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FLIGHT, July 27.


Features of the Pickers K Machine Gun as Supplied to the R.A.F. : Compactness and High Rate of Fire
E S P I T E t h e renaissance of shell-firing a r m a m e n t a n d t h e m a r k e d t r e n d t o w a r d s guns of larger calibre, t h e small-bore, high-speed machine gun still holds pride of place in t h e aeronautical a r m o u r y . Great Britain, more t h a n a n y other country, h a s developed installations of multiple m a c h i n e guns, b o t h fixed a n d in power-driven t u r r e t s . Flight, with t h e co-operation of F i t . L t . T . Le G. P y n c h e s , of Vickers-Armstrongs, was recently p e r m i t t e d to visit t h e c o m p a n y ' s factory a t Crayford a n d t o inspect the Vickers Class K machine gun, one of t h e latest weapons to be a d o p t e d by t h e R . A . F . , a n d probably t h e most successful gun of its t y p e in t h e world. On t h e t o p floor of t h e immense camouflaged main building at Crayford we m e t Major Kilner, general manager, of t h e S o u t h e r n W o r k s , who h a n d e d u s over t o Mr. P . R . Higson, t h e chief designer, a n d Mr. R. Wanfor, p r o d u c t i o n manager. T h e u n i q u e features of t h e Model K were explained b y Mr. Higson with t h e aid of a sectioned g u n . This weapon, which h a s a muzzle velocity of 2,400 f t . / s e c , is quite exceptionally c o m p a c t , and has a r a t e of fire between 950 a n d 1,200 rounds a minute. T h e unusually s m o o t h action, combined w i t h a low recoil force, makes t h e gun easy to control a n d aim with accuracy. T h e r e are no external moving p a r t s which might injure t h e gunner, a n d t h e gun has a minim u m of exposed surface. A m m u n i t i o n is fed from a spring-loaded drum which normally holds 60 or 100 rounds, b u t which, for fixed installation, can a c c o m m o d a t e 300 or 600 r o u n d s in very large, flat magazines. Installed in a fixed-gun fighter, weapons of this sort score over beltfed models in t h a t t h e feed arrangements a r e not affected b y " G . " The gun m a y be dismantled in a few seconds w i t h the aid of a cartridge a n d a penknife. T h e action c a n be studied in t h e accompanying d i a g r a m s . W h e n the gun is cocked (by pulling b a c k a h a n d l e on t h e lefth a n d side), t h e breech block is retained a t the rear of t h e " r e c e i v e r , " or breech casing, on a projec-

Action of the K gun : (I) Piston and breech block have been propelled forward by the tension of the main spring. Breech block is in locked position, and the cartridge has been fired by the piston having pushed forward the firing pin.


Piston and breech block have commenced to move backwards. The rear of the breech block has been brought downwards from engagement with he locking shoulder.


Piston and breech block in their rearmost position. The piston has been brought to rest against the buffer and is about to go forward

FLIGHT, July 27, 1939.

of t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g processes, t h o u g h it m a y be m e n t i o n e d t h a t t h e r e are 140 operations on t h e " receiver " alone. Mr. Wanfor explained t h a t girls h a v e been found best suited t o perform a n u m b e r of t h e more delicate operations. On completion, t h e guns are sent down a n electrical hoist t o t h e proving ground, where t w o proof r o u n d s are fired. These cartridges have' The complete Vica 25 per cent, more powerful charge t h a n s t a n d a r d kers K gun with a m m u n i t i o n . T h e guns are t h e n stripped for inspecring-and-bead sight. tion, reassembled, a n d are passed o u t for " a u t o A reflector sight is m a t i c " tests in a horizontal position, a t 80 deg. now fitted. The elevation a n d 80 deg. depression. N e x t t h e y are bag collects the stripped a n d cleaned prior to t h e accuracy trial, "empties." which is conducted in t h e u n d e r g r o u n d range. After a final strip t h e y are inspected b o t h b y t h e comp a n y ' s representatives a n d the Air Ministry. T h u s is tion at t h e back of a piston. On the trigger being pressed, reliability in service ensured. this piston is propelled forward b y t h e force of t h e compressed main spring, carrying with it t h e breech block, which pushes a cartridge from t h e magazine into t h e barrel chamber. As t h e piston continues t o m o v e forward, t h e rear of t h e breech block is engaged by a n angular projection on t h e r e a r of t h e piston, a n d is forced u p w a r d s to a b u t in front of a locking shoulder on t h e m a i n b o d y of the gun. T h u s , t h e breech block is positively locked against t h e base of t h e cartridge in t h e barrel c h a m b e r . A floating firing pin in t h e breech block is t h e n struck by a projection on t h e rear of t h e piston a n d t h e cartridge is fired. As t h e bullet is nearing t h e muzzle a portion of t h e propelling gases escapes d o w n w a r d t h r o u g h a small hole in the barrel, a n d is deflected b y a gas block to impinge on the head of t h e piston (housed b e n e a t h t h e rear p a r t of the barrel), driving i t t o t h e rear, compressing t h e m a i n spring, and unlocking a n d w i t h d r a w i n g t h e breech block from t h e barrel. During t h e r e a r w a r d m o v e m e n t of t h e breech block t h e empty case is e x t r a c t e d from t h e barrel a n d ejected into a bag on t h e side of t h e g u n . T h e cycle of operations is repeated until t h e trigger is released or t h e a m m u n i t i o n exhausted. A safety catch is incorporated in t h e h a n d grip. Complete w i t h flash eliminator t h e gun is 40m. long, a n d , fitted with sights, deflector a n d b a g , weighs 22 l b . Although normally used as a directly operated free gun the Model K can h a v e remote control for t u r r e t or wing mounting, or can be fitted with a stock for ground defence. Considering t h e c o m p a r a t i v e l y small section of the m a i n building devoted t o K-gun production, t h e r a t e of o u t p u t Showing now the K gun can be used from the shoulder. It may also be mounted on a tall tripod for anti-aircraft work. is highly creditable. Space does n o t p e r m i t a description

Opening and Re-opening

of Woodstock. This aerodrome, which is controlled by the Oxford Corporation, has a maximum run of 1,425 yd. in the S.E.-N.W. direction, and a minimum run of 1,020 yd. At the same time a private-use licence has been reissued for East Heslerton aerodrome, near Scarborough. Mr. J. R. Micklethwait, who is a director of the Yorkshire Aeroplane Club, is taking a special interest in this aerodrome with the idea, we believe, of starting a new C.A.G. centre there East Heslerton has been officially out of action during the last year or so. A few days later a private-use licence was also issued for Swindon aerodrome at Watchfield. This is controlled by Mr. A. J. Walter, who is the agent in this country for the Piper Cub and is operating a Civil Air Guard club there. PUBLIC-USE licence has now been issued for the new A Oxford aerodrome, which lies about two miles south-east

length. At the same time, by reversing all four airscrews, rapid deceleration, when necessary, would also be possible. The Propeller Division of the Curtiss Wright Corporation claims that its electrically operated reversible-pitch airscrew has reached a practical stage in its development, which has been carried out with the co-operation both of the Civil Aeronautics Authority and the United States Navy. Apparently the increase in weight is negligible. The necessary pitch-change is accelerated by the voltage booster unit, which is also used for rapid feathering.

A Sports


Using Reverse
/^\NE particularly valuable use for reversible-pitch airscrews ^ is not usually consideredthat in small-space manoeuvring of multi-engined flying-boats. By adjusting the airscrews on one side to reverse pitch, leaving the other two in fine pitch, it would be possible to turn a flying-boat almost within its own

UTON AIRCRAFT are at present working on a sports version of the Luton Major. This, it will be remembered, is a cabin tandem-seater strut-braced high-wing monoplane, and the new sports model will be generally similar. The engine fitted, however, will be a Gipsy Minor, giving an additional 30-odd h.p. to that of the Mikron fitted to the standard Major; the undercarriage will be of the cantilever type; and the wing area will be reduced from 35ft. to a little over 30ft. The dimension figures and loadings will be : Span, 30ft. 2in.; length, 23ft. gin.; weight empty, 700 l b . ; and all-up weight, 1,220 lb. I t is estimated that the top speed will be 126 m . p . h . ; the cruising speed, 112 m . p . h . ; the landing speed, 47 m . p . h . ; and the range at cruising speed, 325 miles.

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