape Province: Final report Every Step of the Way: The journey to freedom in South Africa Evolving Spatial Form of Cities in a Globalising World Economy, The: Johannesburg and So Paulo Exploring the Challenges of HIV/AIDS: Seminar proceedings Factors Affecting Teaching & Learning in South African Public Schools Author/s Hill, T. & Nel, E. (eds) Wydeman, J. Ministry of Education/ Morris, M. Murray, M.J. Prince, B., Louw, J., Roe, K. & Adams, R. Phurutse, M.C. ISBN 978-07969-1948-9 978-07969-1925-0 978-07969-2061-4 978-07969-2072-0 978-07969-2194-9 978-07969-2111-6 978-07969-2190-1 978-07969-2067-6 978-07969-1699-0 978-07969-1727-0 978-07969-1728-7 978-07969-1747-8 978-07969-1799-7 978-07969-1831-4 978-07969-1843-7 Publ. Date 2000 1999 2004 2004 2007 2005 2007 2004 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 2003 Price R 187.00 105.00 154.00 98.00 115.00 98.00 220.00 180.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 125.00

Families and Households in Post-apartheid South Africa: Socio-demographic Amoateng, A.Y. & Heaton, T.B. perspectives Family and Community Interventions for Children Affected by AIDS Federalism Theory & Application 1: An overview Federalism Theory & Application 2: The Swiss experience Federalism Theory & Application 3: The Indian experience Federalism Theory & Application 4: The Nigerian experience Federalism Theory & Application 5: The Spanish experience Federalism Theory & Application 6: The Canadian experience Federalism Theory & Application 7: The Australian experience Fertility: Current South African issues of poverty, HIV/AIDS & youth. Seminar proceedings Financing South Africas National Health System through National Insurance: Possibilities and challenges Colloquium proceedings Finding Work: Employment experiences of South African graduates Flight of the Flamingos: A study on the mobility of R&D workers Fluid Rights: Water allocation reform in South Africa Food Security and Sustainable Development in Southern Africa Fragments of Democracy: Nationalism, development and the state in Africa From Conflict to Negotiation: Nature-based development on the South African Wild Coast. Special edition From School to Higher Education?: Factors affecting the choices of Grade 12 learners From Social Silence to Social Science: Same-sex sexuality, HIV & AIDS and gender in South Africa Gender Equity in South African Education 19942004: Perspectives from research, government and unions Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS: Seminar proceedings Gender, Modernity & Indian Delights: The Womens Cultural Group of Durban, 19542010 Giving & Solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa Global Citizenship, Cultural Citizenship and World Religions in Religion Education Going for Broke: The fate of farmworkers in arid South Africa Government Incentivisation of Higher EducationIndustry Research Partnerships in South Africa: An audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund Growing Up in Canaansland: Childrens recommendations on improving a squatter camp environment Growing Up in the New South Africa: Childhood and adolescence in postapartheid Cape Town Guide to Practical Statistics Health of our Educators, The: A focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools Higher Education and Work: Setting a new research agenda HIV Risk Exposure Among Young Children: A study of 29 year olds served by public health facilities in the Free State, South Africa HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: Report of the colloquium 2627 November 2003 HIV/AIDS, Stigma and Children: A literature review HIV-Positive Educators in South African Public Schools: Predictions for prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy Richter, L., Manegold, J. & Pather, R. Elazar, D.J. Schmitt, N. Johnson, A. Elaigwu, I. Moreno, L. Watts, R.L. Saunders, C.

Department of Social Development, in 978-07969-2035-5 collaboration with the HSRCs CYFD research programme Botha, C. & Hendricks, M. (eds) Moleke, P. Kahn, M., Blankley, W., Maharajh, R., Pogue, T., Reddy, V., Cele, G., & Du Toit, M. Movik, S. Drimie, S. & Mini, S. Williams, G. Palmer, R., Timmermans, H. & Fay, D. (eds) Cosser, M. with Du Toit, J. Reddy, V., Sandfort, T. & Rispel, L. (eds) Chisholm, L. & September, J. (eds) Kleintjes, S., Prince, B., Cloete, A. & Davids, A. (eds) Vahed, G. & Waetjen, T. Habib, A. & Maharaj, B. (eds) Chidester, D. Atkinson, D. Research Programme on Human Resources Development Swart-Kruger, J. (ed.) Bray, R., Gooskens, I., Moses, S., Kahn, L. & Seekings, J. Pietersen, J. & Damianov, G. Shisana, O., Peltzer, K., Zungu-Dirwayi, N. & Louw, J. Koen, C. Shisana, O. & Mehtar, S. Dlamini, P.K., Skinner, D. & Zungu-Dirwayi, N. Deacon, H. & Stephney, I. Rehle, T., Shisana, O., Glencross, D. & Colvin, M. 978-07969-2235-9 978-07969-2105-5 978-07969-2033-1 978-07969-2353-0 978-07969-2028-7 978-07969-2026-3 978-07969-1992-2 978-07969-2005-8 978-07969-2276-2 978-07969-2094-2 978-07969-2121-5 978-07969-2336-3 978-07969-2190-1 978-07969-2077-5 978-07969-2176-5 978-07969-2038-6 978-07969-1907-6 978-07969-2313-4 978-07969-1867-3 978-07969-2101-7 978-07969-2118-5 978-07969-2099-7 978-07969-2068-3 978-07969-2188-8 978-07969-2103-1

2008 2005 2004 2012 2003 2003 2002 2002 2009 2005 2005 2010 2008 2002 2007 2003 2000 2010 1998 2005 2006 2005 2004 2007 2005

98.00 115.00 184.00 200.00 98.00 98.00 319.00 220.00 209.00 159.00 105.00 270.00 191.00 98.00 286.00 209.00 137.00 270.00 159.00 145.00 105.00 125.00 98.00 115.00 110.00


Title Household Survey of Behavioural Risks and HIV Sero-Status in Two Districts in Botswana: A baseline study Household Survey Of HIV-Prevalence and Behaviour in Chimanimani District, Zimbabwe, 2005: A baseline study Human Resources Development Review 2003: Education, employment and skills in South Africa Human Resources Development Review 2008: Education, employment and skills in South Africa Human Rights in African Prisons Human Sciences Research Council Institutional Review 2003 ICT Skills at the Intermediate Level in South Africa: Insights into private provision and labour market demand Identity? Theory, Politics, History Imagining the City: Memories and cultures in Cape Town Impact of and Responses to HIV/AIDS in the Private Security and Legal Services Industry in South Africa Author/s Tsheko, G.N., Odirile, L.W., Bainame, K., Segwabe, M., Nair, P.S. & Ntshebe, O. Gomo, E. & Munyati, S. (eds) HSRC Kraak, A. & Press, K. (eds) Sarkin, J. (ed.) HSRC Akoojee, S., Arends, F. & Roodt, J. Bekker, S. & Prinsloo, R. (eds) Field, S., Meyer, R. & Swanson, F. (eds) Simbayi, L., et al ISBN 978-07969-2196-3 978-07969-2148-2 978-07969-2049-2 978-07969-2203-8 978-07969-2206-9 978-07969-2057-7 978-07969-2198-7 978-07969-1916-8 978-07969-2179-6 978-07969-2205-2 978-07969-2107-9 978-07969-2054-6 978-18750-1785-0 978-07969-2224-3 978-07969-2244-1 978-07969-2008-9 978-07969-2046-1 978-07969-1692-1 978-07969-2162-8 978-07969-2102-4 978-07969-2078-2 978-07969-2040-9 978-07969-1950-2 978-07969-1859-8 978-07969-2218-2 978-07969-1947-2 978-07969-2154-3 978-07969-2135-2 978-07969-1894-9 978-07969-2163-5 978-07969-2175-8 978-07969-20416 978-07969-2186-4 978-07969-2283-0 978-07969-2120-8 978-07969-1978-6 978-07969-2025-6 978-07969-2197-0 978-07969-2079-9 978-07969-2368-4 978-07969-2240-3 Publ. Date 2007 2005 2003 2008 2008 2003 2007 1999 2007 2007 2005 2004 2003 2008 2010 2002 2004 1996 2006 2005 2002 2005 2000 1998 2008 2000 2006 2006 1999 2007 2007 2005 2007 2009 2006 2001 2003 2007 2002 2012 2008 Price R 90.00 159.00 495.00 395.00 191.00 120.00 115.00 184.00 231.00 145.00 98.00 184.00 209.00 102.00 324.00 191.00 98.00 258.00 98.00 98.00 95.00 184.00 209.00 236.00 110.00 133.00 170.00 115.00 187.00 187.00 133.00 115.00 191.00 265.00 220.00 180.00 265.00 105.00 115.00 180.00 125.00

Impact of Antiretroviral Treatment on AIDS Mortality, The: A study focusing on Rehle, T. & Shisana, O. educators in South African public schools Impact of HIV/AIDS on Land Rights, The: Case studies from Kenya Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Health Sector, The: National survey of health personnel, ambulatory and hospitalised patients and health facilities 2002 In Search of Best Practice in South African Desegregated Schools Inside Indian Indenture: A South African story, 18601914 In Terror and in Silence: An investigation into safety levels and standards at petrol stations Independent Schooling in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A quantitative overview Indigenous Knowledge and its Uses in Southern Africa Indigenous Knowledge on the South African Landscape: Potentials for agricultural development Inequalities in Higher Education and the Structure of the Labour Market Information: The foundation of sustainable development Information and Communication Technologies in South African Secondary Schools Infrastructure Mandate for Change 19941999 Institutional Development in Divided Societies Interventions for Orphans and Vulnerable Children at Four Project Sites in South Africa Investigation of the Enhanced Relationship between Participants in Lifeskills Courses and the Environment, An Knowledge, Curriculum and Qualifications for South African Further Education Land and Property Rights of Women and Orphans in the Context of HIV and AIDS, The: Case studies from Zimbabwe Land Claims & National Parks: The Makuleke experience Land Question in South Africa, The: The challenge of transformation and redistribution Language, Identity, Modernity: The Arabic study circle of Durban Learner Performance in South Africa: Social and economic determinants of success in language and mathematics Learning to Teach in South Africa Learning/Work: Turning work and lifelong learning inside out Legacies of Power: Leadership change and former presidents in African politics Lesotho 2000: Public perceptions and perspectives Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: The unfinished business of democratic consolidation Local Government, Gender and Integrated Development Planning Local Government, Local Governance and Sustainable Development: Getting the parameters right Low Achievement Trap, The: Comparing schooling in Botswana and South Africa Main Results of the South African Innovation Survey 2005: A survey undertaken on behalf of DST by CeSTII Aliber, M., Walker, C., Machera, M., Kamau, P., Omondi, C. & Kanyinga, K. Shisana, O., Hall, E., Maluleke, K.R. et al. (HSRC, MEDUNSA & MRC) Nkomo, M. & Vandeyar, S. Desai, A. & Vahed, G. Hadland, A. Du Toit, J.L. Norman, H., Snyman, I. & Cohen, M. (eds) Hart, T. & Vorster, I. Moleke, P. Schwabe, C.A. Howie, S., Muller, A. & Paterson, A. (eds) Khosa, M. (ed.) De Villiers, B., Delmartino, F. & Alen, A. (eds) Setswe, G. & Skinner, D. Rooth, E. Young, M. & Gamble, J. (eds) Izumi, K. (ed.) De Villiers, B. Ntsebeza, L. & Hall, R. (eds) Jeppie, S. Simkins, C., with Paterson, A. Morrow, W. Cooper, L. & Walters, S. (eds) Southall, R. & Melber, H. (eds) Rule, S. & Mapetla, N. (eds) Melber, H. (ed.) Todes, A., Sithole, P. & Williamson, A. Atkinson, D. Carnoy, M., Chisholm, L. & Chilisa, B. (eds) Blankley, W. & Moses, C.


Title Managing to Learn: Instructional leadership in South African secondary schools Managing HIV in the Workplace: Learning from SMEs Mapping ICT Access in South Africa Marking Matric: Colloquium proceedings Author/s Hoadley, U. & Ward, C. Vass, J. & Phakathi, S. Tlabela, K., Roodt, J., Paterson, A., with WeirSmith, G. Reddy, V. (ed.) ISBN 978-07969-2241-0 978-07969-2161-1 978-07969-2182-6 978-07969-2166-1 978-07969-2158-1 978-07969-2164-2 978-07969-2204-5 978-07969-2062-1 978-07969-1854-3 978-07969-2032-4 978-07969-2000-3 978-07969-2113-0 978-07969-2185-7 Publ. Date 2008 2006 2007 2006 2006 2006 2008 2006 1998 2003 2002 2005 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 1999 1992 2002 Price R 129.00 105.00 120.00 170.00 180.00 102.00 319.00 286.00 195.00 159.00 137.00 231.00 133.00 308.00 95.00 115.00 125.00 195.00 248.00 95.00

Mathematics and Science Achievement at South African Schools in TIMSS Reddy, V., with contributions by Kanjee, A., 2003 Diedricks, G. & Winnaar, L. Meaning of Mandela, The: A literary and intellectual celebration Meanings of Timbuktu, The Measuring Innovation in OECD and Non-OECD Countries: Selected seminar papers Media & Democracy in South Africa Mental Health and HIV/AIDS: Report on a round-table discussion. March 2003 Mangcu, X. (ed.) Jeppie, S. & Diagne, S.D. (eds) Blankley, W., Scerri, M., Molotja, N. & Saloojee, I. (eds) Duncan, J. & Seleoane, M. (eds) Compiled by Freeman, M. for the HSRC SAHA research programme

Micro-Finance in Rural Communities in Southern Africa: Country and pilot site HSRC case studies, policy issues and recommendations Migration in South and Southern Africa: Dynamics and determinants Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation: A review of literature Monitoring Child Well-being: A South African rights-based approach Multinationals on the Periphery: DaimlerChrysler South Africa, human capital upgrading and regional economic development Multiple Vulnerabilities: Qualitative data for the study of orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa National Household HIV Prevalence and Risk Survey of South African Children, The National Identity and Democracy in Africa Negotiation: Methodology and training Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS (Executive Summary): South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002 Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS (Full Report): South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002 New Dictionary of South African Biography: Volume 1 New Dictionary of South African Biography: Volume 2 Nursing in a New Era: The profession and education of nurses in South Africa Old Enough to Know: Consulting children about sex and AIDS education in Africa Opportunities & Challenges for Teacher Education Curriculum in South Africa Overcoming Apartheid: Can truth reconcile a divided nation? Overview of research, policy and practice in teacher supply and demand, 19942008, An Overview of South African Human Resources Development, An Peace-Making in Divided Societies: The IsraelSouth Africa analogy Peoples Voice, The: The development and current state of the South African small media sector Politicians and Apartheid: Trailing in the peoples wake Popular Attitudes Towards the South African Electoral System: Report to the Electoral Task Team Post-Apartheid Patterns of Internal Migration in South Africa Postgraduate Student Retention and Success: A South African case study Potential Attrition in Education: The impact of job satisfaction, morale, workload and HIV/AIDS Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media Practicalities of Using Nevirapine for PMTCT in Under-Resourced Settings, The: The case of Quakeni district in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Private Further Education & Training in South Africa: The changing landscape Kok, P., Gelderblom, D., Oucho, J. & Van Zyl, J. Pogue, T.E.

Dawes, A., Bray, R. & Van der Merwe, A. (eds) 978-07969-2177-2 Lorentzen, J. Skinner, D. & Davids, A. (eds) Brookes, H., Shisana, O. & Richter, L. Palmberg, M. (ed.) Nieuwmeijer, L. Shisana, O. & Simbayi. L. 978-07969-2131-4 978-07969-2139-0 978-07969-2055-3 978-07969-1901-4 978-07969-1303-6 978-07969-2018-8

Shisana, O. & Simbayi, L. Verwey, E.J. Sonderling, N.E. Breier, B., Wildschut, A. & Mgqolozana, T. McLaughlin, C., Swartz, S., Kiragu, S., Walli, S. & Mohamed, M. Kruss, G. Gibson, J.L. Chisholm, L. Kraak, A. Adam, H. Hadland, A. & Thorne, K. Gardner, J. Southall, R. & Mattes, R.

978-07969-2007-2 978-07969-1648-8 978-18682-8133-6 978-07969-2274-8 978-07969-2374-5 978-07969-2238-0 978-07969-2071-3 978-07969-2293-9 978-07969-2042-3 978-07969-2080-5 978-07969-2059-1 978-07969-1821-5 978-07969-2084-3

2002 1995 1999 2009 2012 2008 2004 2009 2004 2002 2004 1997 2002 2003 2007 2005 2006 2002 2008 2005 2005

170.00 209.00 209.00 165.00 150.00 214.00 253.00 98.00 145.00 98.00 125.00 170.00 98.00 209.00 180.00 80.00 313.00 115.00 191.00 95.00 98.00

Kok, P., ODonovan, M., Bouare, O. & Van Zyl, 978-07969-2004-1 J. (eds) Koen, C. Hall, E., with Altman, M., Nkomo, N., Peltzer, K. & Zuma, K. Bhorat, H. & Kanbur, R. (eds) Aliber, M. Hadland, A., Louw, E., Sesanti, S. & Wasserman, H. (eds) Fomundam, H., Mosala, T., Peltzer, K., Shisana, O., Pakade, T. & Dana, P. Akoojee, S. 978-07969-2192-5 978-07969-2110-9 978-07969-2122-2 978-07969-2081-2 978-07969-2202-1 978-07969-2125-3 978-07969-2048-5


Title Prize & the Price, The: Shaping sexualities in South Africa P.R.O.D.D.E.R: The Southern African Development Directory Promoting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in East and Southern Africa Promoting Mental Health in Scarce-resource Contexts: Emerging evidence and practice Prophets and Profits: Managerialism and the restructuring of Jewish schools in South Africa Protecting our Cultural Capital: A research plan for the heritage sector Psychosocial Conditions of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two Zimbabwean Districts Psychosocial Issues Affecting Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two South African Communities Public Attitudes in Contemporary South Africa: Insights from an HSRC survey Public Participation in Democratic Governance in South Africa Qualitative Assessment of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Two Zimbabwean Districts, A Qualitative Research Report on Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Palapye, Botswana Racial Redress & Citizenship in South Africa Race to Transform, The: Sport in post-apartheid South Africa Rapid Appraisal of Social Inclusion Policies in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries Raymond Mhlabas Personal Memoirs: Reminiscing from Rwanda and Uganda RDP Policy Audit, An Reading Scientific Images: The iconography of evolution Realising the Dream: Unlearning the logic of race in the South African school Reclaiming Our Lives: HIV and AIDS, womens land and property rights and livelihoods in southern and East Africa - Narratives and responses Reflections on School Integration: Colloquium proceedings Reflective Practice: Psychodynamic ideas in the community Regionalism: Problems and prospects Remuneration of Graduates: 01 October 2000 Representation & Reality: Portraits of womens lives in the Western Cape 19481976 Researching Mathematics Education in South Africa: Perspectives, practices and possibilities Resource Intensity, Knowledge and Development: Insights from Africa and South America Re-Visioning Television: Policy, strategy and models for the sustainable development of community television in South Africa Role of Psychological Tests in Education in South Africa, The: Issues, controversies and benefits RPL Conundrum, The: Recognition of prior learning in a teacher upgrading programme Rural Tourism Development in South Africa: Trends and challenges Saviours and Survivors: Darfur, politics, and the war on terror Scholars in the Marketplace: The dilemmas of neo-liberal reform at Makerere University 19892005 Science, Evolution and Schooling in South Africa Sectors & Skills: The need for policy alignment SecurityDevelopment Nexus, The: Expressions of sovereignty and securitization in southern Africa Selecting Students for Mathematics and Science: The challenge facing higher education in South Africa Settling for Less: Student aspirations and higher education realities Sexual Abuse of Young Children in Southern Africa Shifting African Identities: Volume 2 in the series Identity? Theory, Politics, History Author/s Steyn, M. & Van Zyl, M. (eds) Barnard, D. & Terreblanche, Y. (eds) Klepp, K., Flisher, A.J. & Kaaya, S.F. (eds) Petersen, I., Bhana, A., Flisher, A.J., Swartz, L. & Richter, L. (eds) Herman, C. Deacon, H., Mngqolo, S. & Prosalendis, S. Mbozi, P.S., Sebit, M.B. & Munyati, S. (eds) Simbayi, L.C., Kleintjes, S., Ngomane, T., Tabane, C.E.M., Mfecane, S. & Davids, A. HSRC Houston, G.F. Munyati, S. (ed.) Tsheko, G.N. (ed.) Bentley, K. & Habib, A. (eds) Desai, A. (ed.) Rispel, L., Da Sousa, C. & Molomo, B. Mufamadi, T. Bond, P. & Khosa, M. (eds) Mason, R., with Morphet, T. & Prosalendis, S. Soudien, C. Izumi, K. (ed.) ISBN Publ. Date 1999 2008 2010 2005 2003 2005 2005 2002 2001 2005 2007 2008 2010 2008 2001 1999 2006 2012 2006 2000 2004 2002 1993 2001 2007 2005 2008 2007 1998 2008 2006 2009 2008 2002 2009 2007 1998 2004 2004 2001 2004 Price R 319.00 291.00 209.00 176.00 231.00 98.00 133.00 133.00 145.00 280.00 105.00 98.00 191.00 209.00 105.00 242.00 220.00 129.00 395.00 133.00 176.00 125.00 133.00 214.00 98.00 308.00 275.00 265.00 195.00 220.00 165.00 98.00 231.00 209.00 105.00 231.00 191.00 137.00 180.00 265.00 187.00 231.00 978-07969- 2239-7 2009 978-07969-1926-7 978-07969-2210-6 978-07969-2303-5 978-07969-2114-7 978-07969-2034-8 978-07969-2147-5 978-07969-2150-5 978-07969-1994-6 978-07969-1983-0 978-07969-2144-4 978-07969-2187-1 978-07969-2189-5 978-07969-2319-6 978-07969-2225-0 978-07969-1974-8 978-07969-1919-9 978-07969-2134-5 978-07969-2380-6 978-07969-2136-9 978-07969-1965-6 978-07969-2070-6 978-07969-1996-0 978-07969-1548-1 978-07969-1990-8 978-07969-2181-9 978-07969-2047-8 978-07969-2213-7 978-07969-2160-4 978-07969-1881-9 978-07969-2220-5 978-07969-2180-2 978-07969-2252-6 978-07969-2214-4 978-07969-1995-3 978-07969-2265-6 978-07969-2184-0 978-07969-1892-5 978-07969-2045-4 978-07969-2053-9 978-07969-1986-1 978-07969-2044-7

RPL - Power, Pedagogy and Possibility: Conceptual and implementation guides Harris, J. Nkomo, M., McKinney, C. & Chisholm, L. (eds) Swartz, L., Gibson, K. & Gelman, T. (eds) De Villiers, B. & Sindane, J. (eds) Roodt, J. Scanlon, H. Vithal, R., Adler, J. & Keitel, C. (eds) Lorentzen, J. (ed.) Hadland, A., Aldridge, M. & Ogada, J. Owen, K. Breier, M. Viljoen, J. & Tlabela, K. Mamdani, M. Mamdani, M. Lever, J. Kraak, A. (ed.) Buur, L., Jensen, S. & Stepputat, F. (eds) Zaaiman, H. Cosser, M., with Du Toit, J. & Visser, M. Richter, L., Dawes, A. & Higson-Smith, C. (eds) Bekker, S., Dodds, M. & Khosa, M.M. (eds) McGrath, S., Badroodien, A., Kraak, A. & Unwin, L. (eds)


Shifting Understandings of Skills in South Africa: Overcoming the historical imprint of a low skills regime

Title Situational Analysis of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Four Districts of South Africa, A Situational Analysis of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Eight Zimbabwean Districts Situational Analysis of the Socioeconomic Conditions of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Seven Districts in Botswana Skilful Thinking Skills-building for Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS Research and Practice: Seminar proceedings Skills Development in Very Small and Micro Enterprises Skills Needs of the SA Labour Market, The: 19982003 Skills Shortages in South Africa: Case studies of key professions Social Impact of Gambling in South Africa, The Social Work in Social Change: The profession and education of social workers in South Africa Society, State & Market: A guide to competing theories of development Socio-Economic Atlas for South Africa: A demographic, socio-economic and cultural profile of South Africa South African Case Study on Social Exclusion South African Governance in Review: Anti-corruption, local government, traditional leadership South African Index of Multiple Deprivation for Children, The: Census 2001 South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2005 South African National Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008: The health of our children South African National Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008: A turning tide among teenagers? South African Science Education Research: An indexed bibliography 19302000 South African Social Attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices South African Social Attitudes: 2nd Report: Reflections on the age of hope South Africas Magnifying Glass: A profile of Gauteng South Africas Role in Conflict Resolution and Peace-Making in Africa: Conference proceedings SouthSouth Cooperation in Education and Development Spinning Around: The South African music industry in transition Spirals of Suffering: Public violence and children State of the Nation: South Africa 20032004 State of the Nation: South Africa 20042005 State of the Nation: South Africa 20052006 State of the Nation: South Africa 2007 State of the Nation: South Africa 2008 State of the People, The: Citizens, civil society and governance in South Africa, 19942000 State of the Population in the Western Cape Province, The State-Building & Democracy in Southern Africa: A comparative study of Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe Static: Race and representation in post-apartheid music, media and film Stealing Empire: P2P, intellectual property and hip-hop subversion Studying Ambitions: Pathways from Grade 12 and the factors that shape them Struggle over Land in Africa, The: Conflicts, politics & change Student Retention and Graduate Destination: Higher education and labour market access and success Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage, The: Legal and financial instruments for safeguarding intangible heritage Teacher Education and Institutional Change in South Africa Teacher Education and the Challenge of Diversity in South Africa Author/s Davids, A. & Skinner, D. (eds) Chandiwana, B. (ed.) Tsheko, G.N. (ed.) Rossouw, G.J. (ed.) Prince, B., Pugh, S. & Kleintjes, S. (eds) McGrath, S. HSRC Erasmus, J. & Breier, M. Rule, S. & Sibanyoni, C. (eds) Earle, N. Martinussen, J. Tait, N., Whiteford, A., Joubert, J., Van Zyl, J. et al Rispel, L., Molomo, B. & Dumela, S. Jackson, P., Muzondidya, J., Naidoo, V., Ndletyana, M. & Sithole, M.P. Barnes, H., Wright, G., Noble, M. & Dawes, A. Shisana, O., Rehle, T., Simbayi, L., Parker, W., Zuma, K., et al Shisana, O., et al Shisana, O., et al Laugksch, R.C. Pillay, U., Roberts, B. & Rule, S. (eds) Roberts, B., wa Kivilu, M. & Davids, Y.D. Kok, P. Southall, R. (ed.) Chisholm, L. & Steiner-Khamsi, G. (eds) Abrahams, R. Rock, B. Daniel, J., Habib, A. & Southall, R. (eds) Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds) Buhlungu, S., Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds) Buhlungu, S., Daniel, J., Southall, R. & Lutchman, J. (eds) Kagwanja, P. & Kondlo, K. (eds) Klandermans, B., Roefs, M. & Olivier, J. (eds) Marindo, R., Groenewald, C. & Gaisie, S. (eds) Du Toit, P. Haupt, A. Haupt, A. Cosser, M. Anseeuw, W. & Alden, C. (eds) Letseka, M., Cosser, M., Breier, M. & Visser, M. (eds) Deacon, H., with Dondolo, L., Mrubata, M. & Prosalendis, S. Kruss, G. Hemson, C. ISBN 978-07969-2141-3 9780-7969-2234-2 978-07969-2195-6 978-07969-1592-4 978-07969-2167-3 978-07969-2098-0 978-07969-1913-7 978-07969-2266-3 978-07969-1971-7 978-07969-2208-3 978-07969-1795-9 978-07969-1786-7 978-07969-1981-6 978-07969-2231-1 978-07969-2278-6 978-07969-2216-8 978-07969-2152-9 978-07969-2325-7 978-07969-2291-5 978-07969-2016-4 978-07969-2117-8 978-07969-2217-5 978-07969-1879-6 978-07969-2129-1 978-07969-2251-9 978-07969-2082-9 978-07969-1806-2 978-07969-2024-9 978-07969-2086-7 978-07969-2115-4 978-07969-2166-6 978-07969-2199-4 978-07969-1985-4 978-07969-2226-7 978-07969-1690-7 978-07969-2386-8 978-07969-2209-0 978-07969-2243-4 978-07969-2322-6 978-07969-2309-7 978-07969-2074-4 978-07969-2221-2 978-07969-2157-4 2000 2008 2004 1996 2001 2008 2009 2008 2005 2010 2009 2003 2006 2010 1998 2006 2009 2003 1997 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 2001 2008 1995 2012 2008 2010 2010 2009 2004 2008 2006 Publ. Date 2005 2008 2007 1994 2007 2005 1999 Price R 115.00 176.00 115.00 242.00 98.00 145.00 129.00 176.00 145.00 231.00 209.00 220.00 170.00 105.00 105.00 137.00 191.00 160.00 176.00 380.00 231.00 170.00 159.00 220.00 302.00 98.00 290.00 209.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 191.00 209.00 191.00 258.00 220.00 176.00 133.00 308.00 154.00 125.00 187.00 125.00

Socio-Economic Rights in the South African Constitution: Theory and practice Seleoane, M.


Title Teacher Graduate Production in South Africa Technical College Responsiveness: Learner destinations and labour market environments in South Africa Teenage Tata: Voices of young fathers in South Africa Textbooks for Diverse Learners: A critical analysis of learning materials used in South African schools Theatre of Violence, The: Narratives of protagonists in the South African conflict Theory and Method in South African Human Sciences Research: Advances & innovations Towards an Integrated Information Society Policy in South Africa: An overview of political rhetoric and policy initiatives 19942000 Trade Unions and Democracy: COSATU workers political attitudes in South Africa Trade Unions and Party Politics: Labour movements in Africa Traditional Leaders and Local Government in Africa: Lessons for South Africa Transforming Further Education and Training in South Africa: A case study of technical colleges in KwaZulu-Natal. Volume 1: Qualitative findings and analysis Trends and Policy Challenges in the Rural Economy: Four provincial case studies Understanding HIV/AIDS Stigma: A theoretical and methodological analysis Universal Service Agencys Telecentre Programme, The: 19982000 University in Development, The: Case studies of use-oriented research Urbanisation: South Africas Challenge: Volume 1: Dynamics Urbanisation: South Africas Challenge: Volume 2: Planning Victimization: Nature and trends Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Proceedings of an African Migration Alliance Workshop Violence in South Africa: A variety of perspectives Vocational Education and Training in Southern Africa: A comparative study Voices of Liberation: Albert Lutuli Voices of Liberation: Ruth First Was it Something I Wore?: Dress, identity, materiality Wetenskapsbeelde in die Geesteswetenskappe What Holds Us Together: Social cohesion in South Africa White Lies: Canon Collins and the secret war against apartheid Whose Right it is Anyway?: Equality, culture and conflicts of rights in South Africa Within the Realm of Possibility: From disadvantage to development at the University of Fort Hare and the University of the North WK Kellog Foundations Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project, The: Interventions in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe Author/s Paterson, A. & Arends, F. Cosser, M., McGrath, S., Badroodien, A. & Maja, B. Swartz, S. & Bhana, A. McKinney, C. Foster, D., Haupt, P. & De Beer, M. Mouton, J., Muller, J., Franks, P. & Sono, T. Van Audenhove, L. Buhlungu, S. (ed.) Beckman, B., Buhlungu, S. & Sachikonye, L. Keulder, C. Kraak, A. & Hall, G. Aliber, M., De Swardt, C., Du Toit, A., Mbhele, T. & Mthethwa, T. Deacon, H., Stephney, I. & Prosalendis, S. Benjamin, P. Cooper, D. Gelderblom, D. & Kok, P. Kok, P. & Gelderblom, D. Schurink, W.J., Snyman, I., Krugel, W.F., assisted by Slabbert, L. Cross, C., Gelderblom, D., Roux, N. & Mafukidze, J. (eds) Bornman, E., Van Eeden, R. & Wentzel, M. McGrath, S., Akoojee, S. & Gewer, A. Pillay, G.J. Pinnock, D. Moletsane, R., Mitchell, C. & Smith, A. (eds) Snyman, J. (ed.) Chidester, D., Dexter, P. & James, W. (eds) Herbstein, D. Bentley, K.A. Nkomo, M., Swartz, D. & Maja, B. (eds) Magome, K. (ed.) ISBN 978-07969-2269-4 978-07969-2037-9 978-07969-2287-8 978-07969-2093-5 978-07969-2095-9 978-07969-1864-2 978-07969-2023-2 978-07969-2127-7 978-07969-2306-6 978-07969-1841-3 978-07969-1921-2 978-07969-2100-0 978-07969-2104-8 978-07969-2029-4 978-07969-2347-9 978-07969-1628-0 978-07969-1627-3 978-07969-1258-9 978-07969-2165-9 978-07969-1858-1 978-07969-2043-0 978-07969-1356-2 978-07969-1777-5 978-07969-2362-2 978-07969-1689-1 978-07969-2030-0 978-07969-2088-1 978-07969-2031-7 978-07969-2155-0 978-07969-2140-6 978-07969-2083-6 978-07969-2168-0 978-07969-2174-1 978-07969-1966-3 Publ. Date 2009 2003 2009 2005 2005 1998 2003 2006 2010 1998 1999 2005 2005 2003 2011 1994 1994 1992 2006 1998 2005 1993 1997 2012 1993 2003 2005 2003 2006 2005 2002 2006 2007 2000 2008 2005 2006 2005 Price R 165.00 195.00 165.00 129.00 242.00 319.00 98.00 231.00 191.00 275.00 145.00 125.00 184.00 98.00 380.00 220.00 220.00 425.00 187.00 286.00 184.00 210.00 210.00 380.00 133.00 265.00 231.00 98.00 176.00 98.00 129.00 98.00 231.00 128.00 125.00 209.00 170.00 95.00

Women are Weak When They are Amongst Men: The participation of women Hemson, D. in rural water committees in South Africa Women, Development and Transport in Rural Eastern Cape, South Africa Women in South African History: Basusiimbokodo, bawelimilambo/They remove boulders and cross rivers Women Marching into the 21st Century: Wathint abafazi, wathint imbokodo Womens Property Rights, HIV and AIDS & Domestic Violence: Research findings from two districts in South Africa and Uganda Working Partnerships in Higher Education, Industry and Innovation: Financial or intellectual imperatives Workers & Warriors: Masculinity and the struggle for nation in South Africa Potgieter, C-A., Pillay, R. & Rama, S. Gasa, N. (ed.) Group Democracy and Governance, HSRC

Swaminathan, H., Walker, C. & Rugadya, M.A. 978-07969-2223-6 Kruss, G. Waetjen, T. 978-07969-2108-6 978-07969-2171-0 978-07969-2142-0

Working to Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Southern Africa: A Skinner, D., Davids, A., Matlhaku, T., Phakedi, R., Mohapeloa, P., Romao, S., Mdwaba, T., reflection on values, principles and organisational issues Kazi, N. & Mundondo, J. Workplace Policies in Public Education: A review focusing on HIV/AIDS Zip Zip My Brain Harts Simbayi, L., Skinner, D., Letlape, L. & Zuma, K. Photographs by Buckland, A. Text by McDougall, K., Swartz, L. & Van der Merwe, A. Kondlo, K. & Maserumule, M.H. (eds)

978-07969-2112-3 978-07969-2159-8

2005 2006

159.00 187.00

Zuma Administration, The: Critical challenges





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