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/** * Java Applet Demonstration of Selective Repeat Protocol.

* @author Joshua McKinzie (jmckinzi), December 2005 * * Project created for class CS365 at Park University * Project assigned by Dr. Wen-Jung Hsin * */ import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class SelectiveRepeat extends Applet implements ActionListener, Runnable { final int window_len_def = 5; // Default values of parameters final int pack_width_def = 10; final int pack_height_def = 30; final int h_offset_def = 100; final int v_offset_def = 50; final int v_clearance_def = 300; final int total_packet_def = 20; final int time_out_sec_def = 15; final Color unack_color =; // Default colors of different // packets final Color ack_color = Color.yellow; final Color sel_color =; final Color roam_pack_color =; final Color roam_ack_color = Color.yellow; final Color dest_color =;

final Color buff_color = Color.gray; int base, nextseq, fps, selected = -1; boolean timerFlag, timerSleep; Button send, stop, fast, slow, kill, reset; Thread gbnThread, timerThread; Dimension offDimension; // flashing eliminator: double buffering Image offImage; Graphics offGraphics; String statusMsg, strCurrentValues; Packet sender[]; // Declaring properties int window_len, pack_width, pack_height, h_offset, v_offset, v_clearance, total_packet, time_out_sec; public void init() { String strWinLen, strPackWd, strPackHt, strHrOff, strVtOff, strVtClr, strTotPack, strTimeout; strWinLen = getParameter("window_length"); // Start collecting // parameters strPackWd = getParameter("packet_width"); strPackHt = getParameter("packet_height"); strHrOff = getParameter("horizontal_offset"); strVtOff = getParameter("vertical_offset"); strVtClr = getParameter("vertical_clearance"); strTotPack = getParameter("total_packets"); strTimeout = getParameter("timer_time_out"); // Get the values of the parameters into properties. try { if (strWinLen != null) window_len = Integer.parseInt(strWinLen); if (strPackWd != null)

pack_width = Integer.parseInt(strPackWd); if (strPackHt != null) pack_height = Integer.parseInt(strPackHt); if (strHrOff != null) h_offset = Integer.parseInt(strHrOff); if (strVtOff != null) v_offset = Integer.parseInt(strVtOff); if (strVtClr != null) v_clearance = Integer.parseInt(strVtClr); if (strTotPack != null) total_packet = Integer.parseInt(strTotPack); if (strTimeout != null) time_out_sec = Integer.parseInt(strTimeout); } catch (Exception e) { } // If parameter is not found, use default values. window_len = (window_len > 0) ? window_len : window_len_def; pack_width = (pack_width > 0) ? pack_width : pack_width_def; pack_height = (pack_height > 0) ? pack_height : pack_height_def; h_offset = (h_offset > 0) ? h_offset : h_offset_def; v_offset = (v_offset > 0) ? v_offset : v_offset_def; v_clearance = (v_clearance > 0) ? v_clearance : v_clearance_def; total_packet = (total_packet > 0) ? total_packet : total_packet_def; time_out_sec = (time_out_sec > 0) ? time_out_sec : time_out_sec_def; base = 0; // Defining base nextseq = 0; // Defining Next sequence number. fps = 5; // Defining default Frame per Second. sender = new Packet[total_packet]; statusMsg = "Ready to run. Press 'Send New' button to start."; strCurrentValues = "Window Base = " + base + ". Next Sequence No. = " + nextseq; // Defining the buttons send = new Button("Send New"); send.setActionCommand("rdt"); send.addActionListener(this); stop = new Button("Stop Animation"); stop.setActionCommand("stopanim"); stop.addActionListener(this);

fast = new Button("Faster"); fast.setActionCommand("fast"); fast.addActionListener(this); slow = new Button("Slower"); slow.setActionCommand("slow"); slow.addActionListener(this); kill = new Button("Kill Packet"); kill.setActionCommand("kl"); kill.addActionListener(this); kill.setEnabled(false); reset = new Button("Reset"); reset.setActionCommand("rst"); reset.addActionListener(this); // Adding the buttons add(send); add(stop); add(fast); add(slow); add(kill); add(reset); } public void start() { if (gbnThread == null) // Creating main thread and start it gbnThread = new Thread(this); gbnThread.start(); } public void run() { Thread currenthread = Thread.currentThread(); while (currenthread == gbnThread) { // While the animation is running if (onTheWay(sender)) // Checks if any of the packets are // travelling { for (int i = 0; i < total_packet; i++) { if (sender[i] != null) {

if (sender[i].on_way) // If packet is roaming { if (sender[i].packet_pos < (v_clearance - pack_height)) { sender[i].packet_pos += 5; // Move packet } else if (sender[i].packet_ack) // If it is moving // to destination { sender[i].reached_dest = true; sender[i].packet_pos = pack_height + 5; sender[i].packet_ack = false; // checks if this packet needs to be buffered if (buffered(i)) { statusMsg = "Packet " + i + " received and buffered. Acknowledge sent."; } else { statusMsg = "Packet " + i + " received. Acknowledge sent."; } clearBuffer(); // clears the buffer } else if (!sender[i].packet_ack) // acknowledgement { statusMsg = "Packet " + i + " acknowledge received."; sender[i].on_way = false; //for (int n = 0; n <= i; n++) sender[i].acknowledged = true; if (i == selected) { selected = -1; kill.setEnabled(false); } timerThread = null; // resetting timer thread if (previousComplete(i) && base <= (total_packet - window_len)-1) { base = i + 1; repaint(); while(previousComplete(base)) { if (base <= (total_packet - window_len)-1)

{ base = base + 1; repaint(); } else { break; } } } //repaint(); //if (i + window_len < total_packet) // base = i + 1; if (nextseq < base + window_len) send.setEnabled(true); if (base != nextseq) { statusMsg += " Timer restarted."; timerThread = new Thread(this); timerSleep = true; timerThread.start(); } else statusMsg += " Timer stopped."; } } } } strCurrentValues = "Window Base = " + base + ". Next Sequence No. = " + nextseq; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(1000 / fps); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Help"); } } else gbnThread = null; } while (currenthread == timerThread) { if (timerSleep) { timerSleep = false; try {

Thread.sleep(time_out_sec * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Timer interrupted."); } } else { for (int n = base; n < base + window_len; n++) if (sender[n] != null) if (!sender[n].acknowledged) { sender[n].on_way = true; sender[n].packet_ack = true; sender[n].packet_pos = pack_height + 5; } timerSleep = true; if (gbnThread == null) { gbnThread = new Thread(this); gbnThread.start(); } statusMsg = "Packet(s) resent by timer. Timer restarted."; } } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String cmd = e.getActionCommand(); if (cmd == "rdt" && nextseq < base + window_len) // Send button is // pressed { sender[nextseq] = new Packet(true, pack_height + 5); statusMsg = "Packet " + nextseq + " sent."; if (base == nextseq) { // i.e. the window is empty and a new data // is getting in statusMsg += " Timer set for packet " + base + "."; if (timerThread == null) timerThread = new Thread(this); timerSleep = true; timerThread.start(); } repaint(); // I don't know if this will work gbnThread = null; if (timerThread != null) { timerFlag = true;

timerThread = null; // added later } repaint(); if (timerFlag) { statusMsg += " Timer running."; timerThread = new Thread(this); timerSleep = true; timerThread.start(); } // end trying repaint(); nextseq++; if (nextseq == base + window_len) send.setEnabled(false); start(); } else if (cmd == "fast") // Faster button pressed { fps += 2; statusMsg = "Simulation speed increased by 2 fps."; } else if (cmd == "slow" && fps > 2) { fps -= 2; statusMsg = "Simulation speed decreased by 2 fps."; } else if (cmd == "stopanim") { gbnThread = null; if (timerThread != null) { timerFlag = true; timerThread = null; // added later } stop.setLabel("Resume"); stop.setActionCommand("startanim"); // disableing all the buttons send.setEnabled(false); slow.setEnabled(false); fast.setEnabled(false); kill.setEnabled(false); statusMsg = "Simulation paused."; repaint(); }

else if (cmd == "startanim") { statusMsg = "Simulation resumed."; stop.setLabel("Stop Animation"); stop.setActionCommand("stopanim"); if (timerFlag) { statusMsg += " Timer running."; timerThread = new Thread(this); timerSleep = true; timerThread.start(); } // enabling the buttons send.setEnabled(true); slow.setEnabled(true); fast.setEnabled(true); kill.setEnabled(true); repaint(); // repainted to show new messages start(); } else if (cmd == "kl") { if (sender[selected].packet_ack) statusMsg = "Packet " + selected + " destroyed. Timer running for packet " + base + "."; else statusMsg = "Acknowledgement of packet " + selected + " destroyed. Timer running for packet " + base + "."; sender[selected].on_way = false; kill.setEnabled(false); selected = -1; repaint(); } else if (cmd == "rst") reset_app(); } public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { int i, xpos, ypos; i = (x - h_offset) / (pack_width + 7); if (sender[i] != null) { xpos = h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i; ypos = sender[i].packet_pos;

if (x >= xpos && x <= xpos + pack_width && sender[i].on_way) { if ((sender[i].packet_ack && y >= v_offset + ypos && y <= v_offset + ypos + pack_height) || ((!sender[i].packet_ack) && y >= v_offset + v_clearance - ypos && y <= v_offset + v_clearance - ypos + pack_height)) { statusMsg = "Packet " + i + " selected."; sender[i].selected = true; selected = i; kill.setEnabled(true); } else statusMsg = "Click on a moving packet to select."; } else statusMsg = "Click on a moving packet to select."; } return true; } public void paint(Graphics g) // To eliminate flushing, update is // overriden { update(g); } public void update(Graphics g) { Dimension d = size(); // Create the offscreen graphics context, if no good one exists. if ((offGraphics == null) || (d.width != offDimension.width) || (d.height != offDimension.height)) { offDimension = d; offImage = createImage(d.width, d.height); offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics(); } // Erase the previous image. offGraphics.setColor(Color.white); offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); // drawing window offGraphics.setColor(; offGraphics.draw3DRect(h_offset + base * (pack_width + 7) - 4, v_offset - 3, (window_len) * (pack_width + 7) + 1, pack_height + 6, true);

for (int i = 0; i < total_packet; i++) { // drawing the sending row if (sender[i] == null) { offGraphics.setColor(; offGraphics.draw3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset, pack_width, pack_height, true); offGraphics.draw3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + v_clearance, pack_width, pack_height, true); } else { if (sender[i].acknowledged) offGraphics.setColor(ack_color); else offGraphics.setColor(unack_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset, pack_width, pack_height, true); // drawing the destination packets offGraphics.setColor(dest_color); if (sender[i].buffered) { offGraphics.setColor(buff_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + v_clearance, pack_width, pack_height, true); } else if (sender[i].reached_dest) { offGraphics.fill3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + v_clearance, pack_width, pack_height, true); } else { offGraphics.draw3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + v_clearance, pack_width, pack_height, true); } // drawing the moving packets if (sender[i].on_way) { if (i == selected) offGraphics.setColor(sel_color); else if (sender[i].packet_ack)

offGraphics.setColor(roam_pack_color); else offGraphics.setColor(roam_ack_color); if (sender[i].packet_ack) offGraphics.fill3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + sender[i].packet_pos, pack_width, pack_height, true); else offGraphics.fill3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * i, v_offset + v_clearance - sender[i].packet_pos, pack_width, pack_height, true); } } } // for loop ends // drawing message boxes offGraphics.setColor(; int newvOffset = v_offset + v_clearance + pack_height; int newHOffset = h_offset; offGraphics.drawString(statusMsg, newHOffset, newvOffset + 25); // offGraphics.drawString(strCurrentValues,newHOffset,newvOffset+40); offGraphics.drawString("Packet", newHOffset + 15, newvOffset + 60); offGraphics.drawString("Acknowledge", newHOffset + 85, newvOffset + 60); offGraphics.drawString("Received Pack", newHOffset + 185, newvOffset + 60); offGraphics.drawString("Buffered Pack", newHOffset + 295, newvOffset + 60); offGraphics.drawString("Selected", newHOffset + 415, newvOffset + 60); offGraphics.drawString("Base = " + base, h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * total_packet + 10, v_offset + v_clearance / 2); offGraphics.drawString("NextSeq = " + nextseq, h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * total_packet + 10, v_offset + v_clearance / 2 + 20); offGraphics.setColor(; offGraphics.drawString("Sender", h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * total_packet + 10, v_offset + 12); offGraphics.drawString("Receiver", h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * total_packet + 10, v_offset + v_clearance + 12); offGraphics.setColor(Color.gray); offGraphics.draw3DRect(newHOffset - 10, newvOffset + 42, 490, 25, true);

offGraphics.setColor(; offGraphics.draw3DRect(h_offset + (pack_width + 7) * total_packet + 5, v_offset + v_clearance / 2 - 15, 80, 40, true); offGraphics.setColor(roam_pack_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(newHOffset, newvOffset + 50, 10, 10, true); offGraphics.setColor(roam_ack_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(newHOffset + 70, newvOffset + 50, 10, 10, true); offGraphics.setColor(dest_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(newHOffset + 170, newvOffset + 50, 10, 10, true); offGraphics.setColor(buff_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(newHOffset + 280, newvOffset + 50, 10, 10, true); offGraphics.setColor(sel_color); offGraphics.fill3DRect(newHOffset + 390, newvOffset + 50, 10, 10, true); g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this); } // method paint ends // checks out if an array is on the way to source or destination public boolean onTheWay(Packet pac[]) { for (int i = 0; i < pac.length; i++) if (pac[i] == null) return false; else if (pac[i].on_way) return true; return false; } // checkes all the packets before packno. Returns false if any packet has // not reached destination and true if all the packets have reached // destination. public boolean previousComplete(int packno) { for (int i = 0; i <= packno; i++) { if (sender[i] == null || !sender[i].acknowledged) { return false; }

} return true; } private int getBase(int packno) { int i = packno; for (; i< base + window_len; i++) { if (!sender[i].acknowledged) { return i; } } return i; } private boolean buffered(int packno) { for (int i=0; i<packno; i++) { if (!sender[i].reached_dest) { sender[packno].buffered = true; return true; } } return false; } private void clearBuffer() { for (int i=0; i<nextseq; i++) { if (sender[i].reached_dest) { sender[i].buffered = false; } else { break; } } } public void reset_app() {

for (int i = 0; i < total_packet; i++) if (sender[i] != null) sender[i] = null; base = 0; nextseq = 0; selected = -1; fps = 5; timerFlag = false; timerSleep = false; gbnThread = null; timerThread = null; if (stop.getActionCommand() == "startanim") // in case of pause mode, // enable all buttons { slow.setEnabled(true); fast.setEnabled(true); } send.setEnabled(true); kill.setEnabled(false); stop.setLabel("Stop Animation"); stop.setActionCommand("stopanim"); statusMsg = "Simulation restarted. Press 'Send New' to start."; repaint(); } }

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