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Based on our theme this year for the college week celebration, Making Things Happen, what can you do to be a good example to every student in APC? As a role model for APC students; first is, I would be studying hard in order to pass all my subjects. Next, is to be committed in accomplishing my responsibilities and lastly, is to graduate college. And by that, I believe that I would achieve my goals and I would be making things happen.

2. After tonights competition, what do you consider as your greatest learning experience as finalist?

My greatest learning experience is: you can find friends within your competitors. That this whole journey brought about making new relationships and gaining new pals, and as we go along, we discover how amazing their personalities are. That there is a point in time where we dont see them as co-contestants anymore, but we see them as friends.

3. If you are given the power to make one thing happen today, what would that be and why? As the saying goes, Give a man a fish and he will live for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will live for a lifetime, I would be providing education to the less privilege and more jobs as to give opportunities for the unemployed. By giving them the chance to study, they would be able to apply their learnings and be employed as they go they go their way outside of school and by providing more jobs to the unwaged, they would be able to sustain their families needs. 4. If you had to take an important exam and you had the choice, what time of the day would you like to take it and why?

I would not choose a particular time of the day because I would make sure that I have studied well and prepared myself in taking that exam.

5. Complete the sentence: I know Ive made it when...

I know Ive made it when I see myself and my family happy, when my heart is jumping out for joy and when Im able to sleep peacefully at night.

6. What is the best advice you ever got and from whom? The best advice I ever got was from my friend. He told me, Whenever youre down, there is no way to go but up this simply reminds me that I dont need to dwell in misery for so long because soon enough, I would be at the top of the wheel and that every morning when I wake up, I have the choice to be happy or to be sad. 7. As a student, what are you personally doing to save the environment?

As a student, Ive been joining organizations whose advocacy is to protect and preserve the environment. We have been providing seminars to inform the public on how on their own little ways, they could save the environment. Little things like segregating trash or keeping your candy wrappers if there are no available garbage bins around. Saving the environment is one of my advocacies.

8. How did you go about your great escape from peer pressure? I stood by my own beliefs and I learned how to say NO. I dont care what they would think of me but what is important is that I know what is right and proper. I am not only sparing myself from the consequences but my family as well.

9. What is your stand about cyber bullying?

I believe nobody has the right to overpower someone emotionally or physically. If you let others dictate you, you will find yourself living the life that they want you to have rather than the life you deserve to have. God created us equally that is why we dont have the right to be unjust to others.

10.How would you describe an APC student? Besides having integrity and being innovative, I believe that APC students are A-adorable, P-proactive and C-competitive. Asia Pacific College prepares us to be all set as we enter our individual industries. It inculcates in us different attributes and moulds to be professionals that give us an edge over others.

11.As a son or daughter, how do you make your parents proud?

I make my parents proud by doing my best in everything that I want to achieve. I am also committed in accomplishing my responsibilities. Moreover, I would excel in my studies and finish college. And lastly, I would make sure to set a good example to my younger sister by being a good and upright person.

12.Name three things that you do to maintain the good image of APC.

First is, I would execute good conduct not only inside the campus but outside as well. Next, I will study hard and apply what I have learned in school as I enter the industry. Lastly, I will be a very very proud student of APC.

13.If you were to change one policy from the Student Handbook, what would it be and why?

Its always been said that If its not broken, dont fix it But there is also a saying There is always a room for improvement which I firmly believe

If I would change one policy in the Student Handbook, it would be the rule where the ladies are required to wear skirts every Mondays and Thursdays. Girls should be given the option in either wearing slacks or skirts and if they choose to wear skirts, it would be at their own risk.

Altering this policy would also protect them from the perverts outside of the campus.

14.What to you is a person of character?

A person of character is someone who has integrity, and someone who is upright. He knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong and sets as good example to everyone.

15.How would you define a gentleman?

When we hear the word gentleman, the first thing that comes to our mind is when man would offer their seats to a lady or open the doors for them but there is a deeper meaning with the word gentleman. A gentleman is someone who respects not only girls, but everybodys opinions, ideas and thoughts. Above all, I think a gentleman is someone whose goodness comes from his heart.

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