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The Graduation Day

-PrologueIt was a cold night on M'ryll City. The winds were very strong, and the rains as well. But it wasn't enough to postpone air and sea travels, so the city's international airport was still as busy as ever. Inside the plane, a man was chilling due to the cold weather. His jacket just was not enough to make him warm, or at least make him feel warm. Tightly holding his digital SLR camera, he looked right and looked through the window next to him, hoping to find the moon halfcovered by the dark clouds. But to his disappointment, it was totally covered, not even a ray of reflected light visible. He sighed, leaned back on the seat, and covered the camera on his belly with his jacket. A woman in her 40s came in the plane's fuselage. On her left was a shoulder bag, and on her right hand was her phone. She was busy reading the recap of all her trips relating to her work as recorded and saved in her phone. She walked through the center aisle, heading straight towards hear seat. Upon making it to her seat, she noticed a man whose left side she'll be seated on, enveloped by his jacket, obviously chilling to death. A bulk in his belly part was somewhat intriguing to her, and made her wonder about what's under that jacket. The woman stared on it for a second or two, then sat down. She looked back at the phone, and pressed the button for end call. The home screen says 8:36 PM, 12 March 2033, Saturday. UT -10:00. "Five minutes. I'm coming home, Eller, Rozel," said the woman. She leaned on her back after then, and placed the phone on her lap, under the palm of her hands. The plane departed five minutes later. Its destination was the international airport at Birslaack, Ollirn, located at the southwestern side of the Pacific Ocean. The plane will have to cross the Pacific Ocean for a long seven hours and a length equivalent to that of a quarter of the Earth's circumference. Three hours later. The man woke up from that short sleep. He was still chilling, but he realized the plane is not as cold as before. He peeked through the window, looked at the night sky. It was filled with stars,

lots of stars, surrounding the moon, now on its waxing phase, glowing with a bright white light. A perfect night sky scenery, he thought, and must be photographed. He revealed his camera and took some pictures of the night sky. After taking pictures, he checked the gallery and zoomed in a picture. It was an image of him and a girl, probably his daughter by the looks of it. The woman woke up. She checked her wrist watch. The time was 11:56 PM, same time zone as before. She looked to her right, and saw the camera the man beside him was holding. She looked closer, and recognizes the girl in the image. "That girl," the woman said, "she looks familiar." "Pretty, isn't she?" the man replied. "She sure is." The two paused for a while. The man then spoke. "How long have you been overseas?" "Five months, probably. Actually, this is just a leave from my work overseas." "Gonna play the proud mother's role for the children's graduation or recognition, I suppose?" "You sure are right, sir. And, how 'bout you?" "A month or two, probably. The family approved my lonely trip, so I'm just alone, as you can see. And besides, it isn't any leisure trip." "That's nice, sir!" The two continued talking quietly for the rest of the trip. The plane arrived at Birslaack International Airport, Ollirn at 22:55 PM, UTC +9:00. The two continued talking while making their way through the airport. They then parted ways at the carousel after the woman

retrieved her travel bag, leaving the man alone, or at least for less than a minute. At the waiting area, the man saw the woman being welcomed warmly by her family. He captured the moment with his camera then smiled.

Prologue of my first novel. And, yes, I'll finish this one, uploading each chapters separately, then compiling all chapters after completion.

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