Transcript Part1 TamiAudios

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e Avalon Project under Medieval Documents. Dave: Okay, now what is this thing called? The Ordinance of William the First, Separating the Spiritual and Temporal Courts. Okay, now what youre saying is, he separated Tami: he separated you and your body. Dave: your body from your soul. Tami: Now, theres two bishops. Theres the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York. That IS the House of Lords. The House of Lords is separated into the Lords Spiritual, and the Lords Temporal. Dave: Okay. Tami: [reading from Wikipedia] The Lords Spiritual of the United Kingdom, also called Spiritual Peers are the 26 bishops of the established Church of England who serve in the House of Lords along with the Lords Temporal. Now, when you look in Blacks [Law Dictionary]: The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the British parliament, of which the elevenmember judicial committee provides judges who serve as the final court of appeal in most civil cases. In practice, the Lords sit as committees, usually of five but occasionally of seven. Two committees may sit simultaneously. Now, what does this say? The House of Delegates: 1) the body vested with control and administration of the American Bar Association; 2) the lower chamber of the state legislature in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Dave: and, DC is a part of Maryland and Virginia. Tami: Absolutely. Now, when you go all the way back to the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal Dave: you see that it connects itself to DC through this, right here what is this called? Tami: The House of Delegates. And, again, back to the Bible, you have delegated your authority to somebody else. Thats what vesting power means. Power is always vested. It cannot be taken. It has to be vested. Dave: It has to be given. Tami: Right. Dave: Even in this manner through fraud and coercion and everything else. Tami: Absolutely. Now, look at your constitution. You vested you delegated your authority. You vested power in Congress.

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TRACK 2 CHARTER OF LIBERTIES, PRIVILEGES, FYANTS, MARKET CONDITIONS, REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH Tami: When you go back to the original Charter of Liberties, and the Charter of Forests and Chases Dave: Thats what you showed me last time. Tami: The Charter of Liberties was handed out by Henry the First in 1100. This is what theyve renewed when William Penn did the Charter of Liberty. Remember here? establishing all this Pennsylvania chit? What they did was, they revisited it. Yeah. Watch this. And Ill show you what an affiant statement is. Remember, I tell everybody not to do an affidavit? Dave: All right, definition Tami: These are the beasts of the forest [reading from ] animals having privilege within the Forest: also including red deer (hart, hind) roe deer until reign of Edward III (buck, doe) hare, boar This is where youre defined animals having PRIVILEGE within the forest. You know, you have rights and privileges, right? This is where youre chased. Dave: Whats this? Tami: [reading] Some authorities gave different categorizations, with roe deer as beasts of the forest and wolves and foxes as beasts of the chaseand it is probable tha some animals were treated differently in different forests. See also venison, vermin of chase Now, fyant, the word affiant Dave: Animals having privilege within the forest now, that definition there privilege thats the same definition that youre saying that they carry all the way through to when they give us privileges. Tami: And, then its revisited Dave: How do you get there from that standpoint? Tami: What does it say in USC Title 7, Section 136? Dave: [reading from ] (d) Animal. The term animal means all vertebrate and invertebrate species, including but not limited to man, and other mammals, birds, fish and shellfish. Okay. That made the connection. Tami: In the Statutes at Large, its again reiterated all over Am Jur and the Statutes at Large where, it just keeps calling us animals. Were just vermin. When you look at the first and second Welfare Theorum, were pollution. Were not evolution, were not devolving. We are POL lution many. Everybody asks me why I dont like affidavits. [reading from] fyants the excrement of a fox and other vermin, reported on by foresters.

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Now, when we enter into the incorporated state of liberty Dave: So, how do you get from fyants to affiant? Tami: Youre accepting their authority. When you go in and you speak something out of your mouth declare something out of your mouth youre appearing in front of the judge. Youre granting them jurisdictional ability in the forest, and youre claiming that authority over you within the forest. Dave: Yeah the joinder thing. I understood that before. But how to you get from fyants to affidavit? Tami: Well, thats what that is. Its excrement of you. They consider it excrement. They dont hear anything. Youre dead. Dave: Thats true. Yeah, I know they dont hear it. Thats true. I know they cant hear it, because, if you were actually there living, they would get up and walk out, because they wouldnt be able to do anything. Tami: Right. The courts nullified, because, if the living is there, theres no fiction of law. If the truth is known, then, theres no fiction of law. The reason were entering into liberty See the definition of liberty? Dave: The definition of liberty under Forests and Chases [reading from ] liberty: also known as franchise, the exemption by royal decree from general provisions or regulations, whether judicial, commercial, or ecclesiastical by which powers could be exercised and appointments made locally (e.g. within manors) by lords, burgesses, clerics, or corporations, or regionally (e.g. within honors) Tami: which in the Forgiveness doc, youre coming into dignity. Youre only claiming you ARE dignity exemption might also be claimed as a prescription, i.e. from time memorial .which is what were doing. Were BE/living. Dave: You explained that before in the document. Okay. Tami: Here is the actual Charter of Forests and Chases. [] Charter of Liberties. Thats the original and then you want to look at the William Penns as well. [] Dave: Charter of Liberties of Henry I 1100. Tami: [reading from] First, Henry formally bound himself to the laws, setting the stage for the rule of law that parliaments and parliamentarians of later ages would cry for. Second, it reads almost exactly like the Magna Carta.. because the Magna Carta is sine die. Our constitution / Magna Carta is sine die without a day without a death it just keeps moving. The only thing in politics the political stage or

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ism it only changes according to market conditions. YOU are the commercial unit. So, if you hold the majority of the wealth as a male, theyre going to implicate feminism against you. Dave: Okay, so how does the Magna Carta become without a day? Tami: I dont know how else to explain it. Politics only changes according to market conditions. Dave: Okay, and, the Magna Carta is a document of politics? Tami: Right. At that time it separated the powers enumerated powers, right? Well, what happened was, at that time the wealth was spread across the board, right? So, in order to separate a power, they were redistributing that power they were going against that power. Then, later on, when we came here, all there was in the United States at that time were, the ground that was here where the United States of America is the ground was only community. To redistribute community, they have to implicate the individual by constitutional theory, okay? take away the communitys rights by reserving your rights over theirs. Well, then, you move along. Market conditions change when the MALE holds the majority of the wealth, so you have to redistribute him by reserving the Females rights over him thats feminism. Okay? When the white male holds the majority of the wealth and the off-color anybody does not, they reserve the rights of the off-color within racism -- thats a political tool to redistribute the white male, okay? And, it goes along. If the corporations hold the majority of the wealth which is whats happening now they implement what? Environmentalism to redistribute the corporations. So, now theyre saying, Well, Walmart, here youre polluting this much land, were going to fine you. And they say, No, no, no, Im not doing anything wrong. And, the attorneys come in and they say, Yes, you are. Heres a summons. You appear in court. This is what Im fining you with. Where do these fines go? Environmentalism is to protect YOU and the rest of the environment. The attorneys are pocketing that money carbon credits, everything else the attorneys are pocketing those. How are they helping the environment? Bottling sunlight? Thats what Gore was doing, right? Its so ridiculous. Its right there in front of you. The FAA, the EPA all of these things the SEC, FDIC insurance is supposed to be protecting YOU, right? So, if the airline does something wrong, and theyre fined for harming YOU, right? Now, if an airline does something wrong and theyre fined for harming you, or a group of you what happens? They get fined! Where do those fines go? Whos making money off of whats happening to you? The EPA is the same. Where do those fines go? Did it help rebuild the environment? Absolutely not! Theres nothing there. Its just the attorney pocketing those moneys. And, those are the market conditions. If the corporations hold the majority of the wealth, environmentalism is employed. If the Jews hold all the wealth, Catholicism is employed. If the Zionists hold all the wealth, Islamism is employed. If theres so much money in Islam which theyre doing now Zionism is employed against them, and the U.N. is responsible for that. So, theyre going in and theyre razing the homes all across the Islamic nations, is whats happening. Dave: saying, youre not up to code! Tami: Right. And, theyre blaming the Jew. So, heres all these Islamists are blaming the Jew again Zionism but its the U.N. doing this. Its the attorneys. Its always been the attorneys. Its always been the PHARoahs of the SEE Pharisee.

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TRACK 3 BILL, ADDRESS, HOUSE, SEAL, PUBLIC RECORD Dave: So, sine die without a day means that the document can just change and move however it feels like? Tami: Yes. And, thats what I was trying to explain with a Bill earlier. Dave: You say theres nine parts to a Bill. Tami: Once you read it, youre going to get it, because the bill changes by the address TO not the address like YOUR address. You think that it means, like a physical THING an address. No! Its an address TO a verbal declaration an ADDRESS. Okay, so when the President comes in and he does the Address to Congress or an Address to the Senate, hes verbally pointing at them and saying, now, YOU are the ones that hold them attaint. Dave: hold that Bill of Attainder. Tami: hold the Bill of Attainder of whoever theyre notating in that Bill/Address. Nobody ever pays attention to those things! Whats an inaugural address? That is changing the Bill of Attainder. Dave: To what? Tami: To whatever they want it to be. Thats how theyre picking you up. Dave: Just every time? Tami: Every single time. The President does this Address TO the Holder-of-the-Great-Seal. Dave: Is he changing the delegation of authority then at that point? Tami: Yes, in each address. Read the nine parts of a Bill. Its the Address TO the Holder of the Seal. Dave: The Address to the Holder of the Seal is Tami: The Holder of the Seal is whoever. Because, Congress has a seal, the Queen has a Seal, everybody has a seal except for you until NOW. Dave: Thats why your seal is so important. Tami: Its absolutely important because, that seal. they cannot do anything with it. You HAVE to have your seal. Now, YOUre the Holder of the Great Seal, and you are your own House. Dave: Thats what Kennedy was referring to about becoming the Master of your own House. Tami: You HAVE to be in your own House. You can no longer be in the House of Delegates the House of Lords.... or, the House of Representatives. And, with the Atlantic Charter, the House of Representatives got global governance. Its not the New World Order coming it already IS and it always HAS BEEN. Each House, each Charter, designates the House that has global governance. It always has. There was a House of Lombardy, House of Urso, House of Gowan. You have the Magna Carta which is the House of Italy that means Big Charter Magna Carta Big Charter. That was the House of Italy. Dave: How does the House of Italy get into all the Barons in England and take King John down to the Thames and threaten to cut his head off? Tami: Its ALL of it! Its just the House. Whoever has the global governance is the House. Now YOU do! You have to rise up and BE in your House. USE that seal. Youre not just taking back your physical land property. Youre taking back your soul and everything thats of your domain. Demesne means, of mine period. And now, youre obliterating their use of any other seal to alter yours a Notary seal, another private seal. Dave: Where it always gets defunct by them counter-deeding your will.

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Tami: Absolutely. And, now they cant do that because were using their laws against them: 18 USC 1506. Were saying, No, you cannot alter, obliterate, omit, or avoid the public record. Youre an estopped thing. Dave: Yeah, they cant mess with the public record! Under no circumstances! Tami: And, nobodys ever, ever held them accountable for that. Nobodys ever tried. Dave: Yeah, but that was something that I knew awhile back like, every single time. And, then, somebody said to me: No, theyre not obliterating it because none of the stuff they DO is ON public record! Tami: Right because it counters it. Dave: Yeah, and then I explained it to someone else and they said, Well, no, of course it has to be on public record. I said, When you ask for a transcript, it says, This is a Tami: Certified whatever it is. Dave: Its a copy of a transcript or something like that its NOT an actual transcript. Because, no actual transcripts exist because, if it was IN public law Tami: Until you put it on to public record. Dave: Right until it was actually IN public law, is there actually a true record of it. Other than that, nothing else exists. Tami: And, thats where theyre shooting themselves because, were admitting court records ON TO public record as evidence, and NOW theyre being held accountable. But, they cant before that youre in an administrative process its an Article IV court that youre consenting to just by submitting to their authority by answering their summons. But, the nine parts of a bill you can see now. Read the definition because, thats the most amazing thing. Dave: Okay, bill and this is Blacks 7th Edition Deluxe okay.

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TRACK 4 PUBLIC RECORD, LETTERS PATENTS, PRETENDER Tami: the distinction between sovereignty and a foreign state. Dave: Right, using private acts and acts of commerce instead of public law Tami: And, 18 USC 1506 is a public law: Do not alter the record. Im not arguing that youre injuring a stop sign or youre injuring a curtain or injuring a wall. Thats a HARM. Youre removing something off the record that COULD obliterate a future order. Dave: And, youre not allowed to do that, because, this is public law, this is on record Tami: Absolutely. Dave: Actually, being ON court record, because nothing else that they ever do is on court record. And, I think Ive just started to kind of get that idea through some peoples head. Its really difficult for them, especially the people that have fought there entire lives IN THIS SYSTEM. And, then you hit them with the fact that, nothing youve ever done is relevant, and nothing you have ever done is on the record, and they go, What? Tami: And, theyve learned so much. Ive had so many fight with me because theyve been through years and years and years of all the statutory bullshit and case law and common law, and when I SIMPLIFY, they get pissed off at me. Its like a balloon deflating because, thats years and years of their life that theyve stuck into this shit. Dave: But, if youre not willing to change your mind, if youre not willing to keep your mind open about what the truth is, then, well, Good Luck to you because, its not going to work. 1:26 ------------------Dave: [reading from] The Letters Patents of King Henry the Seventh Granted unto Iohn Cabot and his Three Sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian and Sancius for the Discouerie of New and Unknowen Lands. Tami: So, heres how they first started invoking one of the ways they first started invoking the patent. Dave: YOU being the land. Because, when theyre saying New and Unknown Lands, theyre talking about the actual body YOU THE BODY as the land. Tami: Right. Because, you can never, ever, ever patent an old thing. Dave: You can never patent the actual physical earth. Tami: And, youre only known when youre CON CEIVED thats a conception. When you are CON CEIVED, or with thought, then youre known. Dave: Ah, crap yeah. Good point. Tami: [reading from] We have given and granted to them, THEIR heires and deputies, that all the firme lands, isles, villages, townes, castles and places whatsoever they be that they shall chance to finde, may not of any other of our subjects be frequented or visited without the licence that the foresayd John and his sonnes, and their deputies, under payee of forfeiture.

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So, the way that you forfeited land, is that, you BOUGHT IT BACK FROM THEM and entered into the Borrowers Covenant. That was YOURS! You ACKNOWLEDGED that they had a patent on it when you BOUGHT it from them. Dave: Thats in all these documents on all the mortgages. Tami: Right! When you mortgage something, its already yours. Youve acknowledged their authority by BUYING it and, entering into contract to buy your own land. Dave: Because they cant patent the land. Youre just stating, Yep, you had authority to keep it. What was that part specifically in there the part that you just read does that go back to Tami: See, their heirs and deputies. The term now they use, after they adopted statute and adopted the United States Inc., is SUCCESSOR. A SUCCESSOR is not an HEIR. A successor can be another corporation that takes over one corporation, or a corporation under or another franchise under another franchise under another franchise those are successors. You cant be a successor. Youre the heir. Dave: What was this defining in there as far as that goes? Tami: The succession. I mean, we give you everything whatever you find and, it comes down to YOUR heirs. And, thats where the Kapicinin Dynasty comes in again. Dave: So, basically what that little thing did was just saying, Hey, whatever people you go out there and you find meaning, the lands thats what theyre referring to what his sons could do what with whatever they felt like, for the most part? Tami: Right. Forever and ever and ever and ever. Dave: All right. Kapicinin Dynasty. Tami: So, you had France, Spain, and Duke Henry of Luxembourg, Germany, are members of the Kapicinin Dynasty. You know, it keeps on coming down to the same people over and over and over again. Dave: [reading] Current Kapicinin Pretenders. Duke of Anjou [see Top 10 Pretenders to the Thrones of Europe] Tami: Now, you have to really pay attention to these. The pretender to Brazil since 2007 if you look at the U.N Dave: What does it mean pretender? Tami: Pretender PRE tender before its tendered. It cant be money. Its always before money. But, youre always negotiable. You are always money or a negotiable instrument. Dave: the fee. Tami: And, theyre always PRE tender. Dave: Oh, thats why it says the pretender. Tami: He they can never be tender. But, YOU can be tender because youre never a pretender. Dave: Is that something that you become when you actually become master of your own house? Do you then become a pretender? Tami: Youre no longer even a because, thats always a delegated authority too. A pretender is something maintained by somebody else. Dave: Under that house? Tami: Right. Right. Kapicinin. Dave: Under the Kapicinin House, okay.

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TRACK 5 CHARTER OF URSO Tami: Okay, so, well start with the Charter of Urso 44 BC. Theres the Charter is an agreement: I want this, were going to take this and have our way with it. Now, after the original charter, they take the land, they have to implicate a constitution. Dave: Now, who did that? Where was this done the Charter of Urso? Where was it I mean like, location? Tami: The time is perverted. Dave: Not so much the time, but who did this? Was this Greece, was this.? Tami: Well, theyre calling it Genetiva which is Geneva. This is by Julius Caesar. Dave: Okay.drafted in outline by Julius Ceaesar Tami: [reading from] Mark Antony had this document, marginal comments and all, along with other papers, enacted into law. This history accounts for repetitions, redundant phrases, disorderly arrangement, and general lack of finish in the law as it has descended to us. So, here theyre trying to tell you Dont worry about the time-frames, because, when is this written? 44 BC okay? How many years did Jesus live? They said 35 about 35 years, right? At this point, this is before Christ. And, you have Julius Caesar being spoken of in the Bible, when Jesus was walking around and they said, Should we pay homage to Caesar? And he says, Show me a penny remember? Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what is Gods. Dave: And, supposedly, Caesar cameyeah. Tami: with Jesus. Okay, so, here you have 44 BC, and then, it says, This history accounts for repetitions, redundant phrases, disorderly arrangements and general lack of finish in the law as it has descended to us. So, here theyre saying, Dont look at the guy behind the curtain! Dont worry about that guy over therejust, dont pay attention! This is what people when they first start reading these, its really, really hard to untwist these things in the mind. They have to realize that, time is not linear. Its not supposed to be linear it never has been. Physics of all things energy is here. Were beginning and ending at the same time. DONT look at the dates, because, then its just going to pervert everything. Dave: Okay, lets just then look at the information of WHAT theyre saying. Tami: Right. So, basically, the Charter of Urso says, Weve come onto this land. Im going to take it. I agree with you. A charter is I hand you one-half of it. You hand me one-half. We rip it apart. Thats our receipt that were taking this shit. Dave: Okay, like you said before, its like something that just happened

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TRACK 6 ANCIENT DOCUMENTS, ORIGINAL CHARTERS [reviewing documents posted at] Tami: After the original charter, when you find a community, if it has a whole bunch of wealth say, you have a whole bunch of trinkets, you have your stuff saved, you have everything saved what you have to do is, you have to create an individual, okay? So, here we come from the Charter of Urso to the Athenian Constitution. Dave: Okay. Tami: Just like here. They got here, they landed here, they saw a community of Indians in the United States of America or whatever you want to call this land mass the next step is to redistribute the community, by creating the individual or the separation FROM the community into an individual in order to do that. So, the individual rights are now reserved, the community has to now fight for their rights by court process legal process. Now, when you go up, you have in here you have the Code of Hammurabi you know, An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth. Now, heres where they start creating or, it looks like they just now began creating judicial process in Cyrene. Dave: Now, this is Tami: Edicts of Augustus Caesar and Decree of the Senate on the Judicial process in Cyrene, in 64 BC. Now again, when Jesus was maintaining they were speaking about Caesar in the Bible you see the mention of Caesar. Which one? Augustus that was in 64 BC? Or, were they talking about Julius, in 44 BC? Okay? And, this is before Christ, okay? Now, the Twelve Tables happens to be Uniform Commercial Code, okay? the very basic outline of Uniform Commercial Code. Dave: The Twelve Tables 451 BC, or thereabout. [] Tami: So, you have heres how it goes up: proceedings this is talking about legal process preliminary to trial Now, YOU know Title One, Two, Three, Four Title Four is Social Services, right? Dave: Okay. Tami: Social Security, Welfare, everything else. What that has on the flip side the back side of it is that, Title 4 has always been paternal power. So, if you accept a benefit welfare, social security, whatever youre calling something your dad, okay? Dave: Thank you, Daddy. Tami: What does Title Four say under 2b? Dave: If a father thrice surrenders a son for sale, the son shall be free from the father. Tami: What? Dave: So, if he does it three times, um, hes not your son any more? Tami: Not YOURS. Who SURRENDERS a son for sale three times, the son shall be free from THE father the paternal father. Now, before we were speaking about the three variances of law: Meta, which is morality, Soma, which is psychology, and Veta, which is the law itself. So, each time, you are put into YOU, JOB are put into legal process, and they are attacking your morality, your psychology and legally. You will be criminalized. You will be hospitalized. You will be demoralized and called, You are a bad man. You are a bad father. You are a bad girl. You are a bad mother. Dave: So, what theyre saying here: If a father THIS father is talking about the State.

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Tami: No, thats you. Dave: If A father me Tami: thrice surrenders the son for sale the son shall be free from THE father THE State. Dave: So, be free from THE father, the STATE Tami: Right. So, how do you extrapolate you and your estate? They go after you with morality, which is divorce process. They go after you with psychology, which is institutionalization. They go after you with criminality, which is Veta. Meta, Soma, Veta all three variants. So, by the time youre done, youre broke! You have nothing left. And, all that is left now is for you to die. Youre free from the father, but now he gets you on the flip side, with the medicine. Hes going to put you in an old folks home, or youre going to be in an institution or in prison somewhere, and youre going to die this way. Youre going to be sick, reliant on the father for medicine, reliant on the father for your care, reliant on the father for your estate, and you continue, continue, continue to call that thing your Father. Dave: Now, youre getting this from the standpoint that, theres the word father in the same sentence here is why it has to have two different meanings here? Tami: It does. If A father thrice surrenders surrenders to who? You have to be surrendering your son to somebody. Dave: To the state. Tami: Right. a son for sale shall be free from THE father. Dave: Shall be free from the father the state. Tami: Right. Dave: If I give my son three times to the state, hes free from the state? That doesnt make any sense. Tami: Well, thats what it is though. Dave: How does that make any sense? Tami: Because youre free after youre fully extrapolated with morality, psychology, and law. Youre no longer under their thumb. But, you can also step out. Why are you surrendering your son three times? Youre going into court based on implied color. And, here you are youre saying, I didnt do it, I didnt do it. I AM a good father. Youre consenting to the authority of that father. Dave: The state. Tami: Dont consent! Dont SELL the child. Dont SURRENDER the child three times. These are THEIR laws. This is UCC the original UCC. See Title 4 [] Title IV. Paternal Power Table V. Inheritance and Guardianship? Whos making these laws that you can inherit? Theyre already shutting up your ability to be the heir. Table VI: Ownership and possession. Table VII: Real property Dave: And, this is the starting point from Rome? Tami: Absolutely from what we know as Rome. So, weve gone through the Charter (of Urso), Code of Hammurabi, weve gone through the Twelve Tables

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Dave: We didnt really go through the Code of Hammurabi, but the only thing you mentioned about it was just, basically Tami: Eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Dave: Thats basically the most important things that are in there. Tami: Right. Now, when you have the Constitution set up, you have the individual created. You can also create the individual as a Corporation, which was what happened in the 14th amendment that created the corporate person. Now, whats the next step? Environmentalism. Agrarian Law. Dave: Agrarian Law; 111 BC. Now, this is environmentalism. Tami: Right. Dave: [reading from] In the early Roman Republic, there were three kinds of land: private land, common pasture, and public land, or land of the public domain, which was rented to private entrepreneurs. By the second century BC, however, much of the land was treated by its occupants as though it were private. [7:40] Tami: So, then they start limiting. Okay, heres where theyre taking it back. (1) limited the amount of public land rented to one person to 500 jugers (about 330 acres), (2) ordered the States repossession of all lands in excess of this So, thats what they did especially, like your place they put it into federal reserve or, whatever they do Dave: make it into a state park or county park or whatever. Tami: (3) assigned these lands to the poor in lots of 30 jugers for a small annual rent Okay, this is very important. If you look at what happened with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ what happened? First of all, when Judas came back and he gave the silver back to the church right? to the priest they said, We cannot put this this is blood money this cannot go into the treasury. Therefore, we are going to dowhat? Theyre going to establish paupers cemeteries. Dave: Pauper cemetery? Tami: Right. Its the GUISE of charity. Its ALWAYS the guise of charity. What did they do? They took your land to reserve federal land for animals. Those animals were already there. Quit removing them. Stop renting us the right to We have to get a license to hunt. Why? These are our lands! Were accepting this authority over and over and over again. And, its done under the guise of charity. The church looks charitable. Its never been charitable. It IS the state. Dave: And from this point the agrarian law the charity is from the standpoint of.assign these lands to the POOR, in lots of THIRTY, for a SMALL annual rent. So, theyre taking it from larger people and giving it to little people. Tami: [reading] (4) Appointed a board of triumvirs, as a land commission, to repossess and to redistribute this land.

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This is the same thing they did with the Reclamation Act. This is the same thing they do with the Preservation Acts. This is the inception. Dave: Okay. Agrarian Law. Tami: Environmentalism. Reclamation. Water reclamation. You have preservation. You have all of these different acts under the guise of environmentalism, and it just goes back to the state, back to the church, and shifts around. Okay, now, heres another one: Law of Caesar on Municipalities. [] Okay? You have to look at Blackstones Commentaries when you read this one. [} [10:05] Dave: Okay, why is that? Tami: Thats the municipality. Dave: Blackstones Commentary is Tami: Its the _____ of what a person is, of what a citizen is everything. Theres a whole bunch of different definitions for you of the Kingdom. His Title, Of the Kings Royal Family, Of the Councils Belonging to the King, Of the Clergy, Of the Civil State, Of the Military, Of Master and Servant, Of Husband and Wife, Of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Corporations, Of Property in General, Of Real Property and, First, of Corporeal Hereditaments, Incorporeal Hereditaments, Of the Feodal System Dave: This just goes, and goes and goes Tami: But, this is the Bible written all over again. This is telling you exactly how theyre doing this step by step. This manual or, whatever were writing now its all WRITTEN in Blackstones Commentaries. Its written again in Emile The Treatise on Education How to Remove Man or Woman before they even have a name from the natural state and MAKE them a person, MAKE them a citizen, make them civil, make them whatever you want them to be make them politically correct. A lot of people will not read the Blackstones Commentaries because its written in Old English. Dave: Well, then basically, all we need to state then is, the importance of it, or what did it do that wasnt there before. Tami: If you can get through all of Blackstones Commentaries, you will find out what exactly you were, and now what you are, and what youre accepting by accepting their authority. I believe that EVERYBODY should read Blackstones Commentaries. Dave: And, nothing has changed from the standpoint of Blackstones Commentaries, to what theyre still doing to us right now. Tami: Absolutely. Dave: And, it all stems from here, more or less, because they very, very precisely go through it, obviously, with all these chapters. These chapters are unbelievably long. Tami: The Rights of Persons, The Rights of Individuals, Parliament, the King and his Title, the Kings Royal Family, Councils, Kings Duties, Kings Prerogative, Kings Revenue, Magistrates, Of PEOPLE, Whether Aliens, Denizens or Natives, Of the Clergy, Of the Civil State which is another name for you, Military and Maritime States Dave: Okay, thats what I was just going to ask. When we come IN as the united states, where would we fall in here? Would it be. Tami: Nowhere. No. You are not civil, you are not individual, you are I AM or, the united states united. Youre just the BE ING. You dont fall in any of these laws.

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Dave: So, you remove yourself from all of this gibberish? Tami: Absolutely. See, even the 14th-amendment-created-person was in Chapter XVIII. Dave: It was already there? Tami: Absolutely. It just changes sine die. If theres no need for a corporation, they wont have a corporate government. If theres need for a corporate governance, theyre going to incorporate sine die. And, its simple. If you can get through just that one aspect of ancient documents and realize, this is the same thing over and over and over again, then theyll be better prepared and they can see whats happening today. Heres the definition of the judicial process. Everythings there. Dave: This is what? Tami: Edicts of Augustus and Decree of the Senate on the Judicial Process in Cyrene, 64 B.C. [] Here you have the Senate Judiciary Committee again the first one. Dave: So, good old Augustus decided to Tami: implement the Senate Judiciary Committee back in 64 BC. Dave: And so, that then created what judges in Rome that could then do something important Tami: Absolutely. The Senate Judiciary Committee look at what theyve been doing. They ended up with more power. In 1974 when Patty Hearst was kidnappedwhat had happened was, you saw this big show: Oh, my gosh, theres somebody kidnapped and heres a big show. On the flip side of that, they implemented the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act. Nobody notices that one. Dave: Well, lets do broad strokes too here. What did this do for Augustus back then? Tami: It brought the state back in to a tighter formulation. So, when youre taught the separation of powers, theres the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch. When you do the Senate Judiciary Committee, youre bringing in the legislative branch and the judicial branch together. NOW, its so bad that, you have in the White House an attorney-senator President, an attorney-senator Vice-President, and an attorney-senator Secretary of State. Theres absolutely NO separation of powers. Dave: An attorney-senator secretary of state Tami: Hillary Clinton. Dave: What do you meanends up being a senator at the same time that shes? Tami: When she took off her senate hat, did she stop being a senator? And, thats the same thing when youre disbarred, does that mean youre no longer an attorney? Like, mentally youre not ever thinking like an attorney any more? Dave: Obviously not. Tami: Right. So, wheres the separation of powers? Dave: Well, she cant go in and use her power as a senator while shes.. Tami: The hell she cant! Because, here you have remember, we talked about the House of Delegates, okay? SENATOR Patrick Leahy is on the House of Delegates. Who do they control again? They have the administrative control of the American Bar Association. Dave: Oh. Okay. Tami: So, wheres the separation of power? There is absolutely NO separation of power. The power has always been the attorneys. Its always been the lawmakers and whatever theyre delegating, but theyve gone theres no such thing as legislation. You have the Uniform Law Commission thats implementing laws. You have the Municipal Code Corporation thats granting out all these municipal codes. And, it all stems from the same place. Read

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Blackstones Commentaries. It all stems from the same place. It just moves forward depending on the market conditions. In here, look at the definition of commercial unit. You are a commercial unit. One your family is one commercial unit before you break it up. Your community is one commercial unit. Dave: In Blacks 7th? Tami: In any Blacks commercial unit. A community is a commercial unit before you break it apart. A country is a commercial unit before you break it apart. So, each ism you can pull everything apart witin an ism Specialized female, specialized male, specialized Jew, specialized Catholics, specialized Muslims. THAT starts breaking out those commercial units, depending on market conditions. Whoever holds the wealth at that time, they are going to redistribute based on ism. Dave: And, just always take a piece of it. Tami: Right. By reserving rights superior to one party or one person over another whereby the other has to buy their rights back by court process. Thats all it ever is. They implicate the law and then you get to play with the law. Dave: So, Lords Temporal what was that about now? What were you going on to? Tami: That is who has your everything Ecclesiastical goods, your spiritual goods, your temporal goods. Dave: You said, theres two splits from William the First the temporal and the body? They split the body and the soul, basically? Tami: Right. Or, the emission. Anything that you emit, thats the derivatives off of your productive value. Dave: You mean, in definition terms, or? Tami: Right. The emission, or the soul whatever you can produce, thats the derivative. Its derived from YOU. Okay, you have your general product, which you pay taxes this is inside, right? You pay taxes. You consume. And, then, off of that, is derivatives an emission off of you. Derivative. Its derived FROM your state of being. Dave: Something derived from the value of something else. Tami: Right. [18:58] ORDINANCE OF WILLIAM I Tami: [reading from the Ordinance of William I] in the kingdom of the English have not been right or according to the precepts of the holy canons Remember where those stem from? Dave: Yeah, from the Papal Bull, or the Bull Pope. Okay, interesting. Okay, hes going back and saying, Okay, everybody, this is what the Bull Pope said, so Im doing this. Tami: Its the same thing. As soon as you read through youll see it. Dave: [reading] shall be emended. Wherefore I command, and by royal authority decree, that no bishop or archdeacon shall any longer hold, in the hundred court Tami: Way back when, a Grand Jury was of a hundred people. Thats A Hundred Court. So, now were going to take away the grand jury ability.

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Dave: [reading] shall any longer hold in the hundred court, pleas pertaining to episcopal laws, nor shall they bring before the judgment of secular men any case which pertains to the rule of souls; but whoever shall be summoned, according to episcopal law, in any case or for any fault, shall come to the place which the bishop shall choose or name for this purpose Tami: Okay, now that goes directly into the 1789 Judiciary Acts, where they name the places where youre holding court. Dave: [reading] and shall there answer in his case or for his fault, and shall perform his law before God and his bishop not according to the hundred court No more grand jury. but according to the canons and the episcopal laws. But if any one, elated by pride, shall scorn or be unwilling to come before the judgment seat of the bishop, he shall be summoned once and a second and a third time; and if not even then he comes to make amends, he shall be excommunicated; and, if it be needful to give effect to this, the power and justice of the king or the sheriff shall be called in, But he who is summoned Tami: Youre going to be held in contempt. Dave: [reading] But he who is summoned before the judgment seat of the bishop shall, for each summons pay the episcopal fine. Tami: What youre doing is, youre not paying fines for violating any laws. Youre under the codes and statutes. Dave: Youre under the bishop, paying a bishop, paying a fine to the churchbecause, you didnt come in Tami: Not to our church, because, the church that WE know believes in God. This is the Court of Baal. This is explaining how you sell the soul how the soul is stolen and the body is going over to the bishop. This is Baal-ism. And this is worshiping when he mentions God, it should be lower case because hes mentioning Marduk. Dave: This is the cult of Rome that hes speaking of. [reading] This also I forbid and by my authority interdict Tami: dictate in between Dave: [reading] that any sheriff, or Tami: provost .which everybody is trying to get the military provost in here to help us. Hes one of them. Dave: [reading] provost, or minister of the king Tami: theyre all clergy, even the provost Dave: [reading] or any layman concern himself in the matter of laws which pertain to the bishop, nor shall any layman summon another man to judgment apart from the jurisdiction of the bishop. Tami: Right. And, thats what were doing now. Were going up into the U.S. District Court and we are saying, No, its ours. We are the united states. Im no longer adhering to William Is Ordinance, because, Im the king. Im the state of being. Im the Absolute.

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Dave: So, the hell with yourBaal courts and begging the bishop. [reading] But judgment shall be passed in no place except within the episcopal see, or in such place as the bishop shall fix upon for this purpose. Tami: Now, you want to see Marduk. Dave: Okay, to connect this into the cult of Rome and Marduks laws? Because, Marduk was the name in the Epic of Gilgamesh that they gave to basically the devil, or the dragon. Tami: Right. And, whats the god of Baal which is bail? Thats what were doing were paying bail. Youre going to court, and you can have your children back if you pay the fine or fee, if you fight this case and fight for your rights its all Baalism is. Theyre worshiping Baal or Marduk. It has nothing to do with God never did.

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TRACK 7 POSTING, MAIL, UTILITIES NOTICE, RECORDING DOCUMENTS Tami: So, what were talking about is your ability of you posting your own bonds. Each time you take some thing out of the mail, youre using and assuming the fiction the title and, youre being held attaint, and charged as a felon every single time that youre posting your own bond, and youre generating revenue for the United States, Inc. Title 18 USC 1342 Fictitious name or address. Whoever, for the purpose of conducting, promoting, or carrying on by means of the Postal Service, any scheme or device mentioned in section 1341 of this title or any other unlawful business, uses or assumes, or requests to be addressed by, any fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address or name other than his own proper name, or takes or receives from any post office or authorized depository of mail matter, any letter, postal card, package, or other mail matter addressed to any such fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, or name other than his own proper name, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Dave: Proper namewhich is the first and middle Tami: the first and middle. Now, what weve done is, we now notify any body whos sending us articles of mail through the postal service, that they are not to address us by the common name. The common name is the one that the Crown owns. The Crown owns your last name. They have a patent on it until you do the patent infringement. This is working. When he (Bo) used the document that he and I prepared, sent it in to the utility companies and told them that they could only address him by his first and middle name, as per 18 USC 1342 Dave: which you state in the document itself when you send it. Did you quote the whole section in the document? Tami: Yes. We gave them the whole thing. Bo: Let me read this second one Tami: We have to back up. What had happened was, Bo had done this and noticed them, and then they had sent him again a half-assed version of the modification, so tell them about the halfassed version. Bo: They did one that put the proper name in all-caps, and then the street address, and then care of temporary post location BELOW that and, just different. Dave: It wasnt quite there. Bo: Right. I followed up then and said, USPS records show that [cert. mail #] was received by your corporation on August 17th, which constitutes proper notice. Copy is provided for your reference. Your records were not accurately changed. This is an opportunity to make the change accurately. Please modify the proper name upper and lower case letters rather than the all caps as record # [Forgiveness doc # on file] and be sure to place temporary post location on line 2 I spelled it out for them, so theres no mistake now. Tami: Now, since that time you have received NO utility bills whatsoever and all the gas and lights are on everything is still on and yet, they have not sent you a bill. I dont think that they have that ability without being sued. Dave: Right, without violation of the code 1342. Tami: And 1341. [reading]

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Title 18 USC 1341 Frauds and swindles. Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. Dave: Now, what about every single time that they send you something from their court that has the NAME on it? Tami: Absolutely! Absolutely! Now, hes put them on notice Dave: The court too? Tami: I dont know who all hes put on notice, but right now hes in the middle of a process so we have to maintain right now to get the children out of the system first. Now, this thing, when he put them on notice, now if they try make money theyre asking for money when they do this that is a fraud and swindle. They have been NOTICED of 1342. So, I do not think they CAN bill him. And, I also dont believe that they can shut off his utilities because they can no longer collect it is unlawful for them to collect money through the postal service. Now, tell me how theyre going to do this? They cannot. I do not believe that they can do anything any further. Dave: Now, how do you think that the scenario is that they CANT shut off the utility? Tami: Because, they can never Okay, if he has it shut off Dave: I mean, I understand what we talked about before that you OWN it, that YOU created the infrastructure Tami: Say, he has it shut off. If he mails THEM anything what is a corporation? Dave: A fiction of law. Tami: Okay, so if somebody receives something and accepts something or refuses or assumes something in the mail on that side what are they doing? THEY are now the felon under 18 USC 1342. So, it goes both ways. So now, how does anything happen? Commerce cannot happen. Theyre always violating this law unless theyre talking to us as the proper name -- and, THEY are a proper name. Dave: Yeah, thats right. THEY have to be some sort of proper name too. They cant BE a fiction, which is funny. Tami: Its hilarious, because were using their law right up against them now. NOW, try to wiggle out of that. They cant wiggle out of it. To wiggle out of it they have to nullify their laws. Dave: Oh, and, Im sure theres also a law stating that they have to send you a notice that theyre going to cut off your electricity, which they can no longer do, because youve given them notice. So, they cant even notice you back!

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Tami: No, theyre always extorting money. Theyre always wanting money. If they send you a notice, that says, If you dont pay this, theyre in violation of Title 18 Section 1342. Dave: That makes sense. Thats a Got em type scenario! Tami: And, he didnt ask for money. When he noticed them, he noticed the fiction. Dave: Do not send anything by this name. Tami: And, he never, ever facilitated a schematic to extort money or anything other. He just put them on notice. They can no longer send him mail, they cant send him a notice, they cant ask for any money through the mail thats mail fraud. So is the IRS in mail fraud. Any time you get a foreclosure notice, theyre committing mail fraud. Theyre committing ALL this under 18 USC 1342 and 1341. Dave: ANY collection of ANY thing from ANY where INCLUDING notices from the court to come to court. Tami: Right. This would supercede the debt collection act. Its everything! Theyre asking for money through the mail! To the fiction. As a fiction. Theyre assuming and theyre asking US to address them as a fiction. Thats in violation of 18 USC 1342. THIS is the ONLY WAY that theyre holding you attaint. Youre VIOLATING THIS by accepting and using and assuming the fiction. Youre always held in attaint. Now, they either have to obliterate this law or adhere to it on the other side, whereby THEY become the dead thing. Always. But, thats my whole process. Each and every time that I file anything, theres no loopholes in it. It goes front to back and then back to front. So, no matter what, to argue my process, they have to argue that that law exists. To argue the whole process, they have to argue that the ability of charter is obliterated it no longer exists. It has the double function. It always has the same end and the same beginning. Dave: Because, youd be saying that the charters of which theyve stated this stuff on, cant exist. Tami: Right, they cant exist. Thats the only way for them to GET OUT of this. And, if they nullify their original charters, they dont own anything. Theres no law. Dave: Which they should do anyway because it was illegitimate to begin with. Tami: Right. But, because they want the benefit, they want the revenue, they dont want to fail, theyre going to have to cannibalize each other, unless they want to admit that their charterability does not exist. And, at that time, they dont own anything anyway its mine. Dave: Ab initio. Tami: I AM. Yeah. Dave: Or, from inception as you like to say. Tami: So, theyre already in violation, because you put them on notice thats with knowledge. Every time they send you something from that corporation, you can charge them under 18 USC 1342. On their envelope, theyre asking you to address them as a fiction. Read that again: 18 USC 1342. Because, it comes in the name of a fiction. So, the only way you can answer them is through a fiction. Theyre asking YOU to address THEM as a fiction. Thats also a violation. And, all he did was, he noticed them, which is beautiful. Anyway, his lights are still on. [Discussion about Bos second notice to the utility company when they sent him an incorrectly addressed piece of mail after his first notice.] --------------------------

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[Discussion about recording Bos documents at the recorders office and how the clerk suddenly found Bos lost original documents. Bos documents were finally recorded without being altered by the clerk with the verbiage: Record as per customer. One definition of customer is hooker, prostitute but you will need to dig into the etymology of the word to find this definition.] Dave: Okay. Now, when you file the Forgiveness and Executor documents Tami: you get the originals back. Dave: You take it to them and they make a digital copy of it Tami: and you get the originals back. Do you have to ask them for the originals back? Tami: No, theyre required to give the originals back. Because, in the executor document, if Senate has the originals, they can impeach the executor. Remember? They can impeach the executive office. They can only do that if they have the original document. Dave: How does that work? Tami: That was in the Constitution. Only the Senate can impeach like a President? They can only impeach a president. Hes the executor office of everything. And so, you want the originals back, and from there on forward, you only REFER to the document recording number when youre putting anybody on notice. You do not give them the originals, because the senate does have the ability to impeach you as the executor if they have that original document. Dave: Yeah, thats a piece of pertinent information that needs to go in the training manual.

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TRACK 8 COMMON NAME, FAMILIAR NAME, PROPER NAME Tami: So, Philip Earl goes down into Louisiana doing some job, and he hits some guy at a stop sign and he settles up with the guy and says hes responsible for the damage to the vehicle. The police come, because theyre required to make a report the guy calls them in. Philip Earl goes down to the police department and, of course, during this time, hes got his executor doc, hes got his forgiveness doc, and hes showing them hes only Philip Earl. Dave: Does he keep those with him? Tami: Yes. Dave: So, you always keep those with you? Tami: Yes. You always keep those with you the originals so nobody can confiscate them, because theyre public record and theyre yours. So, as Philip Earl, they could not charge him. They said, We see here that Philip Earl Jonassen has a $40,000 warrant out for his arrest by Oceana County, Michigan. He said, Im not Philip Earl Jonassen, Im only Philip Earl. They had to release him. What happened next is, he went back to Oceana County to get his equipment, and his fricking last name is written across the truck: Jonassen. So, the cops come out looking for Philip Earl Jonassen. He says, Im Philip Earl, Im Philip Earl, Im Philip Earl. The cop says, Is that your truck? He says, Yeah. He says, Come with me. So, hes still potted. But, he consented by using the Crowns last name. Dave: Because, it was on his truck? splatted across his damn truck Tami: Right. As long as youre not claiming that last name let go of it, dont claim the last name. Dave: So, any time someone comes with a warrant, and they say, Are you So-and-So Last Name, you always say, NO. I am just First and Middle name. Tami: First and middle thats your Proper Name. If you claim or assume to be the fictional character, you can be held as a felon too. Dave: Sure. Theyve got you. That was another thing. Is it truly by definition a first and middle name isnt it your two given names? Isnt that what its supposed to be? Because, I thought the First Middle and Last is how THEY describe that fictional name? Tami: Yes, by commonality. Thats your it never started out being a family name. In Blacks, its called the familiar name. Thats what THEY named you. Each time they give us a last name, they designate it as a new species of Human. Dave: Oh, crap, really? Tami: Well, this is what you do: Smith youre a blacksmith, Johnson, Erickson. That was describing you. Youre a new species at that time. Thats how youre made secular and away from the One or overall I AM. Dave: So, how do you go about stating your house as the last name? Tami: Youre the House of That. Dave: You can have your house be anything then. Tami: Right. But, it should have something not a commonality its just your house, which denotes almost a physical location. In order to do this, you have to have something of a physical location or something to stand on. Dave: Its just your body, right? Tami: Right, and your House. Thats what your house is. Jesus said your body is your temple. Its your House. Thats the House of God. They perverted the House of God. When he turned

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over the tables of the money-changers, what did he say? You have turned my House into a den of thieves. Theyre inside of you entering you into commerce, by enfranchisement. Dave: Right. Okay. So, it doesnt really matter if you say, First and Middle name thats still fine. Tami: Thats the Proper Name as defined in Blacks. You dont want the common name. Dave: Thats what I was trying to get to the differences between the two definitions of the name. You have a COMMON name which is what THEY go after you. Thats your COMMON name. Tami: FAMILIAR not FAMILY. Its commonly used. Dave: Okay, then the PROPER name is the one that we SHOULD be using. Thats our First and Middle. Tami: Or, I AM. Dave: Right, you could just go: I AM. Who are you? I AM. As long as you have this document, and its been filed, you are I AM. Tami: And, in our natural state, prior to the intercession of law, by attorney, by judge whatever else we do not refer to each other. Not one time, when Im speaking to you Dave: do you continue to call me by a name every single time. Right. Tami: Never, ever. Youre in my presence. Im in your presence. We dont need to refer to each other. We already know who we are. THEYve taught us that we are NOT. Therefore, we need to earn the right to BE. Thats what the rights and privileges are. You have to EARN the right to be this. So, how? Well, youre not a good man. Well, why not? Theyre attacking you morally attacking you. Dave: Particularly that part that we read before William I. Was there a name to that document? Tami: Separation of the Spiritual and the Temporal the Ordinance of the Separation of the Spiritual and Temporal Courts. Tami: The courts exist only by psychology. If you look in Grays Anatomy, at the corpus callosum the big body corpus callosum you will find that its separated into cira and distrite. That means, Circuits and Districts. When you go to the 1789 Judiciary Acts, you will find that the courts that you enter into every day do not exist. You can go to court in Oceana, Michigan. If you go in there on the second Tuesday in November, where are you located? Delaware. What about the first Monday in April? Massachusetts. Dont quote me on these its in the Judiciary Act. Thats where the revenue is being filtered to. Youre not in that actual court because of the separation between the spiritual and temporal. These courts are all psychological. You just believe that it exists. They are always Agencies by Estoppel. [7:21] -- ADMITTING EVIDENCE, COMPELLING THE JUDGE Dave: Do you have to file your papers in a court of record, or are you basically creating your own court that doesnt even have a name? Like when you go in and squash their process theyve got a process going in a Nisi prius court of no record administrative process. Thats their venue. Tami: Right only through attorney work-product doctrine. Dave: So, theyre doing their thing, shuffling.. Tami: shuffling off of the court record by attorney work-product doctrine and different variants on privacy laws.

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Dave: So, thats their venue. Tami: You can invoke your venue at any time by admitting evidence on to the court record. Dave: Okay, so when you ADMIT EVIDENCE on to the court record its public record Tami: It becomes public record. Dave: It becomes public record because its public law. Tami: AND, it compels a judge to be there. Only a judge can view evidence and rule accordingly. An administrator or a Trier-of-Fact can hear hearsay, testimony, see exhibits which are only examples Dave: Right. Theyre not actual evidence. Tami: Thats why they use attorney work-product doctrine. Dave: So, when you actually admit evidence properly, you are actually COMMANDING the judge to be there. Tami: Right. Dave: If he decides to show up, and then does something stupid, regarding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and, if he doesnt chose to be there, he cant do that! Tami: Right. He never does. Dave: They never actually do that. Tami: He cant. So, you come in and demand more specific Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and at that point in time, usually what hell do is re-consider his own order. Now, this is the funny part. This becomes schizophrenia. Because, you have a judge there that just issued an order, and is now, sua sponte, asking HIMSELF to reconsider his own order. So, at this time, you feed him to the system, and you say, This is an adult in need of protection. We need to appoint a guardian ad litem over him, because, he just maintained an order, and has asked himself, within schizophrenia or some other mental deficiency, to reconsider his own order. Dave: Thats brilliant. Tami: You have to feed them to each other. Dave: In that case, youre feeding the man to the man. Tami: Absolutely. And, its so beneficial, because, once you invoke the administrative process over that judge, youre putting HIM in that cell where you used to be. You do the same with an attorney. Usually attorneys will come back and theyll say the other day I got one okay. To strike evidence, they have to prove that its false that means usually that it does not exist which is impossible. Youve admitted it revealed it on court record. There are some idiots out there that will try and lie and admit evidence on to court record thats not evidence and theyll get nailed for it. Theyll absolutely be nailed for it. But, when an attorney comes in and tries to strike the letter I got the other day was a LETTER to NULLIFY everything that was put on the court record. So, in response to that, I put in a notice, saying, Are you aware that your client is asking you to violate 18 USC 1506? This allows you to be a felon. Are you sure you want to go any further? They didnt go any further. They cannot. Once admitted on to court record or any public record that evidence CANNOT be removed, altered, omitted, avoided anything else. That stays there. You have to stand your ground and make sure By letter I mean, he quoted a whole bunch of shit, but the whole thing was, it was a letter not a motion to strike. It was just a letter to the court and ccd to my client. All it was was hot air. Make sure that youre going through and you follow through Are you sure you want to do this, because this is a violation of 18 USC 1506 and you WILL be nailed with a felony violation. This is your opportunity. Dave: to knock it off.

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Tami: AND, to pick a fall guy. Youve already told them, in your initial evidence, to pick a fall guy. Now, youre circling down and youre making sure that someone is being put into that chute. Are you aware that youre going to be a felon too? Do you want to go this route, or do you want to roll over on the guy that I already gave you? Dave: Which is, in that case, who? Tami: It was the other party his own client. That one was an administrative case. She came in and said, This is all hearsay. It was recorded documents that she said to MY client that she would never, ever lie and falsely accuse him again, IF he removed the contempt motion from last year. At that time, he stipulated he was nice and chivalrous and said, Yes, I will remove it, as long as youre never going to lie again. And, in a recorded conversation, she promised not to lie. In a written documentation, she promised not to lie, when they stipulated. So, this year, when she again falsely accused my client, we brought in a writ of scira fascia and said, Why should that not be revisited? Now, you show cause to me why were not going to revise that order because, youve lied? And, we put on to evidence that she lied and she promised not to lie, and then she came in kicking and screaming. Well, she didnt give her attorney any of that documented evidence. She said, she was served with this evidence and she wanted it stricken from the court record. And, thats what that letter was. So, when I wrote back and said, Are you sure you want to be a felon? I said, Shes unable to assist counsel, therefore, she requires a guardian ad litem over her. Go ahead administer her all you want to. Shes the one that assigned the parenting rights on to the state. Shes the one that falsely accused. Thats how the assignment occurred. And, its still the same thing that I said in the beginning, because were throwing her under the bus. This is putting the title on to her forehead, by the way, that makes Babyl fall. You have been taught to be chivalrous. You have been taught to protect the female at any and all costs. And, thats what he was doing last year. He learned from that mistake. He spent another year fighting to see his children fighting to be involved in their lives, as she falsely accused him over and over again. And, as these false allegations go along, they get more aggravated. It started out Dave: But, thats all evidence. When you actually PUT THAT ON TO EVIDENCE, then its there. Thats it. Tami: Its there, and the guardian ad litem already indicted. Dave: And, you cant wiggle out of it, once its properly put there, and once you properly put it there, that answers this question. It automatically becomes a court of record. You dont have to STATE it as a court of record it IS a court of record. Tami: Absolutely. And, the judge is being compelled, and the judge is acting accordingly in that case. And, when he was notified, HE notified my client.everything is straight down the middle. And now, theres a judge, and he has two hats on. Hes a judge over my client and the children, because he doesnt have any jurisdiction over my client or the children any longer. He only has jurisdiction as an administrator over her and her estate now. Okay? So, we fed her to the system. Every body needs to be aware that, even though she has big brown eyes or big blue eyes, and she looks really sweet, and she has tits and a vagina, she is NOT to be protected. The only way that Babyl falls is what? When the Whore of Babylon has the title written on her forehead. You have to put her in the chute to get the children out. Its a requirement to get the children out.

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