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Show 12: Returns, Returns, Returns..

We start the show with a usual recap from last week. We see the major parts of the show, along
with the winners and some clips from the Chain Match with Sapphire/Kastor.

Backstage: Gaffar and Vampira

Before we focus out to the arena, we see Gaffar walking backstage down a hall looking a little
upset still. Vampira then came out from a dressing room and stood infront of Gaffar. Vampira told
Gaffar that Sakurakur didn't deserve a man like him anyway. Gaffar fired back and said Sakurakur
is the best girl in the world, and Vampira is some tramp who needs to get lost! Gaffar storms past
Vampira as we see her smirk.

We cut out to the arena and the music and pyro goes blasting! The announcers tell us that
tonights main event will be Seridam vs both Zamerain AND Apolo! We also here that Slipn will
return to action tonight, Wicked will be on the show, and Zemeckis will be live!

Exibition Match: Slipn vs Judas

The lights start flickering different shades of green and purple, as the strange wrestler Slipn
comes out from the curtain. Slipn, now with a unique apperance with face-paint makes his way
down the ramp and into the ring, taunting the crowd.

With Judas in the ring already, the bell rang! The two young wrestlers locked up right away, with
Judas seemingly overpowering Slipn. Judas locked in a headlock, but Slipn sent him off the
ropes. Judas ran back for a clothesline, but Slipn dunked. Judas stopped himself, turned, but was
met by Slipns "Quick Kick!". Judas hit the mat, as Slipn stood and taunted more!

Slipn then lifted Judas up, and placed him in the "Juggadrop", but Judas elevated Slipn in a
backflip! As Slipn landed, Judas hit a picture perfect dropkick sending Slipn falling back! Both
wrestlers raised quickly, as Judas was able to hit another dropkick! Slipn rolled out of the ring to
recover. Judas placed his hads on his hips, and watched as Slipn walked outside! Slipn stood
close to the ring, and Judas walked to the ropes reaching down, grabbing Slipns hair! Judas then
lifted Slipn up onto the apron, but Slipn hit a nice backkick to the stomach, making Judas release
his hair!

Slipn turned, and reached through the ropes gripping Judas by the head. Slipn then pulled Judas
outside to the mats. Slipn got back into the ring, and waiting for Judas to stand. As Judas did,
Slipn jumped up onto the top rope, and hit an AMAZING springboard flip splash onto Judas!

The crowd cheered, as Slipn posed, then lifted and threw Judas back inside. Slipn rolled in,
stood, and lifted Judas as Slipn yelled it's over! Slipn then hit his Slipn'Slide driver, went to the
top, and hit the 450 for the three!

Winner by pinfall: Slipn!

Slipn celebrated as the crowd cheered. We then cut to intermission.


Tag Match: Cazz/Cador vs Aramax/Logon

Cazz and Cador came out together, not doing anything fancy or anything. The two high-profile
wrestlers looked completely focused and cocky about the match. Both got into the ring, as Cador
starred down both Aramax and Logon while Cazz whispered something into Cadors ear.
Cazz and Aramax both got out onto the apron, and the ref had the bell rang! Right away, Logon
thought it'd be a good idea to just rush Cador. Logon went up and started to pound on Cadors
chest. Cador looked down at Logon, then hit a nice uppercut which sent Logon flying back to the

Cador quickly stalked Logon, lifted him, and hit a GIANT Sidewalk slam! Logon rolled in pain, as
Cador stood. Cador then ran off the ropes, and hit a jumping leg drop straight onto Logons throat!
Cador stood, dropped an elbow, then stood again pointing at Aramax! Cador picked up Logon,
then slapped his hand on Logons throat! Cador smiled, and lifted Logon VERY high with ONE
HAND, then slammed him on the mat with hard impact!

Logon hit the mat so hard he bounced up lightly, as Cador then used his foot to roll Logon to his
corner. Aramax looked hesitant, but then tagged the fallen Logon. Aramax charged at Cador, but
was met with a Big Boot to the face sending Aramax to the mat! Cador lifted Aramax, then placed
him on his shoulders, as he ran and hit a HARD powerslam! Cazz yelled at Cador, as Cador
nodded, smirked, and stood. Cador lifted Aramax and tagged in Cazz. Cazz went to the top rope,
as Cador placed Aramax in the Bronzebreaker! Cador slammed to his knees, as Cazz jumped off
the top rope hitting a giant leg drop onto the hanging Aramax! Aramax flipped off Cadors
shoulder, hit the mat, as Cazz rolled him out.

Cador got on the apron, and Cazz brought Logon back in the middle. Cazz forced Logon to stand,
as Cazz taunted then smashed Logon with the Magic Trick! Logon rolled to his back, as Cazz
quickly ran off the ropes and hit the Ablosault for the three!

Winners by pinfall(aka sweep): Cador and Cazz!

After the match, Cador got into the ring, and threw Logon over the top rope to the floor. Cazz
grabbed a microphone, and promised that just like "these two losers", anyone else they faced in
the tag-tournament would end up just the same way! Cador then took the microphone, and said
he heard Wicked was supposed to show up tonight. Cador said if Wicked did show up, he'd make
sure he ended his career tonight! The two threw the mic down and left the ring!


After the break, the announcers tell us that last weeks chain match is now number two on the
most brutal matches in the company. We see some of the high spots in the match, such as Kastor
hanging Sapphire on the outside with the chain, Sapphire pulled Kastor through the table, and
Kastors Emperor Lariet which ended the match.

Promo: Kastor, Apolo, and Zamerain

In the back, we see a strange dark room with the three standing around. Kastor, visably hurting,is
standing in the middle, as he said last week he brought so much pain onto Sapphire, that Sappy
will never be the same. Kastor says Sapphire did put up a fight, but the girly-man didn't stand a
chance. Kastor said now that he's finished with Sapphire, there's something else he wants, the
EOWF Title! Kastor says that tonight, Apolo and Zamerain will destory Seridam, and once Kastor
gets his shot, he'll have no problem finishing the rest!


Exibition Match: Drakkon vs Koijin

Koijin comes out first, getting no reaction from the crowd. Koijin tries working them up but it fails.
Koijin then gets into the ring and stands there waiting.

Drakkon then comes out doing his usual entrance as the crowd cheers loudly! Drakkon poses off
as he walks down the ramp, then getting onto the apron jumping off the top rope into the ring!
Drakkon poses some more until the bell is rang!

Koijin gets a quick cheap attack from behind, as he starts to blast away on Drakkon. Koijin backs
Drakkon into the turnbuckle, then whips Drakkon off into the opposite side. Koijin runs, but
Drakkon moves as Koijin collides chest first into the turnbuckle! Drakkon takes advantage, as he
slides behind Koijin and hits a backdrop suplex sending Koijin down! Drakkon stands, and lifts
Koijin up. Drakkon then crosses Koijins arms around his neck, and drops sitting hitting the Shock
Bind! Drakkon stood, went to Koijins legs, and locked in the Shock Lock! Koijin quickly, quickly
tapped out as he screamed in pain!

Winner by Submission: Drakkon!

After the match, Drakkon grabbed a microphone and called out Astral! Drakkon said Astral
screwed him out of a few matches, and if Astral doesn't get out here, Drakkon WILL get revenge
someday soon! The fog lifted in the ring, which covered Drakkon and ring completely. After it died
down, Drakkon stood there along as a small cross was seen on the ground burning! Drakkon
looked confused, but left the ring to the back!


Segment: Zemeckis and Vult

The familiar music of the most hated guy in the company hit, as Zemeckis, in a tux and
sunglasses made his way out to the stage. The crowd boo'ed loudly as Zemeckis smirked, and
slowly walked down to the ring making fun of fans. Zemeckis walked up the steel stairs, and went
inbetween the ropes to get inside. Zemeckis stood in the center, taunted the crowd, and grabbed
a microphone.

Zemeckis told the crowd he loved the lovely response he got when he came out, and that the
idiots sure do like him. The crowd boo'ed as Zemeckis continued to speak. Zemeckis said he
didn't have to show up tonight, but insisted on it because he had two issues to talk about. Zem
says first of all, he only has a month or so to wait until he takes the title from Seridam. Zemeckis
says Seridam has been wondering who laid him out in the back two weeks ago during the tables
match. Zem said it was him, and that he WAS in the arena that night!

Zemeckis smirked as the crowd continued to boo him. Zemeckis said finally, next week, he would
get his hands on Vult again. Zemeckis said next weeks main event will be Zemeckis teaming with
Cador, against Vult teaming with Wicked! The crowd cheered loudly! Zemeckis asked why the
crowd was chanting, because just like at Disconnection Notice, he was going to leave Vult
bloodied in the ring again!

As Zem finished, Vults music hit and out came Vult! Vult hasted down the ramp, then rolled into
the ring as the crowd cheered! Zemeckis watched as Vult continued to pose off, until he was
finished soaking the crowds cheers! Vult went up to the Zemeckis and took the microphone as
Zem smirked. Vult said it was about time that the two had another chance to meet, and that just
like at DN, he'd beat Zemeckis' ass again! Zemeckis took off his sunglasses and looked at Vult,
seemingly a little annoyed.

Vult said this time however, Wicked and Vult would defeat Zem and his lackey, but make sure
they kick their asses ALL AWAY around the arena! Vult stopped talking, looked down, and told
Zemeckis to wait a minute he had something on his shoe!? Vult looked down still, as Zemeckis
looked at Vult like he was weird. Vult then told Zemeckis he had a better idea, then kicked
Zemeckis as he was looking around and hit a stunner! Zemeckis flopped back and hit the mat
completely out of it!
The crowd went wild and Vult rolled out smiling and laughing at Zemeckis. Zemeckis finally sat
up, completely PO'ed as he starred down Vult. Vult strolled up the ramp and headed to the back
as Zemeckis was seen still mad!


Handicap Match: Seridam vs Apolo/Zamerain

The lights went red, and the music of the unholy group hit. Kastor led out Apolo and Zamerain, as
they made their way down the ramp. Kastor stayed on the outside as Apolo and Zamerain got
inside. The crowd boo'ed, but quickly went to chanting for Seridam!

After the break, the lights dim, and it's that time! The music hit, the lights flashed, and out comes
the Heavyweight Champion Seridam! Seridam went to the edges of the stage posing his belt off
as the crowd went nuts! Seridam made his way down the ramp tagging fans, as he finally got to
the apron. Seridam and Kastor locked eyes, but Seridam then shruged him off and got in. More
posing by Seridam, but as he turned his back, Apolo and Zamerain headed in to the attack!

The bell rang, and the ref lost control right away! Zam/Apolo continued to hit on Seridam, before
they pulled him to the middle of the ring. Zamerain hit a big scoop slam, and Apolo jumped up,
then splashed down on Seridam. Zamerain got out of the ring, as Apolo got over Seridam,
delivering some hard blows to the head! Seridam was able to slide out from under Apolo, and nip-
up, hitting a super kick as Apolo turned! Apolo fell, and Seridam got over Apolo laying blows down
onto Apolo! The ref broke it up as Seridam stomped away before Apolo could completely move!
Seridam went back and got into attacking position as Apolo tagged in Zamerain.

Apolo got out, and Zamerain stood inside. Seridam and Zamerain got face to face before a lock
up. Not a smart move, as Zamerain overpowered Seridam and threw him back into the
turnbuckle. Zamerain charged, but Seridam lifted his leg kicking Zamerain into his face. Zamerain
staggered back, as Seridam ran and hit a jumping bulldog on Zamerain! Kastor held his head
looking worried as Seridam leaped up and knocked Apolo off the apron! Seridam posed as the
crowd cheered loudly! As Seridam turned thought, Zamerain met him with a nice Yakuza kick to
the face sending Seridam down. Zamerain lifted Seridam, then lifted him into a military press!
Zamerain smirked, but Seridam tried to fight out of it! Zamerain lost control, then threw Seridam
at the ref by "mistake"! The ref fell and Zamerain smirked again!

Seridam fought to stand, and when he did Zamerain stalked him! Once Seridam stood, Zamerain
lifted him up for the Cyclone! Seridam however jumped off Zamerains back and countered it into
the FU!! Apolo jumped in, attempted a clothesline, but Seridam dunked it as well and nailed Apolo
with an FU! Seridam stood and tried to get the ref up, but Kastor jumped in. Kastor ran and hit a
massive Emperor Lariet on the back of Seridams neck sending him to the mat! Kastor lifted
Zamerain and Apolo up, then the ref as Kastor then rolled out. Zamerain lifted up Seridam, then
with Apolo hit the Hangmans Neckbreaker! Both men pinned Seridam and got the three! Seridam
has been pinned!

Winners by pinfall: Zamerain and Apolo

After the match, the three heels started to stomp Seridam. Finally, Blake, Sapphire, and Vult ran
out attacking Kastor, Zamerain and Apolo! All three men brawled in the ring, but Cazz and Cador
quickly ran out and attacked the faces! The five heels teamed the three faces, but...

The arena lights shade a light blue/white color, and small little snow drops are seen coming down
infront of the entrance stage. Wickedfrost then runs out and the crowd goes completely crazy!
Wicked slides in and fights off Zamerain and Apolo quickly, clotheslining both to the outside!
Cador, Cazz, and Kastor then see this, and jump Wicked! Seridam makes his way up, and helps
out Wicked! Finally, Vult, Sapphire, and Blake get focused and attack the three heels! The faces
throw out Cador and Cazz, leaving Kastor alone in the ring!

Cador, Cazz, Apolo, and Zamerain all try to get in, but the faces fight them off. Kastor begs for
Seridam not to hit him, but as Kastor is backing up he runs into Vult. Kastor slowly turns and
when he does, bam! Stunner! Kastor wobbles back, and turns, as Seridam lifts him up and plants
Kastor with the FU!! Seridam and Vult then tell Wicked to go up to the top! Wicked looks at the
crowd as they cheer for it! Wicked goes up, and drops down with the Blizzard Splash onto Kastor!
Sapphire and Blake then lift Kastor, and toss him out over the top rope to the floor as the heels
grab Kastor and back up.

Wicked finally grabs the microphone, and tells Cador that Vult and him had it confirmed. Next
week, the main event will be Wicked/Vult vs Zemeckis/Cador...In a Tag-Team hardcore match!
The crowd goes wild as Vult tells Cador to make sure he keeps Zemeckis all safe until next week!

-End Show-

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