Show 13 The TT Begins!

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[b]Show 13: The Tag-Tournament Begins!


We kick off the show with a short recap video from last week. We see the final ending brawl, and
the announcement of the Estaq Arena Match

The lights flash, the music hits, and off goes the fireworks! Arvid and Mizzy announce the first two
matches to the TT Tournament, and we see the bracket!

Zamerain/Apolo vs Aramax/Logon
Scammer Squad vs Sapphire/Blake
Cador/Cazz vs Ragnarock/Judas
Ryuk/Guille vs Koijin/Forte

[b]Announcement: Aengie[/b]

We switch to the back and see Aengie sitting at her desk. She clears her throat, and says tonights
Estaq Arena Match, will have an added stipulation. Aengie says on two shows, two massive
brawls have broken out, and that should not be tolerated. She says tonight, if ANYONE ON THE
ACTIVE ROSTER interferes in the match, they will be FINED and FIRED! Aengie tells the
wrestlers good luck on all their matches tonight!


[b]TT-Tournament Match 1: Zamerain/Apolo vs Aramax/Logon[/b]

In the ring, Aramax and Logon are standing posing off trying to get the crowd behind them.

Zamerain and Apolos music hits, and the arena turns red. The two massive wrestlers walk out
from the curtains and down the ramp. They get into the ring and stare down Aramax and Logon.

The bell rings, and right away Zamerain and Apolo start attacking Aramax and Logon! The two
heels smash away on Aramax and Logon with hard uppercuts, kicks, and forearm smashed.
Apolo grabs Aramax by the arm, and pulls him into a HUGE clothesline that sends Aramax to the
mat, and to the outside!

Zamerain then whips Logon off the ropes and calls for Apolo. As Logon comes back full speed
ahead, Zamerain lifts Logon up into a military press. Apolo drops to one knee, and Zamerain
tosses Logon stomach first on Apolos knee! Logon screams out in pain, as Zamerain then picks
Logon up again. Zamerain gets behind Logon, lifts in a back suplex, then Apolo drops Logons
head! The two heels drop at the same time as Logon gets a Hangmans Neckbreaker! The two
heels stand, place a foot on Logon, and the ref counts to three!

[b]Winners and tournament advancers: Zamerain/Apolo.[/b]

After the match, we see the updated brackets with Zam/Apolo moving forward. We then cut to the

[b]Interview: EOWF Heavyweight Champion: Seridam[/b]

Laine thanks the announcers, and asks Seridam right away what's on his mind. Seridam says last
week he suffered a defeat to Zam/Apolo in a handicap match due to Kastor. Seridam says right
now the pressure of being the champ is starting to get to him. Seridam says he has a big white
freak trying to get to him, and a stuck-up cocky bitch in Zemeckis. Seridam says he's cool though,
and will get his chance at both soon!
Kastor walks up and smirks, and tells Seridam he got what was coming to him. Kastor says last
week Seridam made him look like a fool, and no one does that to Kastor! Kastor tells him he's
lucky Zemeckis has a shot first, because once it's Kastors time, it's over for Seridam's little title

Seridam laughs and says he's pretty sure Sapphire ALMOST beat Kastor in the chain-match!
Seridam then tells Kastor that he better stay out of his way, and wait for his time! Seridam walks
off and Kastor is seen smirking!


After the break, we cut to Astrals strange little shrine room. We see Sakurakur still tied up, as we
see Astral slowly walk up, and slide his finger down her cheek. Astral says they are only a week
away from Gaffars destruction, and his capturing of the Aeven Title. Sakurakur jerks and tries to
talk, but can't due to her taped mouth. Astral continues to rub her face, and says she only has to
wait one more week, and she'll be with him forever!

[b]TT-Tournament Match 2: The Scammer Squad vs Sapphire/Blake[/b]

Out first comes the two scammers, Darkplug and Ernesto. The two scammers do the usual
scamming, taking fans refreshments and snacks. The crowd boo's as they throw the items back
to them, then jump in the ring.

The music of Sapphire and Blake hit, as the two faces come out to a huge ovation from the
crowd! Sapphire does his little odd fairy dances as Blake shakes his head and claps with the
fans. The two faces finally get into the ring and pose off as the fans still cheer.

Ernesto and Blake both get out of the ring and onto the apron, as the ref rings the bell. Sapphire
and Darkplug go into a basic lock up, as they push each other around the ring. Sapphire and
Darkplug then break the hold, as Sapphire nods, impressed.

Sapphire and Darkplug go into another lockup, but this time Sapphire uses his experience edge
to lock him into a quick headlock, and apply pressure. Darkplug pushes Sapphire off the ropes,
but as Sapphire returns he knocks Darkplug down with a hard shoulder block! Darkplug hits the
ground and Sapphire runs off the ropes. Darkplug rolls on his chest, as Sapphire hops over him,
stops, then jumps up and sits on Darkplug!

The crowd cheers, as Sapphire rubs his butt all over Darkplugs chest/face! Sapphire stands
laughing as Darkplug rolls around whipping his face! Darkplug tags in Ernesto, who charges at
Sapphire but gets taken down by Sapphire with a scissors sweep! Sapphire then gets on Ernesto
and acts as if he's butt-raping him! The crowd cheers and laughs as Ernesto rolls out of the ring
and replans with Darkplug!

Sapphire tags in Blake, and Ernesto rolls back in. Ernesto and Blake lock up, but Blake tucks his
head under and flips Ernesto back in rollover suplex! Blake stays in the bridge, and the ref counts
to 2! Ernesto rolls Blake over, and the two quickly stand. The two wrestlers lock up again, but
Ernesto kicks Blake hard in the shins a few times, breaking it up! Ernesto grabs Blake by the back
of the head, and slams him into the turnbuckle padding.

Ernesto then starts punching Blake in the stomach a few times. Ernesto then whips Blake to the
opposite turnbuckle, then charges! Blake uses the ropes to pull himself away, as Ernesto crashes
into the turnbuckle! Blake turns Ernesto, climbs up, and starts giving him ten punches! The crowd
counts along, and at nine, Blake jumps off and hits an amazing dropsault style dropkick! Ernesto
coughs a bit, then falls face first on the mat! Blake then tags in Sapphire, and whispers in his ear!
Sapphire runs quickly and does his butt-thump on Darkplug, knocking him off the apron to the
Blake then picks up Ernesto, brings him in the middle, as Sapphire joins. Sapphire and Blake
double grab Ernesto, and hits a double DDT for the win!

[b]Winners and advancers: Sapphire/Blake[/b]

The brackets once again get updated, then we hit the back!

In a locker room, we see Zemeckis, Cazz, and Cador. Cazz is freaking out and worrying Cador,
as Zemeckis is seen taping his hands and looking focused. Cazz and Cador continue to
complain, then Zemeckis turns and yells at them to shut up! Zemeckis says tonight, they have a
chance to really hurt Vult and Wicked, with no interference. Zemeckis claps Cador and tells him to
stop worrying about a man he chokeslammed through tables and took out for two weeks!
Zemeckis then tells Cazz if anything gets out of hand, he has a backup plan!

The Estaq Arena Match is next!


[b]Estaq Arena Match: Zemeckis/Cador vs Vult/Wicked[/b]

We see a shot of the ring, which looks like a warzone. The ring has poles extending upwards,
with two steep chains connecting to each. On the chains han various weapons. Weapons include
- A baseball bat, a trashcan, steel signs, two steel chairs, a kendo stick, a steel chain, some brass
knuckles, a steel chain-linked fence, a nightstick, a fork, and a wooden board!

Also, to make sure no one leaves the match, there has been fences placed on to the guard rails
so it's basically impossible to climb over!

The arena turns to a blue-shade of light, and Wickeds music hits! The snow starts to fall, and out
he comes! The fans cheer, and once Wicked hits the stage, he waits! All of a sudden, BOOM! A
giant blast of pyro hits and Wickeds music turns to Vults! A thunderous pop for Vult is heard, as
Vult charges out! Wicked and Vult talk for a moment and head down to the ring. The two faces get
inside the battle zone, pose, then look forward to the stage!

Zemeckis' music hits, and out comes Zemeckis and Cador! The crowd boo's like hell, and the two
walk down the ramp. Zemeckis looks at all the weapons, and smirks looking oddly excitied! Cador
stares down Wicked, then the heels get into the ring.

The bell rings, and the four wrestlers get into each others face! Zemeckis argues with Vult, Cador
with Wicked, and out of nowhere Vult and Wicked connect with two punches! The faces punch
away, backing the heels into seperate corners! Vult punches away on Zemeckis as Wicked
punches away on Cador! Vult and Wicked look back at each other, then signal for a whip! The two
faces whip the two heels with velocity, as Cador and Zemeckis hit together hard. The two heels
stagger back, as Vult and Wicked lift them into back suplexs.

However, the two faces drop forward on a knee and hit atomic drops on Zemeckis and Cador!
The two heels yell in pain and hold there butts as they fall. Vult and Wicked laugh as the crowd
cheers! The two faces then lift the heels, and place them into the corners again. They singal, and
whip! Zemeckis and Cador counter out, as Cador pulls a complete 360 and whips Wicked into the
same corner, and Zemeckis whips Vult into a steel chair that was hanging from a chain! Vult hit
the chair head first and then hit the mat! Cador on the opposite side started hitting hard back
elbows into Wickeds head, then gave him an uppercut to the throat which sent Wicked up in the
air, then down to the mat!

Zemeckis reached up and grabbed off a street sign, and waited for Vult to stand. As Vult stood, he
turned and was met by the sign straight to the head! Vult fell, and Zemeckis threw the sign down!
Zemeckis then lifted up Vult, and placed him in a suplex. Zemeckis then snapped back and
suplexed Vult onto the sign! Zemeckis sat and smirked as Vult arched holding his back!

On the opposite side, Cador placed then placed his foot down on Wickeds neck, trying to choke
him out! Cador then lifted Wicked out of the corner, and hit his trademark shoulder breaker!
Wicked bounced forward and hit the mat, holding his shoulder. Cador walked to the chain and
grabbed off the trash can! Cador then pushed it in the middle of the turnbuckles, and lifted
Wicked! Cador then started to hack away with punches!

Zemeckis reached to the chain as Vult was starting to raise, and grabbed the bat! Zemeckis
gripped it, and once Vult stood he rammed the end of it into Vults stomach! Vult fell to the mat,
and Zemeckis got over him and placed the bat around his neck choking him!

Cador then backed Wicked into the corner, the whipped him! Wicked reversed it and power
whipped Cador so hard, Cador smashed into the trash can head first as it completely dented!
Cador fell back on the mat sitting, and Wicked ran up kicking him in the spine!

Zemeckis released Vult, and charged at Wicked with the bat. Wicked turned at the last second,
dunked and evaded a swing from Zemeckis. Zemeckis stopped himself, but Wicked jumped and
hit a dropkick which sent Zemeckis into a thick steel chains! Wicked grabbed up Cador, then
Zemeckis, and threw their heads together! The two heels fell to the mat holding their heads as
Wicked got the crowd going!

Vult then stood holding his neck and breathing hard. Vult reached to the chain and grabbed off
the Kendo Stick, and pointed it at Zemeckis! Vult walked to Zemeckis, and as Zem was on his
stomach holding his head, Vult smacked it on Zemeckis' back! Zemeckis let out a yell, as Vult
continued to hit him! Zemeckis' back started to show slight black/red marks from the hits, as Vult
threw the stick down!


Wicked posed a little more, as Cador quickly snatched the fork from the chain. Wicked walked
over to the downed Cador, and bent to lift him. However, as Wicked did, Cador gripped his head
and jabbed the fork in Wickeds forehead! Wicked stumbled back holding his forehead, as Cador
stood and clotheslined Wicked down! Cador then bent and grabbed Wickeds head, stabbing a
few more times! Wicked then started bleeding badly, as it quickly drenched the mat and covered
his face! Cador threw the fork down, and started to stomp on Wickeds wound!

Vult then lifted up Zemeckis, and hit a nice scoop slam! Vult then lifted Zemeckis again and hit a
swinging neckbreaker! As Vult went to stand, the giant steel fence caught his eye! Vult then stood
and grabbed the fence off the chain, and threw it on the mat! Zemeckis used the ropes to pull
himself up. Vult waited behind Zemeckis, and once Zem turned Vult lifted and gave Zem his
trademark spinebuster on the steel fence! Vult then quickly pinned Zemeckis, but Cador broke it
up with a kick to the head!

Cador lifted Vult off Zemeckis and lifted him in a military press! Cador the walked forward and
tossed Vult into the steel chains! Vult hit the chains and then rolled off all the way down to the
mats! At this point, Zemeckis and Wicked were still down, hurt.

Cador stomped Vult several times, then lifted Vult off the mats and to his feet. Cador then
whipped Vult into a corner, then charged and slammed his whole left arm into Vults chest! Cador
laughed as the crowd boo'd. Cador then lifted Vult again, but Vult kicked Cador below the belt
sending him to the mat! Vult fell sitting, trying to recover as we go to a break!

When we return, Zemeckis and Wicked are first to their feet. The two started to throw hard blows
at each other, with Wicked getting the upperhand. Wicked then gives Zemeckis a double axe-
handle, which sent Zem down. Wicked then lifted up the steel fence and threw it leaning on the
turnbuckle. Wicked the lifted Zem and pushed him to the opposite turnbuckle, and whipped!
Zemeckis countered, Wicked re-countered, and as the two were at the fence Zem countered
once more but grabbed Wicked by the front! Zemeckis then threw Wicked behind him and hit a
beautiful belly-to-belly suplex which sent Wicked slamming onto the fence!

Zemeckis sat up, hit his head abit, the stood. Vult out of nowhere charged out of the corner and
hit a clothesline on Zemeckis which sent both to the mat! Vult stood, but as he did Cador then
came out of nowhere and leveled Vult with a boot to the face! Cador then lifted Zemeckis and
snapped him out of the daze, recovering him.

The two heels then lifted Vult, and Cador locked him in a full nelson. Zemeckis then started to
take advantage and deliver some quick kicks to Vults stomach. Cador then lifted Vult high in the
air, and threw him to the mat with a Full-Nelson slam! The two heels took some time to recover,
but as they did Wicked was standing. Wicked then grabbed off the brass knuckles, and wore
them! Zemeckis turned and walked towards Wicked, but as he did, Wicked cracked him with the
knuckles! Zem hit the ground, and Cador charged! Wicked cracked Cador too, which sent both
heels to the mat! Wicked placed himself over Cador, and as Cador did earlier with the fork,
started pounding away with the brass knuckles! Cador then was completely busted open, with
blood pouring everywhere!

Wicked then took off the knuckles and threw them out. Wicked then signaled for the Blizzard
Splash, and headed for the top. Zemeckis stood quickly and hit the ropes, which viberated and
sent Wicked crashing pelvic first into the turnbuckle! Wicked then fell off and onto the mat.

Zemeckis stood up, and helped Cador up, then pointed to the now-near standing Vult. Zemeckis
and Cador went to Vult, and lifted him up. As they did, Vult countered out of it, turned quickly,
grabbed both Cador and Zems neck, and fell sitting hitting a double stunner! The crowd popped
as Zem, Cador, and Vult all fell on the mat! The announcers tell us we're going on the last


After the break, Vult and Wicked are the ones standing. The two faces help each other grab the
table, and set it up. Zemeckis and Cador finally show life and start to fight to stand! Vult tells
Wicked to finish off Cador, and he'll get Zem!

Wicked goes to Cador, lifts Cador up, and throws him on the table! Wicked then goes to top and
poses! Vult grabs Zemeckis away, and brawls with him across the ring! Wicked stands on the top,
but Cador rolls off the table and punches Wicked in the head, forcing him to fall sitting on the
turnbuckle. Cador then climbs the turnbuckle, and locks Wicked in a superplex! Wicked however
punches Cador in the ribs, breaking the hold. Wicked then reaches to his right, grabs the other
chair, and smashes it in Cadors face. Cador places his head on the turnbuckle, then Wicked
stuffs him! Wicked then lifts Cador up, and places Cador in the Wicked Spikedriver! Wicked
jumps off the top rope and crashes the two through the table as the crowd chants "HOLY SHIT!"
loudly! Cador and Wicked are shown completely out of it through the table!

Vult and Zemeckis continue to brawl, but Vult kicks Zemeckis and places him in the Stunner!
Zemeckis pushes Vult off and to the ropes, then as Vult is forced back to Zemeckis, is hit with The
Travesity! Zemeckis places his arm over Vult, ONE! TWO! NO!!!!

Vult kicks out of Zemeckis' finisher, as Zemeckis looks completely surprised! Zemeckis then
stands, and lifts Vult again. Zemeckis reaches and grabs the steel chain, then whips Vult across
the face with it, sending Vult down! Zemeckis pins again, but only gets a TWO! Zemeckis then
throws the chain and lifts the now bleeding Vult. Zemeckis tries to hit the Travesity again, but Vult
thorws him forward to the mat! Zemeckis stands, turns, and Vult hits him with another stunner!
Vult falls out, Zem falls down, then starts yelling "NOW!"

Out from under the ring, a masked man crawls out and rolls inside the ring standing. As Vult
crawls towards Zemeckis for the pin, the man hits a n impress sliding kick to Vults face! The man
stands, takes off the mask, and it's Darcia! Darcia drags a chair to the middle of the bloodied ring,
and lifts Vult. Darcia places Vult in a reverse DDT, then spins dropping his Elbow straight into
Vults heart, sending Vult crashing into the chair! Darcia then walks to Wicked, and hits the
POENA on Wicked as well! Darcia drags Zemeckis over Vult, and Cador over Wicked! The ref is
forced to count! ONE! TWO! THREE! Vult and Wicked are screwed out of the match!

[b]Winners by pinfall: Zemeckis and Cador![/b]

The stage fence is lifted, and Cazz comes running from the back and into the ring. Darcia and
Cazz lift up Cador, finally bringing him back to sense. Darcia then lifts Zemeckis, wakes him up,
and the four heels raise their arms in victory! Cazz and Darcia help Cador and Zemeckis out of
the ring, and help drag them to the back. Vult and Wicked roll over and see the heels, as Vult
points to Darcia yelling he's going to pay!

-Show ends-

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