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HOME COMBINED POLICY This policy provides a blanket cover for personal insurance needs, with the exclusion

of motor vehicles. This policy is targeted for strictly private dwelling houses and any conversation into a Business entity e.g lodges ,suppliers of electrical gadgets may increase the risk eg fire or theft as the supply of electrical gadgets would attract thieves. The cover layout is as followsSection 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 : : : : Houseowners (Buildings) Householders (Contents) Domestic All Risks Personal Accident

Proposers may select any section they wish with the exception of the All Risks cover which is only available in conjunction with Householders cover. Proposal form This forms the basis of the insurance contract. Information required is simple and straight forward .The main purpose of a proposal form is to evaluate the risk and either decline or accept. Intermediaries (Brokers etc) are known to send memorandums as closing instructions and this usually leaves out the important information like previous claims, construction/condition of the building, that the proposer would be going on a long holiday soon after taking up the policy etc and it is therefore the duty of every underwriter to ensure that all detail is received before cover is granted. Under Insurance This usually occurs where the sum insured of the subject matter of insurance is less than its current replacement value .In the event of a claim this scenario results in the Insured being financially prejudiced through the application of Average therefore it cannot be emphasized too strongly that proposers should always be encouraged to insure for the full value of their property. It is also very important to review sums insured regularly to ensure adequacy of cover. Cancellation During First Period If a policy is cancelled before or during the first period a refund should be calculated on the basis of prorota less 10% provided that the premium retained by the company is not less than 50% of the annual premium. Rating and Excesses Refer to Addendum 01

Credit InsuraCredit Insurance Zimbabwe Limited- Underwriting Manual

SECTION 1 (HOUSEOWNERS) Cover is for Buildings and this class of Business is profitable because of the low frequency of losses Risks with the following circumstances are to be referred 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unoccupied, temporarily occupied or isolated dwellings. Holiday homes eg at Kariba, Msuna, Nyanga etc. When proposer is going on holiday soon after the inception of cover. When acceptance or renewal of cover has been refused by another insurer. Premises of inferior or non-standard construction eg wooden walls. Short period risks.

SECTION 2 HOUSEHOLDERS Introduction Cover is for the Contents and the sum insured is assumed to cover the insureds movable property at their current replacement cost . It is important to obtain serial numbers for electronic equipment and other valuable items for ease of identification in cases were stolen items have been recovered Risks with the following circumstances are to be referred 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unoccupied, temporarily occupied or isolated dwellings. Holiday home, eg at Kariba, Msuna, Nyanga etc. When the proposer is going on leave soon after the inception of cove. Stamp, coin, antique and silver collections. When acceptance or renewal of cover has been refused by another insurer. Property belonging to persons living in a mess boarding houses, hotels, hostels and similar places. Premises of inferior construction eg wooden or asbestos walls. When household goods are to be moved into storage shortly after inception of cover.

Discounts for specific types of Security and Approved alarm System Refer to Addendum 01 Unoccupancy Continuous unoccupancy of up to thirty consecutive days allowed but if the premises are to be unoccupied for a longer period charge an additional premium of 25% of annual premium for each month or part thereof for the period in excess of thirty days.

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SECTION 3 - DOMESTIC ALL RISKS Introduction This cover is only available as an extension to the householders section and can therefore not be issued in isolation. Risks with the following circumstances are to be referred 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Photographic equipment for professional or semi-professional persons. Glassware, pottery and articles of brittle nature. Musical instructions. Property of professional entertainers e.g. band and disco equipment. For property normally eligible for householders insurance but where no cover in force with the company. Tools For specific items on their own where it is known proposer possesses other items not included on the schedule i.e. spectacles or contact lenses in isolation (selection against the company)

Valuation certificates for any item of jewellery or fur with a value in excess of $ 150 000 000 is required at inception of cover and for any review in the sum insured mid term . The Make ,Model and Serial numbers for the following items are a requirement Cellphones Digital Cameras Laptops and Palm Tops Portable Radios Mp3 Players

Rating and Excess Refer to addendum 01

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SECTION 4 PERSONAL ACCIDENT Introduction Cover is for Death or Bodily injury caused by violent accidental and visible means . The following Benefits are provided Death Permanent Disablement Medical expenses Refer to Addendum 01 for the compensation provided on each benefit . Underwriting Cover is restricted to proposers in the 16-65 year age group although this can be extended to 70 years provided the insured produces a satisfactory medical report prior to renewal after attaining 65 years of age. Risks with the following circumstances are to be referred Where the proposal indicates previous or existing injuries or disabilities which have necessitated surgery or other medical attention e.g. heart failure, broken hip etc. Undesirable risks Actors and Entertainers of all types (full or part time) Aircraft Pilots and Crew Armed forces Personnel Barman Bookmaker (Betting) Carpenters (using machines) Crop sprayer (Aerial) Demolition Contractor Divers Electricians (working with high voltages) Explosives workers Fishermen (Commercial) Firemen Horse Trainer or Groom Jockey Miner, Quarry worker and Underground worker Policemen Professional Sportsmen/women/hunters Sawmiller Scrap Metal Merchant Steeplejack Structural Steel worker Students Tree feller Window cleaner

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Rating Scale


BASIS OF RATES Rates are based upon the proposers occupation and the nature of duties within that occupation. For this purpose it is customary to have a classified list of occupations divided into four classes according to the degree of hazard involved. A specimen division (classification1) of occupations follows but this should only be used as a General guide and not for rating purposes. Classification 2 (see 1.3) should be used for rating purposes.


CLASSIFICATION 1 (NOT FOR RATING PURPOSES) Where persons use motor vehicles in connection with their occupation or to a large extent privately (say 25 000 km per annum) they should not be rated less than Class 2. 1.2.1 Class 1 a) b) Sedentary and Administrative Duties only e.g. Clerks engaged in professional, commercial, Municipal or Government employ, Secretaries and Office Workers generally. Members of most Professions e.g. Accountants, Architects, Advocates, Attorneys, Chemists, (Dispensing only) Clergymen, Dentists, Medical Practitioners, School Teachers, Stockbrokers, Surgeons (not Veterinary Surgeons with outside practice). Other near sedentary occupations not involving manual labour or travelling, nor use of tools, machinery, step ladders or handling of bulky goods e.g. Saleshop Cashier, Civil Engineers (Consulting).



Class 2 a) b) c) Master Tradesman who only superintend and direct their workers e.g. builders (Superintending only) Engineers (Superintending only) Farmers (Superintending only). Shopworkers and Craftsmen using only light tools or mechanical aids e.g. Counter assistant, Bakers (Retail) Greengrocers, Grocers, Tailors. Auctioneers (excluding livestock sales)


Class 3 a) b) Master tradesmen who work manually but who mainly supervise and control others e.g. Master Bakers, Master Builders, Electrical or Mechanical Engineers. Other occupants involving a medium degree of hazard e.g. Auctioneers (Livestock), Farmers (Superintending and working), Licensed Hotel Keepers (excluding Barmen Veterinary Surgeons with outside practice)


Class 4 a) b) Travellers of all descriptions e.g. Commercial Travellers, Manufacturing Representatives, Insurance Representatives, Chauffeurs, drivers. Occupations not listed above which are acceptable to the Company, but not needing a special loading.

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CLASSIFICATION 2 (FOR RATING PURPOSES) In classifying a risk for rating purposes the type of work must be considered rather than the occupation, for example, an Architect would be eligible for rating as a Class 1 risk if he is solely on office duties but if he visits the sites of building projects the nature of the risk involved may well warrant rating under Class 3. 1.3.1 Referable Occupations Where an occupation is marked Refer new proposals must be referred to the Underwriting Manager for a decision on rating. 1.3.2 Unacceptable Occupations Should we come under pressure, either from a Broker or for connectional reasons, to consider a proposal falling under this heading the matter should be referred to the Underwriting Manager. 1.3.3 Classification of Occupations The Classified List of occupations shown on the following is not exhaustive and any occupation not listed should be considered and classified on the basis of any similar occupation which is listed. In the event of any doubt reference should be made to the Underwriting Manager.

Rating Refer to Addendum 01 Extensions For deletion of rugby, football and motor cycling exceptions in each case add 50% of premium.

Credit InsuraCredit Insurance Zimbabwe Limited- Underwriting Manual

MOTOR VEHICLE POLICY Motor vehicle insurance serves two purposes ,namely the need to meet statutory requirements and to safeguard a Motor vehicle against loss or damage . The covers offered are Full Third Party This policy combines the minimum cover which was referred to as the Road Traffic Act ,which is the minimum requirement stipulated by an Act of Parliament to use a vehicle on public roads. It also covers Third party property Damage and Bodily injury/ Death for the limit that would have been chosen by the proposer A third party is defined as an individual not party to an insurance contract between the insured person and the Insurance Company . Rating guide Refer to the current Insurance council rating schedule . Full Third Party Fire and Theft or Fire and Theft This is an extension of the Full Third Party and in addition of the covers mentioned above it covers -Loss of or damage to the motor vehicle resulting from self-ignition, lightning or explosion or by theft or any attempt thereof Comprehensive Cover or Full Cover This represents the widest cover and incorporates Full third Party ,Fire and Theft . It further extents to cover the following Damage to the insureds own vehicle Medical and Funeral expenses Towing of Disabled vehicles Legal practitioners fees Costs of protecting and removing the vehicle to the nearest repairer

Classes of Vehicles /Insurance Private Motor vehicles This is the most common type and constitute the majority of vehicles on the road. A private vehicle refers to any type of passenger vehicle were the seating capacity does not exceed 8 including the driver and a mass not exceeding one and a half tones (1400 kgs) in weight . Commercial Vehicles

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Mainly designed for business entities in such lines of business like Haulage and deliveries . This class excludes vehicles used for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward such as commuter omnibuses ,taxis and conventional buses . Examples in this class include -Freightliners -Tankers -International Horses -Mazda T3500 Motor Cycles Cover is for motor cycles ,scooters ,and motor assisted pedal cycles . Fleets This is not an over the counter insurance and a brief summary of this product is as follows The policy is designed to cover a group of vehicles which are not necessarily of the same type but which are owned hired or leased by the same person or organization or subsidiary organizations or associate companies . The minimum size to qualify for a fleet is 20 Vehicles and above Proposal Form A proposal form must be completed in order to have a full assement of the risk . Some of the important information that will be requested is as follows -Occupation or trade of the proposer -Vehicle details -Vehicle use -Name of previous insurer and details of No Claims Discount Cover Notes Confirms existence of some form of insurance . It should only be issued to a person after they have paid their premiums Covernotes should not be backdated and the time of issuance should always be noted in the relevant field . They should be valid for the period of insurance paid for . Rating and Excesses Refer to addendum 01

Credit InsuraCredit Insurance Zimbabwe Limited- Underwriting Manual

Cover is provided as follows: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Fire Business Interruption (including Accounts Receivable if required) All Risks Theft Money Glass Goods in Transit Public Liability

Any section may be selected with a condition that section 2-8 must be taken in conjuction with section 1 It is important that the full name of the proposer or the registered name of the company and the occupation be shown on the proposal form.

Credit InsuraCredit Insurance Zimbabwe Limited- Underwriting Manual

SECTION 1 FIRE INTRODUCTION This is a desirable class of business and is traditionally very profitable. Cover Provided: The policy provides cover for fire lighting and fire following explosion only but can be extended to cover any of the following perils 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Earthquake Explosion Riot and Strike and Malicious Damage Storm and Special Perils Spontaneous Combustion.

AVERAGE AND UNDER INSURANCE As the fire policy is subject to average it cannot be emphasized too strongly that proposers should always be encouraged to insure for the full replacement value of their property and the initial sum insured should allow for likely escalation of costs during the ensuing twelve months. Failure to do so is likely to result in the amount of settlement following a claim being less than the cost of making good the loss. Particularly in times of high inflation such as we are experiencing in Zimbabwe it is also very important to review and update sums insured annually if they are to remain at realistic levels. FIRE SURVEYS All fire risks should be surveyed as this gives a guide to rating underwriting and reinsurance retentions. In most cases provisional acceptance pending a survey may be given. RATING This is controlled by the Fire Tariff but basically the following procedure is used: 1. 2. Refer to the alphabetical index of risks. Having found the class of risk you wish to rate you will be referred to an Annexure which will indicate a minimum and maximum basic rate. This means that you cannot charge less than the minimum basic rate but can charge up to the maximum rate. Having ascertained your basic rate you should now refer to Area Loadings if any loadings apply. . e.g. If you receive a request to give a quotation for an office block situate in Masvingo built of brick and roofed with thatch you should adopt the following procedure. Refer O in Annexures and you will find that you must turn to Annexure 12 General and turning to that Annexure you will find the following: BASIC RATES From Offices 0.57% To 0.76%


Let us assume that you have decided to charge 0.57% you will now refer to page 30 , where you

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will find the undernoted loading Thatch Again assuming that you have decided to charge 0.15% the total rate at this stage is From 0.150% To 0.20%

0.057% +0.150% _______ 0.207% ======= If you now turn to page 32 you will find that Masvingo is classified as Area 2 for which no loading is to be charged. The final rate is therefore 0.207%

Please note that there are also loadings for inferior construction, deletion of the inflammable liquids warranty etc. For the rating of earthquake explosion riot and spontaneous combustion please refer to the relevant section of the manual insofar as storm and special perils are concerned the following rates apply: Cities - 050% Towns - 075% Other Areas - 100% Discounts are available from magnitude and religious bodies. Risks with the following circumstances should be reffered 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unoccupied buildings Thatched risks Premises of inferior or non-standard construction e.g. wooden or asbestos walls Short period risks When acceptance or renewal of cover has been refused by another insurer When the proposal discloses any adverse features or previous losses.

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SECTION 2 BUSINESS INTERRUPTION (B.I.) INTRODUCTION The underwriting of this class of business is very involved and all cases must be referred to an Underwriting Manager. Please note that we do not accept B.I. unless we are also offered the corresponding fire insurance. Cover Provided As a B.I. policy provides that cover is only operative if there is a corresponding fire policy under which liability has been admitted it is essential that the B.I. policy covers the same perils as insured under the proposers fire policy. Certain extensions such as prevention of access are also available, please read the policy for our standard extensions. As you will appreciate a fire not only destroys property but also interrupts business. B.I. or Loss of Profits insurance covers the resultant loss of profit that would have been earned had the fire not occurred. B.I. can also be extended to cover the other perils covered under the Fire Section. The loss is measured over the period of time (Indemnity Period) during which the business suffers the effect of the fire. Provided the sum insured on Gross Profit is sufficient and the Indemnity Period selected is long enough the Insured should after a loss end up with the same gross profit that would have been earned had the fire not taken place. The schedule caters for two alternative methods of calculating the Gross Profit. Average and Under-Insurance As the policy is subject to Average it is essential that the proposer be encouraged to insure for a realistic gross profit figure which will take into account any future increase in the turnover of the business. Provision is made for a return premium if the figure is in excess of the actual Gross Profit at the year end. RATING The rating follows that of the fire policy a percentage of the rate being charged in accordance with the Indemnity Period selected as follows: Indemnity Period 3 months 6 months 12 months % Of Fire Rate 40% 60% 100%

The indemnity period has a direct bearing to the policy period as followsPolicy Period 12 Months 6 Months 3 Months The maximum indemnity period is 6 Months Indemnity period allowed 6 Months 3 Months 1.5 Months

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SECTION 3 ALL RISKS INTRODUCTION As the cover granted is very wide and the claims experience generally unsatisfactory cover for this section but is only available when supported by more desirable classes of business. UNDESIRABLE RISKS TO BE REFERRED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Computers which should be covered under an Electronic Equipment Policy Professional photographers and musicians equipment Property insurable by a Goods in Transit policy Stock in Trade Travellers samples Workers tools Short period insurance Property insurable under a Money policy Articles usually left in motor vehicles.

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SECTION 4 THEFT Cover Theft where violent and forcible entry or exit is involved. UNDERWRITING a) All risks are to be surveyed before acceptance an cover can only be granted if the survey reveals that the protections are such that the property is physically secure having regard to locality nature value of contents structure and previous claims history. It is essential that surveys are carried out as a matter of urgency as any undue delay in confirming cover will result in the business being placed elsewhere. b) Policies are usually written on a first loss basis if full value cover is required the case must be referred to Underwriting Manager.

UNDESIRABLE RISKS TO BE REFERRED Antique dealers, photographic dealers, high tech electrical goods dealers, jewelers, farm stores (other than as part of a full farming account), furriers, gemstones dealers, pawn brokers property in the open or in substandard buildings secondhand goods stamp dealers and watchmakers. RATING SCALE Each premises should be surveyed and rated individually. Premiums are to be computed by reference to the following class classification and rating table: CLASS CLASSIFICATION Artists Supplies Bakers Books Boots and Shoes Bottle Stores Builders Merchants Butchers Carpets China Churches/Church Halls Clubs Confectioners Curios Cycles and Spares Dairy Products Dressmakers Drycleaners Electrical Goods Fancy Goods Florists Games Garden Suppliers General Dealers Glassware Hardware Ironmongers Kitchenware A A A C D C A B B C D A C B A C D D B A B A B B C C B

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Leather Goods Motor Spares Musical Instruments Offices Outfitters Pharmaceutical Chemists Pharmaceutical Products Picture Dealers Printers Professional Rooms Restaurants Schools Soft Furnishings Sports Goods Stationers Tailors Toys RATING TABLE


The rates quoted below are for first class risks and if protections, locality or the like are not up to standard discretion must be used and the rates loaded accordingly: First Loss Limits 10 000 to 50 000 50 001 to 100 000 100 001 to 150 000 150 001 to 200 000 200 001 to 250 000 250 001 to 300 000 N.B. Class A 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Class B 7.5% 7.25% 7.00% 6.95% 6.75% 6.55% Class C 10% 10% 9.85% 9.70% 9.55% 9.40% Class D 12.5% 12.5% 12.00% 11.95% 11.85% 11.70%

Burglary/Theft Policies are usually written on a first loss basis. If full value cover is required the case must be referred to the Underwriting Manager.

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SECTION 5 MONEY INTRODUCTION Careful consideration must be given to each and every risk bearing in mind the large sums of money being transported the increasing frequency of thefts and the deterioration in crime classes claims experience. Cover All Risks of money loss as defined in the Policy. UNDERWRITING Policies are now written on a non-adjustable premium basis the rate per cent being applied to the major liability limit. Note that if more than one situation is insured under one policy consideration must be given to how many times the rate should be applied to the major limit. Requests to include personal accident cover as an extension must be referred. Cover for accidental injuries to workers on duty is properly provided by personal accident or stated benefits insurance and the National Social Security Authority. Our policy excludes losses arising from the dishonesty of employees. This exception must not be modified because such a contingency is the subject of fidelity guarantee insurance. Requests to include money stolen from unattended vehicles should be referred to an Underwriting Manager or above. RATING Annual 2% - 3.5% on major limit. The lower rate is usually applied to high limits and vice versa.

SEASONAL (TEMPORARY) INCREASES in the major limit are sometimes requested by clients. Rate to be applied should be 15% of premium for every 100% increase of the limit of liability For example Major limit Rate Premium = = = $100 000 000 3% $3 000 000

Seasonal increase for months of November to December = $400 000 000 Additional premium for the seasonal increase should be: (400 000 000 100 000 000 x 15) 100% x 3 000 000 100 000 000 100

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= 3 000 000 @ 45% = $1 350 000 Please note that if more than two temporary increases are requested or if the period of the temporary increase is more than four (4) months this should be referred to the Underwriting Manager.

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SECTION 6 GLASS INTRODUCTION Note that cover extends beyond mere glass breakage and includes painting and lettering boarding-up or security costs frameworks and window displays. UNDERWRITING The practice of measuring and evaluating each item of glass to be insured has largely fallen away and has been replaced by the practice of insuring all fixed glass in suitable for use on either a blanket or an itemised basis and in the interests of accuracy of evaluation it is very desirable that all glass is measured at the time of risk acceptance. UNDER-INSURANCE AND AVERAGE REPLACEMENTS This section is subject to an average condition and it is therefore in the policyholders interest that the sum insured represents the replacement value of the glass. In the absence of co-operation by the broker or agent in this respect it will be necessary from time to time at managements discretion to impose a percentage increase in sums insured at a selected renewal date. RATING Annual 4% our standard rate for the majority of risks but certain features can merit a variation. Aspects for the surveyor to note are:i) ii) iii) iv) premises on a corner site glass which is fitted to floor level premises in a busy locality e.g. near a bus or railway station premises which constitute a heavy risk because of a particular trade carried on e.g. bar, retail shop e.t.c.

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SECTION 7 GOODS IN TRANSIT INTRODUCTION This section has been designed to cover the Insureds merchandise whilst in transit in Zimbabwe such as delivery of goods sold. Cover is restricted to transit by motor vehicle or trailer which are owned or under the control or the Insured. If any other means of conveyance such as rail is used cover can only be granted under a Marine Inland Transit policy. UNDERWRITING Cover is practically all risks and factors to be considered include the nature of goods carried the quality of drivers and vehicles and previous accident record. The property is insured on a limit per vehicle basis which is generally agreed and the premium is based on that amount. RATING Please refer to an Underwriting Manager or above.

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SECTION 8 PUBLIC LIABILITY INTRODUCTION Public liability insurance is one of the most challenging and rapidly changing of all classes of insurance. This is because present day commercial and industrial activities are constantly changing using new and untried processes and substances. From such technological development heavy liabilities can arise to the extent of which in some cases is still largely unknown. Credsure freely transacts public liability insurance but preferably in conjunction with other classes of insurance in the same name. Note that we are not willing to quote for nor to accept as reinsurance inwards the heavier kinds of public liability risk in isolation. The most desirable segment of public liability insurance is where cover is restricted to property owners liability and such risks can stand on their own in our portfolio of liability business. For those risks which are acceptable to us every effort must be made to secure an adequate premium from inception of cover particularly if a flat premium basis is used because periodic revision of such premiums to recognise inflationary trends is usually overlooked. Therefore our preference is that where at all possible risks should be rated on an adjustable element turnover or wage roll and this should be the norm whenever product liability cover is given. We are then afforded the opportunity at each renewal date of augmenting our premium income on the receipt of a retrospective declaration. This procedure as to premium collection if diligently pursued will ensure that any inflationary trend in turnover totals and national wage levels is reflected in our premium receipts. SCOPE OF COVER Our policy indemnifies the Insured up to the limit of indemnity against all sums he becomes legally liable to pay in the event of accidental injury or damage caused to third parties in the course of the business. Note particularly that cover is for the legal liability of the Insured and not for any moral obligation or responsibility he may be inclined to accepts. Our policy incorporates the claims made wording one feature of which is that the limit of indemnity is inclusive of costs and expenses for which we are liable. POINTS TO NOTE The operative clause of our policy refers to accidental injury and accidental physical damage. The importance attaching to the used of this adjective is outlined below. It is here emphasized requested to participate by way of reinsurance in another Insurers risk. A non-accidental wording is unacceptable to us. Accidental Injury Accidental is defined as unexpected or unintended from the standpoint of the Insured. It is for the Insured his employees and any other person indemnified under the policy to show that the injury (or damage) was accidental as far as they were concerned bearing in mind it is not intended to indemnify losses arising from deliberate acts or omissions. Injury is defined to mean bodily injury and includes death and disease. Injury will usually be of a physical nature although in some circumstances nervous shock unaccompanied by any direct physical impact could come within the definition. Non-

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bodily injuries are sometimes referred to as personal injuries and these include such things as libel slander false arrest imprisonment or defamation. These are not normally covered by the policy and any enquiries must be referred to an Underwriting Manager. Our current general attitude is to resist requests for this cover but in the event of problems arising from important connections the matter should be referred to an Underwriting Manager. Accidental Damage to Property Damage to property is defined to include loss of the property. Although property has a wide meaning in law including debts copyrights patent and design rights trade marks and trade names our intention is to cover loss of or damage to material property in a physical sense only. Thus property has now been defined as material property to make our intention quite clear. Cross Liabilities This is now included in the standard Public and Products Liability policy wording giving significant additional cover. Thus where the Insured comprises more than one party care should be taken in evaluating this additional cover and the policy premium should reflect the extent of any additional liabilities incurred. In particular it should be noted that the policy includes Partner to Partner liability. However the total amount of indemnity to all such parties does not exceed the limit of indemnity under the policy. EXCEPTIONS The cover granted by the policy is subject to certain exceptions. Comments on some of them follows: Contractual Liability Our intention is to exclude only those liabilities incurred because of an agreement and for which without the agreement there would have been no liability. Occasionally modified by endorsement to admit a particular agreement of which we have full details. Employees Injury to employees sustained in the course of their employment is not covered because liability for such claims is the subject of workers compensation or employers liability insurance. Note that the exclusion applies only to bodily injury. Defective Design The policy does not cover the cost of rectifying defective work but any loss or damage as a result of such defective work would be covered for legal liability. Defective Design Defective design and formula relate to the original design of the product and include the directions for use. If however some mistake is made by an employee who say either misreads the basic design or incorrectly labels the product this will be the subject of indemnity under the policy. This error by the employee may render the product ineffective but this in itself is not a valid claim under the policy. The product itself must cause injury or damage. Our policy does not grant cover for products which fail to

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perform the function for which they are intended but may provide cover for any legal liability for consequential accidental injury or damage. Vibration Removal of Support If the owner of land excavates it and this results in the removal or weakening of the support of his neighbors property the landowner is usually absolutely liable for the consequences. The risk envisaged is hazardous and calls for specialist knowledge. For this reason it should be underwritten by means of the liability section of a contract work policy. Consequential Loss Our policy provides an indemnity for any consequential loss which flows directly from the injury or damage where liability is established viz. to pay not only for the cost of repairing a damaged third motor car but in addition any legitimate hire costs arising from the temporary loss of use of the car. No cover is given for financial loss i.e. liability for losses not flowing directly from injury or damage for example interference with access to third party premises which have not themselves been damaged. PRODUCT LIABILITY This cover is now incorporated in the policy by the phrase caused by products in the operative clause. This is a departure from previous practice. The reasons for the change are: i) ii) iii) it is an essential aspect of the liability needs of a business; it is increasingly important in todays consumer orientated society; we are adopting a more positive attitude towards this cover and its inclusion in the policy will be more likely to encourage clients to opt for the cover.

It follows that our field staff and agents should be encouraged to sell products liability wherever possible and especially where a manufacturing process is involved. Definition Products is defined to mean goods manufactured or processed by the Insured (including containers or packaging and labelling thereof) not in the custody or control of the Insured and sold or supplied by the Insured in connection with the business from any premises in Zimbabwe. Note that the goods must have been supplied in connection with the business referred to in the policy and from premises within the territorial limits. Injury or damage caused by products which are still at the Insureds premises is regarded as a general third party risk. UNDERWRITING In addition to a completed proposal form a products liability questionnaire should be completed for all but simple non-hazardous risks. A physical survey must be carried out to assess both the general liability and the product liability hazards. The survey features to consider are summarised below:

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a) b) c)

Location city urban or rural. Nature of surrounding structures. Proximity to thoroughfares. Pedestrian access or otherwise. Business its nature extend and period established. Reputation. Wage roll and number of employees this information gives an indication of the size of risk each employee being a potential perpetrator of an act of negligence. Work away the main risk often lies in this area. Ascertain number and extent outside contracts and type of premises on which work is undertaken.

d) of e) f) g)

Ownership construction and condition age of building. State of maintenance. Nature of use of premises by other occupiers. Dangerous machinery if not adequately fenced and protected the possibility of 2 accidents to visitors is increased. Possible hazards from a tool of trade extension. Lifting apparatus.


Harmful waste products our policy does not cover the gradual or regular emission of effluent or noxious substances. However the sudden accidental discharge of effluent or noxious substances would be covered. It is the possibility of its escape. i) j) Acids gases chemicals and explosives manner and safety or their storage. Special features of hazard railway sidings overhead runways. Adequacy of fire exists in cinema halls etc.

RATING Refer to underwriting Manager

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RISKS INCLUDING PRODUCT LIABILITY Rates quoted are applied to annual turnover or where marked ** to the annual wage roll and are inclusive of cover for property owners liability (where applicable) premises risk work away and tenants liability. All requests for a Losses Occurring policy should be referred to an Underwriting Manager. Classification ___________ Products Quickly Consumed Durable Products _______ If Products Liability not Required Deduct


Annual Annual % % % ,015 ,020 20 ,025 ,035 25 ,040 ,055 33,333 ,055 ,075 40 ,100 ,150 50 DECLINE if pressed refer to an Underwriting Manager

Classification of Product/Liability Risks Abattoirs Adhesives Agricultural Chemicals Agricultural Machinery Air-conditioning Engineers F Aircraft Maintenance Amusement Parks Animal Feeds Antique Shops Asbestos Products Bakers Ball Bearings Battery Manufacturers Biscuits Bitumen Emulsion Boat Builders Books and Stationery Boots and Shoes Bottle Stores Breakfast Foods Breweries Builders Merchants Butchers Canvas workers **Carpenters Carpet contractors F F F F F C D D C A C A B B C C D C A 0.5% C F F F C

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Caterers Cement (No asbestos products) Chemists Dispensing Chemists Retail Chemists Manufacturing & Chemical China Glass Churches See Separate Section Cleaners Dyers Clothing Clubs See Separate Section Coal Merchants Concrete Products Confectioners Cooked Meat/fish Cosmetics Cycle Dealers Dairy Products **Decorators/Painters Delicatessen Demolition-Excavation Contractors Department Stores Detergents Domestic Appliance Manufacturers Dress Shops Dyers Cleaners Electrical Appliances (No Repairs) Electrical/Radio Appliances Manufacturers **Electricians Explosives Farmers See Separate Section Fertilizers Fish Canners Fishmeal Flooring Contractors Florists Flour Mills Fruit and Vegetable Canners Furniture Garages (Motor) Separate Internal Risks Policy to be issued Gas Container Manufacturers General Dealers Glass Products **Glaziers Greengrocers Grocers Gunsmiths Hairdressers (subject to a questionnaire on a staff experience chemical mixing etc) Halls See Separate Section Hardware

E D F C F C C B C D C E F C D 1% D F C C C B C C C 1% F F E F D A C E B

F C D 0.5% B C D E

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Jam Factories Jewelers **Joiners Kitchenware Laundries Leather goods Machinery (Industrial) Margarine/Cooking Fat Meat Processors and Canners Menswear Milk Products Mineral Waters Motor Spares Manufacturers Motor Spares Retailers Motor Garages Separate Internal Risks Policy to be issued Musical Instruments Needlework Neon Signs Offices See Separate Section Office Machinery Opticians Outfitters **Painters/Decorators Paint Manufacturers Perfume Pharmaceutical Chemists Pharmaceutical Dispensing Pharmaceutical Products Photographic Dealers Picture Framers/Dealers Plant Foods **Plasterers **Plumbers Property Owners See Separate Section Radio equipment Refrigerators Restaurants Riding Schools **Roofing Contractors Saleshops See separate section Scaffolding Schools Seedmen Seed Suppliers Bulk Commercial Sewing Machines Shoe Manufacturers **Shopfitters **Sign Erectors/Signwriters Soap Manufacturers

E A 0.5% B B B E C E B D C F D A A E B D B 1% D B C F F B A F 0.5% 1% C C D F 1% F C B F C B 0.5% 0.5% C

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Sports Equipment Sprinkler Engineers Stationers Supermarkets Surgical Supplies Sweet Manufacturers Tailors Takeaway Foods Tea Blenders/Packers Timber Merchants Tinned Preserves Soups Toymakers Tyre Manufacturers/Retreaders Vegetable and Fruit Canners Vegetable Oil Mills Water Treatment Plant Weed Killers Wine and Spirits Retail Womenswear **Woodworkers

C F A C B C B D B C E C F E C F F C B ,5%

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EXPLOSION Rating Schedule Class I. All risks (not) specifically rated elsewhere in this Section or in one of the Annexures which can comply with the undernoted Hazardous Goods Warranty. Hazardous Goods Warranty Warranted that, except as may be specifically provided herein, no hazardous goods as defined below shall be kept, stored, deposited or used in or on the premises described in (Item Nos of this policy: Acetylene Ammunition (exceeding in value 5% of the value of the contents) Calcium Carbide Carbon Bisulphide Celluloid (excluding manufactured articles) Chlorates Collodion Cotton Ether Explosives Fireworks (exceeding in value 5% of the value of contents) Inflammable and non-inflammable gas in cylinders in excess of 15kg. Liquids giving off inflammable vapour at or under 40oC in excess of 25 litres Magnesium Metallic (bronze) powders Naptha Nitrates (other than fertilizers) Potassium Sulphur Provided that this Warranty shall not be deemed to apply to liquid fuel in the tanks of vehicles within the building.

Sum Insured

Basic Rates
From To 0.010%

Up to $1 999 999

) )

0.006% in Zimbabwe

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$2 000 000 to $4 999 999 $5 000 000 and above Class II.

) world wide

0.005% 0.003%

0.010% 0.010%

All risks (not specifically rated in one of the Annexures to Agreement D) which carry a Loading under sub-section (2) of Section 3 Agreement D for Painting, Enameling, Lacquering and Polishing or under sub-section (3) of Section 3 of Agreement D for Storage of Inflammable Liquid and/or Inflammable Liquid Gas. Electric Light and Power Stations and Transformer Houses. Refrigerating and Ice works and Cold Stores (i) (ii) Using only ammonia or freon (Without Temperature Clause) Using other refrigerants (with Temperature Clause) Basic Rates From Up to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 to $4 999 999 $5 000 000 and above ) ) ) 0.013% in Zimbabwe 0.010% world-wide 0.006% 0.02% 0.02% To 0.02%

Sum Insured

Class III.

Refrigerating and Ice Works and Cold Stores using refrigerants other than ammonia or freon (Without Temperature Clause). Sum Insured Basic Rates From To 0.03% 0.03% 0.03%

Up to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 to $4 999 999 $5 000 000 and above Class IV.

) ) )

0.02% in Zimbabwe 0.014% 0.010%

Explosives and Ammunition Magazine Sum Insured Basic Rates From To 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%

Up to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 to $4 999 999 $5 000 000 and above

) ) )

0.066% in Zimbabwe 0.05% World-wide 0.034%

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SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION Rating Schedule Class I. II. Dwellings (Private) and all risks falling within the Classification of Risks under Agreement E (Combined Insurance) All other risks not specifically rated.

Policy Wording It is not permissible to waive, delete or vary any part of the prescribed wording given below: It is hereby declared and agreed that notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary the insurance by (Items ... of) this policy. Destruction or damage by fire only of or the insured property caused by its own SPONTANEOUS FERMENTATION HEATING OR COMBUSTION. Provided that: (a) all the conditions of the policy (except as expressly varied herein) shall apply as if they had been incorporated herein. NOTE: If the cover is given by endorsement on a Fire Policy insert the words shall extend to include. If the cover is given by issue of a separate policy insert the words cover only.

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EARTHQUAKE Rating Schedule Notes: 1. 2. 3. 1. The following rates apply to all risks within Zimbabwe irrespective of construction. The Earthquake Fire Risk may only be insured in conjunction with the ordinary Fire Insurance on the same property. The Earthquake Shock Risk may only be insured in conjunction with the Earthquake Fire and the ordinary Fire Insurance on the same property. Earthquake Fire Risk only Sum Insured From Up to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 to $4 999 999 2. $5 000 000 and above Earthquake Shock Risk Sum Insured From Up to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 to $4 999 999 $5 000 000 and above ) ) ) 0.002% in Zimbabwe 0.002% World-wide 0.001% 0.003% 0.003% ) ) ) 0.004% in Zimbabwe 0.003% World-wide 0.002% Rate To 0.003% 0.006% 0.006% Rate To 0.006%

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LOADINGS (1) Construction External Walls (a) (b) (c) (d) Roofs (e) (f) (g) (2) Wholly or in part of thatch As in (e) but laid over concrete or wholly covered with metal or asbestos Otherwise than Standard Construction or (e) to (f) above 0.150% 0.105% 0.0155 0.20% 0.14% 0.02% Metal or asbestos on metal framework or metal brick lined or steel framework filled in with brick Metal or asbestos on wooden framework Having one or more open sides Otherwise than Standard Construction or (a) to (c) above 0.015% 0.045% 0.022% 0.06% 0.02% 0.06% 0.03% 0.08% FROM TO

Painting, Enameling, Lacquering and Polishing Where such processes involve the use of liquids containing oils or spirits giving off inflammable vapour at a temperature of less than 40oC the following additional rates apply: By means of spraying apparatus (a) By means of spraying apparatus otherwise than as described in (a) above (i) (ii) (b) Metal goods only Other than Metal Goods 0.045% 0.06% 0.02% 0.03% 0.06% 0.08% 0.026% 0.04% Nil Nil

By means other than spraying (i) Metal Goods only (ii) Other than Metal Goods Drying of goods treated with above liquids by Infra Red Lamps, hot water or steam pipes, or electricity, where the elements are entirely enclosed in metal tubes. (i) (ii) Metal Goods only Other than Metal Goods


0.015% 0.02% 0.045% 0.075%

0.02% 0.026% 0.06% 0.10%


Drying by artificial heat otherwise than as in (d) (i) Metal Goods only (ii) Other than Metal Goods


N.B. (d) or (e) are cumulative with (a), (b) or (c) Storage or Inflammable Liquids and/or Inflammable Liquid Gas

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The storage of 25 litres of liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC and/or 400 litres of liquids giving off inflammable vapour between 40oC and 90oC and/or 100 kg of inflammable liquified gas is allowed without additional charges in all risks unless otherwise stated. Where quantities in excess of these limits are stored the following additional will apply: (a) Liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC (i) (ii) (b) Between 25 and 230 litres More than 230 litres 0.015% 0.03% 0.02% 0.04%

Liquids giving off inflammable vapour between 40oC and 90oC (i) (ii) Between 400 and 2 300 litres More than 2 300 litres 0.007% 0.015% 0.03% 0.01% 0.02% 0.045


Inflammable Liquified Gas more than 100 Kg N.B.1. Charges under (a), (b) and (c) are cumulative. N.B.2. For the purpose of this paragraph Paraffin shall be regarded as giving off inflammable vapour between 40oC and 90oC. N.B.3. Fuel in the tanks of motor vehicles is exempted from The application of this section.


Deletion of Electrical Clause This clause may be omitted on payment of an extra premium at the rate of 0.300% net on the total value of the electrical machines, apparatus, fixtures, fittings and installations belonging to the insured or for which he is responsible, such value to be separately declared and specified in the Policy and the minimum extra premium so charged to be $50.00. Either of the following alternative clauses is to be inserted in such cases: A. Separate In consideration of the payment of an additional premium this Policy extends subject to its terms and conditions to indemnify the Insured in respect of loss or damage to electrical machines, apparatus or any portion of the electrical installation insured by Item of this Policy caused by (a) (b) fire arising from or occasioned by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, self-heating or leakage of electricity; direct lightning strike to the electrical machines, apparatus or electrical installation or to a building in which they are contained.

Note 1 - The Electricity Clause may be omitted without extra charge in the case of Fire Policies covering Buildings and Contents of Private Dwellings and contents of Flats, and property insured under Agreement E. Note 2 - For the extension of the Electrical Clause in respect of Electric Light and/or Power Stations and Transformer Houses see the entries in Annexure 12 to Agreement E.

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Note 3 - The loading of 0.300% re referred to above may be reduced to 0.150% where the total sum insured on all property (i.e. not merely that property to which the Electrical Clause relates) in the same interest is in excess of either $2 000 000 in Zimbabwe or $5 000 000 World-wide. In this context, in the same interest extends include Subsidiary Companies where the Holding Companys interest is not less than 50% but does not include Associated Companies.

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AREA LOADINGS Except for risks ratable under Annexures 2,22 and 35 all Fire basic rates and loadings under this Agreement are subject to the Area Loadings shown below on the situation of the risk in accordance with the following Area Classification Table. AREA LOADINGS Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Nil 10% 15% 30% 50% AREA CLASSIFICATION TABLE Note 1 - The respective areas are deemed to be those legally defined for Municipal, Village Management Board or Town ship purposes as at 1st January 1969 (i.e. prior to any incorporation of peri-urban or other areas into these towns or places on or after that date). Note 2 - Any town or place not listed falls under Area 6. AREA 2 Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, AREA 3 Bindura Rusape Kariba Redcliff AREA 4 Plumtree, Kario, Gwanda, Gokwe, AREA 5 Any town or place on listed under Areas 2 to 4. All Growth Points Victoria Falls Hwange, Beitbridge, Masingo, Kwekwe, Kadoma,

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DISCOUNTS Whilst it is not mandatory it is suggested, for the sake of uniformity, that these discounts be made from the premium rather than the aggregate rate. The discounts must not be added together but a separate calculation made for each applicable discount. 1. MAGNITUDE

It is permissible to allow a discount on the grounds of magnitude in connection with risks ratable under certain Annexures. Scale A (Applicable to Annexures 2 (Section C only), 12,28,31,33,34,35,38) Sum Insured $500 000 to $999 999 $1 000 000 to $1 499 999 $1 500 000 to $1 999 999 $2 000 000 and above $5 000 000 and above ) ) ) ) in Zimbabwe Discount 8% 15% 20% 40% 40%


Scale B (Applicable to Annexures 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40) Sum Insured $500 000 and above in Zimbabwe Discount 15%

Note No discount for magnitude is applicable to Annexures 5, 22 or Sections A and B of Annexure 2. 2. PUBLIC AND CHURCH BODIES

Risks coming within the following categories are subject to a discount of 25%. Government Departments and Government Harbor, Hospital School and Water Boards And/or Provincial Councils and/or City and/or Municipal Councils (which include any officially recognized Town or Village Management Board, Health Committee or similar local Authority) Proprietary Railway Companies Church Properties those organisations registered in terms of the Welfare Organisations Act, 1966.

and/or and/or and/or

Note 1 - It is not permissible to extend this discount to Third Parties even when the Policy concerned is completed in the sole name of the Government or of the above Bodies. Note 2 - Zimbabwe Railways risks are exempted from the scope of this Tariff.

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Discounts may be allowed for the installation of Fire Extinguishing Equipment, Automatic Alarms and Automatic Sprinkler Installations where these comply with the Regulations of The Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau. The discounts allowable are those laid down or approved by the said Bureau. 4. LONG TERM AGREEMENTS

Discounts for Long Term Agreements may be allowed. 5. DEDUCTIBLES

Discounts for Deductibles may be granted by the Standing Committee where the sum insured is at least $5 000 000 in Zimbabwe or $10 000 000 worldwide.

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Basic Rates From Bitumen case manufactures 0.22% Rubber case manufacturers Goods Plate and separator and/or accumulator assembly (no case making) 0.14% Dismantlers, repairers and reassemblers 0.26% Pitch distillers in open 0.30% To 0.176%

See Rubber 0.112% 0.200% 0.24%

Warranties Delete

Loading to From To 0.016% 0.016% 0.112% per machine 0.024% 0.032% 0.048% 0.022%

1. Warranted no drying by artificial heat other than steam 0.02% 2. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.02% 3. Warranted no pitch distillation is done 0.14% 4. Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.03% 5. Warranted no rubber solution is used 0.04% 6. Warranted no acetylene generation is done 0.06% 7. Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.028%

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ANNEXURE 2 AGRICULTURE SECTION SECTION SECTION A CROPS (Excluding Tobacco) N.B.1. Short period rates are not applicable to any insurances on crops. N.B.2. The discounts for magnitude under Section 5 of Agreement D do not apply to any insurances on crops. N.B.3. Average may be deleted if the following wording is used. The sum insured hereby and the premium and hereon are provisional only being based upon the Insureds estimate of the value of the whole crop of the aforesaid farm and the Insured undertakes by acceptance of the Policy to declare to the Company at the end of the season the total value of the said crop as ascertained by sales and including the value of any portion of the crop retained for own use. If the total value so declared shall be either greater or less than the estimated figure on which the premium has been paid the difference in premium shall be paid by or refunded to the Insured as the case may be. Provided that if a claim shall have been made under this Policy the amount paid or payable in respect thereof shall be included in such declaration. Provided further that the limit of liability in respect of any one claim shall not exceed the sum insured hereby. 1. months But not exceeding 12 months (a) Maize On first $100 000 On $100 000 to $200 000 On $200 000 to $200 000 On $300 000 to $400 000 On $400 000 to $500 000 0.5% 0.42% 0.34% 0.28% 0.26% 0.6% 0.52% 0.44% 0.4% 0.36% 0.4% 0.4% Including growing risk Not exceeding 4 months Basic Rates Exceeding 4 A Crops (Excluding Tobacco). B Tobacco buildings and crops. SECTION SECTION C Miscellaneous . D Warranties .

(b) (c)

Wheat, Barley, Oats Any period not exceeding 12 months Sorghum Any period not exceeding 12 months subject to Warranty 7 Sugar Cane Any period not exceeding 12 months



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Cotton Any period not exceeding 12 months subject to Warranties 1,5,7, On first $10 000 On $10 001 to $20 000 On excess of $20 000 Coffee Beans Any period not exceeding 12 months subject to Warranties 1,7,8 Coffee Trees (Excluding Coffee Nurseries) Subject to Warranty 1. Tea Bushes Subject to Warranty 1 Other Crops Refer to Standing Committee

0.38% 0.3% 0.22% 0.l4% 0.14% 0.14%

(f) (g) (h) (i) Policy Wording

On Maize (or insert the crop to be insured), the property of the Insured only farm lands, whether growing, standing, cut or picked and produce derived therefrom whilst in the open and/or in any building on the Insureds farm known as . And/or whilst in transit until final delivery to Buyers and/or Agents premises in Zimbabwe. 2. Excluding growing risk Rates (a) Coffee Beans Subject to Warranties 1,7,8 (b) Groundnuts Subject to Warranties 1,6,7 Basic 0.14% On first $10 000 On $10 001 to $20 000 On excess of $20 000 On first $10 000 On $10 001 to $20 000 On excess of $20 000 See section B. 0.18% Warranted that no process other than drying be carried on. Refer to Standing Committee 0.24% 0.20% 0.16% 0.20% 0.16% 0.12%


Cotton Subject to Warranties 1,5,7.

(d) (e) (f)

Tobacco Leaf Soya Beans Subject to Warranties 6,7.

Chicory Subject of Warranty 1 and to the following: Other crops


(g) Policy Wording

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On Coffee Beans (or insert the crop to be insured), the property of the Insured only from the time of reaping or picking whilst in the open and/or in any building on the Insureds farm known as ...and/or whilst in transit until delivered to Buyers and/or Agents premises in Zimbabwe. SECTION B TOBACCO BUILDING AND CROPS N.B.1. Short period rates are not applicable to any insurance on crops. N.B.2. The discounts for magnitude under Section 5 of Agreement D do not apply to any insurances on tobacco buildings or crops or other commodities rateable under this Section. N.B.3. An approved Curing Unit shall be any one of the following: Apex Steam Curing Unit Hasler-Brown Curing System Reunert & Lenz Tobacco Curing Unit Spiral Tube Companys Steam Heated Tobacco Curing Unit. N.B.4. Sums insured on more than one farm in identical ownership under one policy may be accumulated for the purposes of Sections 2(a) and 2(b). 1. Buildings (a) Tobacco Flue Curing Barns and other buildings used for the processing and/or storage of Virginia Tobacco communicating therewith or separated therefrom by less than 6 metres Basic Rates (i) (ii) (iii) (b) Subject to Warranty 9 Subject to Warranties 9,11 Subject to Warranty 10 0.6% 0.3% 0.12%

Tobacco Air Curing Barns and other buildings used for the processing and/or storage of Burley Tobacco communicating therewith or separated therefrom by less than 6 metres. Subject to Warranty 10 0.30%


All other buildings detached from the above by more than 6 metres and used for the processing and/or storage of Tobacco. Subject to Warranty 10 0.133%


Tobacco Leaf (a) On the basis of Policy Wording 1 (Full Field to Floor) (i) With Approved Curing Units (Subject to Warranties 9,11)

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On first $30 000 On $30 001 to $60 000 On excess of $60 000

0.20% 0.16% 0.14%

Basic Rates (ii) Without Approved Curing Units (Subject to Warranty 9) On first $30 000 On $30 001 to $60 000 On excess of $60 000 (iii) (iv) (b) Air Cured in Barns Subject to Warranty 10 Air Cured in open Subject to Warranty 10 0.40% 0.32% 0.28% 0.30% 0.14%

On the basis of Policy Wording 2 (Full Field to Floor with part Approved Curing Units). Where only some of the Insureds barns have an Approved Curing Unit the provisional premium shall be calculated as follows but the actual premium shall be calculated on the declared sums insured according to the rates applicable under (a) (I) and (a) (ii) above. Subject to Warranty 9 (No Smoke Curing) On first $30 000 On $30 001 to $60 000 On excess of $60 000 Without Warranty 9 (With Smoke Curing) On first $30 000 On $30 001 to $60 000 On excess of $60 000 The Form of Declaration to be used is as follows: Declaration under Policy No . $. 0.375% 0.315% 0.285% 0.30% 0.24% 0.210%

. (a) (b) Total Gross Sales (i) (ii) Weight of all the Tobacco cured in barns provided with .. curing unit, .. kg. Weight of all the Tobacco cured in the remaining barns kg.

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I/We hereby declare that the statement as set forth above represents the actual gross sales and weights of all Virginia Tobacco Leaf grown on Farm/Farms district of during the 19/ Season. (c) On the basis of Policy wording 3 (Field to Floor excluding Barn Risk and Buildings communicating therewith) Subject to Warranty 12 (d) (e) (f) On the basis of Policy Wording 4 (Field to Floor excluding Barn Risk) Subject to Warranty 10 On the basis of Policy Wording 5 (Storage Risk Only excluding Barn Risk and Buildings communicating therewith) On the basis of Policy Wording 6 (Storage Risk Only excluding Barn Risk) Subject to Warranty 10 0.22% 0.14%

0.12% 0.20%

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SECTION MISCELLANEOUS N.B.1. Fodder or Eorage shall mean Grass Hay, Oat Hay, Chaff, Straw, Alfalfa and Lucerne. N.B.2. Grain shall include Groundnuts. N.B.3. There is no loading for construction on Bulk Oil Storage Tanks. N.B.4. Agricultural Vehicle shall mean any type of tractor or traction engine, any self propelled agricultural implement or any manually assisted agricultural implement used solely for agricultural work or operations incidental thereto. N.B.5. Grinding and/or cutting of grain, fodder and forage for own use only, i.e. not for sale or reward, is allowed without loading. Basic Rates From To 1. Fruit and Vegetable Processing. Buildings used for washing, waxing, grading and packing fruit and vegetables, also preserving and processing sheds on farms for fruit and vegetables where power does not exceed 4 kw. Subject to Warranty 3 0.12% 2. Wineries on Farms. Wine cellars with maturation, blending and/or fortification of (no extra for Distilling) 0.12% N.B. 3. Storage of spirit for fortification of wine is allowed without loading 0.09% 0.09%

Farm Stalls. (a) (b) Selling agricultural produce only 0.32% Otherwise 0.36% 0.24% 0.27% 0.090%

4. 5.

All other Farm Buildings (including Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks) Subject to Warranty 2 0.12% Implements, Utensils, Farming Requisites and Livestock (not otherwise provided for) (a) Whilst in the open on any farm. 0.12%


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(b) Whilst in a specified farm building building (c) Whilst in a specified farm building or buildings and/or whilst in the highest open on any farm rated building. Whilst in any unspecified farm building or buildings and/or whilst in 0.24% the open on any farm rated

Same rate as Apply rate of


0.18% or rate of highest


building whichever is higher. Whilst in any buildings and/or in the open and/or whilst in transit anywhere in Zimbabwe 0.225% 0.3%

Basic Rates From 6. To

Agricultural Vehicles and non-mobile Machinery Whilst moving or in operation or silent in the open or whilst in any building Anywhere in Zimbabwe 0.30% 0.225%


Grain stored in the on farms. (a) 0.30% (b) 0.08% Subject to Warranty 1 In tanks or silos 0.225% 0.06%


Fodder or Forage in the open on farms (a) (b) Baled subject to Warranty 1 0.60% Not baled subject to Warranty 1 0.70% 0.450% 0.525% 0.225%

Subject to a minimum short term rate of 0.30% 9. Fruit or Vegetables in the open on farms. Subject to Warranty 1 0.12% 10. 10 Orchards and Vineyards 0.32%

0.90% 0.24%

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Plantations of Growing Trees (other than Orchards and Vineyards) A. B. Full Value - To be specially rated by the Standing committee First Loss Basis To be specially rated by the Growing timber Consortium of the Insurance Council.

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SECTION D Warranties to delete TO 1. Warranted not within 10 metres of any stacks, stubble or bush (a) Risk rateable under sub-sections 1(d), 1(e), 1(f), 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) of section A 0.10% 0.075% Loading FROM


Risks rateable under-section 7 of Section C (Grain in the open) 0.225% 0.30% (c) Risks rateable under sub-section 8 of Section C (Fodder or Forage in the open) (i) 0.12% (ii) 0.10% Baled Not baled 0.09% 0.075%


Risks rateable under sub-section 9 of Section C (Fruit or Vegetables in the open) 0.18%

0.135% 0.06%

2. 3.

Warranted that no drying of mealies by artificial heat be carried on 0.08% (a) Warranted that no artificial heat other than steam generated outside the building is used 0.03% Warranted that no power other than electric motors with power not exceeding 4 kw in the aggregate is used, there being no power generated within the building 0.02% Warranted that no ripening, colouring or fumigation be done by (i) (ii) Sulphur burning 0.02% Ethylene Oxide, Acetylene or similar 0.105 inflammable gases and 0.20% With Warranty 4 Without Warranty 4





0.015% 0.075% 0.168% 0.045% 0.150%

(iii) 0.06% (d)

Liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC

It is a condition of this insurance that the Company shall not be liable for loss 0.2%

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or damage which may be caused by a change of temperature resulting from the of the gross total or partial destruction or disablement by fire of the Refrigerating Plant rate (e) Warranted that no liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC are stored or used in the building 0.02% *These two loadings are not cumulative. 4. Warranted that the gas installation be installed and kept in accordance with the following regulations:(a) The heating of the rooms in which the gas is used shall be by low pressure hot water or low pressure steam pipes or radiators only, fed in either case from a boiler external to the rooms in which the gas is used. No artificial light other than electric light shall be allowed and (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) All lamps shall be flameproof fittings. No portable lamps and no flexibles and no plugs or sockets shall be allowed inside the chambers. All switches and fuses shall be outside the chamber. All electric motors used inside the chamber shall be of flameproof type and all switch and starting gear connected with it shall be outside the chamber. See 3(c)(ii) above



(c) (d)

Smoking and the use of any naked light shall be prohibited in or near the chamber. Spare cylinders of gas shall be kept in a dry, well ventilated building outside the main premises See 0.075%

5. Warranted that no process be carried on. annexure 9 6. 7. Warranted that no process other than shelling be carried on. 0.10% Warranted that no drying by artificial heat be done. (a) Coffee and Soya Beans 0.100% (b) annexure 9 (c) annexure 3 8. Cotton Groundnuts

0.80% See See

Warranted that no process be carried on other than pulping, fermenting, drying, packing, husking and grading annexure 32


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9. 10.

Warranted that no smoke curing be carried on. 0.15% Warranted that no curing of Tobacco be done in which artificial heat, hot air or smoke is used without the prior written consent of the Company and payment of the additional premium applicable Section B




Warranted that, except as otherwise stated, all barns in which curing by artificial heat is carried on are provided with (here insert trade name of curing system) ..curing units. Section B 12. Warranted that none of the buildings described herein is used for, or communicates with, a building used for stringing, curing, bulking, grading or storage of tobacco Section B



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ANNEXURE 3 BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Delete FROM TO Warranties 1. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Warranted no sugar or starch grinding is done Warranted no roasting of nuts, beans or grain be done (excluding 4 above) Warranted no boiling of sugar be done other than by steam Warranted no fumigation of nuts, grains or beans be done Warranted no bulk storage of sugar or salt petre within the factory Warranted not more than sufficient packing and wrapping materials for one days use are brought in the factory at any one time Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.028% 0.035% 0.020% 0.025% 0.048% 0.069% 0.040% 0.050% 0.160% 0.200% 0.020% 0.025% 0.020% 0.025% 0.030% 0.037% per machine 0.040% 0.050% Bakeries Biscuits and macaroni factories Sweet and Chocolate factories Peanut and Popcorn processors 0.200% 0.250% 0.220% 0.275% 0.180% 0.275% 0.240% 0.300% Loading to

Explosion: Where sugar or starch grinding is done rate as Class 11.

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ANNEXURE 4 BRUSH, CANE AND BASKET WORKS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Brush making shops Handle dipping and spraying sheds only Spraying sheds only Woodworking shops only 0.380% 0.475% 0.700% 0.875% 0.500% 0.625% 0.300% 0.375% Rate under 0.300% 0.375% 0.220% 0.275% Loading to delete FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used Warranted no spraying or dipping is done Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory Warranted no heat process other than by steam Warranted no heckling or teasing by power is done Warranted no upholstering is done Warranted all waste is swept up and remove from the factory daily 0.024% 0.030% 0.08% 0.10%

5. Upholstery shops only upholstery 6. 7. fibre preparation only Cane chair or basket assembly


0.032% 0.04% 0.048% 0.06% 0.024% 0.300% 0.08% 0.08% 0.10% 0.10%

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 5 BUILDERS RISK Basic Rates 1. Where the sum insured represents the estimated completed value of the building from the time that building material is deposited on the site until such time as the building is completed, including builders plant, materials and tools on the building site 0.02% Where the sum insured is increased as the building progresses, including builders plant. materials and tools on the building site 0.04% Where the period of contract is expected to exceed 12 months, the sum insured in respect of any one risk or complex shall represent the value of the work which it is estimated will have been completed at the end of each year of insurance 0.02% In respect of Housing Schemes, it is permissible to give cover for the maximum value of Houses which it is expected will at any one time be in course of erection and completed but not handed over 0.04%




Notes 1. In the case of annual insurances effected under 1 and 3 above, where the final period of insurance repuired is for less than one year, it is permissible to issue a policy at a pro rata premium. If any building is occupied or partly occupied prior to completion, the rate to be charged must be amended to that applicable to the occupation. Loading 0.03% per


Warranties to delete 1. Warranted that during the currency of this Policy there be on the building site no woodworking machines using power in excess of 4 kw any power unit. machine

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ANNEXURE 6 BUILDING MATERIALS AND CERAMICS Basic Rates FROM 1. TO Manufacturers of asbestos cement products including tiles, building blocks, sheets, boards and blankets. 0.08% Burnt brick and tile works, ceramics and pottery works 0.1% Precast, prestressed concrete manufacturers 0.08% Cement factories 0.08% Plaster ceiling boards and wall boards 0.14% Stone crushers, marble and slate works and processors of non-hazardous minerals such as Vermiculite, Mica and Kaolin 0.1% 0.064% 0.08% 0.064% 0.064% 0.112%

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

0.08% Loading FROM TO 0.016% 0.032%

Warranties to delete

1. 2. 3.

Warranted no lime quenching or slaking is done 0.02% Warranted no painting, glazing or varnishing is done 0.04% Warranted no paper, straw, woodwool or similar combustible materials are stored within the processing building 0.04% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.029% Warranted all combustilbe waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.04%

0.032% 0.024%

4. 5.


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ANNEXURE 7 CHEMICALS AND MINERAL OILS Basic Rates FROM TO Manufacturers of chemical compounds, mineral oils and grease, waxes, candles and polishes, insecticides, wood preservatives, bitumen and the like 0.18% Warranties to delete 0.114% Loading FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted no artificial heat is used in any manufacturing process 0.04% Warranted no manufacturing process is carried on involving the use of liquids giving off inflammable vapour:(a) 0.06% (b) 0.2% (c) 0.32% Note: 3. 4. Having a flash point under 175oC. Having a flash point under 50oC. Having a flash point under 25oC. The loadings under 2(a) (b) and (c) are not cumulative. 0.032% 0.048% 0.16% 0.256% 0.032%

Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.04% Warranted all electrical equipment is of the flameproof type where liquids off inflammable vapour under 175oC. are used 0.12% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.029%

0.096% 0.024% per

5. machine

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered. Explosion TO FROM

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Where Warranty 2(c) cannot be complied with 0.06% Where Warranty 2(b) cannot be complied with 0.04% Otherwise Class 11.

0.029% 0.02% Rate as

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ANNEXURE 8 CLOTHING FACTORIES Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Tailors, Dressmakers and Costumiers workshops (not forming part of a retail shop) (a) (b) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. With power not exceeding 1.5 kw 0.12% Otherwise 0.16% 0.100% 0.12% 0.12% 0.17% 0.22% 0.24% 0.33% 0.44% 0.336% Loading to delete FROM TO 1. Warranted that all irons are protected by either: (a) (b) A metal stand at least 25 mm high standing on a incombustible base or A portion of the ironing table being cut away and replaced by a metal grid having a minimum superficial area of at least 0.1m2 or three times the size of the iron used, whichever is the greater or A counter-weight or other similar contrivance which prevents direct contact between the idle iron and the table 0.04% 0.032%

Factories for the manufacture of clothing, hosiery and knitted garments 0.16% Manufacturing Milliners and Furriers 0.22% Hood manufacturers 0.28% Block-making only 0.30% Stiffening and/or Drying and/or Spraying only 0.42% Leather clothing manufacturers excluding boots and shoes 0.18% Waterproof clothing manufacturers 0.42%


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Warranted that all switches controlling electrically heated irons are fitted with warning lights or are of a type where the current is automatically switched off when not in use. 0.02% Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.04% Warranted that no garment fusing process involving the use of inflammable liquids is carried on 0.04% Warranted that no brushing or raising is done 0.04% Warranted that no drying of garments or fabrics be done other than by steam, hot water apparatus or electricity 0.1% Warranted that no stiffening be carried on (not applicable to 7 above) 0.1% Warranted no water-proofing is done 0.24% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.029% Warranted that all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.1%

0.016% 0.032%

3. 4.

0.032% 0.032%

5. 6.

0.08% 0.8% 0.92% 0.24% 0.08%

7. 8. 9. 10.

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ANNEXURE 9 COTTON Basic Rates FROM 1. TO Cotton Ginneries and buildings used for bale opening, blowing and mixing (a) (b) (c) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Buildings 0.34% Machinery 1.2% Stock 5% 0.272% 0.96% 4% 0.24% 0.44% 0.112% 0.32% 0.32% 0.64% Loading FROM 1. 2. TO Warranted no boiler in communication with the ginnery/mill 0.04% Warranted that all ginning machines are fitted with magnetic separators and driven with totally enclosed airblast or mechanical conveyors 0.16% Warranted that all lint fly and other waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.1% 0.032%

Carding, preparing and spinning 0.3% Weaving, warping, winding and taping 0.18% Bleaching and dying 0.14% Buildings used for storage and grading of seed cotton 0.4% Baled cotton in the open 0.4% Cotton and/or cotton seed in the open 0.8%

Warranties to delete




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4. 5.

Warranted that no mule spinning be carried on 0.14% Warranted that, if mule spinning is carried on, the ceiling above the headstock is protected 0.1% Warranted that not more than 20 000 mules are used for spinning 0.06%


0.08% 0.048% per 10


000 in excess 7. Warranted that not more than 10 jacquard looms are used 0.04% 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Warranted that no healds other than metal be stored 0.04% Warranted no singeing is done 0.42% Warranted that no raising is done other than by teasles 0.04% Warranted that no flannelette finishing is done 0.3% Warranted that all irons are protected by either (a) (b) a metal stand at least 25mm high standing on an incombustible base, or a portion of the ironing table being cut away and replaced by metal grid having a minimum superficial area of 0.2m2 or three times the size of the iron used, whichever is the greater, or a counterweight or other contrivance which prevents direct contact between the idle iron and the table 0.04%

0.032% 0.32% 0.336% 0.032% 0.24%




Warranted that all switches controlling electricity heated irons are fitted with warning lights or are of a type where the current is automatically switched off when not in use 0.02% The loadings under Warranties 4 and 5 cumulative.



Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 10 DAIRY PRODUCE Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Buildings used for pasteurising, sterilising or separating milk or cream and for the manufacture of butter, evaporated or condensed milk, ice cream or soft cheese (processed cheese) Factories manufacturing cheese, dried, powdered and malted milk and similar food products 0.08% 0.1%


0.112% 0.14% Loading to

Delete Warranties 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory Warranted no power other than electricity motors Warranted no bulk storage of sugar or salt petre within the factory Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used other than nailers Warranted that no more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials be brought into the building at any one time Warranted no paraffin, paraffin wax or other inflammable liquid used in any process of cheese making Warranted no fumigation of cheese curing rooms by ethyleneoxide or Warranted no grinding or powdered milk, lactose, coffee, malt or cocoa Warranted no roasting of coffee or cocoa beans or malt Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily FROM TO 0.016% 0.02% 0.016% 0.02% 0.008% 0.009% 0.032% 0.04% per machine 0.016% 0.02% 0.032% 0.04% 0.032% 0.04% 0.032% 0.04% 0.32% 0.04%

Explosion: Where Warranty 8 cannot be complied with rate as Class II.

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ANNEXURE 11 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CANNERIES, JAM AND DRIED FRUIT FACTORIES Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. Fruit and vegetable canneries and soup manufacturers 0.104% Jam and jelly manufacturers 0.128% Dried, Dehydrated, crystallised and glace fruit and vegetable factories 0.14% 0.083% 0.102% 0.112% Loading to delete FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.04% Warranted no power other than by electric motors 0.02% Warranted no drying or dehydration be done 0.04% Warranted no bulk storage of sugar or salt petre within the factory 0.009% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used other than mailers 0.04% 0.032% 0.016% 0.032% 0.008% 0.032% per machine 6. Warranted no fumigation or fruit ripening be done other than by use of methyl 7. Bromide or other non-inflammable agents 0.12% 8. Warranted no refrigeration be carried out other than by use of Ammonia or Freon in rooms insulated by solid compressed blocks of cork only 0.06% Warranted all stocks in refrigeration are subject to the Temperature Clause 0.02% Warranted not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials be brought into the factory daily 0.02%


0.048% 0.016%

8. 9.


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ANNEXURE 12 GENERAL Basic Rates FROM TO Ablutions 0.076% Agricultural Showgrounds all buildings unless occupied for manufacturing purposes 0.12% Ambulance Rooms Clockrooms Amusement Parks (Playgrounds) in buildings 0.3% Art Galleries and Art Studios no picture framing, retail trade or photography 0.076% Assayers 0.126% Asylums for the mentally ill 0.126% Asylums (other) houses and the like (*excluding workshops) 0.126% Asylums (other) houses and the like (*excluding workshops) 0.16% *Any perfectly separated workshop or laundry to be rated under its class. Auctioneers Sale Rooms (a) Sale of Land, Building and/or Livestock only 0.076% (b) All other sales 0.229% Band Stands 0.076% Barracks (a) Living Quarters, Offices and/or Churches 0.076% (b) All other risks (including Y.M.C.A. and other canteens) but excluding 0.056% 0.056% 0.172% 0.056% 0.094% 0.094% 0.120% 0.056% 0.149% See 0.224% 0.056% 0.094%

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civilian trade risks (rate according to classification) 0.16% Bars and Beer Halls (no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned) 0.16% Baths (Swimming) 0.126% Baths (Turkish, Finn or Sauna) 0.229% Battery Service Stations (no other trade) 0.2% Billiard Saloons 0.160%


0.12% 0.094% 0.172% 0.149% 0.12%

Blacksmiths and Farriers (a) No woodworking 0.160% (b)


Rate as

With woodworking

Blood Transfusion Centres 0.076% Boarding Houses, Lodging Houses, Private Hotels (no liquor licence) and Residential Chambers 0.076% Boating Sheds (a) Private 0.126% (b) Others 0.160% Boiler and Engine Houses 0.200% Boot and Shoe Receiving Depots (no process) 0.200% Boot and Shoe Repairers Workshops (a) Hand power only 0.229% (b) 0.30% Power not exceeding 4 kw

0.056% 0.056%

0.094% 0.120% 0.149% 0.149%

0.172% 0.224%

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Broadcasting and Television Studios 0.20% Broadcasting and Television Transmitting and/or Relaying Stations (a) 0.16% With Electrical Clause


0.120% 0.172% Refer to

(b) Without Electrical Clause 0.229% Bus and Tramway Sheds, together with all buildings, plant and materials, plant and materials Standing used in connection therewith (except shelters and buildings occupied solely as offices) and Committee all Rolling Stock, either on the road or in the sheds Bus Passenger Shelters 0.076% Cabaret Restaurants and Night Clubs (no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned) 0.300% Campaniles 0.076% Camps (other than Military or Police) Hotels Canteens (civilian) Staff Canteens Carpet Beating Works 0.229% Change Rooms 0.076% Churches, Chapels and other places of public worship 0.076% Cleaners and Dyers Receiving Depots (no process) 0.200% Clinics 0.200% Cloakrooms, Rest-Rooms, Ambulance and First Aid Rooms Clubs (private) including Private Recreation and Sports Clubs used exclusively as such


0.224% 0.056% Rate as See


0.056% 0.056% 0.149% 0.149% 0.056% 0.076%

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(a) No liquor licence other than temporary 0.076% 11 (b) Otherwise (no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned)


0.12% 0.160% 0.56% 0.149%

Colleges and Schools (including all ancillary buildings) 0.076% Commercial and Industrial Exhibitions 0.200% Commercial Exchanges such as Wool, Cotton, Stock, Grain and Sugar (provided no stocks are held in the building) 0.076% Compounds (other than Military or Police) 0.076% Compressor Houses 0.20% Conservatories, other than Nurserymen (glass construction) 0.076% Convalescent Houses 0.076% Convents 0.076% Crematoriums 0.076% Cricket Pavilions and Stands Ground Stands Dairies (private) 0.076% Dance Studios 0.126% Dentists Consulting Rooms (a) No Dental Mechanics Workshop 0.076% (b) 0.16% Destructers 0.20% With Dental Mechanics Workshop

0.056% 0.056% 0.149% 0.056% 0.056% 0.056% 0.056% See Sports 0.056% 0.094%

0.056% 0.120% 0.149%

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Diamond Cutters and Polishers 0.160% Dectors Consulting Rooms 0.076% Dog Training and Breeding Establishments including Kennels 0.160% Drill Halls Public Halls Dwelling Houses 0.076%

0.120% 0.056% 0.120% Rate as 0.056%

Electric Light and/or Power Stations and Substations (a) With Electrical Clause 0.229% (b) Without Electrical Clause 0.300% Electrical Contractors, Domestic Electrical Appliances, Radio, Television and Refrigerator Engineers workshops but excluding premises where goods are manufactured (a) No woodworking 0.229% (b) Woodworkers With woodworking 0.172% Rate as 0.149% 0.094% 0.149% 0.172% 0.056% 0.056% See 0.172% 0.224%

Engine and Boiler Houses 0.20% Engravers Workshops 0.126% Exhibition Halls 0.200% Feather Sorters 0.229% Fences, Gates, Boundary and Retaining Walls 0.076% Fire Brigade Stations (no discount for Appliances) 0.076% First Aid Rooms cloakrooms

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Flats 0.076% Goals 0.076% Garages, private (excluding public parking garages and any repair work involving heat and/or spraying) 0.076% Gate Houses 0.076% Glass Houses, Nurserymen Nurserymen Glass Houses, private (glass construction) 0.076% Golf Pavilions or Golf Clubhouses Stands Golf Professional Shops at Golf Clubs Gymnasiums (If Bazaars, Cinematograph or Theatrical performances, See Public Halls) 0.076% Hairdressing Saloons 0.229% Hospitals 0.076% Hostels 0.076%

0.056% 0.056%

0.056% 0.056% See 0.056% Grounds

0.056% 0.172%

0.056% 0.056%

Hotels Licensed (no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned) (a) (b) Main Building 0.200% Stables 0.229% 0.149% 0.172% See 0.120% See Boarding

(c) Motor Garages Garages, private (d) Other buildings 0.160% Hotels, Private (no liquor licence) Houses

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Hydropathic Establishments 0.200% Institutes Clubs Incinerators Destructors Ice Manufacturer (subject to Temperature Clause) 0.126% Jetties and Piers ( (i) Any superstructure to be rated according to class (ii) (a) (b) (c) A wooden railing shall not affect the rating)

0.149% See See 0.094%

Constructed entirely of incombustible material 0.126% As above but having timber decking 0.160% Otherwise than above 0.229%

0.094% 0.120% 0.172%

Jewellers, working or manufacturing (a) (b) Having no saleshop and with not more than 5 hands engaged in manufacture 0.200% Operating in a private dwelling house 0.076% 0.149% 0.056% 0.149% 0.149% 0.056% 0.056%

Laboratories 0.200% Laundry Receiving Depots (no process) 0.200% Law Courts 0.076% Libraries, Public 0.076% Liquid Fuel Delivery Pump Installations and Canopies (a) If the pumps are in or under or within 6 metres of a Building 0.126%

0.094% or

Building rate whichever is higher

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Otherwise 0.126%

0.094% See Sale

Livestock Yards and Livestock Yards Lodge Rooms Clubs Lodging Houses Houses Markets, Public Market Gardeners Nurserymen Masons, Marble or Stone Maternity Homes Military Camps Barracks Hotels Hotels Museums Night Clubs Restaurants Nurserymen and Market Gardens (a) (b) (c) Hot Houses (glass) Hot Houses (plastic) Produce stalls

See See Boarding 0.172% 0.229% See 0.094% 0.126% 0.056% 0.076% See See 0.056% 0.076% See Cabaret

0.094% 0.126% 0.172% 0.229% 0.149% 0.200% 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076%

Nurses Homes Nursing Homes Observatories

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Office Machine Repair Workshops (a) (b) Offices Outbuildings to dwellings (including Stables) Painters and Paperhangers workshops Parliament Houses Pavilions Grounds Stands Petrol Pumps liquid Fuel Delivery Pumps Installations Photographic Studies Plumbers Workshops Police Courts Post Offices Public Halls (no liqour licence other than temporary and no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned.) Bazaars, concerts, dances, and cinematographic performances using only portable projectors and slow burning film of 16 mm or under allowed without extra charge. Pumping Stations and Waterworks Quarters (not Military or Police) Race Course Stands Grounds Stands 0.172% 0.229% 0.149% 0.200% 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076% See No power driven woodworking machinery Otherwise Woodworkers 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076% 0.224% 0.300% 0.056% 0.076% See Sports 0.172% 0.229% Rate as

0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076% See Sports

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Railway Engines and Running Sheds Railway Stations Railway, miniature rolling stock, buildings and all appurtenances Reading Rooms Reformatories Restaurants (if there be built-in fish frying equipment refer to Fish Shops in Annexure 28) No charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned. Rest-Rooms Cloakrooms Rubber Stamp Makers Sale and Livestock Yards Sample Rooms Sanatoria (excluding Asylums for the mentally ill) If public liquor license, rate as Hotel. Sauna Baths Baths Schools Colleges Sewing Machine repair workshops (a) (b) No power driven woodworking machinery Otherwise Woodworkers Silent Buildings Unoccupied Buildings Skating Rinks

0.172% 0.229% 0.094% 0.126% 0.120% 0.160% 0.056% 0.076% 0.094% 0.126% 0.172% 0.229% See 0.149% 0.200% 0.120% 0.160% 0.056% 0.076% 0.056% 0.076%

See See

0.172% 0.229% Rate as See 0.120% 0.160%

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Sports Grounds Stands, Pavilions and other buildings in connection on therewith no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stocks of liquor are concerned. (a) Stands without superstructure of wood and iron or external tiers of wooden seats (balconies not to be considered a superstructure) (i) (ii) (b) (c) Stables (a) (b) Private 0.076% Otherwise 0.20% (i) 0.20% No cutting or crushing or fodder 0.056% 0.149% 0.149% 0.172% 0.056% containing no Restaurant, Bar, Tea Room or Change Rooms 0.126% otherwise 0.160% 0.094% 0.120% 0.224% 0.120%

Stands other than as in (a) 0.300% Pavilions and other buildings 0.160%

(ii) Otherwise 0.229% Staff canteens and kitchens (civilian) 0.076% Swimming Pools (i) In connection with private dwellings 0.076% (ii) Public Baths (Swimming) Tank Installations for bulk storage of oils and spirits above ground level up to 2000 litres 0.320% Taxidermists 0.300% Telephone Exchanges 0.076% Timber and wood goods storage yards (no power) not within 30 metres of a saw mill or worker in wood 0.300%

0.056% See 0.200% 0.224% 0.056%


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Town Halls Public Halls Transformer Houses (a) (b) With Electrical Clause 0.126% Without Electrical Clause 0.160%

Rate as

0.094% 0.120% 0.149%

Umbrella Repairs (n0 manufacture) 0.200% Undertakers (a) (b) Chapels and Offices 0.076% Parlours, Mortuaries, Showrooms (i) No woodworking 0.126%


0.094% Rate as

(ii) Otherwise Woodworkers Unoccupied or silent Buildings (a) (b) Private Dwellings only 0.076% Otherwise (Warranty to be inserted in Policy that notice must be given and any requisite extra premium paid when the building becomes tenanted.) 0.126%



Watch and Clock Repairers (a) (b) Having no saleshop 0.200% Operating in a Private Dwelling House 0.076% 0.149% 0.056% Rate Stations & Waterworks Water Borehole Pumps (in the open) 0.076% Water Tanks (no loading for construction) 0.076% Waterworks Buildings and Pumping Stations Pumping Stations 0.056% 0.056% See

Water Borehole Pumphouse under Pumping

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Weigh Houses 0.076% Wharf Sheds and Wharves, Piers and Jetties Jetties and Piers Windmill Pumps 0.076% Wireless and Television Repairers 0.076% Workshops, private and not used for trade purposes 0.076% Zoological Gardens Buildings 0.126%

0.056% See 0.056% 0.056% 0.056% 0.094%

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ANNEXURE 13 GLASS WORKERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. Plate and sheet glass and bottle manufacturers 0.160% Glass benders, cutters, polishers, silverers, blowers and lens grinders. 0.120% 0.128% 0.096%

Warranties Loading to delete FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used. 0.029% Warranted not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials be brought into the factory daily 0.020% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily. 0.028% 0.024%

0.016% 0.022%


Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 14 GRAIN, SPICE AND MALT MILLS AND CATTLE FEED FACTORIES Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flour, mealie and lucerne mills 0.280% Spice mills 0.360% Malt Mills 0.400% Grain and seed cleaning and polishing factories 0.300% Cattle feed factories 0.400% Grain silos not on farms 0.100% 0.224% 0.288% 0.320% 0.240% 0.320% 0.080% Loading

Warranties to delete FROM 1. 2. Warranted no power other than electric motors 0.080% Warranted that all feeds to milling, grinding or other grain processing machines are provided with magnetic separators 0.040% Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.040% Warranted all milling, grinding or other grain processing machines are dust exhausted 0.080% Warranted no roasting is done 0.060% Warranted no fumigation is done 0.200% Warranted no storage of grain, other than in the hoppers of machines, TO


0.032% 0.032%

3. 4.

0.064% 0.048% 0.160%

5. 6. 7.

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or lucome or finisted goods in the building 0.040% 8. Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.040%

0.032% 0.032%

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 25% where the premises are sprinklered. Explosion : Rate as Class III

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ANNEXURE 15 JUTE AND LINEN BAG MANUFACTURERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Sorters and repairers of used bags 0.200% New bag manufacturers sewing only 0.140% Sack or bag cleaning (separate risk) 0.200% Tarpaulin and tent manufacturers and reproofers 0.400% 0.160% 0.112% 0.160% 0.320% Loading FROM TO 1. Warranted no tearing or teasing be done Annexure 40 2. Warranted no power used in connection with sorting or repairing of old bags 0.020% Warranted no priniting or stencilling be done (a) (b) printing press 4. Warranted no tarpaulis are processed under 4 above 5. 6. 7. Warranted no tarpaulins are stored or sorted (not applicable to 4 above) 0.100% Warranted no sack or bag cleaning be done 0.040% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the factory daily 0.040% Rate 0.080% 0.032% 0.032% other than by hand 0.029% by priniting machines 0.029% 0.024% 0.024% per Rate under

Warranties to delete


3. 4.

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Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discount by 25% where the premises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 16 LAUNDRIES AND DRY CLEANERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Using steam, water and safety solvents only (Perchlorethylene, Trichlorethylene or Carbon Tetrachloride) 0.160% Using steam, water and non-safety solvents 0.300% Dry cleaning rooms only using non-safety solvents 0.200% Receiving pressing and finishing rooms only, not communicating with inflammable spirit stores 0.200% Stores for inflammable liquids (a) (b) Warranties to delete TO 1. 2. Warranted no boiler in communication with the premises 0.040% Warranted that all washing or dry cleaning is done only by use under 2 or 3 of water, or perchlorethylene or trichlorethylene or carbon tetrachloride Warranted that all hand irons are protected by either: (a) a metal stand at least 25 mm high, standing on an incombustible base or (b) a portion of the ironing table being cut away and replaced by a metal grid having a minimum superficial area of at least 0.1m2 or three times the size of the iron used, whichever is the greater 0.04% (c) 4. or a counter-weight or other similar contrivance which prevents direct contact between the idle iron and the table. 0.032% Rate above flashing under 65oC flashing over 65oC 0.320% 0.400% 0.160% 0.200% Loading FROM 0.128% 0.240% 0.160% 0.160%

2. 3. 4.




Warranted that all the switches controlling electrically heated irons are provided

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with warning lights 0.02% 5. 6. Warranted that no drying by artificial heat 0.020% Warranted that no liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 65oC are used for spot removing 0.020% Warranted that no washing is done by Benzine and/or White Spirit 0.020% Warranted that no reproofing of Waterproof Clothing is done 0.240%

0.016% 0.016%

0.016% 0.016% 0.192%

7. 8.

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be disounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 17 LEATHER TRADE AND TANNERIES Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Boot and shoe manufacturers, including clicking and cutting, clicking and upper-closing lasting and finishing 0.200% Leather goods manufacturers other than boots and shoes and clothing 0.160% Tanneries (a) tan or lime pits and/or dehairing, fleshing or other wet process 0.140% (b) drying and finishing processes only 0.360% (c) tanning extract factories 0.200% 0.160% 0.128%

2. 3.

0.112% 0.288% 0.160%

Warranties 1. 2. 3. 4. Warranted no artificial heating or drying other than by steam or electricity 0.040% Warranted that all machines are dust exhausted 0.040% Warranted no boiler in communication with factory 0.040% Warranted no cements, adhesives, stains, polishes or other solutions containing liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC are used or stored. 0.040% 0.032% 0.032% 0.032%


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5. 6.

Warranted that no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.029% Warranted not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials are brought into the factory building daily 0.020% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.040%


0.016% 0.032%


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ANNEXURE 18 LIQUOR AND SOFT DRINKS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Mineral water and fruit juice factories 0.100% Breweries 0.140% Distilleries 0.200% Bottling, blending, conditioning, cold storage, packing and despatch (a) with fortification 0.129% (b) without fortification 0.109% 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bottle and cask washing sheds only 0.080% Spirit Stores 0.120% Cooperages, boc making and repair 0.300% Stores for empty bottles 0.100% Stores for casks, staves, sheeks and boxes 0.240% 0.104% 0.088% 0.064% 0.096% 0.240% 0.080% 0.192% Loading FROM TO 1. 2. 3. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.020% Warranted no bulk storage of sugar or salf petre within the factory 0.009% Warranted no power other than electric motors 0.020% 0.016% 0.080% 0.016% 0.080% 0.112% 0.160%

Warranties to delete

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Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines be used other than nailers 0.040%

0.163% per

machine 5. Warranted no sulphuring or caramel burning be done 0.060% 6. 7. Warranted no manufacture of carbonic acid 0.040% Warranted no manufacturing of essence involving use of any spirit 0.060%

0.048% 0.032% 0.048%

Explosion If using Dry Ice or making Carbon Dioxide rate as Class II.

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ANNEXURE 19 MEAT PRODUCTS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Abattoirs, slaughter houses 0.112% Canneries, sausage and polony factories 0.120% Fat rendering workshops 0.200% Smoking or singeing shops 0.240% Offal disposal workshops 0.240% 0.089% 0.096% 0.160% 0.192% 0.192% Loading FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted no boiler in communication with factory building 0.020% Warranted no fat rendering other than by steam pipes (not applicable to 3 above) 0.060% Warranted no smoking, singeing or drying (not applicable) to 4 above) 0.020% Warranted no refrigeration be carried out other than by use of Ammonia or Freon in rooms insulated by solid compressed blocks of cork only 0.060% Warranted all stocks in refrigeration are subject to the Temperature Clause 0.020% Warranted no bulk storage of salt petre or sawdust within the factory 0.009% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines be used than nailers 0.040% Warranted no spice grinding be done 0.020% 0.016%

Warranties to delete

0.0485 0.016%

3. 4.

0.048% 0.016% 0.008% 0.032% 0.016%

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Warranted not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials be brought into the factory daily 0.020% Warranted all waste be swept up and removed from the factory daily 0.020%

0.016% 0.0165


Explosion Where Warranty 8 cannot be compiled with, rate as Class 11.

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ANNEXURE 20 MEDICINES, TOILETRIES AND COSMETICS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Medicine manufacturers 0.260% Medicinal tablet manufacturers 0.120% Essence and flavouring manufacturers 0.200% Ointment, toilet preparations and cosmetics (not perfume) manufacturers 0.200% Perfume manufacturers 0.240% Spirit stores 0.200% 0.208% 0.096% 0.160% 0.160% 0.192% 0.160% Loading FROM TO 1. Warranted no artificial heat other than electricity is used in any Manufacturing process 0.020% Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.029% Warranted no grinding of sugar, rice, starch, ginger or similar substances 0.020% Warranted not more than sufficient packing and wrapping materials for one days use are brought into the factory 0.020% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.040% 0.016% 0.024% 0.016%

Warranties to delete

2. 3. 4.

0.016% 0.032%


Explosion Except in the case of 2 above, rate as Class II.

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ANNEXURE 21 METAL WORKERS AND GENERAL ENGINEERING EXCLUDING Mining Risks and workers in precious metals, plumbers, manufacturing jewellers, coach builders or motor vehicle repairs, boat builders or repairers or any risk in which bitumen, xylonite, celluloid or other plastics are used or stored, or in which magnesium or aluminium is milled, turned, polished ground into power or drawn into wire. Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Metal working shops and stores for metal goods 0.080% Foundries 0.080% Chrome platers and anodisers 0.100% Pattern Stores 0.140% Electrical assemblers, repairers and manufacturers, cable and transformer manufacturers 0.120% General Stores 0.120% Inflammable liquid stores 0.200% Cranes and metal gantries in the open 0.060% Woodworking shops incidental to the above 0.200% Spraying, painting and enameling shops 0.300% 0.064% 0.064% 0.080% 0.112%

0.096% 0.096% 0.160% 0.048% 0.160% 0.240% Loading FROM

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Warranties to delete TO 1. Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used

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In woodworking shops 0.020%

0.016% per

machine (b) Elsewhere 0.029% 2. 3. 4. Warranted no wooden patterns or templates are stored (excluding 4 above) 0.020% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.020% Warranted that not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials are brought into the factory daily 0.020%

0.024% 0.016% 0.016%


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ANNEXURE 22 MINING RISKS 1. purposes including such property when the mine is shut down. 2. All insurances under this Annexure are subject to the Pro Rata condition of Average but are not subject to any of the loadings or deductions under Agreement D or to any discounts for Sprinklers of other Fire Extinguishing Appliances. 3. The Public Authorities requirements Clause and the Alternations Clause may be used without application to the Standing Committee but no amendments to the wordings set out in this Annexure are permitted without authority from the Standing Committee. SECTION A COAL MINES Basic Rates Pit Head Gear, Screening Houses, Screening Houses Plant and Gantries and other Buildings and Plant within 10 metres thereof Screening Houses and Gantries and Screening Houses Plant (including Platforms, Bins and Sleepers) and other Buildings and Plant within 10 metres thereof, warranted all at least 25 metres from Pit Head All other surface risks Underground Equipment Non-Fiery Mines Fiery Mines Explosion Non-Fiery Mines Fiery Mines Where applicable the following warranties are to be inserted: (a) (b) (c) Warranted that all coal extraction be carried out on a panel system. Warranted that no pillar robbing or pillar stripping be undertaken. Warranted that there is no timber in the permanent structure of any shaft. 0.006% 0.009% 0.200% 0.260% 0.140% This Annexure applies to the property of Mining Companies only situate on Mining Areas and used by them in the mining of Coal, Gold, other minerals or precious stones or for subsequent process or ancillary

0.100% 0.053%

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SECTION B MINES OTHER THAN COAL Buildings, Contents and Plant Explosion ANNEXURE 23 MOTOR TRADE Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Motor trade garages and filling stations 0.120% Public parking garages 0.100% Motor vehicle repairers, panel beaters and spray painters 0.120% Coachbuilders 0.112% Motor vehicle, tractor and agricultural implement assemblers 0.120% Motor vehicles whilst in the open and/or in any building in Zimbabwe 0.400% Aircraft hangers 0.120% Aircraft whilst moored or at rest and/or in any building in Zimbabwe 0.600% Boats (with or without power) whilst in the open or in any building in Zimbabwe 0.500% 0.096% 0.080% 0.096% 0.089% 0.096% 0.320% 0.096% 0.480% 0.400% Loading FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted no repairs involving the use of heat 0.060% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.020% 0.048% 0.016% 0.180% 0.003%

Warranties to delete

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3. 4.

Warranted no upholstering is done 0.040% Warranted no teasing of upholstery materials is done 0.060%

0.032% 0.048%

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered

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ANNEXURE 24 PAINT AND VARNISH, PRINTING INKS AND PIGMENTS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Water based paints only 0.140% Oil based paints and synthetic resin paint 0.340% Synthetic resin manufacture 0.400% Cellulose paints, varnish and lacquer 0.700% Linseed oil based inks (no spirits) 0.280% Spirit based inks 0.380% Pigment factories 0.160% 0.112% 0.272% 0.320% 0.560% 0.224% 0.304% 0.128% Loading FROM TO 1. Warranties no artificial heat is used in any manufacturing process 0.040% 0.032% Rate 0.032%

Warranties to delete

2. Warranted no liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 40oC are used or stored under 2-6 above 3. 4. Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.040% Warranted all electrical equipment is of the flameproof type where inflammable liquids are used 0.200% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.040%

0.160% 0.032%


Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered.

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FROM TO Explosion Cellulose Risks 0.060% Varnish risks 0.040% Otherwise 0.020% 0.029% 0.020% 0.012%

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ANNEXURE 25 PAPER AND CARDBOARD Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mills using rags or grasses (esparto and the like) 0.320% Mills using wood pulp, waste paper or bagasse 0.160% Wood pulp in hard pressed bales in the open or in warehouses 0.200% Waste paper in hard pressed bales in the open or in warehouses 0.300% Cardboard box and carton manufacturers 0.149% Manufacturers of paper bags, envelopes, stationery and toilet rolls 0.160% Manufacture of paper hats, streamers, cellophane wrapping and products of a flimsy nature 0.260% Cement sack manufacturers 0.140% Manufacturers of gummed paper, waxed paper, carbon paper and bitumenised paper 0.280% Wallpaper manufacturers 0.140% 0.256% 0.128% 0.160% 0.240% 0.120% 0.128%

0.208% 0.112%

8. 9.

0.224% 0.112% Loading FROM


Warranties to delete TO 1. Warranted no rags or grasses are used or stored under 1 above 2. Warranted no drying of paper by artificial heat other than steam except where such heat forms an integral part of the process machine 0.060%



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3. 4. 5. 6.

Warranted no varnishing or colouring is done 0.040% Warranted no machine sorting of dry raw materials is done 0.060% Warranted no bulk storage of raw materials is done in the mill 0.048%0.060% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.080%

0.032% 0.048%


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ANNEXURE 26 PLASTICS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Thermo setting plastics e.g. Phenol furfurol, Phenol resins. Plastic based on formaldehyde or other aldehydes such as melamine or bakelite protein based resins such as casein, Urea formaldehyde. 0.140% Thermo plastics based on Fluorocarbons such as P.T.F.E. Teflon, Polyamide resins such as nylon, Polycarbonate resins, polyester resins, alkyd Resins, P.V.A. silicone resins. 0.180% Thermo plastics, Acrylonitrite, cellulose acetate, cellophane, ethyl cellulose, hologenated plastics such as P.V.C. and P.V.D.C., methylmethacrylate, Polyethylene e.g. polythene, alkathene, polypropylene, polystyrene (not Expanded), perspex. 0.200% Expand plastics of all kinds, foamed plastics, nitro cellulose based plastics, fibreglass, pryoxylin based plastic. 0.520% Grinding chipping, disintegrating, stripping and shredding shops. 0.240%







0.416% 0.192% Loading FROM


Warranties to delete TO 1. 2. Warranted no artificial heat be used in any manufacturing process 0.040% Warranted not more than one days supply of packing and wrapping materials be brought into the factory daily 0.020% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.029%


0.016% 0.024% per

3. machine 4.

Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.020%

0.016% Rate

5. (a) Warranted no thermo plastics are used or stored under 2,3/4 above

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(b) under 4 above 6. 7.

Warranted no expanded foam plastics or nitro cellulose based plastics, fibreglass or pryexylin based plastics are manufactured, used of stored

Rate 0.032% 0.032% per

Warranted no rubber is used or stored 0.040% Warranted no waste grinding or buffing machines are used 0.040%

machine Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered. Explosion Rate as Class II.

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ANNEXURE 27 PRINTERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Newspapers only 0.180% Jobbing Printers 0.220% Stationery, ruling and lining only and bookbinding 0.140% Silkscreen printers 0.240% Posters and display artists 0.240% Waste paper in hand pressed bales in the open or in warehouses 0.300% Painting and varnishing shops 0.300% 0.144% 0.176% 0.112% 0.192% 0.192% 0.240% 0.240% Loading FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted not more than 10 power driven presses are used 0.040% Warranted no artificial heating or drying is done 0.040% 0.032% 0.032%

Warranties to delete

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3. 4. 5.

Warranted no varnishing or photogravure is done 0.080% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.04% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.080%

0.064% 0.032% 0.064%

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ANNEXURE 28 RETAIL SHOPS Basic Rates FROM TO All shops other than those specified below 0.229% Antique Dealers Furniture Art Dealers (no picture framing) 0.229% Bottle Stores (no charge for inflammable liquids insofar as stock of liquor are concerned) (a) (b) Butchers (a) (b) No smoking or processing of fat involving the use to artificial heat 0.160% With smoking or processing of fat involving the use of artificial heat 0.229% 0.120% 0.172% See 0.149% No bottling of spirits 0.200% With bottling of spirits 0.229% 0.149% 0.172% 0.172% See 0.172%

Cafes (no other trade) Restaurants Dairies (Subject to Temperature clause) 0.200% Delicatessens (a) (b) No built in frying equipment 0229% With built in frying equipment 0.300%

0.172% 0.224%

Fish and Chips Shops (a) (b) No built in fish frying equipment 0.200% With built in fish frying equipment 0.300% 0.149% 0.224%

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Florists 0.200% Furniture and Antique Dealers (a) (b) No upholstering or polishing allowed, but repairs allowed (no power) 0.229% With upholstering, repairs or polishing (no power) 0.300%


0.172% 0.224% See 0.149%

(c) With power Woodworkers Glass Merchants 0.200%

Hardware (a) No power driven woodworking machinery 0.229% 0.172% See 0.149% 0.172%

(b) With power driven woodworking machinery Woodworkers Monumental Masons 0.200% Motor Accessories 0.229% Musical Instruments (a) (b) No repairs 0.229% Polishing and one bench for repairs allowed (no power) 0.300%

0.172% 0.224% See

(c) With power Woodworkers Picture framers and repairs (a) No manufacture or making-up of frames 0.300%

0.224% See 0.224%

(b) Otherwise Woodworkers Secondhand Clothes Dealers 0.300%

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Seedmen 0.200% Tailors (a) Power not exceeding 1.5kw 0.229%


0.172% See See

(b) Otherwise Clothing Factories Wine and Spirit Merchants Bottle Stores

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ANNEXURE 29 ROPE MANUFACTURERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Rope works (a) (b) with manufacturing area perfectly separated from bale opening rooms 0.400% with manufacturing area and bale opening rooms in communication 0.700% 0.320% 0.560%

Warranties Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. 2. 3. Warranted all machines are dust exhausted 0.200% Warranted no storage of raw materials or finished goods in the factory building 0.040% Warranted no process of heating or drying 0.040% 0.160% 0.032% 0.032%

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ANNEXURE 30 RUBBER GOODS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rubber milling (compounding and extruding) 0.360% Manufacturers of rubber goods 0.300% Manufacturers of foam rubber products 0.720% Smokehouses as separate risk 0.800% Tyre manufacturing 0.280% Tyre retreading works 0.300% 0.288% 0.240% 0.576% 0.640% 0.224% 0.240%

Warranties Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. 2. 3. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.029% Warranted no tyre buffing or grinding of rubber is done 0.040% Warranted no use of solvents, adhesives or other solutions containing liquids giving off inflammable vapour under 32oC 0.040% Warranted all machines are dust exhausted 0.080% 0.024% 0.032%

0.032% 0.064% Rate 0.320% 0.024%


5. Warranted no foam rubber products are manufactured under 3 above 6. 7. Warranted no drying be done other than by steam or hot water pipes 0.400% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.229%

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per machine 8. Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.06% 0.048% Rate under

9. Warranted no plastic materials are used or stored Annexure 26

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ANNEXURE 31 SUGAR Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. Sugar mills 0.100% Sugar refineries 0.100% 0.075% 0.075%

Warranties Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. Warranted no repairing of tins, cases and/or drums be done in the factory building or within 6 metres thereof 0.028% Warranted no bulk storage of sugar or other stocks in the factory building 0.120% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.040% 0.020% 0.089% 0.029%

2. 3.

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ANNEXURE 32 TEA AND COFFEE Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Tea manufacturers and blenders 0.160% Coffee manufacturers and blenders 0.220% Roasting rooms only 0.400% Roasting and grinding rooms only 0.480% 0.128% 0.176% 0.320% 0.384%

Warranties Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. 2. 3. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.040% Warranted no grinding of chicory be done 0.040% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the factory daily 0.040% 0.032% 0.032% 0.032%

Sprinkler Dicount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the premises are sprinklered Explosion Where chicory grinding is done rate as Class II

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ANNEXURE 33 THEATRES AND CINEMAS Basic Rates FROM TO Note: Not applicable to buildings in which private film shows only are given or to buildings in which only self-contained portable projectors using non-flammable or slow burning film of 16 mm or under are used. Such risks to be rated according to occupancy of building. Theatres 0.200% Cinemas (a) When the cinema communicates directly or indirectly with a retail shop 0.229% (b) Where there is no such communication 0.160% 3. Drive-in Cinemas (a) Projection booths 0.360% (b) Screen, loudspeakers and ancillary equipment in the open 0.076% (c) Other buildings e.g. restaurants, toilets, offices under Annexure 12 4. Public Halls and/or Town Halls and/or Drill Halls (a) 0.076% (b) With no limit in respect of number of cinema or theatrical performances 0.229% Note: 5. The sale of sweets and refreshments in the case of 2,3 and 4 above is allowed. Film Exchanges and/or Depositories (a) (b) 6. Non-inflammable or slow burning film only 0.160% Otherwise 0.300% 0.120% 0.224% 0.172% With limit of 26 cinema or theatrical performances involving the use of movable scenery in any one year 0.056% 0.269% 0.056% Rate 0.172% 0.120% 0.149%

1. 2.

Films (not subject to any Area Loading)

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(a) (b)

Non-inflammable or slow-burning only 0.400% Otherwise 1.200%

0.300% 0.900%

Warranties Loadings to delete 1. Warranted that any booth containing film projection equipment shall (a) In the case of risks situate within the Municipal areas of Bulawayo, Gatooma, Gwelo, Salisbury and Umtali, have been passed by the Local Authority as complying with the requirements of the said Local Authority. (b) (i) In the case of risks situate elsewhere, comply with the following: brick-work, reinforced concrete or plate walling at least 75mm in thickness. rating scale above (ii) The entrance of the booth shall be fitted with a self-closing, close fitting door of fire-resisting construction, which shall be kept closed at all times when films are being projected and the opening through which the necessary pipes and cables pass into the booth shall be effectively sealed or bushed as the case may be, in order to prevent, as far as possible, the escape of any smoke into the auditorium or any part of the building to which the public is admitted. A door of fireresisting construction shall mean an iron door, a metal-covered door (constructed in accordance with the Insurance Companies rules) or a door construction of teak or oak or other varieties of timber as may be approved by the Standing Committee which must be of not less than 45 mm finished thickness and the frame of which must be bedded solid to the walls and of similar thickness. The booth shall be of sufficient dimensions to allow the operator to work freely, but in no case shall the height be less than 2 metres. The booth shall be ventilated directly to the external air by means of a flue or flues constructed of incombustible material, one flue to be fixed over each projector.


(iii) (iv)


Openings not larger than necessary for effective projection and not exceeding in number two for each projector shall be permitted in the front face of the booth. The openings shall be fitted with fireSee rating scale above resisting screens, which on being released from the inside by fusible links or from the outside by a lever, shall close with smoke-proof joint. 2. 3. 4. Warranted no repairing of films be undertaken in the projection booth. 0.080% Warranted that all films when not in use shall be kept in a metal container 0.060% Warranted that no smoking be allowed in the projection booth or an room used 0.064% 0.048%

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for the storage of films. 0.080%


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ANNEXURE 34 TOBACCO FACTORIES Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Factories and warehouses for the manufacture of cigars, cigarettes, pipe tobacco, snuff or tobacco extract, commercial graders, tobacco auction floors and tobacco buyers 0.100%


Warranties Loadings to delete 1. Warranted no process of any kind except packing, grading and/or stripping by hand or hand power machine only. under 1 above Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.029% Warranted no cardboard carton or wooden box making be carried on 0.020% Warranted no snuff grinding or manufacturing be done 0.009% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines exceeding 1.5 kw in aggregate be used 0.029% Warranted no roasting, re-ordering or disintegrating be done 0.028% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.028% Warranted no process be used involving power driven machinery 0.04% Where Warranty 4 cannot be complied with, rate as Class II Rate 0.022% 0.014% 0.007%

2. 3. 4. 5.

0.022% 0.020% 0.020% 0.029%

6. 7. 8.


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ANNEXURE 35 TRANSIT INSURANCE, FLOATING ITEMS AND GOODS IN THE OPEN (Other than such Property in the Insureds own Premises) Basic Rates FROM TO Advertisement Hoardings 0.240% Agricultural Machinery (not on farms) 0.300% Amusement Parks 0.600% Bituminous Macadam Mixing Machinery 0.400% Boring and Drilling Machines 0.240% Builders Machinery, Plant and Tools 0.200% Caravans including caravan trailers (not self propelled) 0.300% Catering Equipment, crockery, cutlery, chairs etc 0.300% Circuses 0.800% Coal, coke and shale in the open 0.240% Cups, Shields and Trophies 0.200% Electric Service Wiring, meters and equipment in connection therewith (the property of Municipalities or Supply Companies) 0.200% Fertilizers (consignment stocks only) 0.200% Fodder and Forage (not on farms) 1.200% Gas and Electric Meters 0.200% 0.180% 0.149% 0.180% 0.224% 0.449% 0.300% 0.180% 0.149% 0.224% 0.224% 0.600%

0.149% 0.149% 0.900% 0.149%

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Grain in bags (not on farms) 0.300% Hire purchase goods or goods on hire or loan 0.240% Household Goods 0.300% Laundries and Dry Cleaners customers property in transit 0.300% Livestock (mortality risk only) 0.300% Machinery (a) (b) Crated 0.200% Uncrated 0.100%

0.224% 0.180% 0.224% 0.224% 0.224%

0.149% 0.075% 0.089% 0.149% 0.240% 0.600% 0.149% 0.224% 0.240% 0.195% 0.149% 0.449% 0.149%

Molasses or treacle in drums or tanks in the open 0.120% Motor Vehicle spares (excluding Tyres and Tubes) 0.200% Oils, spirits, gases and other hazardous fluids (including empty containers) 0.320% Spray painting equipment (portable) 0.800% Stamp collections 0.200% Storage Cabinets and/or Dispensing Units for ice cream, fruit juices, etc 0.300% Steam, electric and oil driven vehicles and portable engines 0.320% Tea and Coffee 0.260% Telephone equipment 0.200% Tents, erected or otherwise 0.600% Towels and towel cabinets 0.200%

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Tyres and tubes 0.300% Vehicles of all kinds not otherwise provided for and not operating under their own power 0.240% Waste paper in the open 0.500% Weighing machines and scales 0.200% Welding plant (portable) 0.300% Wine and spirit containers (consignment stocks and returnable goods) 0.400% Wood pulp in the open 0.280% The above rates are for a combination of the following: 1. Property in any building(s) 2. 3. Property in any building(s) other than the Insureds own premises 4. 5. Property in transit only anywhere in Zimbabwe 6. If cover is required for 1,2 and 3 on their own, reduce the above rates by 33.33%

0.224% 0.180% 0.375% 0.149% 0.224% 0.300% 0.209%

ANNEXURE 36 UPHOLSTERERS AND MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Upholsterers and mattress manufacturers 0.420% 0.336%

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Woodworking sections only (if more than 10 machines, rate under Woodwokers Annexure) 0.300% Teasing sections only 2.000%

0.240% 1.600% Rate


4. Metal sections only under Annexure 21 Warranties Loadings to delete

FROM TO 1. machine 2. Warranted no machines are used for teasing (a) Coir 0.140% (b) Flock 0.300% 3. Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building daily 0.100% 0.112% 0.240% 0.080% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.040% 0.032% per

Sprinkler Discount The aggregate Fire rate may be discounted by 20% where the promises are sprinklered.

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ANNEXURE 37 VEGETABLE OILS, SOAP AND GLYCERINE Basic Rates FROM TO 1. 2. 3. 4. Oil expression mills only 0.320% Oil seed preparation only 0.400% Oil refineries 0.280% Solvent extraction processes (a) by safety solvents 0.280% (b) by Benzine, Hexane and the like 0.600% Margarine, cooking fat mixing, packing only 0.200% Hydrogen units only 0.300% Soap and Glycerine works 0.240% Frame rooms and/or packing rooms only 0.180% Goods in the open (a) Soda and oil in tanks or drums 0.140% (b) Spirits and tallow in tanks of drums 0.200% Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. 2. Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.060% Warranted no heating process other than by steam 0.100% 0.048% 0.080% 0.256% 0.320% 0.224%

0.224% 0.480% 0.160% 0.240% 0.192% 0.144%

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

0.112% 0.160%

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3. machine 4.

Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used other than nailers 0.020%

0.016% per

Warranted not more than one disintegration or pulveriser is used 0.040%

0.032% per

machine 5. Warranted no hydrogenation is done 0.080% 6. Warranted all electrical equipment is flameproof where used in connection with hydrogenation plants 0.200% Warranted no bulk storage of oil in communication with the factory 0.04% Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the factory daily 0.060%


0.160% 0.032% 0.048%

7. 8.

Explosion Where rateable under 4(b) or 6 above 0.060% Otherwise, rate as Class II 0.029%

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ANNEXURE 38 WAREHOUSES WHOLESALE, BULK AND RESERVE STORES Basic Rates FROM TO Accumulator stores (odides, separators and finished goods) 0.160% Agricultural machinery and implements 0.128% Agricultural produce stores (excluding fodder and forage) 0.140% Antique Dealers Furniture Asbestos and asbestos products (tiles and the like) 0.100% Bark stores 0.229% Bakers and biscuit manufacturers 0.140% Bitumen 0.200% 0.128% 0.096% 0.112% See 0.080% 0.172% 0.112% 0.160%

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Bonded stores and shipping warehouses (a) no storage of vegetable fibres or waste paper 0.160% (b) not more than 5 bales of vegetable fibres of waste paper 0.160% (c) Otherwise 0.300% Boot and shoe warehouses, stores 0.140% Bottles (empty) 0.100% Brushes 0.180% Building materials, bricks tiles and ceramics (no packing) 0.100% Chemicals (non-flammable) 0.120% Chemicals (inflammable) 0.240% Chemists 0.160% Cattle feeds 0.160% Clothing stores and warehouses 0.140% Coffee and tea blenders 0.140% Cold stores (subject to Temperature Clause) 0.160% Canned foods 0.140% Confectioners 0.140% Cosmetics, medicines, perfumes and essences 0.160% Cotton (baled) 0.320% 0.080% 0.096% 0.192% 0.128% 0.128% 0.112% 0.112% 0.120% 0.112% 0.112% 0.128% 0.256% 0.120% 0.149% 0.224% 0.112% 0.080% 0.144%

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Cotton (unbaled) 0.440% Cotton waste and cotton wool 0.440% Cotton finished goods and piece goods 0.140% Customs sheds Bonded stores Dairy products 0.140% Electrical Goods 0.140% Explosives 1.200% Feather stores 0.200% Fertilizer store 0.240% Fibreglass, foam plastics, foam rubber 0.440% Fish meal and fish oil 0.240% Flour and mealie stores 0.160% Foam plastics and foam rubber Fibre glass Fodder and forage (not on farms) (a) Baled 0.300% (b) Unbaled 0.380% Fruit and vegetables 0.100% Furniture and Antique dealers (a) no repairs or upholstering 0.160%

0.352% 0.352% 0.112% See 0.112% 0.112% 0.960% 0.149% 0.192% 0.352% 0.192% 0.128% See

0.224% 0.284% 0.080%


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(b) no upholstering or power 0.200% (c) with upholstering no power 0.229% (d) with power 0.229% Woodworkers Gases in tanks or bottles 0.229% General engineering stores 0.120% Glass stores and warehouses 0.140% Grain warehouse 0.128% Gramaphone records 0.140% Grasses (esparto and the like) 0.380% Inks, varnish, waxes 0.200% Jute and linen fibre and bag stores 0.400% Leather goods 0.140% Malt stores Spices Metal stores and metal goods (uncrated) 0.080% Metal and metal goods (crated) 0.128% Mineral waters and fruit juices 0.120% Motor vehicles 0.140% Musical instruments

0.149% 0.172% 0.172% See 0.172% 0.096% 0.112% 0.096% 0.112% 0.304% 0.160% 0.320% 0.112% See 0.064% 0.096% 0.096% 0.112%

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(a) (b) (c)

no repairs 0.160% with repairs no power 0.200% with power not exceeding 1,5 kw 0.229%

0.120% 0.149% 0.172% See 0.128% 0.352% 0.144% 0.192% 0.144% 0.160% 0.096% 0.128% 0.096% 0.112% 0.160% 0.352% 0.224% 0.144%

(d) otherwise Woodworkers Mineral oils 0.160% Nitro cellulose stores 0.440% Nut and seed warehouses 0.180% Packing materials (straw, woodwool, shredded paper and the like) 0.240% Paints and varnishes (non cellulose) 0.180% Paints (cellulose) 0.200% Paper products (non flimsy) 0.128% Paper products (flimsy) 0.160% Paper reels 0.128% Plastic stores (thermo setting) 0.140% Plastic stores (thermo) 0.200% Plastic (expanded of all kinds, foamed) 0.440% Rags and bones 0.300% Rope 0.180% Rubber goods (excluding foam rubber) 0.180%


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Rubber (foam) 0.440% Scrap metal 0.120% Second clothing 0.200% Soap, glycerine, margarine and cooking fats 0.160% Spices and malts 0.160% Spirit stores 0.200% Sugar 0.100% Synthetic resins 0.160% Tannery warehouses and stores 0.128% Tea and Coffee blenders Coffee Timber and wood goods not within 15 metres of woodworking risk 0.240% Tobacco warehouses and stores (no process other than packing, grading and/or stripping by hand or hand power machinery only) 0.100% Tyres and tubes 0.180% Vegetable fibres 0.240% Vegetable oils 0.160% Waste paper (baling only allowed) 0.380% Wines and spirits, including maturation stores (a) no blending or fortification 0.100%

0.352% 0.096% 0.149% 0.128% 0.128% 0.160% 0.080% 128% 0.096% See 0.192%

0.075% 0.144% 0.192% 0.128% 0.284%


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otherwise 0.128%

0.096% 0.160% 0.112% 0.240% 0.120%

Wood pulp 0.200% Wool and mohair (pure wool only) 0.140% Wool stores, rags, shoddy, mungo and the like 0.300% Wholesale, Bulk and Reserve Stores (not otherwise specified in this Annexure) 0.160% All store rooms

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ANNEXURE 39 WOODWORKING Basic Rates FROM TO 1. Sawmills (logs more than 20% of total raw materials) (a) (b) 2. 3. Wet/unseasoned timber 0.376% Seasoned timber 0.500% 0.300% 0.400% 0.240%

Machine shops (logs less than 20% of total raw materials) 0.300% Assembly shops (power strictly limited to borers, drills, sanders and portable appliances 0.240% Kilns (a) Using live wet steam 0.300% (b) Using steam in pipes 0.800% (c) Bachrick or Dutch oven type 2.500%



0.240% 0.640% 2.000%


Timber impregnation plant in the open (a) Using Walman Salts, water soluble 0.240% (b) Using Penta-Chloro-Phenol with paraffin base on similar 0.400% 0.192% 0.320%


Timber stores (open or covered) and timber in the open

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(a) Within 15 metres of a woodworking risk woodworking risk (b) Otherwise 0.240% 7. 8. Wood wool risks 0.800% Hardboard, chipboard, pressboard and similar board manufacturers 0.660% (a) Hogger section only 1.000% (b) Glueing, pressing and finishing only 0.500% 9. Picture frames, piano repairers and undertakers workshops 0.300%

Same rate as 0.192% 0.640% 0.528% 0.800% 0.400% 0.240%

Warranties Loadings to delete FROM TO 1. Warranted no power be used other than electric motors, compressed air and/or hydraulics 0.200% Warranted no heating of glue other than by steam or electricity 0.060% Warranted no boiler in communication with the factory 0.200% Warranted no power-driven woodworking machines are used 0.028% (a) Where machines are dust exhausted 0.028% machine (b) Other wise 0.040% machine Note : Maximum loading under this heading 0.75% 0.032% per 0.160% 0.048% 0.160% 0.022% 0.022% per

2. 3. 4.

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5. 6. 7. 8.

Warranted no kilning, seasoning or conditioning within the mill 0.080% Warranted no upholstering is done 0.100% Warranted no bulk storage of upholstery materials 0.040% Warranted no impregnation of timber within the mill (a) Using Walman Salts 0.029% (b) Using Penta-Chloro-Phenol with paraffin 0.100%

0.064% 0.080% 0.032%

0.024% 0.080% 0.160%


Warranted all waste is swept up and removed from the building 0.200%

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