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11/29/2012 Everyone run. Swiftly. The sky is falling. Down. Big time. Dont be fearful. Dont be paranoid. Be aware. Im basically thinking. A lot. I am not an ultra genius. If you heard that from someone (it has been going around). Well its definitely not true. I am not an ultra super genius. Unequivocally, Im not. My mighty words are failing to muster any morale for their maybe poorly planned and ultimately mis-timed and misguided (misdirected?) mission. ---> I just be like writing some random shit. I just be like writing some random shit while I'm sitting on a boat leaving the crazy island where i live to travel

to a small provincial city where they sell things like computers and they have a subway (fast food). I am trying to say something deep but its coming out wrong and sounding shallow. I am looking up at the sky and its really grey. That wasn't a metaphor for anything. It's almost December in the Pacific Northwest. Southwest if you're in Canada I guess. I'm just scratching the surface of what it all means. I'm not even scratching the surface. I'm just threatening to. I could maybe but I guess I'm scared to leave a scratch mark. I don't want to know what's going on. That would be way too scary. Some people think they either know everything or they on the other hand think they know someone (maybe not someone they actually know) who knows everything, unlike other people who only know people (know of people) who don't know anything. Like people on CNN. ---> Bam. Thoughts exceed then proceed to take no prisoners. My style is identical to none. I'm heading out then spreading out like an umbrella. I am weaving a great web that will hold the whole world in it's expanse. I'm taking one step then another. Things are coming together like clockwork. And I am just coming along for the ride. People, all people, seek knowledge. The only true source of knowing is in the heart. Your inner self is true nature. What you see and hear is just the reflection. The waves of what we are won't cease to exist. Calmed in the eternal we can start to find peace. Movements are moving this all to a point. And the point of it all will start to make sense regardless. Evolution must be a given. Any alternative is too hard to take. --->

I am assimilating myself into a higher mode of being. The wavelength of who I am extends out and breaks barriers that my own limited understanding and sense of my self has laid out in front of me. Unknowing. Unknowing we return to that which has created us. The primordial storm. The cosmic soup. Dark energy. I'm not flying from the truth, i'm heading into it full force, going all out. I'm designing lines that line the street with fluorescent arrows guiding you here, there, this way, that. I am a lighthouse resting off of the rocky cliffs that cause characters to crash in this unseen land we call mind. From the inner mind's eye flows the poetry of heaven. I am shattering all of the constructs that keep people trapped like convicts. I am stepping forth to announce myself as valid. I am hurtling forth like comets do trapped by a higher rhythm that few can understand. I'm running the entirety of what they call truth existing in a world where reality barely exists. If science can't take what I think in my mind, if it can't take my experience, my consciousness and let you share in it. Well until it can, then I am unscientific and primitive. To most I am even some sort of enemy of science. The extent that modern science grasps is like an introductory paragraph for a 26 volume set of encyclopedias. I'm not putting you down. I'm trying to pull you up. You're just scared to rise to the challenge and you want me to go away. I'm just bridging the gap between now and never. I'm making things possible. Yes I'm rocking the boat. I'm letting my mind flow like water. There is something that you're just not quite getting. You're hearing the notes but you're missing the spaces. You're not hearing the voices in the silence. ---> Newness proceeds from the present moment and rattles its way into your rib cage. There is a distinct moment of total clarity that is neither here nor

there. The power of life extends itself through every particle in the totality possessing a very real intelligence at every instance. There is a balancing point. There is a singular moment of supreme grace. Like in surfing a wave there is that sweet spot that the surfer seeks to occupy. Life is like surfing a wave. If we are meant to enjoy life then we are concentrated on riding the wave. Just like in surfing if you start to think about or worry about what your girlfriend might be up to then bam you will probably be hit by a huge wave and then sent hurtling down to the sea floor. Those people who are lucky enough to truly learn of this art form are blessed. Age can come slowly. For most people the path is hidden from sight. They don't see it. They won't listen because for them it doesn't Exist. ---> Love is like a bicycle. Thats something really deep I thought late at night but then I was like, Ill just write all this down in the morning. Then of course the next day. Love is like a bicycle. Hunh?

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