Sermon Notes:: Devotion

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Prayer Requests
Y Pray for New Beginnings! Y Giving thanks for recovery of Karen Bakias dad, for her family and good health. Y Pray for Beverly Dols, John Ivers sister, who just found out she has lung cancer. Y Pray for Diana Zile-Young, friend of Ivers, who suffers from liver failure. Y Pray for Jennifers friend, Richard Ninmann, who is suffering from heart failure. Y Sam Atu-Tetuh requests prayers for motion pains over her body. Y Pray for Ryan Tates mom who found abnormal cells on her thyroid. Please pray that everything will be okay. Y Pray for healing for Candi (Heathers friend) who has cancer. Y Pray for Elaine Slotty, friend of Jennifer, who is receiving chemo for her cancer. Y Pray for Arlene Benson, Dianne Blacks sister, who is in the hospital for depression and anxiety. Y Pray for Akosua Addos safe travels to Cyprus during Thanksgiving. And pray for a clear presentation to teachers there. Y Pray for Anna Awasoms safe travels as she travels to Cameroon in two weeks. Y Pray for Addie Norby-Oberg, a young child who lives two houses down from Paul & Amy, who has and will have multiple surgeries on her skull. Y Pray for Dave Schwartz and Mary Olson (friends of George & Dianne Black) who are both going through cancer. Y Pray for Ken McCullen who recently suffered a minor stroke. He is home now. Y Pray for Bernie Pommer (Gina Irlbecks father) who had open heart surgery. Y Pray for Bea Bullard (friend of Dianne Black) who fell and broke her hip. Y Pray for Ward Sessing, member of the Presbyterian Church of the Way, who is recovering from surgery. Y Pray for Donna McCullen, wife of Ken McCullen.

Y Pray for Alan Shingledecker who is suffering from past injuries. Pray the lawsuit ends so he can have surgery and get off pain killers. Y Pray for Erika Dochniak who has been struggling with her health. Y Pray for Jennifers neighbor, Julie Fjeld, who is receiving treatment for her cancer.


This week we have opportunities to read stories of people who didnt have reasons to be thankful. Paul and David had many difficult events in their life happen to them. But they still could give thanks. They are role models for us. We can also learn thanks from Jesus and by looking out at creation. The source of our thanks is ultimately God. The readings this week can help us cultivate an attitude of gratitudeeven if events arent going well for us. May these readings fill us with thanks! Comments about the devotion can be shared with Pastor Paul at

Monday, November 26 Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22

Verses 16-18 are worth committing to memory. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Whats remarkable about these verses is the persecution that the Apostle Paul experienced while he lived in the village of Thessalonica. The full story can be found in Acts 17. After Paul had spoken in the synagogue on three different Sabbaths the

religious leaders helped form a mob who went looking for Paul. They searched a house where they thought he was living. They took the owner of the house in front of the leaders of the village and accused them of treason. After Paul escaped the village and fled to the village of Beroeaabout 50 miles awaythe leaders went to that village to attempt to kill Paul. Despite these persecutions, Paul encouraged his followers to rejoice, pray and give thanks in all circumstances. He is a model for choosing thanks! Prayer: Its difficult to believe that Paul could still exhibit thanks after all of the persecution he experienced. He is a role model of giving thanksthe first response. May I learn even more fully to respond with thanks to the events of my life today.

we experience difficult things, help us to choose thanks!!

spiritually sustain billions of people in the future. Prayer: The next time I receive Communion may I remember Jesus example of giving thanks. He was able to have an attitude of gratitude despite the gruesome death that awaited him. Give me a portion of Jesus strength. Help me, O God, exhibit thankseven if in a small way like Jesus.

Wednesday, November 28 Read Isaiah 12:1-6

These six verses in Isaiah conclude the first section of the book. In this chapter Isaiah shared a prophecy of salvation and thanks. Look how Isaiah gave reasons for his thanks. Isaiah was thankful that he had experienced the comfort of the Lord and Gods anger had turned. Isaiah was thankful that God was his strength and might and salvation. Isaiah was thankful that he could sing praises to God. When we have an attitude of gratitude sometimes we need to understand our reasons for thanks. Isaiah shared them in this chapter. Prayer: Sometimes we forget our motivation for thanks, O Lord. Its you! You give us comfort and strength and might. You are the source of all that is good. You deliver us from difficult events. I am thankful for you today, God, that you are the reason for my thanks.

Friday, November 30 Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-57

In these verses Paul described the gift of salvation. Often portions of this chapter are read on Easter. The gift of salvation is our ultimate reason to give thanks. God promises us life eternal. We will not all die, but we will be changed, Paul wrote in the 51st verse. For all of this we give thanks. As Paul concluded these verses, But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer: My ultimate motivation for thanks is the gift of salvation you give to us through Jesus Christ. Help me claim and receive this gift. Thank you that you have prepared a place for me. May my Spirit be filled with thanks!

Tuesday, November 27 Read 2 Samuel 12:15-23

After David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had Uriah killed, God struck down the child of David and Bathsheba. David pleaded with God to save the life of the child. David was so passionate about his prayers that his friends were concerned about Davids emotional health. When David learned that the child had died, he went into the house of the Lord and worshippedwhich is another expression of thanks. How remarkable that David would give thanks! He is a role model for us. Prayer: Davids expression of thanks is amazing. It seems way above what most of us can share. Help each of us experience a portion of Davids thankfulness. Even when

Thursday, November 29 Read Matthew 26:26-29

This action of Jesus has been repeated billions of times since he initiated it in the Upper Room. Look how the action is filled with thanks. Jesus was thankful for the bread and the wineexamples of his own body and blood. The next day Jesus would be nailed to the cross and die a very ugly death. Even though this event overshadowed him, he still could give thanks. He knew that the spiritual gifts of bread and wine would

Saturday, December 1 Read Psalm 136:1-9

The writer of this Psalm located his source of strength directly in God. He could look at the world and see Gods steadfast love and how this love endured forever. Just looking at nature was a reason to give thanks! Think about a time that you have looked out at nature and said, wow! This is beautiful. This was a time to give thanks! Perhaps in

the next few days you can go find a beautiful place outdoors and give thanks to God for the gift of creation. The source of our thanks is God! Prayer: Sometimes, gracious God, we need to get out of ourselves and experience the big picture. Encourage us to get out and experience the beauty of creation that you have given to us. May our view of your earth fill us with thanks!

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