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FDLE ST-27-0023 INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY This is an Investigative Summary For a detailed account of this investigation, refer to the case


SUMMARY OF EVENTS On Thursday, July 19, 2012, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) was contacted by the Putnam County Sheriffs Office (PCSO) to investigate the officerinvolved shooting of Alfred Dobson. Agents responded to the scene of the shooting, and an investigation was initiated. Events leading up to the shooting On Thursday, July 19, 2012, PCSO Deputies Matthew Jones, Raymond Strickland and Shannon Depew responded to the residence located at Putnam County, Florida. Deputies responded to the residence after the Putnam County Sheriffs Office received a call from Alfred Dobsons family member, asking for Deputies to respond to the residence due to Dobson making unwanted sexual advances towards 13 year old daughter, and verbally threatening occupants of the residence, which caused a disturbance. Upon arrival at the residence, Deputies made contact with Dobsons family members, and Upon arrival, Deputy Strickland stated that he learned from that Dobson had made sexual advances towards her juvenile daughter, Additionally, Deputy Strickland learned that feared for her and her daughters safety because of Dobsons actions prior to Law Enforcements arrival. Deputy Strickland reported that claimed that Dobson was a paranoid schizophrenic who had past violent tendencies that included recent behavior pattern changes. further explained to Deputy Strickland that Dobson possibly ingested an unknown substance that could be described as an illicit drug on the evening in question.

Once Deputy Strickland obtained pertinent information related to law enforcements response, he spoke with and interviewed Dobson in the front yard of the above mentioned residence. Through a series of questions and observations, Deputy Strickland determined the best course of action was to Baker Act Dobson rather than arrest or criminally charge Dobson. Deputy Stricklands decision centered around Dobsons odd behavior, odd responses to questions and Dobsons inability to understand even simple questions asked by Deputy Strickland. Once Deputy Strickland made his determination, he informed Deputy Jones and requested Dobson to accompany him to an awaiting patrol vehicle that was parked within the front yard / driveway of the above mentioned residence. Deputy Strickland recalled Dobson appeared to understand his instruction and Dobsons demeanor and body posture changed. Upon arrival, Deputy Jones recalled noticing that Dobsons behavior was strange and flighty. Additionally, Deputy Jones observed Dobson looking for an escape route away from him as they spoke, which caused concern for the safety of Deputy Jones. As Deputy Jones continued to speak with Dobson, he observed Deputy Strickland speaking with about the incident that resulted in law enforcements response. According to Deputy Jones, while Deputy Strickland spoke with he requested Deputy Depew to maintain visual observation on Dobson so that he could interview Through an interview with Deputy Jones learned that Dobson had made comments about wanting to sexually moles daughter, which led to the disturbance that was reported to PCSO Dispatch. Additionally, reported to Deputy Jones that Dobson had not slept for days prior to July 19, 2012. After Deputy Jones conversation with he became concerned that Dobson was under the influence of an illicit substance. Upon arrival, Deputy Shannon Depew stated that he monitored Dobsons actions. Deputy Depew observed Deputy Jones attempted to build a rapport with Dobson, however those efforts failed due to Dobsons mumbled speech. At some point during the conversation, Deputy Depew overheard Dobson state been smoking. While Deputy Jones spoke with additional witnesses at the scene, Deputy Depew began a conversation with Dobson. During the attempted conversation, Dobson looked at Deputy Depew in an aggressive manner and began to pray. Additionally, Deputy Depew noted that Dobson would not allow law enforcement to conduct a search for weapons, pat-down, of his person. At some point during the field interview of Dobson, Deputy Depew learned that Deputy Strickland intended to Baker Act Dobson. At Deputy Stricklands request, Deputy Depew met with so that he could obtain a written statement from her. During the contact with Deputies learned that Dobson had been displaying schizophrenia symptoms throughout the day, Dobson had not slept for approximately six (6) days (since July 13, 2012) prior to the incident. further elaborated that Dobson went into explicit details that he intended to have sperm come out of his penis while he engaged in sexual intercourse with further provided details that Dobson told that he would show how to engage in sexual intercourse.

When intervened with the sexual advances towards Dobson became angry and a verbal altercation ensued at the residence. indicated she was scared of Dobson and his intentions with her daughter. explained that Dobsons behavior on July 19, 2012 was worse than usual. During the contact with Deputies learned that Dobson had made comments about wanting to sexually molest daughter, which led to the disturbance. Additionally, reported to Deputy Jones that Dobson had not slept for several days prior to July 19, 2012. After Deputy Jones conversation with Deputy Jones also became concerned that Dobson was under the influence of an illicit substance.

Shooting Incident PCSO Deputies Jones, Strickland and Depew began an interview with Dobson in the front yard of Through a series of questions and observations made by PCSO Deputies Jones, Strickland and Depew, it was determined that the best course of action was to Baker Act Dobson. Deputies Jones and Strickland attempted to conduct a search for weapons on Dobson prior to taking Dobson into custody, which Dobson resisted by walking away. During a series of verbal commands for Dobson to stop, Deputies Jones and Strickland attempted to gain compliance from Dobson; however, he refused to comply and began walking back towards and the above mentioned residence. Deputy Jones became concerned that Dobson might attempt to harm and/or other persons located within the residence. Deputy Jones physically touched Dobson in a fashion similar to an empty hand control technique as well as Deputy Jones positioned his body between Dobson and the above mentioned residence in an attempt to stop Dobsons advance. Dobson then physically pushed Deputy Jones and a physical altercation ensued. During the physical altercation between Deputy Jones and Dobson, Dobson pushed Deputy Jones onto/over a field fence causing Deputy Jones to become entangled in the fencing. As the physical altercation between Deputy Jones and Dobson continued, Deputy Jones deployed his agency issued Taser in an attempt to stop Dobsons attack, however the Taser did not have the desired effect of incapacitating Dobson. Additionally, as a result of Deputy Jones Taser deployment, Deputy Jones felt the effects of the Taser as it cycled. Dobson then positioned himself on top of Deputy Jones in what could be described as a mount style position and began striking Deputy Jones on the face and head with a series of closed fist strikes. As a result, Dobsons strikes caused Deputy Jones to enter into what could be described as a semi-unconscious state. As Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones on the face and head, Deputy Strickland came to Deputy Jones aid and began a series of baton strikes with his agency issued baton to Dobsons legs in an attempt to stop Dobsons attack. Deputy Strickland continued to strike Dobson with his baton; however Dobson was able to fight through the effects of the strikes from the baton. At some point during Deputy Stricklands baton deployment on Dobson, Dobson stopped striking Deputy Jones and began aggressing towards Deputy Strickland. PCSO Deputy Strickland began to retreat from Dobsons attack towards him.

As Dobson aggressed towards Deputy Strickland, Depew attempted to intervene and deployed his agency issued Taser in an attempt to stop Dobsons attack on Deputy Strickland. Deputy Depews Taser deployment had no effect on Dobson and he continued to aggress towards Deputy Strickland at a fast pace. Deputy Strickland continued to give verbal commands for Dobson to stop. Deputy Strickland retreated in what could be described as a back pedal in an attempt to avoid Dobsons further attack. As Dobson continued his attack, Deputy Strickland un-holstered his agency issued Glock model 22 and fired a series of nine (9) rounds in the direction of Dobson, striking Dobson seven (7) times, causing him to collapse. Deputy Strickland stated that he became concerned that Dobson had armed himself with Deputy Jones weapon as well as Dobsons ability to deliver head strikes with his fist / hands. Deputy Strickland noted the poor lighting and poor footing that was in the yard/driveway of the mentioned residence. Of note, at the time of the incident, Deputy Strickland only had an expandable baton and firearm at his disposal to use against Dobson, thus exhausting all levels of the use of force prior to the application of deadly force. Once Dobsons attack was stopped, Deputies Jones, Strickland and Depew secured Dobson and began administering medical attention needed for the gunshot wounds Dobson sustained. A short time later, Putnam County Rescue/Medical personnel arrived and assisted with the treatment of Dobson at the scene in the front yard of the above mentioned residence. Dobson was later transported to Putnam Community Medical Center, where he died as a result of his injuries from the gunshot wounds. Deputy Jones came to the conclusion that Dobson appeared to be under the influence of an illicit substance because of his behavior and heightened strength during their interaction and altercation. Deputy Jones noted that once Dobson applied his closed fist head strikes on him, it caused Deputy Jones to become stunned and dazed. Deputy Jones did not recall witnessing Deputy Strickland deploy his agency issued baton on Dobson, nor did he recall witnessing Deputy Depews Taser deployment on Dobson and attributed that to a semi-conscious state during Dobsons attack. Deputy Jones was in fear for his life because of the nature of Dobsons attack. Deputy Jones believed that had Dobson not been stopped, he would have sustained life threatening injuries or died as a result of Dobsons attack. As a result of Dobsons attack, Deputy Jones sustained facial and head injuries as well as a knee injury. It should be noted, weeks following the incident, Deputy Jones underwent knee surgery on his injured knee. witnessed the confrontation in the front yard and detailed the following account of the shooting. When law enforcement arrived at residence, observed Deputies asking Dobson a series of questions to determine if Dobson was a candidate for a Baker Act. During this time frame, reported that interaction between Dobson and law enforcement seemed calm and controlled but Dobsons responses did not make

sense. became aware of law enforcements intention to Baker Act Dobson and she was asked by a PCSO Deputy to accompany him so that a written statement could be completed. As followed the Deputy to his patrol vehicle, she noticed that Dobson began fighting with the other Deputies. observed Dobson and an unknown Deputy rolling on the ground adjacent to a fence within the driveway/front yard and she began yelling No to Dobson. As the altercation continued, witnessed an additional Deputy begin to strike Dobson with a Black stick on Dobsons back. During observations, she witnessed Deputies deploy Tasers on Dobson and noticed that Dobson was able to fight through the effects of the Taser deployments. continued to watch Dobson fight with the Deputies until she heard a series of gunshots and noticed Dobson had collapsed. Once Dobson collapsed, she observed law enforcement provide CPR to Dobson. witnessed the confrontation in the front yard and detailed the following account of the shooting. Once law enforcement arrived, noted that Dobson was compliant until he was instructed to place his hands onto a PCSO patrol vehicle. was able to observe Dobson attack law enforcement. account was unclear if Dobson was Tased before the attack or during but according to Dobson was warned by law enforcement that he would be Tased if he did not comply with their orders. noted that as Dobson was Tased, it appeared to have no effect on him. was also able to observe Dobson attack a Deputy which knocked the Deputy onto a fence while Dobson repeatedly punched the Deputy. As the altercation continued, witnessed an additional Deputy strike Dobson with an unknown item. recalled as the second Deputy struck Dobson, Dobson turned away from the first Deputy and began to advance on the second Deputy. As Dobson advanced on the second Deputy, heard several pops and simultaneously she felt pain in her leg. Shortly thereafter, noticed she was bleeding and the second Deputy was standing over Dobson with his firearm drawn. Of note, sustained a minor cut to her right leg believed to be a result of debris from the gunfire. Dispatch logs document that Deputy Depew advises that the situation is under control at 9:32 pm and then advises that shots had been fired at 9:33pm.

Scene / Investigation Transferred to FDLE The Putnam County Sheriffs Office (PCSO) requested investigative and forensic assistance from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) pursuant to an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Authorization for response was approved by Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Steve Donaway. Agents arrived at a briefing location within Pomona Park, Putnam County, FL. The Putnam County Sheriffs Office maintained control of the scene until the arrival of Special Agent Supervisor (SAS) Travis Smith. SAS Smith made the following FDLE personnel assignments:

SA Chris Middleton SA Mike Brown SA Stephen Busey SA Vinny Cassidy SA Rusty Rodgers SA Kevin Carver SCLA John Holmquist CLA Jean Jahnke SAS Travis Smith

Case Agent/Officer Interviews Neighborhood Canvass Interviews Witness Interviews/Medical Personnel Interviews Witness Interviews/Medical Personnel Interviews Witness Interviews/Medical Personnel Interviews Witness Interviews/Medical Personnel Interviews Crime Scene Processing/Collection of Evidence Crime Scene Processing/Collection of Evidence On Scene Supervisor

The following investigative steps were initiated: Process crime scene for physical evidence and submit items to FDLEs Crime Laboratory for further processing. Interview and obtain statements from involved law enforcement officers. Interview and obtain statements from involved witnesses. Obtain background information on subject(s). Review results of evidence processing from Crime Laboratory. Prepare Investigative Reports and Investigative Summary.

As a result of the listed investigative steps, the following events have occurred: FDLE agents conducted interviews of relevant witnesses, deputies/officers and medical personnel. Agents have requested and obtained all pertinent Law Enforcement (Putnam County Sheriffs Office) records and dispatch communication records. FDLE Crime Scene Analysts processed the incident scenes, collected physical evidence and provided corresponding reports. OFFICER INTERVIEWS The following are synopses of the actual interviews of the law enforcement personnel who had direct involvement with Alfred Dobson. For complete details of each interview, refer to the investigative report (IR) associated with each. Interview with Deputy Raymond Strickland (PCSO) IR Serial # 3

PCSO Deputy Raymond Stricklands current employment with the PCSO began on June 25 2012. Deputy Stricklands primary responsibility is as a Patrol Deputy, assigned to the Patrol Division within the Division of Law Enforcement. At approximately 9:09 pm on July 19, 2012, Deputy Strickland and Deputy Matthew Jones were dispatched to regarding a disturbance at the above mentioned residence. Deputy Strickland was in the process of completing his Field Training Program which required the attendance of Deputy Matthew Jones in the patrol vehicle Deputy Strickland was operating. While enroute to the above mentioned residence, Deputy Strickland learned that a female complainant reported an 6

unknown male subject was causing a disturbance. Upon Deputy Stricklands arrival to he met with who was the previously mentioned complainant. Deputy Strickland learned from that Alfred Dobson had made sexual advances towards her juvenile daughter, Additionally, Deputy Strickland learned that feared for her and her daughters safety because of Dobsons actions prior to Law Enforcements arrival. Deputy Strickland reported that further claimed that Dobson was a paranoid schizophrenic who had past violent tendencies that included recent behavior pattern changes. further explained to Deputy Strickland that Dobson possibly ingested an unknown substance that could be described as an illicit drug on the evening in question. Once Deputy Strickland obtained pertinent information related to law enforcements response, he spoke with and interviewed Dobson in the front yard of the above mentioned residence. Through a series of questions and observations, Deputy Strickland determined the best course of action was to Baker Act Dobson rather than arrest or criminally charge Dobson. Deputy Stricklands decision centered around Dobsons odd behavior, odd responses to questions and Dobsons inability to understand even simple questions asked by Deputy Strickland. Once Deputy Strickland made his determination, he informed Deputy Jones and requested Dobson to accompany him to an awaiting patrol vehicle that was parked within the front yard / driveway of the above mentioned residence. Deputy Strickland recalled Dobson appeared to understand his instruction and Dobsons demeanor and body posture changed. Once Deputy Strickland and Dobson reached the patrol vehicle, Deputy Strickland instructed Dobson to place his hands onto the patrol vehicle so that a pat-down search could be conducted. Deputy Strickland recalled Dobson entering into what is described as a fight or flight mode and refused to further comply with any instructions he was given. Deputy Strickland observed Dobson walking away from the patrol vehicle and began making his way back towards the above mentioned residence. Deputy Strickland began to communicate with Deputy Jones about Dobsons actions. Deputy Strickland reported that Deputy Jones stepped between Dobson and his path of travel as well as Deputy Jones physically touched Dobson in an attempt to stop Dobsons advance. Deputy Strickland observed Dobson lunge at Deputy Jones. Deputy Strickland further observed Deputy Jones deploy his agency issued Taser on Dobson. According to Deputy Strickland, Dobson was able to fight through the effects of the Taser and he furthered his attack on Deputy Jones. Deputy Strickland recalled seeing Deputy Jones and Dobson fall over a fence as Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones on the head and face with a series of closed fists. Deputy Strickland reported that Dobson mounted Deputy Jones and continued to deliver strikes to Deputy Jones head. Deputy Strickland addressed the physical altercation between Deputy Jones and Dobson by deploying his agency issued expandable baton and delivered a series of strikes to Dobsons legs while Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones. Deputy Strickland reported that his baton strikes did not stop Dobsons attack nor did the strikes appear to gain pain compliance from Dobson. As Deputy Strickland continued his baton strikes, he became concerned Dobson was arming himself with Deputy Jones firearm and/or other

law enforcement type equipment. Deputy Strickland recalled at some point, Dobson turned his attack and aggression towards him after he was able to re-direct Dobsons attack by pulling on an article of Dobsons clothing. Deputy Strickland reported that Dobson began to aggress him in a fast manner that caused him to retreat in a fast manner, as he gave Dobson verbal commands to stop his attack. As Deputy Strickland retreated, he observed Deputy Depew attempt to intercept Dobsons attack by deploying his agency issued Taser. Once Deputy Depew deployed his Taser, Deputy Strickland noticed Deputy Depews Taser deployment not having an effect on Dobson. Deputy Strickland recalled Dobson continuing his aggression towards him by entering into a crouched position and run at Deputy Strickland. Deputy Strickland noted that he continued to give Dobson verbal commands to stop his attack / actions, however Dobson continued to aggress. Deputy Strickland reported that as Dobson continued to quickly close their distance and as Dobson got closer to his position, Deputy Strickland drew his agency issued Glock Model 22 with his right hand and fired a series of rounds from the hip-rock position until Dobson stopped his attack. Deputy Strickland noted that while he fired his agency issued firearm, he continued to hold his agency issued baton in his left hand. Once Deputy Strickland confirmed Dobson had stopped his attack, Dobson was secured and medical treatment was provided by Deputies Strickland, Jones and Depew until Putnam County medical personnel arrived. Of note, Deputy Strickland became concerned with the safety and well-being of those present at the scene because of the type of closed fist strikes Dobson delivered onto Deputy Jones head and face as well as Dobsons ability to over-power Deputy Jones and his ability to fight through two (2) Taser deployments and a baton deployment. Deputy Stricklands stated that his concern centered on his training and experience within the curriculum of Defensive Tactics. At the conclusion of the above mentioned incident, Deputy Strickland was later met by PCSO supervisors and administration staff at the scene. Additionally, Deputy Stricklands agency issued firearm, ammunition and baton was turned over to PCSO Detective Doug Schwall, who later released the items to FDLE crime scene personnel.

Interview with Deputy Matthew Jones (PCSO)

IR Serial # 4

PCSO Deputy Matthew Jones current employment with the PCSO began on July 27, 2010. Deputy Jones primary responsibility is as a Patrol Deputy with the additional duty of being a Field Training Officer (FTO). Deputy Jones is assigned to the Patrol Division within the Division of Law Enforcement. At approximately 9:09 pm on July 19, 2012, Deputy Jones and Deputy Strickland were dispatched to regarding a disturbance at the above mentioned residence. Deputy Jones was in the process of evaluating Deputy 8

Strickland which required the attendance of Deputy Jones in the patrol vehicle Deputy Strickland was operating. While enroute, Deputy Jones learned that a disturbance was taking place at the above mentioned residence. Upon arrival, Deputy Jones and Deputy Strickland made contact with After a short interaction with emerged from the residences interior, observed law enforcements presence, turned and warned Dobson, whom was inside the residence. A short time later, Deputy Jones noticed that Dobson exited that residence which began their first interaction with each other. Deputy Jones noted that he was familiar with Dobson, so he began his attempts at building a rapport with Dobson. Deputy Jones recalled noticing that Dobsons behavior was strange and flighty. Additionally, Deputy Jones observed Dobson looking for an escape route away from him as they spoke, which caused concern for his safety. As Deputy Jones continued to speak with Dobson, he observed Deputy Strickland speaking with about the incident that resulted in law enforcements response. According to Deputy Jones, while Deputy Strickland spoke with he requested Deputy Depew to maintain visual observation on Dobson so that he could interview Through an interview with Deputy Jones learned that Dobson had made comments about wanting to sexually molest 13 year old daughter, which led to the disturbance that was reported to PCSO Dispatch. Additionally, reported to Deputy Jones that Dobson had not slept for several days prior to July 19, 2012. After Deputy Jones conversation with he became concerned that Dobson was under the influence of an illicit substance. After his conversation with finished, Deputy Jones again attempted to speak with Dobson. As Deputy Jones asked Dobson more questions about the reported incident, Dobson would only respond with mumbled speech. Additionally, Deputy Jones noticed that with each question asked to Dobson, he became increasingly angry. After conferring with Deputy Strickland, Deputy Jones reported that Deputy Strickland intended to BakerAct Dobson rather than arrest or criminally charge Dobson. Deputy Jones then observed Deputy Strickland give Dobson verbal instructions to walk towards their awaiting patrol vehicle. As Deputy Strickland and Dobson reached the patrol vehicle, Deputy Jones observed Deputy Strickland give Dobson a series of verbal commands that would facilitate a weapons search of Dobson. Deputy Jones reported that Deputy Strickland explained to him that he felt law enforcement would have to employ a form of soft hand control on Dobson so that they could take Dobson into custody. Deputy Jones reported that his observation led him to the same conclusion as Deputy Stricklands because Dobson appeared to have the fight or flight appearance. Deputy Jones recalled that as Deputy Strickland and Dobson reached the patrol vehicle, after Deputy Strickland issued his verbal commands to Dobson, Deputy Jones reported seeing Dobson look towards and refuse and began to make his way back to the above mentioned residence at a quick pace. Deputy Jones became concerned that Dobson intended to pursue and/or so he gave Dobson a verbal command of stop and placed his hand(s) onto Dobson. As soon as Deputy Jones attempted to

intercept Dobson, Dobson immediately began swinging his hands/arm towards Deputy Jones face/head. As Dobson continued to attack Deputy Jones, Deputy Jones reported that he deployed his agency issued Taser onto Dobson, however Dobson was able to fight through the Taser deployment. Additionally, Deputy Jones started to receive residual effects of the Taser deployment as Dobson continued his attack. Deputy Jones continued to retreat away from Dobson in a backwards fashion until Dobson backed him into a fence which caused Deputy Jones to fall over the fence onto his back. Once Deputy Jones fell over the fence, Dobson began striking Deputy Jones on the head with what was described as a series of closed fists. Deputy Jones reported that as Dobson maintained a position on top of him, Deputy Jones again attempted to deploy his Taser in a drive-stun fashion onto Dobson, however the Taser deployment had no effect on Dobson. Deputy Jones recalled that after the second Taser deployment failure, Dobson continued to strike him with a series of closed fists. A period of time later, Deputy Jones realized Dobson was no longer on top of him, striking him. It was at that point when Deputy Jones started to come to his feet and conducted a self-assessment of his injuries and the accounting of his agency issued equipment. Deputy Jones reported that as he conducted his self-assessment, he heard a series of gunshots. Deputy Jones was not able to provide an exact number of gunshots. Once on his feet, Deputy Jones noticed Deputies Strickland and Depew, as well as Dobson, in the Northwest corner of the yard of the above mentioned residence. Deputy Jones then approached the Northwest corner of the yard and observed Dobson had collapsed in a face down position. Deputy Jones radioed PCSO Dispatch and informed them of the situation that had transpired. Deputy Jones conducted a canvass of Dobson to ensure he did not possess any weapons so that medical treatment could be applied. Once Deputy Jones found Dobson not to be in possession of a weapon, he began a medical assessment of Dobson and found that he had sustained multiple gunshot wounds. While providing medical treatment to Dobson, Deputy Jones noticed that one (1) Taser probe was lodged into the leather belt Dobson was wearing. Deputy Jones recalled Deputy Depew requesting further medical assistance via PCSO Dispatch. A short time later, Deputy Jones observed numerous medical personnel arrive and he assisted them with the application of CPR on Dobson. Deputy Jones noted that Deputy Depew began a crime scene log as medical attention was given to Dobson. Deputy Jones came to the conclusion that Dobson appeared to be under the influence of an illicit substance because of his behavior and heightened strength during their interaction and altercation. Deputy Jones noted that once Dobson applied his closed fist head strikes on him, it caused Deputy Jones to become stunned and dazed. Deputy Jones did not recall witnessing Deputy Strickland deploy his agency issued baton on Dobson, nor did he recall witnessing Deputy Depews Taser deployment on Dobson and attributed that to a semi-conscious state during Dobsons attack. Deputy Jones was in fear for his life because of the nature of Dobsons attack. Deputy Jones believed that had Dobson not been stopped, he would have sustained life threatening injuries or died as a result of Dobsons attack.


As a result of Dobsons attack, Deputy Jones sustained facial and head injuries as well as a knee injury. It should be noted, weeks following the incident, Deputy Jones underwent knee surgery on his injured knee. Interview with Deputy Shannon Depew (PCSO) IR Serial # 5

PCSO Deputy Shannon Depews current employment with the PCSO began on March 5, 2010. Deputy Depews primary responsibility is as a Patrol Deputy, assigned to the Patrol Division within the Division of Law Enforcement. At approximately 9:09 pm on July 19, 2012, Deputy Depew responded to egarding a disturbance at the above mentioned residence. Deputy Depew was in the process of completing a previous unrelated call for service when he responded as a back-up unit for Deputies Strickland and Jones. When Deputy Depew arrived at he was being directed to the above mentioned scene by who has motioning with a flashlight. It should be noted that also lives at the residence. When Deputy Depew approached the residence, Deputy Strickland was interviewing and learned Alfred Dobson was causing a disturbance. Deputy Depew requested Dobson to exit the residence and noticed Dobson was hurried and anxious. As Deputy Depew monitored Dobson, Deputy Jones attempted to build a rapport with Dobson, however those efforts failed due to Dobsons mumbled speech. At some point during the conversation, Deputy Depew overheard Dobson state been smoking. While Deputy Jones spoke with additional witnesses at the scene, Deputy Depew began a conversation with Dobson. During the attempted conversation, Dobson looked at Deputy Depew in an aggressive manner and began to pray. Additionally, Deputy Depew noted that Dobson would not allow law enforcement to conduct a pat-down search of his person. At some point during the field interview of Dobson, Deputy Depew learned that Deputy Strickland intended to Baker Act Dobson. At Deputy Stricklands request, Deputy Depew met with so that he could obtain a written statement from her. As Deputy Depew escorted and met with adjacent to his parked patrol vehicle, he observed Deputy Strickland give Dobson a set of verbal commands that centered on Deputy Strickland conducting a pat-down search of Dobson. A short time later, Deputy Depew heard a commotion and observed Dobson advancing back to the residence in a fast manner. Deputy Depew was able to observe Deputy Jones attempt to stop Dobsons advance by placing his hand up in a stop signal. Deputy Depew further observed Dobson physically resist Deputy Jones and strike Deputy Jones multiple times on the head with his hands/fist, which led Deputy Jones to continue to issue verbal commands to Dobson and deploy his agency issued Taser onto Dobson. As the physical altercation escalated, Deputy Depew watched as Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones, who fell over a fence onto his back while Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones on the head. Deputy Depew observed the fight for an unknown period of time, until Deputy Strickland deployed his expandable baton with a series of strikes onto Dobson, while Dobson continued to strike Deputy Jones. Deputy Depew then watched as Dobson stopped 11

striking Deputy Jones and began aggressing Deputy Strickland at a fast run, which caused Deputy Strickland to retreat. Deputy Depew attempted to intercept Dobson by deploying his agency issued Taser, however his deployment had no effect on Dobsons advance. While Deputy Strickland back-pedaled away from Dobson, Deputy Depew changed Taser cartridges and contemplated physically jumping on Dobson in an effort to stop his rapid advance on Deputy Strickland. Deputy Depew then heard gunshots. Deputy Depew did not see Deputy Strickland shoot Dobson because of a tree, utility pole and poor light that inhibited his vision. Deputy Depew then assisted with the securing of Dobson, providing medical treatment and notification to PCSO Dispatch of the incident. Deputy Depew described Dobsons behavior as un-human and his strength as super human. Deputy Depew based his opinion off of his previous employment with the Florida Department of Corrections, specifically in the mental health section. Furthermore, Deputy Depew described the type of strikes Deputy Jones received from Dobson were the type that could cause serious injury or death. WITNESS INTERVIEWS

Interview of

IR Serial # 29

On Thursday, July 19, 2012 at approximately 2108 hours, notified PCSO dispatch that Alfred Dobson had made sexual advances towards her 13 year old daughter as well as Dobson was causing a disturbance at their common residence at

Through a statement provided to FDLE SA Rusty Rodgers and SA Kevin Carver, gave information that Dobson had been displaying schizophrenia symptoms throughout the day on July 19, 2012. told SA Rodgers and SA Carver that during the evening hours of July 19, 2012, Dobson made statements that he intended to have sex with juvenile daughter, further elaborated that Dobson went into explicit details that he intended to have sperm come out of his penis while he engaged in sexual intercourse with further provided details that Dobson told that he would show her how to engage in sexual intercourse. When intervened, Dobson became angry and a verbal altercation ensued. indicated she was scared of Dobson and his intentions with her daughter. explained that Dobsons behavior on July 19, 2012 was worse than usual. added that Dobson was Wiggin out and Talking out of his head. had previously experienced similar situations with Dobson and was instructed by Dobsons doctors to notify law enforcement when Dobson acted in such a manner so that a wellness check could be conducted on Dobson by law enforcement.


When law enforcement arrived at residence, she explained the events that transpired. observed Deputies asking Dobson a series of questions to determine if Dobson was a candidate for a Baker Act. During this time frame, reported that interaction between Dobson and law enforcement seemed calm and controlled but Dobsons responses did not make sense. became aware of law enforcements intention to Baker Act Dobson and she was asked by a PCSO Deputy to accompany him so that a written statement could be completed. As followed the Deputy to his patrol vehicle, she noticed that Dobson began fighting with the other Deputies. observed Dobson and an unknown Deputy rolling on the ground adjacent to a fence within the driveway/front yard and she began yelling No to Dobson. As the altercation continued, witnessed an additional Deputy begin to strike Dobson with a Black stick on Dobsons back. During observations, she witnessed Deputies deploy Tasers on Dobson and noticed that Dobson was able to fight through the effects of the Taser deployments. continued to watch Dobson fight with the Deputies until she heard a series of gunshots and noticed Dobson had collapsed. Once Dobson collapsed, she observed law enforcement provide CPR to Dobson. explained to SA Rodgers and SA Carver that she felt law enforcement did not need to use deadly force to subdue Dobson. Of note, felt that the only reason law enforcement used deadly force was because Dobson was winning the fight. provided further information about Dobsons mental health that included Dobson suffering a head injury that required continuous mental health treatment. added that Dobson required one (1) shot every two (2) weeks to manage and maintain his schizophrenia. noted that Dobsons dosage had recently changed to one (1) shot per month. advised that Dobsons behavior would change when he drank alcohol or ingested marijuana. Lastly, indicated that Dobson had not slept for approximately six (6) days (since July 13, 2012) prior to the incident and that she was afraid of Dobson.

Interview of

IR Serial # 23

Through a statement provided to FDLE SA Vinny Cassidy and SA Stephen Busey, provided information as it related to the incident that occurred at

Previous to the incident, had been designated as the legal guardian of Dobson. was aware that Dobson had a mental condition that included being diagnosed as a schizophrenic. also knew of Dobson being previously prescribed pills to assist with the management of his mental condition; however, Dobson was switched to injections because he would not properly take his medication. was aware that Dobson had not slept since July 13, 2012, which was the date of his last injection. Additionally, noted that Dobson Was not acting right since his last injection. On


July 19, 2012, normal.

departed their residence and noticed Dobson appeared to be acting

Once returned from work, she learned that Dobson had been visiting a residence within their neighborhood. As Dobson returned, observed Dobsons behavior had changed for the worse since her morning departure. reported that as the evening transpired, Dobson stated to Come here, Im going to put my penis in you. recalled Dobsons statement caused to notify law enforcement as they were previously instructed to do by Dobsons medical staff in the event he became unruly. Once law enforcement arrived, noted that Dobson was compliant until he was instructed to place his hands onto a PCSO patrol vehicle. was able to observe Dobson attack law enforcement. account was unclear if Dobson was Tased before the attack or during but according to Dobson was warned by law enforcement that he would be Tased if he did not comply with their orders. noted that as Dobson was Tased, it appeared to have no effect on him. was also able to observe Dobson attack a Deputy which knocked the Deputy onto a fence while Dobson repeatedly punched the Deputy. As the altercation continued, witnessed an additional Deputy strike Dobson with an unknown item. recalled as the second Deputy struck Dobson, Dobson turned away from the first Deputy and began to advance on the second Deputy. As Dobson advanced on the second Deputy, heard several pops and simultaneously she felt pain in her leg. Shortly thereafter, noticed she was bleeding and the second Deputy was standing over Dobson with his firearm drawn. Of note, sustained a minor cut to her right leg believed to be a result of debris from the gunfire.

Interview of

IR Serial # 15

Through a statement provided to FDLE SAS Travis Smith, SA Mike Brown and SA Chris Middleton, provided information as it related to the incident that occurred at It should be noted that also lives at the residence. On the evening of July 19, 2012, overheard telephone the Putnam County Sheriffs Office because of the sexual advances made by Dobson towards has knowledge of Dobsons medical condition and was aware of Dobson acting abnormal as well as Dobson had been acting paranoid and restless since his last dosage of medicine that occurred on July 13, 2012. witnessed law enforcement arrive and interact with Dobson. During the interaction between Dobson and law enforcement, returned to the residences interior and a short time later heard a series of gunshots. After the gunfire ended, exited the residence and observed Dobson lying on the ground within the yard/driveway. provided no information as it relates to the reported physical altercation between Dobson and law enforcement prior to Dobson getting shot.


Interview of


IR Serial # 16

Through a statement provided to FDLE SAS Travis Smith, SA Mike Brown and SA Chris Middleton, provided information as it related to Dobsons sexual advances towards her on the evening of July 19, 2012. reported that Dobson made sexual advances towards her on the mentioned evening. reported that those advances included Dobson telling her to come into his bedroom so that he could have sex with her. At some point during interaction with Dobson, intervened and notified law enforcement. witnessed the arrival of law enforcement but did not witness the physical altercation between Dobson and law enforcement, nor did witness the application of deadly force onto Dobson. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INTERVIEWS

Interview with EMS Supervisor Paul Flateau, Putnam EMS

IR Serial # 25

Captain Paul Flateau was assigned to Putnam County Fire / Rescue (PCFR) Squad 83, which provided supervisory assistance to fire / rescue personnel in the southern portion of Putnam County. On the evening of Thursday, July 19, 2012, EMS Supervisor Flateau was dispatched to regarding a subject (Later identified as Dobson) who sustained gunshot wounds. Once EMS Supervisor Flateau arrived at the scene,

Once EMS Supervisor Flateau arrived at PCMC with Dobson, custody of Dobson was released to medical personnel at PCMC. According to EMS Supervisor Flateau, no on scene law enforcement official or Dobson made any statements regarding the incident that led to the shooting of Dobson.

Interview with EMT Andrea Proveaux

IR Serial # 26

EMT Proveaux was assigned to Putnam County Fire / Rescue (PCFR), which provided medical support and assistance to fire / rescue personnel in the southern portion of Putnam County.


On the evening of Thursday, July 19, 2012, EMT Proveaux was dispatched to the residence located at regarding a male subject that had sustained several gunshot wounds. Once EMT Proveaux arrived at the mentioned location, she observed PCSO Deputy Jones and First Responder Melvin Asher performing CPR on a subject, later identified as Alfred Dobson, a unresponsive patient. EMT Proveaux learned

According to EMT Proveaux, she did not speak to any witnesses or law enforcement officials while she provided care to Dobson.

Interview with EMT Lauren Wuerth

IR Serial # 27

EMT Wuerth was assigned to Putnam County Fire / Rescue (PCFR), which provided medical support and assistance to fire / rescue personnel in the southern portion of Putnam County. On the evening of Thursday, July 19, 2012, First Responder Wuerth was dispatched to the residence located at regarding a male subject that had sustained several gunshot wounds. Once EMT Wuerth arrived at the mentioned location, she observed First Responder Melvin Asher performing CPR on a subject, later identified as Alfred Dobson, an unresponsive patient.

Interview with First Responder Melvin Asher

IR Serial # 28

First Responder Asher was assigned to the Pomona Park Volunteer Fire Department, which provided support and assistance to fire / rescue personnel in the southern portion of Putnam County.


On the evening of Thursday, July 19, 2012, First Responder Asher was dispatched to the residence located at regarding a male subject that had sustained injuries during involvement with law enforcement. Once First Responder Asher arrived at the mentioned location, he observed a subject, later identified as Alfred Dobson, lying on the ground in a face-up position. An unknown PCSO Deputy informed Asher that Dobson had sustained gunshot wounds to his abdomen, leg and arm. Asher began providing emergency care to Dobson, which

Interview with Nurse Chandra OSteen

IR Serial # 19

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Nurse OSteen was an emergency room Nurse within Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). While on duty, Nurse OSteen learned that a trauma code patient was being transported to Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). When the trauma code patient arrived, Nurse OSteen advised that she observed Dobson upon his arrival at Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC);

Interview with Nurse Jenny Nettles

IR Serial # 20

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Nurse Nettles was an emergency room Nurse within Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). While on duty, Nurse Nettles learned that a trauma arrest patient was being transported to Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). When the trauma arrest patient arrived, Nurse Nettles advised that she observed Dobson upon his arrival at Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC);


Interview with Nurse Alaina Martin

IR Serial # 21

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Nurse Martin was an emergency room Nurse within Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). While on duty, Nurse Martin learned that a trauma patient was being transported to Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). When the trauma patient arrived, Nurse Martin advised that she observed Dobson upon his arrival at Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC);

Interview with Patient Care Technician (PCT) Glenda Smith

IR Serial # 22

On the evening of July 19, 2012, PCT Smith was the emergency room Patient Care Technician within Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). While on duty, PCT Smith learned that a trauma patient was being transported to Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). When the trauma patient arrived, PCT Smith advised that she observed Dobson upon his arrival at Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC)

Interview with ER Doctor John Bohannon

IR Serial # 24

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Dr. Bohannon was the emergency room attending physician within Putnam Community Medical Center (PCMC). While on duty, Dr. Bohannon was advised that a victim was being transported to PCMC, with gunshot wounds. Dr. Bohannon advised that when Dobson arrived,



Interview of Stacy Mullins

IR Serial # 12

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Stacy Mullins observed two (2) patrol vehicles parked at Mullins heard six (6) seven (7) gunshots approximately five (5) ten (10) minutes after law enforcements arrival. Mullins walked to the above mentioned residence and observed a subject laying on the ground and noticed the subject was Alfred Dobson. Mullins was aware of Dobson being violent towards his family as well as Mullins had knowledge of Dobson being mentally unstable. Mullins referred to Dobson as kind of scary.

Interview of Angela Hobbs

IR Serial # 13

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Angela Hobbs reported that she was asleep when the incident at occurred. Hobbs could not provide any relevant information as it related to the shooting of Dobson. Hobbs did provide information regarding Dobson visiting her on the afternoon of July 19, 2012. Hobbs claimed Dobson was not acting as he normally did. Furthermore, Hobbs advised that Dobson was doing flips in her yard as well as Dobson was mumbling to himself. Hobbs added that Dobson had previously got upset with her because she would not give him money.

Interview of Charles Jones

IR Serial # 14

On the evening of July 19, 2012, Charles Jones was not present at his residence during the time when the incident occurred at Jones advised he knew Dobson and was aware that Dobson was required to take medication and he would talk to himself. Jones noted that he never witnessed Dobson act violent, however he did not trust Dobson to be alone with Joness female friend (Unknown name). RELATED INFORMATION

Summary of 911 Call

IR Serial # 10


Summary of Radio Transmissions

IR Serial # 18

At approximately 9:09 p.m. on July 19, 2012, PCSO Deputies Raymond Strickland and Matthew Jones were dispatched to regarding a disturbance. At approximately 9:22 p.m., PCSO Deputies Strickland and Jones notify the PCSO dispatch center of their arrival. At approximately 9:32 p.m., the PCSO dispatch center inquires to PCSO Deputies about their status. PCSO Depew informs the dispatch center that the situation was under control. At approximately 9:33 p.m., PCSO Deputy Depew informed the PCSO dispatch center shots fired. At approximately 9:34 p.m., PCSO Deputy Depew requests rescue / medical personnel to respond to the scene. At approximately 9:39 p.m., PCSO Deputy Depew informs the PCSO dispatch center of rescue / medical personnels arrival.

Summary of Taser Downloads

IR Serial # 31

On July 30, 2012, SA Brent Harrison downloaded PCSO Deputies Jones and Depews agency issued Tasers in response to information and statements received that indicated Deputies Jones and Depew deployed their Taser onto Dobson. As a result of the downloading of their Tasers the below listed information was obtained. Deputy Jones fired his agency issued Taser twice. The first cycle did not have a duration greater than one (1) second and the second cycle had a five (5) second duration. Deputy Depew fired his agency issued Taser once. The cycle from Deputy Depews Taser was for a duration of five (5) seconds.

Summary of Alfred Dobsons Autopsy

IR Serial # 34

On July 20, 2012, Dr. Predrag Bulic conducted an autopsy on Dobson. As a result of the autopsy, Dr. Bulic noted Dobson sustained seven (7) gunshot wounds. The gunshot wounds sustained by Dobson were located on his abdomen, left forearm, 5th left finger, upper right arm, right forearm, left buttock and upper right back. Dr. Bulic also noted


that the gunshot wounds sustained by Dobson did not show evidence of contact or close range firing on Dobsons skin. Additionally, Dr. Bulic located two (2) superficial burns with small puncture wounds on Dobsons stomach / trunk area that were consistent with the application of a Taser. Also collected at Dobsons autopsy were blood and urine samples that were submitted to NMS Labs. As a result of the submittal of Dobsons blood, NMS Labs found 2.6 ng/ml of Delta-9 THC and 10 ng/ml of Delta Carboxy THC (Both substances are consistent with marijuana use) in his blood at the time of the autopsy. NMS Labs also reported a positive urinalysis for Cannabis in Dobsons urine at the time of his autopsy as well.

Summary of Alfred Dobsons Mental Health Records

IR Serial # 11

Act could be initiated if Dobsons behavior continued.



Deputy Raymond Strickland

IR Serial # 6

On July 23, 2012, Special Agent (SA) Chris Middleton reviewed previously obtained training records as they relate to Deputy Raymond Strickland. SA Middleton reviewed the file and noted the following information:

Deputy Strickland is authorized to utilize a department issued weapon, described as a Glock model 22 pistol, serial # SPZ846. According to weapons qualification records, Deputy Strickland scored a passing score on June 25, 2012, while qualifying with the described weapon.

Additionally, records revealed that on June 25, 2012, Deputy Strickland had been trained and qualified for Taser, OC, baton, use of force and defensive tactics. Deputy Matthew Jones IR Serial # 7

On July 23, 2012, Special Agent (SA) Chris Middleton reviewed previously obtained training records as they relate to Deputy Matthew Jones. SA Middleton reviewed the file and noted the following information:

Deputy Jones is authorized to utilize a department issued Taser, described as a Taser model X-26, serial # X00-583007. According to training/qualification records, Deputy Jones scored a passing score on June 23, 2012, while training/qualifying with the described device.

Additionally, records revealed that on April 9, 2011 & October 31, 2011, Deputy Jones had been trained on the use of force. Also on October 31, 2011, Deputy Jones was trained on the use and deployment of OC, baton and defensive tactics. Deputy Shannon Depew IR Serial # 8

On July 23, 2012, Special Agent (SA) Chris Middleton reviewed previously obtained training records as they relate to Deputy Shannon Depew. SA Middleton reviewed the file and noted the following information:

Deputy Depew is authorized to utilize a department issued Taser, described as a Taser model X-26, serial # X00-583914. According to training/qualification records, Deputy Depew scored a passing score on March 14, 2012, while training/qualifying with the described device.


Additionally, records revealed that on April 7, 2011 & October 19, 2011, Deputy Depew had been trained on the use of force. Also on October 19, 2011, Deputy Depew was trained on the use and deployment of OC, baton and defensive tactics. WITNESS LIST Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Investigations St. Augustine) 2155 Old Moultrie Road, Suite 105 St Augustine, FL 32086 Telephone Number: (904) 209-3180 Special Agent Supervisor (SAS) Travis Smith SAS Smith participated in civilian witness interviews as well as conducted the overall management and supervision of this investigation. Special Agent (SA) Chris Middleton SA Middleton conducted the overall case coordination and the interviews of the involved officers and civilian witnesses. Special Agent (SA) Mike Brown SA Brown conducted interviews of Stacy Mullins, Angela Hobbs, Charles Jones, and

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Investigations - Jacksonville) 921 North Davis Street, Building E Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone Number: (904) 360-7100 Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Steve Donaway ASAC Donaway conducted the overall management and supervision of this investigation. Special Agent (SA) Stephen Busey SA Busey conducted the interviews of R/N Chandra OSteen, R/N Jenny Nettles, R/N Alaina Martin, PCT Glenda Smith, Dr. John Bohannon, EMS Supervisor Paul Flateau, EMT Lauren Wuerth, EMT Andrea Proveaux and First Responder Melvin Asher. Special Agent (SA) Vinny Cassidy SA Cassidy conducted the interviews of Dr. John Bohannon, EMS Supervisor Paul Flateau, EMT Lauren Wuerth, EMT Andrea Proveaux and First Responder Melvin Asher. Special Agent (SA) Rusty Rodgers SA Rodgers conducted the interview of


Special Agent (SA) Kevin Carver SA Carver conducted the interview of

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Crime Scene Unit) 921 North Davis Street, Building E Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone Number: (904) 360-7100 Senior Crime Lab Analyst (SCLA) John Holmquist SCLA Holmquist participated in the processing of the crime scene and the collection of evidence. Crime Lab Analyst (CLA) Jean Jahnke CLA Jahnke participated in the processing of the crime scene and the collection of evidence.

Putnam County Sheriffs Office 130 Orie Griffin Blvd Palatka, FL, 32177 Telephone Number: (386) 329-0800 Sergeant (Sgt.) Lonnie Smith Sgt. Smith can provide information regarding statements made by shooting occurred.

after the

Putnam County EMS 410 South Highway 19 Palatka, Florida 32177 Telephone Number: (386) 329-0379 EMT Supervisor Paul Flateau Capt. Flateau can testify to being a First Responder to Alfred Dobson and to the injuries Dobson sustained. EMS Supervisor Flateau can testify to the treatment of those injuries. EMT Lauren Wuerth EMT Wuerth can testify to being a First Responder to Alfred Dobson and to the injuries Dobson sustained. EMT Wuerth can testify to the treatment of those injuries. EMT Andrea Proveaux EMT Proveaux can testify to being a First Responder to Alfred Dobson and to the injuries Dobson sustained. EMT Proveaux can testify to the treatment of those injuries.


First Responder Melvin Asher Melvin Asher can testify to being a First Responder to Alfred Dobson and to the injuries Dobson sustained. Asher can also provide information related to the treatment of those injuries. CIVILIAN WITNESSES Stacy Mullins Mullins can provide information related to the events he observed after the shooting occurred. Additionally, Mullins can provide information related to Dobsons behavior pattern prior to July 19, 2012. Angela Hobbs Hobbs can provide information related to Dobsons behavior previous to July 19, 2012. Hobbs could not provide information specific to the incident surrounding the shooting. Charles Jones Jones can provide information related to Dobsons behavior prior to July 19, 2012. Jones could not provide information specific to the incident surrounding the shooting.

can provide information related to Dobson making sexual advances towards as well as the disturbance that ensued as a result. Additionally, can provide information related to Dobsons behavior previous to on July 19, 2012.

can provide information related to Dobson making sexual advances towards her as well as Dobsons behavior pattern on the evening of July 19, 2012.

can provide information related to Dobsons behavior pattern prior to July 19, 2012, as well as Dobsons sexual advances towards and the impending disturbance that ensued. can also provide information to the incident that led to Dobson being shot by Deputy Strickland.

can provide information related to Dobsons behavior pattern prior to July 19, 2012, as well as Dobsons sexual advances towards and the impending disturbance that ensued. can also provide information to the incident that led to Dobson being shot by Deputy Strickland.


Putnam Community Medical Center 600 Zeagler Drive Palatka, FL 32177 Telephone Number: (386) 325-5711 Dr. John Bohannon Dr. Bohannon can provide information related to medical treatment provided to Dobson as well as his condition upon his arrival to PCMC. Nurse Chandra OSteen Nurse OSteen can provide information related to medical treatment provided to Dobson as well as his condition upon his arrival to PCMC. Nurse Jenny Nettles Nurse Nettles can provide information related to medical treatment provided to Dobson as well as his condition upon his arrival to PCMC. Nurse Alaina Martin Nurse Martin can provide information related to medical treatment provided to Dobson as well as his condition upon his arrival to PCMC. Patient Care Technician Glenda Smith Patient Care Technician Smith can provide information related to medical treatment provided to Dobson as well as his condition upon his arrival to PCMC.


Investigative Reports in Case ST-27-0023 Serial # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Author Middleton Mertins Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Mertins Middleton Busey Busey Busey Description Opening Investigative Report Subject Profile on Alfred Dobson Interview of Deputy Raymond Strickland (PCSO) Interview of Deputy Matthew Jones (PCSO) Interview of Deputy Shannon Depew (PCSO) Review of Deputy Stricklands Training File Review of Deputy Jones Training File Review of Deputy Depews Training File Submission of CAD Screen Reports Submission and Transcription of 911 Call Review of Alfred Dobsons Medical Records Interview of Stacy Mullins Interview of Angela Hobbs Interview of Charles Jones Interview of Interview of Submission of Newspaper Article Review of Radio Transmissions Interview of Nurse Chandra OSteen Interview of Nurse Jenny Nettles Interview of Nurse Alaina Martin


Investigative Reports in Case ST-27-0023 (Cont.) Serial # 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Author Busey Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Busey Cassidy Rodgers Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton Description Interview of Patient Care Technician Glenda Smith Interview of Interview of Dr. John Bohannon Interview of EMS Supervisor Paul Flateau Interview of EMT Andrea Proveaux Interview of EMT Lauren Wuerth Interview of First Responder Melvin Asher Interview of Submission of Scene Images Information Related to Taser Downloads Transfer of Custody of PCSO Tasers Submission of Evidence Tracking Form Information Related to Alfred Dobsons Autopsy Submission of Firearm Laboratory Report Submission of PCSO Incident Reports


Related Items in Case ST-27-0023 Related Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Description / Contents CD of interview with Deputy Raymond Strickland CD of interview with Deputy Matthew Jones CD of interview with Deputy Shannon Depew Documents Related to Deputy Stricklands Training File Documents Related to Deputy Jones Training File Documents Related to Deputy Depews Training File Documents Related to CAD Screen Reports CD containing 911 Call Court Order, Application and Dobsons Medical Records Supporting Documents for Alfred Dobson Subject Profile Alfred Dobson Subject Profile CD containing interview with Angela Hobbs CD containing interview with Stacy Mullins CD containing interview with Charles Jones CD containing interview with CD containing interview with CD containing Radio Transmission CD containing interview with Document Related to The Receipt of Dobsons Blood CD containing interview with EMT Andrea Proveaux CD containing interview with EMT Lauren Wuerth IR# 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 2 13 12 14 15 16 18 23 24 26 27


Related Items in Case ST-27-0023 (cont) Related Item # 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Description / Contents CD of interview with EMS Supervisor Paul Flateau CD of interview with Melvin Asher CD of interview with CD of Images Related to the Incident Taser Download Information FDLE Custody Receipt Form FDLE Evidence Tracking Form Alfred Dobson Autopsy Report Firearm Laboratory Report PCSO Incident Report # 12-5334 IR# 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36


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