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[b]Show 14: Aeven Title of the Line!


We start the show with a graphic recap video displaying last weeks Estaq Arena Match. We see
Darcia debuting and helping Cador/Zemeckis overcoming Wicked/Vult to win the match. We also
see another video showcasing the mini-feud Astral and Gaffar have had the last few weeks.
Astrals little kidnapping on Sakurakur is shown, along with what he's told her.

The pyro and music blasts through the arena as Arvid and Mizzy tells us Gaffar will defend his
Aeven Title against Astral in the main event, and two more tag-tournament matches will go on!

[b]TT Tournament Match 3: Ryuk/Guille vs Forte/Koijin[/b]

Ryuk and Guille run out the curtain first on the ramp taunting and posing to the crowd. The two
faces run down the ramp and slide into the ring posing off waiting for their opponents.

Koijin and Forte then come out as the crowd boo's. Forte smirks and taunts the crowd. Koijin
struts down the ramp with Forte as they both get into the ring, taunting their opponents.

The bell rings as the two teams whisper and throw some plans together. Forte and Ryuk both
leave the ring and stand on the apron as Koijin and Guille start us off! The two go into the basic
lockup with Guille overpowering Koijin. Guille then switches into a wristlock, then quickly into a
headlock. Koijin struggles to throw Guille off, but Guille then flips Koijin over with a headlock toss,
now holding Koijin on the mat. Kojiin tries to kick up, but being so weak he fails and Guille holds
him down. The ref finally breaks the hold, with the two opponents standing.

Guille stands as Koijin gets on one knee rubbing his neck. Guille laughs at Koijin as Koijin yells
back telling him to shut up. Koijin stands and asks for a second lock up. The two lunge in for the
lockup, but Guille ducks out of it and quickly delivers a back-suplex to Koijin! Koijin rolls and yells
in pain then over to Forte. Guille stands and looks at Ryuk as they both just start laughing. Koijin
then tags in Forte.

Forte gets in, and rushes towards Guille. Forte and Guille lock up, but this time Forte breaks it
quickly and hits a rolling neck chop on Guille! Guille staggers back as Forte hits another rolling
neck chop, then a locks up for a snap suplex. Forte hits it, stands, and taunts Ryuk. Forte then
turns and stomps on the downed Guille, then hits a quick elbow drop for a one/half count! Forte
stands and lifts up Guille and stuffs him in a piledriver. Guille however flips Forte over, then leaps
forward and tags in Ryuk!

Ryuk charges in as Forte freezes in his tracks. Ryuk rushes forward, dunks, then uses one arm to
flip Forte high into the air then onto the mat! Forte yells, then stands. As Forte turns, Ryuk
charges forward and slams into Forte with a massive shoulder block! Forte falls, then Ryuk jumps
and slams his shoulder down onto Forte! Forte rolls to his corner, tags Koijin, then rolls out of the
ring! Koijin gets in and looks at Forte who is headed up the ramp! Forte says forget the match
he's outta there!

Koijin turns and looks at Ryuk, frozen up as Forte was earlier! Ryuk then charges and nails a
massive clothesline! Ryuk lifts Koijin, military presses Koijin, then slams Koijin to the mat! Koijin
slowly tries to stand, but as Koijin does Ryuk charges off the rope and hits the Eliminator! Ryuk
pins and gets the three!

[b]Winners by pinfall: Ryuk and Guille![/b]

The two faces pose off as the crowd cheers!

We cut to the back and see Zemeckis, Darcia, Cazz, and Cador all walking backstage. They are
headed towards the ring!

After the break, Zemeckis' music hits, and out come the four!

[b]Segment: Zemeckis, Darcia, Cador, Cazz.[/b]

The four heels, completely dressed out, come out on the stage as they look at the crowd
smirking. The four heels walk down to the ring, then walk up to the stairs, getting into the ring.
Zemeckis requests a microphone and gets it. The crowd boo's, and Zemeckis tells them to shut
the hell up!

Zemeckis tells the crowd last week, he and Cador beat the living hell out of Vult and Wicked,
using anything they could get their hands on. Zemeckis says last week, the first part of the plan
came together, as Darcia came in and swept Vult and Wicked so they could get the pin. Zemeckis
says now that the past is the past, and Wicked and Vult are out of the way, nothing will stop the
main goal. Zemeckis says at Server Showdown, he will defeat Seridam and take the title, just like
Cador and Cazz will take the tag titles. The crowd lets out a massive boo, then Zemeckis passes
the microphone to Darcia.

Darcia tells the crowd he's shocked everyone acted so surprised at the way he showed up.
Darcia asks the crowd if they actually expected him to help the losing side, being Wicked, Vult,
and Seridam? The crowd boo'ed, as Darcia continued to insult them. Darcia then says last week
Vult said he'd pay for his actions, and well, he can hardly wait! Darcia says if Vult was really a
man, he would have shown up tonight to take him out! Darcia says Vult better show up next
week, or he would prove to be just another pussy!

Zemeckis takes the microphone and tells Cador and Cazz to finish off their match quickly,
because they've got more partying to do!


[b]TT Tournament Match 4: Judas/Ragnarock vs Cador/Cazz[/b]

Judas and Ragnarock walked out of the curtains and down the ramp. The two got the crowd
behind them as they walked down and got into the ring. Judas and Ragnarock stood and looked
at Cazz and Cador, then Judas got out of the ring onto the apron.

Cador told Cazz that he was still hurting from last week, and Cazz had to take them! Cador got

The bell rang, and the match began! Judas started posing, but Cazz quickly ran from behind and
hit a nice spinning wheel kick! Judas dropped, and Cazz quickly stood lifting Judas. Cazz then
lifted Judas in a scoop slam, but dropped Judas neck first on the top rope! Judas fell back hurt, as
Cazz grabbed his head in a reverse DDT. Cazz then twisted, and hit the Magic Trick on Judas!
Cazz then used his foot to roll Judas over into his corner. Ragnarock tagged, and got in the ring.

Cazz taunted Ragnarock, but Rag slapped Cazz across the face! Rag then charged and hit a
clothesline, then as Cazz stood Rag hit a jumping shoulder block! Rag lifted Cazz and whipped
Cazz off the ropes, hitting a huge hip toss! Cazz fell holding his back, as Rag started posing as
the crowd cheered! Cador shook his head and walked across the apron to Rag, grabbed Rag by
the neck, and hit a chokeslam! Cazz laughed, dragged Ragnarock into the middle of the ring,
then hit the Ablosault for the three!

[b]Winners by Pinfall: Cador and Cazz![/b]

The two heels smirk and roll Rag out of the ring, as Arvid and Mizzy tell us the updated brackets.

Sapphire/Blake vs Apolo/Zamerain
Ryuk/Guille vs Cador/Cazz

The two announcers then tell us after the break Seridam takes on Zamerain.


Exibition Match: EOWF Champion Seridam vs Zamerain w/ Apolo.

The lights dimmed, and out came Zamerain and his partner Apolo. The two unholy members of
Kastors group stalked down the ramp, then got into the ring. Apolo rolled out and stood on the
outside. Zamerain waited in the ring for his opponent!

The lights slightly dimmed, the music started, and when the beat hit Seridam came out holding
the title! He got to the center of the stage and the pyros blew off for the Champ! The crowd was in
a frenzy cheering as the Champ went down the ramp clapping fans hands. Seridam then jumped
in the ring and hopped on the turnbuckle posing his title off. Finally, Seridam gave the ref the title,
and gets in Zamermains face hitting hard blows right away!

The ref rang the bell as Seridam punched away, sending Zamerain into the ropes. Seridam then
whipped Zamerain off, and as Zam came back Seridam hit his trademark spinning wheel kick!
Zam fell, and Seridam hit a nice spiral leg drop on Zams neck! Seridam stood and lifted
Zamerain, locking Zam in, then hitting Seridams trademark falling backbreaker!

Seridam stood and posed yelling to the crowd as they cheered loudly! Seridam the looked at
Apolo, grabbed the top rope, and vaulted himself over the top rope onto Apolo! The crowd
cheered as Seridam stood, posed, and rolled in the ring!

However, as Seridam was on his chest, Zamerain dropped an elbow onto Seridams back.
Zamerain lifted Seridam up, gave him a thrust to the throat, then backed Seridam into the corner.
Zamerain started hitting hard kicks to the stomach, then whipped Seridam off the turnbuckle.
Seridam smacked into the opposite side so hard, he flopped to the mat face first! Zamerain
smirked and stalked the champ, lifting him up. Zamerain then lifted Seridam by his side, ran, and
slammed down hitting a sidewalk slam! Zamerain pinned but only got a two! Zamerain stood and
lifted Seridam again, hitting a quick rib breaker, and getting another 2-count! Zamerain stood, and
lifted up Seridam. Zamerain then lifted Seridam up onto his shoulder, and went for the Cyclone!

Zamerain threw him off. but Seridam countered and landed on his feet. Seridam then lifted
Zamerain up onto his shoulders and hit the FU! Seridam pinned Zamerain and got the three

[b]Winner by pinfall: Seridam[/b]

After the match, Apolo charged in and attacked Seridam. Seridam however was able to power out
and deliver a qucik FU to Apolo as well, as the champion grabbed his title and posed! Seridam
then went to the back, as the announcers told us Astral and Gaffar is next!


After the break, Seridam is walking backstage. Seridam turns a corner but Zemeckis uses his
chest to bounce Seridam back! Seridam and Zemeckis get face to face, as Zemeckis removes his
sunglasses. Zemeckis pats the EOWF title and says he can't wait to be the man who takes his
title back from Seridam! Seridam poses the title and says Zemeckis only has a few weeks to wait,
but don't expect a victory, bitch! Seridam shrugs off Zemeckis as we see Zemeckis smirk!
Main Event: Aeven Title Match: Gaffar defends against Astral.

The lights go blue as holy humming is heard across the arena. Out of the curtains comes Astral
and four white robed monks carrying a cross with Sakurakur on the top! Sakurakur screams as
they reach the bottom of the ramp. Astral orders the monks to place Sakurakur up! Astral then
stands on the apron, then presses himself over the top rope awaiting Gaffar.

Gaffar then walks out with his title, as the crowd cheers. Gaffar runs down the ramp and drops the
title, quickly rolling in the ring. Gaffar stands up and starts attacking Astral as the bell rings!

Gaffar pounds away, but Astral lfits his knee and hits Gaffar in the stomach! Astral grabs Gaffar by
the head, and throws Gaffar head first into the top turnbuckle. Astral then starts shoving his
shoulder into Gaffars stomach, sending Gaffar sitting. Astral then places his foot in Gaffars face,
and steps forward smashing Gaffars face! Astral does his three times, charges off the ropes, and
kicks Gaffar straight across the face! Sakurakur screams watching, as Astral smirks and lifts
Gaffar up onto his shoulder. Astral then runs forward, and press slams Gaffar down hard onto the
mat! Astral pins but only gets a pin! Astral stands, and then drags Gaffar to the ropes, places
Gaffar on them. Astral runs and whips off the ropes, charges at Gaffar, but Gaffar dunks and
lowers the top rope as Astral goes flying over outside on the mats!

Gaffar recovers a bit, stands, and waits for Astral to stand. As Astral does, Gaffar leaps up onto
the top rope, drops down, and hits an amazing springboard hurricanrana onto Astral which sends
him flying then slamming onto the mats! Astral yells in pain as the crowd cheers for Gaffar! Gaffar
stands, as Astral does as well, trying to get away. Gaffar runs, jumps onto the steel stairs, then
presses off onto Astral sending them both down! Gaffar then starts unloading punches onto
Astral, but Astral throws Gaffar off! Astral stands trying to recover, as Gaffar stands and starts
punching Astral on the back! However, Astral knees Gaffar again, then grabs Gaffar by the head
and throws Gaffar head first into the thick steel post! Gaffar hits the mats, as the ref counts to


Astral walks to Gaffar, lifts him up, and military presses Gaffar over the top rope onto the mat.
Astral then climbs into the ring as well, then pins Gaffar. The ref only gets a two, as Astral gets
pissed! Astral stands up, and lifts up Gaffar again. Astral grips Gaffar by the throat, whips Gaffar
off the ropes, but lifts Gaffar midway and throws him to the ground hitting the GODHAND! Astral
pins and gets another TWO! Astral hits the mat and looks completely mad! Sakurakur looks
pleased and starts yeling for Gaffar to fight! Astral walks over to the ropes and yells at Sakurakur
to shut her tramp mouth up! The two argue as Gaffar recovers, then charges off the ropes and
hits a quick dropkick on Astral, sending him back outside!

Astral flips over the ropes and lands feet first on the outside, but rolls back inside. Astral stands,
and charges at Gaffar! Gaffar dunks, and as Astral turns Gaffar hits a quick Pele Kick which
sends Astral staggering back, then falling to the mat back first! Gaffar takes advantage and climbs
to the top rope, then jumps off hitting a moonsault on Astral for a two! Gaffar drags Astral to the
middle of the ring, runs off the ropes, handsprings, then hits another impressive twisting monsault
for another two count! Gaffar stands, climbs to the top again, and waits. As Astral stands, Gaffar
jumps off and hits a top-rope spinning wheel kick, sending Astral down again! The crowd cheers,
as Gaffar looks at the cross Sakurakur is on. Gaffar drags Astral in position, then hops to the
ropes, using them to climb on the top! Gaffar is now at least 11ft in the air! Gaffar jumps off and
attempts a body splash! Astral rolls outside as Gaffar crashes to the mat as the crowd chants
"holy shit!!

Astral recovers on the outside and rubs Sakurakurs leg in a sick way, as he rolls inside the ring
standing. Astral then locks Gaffar in the Heavens Wraith submission, as Gaffar screams in pain!
The ref keeps asking Gaffar if he wants to submit, but Gaffar shakes his head and yells no! Astral
locks it in tighter, but seeing Sakurakur made Gaffar fight, struggling, then grabbing the ropes
meaning the hold was broken! Astral held it until the four count, but broke it and stood stomping
Gaffar. Astral then lifted Gaffar, and placed him in the Holy Edge! Astral ran towards the
turnbuckle and threw Gaffar into it as Gaffar whipped off the turnbuckle! Astral dragged Gaffar to
the middle of the ring, pinned, but only got the two again!! Astral looked at Gaffar and wondered
what the hell was going on!

Astral lifted Gaffar again, and placed him in the Holy Edge once more! However, Gaffar bounced
down, gripped Astral in a sunset flip, and flipped him so hard Gaffar had basically powerbombed
Astral! Astral and Gaffar hit the mat as the ref started the count!


After the break, both men are standing as they are both throwing blows to each others heads.
Astral gets the upperhand, and whips Gaffar off the ropes. As Gaffar returns, Gaffar dunks a
clothesline attempt, then hits a flying forearm sending them both down! Gaffar stands up, as the
crowd cheers on! Gaffar then climbs back on the top rope, and waits for Astral. Once Astral
stands, Gaffar jumps off in a missle dropkick. Astral, thinking quickly, grabs the ref and throws him
in the way! Gaffar kicks the ref completely knocking him out, as Astral takes advantage and lifts
Gaffar. Astral kicks Gaffar, stuffs, and successfully hits the Holy Edge! Astral smirks, and goes to
the outside for a chair! Astral then rolls in, and walks to the fallen Gaffar.

Out of nowhere, Drakkon jumps over the guard rail and rolls in the ring. Drakkon runs behind
Astral, hits a low blow, and takes his chair! Astral yells in pain as Drakkon smashes the chair hard
onto Astrals head! Drakkon drops the chair, lifts Astral, and hits the Shock Bind on the chair!
Drakkon then wakes up Gaffar, and exits the ring and runs to the ramp! Sakurakur screams for
Gaffar, and Gaffar sees the downed Astral! Gaffar throws the chair outside the ring, and wakes up
the ref, then stands on the apron! Astral slowly begins the raise, and as he does Gaffar hits his
springbroad hurricanrana! Astral fights, but the ref counts the one, two, three! Gaffar retains his

[b]Winner by Pinfall and STILL Aeven Champion: Gaffar![/b]

After the match, Astral rolls out of the ring and spots Drakkon and chases after him! Gaffar quickly
rolls out and unties Sakurakur, offically saving her! Gaffar then grabs his title, and hugs Sakurakur
as the show goes off!

-Show Ends-

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