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Now, the theory goes like this. That by systematically ingesting on the surface, what looks like poison in our foods, this is actually the catalyst for pushing things forward. There is the phrase that 'the poison is the cure'. By having a small amount of poison in our intake, like, you know, aspartame, alcohol and so on, then the body has to adapt and by adapting, it is changing. Sometimes the process goes wrong and the change goes malignant, but that is what can bring up an interesting question. If you took someone from 2000 years ago living the life they did, and time travelled them instantly to a modern supermarket, explained how things are done and said, right, go and buy your food there. Once a week, you go into this supermarket and buy your shopping, it would be interesting the outcome and the effect that all the additives, 'poisons' would have on their systems. There would be no collective memory built up to lead up to these things in their makeup and it would be interesting to see just how toxic they would find, for example, aspartame and whether their systems would be able to deal with it full stop. So, these apparently poisonous additives in our foods are actually catalysts. The basic process of life is that there is an adaptation envelope and within that envelope is all life alive at the moment. When a person falls outside of the adaptation envelope, they get ill. I don't know if that makes any sense. Life doesn't look at what is good for an individual, it looks at what is good for the whole, so don't expect food additives to stop any time soon. They are the mechanism through which life is pushed forward, or at least a mechanism, so instead of them being seen as poisons, lets see them as little catalysts. Maybe, maybe in the medium term, and by introducing more poisons as cures in these alternative medicines such as snake venom and so on, a tolerance will be built up to the poisons that the planet has to offer. If humans were to become tolerant to poisons, collectively and individually, then they would have advanced beyond nature in that regard if you can tolerate snake venom, it won't be able to kill you. Using poisons then as therapies can be a good way to build up a collective resistance to it. Gymll fix it. One of the things that people haven't understood is how, for example, nuclear missiles and explosions have pushed things forward. The radiation of an atomic bomb actually raises the vibration in some small way making advancement possible. Of course, in the case of Hiroshima, for example, people were killed, but the overall nuclear program where many many bombs have been exploded, in the order of 1000s by various nations, this has had a very real effect in terms of breaking up stuck energies and raising the vibration by using radioactivity as a catalyst. The human costs has been huge and ultimately, we are in purgatory right now. There was hell, WW1, WW2 and the conflicts up until now. After hell, comes purgatory, the precursor to heaven. The world is not going crazy, it is changing from what it was to what it is becoming. It seems mad then, but the nuclear program has actually brought information into the planet. It is a good question as to whether nations have been cheating by raising the resonant vibration by killing what was and bringing in what is, by exploding bombs and therefore accessing advanced technical information. It is another good question as to whether one nation has the right to stop another nation from doing the same and sharing the wealth as a human family. We are not completely crazy, there is not going to be a global Armageddon type thing where nuclear bombs are used to annihilate life. In fact, if you watch this, you will realise that we have been living through Armageddon. Probably, no nations will ever launch nuclear bombs against each other ever again. Radiation is used to push the planet forward. When it is done in sudden steps, people can't adapt to the changed energy and so it induces malignancy in them. Increased radiation is a fact of life for us today. I don't think we have any idea how much more 'radioactive' our environment is today compared to years ago. We have forgotten how much we have adapted and are adapting. Will we ever build up a

tolerance to radiation? Maybe we have to. When I worked in Germany, I sat directly under a mobile phone mast it was on the roof of the building, directly over my desk. It taught me a lot, truly, I swear, my mind was clearer after sitting under that. Nuclear explosions are therefore a way of lifting mankind 'up' so that as a product of his environment, he can develop a tolerance to poisons and radiation. If we don't think that radiation levels are higher because the Geiger counter doesn't register them, then, that wouldn't be strictly true. We microwave food, for example. This is a radiation of sorts and it affects us. Perhaps the end objective of all this nuclear fallout is to get to a point where in several generations, we can tolerate much higher levels of radiation, a kind of lifting up into space, if you like. Perhaps also, one day, it will be possible to travel through the Van Allen belt without having to have protection. Maybe, one-day, that will be possible, who can say? The question, then, are all these bad things, actually the catalysts that make us adapt, until one day, through suffering, humanity transcends?

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