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Reactive Power Control of Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems Using Simulink
R. C. Bansal & T. S. Bhatti
a a b

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division, School of Engineering and Physics, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji

Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India Version of record first published: 19 Sep 2007.

To cite this article: R. C. Bansal & T. S. Bhatti (2007): Reactive Power Control of Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems Using Simulink, Electric Power Components and Systems, 35:12, 1345-1366 To link to this article:

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Electric Power Components and Systems, 35:13451366, 2007 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1532-5008 print/1532-5016 online DOI: 10.1080/15325000701426096

Reactive Power Control of Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems Using Simulink
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Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division School of Engineering and Physics The University of the South Pacic Suva, Fiji

Centre for Energy Studies Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
Abstract This article presents reactive power control of autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power system for realistic load disturbance using Simulink. The simulation block diagram of wind-diesel, multi-wind-diesel, and wind-multi-diesel hybrid system based on Simulink is developed. Reactive power control performance is compared using three different types of static VAR compensator (SVC) models. Reactive power performance is also compared for wind-diesel, multi-wind-diesel, and wind-multidiesel hybrid power systems. Keywords autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power system, diesel generator set, induction generator, multi-wind-diesel, reactive power compensation, Simulink, static var compensator, wind-multi-diesel

1. Introduction
In recent years there has been continuous growth of power generation from non-conventional energy sources. The main advantages of non-conventional sources of power generation are no fuel consumption in most cases, sustainable, and eco-friendly. The major disadvantage with these energy sources is that they are generally intermittent or uctuating in nature. The non-conventional sources such as wind and micro/mini hydro, etc. are generally integrated with diesel system to increase the reliability of the system to supply power to the isolated loads. Such systems are called isolated/autonomous hybrid power systems. In hybrid power systems, there may be more than one type of electrical generators [1, 2]. In such circumstances it is normal, though not essential, for generator(s), usually on

Received 28 September 2006; accepted 13 March 2007. Address correspondence to Prof. R. Bansal, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division, School of Engineering and Physics, Laucala Campus, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji. E-mail:



R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

A, B, C , BSVC , BSVC EM , EM system, control, and disturbance matrix, respectively thyristor ring angle and small deviation in thyristor ring angle, respectively power angle between terminal voltage and armature internal emf reactive susceptance of the SVC and small change in its value, respectively electromagnetic energy stored in induction generator (IG) and small deviation in energy stored, respectively small change in voltages of exciter, internal armature emf under steady state and transient conditions of synchronous generator (SG) 1 and 2 respectively amplier, exciter, stabilizer, VAR regulator, thyristor ring, and hybrid power system gain constants, respectively proportional and integral controller gain constants of the VAR regulator, respectively efciency of the IG real power input to the IG, real power generated by IG and SG, respectively real and reactive power load demand, respectively reactive power required by IG, IG 1, and IG 2, respectively reactive power generated by SG, SG 1, and SG 2, respectively reactive power generated by SVC rating of the SVC system reactive power rating stator resistance, stator reactance, rotor resistance and rotor reactance referred to primary side of IG, respectively equivalent resistance, equivalent reactance and magnetizing reactance of the IG, respectively slip of the IG SVC average dead time of zero crossing in a three phase system thyristor ring delay time time constants of the SVC regulator of lead-lag type exciter, stabilizer, regulator, and hybrid power system time constants, respectively direct axis open circuit transient time constant system terminal voltage small change in terminal and reference voltage, respectively small change in the amplier output of amplied 1 and 2, and exciter feedback voltages of exciter 1 and 2, respectively direct axis reactance of SG under steady state and transient state conditions, respectively state, control, and disturbance vector, respectively

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0 Ef d1 , Eq1, Eq1, 0 Ef d2 , Eq2 , Eq2

KA , KE , KF , KR , K , KV KP , KI I G PI W , PI G , PS G PL , QL QI G , QI G 1 , QI G 2 QS G , QS G 1 , QS G 2 QSVC Qc QR 0 0 r1 , x1 , r2 , x2 Req , Xeq , Xm s Td T T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 TE , TF , TR , TV

0 Tdo V V , Vref Va1, Va2, Vf 1 , Vf 2 0 xd , xd

x, u, p

the diesel, to be synchronous, and wind turbine generator(s) to be asynchronous (induction) [2]. An IG offers many advantages over a conventional SG, like reduced unit cost, ruggedness, brushless (in squirrel cage construction), absence of separate DC source, ease of maintenance, self-protection against severe overloads and short circuits, etc. [36]. A major disadvantage of an IG is that it requires reactive power support for its operation.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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In addition, most of the loads are also inductive in nature. The mismatch in generation and consumption of reactive power can cause a serious problem of large voltage uctuations at generator terminals. A number of FACTS (exible AC transmission systems) devices have been developed to provide the reactive power to the system. SVC is one of the FACTS device that has been used in conventional power systems, and can also be employed in isolated power systems. In recent times, there has been large number of application of Matlab/Simulink developed by the Math Works Inc., for solving various power system problems [710]. With the addition of several toolboxes and Simulink, Matlab provides an interactive environment with hundreds of reliable and accurate built in functions. Simulink is a window-based package built in the Matlab software and consists of a library of basic building blocks, which can be combined to form a dynamic model. This article presents reactive power control of autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power system for realistic (step plus stochastic) load disturbance using Simulink. In the considered wind-diesel hybrid system (transfer function block diagram shown in Figure 1), SG along with an IEEE type-I excitation system is considered to be connected to diesel generator (DG) set and IG on wind system. The DG set acts as a local grid for the wind energy conversion system. The system has a SVC to provide the required reactive power in addition to the reactive power generated by the SG. Simulink block diagrams for autonomous wind-diesel, multi-wind-diesel (2 wind-1 diesel), and wind-multi-diesel (1 wind-2 diesel) hybrid power systems have been developed as shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4, respectively, to compare their reactive power requirement performance. Figures 3 and 4 can be developed by incorporating the components of multiplicity of wind and diesel system, respectively. Simulation block diagrams of three different types of SVC models have been used to compare their performances. The basic difference in the transfer function block diagrams is the type of VAR regulator used. In SVC type-I [11, 12] the VAR regulator is an amplier with a gain and time constant. The regulator in SVC type-II [13, 14] is a twin lead-lag type for providing compensation for the time delays in the ring circuit and due to phase sequence dead time delay of zero crossing. The VAR regulator is proportional plus integral in SVC type-III [15, 16]. The Simulink block diagrams of IEEE type-I excitation system and SVC type-I, -II, and -III have been shown in Figure 5(a), 5(b), 5(c), and 5(d), respectively. The advantage of simulation block diagram is that a block diagram containing many elements can be replaced by a single block having input and output terminals, e.g., SVC and excitation system in Figures 24 have been shown by single block.

2. Mathematical Modeling of Wind-Diesel Hybrid System

Detailed mathematical modeling of autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power system based on power equations has been presented in [1719]. System data considered are given in Appendix 1. Small changes in real power are mainly dependent upon the frequency, whereas small change in reactive power is mainly dependent on voltage [20]. The excitation time constant is much smaller than the prime mover time constant, its transient decay much faster, and does not affect the load frequency control (LFC) dynamic. Thus, cross coupling between LFC and AVR loop is negligible. The reactive power balance equation of the system under steady state condition is QS G C QSVC D QL C QI G (1)


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

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Figure 1. Transfer-function block diagram for reactive power control of wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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Figure 2. Simulation block diagram of wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system for step plus stochastic disturbance.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

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Figure 3. Simulation block diagram of multi-wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system for step plus stochastic disturbance.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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Figure 4. Simulation block diagram of wind-multi-diesel autonomous hybrid power system for step plus stochastic disturbance.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

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Figure 5. Simulation block diagram of (a) IEEE type-I exciter, (b) SVC type-I, (c) SVC type-II, and (d) SVC type-III.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


For the small incremental reactive power balance analysis of the hybrid system, (1) in Laplace form can be written as V .s/ D fKV =.1 C sTV /gfQS G .s/ C QSVC .s/ KV D TV D 1 DV 2HR DV V 0 QL .s/ QI G .s/g (2) (3) (4)

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where V 0 is the nominal value of system voltage, HR is a constant of the system and its unit is s and its value depends upon the constant Kr (considering that system reactive power rating is Kr times the rated magnetizing reactive power of the IG), DV is the small increase in reactive power loads with small increase voltage, i.e., DV D @QL =@V p.u. kVAR/p.u. kV. The parameter DV can be found empirically. KV =.1 C sTV / is transfer function of hybrid power system. The values of KV and TV can be computed using (3) and (4), respectively, with the data given in Appendix 1, and their values have been shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. The values of KV and TV remain the same with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III for wind-diesel hybrid power system. The following section presents the mathematical modeling of various components of hybrid systems. 2.1. The Flux Linkage Equations

The ux linkage equation of the round rotor synchronous machine for small perturbation is [21] Ef d Eq d 0 Eq D 0 dt Tdo In (5), Eq is given by Eq D xd 0 0 Eq xd .xd
0 xd 0 xd /


cos V


For small changes (5), using (6) in Laplace transform form can be written as
0 .1 C sTG /Eq .s/ D K1Ef d .s/ C K2V .s/


where TG D
0 0 xd Tdo xd

(8) (9)
0 xd / cos g=xd

0 K1 D xd =xd

K2 D f.xd


The values of K1 (K11 and K12 in case of wind-multi-diesel system) and K2 (K21 and K22 in case of wind-multi-diesel system) can be computed using (9) and (10), respectively, with the data given in Appendix 1, and their values have been shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. The values of K1 and K2 remain the same with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III for wind-diesel hybrid power system.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

2.2. The Synchronous Generator Equations Under transient condition QS G is given by [20] QS G D
0 Eq V cos 0 xd



For small perturbation (11) can be written as QS G D

0 Eq cos V cos 0 Eq C 0 0 xd xd


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In Laplace transform (12) can be written as

0 QS G .s/ D K3Eq .s/ C K4V .s/


0 K3 D .V cos /=Xd


0 K4 D .Eq cos 0 2V /=xd


The values of K3 (K31 and K32 in wind-multi-diesel system) and K4 (K41 and K42 in wind-multi-diesel system) can be computed using (14) and (15), respectively, with the data given in Appendix 1, and their values have been shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. The values of K3 and K4 remain the same with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III for wind-diesel hybrid power system.

2.3. IEEE Type-1 Excitation System Equations IEEE type-1 excitation system [22], as shown in Figure 5(a), is considered for the synchronous generator of the hybrid system. From the block diagram, the transfer function equations neglecting saturation function (SF) can be written as Ef d .s/ D 1 Va .s/ KE C sTE KA V .s/ Va .s/ D 1 C sTA KF =TF Ef d .s/ 1 C sTF (16) KF Ef d .s/ C Vref .s/ TF


Vf .s/ D


The values of transfer functions of amplier, exciter, and stabilizing circuit, as shown in Figure 5(a), are obtained using the data of Appendix 1. This excitation system has been represented by a single block in Figures 24.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems 2.4. The Induction Generator Equations


The small deviation in reactive power absorbed by the IG by neglecting the effect of variation in reactive power with the variation of slip/speed (constant slip/speed model) and by considering the effect of variation in reactive power with variation in slip/speed (variable slip/speed model) can be written as [1719] QI G .s/ D K5V .s/ where (19)

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K5 D

2V Xeq 2 2 RY C Xeq

(20) (21)

QI G .s/ D K6PI W .s/ C K7V .s/ where K6 C RP

2 .RY

2V K7 D 2 2 RY C Xeq where

Xeq 2 C Xeq /=2RY " Xeq

(22) RP Xeq 2 2 .RY C Xeq /=2RY g #




0 r2 .1 s

s/ Req

(24) (25) (26) (27)


0 Req D r1 C r2 0 Xeq D x1 C x2

This article considers the variable slip model of IG. The values of K6 (K61 and K62 in multi-wind-diesel system) and K7 (K71 and K72 in multi-wind-diesel system) can be computed using (22) and (23), respectively, with the data given in Appendix 1, and their values have been shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. The values of K6 and K7 remain the same with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III for wind-diesel hybrid power system. 2.5. SVC Equations

The reactive power supplied by the SVC is given by [23] QSVC D V 2 BSVC For small perturbation, (28) can be written in Laplace transform form as QSVC .s/ D K8V .s/ C K9BSVC .s/ where K8 D 2VBSVC (30) (29) (28)

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R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

K9 D V 2 The state equations of a SVC type-I in Laplace transform can be written as BSVC .s/ D
0 BSVC .s/ D


1 0 BSVC .s/ 1 C sTd K .s/ 1 C sT KR .Vref .s/ 1 C sTR V .s//

(32) (33) (34)

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.s/ D

The state equations of a SVC type-II in Laplace transform can be written as

0 1 .s/ D

T2 =T4 0 .s/ 1 C sT4 V .s//

(35) (36)

0 2 .s/ D

KR .1 T1 =T3 / .Vref .s/ 1 C sT3

0 0 .s/ D 2 .s/ C KR

T1 .Vref .s/ T3

V .s//

(37) (38)

0 .s/ D 1 .s/ C

T2 . 0 .s// T4

The state equations of a SVC type-III in Laplace transform can be written as 0 .s/ D where .s/ D 0 .s/ C KP fVref .s/ V .s/g (40) KI fVref .s/ s V .s/g (39)

Equations (32) and (33) remain the same in SVC type-II and type-III. The values of K8 and K9 can be computed using (30) and (31), respectively, with the data given in Appendix 1, and their values have been shown in Figures 24. The values of K8 and K9 remain the same with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III for winddiesel hybrid power system. VAR gain KR in SVC type-I and type-II; and KP and KI in SVC type-III have been optimized and their values have been shown in Figures 5(b), 5(c), and 5(d), respectively. Dynamic responses of hybrid system have been shown in Figures 610 using optimum settings of the gain parameters of the SVC. Based on the above mathematical equations, Simulink block diagram of wind-diesel, 2 wind-1 diesel, 1 wind-2 diesel isolated hybrid power system have been developed as shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The state space equations can be written in a standard form for load voltage control system as x D Ax C Bu C C p P (41)

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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Figure 6. Dynamic responses of the wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system with SVC type-I for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

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Figure 7. Dynamic responses of the wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system with SVC type-II for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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Figure 8. Dynamic responses of the wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system with SVC type-III for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

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Figure 9. Dynamic responses of the multi-wind-diesel autonomous hybrid power system with SVC type-II for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power of both wind machines.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


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Figure 10. Dynamic responses of the wind-multi-diesel autonomous hybrid power system with SVC type-II for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power.


R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

For the autonomous wind-diesel system with SVC type-I, II, and III, 2 wind-1 diesel with SVC type-II, and 1 wind-2 diesel with SVC type-II hybrid power system state space equations can be written as 2.6. Wind-diesel System State space equations with SVC type-I x D Ef d P Va Vf
0 Eq




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u D Vref p D QL PI W T (42)

State space equations with SVC type-II x D Ef d P u D Vref p D QL PI W T (43) Va Vf

0 Eq



0 1

0 2


State space equations with SVC type-III x D Ef d P u D Vref p D QL PI W T (44) Va Vf

0 Eq




2 Wind-1 diesel system with SVC type-II x D Ef d P u D Vref p D QL PI W 1 PI W 2 T (45) Va Vf

0 Eq



0 1

0 2


1 Wind-2 diesel system with SVC type-II x D Ef d1 P BSVC u D Vref p D QL PI W T (46) Va1

Vf 1
0 1

0 Eq1 0 2

Ef d2 V T


Vf 2

0 Eq2

Elements of matrices A, B, and C can be obtained from above mathematical modeling/simulation block diagrams of Figures 15.

Reactive Power Control of Hybrid Power Systems


3. Simulation Results and Discussions

In this section, dynamic responses of wind-diesel hybrid power systems are presented. In practical situation variation in reactive power load is not in step, but the variation is realistic (step plus stochastic) in nature. There are number of realistic disturbances available in Matlab/Simulink toolbox to simulate the realistic situation. In the present case, step plus stochastic load disturbances, i.e., step plus normally (Gaussian) distributed random signal, has been considered for the simulation of different congurations of autonomous hybrid power systems and stochastic disturbance is properly adjusted by multiplying suitable value of constant K10, as shown in Figures 24. The dynamic responses of some of the system variables are shown for the optimum gain settings for the autonomous hybrid power systems and are compared in terms of rst swing amplitude and settling time, etc. The dynamic responses for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power with SVC type-I, type-II, and type-III are shown in Figures 6, 7, and 8, respectively. Figures 9 and 10 show the dynamic responses for 1% realistic increase in reactive power load plus 1% step increase in input wind power with SVC type-II for multi-wind-diesel and wind-multi-diesel hybrid power system respectively. Figures 68 show the small deviations in terminal voltage (V ), reactive power supplied by SVC (QSVC ), reactive power supplied by synchronous generator (QS G ), and reactive power absorbed by induction generator (QI G ), in parts (a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively. Figure 9 shows the small deviations in V , QSVC , QS G , and power absorbed by induction generators (QI G 1 and QI G 2 ); and Figure 10 shows the small deviations in V , QSVC , small deviations in power supplied by synchronous generators (QS G 1 , QS G 2 ) and QI G in parts (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), respectively. To get the dynamic responses with SVC type-II and type-III, SVC type-I in the simulation block diagram can be replaced by SVC type-II and type-III of Figures 5(c) and 5(d), respectively, in Figures 24. The maximum peak deviations of different parameters of hybrid power systems have been presented in Table 1. From Figures 610, it is observed that initially the synchronous generator provides the reactive power required by the load, but substantially it is met by the SVC alone, and therefore the steady state values of V and QS G become zero. It is also found from Table 1 that the respective peak deviations are less with SVC type-II and SVC typeIII as compared with SVC type-I. The settling time is about 0.015 sec. for the system responses with SVC type-II, and SVC type-III, but with SVC type-I it is about 0.15 sec. Table 1 The peak deviations of different parameters of wind-diesel hybrid system System and SVC type Wind-diesel, I Wind-diesel, II Wind-diesel, III 2 Wind-1 diesel, II 1 Wind-2 diesel, II V 0.00187 0.00184 0.00184 0.00203 0.00087 QSVC 0.02592 0.02089 0.02102 0.02183 0.01947 QS G 0.01374 0.01356 0.01356 0.01438 0.00618 (SG 1) 0.00724 (SG 2) QI G 0.00321 0.00320 0.00320 0.00322 (IG 1) 0.00071 (IG 2) 0.00308

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R. Bansal and T. Bhatti

Performance of SVC type-II and type-III is better than SVC type-I in terms of rst peak deviations and settling time. It is also observed from Figures 9 and 10 that the settling time remains almost same as in previous cases. It is also seen that multiplicity in the wind power generation reduces the reactive power performance of the system whereas multiplicity in the diesel generator system improves the same. It is further observed from Figures 9 and 10 that performance of SVC type-II and type-III is better than SVC type-I.

4. Conclusions
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This article has presented the effectiveness of the application of Simulink tool for reactive power control of autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power systems. Simulink is very effective and easy for studying and comparing the performance of the systems with different types components, e.g., various types of SVCs and different types of disturbances, etc. A reactive power control study of sample wind-diesel isolated hybrid power system with three types of SVCs and multi-wind-diesel, wind-multi-diesel hybrid systems with SVC type-II have been presented in this article. It is seen that performance of SVC type-II and type-III is better than SVC type-I in terms of rst peak deviations and settling time. It is also observed that multiplicity in the wind power generation reduces the reactive power performance of the system whereas multiplicity in the diesel generator system improves the same.

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Appendix 1
The data of the wind-diesel, multi-wind-diesel, wind-multi-diesel hybrid power system, system capacity/load, reactive power, synchronous generator, induction generator, excitation system, and the SVCs under consideration are as follows in Table 2.

Table 2 Parameters of hybrid systems

Multi-wind-diesel system System parameter System capacity/load Wind capacity (kW) Diesel capacity (kW) Load (kW) Base power (kVA) Wind-diesel system 150 150 250 250 IG 1 150 150 300 300 IG 2 50 Wind-multi-diesel system SG 1 150 150 300 300 SG 2 75



R. Bansal and T. Bhatti Table 2 (Continued)

Multi-wind-diesel system System parameter Wind-diesel system 0.4 0.2 1.1136 21.05 0.9603 1.0 1.0 0.15 5.0 0.6 0.189 0.75 80 0.19 0.56 4.1 1.0 0.75 0.8 0.498 0.5727 2.4440 40 0.05 0.5 0.715 1.0 0.0 0.55 IG 1 0.333 0.162 1.1242 17.2483 0.9804 1.0 1.0 0.15 5.0 0.5 0.1343 0.63 80 0.19 0.56 3.49 1.0 0.75 0.8 0.7649 0.87961 2.4452 40 0.05 0.5 0.715 1.0 0.0 0.55 0.1667 0.0426 0.21 80 0.55 1.6 3.37 IG 2 Wind-multi-diesel system SG 1 0.333 0.162 1.1242 17.2483 0.9804 1.0 1.0 0.15 5.0 0.5 0.1343 0.63 80 0.19 0.56 3.49 1.0 0.75 0.8 0.6413 0.7375 2.45568 40 0.05 0.5 0.715 1.0 0.0 0.55 SG 2 0.1667 0.081 1.1083 6.91 1.01 1.0 0.8 0.12 5.0

Synchronous generator PS G (p.u. kW) QS G (p.u. kVAR) Eq (p.u.) ( ) 0 Eq (p.u.) V (p.u.) xd (p.u.) 0 xd (p.u.) 0 Tdo (s) Induction generator PI G (p.u. kW) QI G (p.u. kVAR) PI W (p.u. kW) I G (%) 0 r1 D r2 (p.u.) 0 x1 D x2 (p.u.) s (%) Load PL (p.u. kW) QL (p.u. kVAR) pf (lag) Reactive power data QSVC (p.u. kVAR) Qc (p.u. kVAR) (rad.) IEEE type-I excitation system KA TA (s) KF TF (s) KE SF (s) TE (s) SVC data SVC type-I T (s) Td (s) TR (s) SVC type-II T (s) Td (s) T1 D T2 D T3 D T4 (s) SVC type-III T (s) Td (s)

Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi] at 03:18 30 November 2012

0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167

0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167

0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167 0.715 0.005 0.00167

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