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A Level

Managing resources

fundamental In GCE Economics youll look at the employment, forces which affect our lives, such as . prices, international trade and poverty in healthy debate with each Economists are often ersy which other over these issues. It is this controv ing and which makes Economics lively and interest r own allows you the opportunity to make you your own opinions. judgements and form ics, with There are several definitions of econom of the each trying to encapsulate the essence to agree subject. However, most textbooks seem on of societys that economics concerns the allocati rnative uses scarce resources amongst the many alte to which they could be put.

each other. The dynamic between consumers, manufacturers and government makes economics a vibrant topic. Of course, Economics can also lead to an exciting career.

Your key learning topics

conomics In year one youll focus on both Microe ics addresses and Macroeconomics. Microeconom so high?, issues such as: Why are house prices trolled? and Can pollution effectively be con markets? Should governments interfere with ude: The macroeconomic issues covered incl ation rate Why does the Government have an infl , What happens target and how does it affect us? nd more? to the economy if people decide to spe e and Indian and How are we affected by the Chines economies?

Managing your career


Economics is a fascinating subject because it includes the study of how people behave and interact with

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Each year youll have two written papers to complete. Each paper acc ounts for 50% of the marks for that year. There s a mix of short answer questions and a choice of questions where you can give a longer, more detai led answer. You will also have the opportunity to res it the papers to improve your marks.

On your marks ...

In year two youll build on your micro and macro knowledge and study anoth er two key topics. First, The Global Conte xt includes the impact of globalisation on UK eco nomic performance. Second, The European Union Context includes the effects of EU members hip and economic policies on the UK econo my.

Economics is a versatile su bject that can help you in a number of careers. No t only could you find yourself working for big corporations, banks or the government but your qu alification in economics could also be valuable su pport in a career like marketing, law, journali sm or teaching.

Where will success take m


Students who take Econ omics also often study Law, Mathematics, Geography, History, Po litics, Philosophy and Languages. Of course if you go on to specialise in economics then it wi ll help you to get into university or college. Your tutor and career adviser will be the best people to help you decid whether Economics is e the right choice for yo u. They will be as passi as you to find the best su onate bject to develop your tal ents! For more info, visit:

Will it fit in my life?

Cant wait to get starte




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