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[b]PPV 1: Disconnection Notice[/b]

We open with a little music video that shows all the current roster looking around and posing.
Finally, a massive pyro hits and the crowd gets on their feet cheering loudly. Arvid and
Mizzy(announcers) welcome us to the first ever PPV, and says it's going to be a hell of a night!
We are notified the first match will be Cador vs Wicked, now!

A recap is seen from the last few weeks. We start with Cador's promo in the ring where he called
Wicked weak and pathetic. During it, when the word "weak" was said, we see a flashback of the
first chokeslam through the announcement table. When "pathetic" is said, we see the flashback of
the chokeslam through the two wooden tables.

Exibition Match: Wickedfrost vs Cador.

Cador's music hits, the lights flash red, and out comes the 6'6 big man from the curtains. He
stalks down the ramp, and elevates himself up onto the apron, then inside the ring. Cador stands
in the middle of the ring and looks straight forward for his opponent.

Wicked's music hits and the crowd goes wild! Wicked heads out posing away as he soaks in the
crowds pops! Wicked gets into the ring, and gets right up in Cadors face! The bell rings!

Cador and Wicked exchanged words, then, Wicked gave Cador a quick blow to the face! Wicked
hammered away sending the big man into the ropes, then sent him off them with force! As Cador
came back, Wicked nailed a huge powerslam! Wicked stood and posed and Cador rolled out of
the ring! Cador stood and looked angry, and slipped back in. The two then started over and
locked up, with it completely down the middle in power. Cador then started to lose the test of
strength, but he gave Wicked a cheap shot with his knee!

Cador then went to work, hitting double axe handles to the back, then delivers a nice one handed
scoop slam. Cador pinned, but only got a one! Cador then lifted Wicked, and hit a side slam for
another one! Once more, Cador lifted Wicked to his feet. This time, Cador pushed Wicked back
onto the ropes, then as he came back gave him a falling clothesline which sent Wicked into a
backflip from the impact! Cador pinned, but only got a two! Looking mad, Cador lifted Wicked and
once again pushed him to the ropes. Wicked dunked this one, ran off the ropes, and when Cador
turned he was met by a jumping spinning elbow smash from Wicked! Wicked rested, Cador fell,
but stood right away and lifted Wicked. The two went into a punch fest, that Wicked finally won
after about 6 punches!

Wicked threw Cador off the ropes, and hit him with a back body drop! Cador stood quickly, but
was met with another back body drop from Wicked! Cador stood, and Wicked started to pound
away with forearms to Cador's head. Wicked then hit Cador with a Bridging German Suplex, but
only got a 2! Wicked stood, and as Cador was down he locked him in the sharpshooter! Cador
yelled in pain, as Wicked applied more into to the Sharpshooter! Cador pushed, and crawled to
the ropes, and finally made it! Wicked pulled Cador back into the center of the ring, but as he
lifted Cador gave him a thrust to the throat which sent Wicked back.

Cador kneeled to get a breath, but as he did Wicked turned and nailed him in the face with a light
kick which sent him to the mat! Wicked then climbed to the top of the turnbuckle, and waited!
Cador finally stood, stumbled around, and when he turned around Wicked flew off! However, the
double axe handle missed and Cador nailed a Big Boot to the face before Wicked even hit the
mat with his feet! Cador pinned, but only got a two! Cador slammed his hand on the mat in anger
and lifted Wicked. Cador then executed a perfect Chokeslam, laughed, and said it's over! Cador
then left Wicked on the mat, and went outside! Cador then pulled out a table, and set it up outside
the ring! Cador hopped back in, and taunted Wicked with more weak/pathetic insults!

Wicked finally stood, and Cador gripped his neck again! He pointed out to the table, and lifted
Wicked in a chokeslam! Wicked slid out before he could throw him over, and when Cador turned
Wicked hit a clothesline over the top of the ropes which sent Cador on the table back first! Wicked
then climbed the turnbuckle, and jumped! Wicked gave Cador a Superfly splash through the
table! Revenge! The crowd was chanting "Holy Shit!" as Wicked threw Cador back into the ring!
Wicked climbed in, covered, but Cador kicked out!! Wicked then picked up Cador, and went for a
Wicked Spikedriver, but Cador backflipped him, and when Wicked stood, was met with a falling

The two wrestlers laid out, and Cador got to his feet first. He signaled for the Bronzebreaker, but
as he lifted Wicked, Wicked slid off his shoulders, turned Cador, and Wicked nailed the Wicked
Spikedriver! Cador was out! Wicked then climbed to the top again, signaled for the Superfly, and
hit it! ONE! TWO! THREE!

Winner by Pinfall: Wickedfrost

After the match, Wicked stood and had his arm raised. He looked at Cador, then laughed and
said he proved Cador wrong on this night!

We cut backstage and see Laine with Gaffar. Gaffar says he has a chance of a lifttime tonight,
and he's going to earn the Aeven Title. He says Astral will also pay for his actions last week, and
that he's completely focused on the match.

Arvid and Mizzy then tell us to perpare because it's Kastor and Apollyon vs Blake and Sapphire

We see a recap video of all the stuff the four as been through. We see Kastorus' backstage beat
down on Blake, the beatdown on Sapphire, and the hits with the pipe. We then see what offense
Blake and Sapphire got, and a little pre-show recording saying tonight, KAstorus will get what he
deserves, and he'll learn insulting people will just earn him an ass kicking!

Tag Match: Kastor and Apollyon vs Blake and Sapphire

The faces make their way out first, clapping with the fans as they cheer. Sapphire does a little
fairy dance and laughs along with the crowd. He tries to get Blake to dance, but Blake says no as
he poses towards the fans!

The lights turned black, and small little flames formed around the entrance ramp. Out came
Kastorus, with Apollyon following behind him. Kastorus slowly guided himsef to the ring, as
Apollyon followed him. The two got onto the ramp, and Apollyon held the ropes down for his
"master" as Kastorus got in. Apollyon followed. Kastor and Apollyon discussed a plan,and the

Right away Blake and Sapphire lunged forward and attacked the two heels! Punches and
forearms connected with Kastorus and Aplloyons heads, as the two faces both hit dropkicks
which sent the two heels out of the ring! Kastorus and Apollyon crashed onto the mats and stood
furious! The ref finally seperated Blake and Sapphire, and Sapphire stayed in as the legal man.
Kastorus got in as the heels legal man, and Apollyon got on the apron. Sapphire and Kastorus
attempted to lock up, but as Sapphire went forward Kastorus kicked him in the stomach!
Kastorus then chopped away on Sapphires chest, and sent him into the corner. Kastorus started
to unload with punches on Sapphire, as Blake ran on the apron to break it up. Kastorus seen this,
and nailed a clothesline which sent Blake off the ramp onto the mats! Sapphire then grabbed
Kastorus as he was yelling at Blake, and hit a quick Leg Trip, then locked on a front headlock!
Excellent combo!

Kastorus reversed it with a nice amatur counter and held Sapphire in an armlock. Sapphire raised
as the crowd chanted, but once the two got to their feet Kastorus hit a reverse sidewalk slam!
Kastorus pinned, but Blake stood and reached inside pulled Kastorus foot back to break the pin.
Kastorus stood, and lifted Sapphire. He whipped Sapphire into the corner Apollyon was in, and
tagged him in! Kastorus held up Sapphires arm, and Apollyon hit Sapphire in the stomach with a
hard front kick. Kastorus got onto the apron, and Apollyon went to work hitting some scoop slams
and high angle suplexs. A pin, but only a two! Apollyon picked up Sapphire, and nailed a
snapmare, then locked in a chinlock.

The crown begain chanting, and Blake ran in to kick Apollyon in the back to break the lock! Blake
taunted Apollyon and walked backwards. Apollyon focused on Blake, but when he turned around
Sapphire ran and banged his butt up against Apollyons head sending him down! Sapphire picked
up Apollyon and hit a quick Gutbuster for the two! Sapphire then tagged in Blake, who hit a nice
flipping senton over the ropes onto Apollyon! Sapphire got out, and Blake went to work stomping
on Apollyon. Blake lifted Apollyon, kicked him in the stomach, and hit the lifting DDT! Blake
pinned, but Kastorus broke it up, then lifted Blake and hit him with a Front Face Suplex! Sapphire
tried to get in but the ref held him back distracted! Kastorus and Apollyon took the time to hit an
assisted double backdrop, then a quick double elbow drop. Kastorus tagged his hands and made
it seem like Apollyon tagged out.

Kastorus then lifted Blake, ran off the ropes, and hit a the Emperor Lariet! Kastorus pinned Blake,
but Sapphire broke it up! Sapphire slightly pushed the ref aside and ran after Kastorus! Sapphire
clotheslined himself and Kastorus out, onto the mats. Apollyon jumped inside the ring, and went
after Blake. Blake quickly used his speed to hit Apollyon in the face with his forearm, many times!
Blake then whipped him off the ropes, and dunked going for a back body drop. Apollyon used this
to his advantage and gave Blake a powerbomb! Outside of the ring, Sapphire and Kastorus
brawled with Kastorus getting the jupper hand. Kastor then gave Sapphire a hip toss on the mats,
and reached under the ring. He pulled out the barbwire pipe, and went for the attack on Sapphire.
As the ref was paying attention to Blake and Apollyon, Sapphire low blowed Kastorus, took the
pipe, and hit Kastor hard in the head! Kastor was down and out! Sapphire didn't stop, and hit him
three more times then threw the pipe.

In the ring, Apollyon lifted Blake, and set him up for the Jackhammer! However, Sapphire came
from behind and slapped Apollyon in the ass, which made Apollyon drop Blake and turn to
Sapphire. Sapphire winked at him, and ran being chased by the monster Apollyon! Blake quickly
used this, and when Sapphire passed him, he lifted up and superkicked Apollyon straight in the
face! The faces then lifted Apollyon, and nailed the pattened Double DDT for the pinfall!

Winners by Pinfall: Sapphire and Blake.

After the match, we see Kastor raise and see what happened. Sapphire and Blake hug, and take
off to the back celebrating the big win over the two heels! Apollyon raised, and Kastor got in.
Kastor yelled at Apollyon, and Apollyon looked down. Kasor then slapped him and said one more
mess up could mean his life!

Once again we cut backstage and see Aengie. She is watching the show and is smiling at the
sucess it is making. Forte comes in and brags off telling her hes dodged everything shes thrown
at him, and tonight, he becomes the Aeven Champion! Aengie smiles, and says she hopes he
does win. Forte agrees, and says she doesn't have to hope, he WILL!

We see Kastorus backstage tending to his wounds, and when Laine asks what went wrong,
Kastorus snapped and threw her face first into the wall! He said tonight was just a mistake, and
he doesn't care about the homosexual and his little buddy, because he has a new plan in store!

10-Man Battle Royal: Drakkon vs Seig vs Judas vs Aramax vs Slipn vs Gaffar vs Astral vs
Kless vs Ragnarock vs Forte.

The ten men are all in the ring, as the ref is seen introducing the new Aeven Title. Whoever wins
this match, will go down in history to be the first to hold this title. The ref then hands it to the time
keeper, and jumps out. At ring side are 6 refs to make sure whoever gets thrown out hits the
bottom. The bell then rings and we're off!

Right away Forte jumps in the middle and starts bragging and taunting on how he'll win. The other
nine look at each other, point to Forte, and all jump him! The nine men then lift Forte up, and
throw him out of the ring! Forte is eliminated!

The nine then started brawling with each other, trying to gang Astral. Astrals power forced them
all back, and sent Ragnarock and Aramax over the top with each other! Aramax and Ragnarock
are eliminated!

Astral then reaches over and grabs the still hurt Judas, kicks him, and lifts for the Holy Edge!
Astral then turns, and throws Judas over the top rope onto Aramax, Ragnarock, and two refs! The
crowd hits another "Holy Shit" chant as Judas is eliminated.

Astral made his arms into a cross pose, but Gaffar attacked him from behind. Gaffar hit a nice
snapemare with a low dropkick to get a quick advantage on Astral. On the other side, Drakkon
was brawling with Slipn, and Kless was fighting with Seig. All 6 men continued to brawl, lock each
other in light submissions, and hit basic moves.

After a while, Kless outsmarted Slipn and lowered the top rope as Slipn went for a leaping
spinning wheel kick! Slipn was eliminated the same way as last week! Slipn stood and looked
angry, but walked up the ramp.

Kless joined Seig in beating down Drakkon, and hit a few light double team moves such as
double clotheslines and dropkicks. Kless and Seig then whipped Drakkon off the ropes, but
Drakkon dodged there double back elbow. Drakkon then ran off and hit the two with a crossbody.
On the other side, Astral nailed Gaffar with a Holy Spike(Spear), then locked him in a bow
backbreaker. Drakkon attacked Seig and Kless, and managed to throw Seig over the top rope
with a front suplex! Seig is eliminated!

Drakkon tried to rest, but Kless quickly jumped on the attack with an axe handle to the back!
Kless nailed a piledriver, and locked him in a headlock. Astral then was seen lifting Gaffar in the
Edge! Gaffar however used Astrals arms, threw himself up, and hit an amazing hurricanerana!
Astral was down! The crowd was on their feet with more giant pops!

Kless worked over Drakkon, then locked him in the Final Cut. As he lifted him with the scoop
slam, Drakkon threw himself back and over the ropes onto the apron. Kless turned and went for a
punch, but Drakkon lowered the rope and Kless flew over the top to the mats! Kless was
eliminated! Kless was seen upset, and pulled Drakkon off the mat. Kless then threw Drakkon
head first into the guard rails and left. Because of Kless pullig Drakkon out, Drakkon is NOT

Inside, Gaffar is brawling with Astral, hitting great flipping dropkicks and tornado DDTs. Gaffar
whipped off the ropes, but Astral countered by throwing Gaffar behind him! Gaffar used his great
balance and stood on the top rope! Astral looked as if he got rid of him, but when he turned Gaffar
jumped off and hit a back dropkick sending Astral down! Drakkon finally recovered and slid into
the ring, then hit a rough Shoulder Block on Gaffar! All three men were down!

Drakkon got up, and locked the Draklock on Gaffar! However, using Gaffars leg strength, he
pushed Drakkon forward towards Astral who back body dropped Drakkon over the top rope,
barely! Drakkon is eliminated!

The final two men, Gaffar and Astral caught their breath, and then went back to fighting. Astral hit
some nice slams, and even a rub breaker. Astral then placed Gaffar in a Mexican Surfboard, as
some strange lady dressed in black showed up on the ramp observing(Vampira). Back in the ring,
Astral signalled it was over and lifted Gaffar. Astral then once again lifted Gaffar into the Edge, but
Sakurakur jumped in and distracted Astral! Astral dropped Gaffar and headed towards Sakurakur!

Sakurakur backed up close to the ropes, and when she seen Gaffar stand she jumped out. Astral
lunged to try and grab her, but Gaffar nailed a dropkick to his back sending him into the ropes!!
Gaffar whipped off the ropes and hit the rope-assisted side kick, sending Astral back! Gaffar then
waited, and when Astral stood he did the SpringBoard Hurricanrana! Astral used his powerful
strength to catch Gaffar in a powerbomb!! Astral walked towards the ropes, but when he did
Gaffar completed the hurricanarana. Both flew over the top and landed on the outside at the
same time!

The two men celebrated, but the ref said both hit! Confusion struck but Aengie came out. She
said this wasn't going to happen, and ordered the match to restart as an exibition match! Both
wrestlers got into the ring, but Astral quickly stomped Gaffar to the mat! Astral then lifted him up
and hit a hard fallaway slam! Astral then lifted Gaffar, and locked him in the Cross-Cutter!
However, Gaffar bended back which sent Astral over to Gaffars front. Gaffar then grabbed his
legs, dropped, and bridged in a pin! ONE! TWO! THREE! Gaffar scored the upset pinfall!

Winner by Pinfall/Last one standing: Gaffar

Gaffar and Sakurakur celebrated as the ref handed Gaffar the Aeven title. Sakurakur hugged and
squeezed Gaffar, as the two continued to celebrate. Astral was seen heading up the ramp
shaking his head, as Vampira smiled at Gaffars win!

We see a recap of what just went down, and backstage we see Gaffar and Sakurakur downing
some drinkings and snuggling together with the belt. Drakkon walks in, and nods, saying Gaffar
did good, but he better hold that belt because he wants to be the one to take it. Gaffar stood, and
nodded back, as Drakkon extended his hand. Gaffar shook it, and turned to sit. Drakkon then left
the locker room shaking his head.

THe Announcers then warn viewers to put the kids to bed because this next match is going to be
a trip to hell, a bloodbath massacre. Zemeckis and Vult is next, and now it's time to recap their

We start back with a little video of the first show, where the two argued in the ring. We then see
clips of their tournament match, where the two took off and Zemeckis threw Vult through the
glass. We see Vult attack Zemeckis with the Kendo Stick, and the chair shot this past week. We
hear Vults promo where Zemeckis opened a part of him he never wanted to release.

Street Fight: Vult vs Zemeckis

Zemeckis' music hit, and the lights started to flash off and on with lights streaming throughout the
crowd. Zemeckis then walks out onto the stage, and looks around. He then hits his pose, and
sparks fly out behind him and to the sides. Zemeckis smirks and heads down to the ring, looking
cocky as usual. Zemeckis steps in the ring and awaits his opponent.

BOOM! Vults huge pyro blasts, and out comes the co-owner! The fans get on their feet and Vult
runs down the ramp and slids into the ring, Vult doesn't even get his jacket off as he goes for the
attack on Zemeckis! The bell rings!

Vult and Zem start clobbering each other right away! Fists are flying, Vult starts completely
unloading with rights and lefts all over Zem! Vult backs Zem into the corner, then runs and nails a
Shoulder Block to the midsection! Zem walks out, and Vult removes his Jacket. Vult uses the
jacket to wrap around Zems neck, strangling him! Zem tries to get out but Vult contines to apply
pressure! Zem however reaches his leg back and low blows Vult! Vult crushes to the ground and
Zemeckis removes the jacket, finally getting air.

Zem then stomps down on Vult twice, and jumps delivering his jumping fist drop! Zem does it
again, and pins for a one! Zem lifts Vult, and nails a nice snap suplex. Zem then locks in a what
would be illegal choke, but it's allowed in the street fight! Zem lets off, lifts Vult, and hits him with a
nice backbreaker for a one and a half! Zem smirks, and taunted Vult to get up. Zemeckis dunks to
try to lift, but as he does Vult snaps up and drops him with a DDT! Vult catches his breath, and
stands to lift Zemeckis. He does, then throws some hard chest chops that can be heard
throughout the arena. Vult backs Zem into the ropes, whips him, then runs and nails a double
polish hammer to the chest(Benoits runnning attack thing). Vult lifts, hits some more chops, and
backs Zem into the corner.

Vult then gets on the second rope, and starts hitting the ten punches! The crowd counts along,
but at ten, Vult jumps down and hits a double axe handle! Vult backs up, Zem walks forward, and
Flair Flops to the ground! Vult pins, but only gets a one and a half! Vult lifts Zem, and connects
with a big suplex. Vult lifts and tries again, but Zem places his leg behind Vults so he couldn't lift.
Vult tried a few more times, but Zem went behind and hit a SICK Dragon Sulpex. Both men laid
out, as the refs count began. At 5, Zem stood, lifted Vult, and hit his Spinning Fisherman Suplex
for the two! Zem then wiped his hands, and went outside. Zem reached under the ring for items,
and brought out a Kendo Stick, a Trash Can, Cookie Sheets, and a Stop Sign. Zem threw them
all inside, but when he went to throw the trash can Vult was already up! Vult jumped over the top
rope and hit a Vaulting Body Press over the top onto Zem who was holding the trash can! The two
hit the mats completely out!

Vult and Zem both stood, and Vult went to hacking away with chops once more! Vult then
grabbed Zems head and threw him into the steel steps five times in a row! Zem hit the mats and
started pushing himself up the steel ramp to get away, as his head started to gush out blood! Vult
stalked Zem as Zem put his hands forward and said "no! no more!" Vult got close, lifted Zem, but
Zem poked him in the eye! Zem then grabbed Vult and gave him a hard piledriver onto the steel
ramp! Zem recovered a bit, and picked up the Kendo Stick. Vult finally made it to his face, and
when he turned was met by a smack in the forehead by the stick, sending him back down! Zem
then started whacking away with the Kendo Stick, hitting Vult on his chest and stomach until the
Stick completely tore to pieces!

As the stick broke, Zem picked up a piece of the wood and started to stab Vult in the head! Vults
head was busted open! Both men wre bleeding! Zem then lifted Vult, and walked him up to the
stage! Zem then rammed Vult into the titantron set, then walked them over to the end of the
stage. Zem kicked Vult, and stuffed him under his legs! Vult was able to fight out, and backbody
WIRES! The crowd stood with the "Holy Shit!" chants as Zemeckis was out of it! Vult recovered,
caught some breath, turned and looked at the fallen Zem. Vult pointed, and the crowd cheered!
Vult then jumped off the stage with a diving leg drop onto Zemeckis! Both men was out at the
bottom of the stage on the tables!

Finally, Vult stood and lifted Zemeckis and threw him over the guardrails into the crowd! Zem
stood, and Vult followed nailing him in the head with punches! Vult asked fans for chairs, and
started slamming about seven of them into Zems back! Vult posed, and charged at Zem who
crawled over to the middle section where the sound room was. Vult walked to Zem, lifted, but
Zem jacked a fans Pepsi and threw it into Vults eyes! Zem then stood, grabbed Vult, and threw
him through the sound rooms glass protection onto all the panels causing it to spark with Vult on
it!! The fans once more chanted "Holy Shit!" as Vult laid out with glass all over his body! Zem
rested, then reached in and pulled Vult out, punching him back towards the ring! Zem pushed Vult
on the rail, then backed up and charged! Vult moved, as Zemeckis slammed head first into the
barricade/guard rail breaking a part down as he hit the ground! Vult was able to rest a few
seconds, but then lifted Zemeckis up and threw him in the ring!
Zem laid out, as Vult threw in the broken Guard Rail, a Cookie Sheet, the Stop Sign, then went
under the ring. Vult pulled out ANOTHER TABLE and slid it inside. Vult slid in and picked up the
Table and set it into the corner. Zem started to stand, and Vult picked up the cookie sheet and
bent it over Zems head! Vult pinned but only got a two! Vult lifted Zem, whipped him off the ropes,
and when Zem came back he lifted and delivered a hard spinebuster onto the broken guard rail
inside the ring! Zem yelled out in pain, as Vult pinned. One, Two, NO! Zem kicked out! Vult then
placed the guard rail to the second rope, and lifted Zem. Vult then whipped Zem again, but Vult
reversed his second spinebuster, went behind, and hit a Half Nelson suplex on the guard rail!!
Another chant hit as Zemeckis got a pin for a two! Zemeckis started to stomp away on Vult,
unloading at least twenty onto Vults head and chest area! Zem then lifted Vult, and threw him on
the turnbuckle. Zem lifted the cookie sheet and returned the favor nailing Vult in the head! Zem
then threw it, brought Vult into the center of the ring, and hit a TBone Suplex on the stop sign!

Zem then signaled for the Travesty, as he lifted Vult. Zem attempted, but Vult turned him and hit
the Stunner perfectly! The two men fell as the ring is basically covered with blood. Both mens hair
is half red and their faces are just drenched in blood.

Vult rolled over after a minute or so of being out of it, and placed his hand over Zem. One, Two,
TH-NO!! Zem kicked out barely as the crowd was standing with excitment! Vult then stalked
Zemeckis, and as Zem raised he locked on the Sleeper! Zemeckis wobbled around trying to stay
up as the crowd was popping like mad! However, Zem bent which sent Vult over his back! Zem
then ran backwards as fast as possible and slammed Vult through the table they had set up
earlier! Zemeckis then used his last ounce of energy, pulled Vult out by his hand, and delivered
the Travesty onto the stop sign! Zemeckis rolled over onto Vult completely out of it as the Ref
counted the ONE! TWO! THREE! Zemeckis has defeated Vult!!

Winner by Pinfall and new number one contender for the EO Heavyweight Title: Zemeckis!

After the match, EMTs came down to the ring and asked Zem if he needed it, Zem said no, rolled
out of the ring, and started up the ramp pretty much dazed as hell. Vult raised to his knees a few
moments later, and also declined the EMTs help. As Vult stood, the crowd gave him a standing
ovation for his effort.

The announcers tell us what a chaotic match just went on, and we are told Aengie has an

We cut backstage and Aengie tells us that starting in 3 weeks, a Tag-Team Tournament will start
for the Tag Titles. Any pair of friends can come together to attempt to win them. She says at the
second PPV, the finals will happen!

Seridam and Cazz are next as we recap a really nice video of back when the two trained
together, traveled together, and to now where they are fighting each other.

Endless Online World Heavyweight Championship Match: Seridam defends against Cazz

The challenger came out first, his music hit, and out strolled Cazz with fog appearing on the
ground. Cazz smirks as the fog raises and he heads to the ring. He gets in, poses, and fog shoots
out of the turnbuckles. After a moment of posing, Cazz jumps down in the center and awaits.

The lights slightly dimmed, the music started, and when the beat hit Seridam came out holding
the title! He got to the center of the stage and the pyros blew off for the Champ! The crowd was in
a frenzy cheering as the Champ went down the ramp clapping fans hands. Seridam then jumped
in the ring and hopped on the turnbuckle posing his title off. Finally, Seridam gave the ref the title,
and gets in Cazz's face! The Bell rings and the fans are on their feet!

We start with a lockup, and a few nice wrestling exchanges such a headlockes, wristlock
reversals, pinning combantions, and a double drop kick where both missed. The two got a
standing ovation for this nice display, and they locked up again. Cazz backed Seridam into the
turnbuckle and got a cheap shot in as the ref seperated the two. Seridam then pushed forward
and started to nail forearm strikes on Cazz, sending him back into the turnbuckle then hit a
turnbuckle dropkick which sent Cazz over the top rope on the mats!

Cazz flopped down, but quickly stood and shook his head. Cazz paced, then rolled back in. The
two locked up again but this time Cazz went behind him, hit a forearm to the lower back, then hit
a nice bridging back suplex pin for the two! Cazz got up and quickly ran off the ropes and hit a
snap leg drop on the back of Seridams head, pinning for another two. Cazz lifted Seridam to his
feet, held him still, then jumped and hit a beautiful standing side kick that sent Seridam down!
Cazz made the rookie mistake and started taunting to the crowd acting like he had already won!
Cazz then turned and lifted Seridam off the mat, but the posing costed deeply as Seridam nailed
his trademark kneeling backbreaker. Cazz rolled in pain and Seridam stayed down trying to
recover. Seridam stood, Cazz stood, and Seridam hit a spinning kick sending Cazz down. Cazz
hopped up, but got whacked with another spinning kick! Seridam lifted Cazz and whipped him
into the turnbuckle.

Seridam walked over to the turnbuckle, hit some kicks to the midsection, then a nice heel kick to
the face! Seridam then lifted Cazz on the top rope, climbed, and hit a great frankenstiner for the
two count! Seridam then taunted, and as Cazz stood he hit him with his lighting fast clotheslines
three times, and hit the flying forearm! Seridam did a kip-up, as the crowd went wild! Seridam
then got on the top for a moonsault, but as he came down Cazz lifted his knees! Seridam stood
bending and Cazz reached and put Seridam in a small package pin! One! Two! No! Seridam
barely kicked out! Cazz rasied quickly and hit Seridam with a shin breaker and locked him in a
single leg crab! Seridam was in pain, as he tried to reach for the ropes. Seridam reached deep,
and was able to grab the ropes finally. Cazz stood quickly, and dropped his elbow twice into
Seridams back, pulled him in the center, and locked on a boston crab! Seridam was now in total
pain, as the ref went to ask if he wanted to tap!

Seridams face got red as the crowd chanted his name, and let his adrenaline take over as he
forced his way to the ropes. Cazz looked worried and tried holding it, but he couldn't! Seridam got
to the ropes breaking the hold! Cazz stood and ran off the ropes, and jumped trying to deliver a
big elbow to the back! Seridam moved and Cazz crashed to the mat. Cazz stood and tried more
but Seridam rolled from everyone of them. Finally, the two men stood, and Cazz went for some
elbow strikes, as Seridam hit some chops. Seridam then lashed Cazz off the ropes and
connected with his double spinning standing wheel kick! Seridam then waited, and when Cazz
stood he hit a toe kicked, whipped off the ropes, and nailed the scissors kick! Seridam pinned,
and the crowd chanted, ONE! TWO! NO!!

Seridam looked surprised, as he lifted Cazz to his feet and lifted for the FU! Cazz slid off his back
and hit a crazy looking spiked reverse DDT that sent Seridam into a backflip ontop ofhis head!
The two men laid out to recover their wounds, and the refs count began. At 7, both wrestlers
stood, and started punching each other. Cazz got the upperhand, and whipped him off the ropes.
As Seridam came back, Cazz missed a clothesline attempt and Seridam flung back with a
spinning diving forearm that sent them down again! Seridam stood as the crowd cheered! Cazz
stood as well, and when Seridam rushed towards him he moved, turned, and hit a nice uppercut
to the throat. Cazz then placed Seridam in the boston crab position, and sent him flaying back in
the toss! Seridam crashed into the ref, and Cazz smirked. Cazz then rolled out and grabbed the
title, and a little bag. He threw the bag inside, and the held the title sliding in. Cazz taunted, and
while he did this Seridam snuck the bag to himself!

Seridam stood, and as the ref was recovring Cazz charged with the title! Seridam dunked, and
emptied the bag into his hands. Once Cazz turned, Seridam threw the powder in Cazz's eye!!
Seridam laughed, but Cazz heard his voice and used it to whack Seridam with the title! Cazz then
threw the title out, as the ref finally recovered. Cazz, blinded, stumbled around the ring to find
Seridam, and pin him. Cazz finally got the pin, but Seridam kicked out at two and a half! Cazz
looked pissed, and said "It's over!!". Cazz taunted, drug Seridam to the middle of the ring, and
charged. Seridam, who pretty much played possum, stood quickly! Cazz didn't see this and he
sprung off the ropes in the Lionsault! Seridam caught Cazz as he was in mid-air in FU position,
and slammed him to the ground with impact! The FU then the Pin for the ONE! TWO! THREE!!

Winner and STILL Endless Online World Heavyweight Champion: Seridam!(1st Defense)

After the bell rang, the ref handed Seridam his title and he placed his head on the title and mat
exusted. Seridam then raised up and celebrated his hard earned victory over his former friend!
Seridam posed on the turnbuckles and the announcers tell us it's been a wild and crazy night, as
the show goes off the air!

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