PPV3 Log-In Lockout

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PPV3: Log-In Lockout

We start the PPV with a little warm of video with the offical theme song "Our Truth"
by Lacuna Coil playing. In the video, most of the wrestlers are seen posing or
taunting. Towards the middle, we see a sight of a giant cage then see a shot of
Zemeckis raising his head looking into the camera, then Vult looking concerned. We
see Seridam pose off with his belt, with a split of Wickedfrost and Kastorus..

The pyros blast off extra loudly, as the crowd goes crazy. Arvid and Amy tell everyone
it's going to be a chaotic night, as the card is packed! Amy then agrees and runs
down the card.

-Wickedfrost vs Kastorus: Winner faces Seridam in the Main Event.

-Cador/Cazz/Darcia/Forte vs Sapphire/Slipn/Tomaxel/Ryuk
-Fatal 4-Way for the Aeven Title: Astral vs Drakkon vs Blake vs Gaffar
-Carnage Cage: Zemeckis vs Vult
-EOWF Heavyweight Title: Seridam vs winner of Wicked/Kastor

The announcers tell us Wicked/Kastor are first, but, a brief rundown of this feud. The
Titantron plays the ending of the Battle Royal over, seeing the confusing ending. We
then see the two singles match both men had, the beatdown Wicked got two weeks
ago, and finally, Kastors henchmen destorying Wicked last week. The video cuts off,
as Arvid and Amy tell us it's time for the match!

[b]Winner faces Seridam: Wickedfrost vs Kastorus[/b]

The lights go dim, as the fans start to boo. Kastorus walks out from the curtain onto
the stage. Kastorus taunts the crowd as he stalks down the ramp with a smirk. Kastor
walks up the steel steps, and gets inside the ring as pyros blast from the sides of the

The lights then shift from dark to light blue, as light little snow flakes fall throughout
the arena. Wickedfrost walks out onto the stage, as the crowd cheers loudly! Wicked
walks down the ring pointing at Kastor, as he rolls in. Wicked climbs on the
turnbuckle to pose, but Kastor attacks!

Kastor runs up behind Wicked and hammers away with some double axe handles to
Wickeds back. Kastor pulls Wicked off the turnbuckle and backs him into the corner,
unleashing some thunderous chops that echo throughout the arena. Kastor whips
Wicked to the opposite side of the ring, charges, and nails a big turnbuckle
clothesline! Wicked falls sitting, as Kastor places his boot into Wickeds throat,
choking him! The ref finally tells Kastor to break it up. Kastor then kicks Wicked in the
face, and releases his foot. Kastor lifts Wicked up, then places him up onto his
shoulders. Kastor turns, runs, then drops to his knees slamming Wicked hard onto the
mat. Kastor pins but only gets a two on the veterian. Kastor stands, and stomps away
on Wicked before lifting him once again. Kastor throws some more stiff shots, backing
Wicked into the ropes. Kastor whips Wicked again, then turns and bends waiting for

As Wicked returns, he holds himself onto the ropes. Wicked runs, flops down, and
delivers a stiff chop to Kastors throat, sending him back. Wicked stands and fires
away on Kastor with elbows. Wicked then whips Kastor, then as he returns delivers a
Shoulder Back Toss! Kastor hits the mat with impact, as Wicked works the crowd!
Kastor stands, as Wicked quickly gets back on the attack. Wicked locks Kastor in a
suplex, lifts, and stalls! The blood rushes to Kastors head as Wicked finally drops
down, suplexing Kastor! Wicked rolls over and pins, getting a two. Wicked stands
again, working the crowd a bit more. Kastor stands, as Wicked stalks him.

Kastor thinks quick and dodges a punch attempt, then grabs Wickeds head and
throws him throat first into the ropes! The crowd boo's as Kastor recovers a bit.
Kastor then kicks the choked Wicked straight in the ribs several times! Kastor
proceeds to get outside onto the apron, and hit Wicked in the back of the head with a
few elbows. Kastor then locks in a suplex, and points outside to the mats!

Kastor lifts Wicked, but Wicked fights back down! Wicked then jabs Kastor in the ribs
a bit, giving him the momentum. Wicked then lifts Kastor in a suplex, but throws him
outwards onto the mats!The crowd cheers as Kastor lands chest first outside! Wicked
recovers, waiting for Kastor to stand. Once Kastor does, Wicked runs off the ropes,
returns, and flies straight over landing on Kastor!Both wrestlers laid outside, as the
crowd cheered loudly for Wicked! Wicked was able to stand first, as he stomped on
Kastor a bit. Kastor started to stand, staggering, as he continued to take shots from
Wicked. Wicked then grabbed Kastor by the head and charged for the steel post!

Before they got there, Kastor knee'd Wicked in his stomach, then threw Wicked head
first into the post instead!Kastor held Wicked against the steel post, backed up, and
delivered a vicious big boot crushing Wicked's head!Wicked fell, as Kastor taunted
the now boo'ing crowd! Kastor waited a moment to recover, then lifted Wicked and
threw him inside. Kastor leaped in as well. Wicked was now split open from hitting the
post so hard! Kastor waited for Wicked to stand, and once he did Kastor charged and
hit the Emperor's Lariet!Kastor pinned but was only able to get a two count! Kastor
stood and lifted Wicked once more, and charged off the ropes!

Wicked was able to dunk Kastors second attempt to hit a Lariet. Kastor stopped, as
Wicked spun him quickly, kicked, and hit the Wickedspike Driver!Both men laid out,
as the ref started to count. At around four, Wicked was first to his feet, and pointed to
the turnbuckle! The crowd cheered, as Wicked went up! Wicked then flew off the
turnbuckle and hit the Blizzard Splash! The ref counted, but only got to about 2:60
before Kastor kicked out! Wicked stood, and went ontop again!

Wicked flew off the top again, but Kastor rolled out of the way! Wicked splashed the
mat hard, as Kastor stood. Wicked stood, and Kastor snatched him up, and hit the
Royal Slam! Kastor pinned but only got the two! Kastor held his head in anger,
thinking what he could do to keep Wicked down! Kastor then smirked, nodded, and
stood! Kastor waited for Wicked, and when Wicked was up, lifted him onto his
shoulders! Kastor then started to jump up and down, locking Wicked in the Torture
Rack! Wicked refused to give up, as the crowd chanted his name!

After several seconds of being in the Rack, Wicked pulled out a desperation attempt,
and rolled himself out of the Torture Rack! On the way down, Wicked did a fast sunset
flip, pinning Kastor! Wicked pressed down as hard as he could, sucessfully getting the
three count!

[b]Winner by Pinfall: Wickedfrost[/b]

Kastor sat up, not realizing what happened. The ref helped Wicked up, then raised his
hand in victory! The crowd cheered, as Kastor stood angry! Wicked held the rope to
recover, proud of his victory. However, as Wicked let go and turned to pose, Kastor
charged and met him with a sick Emperors Lariet, sending Wicked flopping back onto
the mat head first, rolling! The crowd boo'ed loudly as Kastor yelled at Wicked, then
rolled up the ramp. Kastor headed back stage, as Arvid and Amy tell us the main
event will now be Seridam vs Wickedfrost for the EOWF Heavyweight Championship!

In the back, we see Vult getting ready, and looking a little worred. Aengie approaches
him cheerfully, and kisses his cheek. Vult smiles and Aengie tells him to go give
Zemeckis hell. Vult agrees. Aengie says Vult has gone through tons of stuff with
Zemeckis, a friendship, a tag-team, and now enemies. Aengie says Vult should stop
worrying and go finish this feud once and for all, and that she has faith in him. Vult
smiles and kisses her softly, and says he will!

We flash over the Aeven Champion, Astral. He is seen with three big looking monks
worshipping a strange statue. Astral opens his eyes and stands with his title. Astral
says tonight, he faces Gaffar and Drakkon once more, but this time with another
added fool. Astral says tonight all three of them will feel his wraith, and he'll leave
the PPV the Aeven Champion, and no one will stop him!

We cut back to the arena and Arvid/Amy run down the current 8-Man Tag stats. They
run us to a hype up video, as we see the carnage that was involved last week during
the 10 man tag. Amy tells us Sapphire has a large history with Cador and Cazz, and
it'll possibly advance more here tonight!

[b]8-Man Tag: Sapphire/Ryuk/Slipn/Tomaxel vs Cador/Cazz/Darcia/Forte[/b]

The heels come out first, as the crowd boo's loudly. Cazz, Darcia, and Forte all taunt
the crowd to get some heat, as Cador stalks down the ramp looking as serious as
ever. The Cazz, Darcia, and Forte show off by doing a fancy flip into the ring, as they
taunt. Cador reaches up to the top rope, and elevates himself to the apron, stepping
into the ring.

Sapphires music hits, as the crowd cheers loudly. Sapphire comes out onto the stage.
Sapphire then does his usual fairy dances, as the crowd cheers. Sapphire walks down
to ringside alone, taunting the heels. The four heels walk up to the ropes yelling at

From the opposite side, Tomaxel, Ryuk, and Slipn all roll into the ring. The three faces
run behind Cazz, Cador, and Forte. They then jump, hitting dropkicks sending the
three heels out of the ring. Cador turns, as the three faces triple team attack him!
They fire away with shots, as Sapphire rolls inside to join them! Tomaxel kicks Cador
in the chest, Slipn kicks Cador in the chest, Ryuk chops Cador in the chest, then
Sapphire runs off the ropes, returns, and hits Cador with his Butt-Thump! Cador falls,
as the three heels grab him and pull him outside to regroup. Cazz, Darcia, and Cador
jump up on the apron, as Forte rolls in. Sapphire, Ryuk, and Tomaxel get out, making
it Forte and Slipn to start! The bell rings, and we're OFFICALLY off.

Forte and Slipn lock up, as right away Forte ignores it and hits some knees to Slipns
right, hurt, leg. Forte goes for a Dragon Whip, but Slipn leaps up and hits an Enziguri
turning Forte inside out! Slipn stands and stomps away on Forte before lifting him.
Slipn nails some forearm shots, then points to Ryuk! Slipn throws Forte into the
turnbuckle, and tags in Ryuk! Ryuk gets in and right away delivers some powerhouse
shots to Fortes abdomen. Ryuk then whips Forte, but then reverses his whip throwing
Forte back into the same corner with hard impact! Ryuk hits some kicks to the
abdomen, then tags in Tomaxel. Tomaxel quickly hops in and hits some shots, and
whips Forte to the opposite corner. Tomaxel runs, but Cador blind tags Forte! Tomaxel
successfully hits a corner dropkick on Forte, sending him down sitting.

Cador reaches in and grabs Tomaxels hair, throwing him to the mat. Cador gets inside
the ring and lifts Tomaxel, back elbowing him into the corner. Cador levels Tom with a
hard back elbow, a forearm shot, and finally a HUGE Throat Thrust which sends
Tomaxel down. Cador charges along the ropes and nails Sapphire, Ryuk, and Slipn
sending them to the outside. Cador then charges at the now standing Tomaxel, in the

Tomaxel quickly turns, leaps onto the second rope, then jumps backwards nailing
Cador with a Leg Lariet sending the big man down! Tomaxel slowly crawls to his
corner, as Sapphire gets back on the apron. Tomaxel tags Sapphire, as the crowd
cheers. Sapphire runs into the ring and fires away on the staggering Cador! Sapphire
hits a Atomic Drop, runs, and hits Cador with a Diving Shoulder Block! Sapphire
stands as Cador rolls to his corner, tagging in Darcia!

Darcia gets in, and taunts Sapphire. Sapphire blows him a kiss, and Darcia looks
disgusted. Darcia charges, but Sapphire dunks his clothesline attempt and spanks
Darcia! Darcia pops forward yelping, then turning and looking at Sapphire. Darcia
charges again, but Sapphire moves to spank him again! Darcia, setting it all up,
grabbed Sapphires arm and hit an Arm Whip, sending Sapphire flipping. Darcia stood,
ran off the ropes, and came back hitting a spinning Elbow. Sapphire and Darcia both
stood, as Darcia chopped away on Sapphire. Darcia then nailed a snapmare, and
turned it into a Butterfly Lock! Sapphire yelled in pain, as the faces and crowd
cheered him on! Finally, Sapphire was breaking the hold, but Cazz tried to get into
the ring. The referee stopped him, as Ryuk got into the ring. Cazz then pointed to
Ryuk, as the referee ran over and stopped him! Darcia locked in the Butterfly Lock
more, as the three heels charged into the ring and stomped away on Sapphire! The
crowd boo'ed as Ryuk got out of the ring. The referee returned and yelled at the heels
to get out! Slipn took this time to climb the top rope, leap off, and smash Darcia with
a Front Dropkick breaking the lock! Sapphire fought over to his corner, as the referee
turned and seen him make a tag to Tomaxel!

However, the other three heels got into the ring and charged, attacking Sapphire
before he could exit. Ryuk, Slipn, Tomaxel all got inside and brawled with them! Ryuk
clotheslined himself and Cador over the top rope, as they brawled outside. Slipn
started wearing into Forte with some middle kicks, then threw him over the top rope.
As Forte landed, Slipn ran and flipped over the top rope landing on Forte, knocking
them both out! Cazz then rolled out, pulling Sapphire with him. Cazz hit some
forearms, sending Sapphire back. Cazz then grabbed Sapphire by the head and
attempted to throw him into the timekeepers bell! Sapphire reversed, and threw Cazz
into it instead, as both men fell.

Inside, Darcia was benig kicked by Tomaxel. Tomaxel stated attacking Darcia's left
leg, finally causing Darcia to fall on his knee. Tomaxel backed up and called for the
Head Rush! Tomaxel ran, hopped onto Darcias leg, and hit it successfully! Tom then
climbed to the top and called for the Hail of Heaven!

On the outside, Cador grabbed Ryuk by the neck, then chokeslammed him into the
turnbuckle! The impact shaked Tomaxel, who fell off the top rope back inside the
ring! Darcia stood, recovered, and ran. As Tom was getting to his knees, Darcia
returned and hit the Velvet Touch! Darcia then lifted Tomaxel, placed him in a reverse
DDT, yelled, then spun and dropped his elbow hitting the POENA! Darcia pinned and
got the three!

[b]Winners by Pinfall: Darcia/Cador/Cazz/Forte[/b]

Darcia rolled out, as Cador lifted Cazz and carried him away. Slipn stood and rolled
inside the ring, checking on Tom as he starred down the heels. Forte stumbled over to
the other heels, as they raised their arms in victory! Sapphire was seen getting to his
knees, as he shook his head in disappointment.

After the match, we cut to the back and see Zemeckis. Zemeckis is seen warming up, as
Amethist walks up to him! Amethist says she talked to Aengie earlier today, and felt she should
come down and just talk to Zem. Zemeckis listened, and Amethist continued. Amethist said Vult
agreed to end their feud tonight, no matter who the winner is. Amethist said she wants Zemeckis
to promise her that he'll end it as well, even if he loses. Zemeckis smirks and laughs, telling
Amethist he isn't going to lose, so the idea is fine. Amethist looks a little worried, as Zemeckis
tells her he's gotta go out! Amethist watches him leave, still looking worried.

[b]Aeven Title Fatal 4-Way: Astral vs Blake vs Gaffar vs Drakkon[/b]

Blakes music hits, as the crowd cheers! Blake runs out on the ramp and poses, getting more
crowd response. Blake walks down the ramp clapping hands before he rolls into the ring to pose
a few more times. Blake then gets in his corner, waiting.

Drakkon is out next to mixed reactions. Drakkon walks out of the curtains looking completely
focused on the match. Drakkon ignores the crowd as he heads down the ramp. Drakkon then
climbs the steel steps and gets inside the ring, looking at Blake.

Gaffars music hit next as the crowd erupted for the ex-Aeven Champion! Gaffar was seen ontop
of the titantron, as he grabbed a bungee wire and made his way down to the ring, amazing the
crowd. Gaffar landed in the ring and posed as the crowd cheered loudly!

The cheers became boo's, as the arena slowly turned dark and humming began. Three monks
came out, as Astral fellowed behind them wearing his title. Astral then got infront of the monks, as
smoke started to shoot up from the ramp. Astral walked down the ramp with his monks, as they
waited at ringside. Astral then got into the ring and handed his title to the ref, as the bell rang!

The four paced each other, as they checked for any sneak attacks. Drakkon stopped pacing and
charged, attacking Astral! Blake and Gaffar agreed to watch, as they stood back. Drakkon fired
away with lefts, sending Astral staggering back. Drakkon whipped Astral off the ropes, and as he
returned hit a big Shoulder Back Toss! Astral hit the mat but quickly stood, getting hit more by
Drakkon. Drakkon then crossed Astrals arms, fell, hitting the Shock Bind! Drakkon stood, told
Blake to move, then ran! On his way to the ropes, Drakkon did his handspring, returned,
backflipped, and hit the elbow drop on Astral! Drakkon pinned, as Blake went to break it up, Astral
was able to kick out though. Drakkon stood as Blake backed up. Drakkon lifted Astral and locked
in a DDT!

Astral ran forward and rammed Drakkon back first into the turnbuckle. Astral fired away with stiff
elbows, dazing Drakkon. Astral then grabbed Drakkon by the neck, ran forward, and hit the
GODHAND! Astral pinned but Blake kicked him in the back! Astral stood and went to attack
Blake, but Drakkon stood and attacked from behind! Astral turned, knee'ed Drakkon, then threw
him outside. Astral then ordered the monks to get rid of Drakkon. The three monks lifted Drakkon
and started throwing strikes! Drakkon tried to fight but it was just too much. The monks then lifted
and carried Drakkon to the back!

Gaffar and Blake then double teamed Astral from behind, sending him to his knees. The two
young wrestlers lifted Astral, and hit a double suplex. The two faces stood, as they ran opposite
sides off the ropes. Gaffar hit a spinning leg drop, and Blake hit a running body splash. Blake
pinned, but Gaffar broke it up!

Gaffar and Blake stood, arguing. Gaffar then pushed Blake, and Blake pushed back. Astral stood
finally, and nailed Blake in the face. Blake then whacked Gaffar with a forearm. Gaffar returned it
with a kick to Astrals ribs. This little sequence continued for a few moments, before they all fell
from the attacks. The crowd cheered at the hilarious display.

Gaffar and Astral stood first, as Gaffar quickly dropkicked Astral in his leg. Gaffar stood,
snapmared Astral, ran, hopped over him, sprung off the ropes, and hit another dropkick straight to
his nose! Gaffar stood posing, as Blake started to stand. Blake walked to Gaffar quickly, turned
him, and hit the Blaster! Blake pinned, but Astral broke it up!

Astral lifted Blake and fired away with elbows. Astral then lifted Blake up, and threw him face first
into the turnbuckle. Astral whipped Blake, and once he returned delivered a HUGE leaping side
slam. Astral pinned but Blake got out at two. Astral stood, lifted Blake, and whipped him. As Blake
returned, Astral lifted his leg in a Big Boot.

Blake however stopped in his tracks, grabbed Astrals legs, crossed over his right, spun, and
nailed a spinning wheel kick! Astral hit the ground, as Blake did too, but quickly stood. Blake
turned, and Gaffar came out of NOWHERE hitting the Fluon Flash Hurricanrana! The ref counted
but Blake got out at two, barely.

Gaffar lifted Blake and fired away with forearms. Gaffar then went for another hurricanrana, but
Blake powered him back up! Astral stood, but fell back down when Blake threw Gaffar out
powerbomb wise hitting him! Both fell, as Blake went to the top, posing to the crowd. Blake
leaped off and successfully hit a top rope Elbow Drop on Gaffar! The ref counted, but Astral
kicked Blake at two.

Astral stood and lifted Blake, quickly hitting a backbreaker. Gaffar stood, seen the position, and
ran. Astral forced Blake down into his knee hard. Gaffar returned and then dropkicked the side of
Blakes head, sending him off Astrals knee, knocking him out cold! Astral stood and stomped away
on the raising Gaffar. Astral stuffed Gaffar and lifted in the Holy Edge! Thinking smart, instead of
doing it, Astral dropped Gaffar and fell sitting, slamming Gaffar face first into the mat! Astral
turned and pinned Gaffar, but he kicked out! Astral stood and locked Gaffar in the Heavens Wraith
lock, forcing Gaffar to scream in pain.

Blake stood and went to the top again. Blake leaped off and this time hit an elbow drop on Astral!
Blake stood, lifted Astral, and placed him in the Pyr0mg. Astral fought a bit, as Gaffar slowly
started to start. Gaffar got close, and Blake placed him in the Pyr0mg as well! Blake lifted, and
dropped, hitting it on both men! Blake pinned, but they kicked out at 2:99! Blake stood, and lifted

Gaffar started firing back with some forearms in the stomach. Gaffar then went behind Blake and
hit a sick tiger supelx! Gaffar stood and posed, as Vampira came on the titantron.

Vampira said she was at the hospital, and Sakurakur was right inside the next room. Vampira
then pulled out a needle with some liquid, and said it'd be wise if Gaffar came to the hospital!
Gaffar looked worried, as he rolled out of the ring and charged up the ramp. Gaffar stopped and
looked back at the ring, seeing a chance to win the Aeven Title. However, Gaffar ran through the
curtain to the back...

In the ring, Astral lifted the still dazed Blake. Astral lifted Blake up in the Holy Edge, but Blake
dropped! Blake spun Astral, locked in the Pyr0mg! Astral grabbed Blakes arm, stood, spun, and
hit Blake with a Big Boot straight to the head, still holding Blake by the arm. Astral lited the lifeless
Blake, placed in the Holy Edge, and hit it successfully! Astral pinned and got the three!

[b]Winner by pinfall and still Aeven Champion: Astral![/b]

After the match, Astral rolled out of the ring and posed with his title. Astral laughed and walked up
the ramp as Sapphire ran down to check on the fallen Blake. Astral left, as Blake stood with

We cut to the announcers, as they tell us to send the children to bed, because just like their
match at Disconnection Notice, it'll be a blood bath. Amy and Arvid throw us to a video, which
displays the violent and personal feud Vult and Zemeckis have had for a half of year now. We see
all the recaps of their fights, finishes, arguements, attacks, and segments. After the video ends,
the announcers tell us that tonight could be the final chapter to the story. The cameras shift to the

The arena starts to get dark, as strobe lights flash all around the arena. The crowd cheers as the
giant cage lowers and surrounds the ring. The enclosed frame hits the mat, and officals walk
inside with weapons. They tie the weapons on the cage, then get out, and check under the ring
for anyone. The officals then get out of the cage..

Cage of Carnage: Zemeckis vs Vult

Vults music hits first, as the pyro blows across the stage. The crowd erupts and out comes Vult!
Vult poses for the crowd and walks down the ramp, looking up and down the giant cage. Vult
walks inside the cage and gets into the ring posing.

Zemeckis' music hits next, as the crowd boo's loudly. Zemeckis slowly walks down the ramp,
taunting the crowd. Zemeckis walks to the cage and feels it, then smirks looking at Vult. Zemeckis
walks inside as the officals close and chain the door, so neither man can escape. Zemeckis rolls
into the ring and stares at Vult, as the bell rings..

We start the match with a lock up, as Zemeckis grabs Vults arm, and goes from behind locking in
a hammerlock. Vult bends to break it, but Zemeckis applies pressure. Vult bends again farther, as
Zemeckis flips over him. Zemeckis lands and reaches up, grabbing Vult by the arm dragging him
to the mat. Zemeckis places his legs across Vult, stretching his arm in an Arm-Bar. Vult yells as
the referee checks on him. Zemeckis finally releases the Arm-Bar, and stands. Vult follows, but
Zemeckis stomps his arm a few times to get an advantage. Zemeckis grabs Vults arm, pushes
him back to the ropes, pulls forward and flips Vult, forcing him on the mat hard! Zemeckis stands
and poses as Vult holds his arm! Zemeckis lifts Vult up and locks him a suplex.

Zemeckis made a mistake, as Vult had his good arm free. Vult reversed Zemeckis' two suplex
attempts, and hit one of his own! The crowd cheers as both wrestlers stood. Vult threw some fists
at Zemeckis, making stagger back. Vult whipped Zemeckis off the ropes, and as he returned hit a
huge Shoulder Back Toss. Zemeckis hit the mat with impact, as Vult shook his arm getting the
feeling back finally. Vult walked to the kneeling Zemeckis and kicked him in the head a few times,
sending him down. Vult lifted Zemeckis, and chopped him back into the corner. Vult stomped
away at Zemeckis' stomach, then started delivering back elbows to the side of the face. Zemeckis
staggered out of the corner and held the ropes, but Vult hit a clothesline sending Zemeckis over
the top rope to the outside! Vult posed as Zemeckis laid on the mats hurt. Zemeckis finally raised,
as Vult grabbed the top rope.

Vult pressed over, but Zemeckis moved forcing Vult to crash on the outside! Zemeckis lifted Vult
up and threw some closed fists, hitting Vult in his forearm. Zemeckis then grabbed Vult and
grabbed Vult, hitting a Belly to Belly on the outside! The mats made a sick thud, as Zemeckis
stood. Zemeckis reached to the cage and grabbed a kendo stick, as Vult was getting up. As Vult
turned, Zemecks started laying some hard smacks to Vults head with the stick! The stick slowly
started to shatter, after cracking Vults head five times! Zemeckis threw the stick down, grabbed
Vult by his head, and threw him forehead first into the steel cage! Zemeckis taunted the crowd as
Vult laid against the cage recovering. Zemeckis stomped Vult in the ribs a bit, then rolled into the
ring. Zemeckis ran off the ropes, came back, and leaped out of the ring through the middle in a
Vult moved quickly as Zemeckis smashed himself face first into the steel cage! Vult recovered, as
Zemeckis laid out. Vult pulled off a steel chair, and whacked Zemeckis as he started to stand! Vult
lifted Zemeckis and threw him inside, folowing to pin. Vult got a two as Zemeckis was able to get
his shoulder up. Vult stood, stomped Zemeckis, and lifted him. Vult whipped Zemeckis off the
ropes, and as he returned nailed a nice swinging neckbreaker. Vult pinned again but only got a
two! Vult stood up, as he waited for Zemeckis. Zem seemed out of it, as Vult walked to help him

Zemeckis took advantage and hit a low blow! Vult released Zemeckis and hit the mat, holding
himself. Zemeckis stood and fell into the turnbuckle, recovering. Zemeckis then ran off the ropes,
returned, shook and swung his arms oddly, and landed a huge elbow drop across Vults chest!
Zemeckis pinned but only got a two. Zemeckis stood and lifted Vult, locking in his Exploder.
Zemeckis hit it successfully, then pinned Vult for another two! Zemeckis hit the mat hard and
stood, angry. Zemeckis lifted Vult up and held the top of his head. Zemeckis charged at the ropes,
leaped over the top and dropped Vult on the ropes throat first! Vult whiplashed back on the mat,
as Zemeckis smirked. Zemeckis grabbed Vults leg, and very forcefully pulled Vult to the outside,
smacking his back on the mats with impact! Zemeckis lifted Vult again by the head, and threw him
into the cage. Zemeckis then raked Vults face across it viciously, then threw him down. Zemeckis
took the time to look at his weapon selection, as he ignored them all! Vult was seen, bleeding, as
Zemeckis looked under the ring! Zemeckis then pulled out a Table, a Tool Box, and finally a board
wrapped with Barbwire! Zemeckis threw each in as Vult stood.

The bloodly Vult attacked Zemeckis from behind, and locked him in a Russian Leg Sweep. Vult
fell back and spun, hitting Zemeckis spnie first against the steel turnbuckle. Vult stood, and fell
back again doing it once more! Vult released Zemeckis and picked up a small hammer that was in
the Box! As Zemeckis slowly stood, Vult swung the hammer and smashed it against Zemeckis'
face! Vult posed and got under the ring, pulling out some weapons as well. Weapons weren't
exactly what he got. Vult pulled out Lighter Fluid and Matches! Vult threw them inside, lifted
Zemeckis, and threw him inside as well! Vult rolled in, stood, and set up the table in the corner!

Before Vult could light the table, Zemeckis grabbed his steel chain and lashed it across Vults
back! Vult dropped the fluid and matches, as he leaned forward in pain. Zemeckis then locked
Vult in a Full Nelson, and threw back hitting a Dragon Suplex! Zemeckis bridged it in a pin, but
only got a two. Zemeckis dragged Vult to the corner, and hopped up on the turnbuckle. Zemeckis
flew off and hit a picture perfect Moonsault on Vult! Once again, Zemeckis only got a two.
Zemeckis stood and picked up the barbwire board, as he looked to be evening out the wires.

This stalling allowed Vult enough time to catch his breath. Zemeckis lifted the board and faced the
now standing Vult. Vult jumped forward and dropkicked the board, sending Zemeckis falling while
the barbwire board landed on top! Zemeckis was seen covered by the board, not moving. Vult
took a moment to wait, then walked to Zemeckis and lifted the board. Zemeckis had been cut
open on various parts of his body due to the sharp edges! Vult threw the board down, lifted
Zemeckis, and whipped him off the ropes. As Zemeckis returned, Vult lifted Zemeckis high into
the air, turned, and dropped him back first on the sharp barbwire! Zemeckis arched forward in
pain, rolling away as more blood was getting all over the ring! Vult pinned Zemeckis but he kicked
out, barely! Vult stood and walked to his table, grabbing his materials. Vult sparyed the lighter
fluid on the table, then lit the matches! Vult threw the matches down, enlighting the table to a
blaze! Vult walked to Zemeckis, lifted him up, and placed in a spinebuster!

Zemeckis, realizing what may happened, acted quick and hammered away at Vults cut open
forehead. Zemeckis then bit it, enlarging the cut! Vult dropped Zemeckis, as Zemeckis kicked Vult
in the stomach and stuffed. Zemeckis turned, lifted Vult high into the air, and Powerbombed Vult
on the burning table! The table shattered as the flames slowly went out after Vult hit them! Vult
rolled around holding his burnt back! Zemeckis fell back sitting and recovered, as the referee
checked on Vult.
Zemeckis then crawled over and pinned Vult, but only got a two! Zemeckis stayed down, as both
men slowly recovered.

The two then started to raise, as Zemeckis slapping Vult across the chest. Vult sent a chop back,
hitting Zemeckis. The two traded chops and slaps to the chest for around two minutes! Zemeckis
finally quit slapping Vults chest, and started leveling him with face slaps. Zemeckis slapped Vult
back into the corner, jumped on the second rope, and knee'ed Vult straight in the face. Zemeckis
jumped down as Vult hit the mat face first. Zemeckis pinned but Vult kicked out at two! Zemeckis
shook his head, as blood dripped off his face to the mat. Zemeckis stood and slowly started to lift

Vult returned the favor and low blowed Zemeckis! Vult then sprung up and hit a Stunner, sending
Zemeckis down lifeless. Vult fell as well, both men dazed. Finally, the bloody Vult crawled to his
foe and pinned. Zemeckis was able to barely kick out at 2:99! Vult stood slowly and lifted
Zemeckis, hitting a chop. Vult lifted the board and threw it against the turnbuckle, to get it out of
the way. Vult stalked Zemeckis from behind, and locked in the sleeper! Vult held it in for several
good seconds, as Zemeckis stumbled around the ring.

Much like their street fight ending, Zemeckis bent and lifted Vult onto his back. Zemeckis ran
backwards, dove, and sent both men back crashing Vult into the barbwire board! The board broke
in two, as the barbwire cut down all over Vults back! Zemeckis slowly stood and pulled Vult out.
Zemeckis fell against Vult, completely tired. Zemeckis leaped, spun, and successfully hit the
Travesty, his old finisher. Zemeckis pinned, but Vult kicked out at 2:99! Zemeckis looked
confused, and then signalled for the Thunder Death Driver! Zemeckis stood and lifted Vult,
locking in the brainbuster position. Zemeckis lifted, but to no success.

Vult knee'd out of it, and nailed Zemeckis straight in the face with a forearm. Zemeckis threw one
back, as they started to trade forearm shots. Vult was able to get the upperhand, as he started
slinging forearms with haste. Zemeckis wobbled back, out of it. Vult pressed himself back in the
corner, charged, and nailed Zemeckis with a stiff Running Forearm. Zemeckis fell to the mat, as
Vult pinned. However, Vult only got a two! Vult stood, and waited for the now covered in blood
Zemeckis. As Zemeckis raised, Vult ran and hit another Running Forearm. Vult pinned, but only
got the two. Vult stood and waited for it again..

This time, Vult threw the Forearm but Zemeckis dunked, and ran off the ropes. As Zemeckis
returned, Vult looked back and was completely leveled with Zemeckis' Yakuza(Kenka) Kick.
Zemeckis fell with Vult, as both men were bleeding nonstop. The mat was basically red now.
Zemeckis slowly turned Vult to his back, and pinned. Zemeckis only got the two count! Zemeckis
stood and lifted Vult. Zemeckis locked Vult in the Thunder Death Driver, and lifted!

Vult once again fought out, placing his feet on the mat. Vult elbowed out of the position, kicked
Zemeckis, grabbed his head, and fell sitting hitting the stunner. Zemeckis didn't fall, but instead
stayed kneeling, looking completely blank. Vult stood and looked at Zemeckis, who was slowly
standing. Vult backed up on the ropes, charged, and hammered Zemeckis with a third, even sick,
stiffer Running Forearm Smash! Zemeckis fell lifeless, as Vult fell basically passed out onto
Zemeckis. The ref counted, and Vult got the three!

Winner by Pinfall: Vult

After the match, officals broke the chain and called for medics. They ran out and attended to Vult
and Zemeckis. Both men laid on the stretcher, as medics carried them up the ramp. However, at
the end of the ramp, Vult got off the stretcher! Vult posed to the thunderous crowd as they gave
him a massive cheer. Zemeckis was being carried up, as Vult patted his chest a bit and bowed his
head. Vult posed again and headed to the back. The announcers tell us the match had to be the
most brutal they ever seen...

The cage begins to raise, as the fans are still amazed at the incredible fight they just witnessed.
The announcers tell us that the main event was next, with an already tired Wickedfrost facing
Seridam for the EOWF Heavyweight Title.

Just like the other matches, we catch a recap of Seridam and Wickeds history. We see older
shots of Wicked with the old EOWF title, right before Aengie took over the company and changed
it. We see Wicked and Seridams tournament match, that was off the charts as well. Finally, we
see the stats, win-loss record, and moves of both wrestlers.

[b]Main Event: EOWF Championship: Seridam vs Wickedfrost[/b]

Wickedfrosts music hits, as he walks out to the cheering crowd still a little bit up. Wicked slowly
walks down the ramp, then gets to ringside rolling inside. Wicked poses to the crowd, as they
cheer for him giving support.

The arena goes pitch black, as the crowd gets on their feet. The lights hit, and the Champions
music hits! Seridam runs out posing his belt as the crowd goes crazy for him! Seridam does his
usual PPV style entrance, as he goes through the crowd and messes with fans before he gets to
the ring. Seridam leaps over the guardrail and points at all the blood on the mat. Seridam smiles
and poses some more before jumping into the ring. Seridam then climbs the turnbuckle and
poses his belt. Seridam jumps down and hands it over, as Seridam and Wicked shake hands.

The referee holds the title up, showing the prize that's on the line. The bell rings, and both
wrestlers pace each other. The two wrestlers lock up, but Seridam thinks smart and locks Wicked
in an wrist-lock. In the position, Seridam kicks up and smacks Wicked across his hurt chest!
Seridam lays in some more kicks, before leaping and hitting a spinning wheel kick sending both
down. Seridam stands and holds Wicked down, and flips landing on Wicked with a Senton
Splash. Seridam pins but only gets a two. Both wrestlers stand, and Seridam fires away with
chops at Wickeds upperbody. Seridam continues to chop, then locks Wicked in a suplex. Seridam
lifts and drops Wicked hard, rolling over into a pin. Another two, as Wicked powers out. Seridam
lifts Wicked again and lays into him with some kicks. Seridam then places Wicked against the
ropes, and runs off the ropes.

As Seridam returns, he goes for a clothesline. [i]Wicked dunks and throws Seridam over the top
rope with a Shoulder Back Toss! Seridam hits the ground back first as another sick thud echo's
throughout the arena. [/i]Wicked recovers, rolls out, and stomps Seridam. Wicked then lifts
Seridam up head first, and throws him into the Steel Steps! Wicked pulls Seridam up, stuffs, and
signals for the Wickedspike Driver!

Seridam recovers just in time to shoulder back toss Wicked over him to the mats. Seridam
recovers, lifts Wicked, and chops away some more. [i]Seridam then backs up, runs, and hits
Wicked with a dropkick sending him back first over the stairs infront of the announce table![/i]
Seridam poses to the crowd, as they cheer. Seridam then climbs to the apron and waits for
Wicked to stand.

Once Wicked stands, Seridam leaps off. However, Wicked dunks letting Seridam crash face first
into the announce table! [i]Wicked pulls Seridam back, turns, stuffs, and successfully hits the
Wickedspike Driver, driving Seridams head straight on the mats![/i] Wicked stood and rolled in,
then out, to break the count. The camera shifted to Seridam, who was seen looking completely
blank and lifeless. Wicked then took apart the announce table, as Arvid and Amy scattered.
Wicked lifted Seridam, and threw him ontop, then climbed on the apron. Wicked signalled for the
Blizzard Splash, as the crowd went wild! Wicked climbed to the top, faced the lifeless Seridam
who was on the table, and stopped to think. [i]Wicked then leaped FAR out off the top rope, hitting
the Blizzard Splash on Seridam as they both completely broke the table![/i]The crowd cheered
wildly, as the referee rolled out and checked on both men! Finally, Wicked staggered up, catching
a breath. Wicked lifted Seridam and threw him into the ring, crawling in as well making a pin.
Seridam BARELY kicked out, as the crowd cheered! Wicked then slowly climbed to the top,
signalling another Splash.

Wicked jumped, but Seridam moved crashing the vet stomach first onto the mat! [i]Seridam
sprung up, grabbed Wicked and crossed his arms, hitting the Special Backbreaker![/i] Seridam
then recovered and stood! Wicked kneeled up, as [i]Seridam ran off the ropes and nailed the
Scissors Kick![/i]Seridam got a pin, but Wicked kicked out! Seridam stood and stomped Wicked
some more, then lifted him up. Seridam locked Wicked in a Fishermans Suplex, threw back, and
hit it bridging! Wicked got out at two, as the crowd cheered! Seridam stood and lifted Wicked
once more, calling for the FU! Seridam got Wicked up, and walked forward.

As Seridam threw Wicked off, [i]Wicked held and nailed Seridam with a stiff DDT sending the
Champion head first to the mat![/i]Wicked stayed down, then made a desperate attempt to pin.
The cover was weak, as Seridam was able to get his shoulder up just a bit. Wicked then called for
the Sharpshooter, and locked it in! Seridam yelled in pain, as Wicked forced back more! Seridam
used his strength to slowly crawl to the ropes, but the pressure Wicked continued to apply was
too much. Seridam hit the mat, but refused to tap! Wicked had enough, and released Seridam.
[i]Wicked ran off the ropes, returned, jumped, and hit a Body Splash on Seridams back![/i] Wicked
turned Seridam around and pinned, but only got a two! Wicked looked angry, as he stood and
grabbed Seridams legs again.

However, when Wicked placed his leg in, Seridam kicked up causing Wicked to bend. [i]Seridam
grabbed Wickeds head, pulled him back placing him in a Small Package Pin![/i] The ref counted
as Wicked fought to kick out, but he couldn't! Seridam got the three!

[b]Winner by Pinfall and still EOWF Champion: Seridam[/b]

Seridam released as Wicked fell sitting, looking disappointed. The referee placed the Title on
Seridams chest and raised his arm. Wicked stood and held his ribs, after all the damage they
have taken throughout the night. Wicked reached down and grabbed Seridams arm, lifting him
up. Seridam stumbles a bit, falling to a knee, as Wicked stares him down. Wicked then smiles
and lifts Seridams arm, saying there's no doubt in his mind he's the future of the company! The
crowd cheers loudly as Wicked rolls out, posing one more time and getting a standing ovation.
Wicked leaves, as Seridam catches his breath to celebrate in the ring. The Champion gets on the
turnbuckle and lifts his EOWF Heavyweight Title high, now carrying it for a whole six months.

-End Show-

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