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Business Communication In Thailand

Presented by:

Muhammad Zohaib Sajid Abid Hussain Bhatti Arsalan Ahmed Ansari

Date:16th Nov,2009

Main Focus
Historical Background Social and Cultural values Good behavior in business communication in Thailand. Individual opinion


THAILAND (Location)

Capital: Bangkok Population: 64,865,523 Ethnic Map: Thai 75%,chinese 14%,other 11% Religions: Buddhism, Muslims, Christianity, Hinduism Currency: Baht

Climate: Tropical (May to September) and dry, cool (November to April) Languages: Thai, Chinese, Malay, Lao, English Literacy Rate: 93.5% Anthem: Phleng Chat Thai

Land occupied by humans over 5,000 years. Southern Chinese migrated in about 700 A.D Modern history emerged in 13th century with foundation of two states Sukhothai (1220) ChangMai (1296)

Former Thai King, Ram Kham Haeng (1278-1318) is still reverd as The Father of Thailand In 1378, it was absorbed into larger Kingdom of Ayutthaya which extended beyond present day borders. In 1569, Burmese Overran Ayutthaya but were displaced by Thai King Naresuan.




To keep its independence, Siam ceded a portion of Malaysia to Britain and a little of what is Cambodia and laos to France. During this period, an enlightened king, Mongkut or Rama IV (1851-1858), introduced Western-style reforms to modernize the country and later on His son transformed the country into modern state.



As a result of military coup in 1939, the nation was renamed Thailand or Land of the Free. In 1941, the Japanese occupied the land until at end of World War II. While the king is still a focus of loyalty and cohesion, the countrys generals are the power brokers.

Bridge on the Kwai River at Kanchanaburi



For the past half century, the Thai govt., fearful of communist attacks, has aligned itself with the United States who established military bases there during the Vietnam War. This has aided the democratic process and economic expansion.


Culture Values Cultural factors in communication How to Empathies with Thais

Religion: Thailand is nearly 95% Theravada Buddhist, with minorities of Muslims (4.6%), Christians (0.7%), Mahayana Buddhists, and other religions . Thai Theravada Buddhism is supported and overseen by the government, with monks receiving a number of government benefits, such as free use of the public transportation infrastructure

Cuisine : sweet (sugar, fruits, sweet peppers) spicy hot (chilies) sour (vinegar, lime juice, tamarind) salty (soy sauce, fish sauce) Sports: The most popular team sport in Thailand is football. Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is probably the most popular spectator sport in Thailand. The other main indigenous sport is takraw, which is similar to volleyball.

Customs: The Wai is the common form of greeting and adheres to strict rules of protocol. The wai may be made while sitting, walking, or standing. The person who is junior in age status is the first one to offer the wai. The senior person returns the wai, generally with their hands raised to somewhere around their chest

Pragmatism Love of freedom Simplicity Fatalism, Karma Compassion, Kindness Family, filial piety Respect Dignity, honor Interest in Western Education Rejection of Western work ethic


Communication patterns and use of language. People who keep cool are respected. When angered, use a subtle method of revenge. Avoid unpleasant truth. Describe only 20% of personal problems. Smiles cover tragic situation. Hypocrisy is not always negative. Humor is used

Listening habits: Docile, obedient. Little feedback unless requested. Sensitive discussion must be initiated from top.

Behaviour at meetings: Buddhism discourages competition. Thais therefore, are not overly ambitious.

Easy work with sufficient pay is better than hard work with high pay. Work tempo increases or decreases according to the presence of boss. Social affairs are discussed during work hours but business in perused after hours and social situations. The central part of business is approached slowly and concentrically.

Manners and Taboos: Head-on collisions must be avoided at all costs. Ensure that there is no losing face for anyone. Socializing includes meals, theatre and music, kickboxing, going to the beach, badminton. Care should be taken to observe the pecking order in social and business situations. Superiors are seen as unchallenged, but they generally strive to get on well with subordinates.

How to empathise with Thais: Know your Thai history. Emphasis their independence. Be easy going socially. Dont rush them. Learn the basics of Buddhism. Think of time as cyclical. Respect the monarchy. Dress neatly.

Business Etiquette and Protocol

Relationships & Communication Business Meeting Etiquette Dress Etiquette Business Cards

Relationships & Communication

Thais prefer doing business with people they respect. Relationships develop slowly and do not flourish after one meeting; it may take several meetings. Always be respectful and courteous when dealing with others as this leads to the harmonious relationships necessary within business. Thai communication is formal and non-verbal communication is often more important than verbal communication.

It is difficult for most Thais to say no, so you must be cognizant of their non- verbal communication. Watch your body language and facial expressions, as these will be believed over your words. Appointments are necessary and should be made one month in advance.

Business Meeting Etiquette

It is good idea to send a list of who will be attending the meeting and their credentials so that Thais know the relative status of the people attending the meeting and can plan properly.

Although most Thais will try to be on time, punctuality is a personal trait. Always send an agenda and material about your company as well as data to substantiate your position prior to the meeting. Allow sufficient time for the material to be reviewed and digested.

Remain standing until told where to sit. The hierarchical culture has strict rules about rank and position in the group. Written material should be available in both English and Thai. You must be patient.

Dress Etiquette
Business attire is conservative. Men should wear dark coloured conservative business suits.


Women should wear conservative business suits or dresses. Women need not wear hosiery.

Since Thai's judge you on your clothing and accessories, ensure that your shoes are always highly polished.

Business Cards
Business cards are given out after the initial handshake and greeting. In theory, you should give your card to the most senior person first. It is advisable to have one side of your business card translated into Thai.

Using your right hand, deliver your business card so the Thai side faces the recipient. Look at a business card for a few seconds before placing it on the table or in a business card case. As in most Asian countries, it is polite to make some comment about the card, even if it is only to acknowledge the address.

Refrences AAAAAAAAB-A/t9BcqqouIAk/s400/Business+dress.JPG ndBangkok200810.JPG

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