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Take a Shine to Silver Punters bet on Silver-Gold Ratio,say white metal still has a lot of steam left .

If you had to choose between gold and silver as an investment vehicle,what would you choose Some traders have already made the choice,and their answer is silver.Thats strange,given that the gap between gold and silver prices has widened this year.For the record,gold prices are up 10% this year (already at an 11-month high ) and silver is up 17% (but from a much smaller base ).Given this,why would traders go for the duller glow of silver Their answer is based on a tried and tested metric called the Silver-Gold Ratio (SGR).How many ounces of silver fetch one ounce of gold or the silver-gold ratio in trader jargon reveals the relative value of both metals.Used smartly,it can fetch returns ranging from 9% to 100%.The ratio has been permanently set at different times in history and in different places by governments seeking monetary stability.Today,the ratio floats,as gold and silver are valued daily by market forces.But it still remains within a steady band.So,whenever the ratio indicates that there are too few ounces of silver for one ounce of gold,you know silver is overpriced relative to gold and might fall.If the ratio indicates too many ounces of silver for one ounce of gold,silver is clearly too cheap and will rise to its real value.In short,once you know the normal range,you can predict how much room remains for both metals to move,even if all other factors remain the same.Before the spectacular stock market crash in 2008,the ratio ranged from 60 ounces of silver per ounce of gold on the lower side to 45 on the higher side,bringing the average to 54.9.Silver plummeted so fast during the panic that this average fell to 75.8.

WHAT IS SILVER-GOLD RATIO It calculates how many ounces of silver fetch one ounce of gold WHY IS IT IMPORTANT If the ratio indicates there are too few ounces of silver for one ounce of gold,you know silver is overpriced relative to gold and might fall,and vice versa WHAT DOES CURRENT SGR TELL US Current SGR of 53 tells us there is still an upside to silver,especially since gold is expected to start inching close to $1,800/oz

The Silver-Gold Ratio Favours Silver It recovered to 72 in 2009,but then dropped again until autumn 2010.After that,silver zoomed off again on the back of rising gold prices and ultimately peaked at an SGR near 32 in April 2011.Today,the SGR ratio is again moving between 45 and 60.Currently,the ratio is hovering around 53,Scotiabank data shows.So how does one play this The ratio favours silver.To reach the peak SGR of 45,silver has to rise fast even if gold remains static.Since gold prices are rising,the gap with silver is widening.This means silver still has plenty of room to jump and outpace golds increase.Traders who swear by the ratio are,therefore,buying silver and selling gold because they believe silver will give them higher returns than the yellow metal,for now.It is a bold move.Because going by the present demand and supply,there is no reason to expect silver to rake it in.Within India,there is no demand for silver jewellery and the market is dull,says bullion trader Prithviraj Kothari,president,Bombay Bullion Association.In the international market,there is no news of mine supply disruption to ignite the market while silvers industrial users are still in doldrums,says Lakshmi Iyer,head (fixed income and products) at Kotak Mutual Fund.But technical traders love being contrarian.In their view,the ratio shows silver is cheap,relative to gold,which makes it a steal.With gold currently at the $1770 level,silver should be rightfully at $39 instead of the present $34.If gold touches $2000,as is widely predicted,then silver should hit $44, says Kishore Jhaveri,a bullion trader in Ahmedabad.How long will this gamble take to succeed is anyones guess.It usually takes three to six months for the ratio to correct itself.So,depending on when you entered the market,it may be necessary to hold on to your position for anything between 15 days and a year,says Jhaveri.Though returns vary from 9% (just meeting the cost of money) to hitting the jackpot,traders say such ratios are an idiot-proof formula for success.Jhaveri is now using the same strategy to make a tidy profit from other precious metals.Recently,the gold-platinum ratio showed that platinum was trading at an unnatural discount to gold.We entered the market when there was difference of $200 between them.Within days,this gap had narrowed to $100 and we were in clover, he says.In short,if you want to guess when gold will cross the magic figure of $2,000,find an astrologer.But if you want to understand which of the two is going to run faster,the silver-gold ratio can be a reliable indicator.To make money,thats all precious metal bulls really need to know.

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