EDU 5170 Educational Technology I Lesson Plan Integrating Technology & Pedagogy Directions and Outline

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EDU 5170 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY I Lesson Plan Integrating Technology & Pedagogy Directions and Outline Name Christopher

Broere Standards The New York State Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies that I am addressing are the following 1- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. 3- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface 5- use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the U.S. and other nations; the U.S. Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation. The iste.nets.s student standards that I am using for this lesson are as follows 1-Creativity and Innovation students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 3-Research and Information Fluency students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. 6-Technology Operations and Concepts students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Lesson Objectives: The students will be able search through the online data base on the New York Times website. The students will be able to identify important parts of an article such as the date, and author. Students will able to operate tiki-toki timeline, students will become able to navigate youtube, students will be able to do web searches through reputable sites, and students will be able to use Microsoft word. Students will be able to identify major events in modern American history and modern New York State history 1980-Present. Students will be able to identify what a primary source is. Students will understand the importance of primary sources in research. Students will gain greater understand of the effect of national and state events on their lives. Students will be able to decipher between good and bad information, reliable unreliable information and sites. Date 11/29/2012

Introduce the Learning Activity: Today we will be examining the ways in which your individual lives intersect with historic events that have occurred in the United States in the recent past. To do this we will be doing research with a data base and other online resources. Then you will be using an online timeline program to plot your personal life events and historic events. Through these activities you will become more proficient researches, more aware of how history develops around you and you will gain a greater technological ability and hopefully enjoy yourselves along the way. The main motivator for students in this lesson will be to take history, a subject that is often thought of as old dead white men, and relate historically significant events to their lives and allow them to see how history affects them. Also when seeing how history affects them a hope is that they will also see how they can or have influenced history. Provide Information: 1. Describe how you will provide any definitions, explanations, descriptions, procedures, examples, and/or samples needed for this lesson. For the class I will provided several additives to enable the students to better grasp the work they are being required to do. I will present them with an example time line which I have created so that they have a template form which they may model their own timelines on. Also sine some students may not be familiar with Chicago citation style I will provide the students with help both through a citation web site (owl.prudue) and I will walk around the room providing assistance. For this project we are going to constrain modern American history to post 1980 I will provide an example timeline of what the students could possibly do also I will search for one article on the New York Times data base in order to show them how to use the data base Students need one historic timeline point from 20th century and from the 21st century other four can be from any time past 1980 to present day Provide Practice: Students will be required to create their own timeline which will provide them with practice creating a timeline and will directly allow them to see the connection of their own life events to the historical events by the proximity of their life events to the historic ones. Also the students will be doing research in the classroom to find reputable sources for their historic events providing practice with research and practice deciphering between primary and secondary sources. Also once the sources have been found students will be given time to create a citation sheet which will prepare them for future citations they will have to do on larger papers. Students will do these activities by themselves. The students will be working alone because they are plotting only their own personal events on the

timelines. The hope is that each student will be able to connect uniquely with their own past. Also by having the students work alone it will be easier to observe struggles and strengths of individuals within the classroom and many of the skill being learned and practiced will continue to be used in individual settings throughout the rest of the semester, such as the ability to do research and the ability to write proper citations. Provide Knowledge of Results: Throughout the lesson I will be providing verbal feedback as the students are completing their tasks enabling me to go about the room and observe and interact with many students. I will also provide written feedback to the students. This will come when the students turn in their timelines and the citations I will grade both and provided feedback on the strengths, weaknesses, and were points were deducted from. Review the Activity: In order to summarize the activity I have created two polls within the ed modo site for the course that the students will rate how comfortable they feel with Chicago citations after the lesson as well as a poll to rate how well they felt that the lesson connected them with the modern history around them. Also I will be verbally summarizing the activity by letting the students know that the skills they learned will be used again within the course. Method of Assessment: Students will be graded upon two assignments within the class both the timeline and the citation page. The rubric of the timeline is as follows Number of events from historical events Number of events from personal history 0-1 (0-5 points) 0-1 (0-5 points) 2-3 (5-10 points) 2-3 (5-10 points) 4-5 (10-15 points) 4-5 (10-15 points) 6-more (15-20 points) 6-more (15-20 points) Comments: Comments:

Uses New York Times data base for New York State historical event ____/20 Comments: Use at least one youtube video for either personal or historical event ____/20

Comments: All events have small description ____/20 Comments: Final score ____/100

Rubric for citations Typed in in double spaced 12 point font ___/5 Use Proper Chicago style citations page format __/10 Error with Citation style (deduction of 5point per error) ____/75 Includes all 7 sources ____/10 Final grade ___/100

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