Show 16 Card Is Complete

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[b]Show 16: The Card is Complete!


We kick off with a little recap of last weeks announcement with Seridam vs Darcia as the main
event. The fireworks blast, and music goes loud as we here the run down of the card!

Before the first match, we see Vampira in the back. Vampira holds a paper, and tells the crowd
she just got it confirmed. At Server Showdown the first ever womens match will take place -
Vampira vs Sakurakur!

[b]Exibiton Match: Wickedfrost vs Darkplug[/b]

Darkplug comes out first, as the crowd boo's the scammer. Darkplug taunts the crowd, as he
steals a fans drink and then throws it in their face. Darkplug laughs and gets in the ring, waiting
for his opponent.

The arena lights shade a light blue/white color, and small little snow drops are seen coming down
infront of the entrance stage. Wickedfrost then comes out, as the crowd pops loud. Wicked walks
down the ramp posing for the faces! Wicked runs, then rolls into the ring standing as the ref calls
for the bell!

Right away, Darkplug and Wicked go into a lock-up. Darkplug locks Wicked in a headlock, but
Wicked, being stronger, pushes Darkplug off as Darkplug charges off the ropes. As Darkplug
returns, Wicked gives Darkplug a sick lariet that makes Darkplug land straight on the top of his
head, folding completely. The crowd popped loud at how brutal it looked.

Wicked whipped his hands, then posed, before heading to Darkplug. Wicked lifts Darkplug,
stuffed him between his legs, and signaled for the Wicked Spikedriver. Just like that, Wicked lifted
up Darkplug and sat, smashing Darkplugs head once again into the mat as Darkplug rolled over
basically knocked out. Wicked stood, dragged Darkplug near the turnbuckle, and climbed up! The
fans cheered as Wicked jumped off hitting the Blizzard Splash! 1, 2, and 3!

[b]Winner by pinfall: Wickedfrost[/b]

Wicked smiled, stood, and taunted with the crowd. As Wicked did, Forte rolled into the ring with a
steel chair, then cracked the chair against Wickeds back! Wicked fell to the mat as Forte threw
the chair down. Forte walked to Wicked, then lowered himself and placed Wicked in a STF! Forte
applied pressure, then rolled around locking Wicked in the Forte Torture Special! A few refs
rushed in and broke it up, as Forte rolled out of the ring smiling!


In the back, Kastor told Aengie he was sick of being out of action the last few weeks. Aengie
apologizes, but says with the tag-tournament and other big matches, the card has been full.
Kastor told her he wanted a shot at the EOWF Title after Server Showdown, no matter who the
champion was! Aengie said no, but said she's making an offical announcement about the next
number one contender next week!

[b]Handicap Match: Astral vs Aramax/Logon[/b]

Of course, Aramax and Logon, the losers waited inside the ring for Astral.

The lights go blue as holy humming is heard across the arena. Out of the curtains comes Astral,
with a sadistic smile on his face. Astral elevates himself up in the ring, as he stares at his two
opponents. The bell rings!

Logon ran at Astral quickly, but was met with a boot straight to the face sending Logon crashing
to the mat! Astral reached down and lifted up Logon, as he grabbed Logons neck, whipped him
off thr ropes, and smashed Logon with the GODHAND. Astral started to stand, but Aramax
started pounding away with forearms to the back!

Astral stood, as Aramax grabbed Astrals arm and whipped him off the ropes. As Astral returned,
Aramax bent over for a back toss. Astral stopped, smirked, grabbed Aramaxs head, and stuffed
him as the crowd boo'ed! Astral lifted Aramax up, placed him in the Holy Edge, and hit it sending
Aramax to the mat! Aramax lifted Logon, delivered a Holy Edge to Logon on top of Aramax, and
pinned the two getting a three!

[b]Winner by pinfall: Astral[/b]

After the match, Astral stood, lifted Aramax, and tossed him over the top rope to the mats. Astral
got outside, and grabbed a microphone. Astral told the crowd that last week he decimated
Drakkon, and we may never see Drakkon. Astral says no one messes up his crusade, and that's
exactly what Drakkon and Gaffar are doing. Astral said anyone who got in his way would pay, with
their lives! Astral threw the microphone down and lifted Aramax. Astral lifted Aramax in the Holy
Edge, and threw Aramax right through the announce table! The crowd gave the "holy shit" chant,
as Astral looked crazed!

[b]Backstage: Zemeckis, Cazz, Cador, Darcia.[/b]

In the back, we see Darcia and Cazz discussing their matches. Cador was seen nursing a cut
that was still on his head from the Estaq Battle Royal match. Zemeckis charged in and got
everyones attention. Zemeckis said tonight, phase one starts. Cazz and Cador beats Ryuk and
Guille, they go to the finals and get the Tag-Titles. Zemeckis says if Darcia can smash Seridam
tonight, then taking the EOWF title should be simple at Server Showdown! Darcia and Cazz smirk
and say it'll happen!


TT Tournament Simi Final 2 - Ryuk/Guille vs Cador/Cazz

Ryuk and Guille run out the curtain first on the ramp taunting and posing to the crowd. The two
faces run down the ramp and slide into the ring posing off waiting for their opponents.

Cador and Cazz then came out to the usual boo'ing from the crowd. They ignored it and charged
to the ring, slowly getting inside getting face to face with Ryuk and Guille! The ref broke it up as
Cazz and Guille were in first! Ryuk and Cador get outside on the apron as the bell rings!

Right away Cazz taunts and talks stuff to Guille, as Guille simply ignores it, and sucker punches
Cazz! Cazz stumbles back as the crowd cheered! Cazz then held his mouth, as Guille started
walked towards Cazz! Cazz tricked Guille, as Cazz kicked Guille straight in gut, bending Guille.
Cazz then raised his leg and gave Guille a massive kick to the chest that echo'ed throughout the
arena! Cazz then leaned off the ropes, ran, and gave Guille a diving spinning elbow smash,
sending them both to the mat! Cazz pinned but only got a one and a half! Cazz lifted Guille, and
locked him in a suplex. Cazz attempted, but Guille resisted. Guille finally reversed it, and hit a
giant vertical suplex onto Cazz!

Guille stood and rubbed his hurt chest, as Guille quickly dropped a few first drops onto Cazz's
head! Cazz rolled around to his corner, as Guille charged. However, Cador nailed Guille straight
in the head with a right, as Guille staggered back. Cazz stood, ran, and jumped, hitting a nice
bulldog on Guille! Cazz posed, as he stomped Guille in the head a few more times. Cazz then
lifted Guille again, but Guille used his experience to counter and hit a quick jawbreaker! Cazz
held his jaw as Guille recovered, turned, and nailed Cazz with an impressive jumping tornado
DDT which send both men down! The ref got to a 5 count before both men started to crawl
towards their corner. Cazz, being slower from the DDT, failed to make a tag, as Guille tagged
Ryuk first!

Ryuk quickly rushed in and grabbed Cazz's leg before Cazz could reach Cador. Ryuk lifted Cazz
and nailed some body blows, before hitting a back elbow which sent Cazz into the corner. Ryuk
whipped Cazz to the opposite side, charged, and hit a running shoulder thrust in the corner. Cazz
let out a yell, as Ryuk hit two more quick shoulder thrusts! Ryuk posed, and lifted Cazz. Ryuk
turned to the center of the ring, and threw Cazz hitting a giant scoop slam. Cazz hit the mat and
held his back, as the crowd cheered!


After the break, we see Ryuk having Cazz locked in a headlock. Ryuk lifted Cazz, and then
elevated Cazz high in the air in a military press! Cazz, being the heel he is, used his dirty tactics
and reached down raking Ryuks eyes, forcing Ryuk to drop him. With Ryuk blinded, Cazz kicked
Ryuk straight in the back of the leg, sending Ryuk down. Cazz whipped off the ropes, and hit a
jumping leg drop, then stood. Cazz lifted Ryuk and whipped Ryuk into the heel corner, as Cazz
tagged Cador. Cazz grabbed Ryuk and held Ryuks arm up exposing the ribs. Cador leaned back
off the ropes and hit a double axe handle straight to Ryuks ribs, as Cazz released and got out of
the ring.

Cador lifted Ryuk, and gave Ryuk a few lefts sending Ryuk to the ropes. Cador then whipped
Ryuk off, and as Ryuk returned Cador hit a HUGE tilt-a-whirl side slam. Cador pinned, but Guille
ran in and broke it up at two. The ref focused at Guille, trying to get him out of the ring. During this
time Cazz ran in quickly, as Cador and Cazz started to stomp away on the fallen Ryuk. Before the
ref could turn, Cazz ran to his corner like nothing had happened! Cador lifted Ryuk, then pressed
him up on his shoulder. Cador leaned forward and hit the shoulder breaker on Ryuk! Cador
pinned but only got a two! Cador stood and looked at Cazz, shrugging. Cador then lifted Ryuk,
and started giving him a few more punches back into the corner. Cador whipped Ryuk to the
opposite side, charged, but Ryuk lifted his leg as Cador crashed face first into it! Cador staggered
back, shook his head, and turned.

Out of completely nowhere, Ryuk ran forward, and put everything into it. Ryuk dashed and
pressed forward smashing Ryuks shoulder straight into Cador which sent the big man flying back!
Ryuks Eliminator basically knocked the hell out of Cador! Both men laid out as the ref started to
count! Ryuk stood, and dove tagging Guille! Guille got into the ring and started stomping Cador!
Guille lifted Cador and went for a Schwien, but Cador was just too heavy. Guille held his back, as
Cador booted Guille in the face sending Guille to the mat. Cador shurgged off his pain, and lifted
Guille as he elevated Guille onto his shoulders then gave Guille a snake-eyes into the corner.
Cador charged off the ropes and hit another boot to the face on Guille! Cador tagged in Cazz, as
Cador got out to recover. Cazz taunted Guille some more, then lifted Guille and placed him in the
Magic Trick. Guille reversed it quickly, then lifted Cazz and hit the Schwein! Both wrestlers laid
out again as we go to break!


As we get return, we see Guille placing Cazz in a abnormal strech. The announcers then tell us
something is going on backstage!

A camera places us to the back as Darcia is seen already attacking the EOWF Champion
Seridam! Darcia has Seridam on the ground as he stomps away on Seridam! Darcia then lifts a
trash can and throws it on the champ, laughs, and takes off saying get ready!

Back in the ring, Cazz twists a bit, then gives Guille a shoulder back toss. Cazz stands, but meets
Ryuk in his corner! Ryuk slaps Cazz as Cazz staggers back. Guille punches Cazz, then tags
Ryuk. The two faces lock Cazz and hit a double suplex! Cador charges in and attacks Guille, as
the ref loses control!

Ryuk stalks in the corner looking at Cador, getting ready for the Eliminator again! Guille, still being
attacked by Cador, punches Cador in the stomach, then whippes Cador at Ryuk. Ryuk charges,
but at the wrong time. Cador overpowers Guille and whips Guille into Ryuks Eliminator sending
Guille flying across the ring, then to the mats outside! Ryuk stands holding his head, realizing his
mistake. Ryuk turns, and Cador grabs Ryuks neck, hitting a huge Chokeslam! Cazz stands just in
time and hits the Ablosault, as the ref counts to three!

Winners by Pinfall: Cazz/Cador.

The heels celebrate as it's now offical - It'll be Sapphire/Blake vs Cador/Cazz for the Tag Team

In the back we see Seridam getting checked on. We then flash over and see Darcia heading out
to the ring, Seridam and Darcia is next!


[b]Main Event Non-Title Match: EOWF Champion Seridam vs Darcia[/b]

The arrogant Darcia comes out of the curtails first as the crowd boo's. Darcia gets on the ramp as
he hits his pose, as pyro goes off! After the pyro's Darcia starts heading down the ramp.

Out from behind, Seridam charges out from the back and attacks Darcia getting revenge!
Seridam grabs Darcia by the head and slams Darcia into the stage titantron, as sparks fly! The
crowd cheers loudly as Darcia tries to crawl away. Seridam stalks Darcia, and when the two
reach the steel ramp, Seridam stomps Darcia back down. Seridam lifts Darcia, and hits a snap
suplex on the steel ramp! Darcia let out a yell, as Seridam stood pumping up the crowd! Seridam
then lifted Darcia, and set his sights on the steel steps. Seridam went for a whip, but Darcia
reversed it sending the Champ shoulder first into the steps disconnecting them!

Darcia caught his breath then walked to Seridam, lifting him. Darcia walked Seridam to the
guardrail, lifted Seridam in a scoop-slam, then dropped the Champ throat first on the metal rails!
Seridam fell back on the mats, as Darcia taunted the crowd! Darcia lifted Seridam again, bounced
the Champs head off the ring, then rolled him in. Darcia rolled in the ring as well, FINALLY
starting the match, the bell rang!

Right away Darcia whipped off the ropes and successfully got the Velvet Touch sliding kick on
Seridam right away! Darcia pinned but only got a two! Darcia stood, stomped Seridam a bit, then
lifted. Darcia turned Seridam, grabbed Seridam by the neck in reverse DDT fashion, and dropped
laying! The crowd "ooh'ed" as Darcia stood, heading for the turnbuckle. Darcia climbed up, and
jumped off with the Frog Splash. Seridam rolled out of the way though as Darcia crashed chest

Seridam recovered a bit, then walked to Darcia and hit a snap spiral leg drop on the back of
Darcias neck! Seridam lifted Darcia, crossed Darcias arms, and hit the Special Backbreaker to
the crowds delight! Seridam stood again, lifted Darcia by the head, and threw Darcia head first
into the turnbuckle pad. Seridam then just started to unload, punching Darcia at least 20 total
times. Darcia walked forward dazed out of his mind, as Darcia flopped chest first down on the mat
as the crowd cheered. Seridam lifted Darcia, whipped Darcia off the ropes, and as Darcia
returned, Seridam hit the standing spinning wheel kick! Seridam pinned Darcia but only got a two!
Seridam nodded, stood, and went to the top turnbuckle. Seridam jumped, spun, and flew off with
a moonsault! However, Darcia moved as Seridam crashed to the mat!

When we return, Darcia has Seridam in a butterfly lock. Darcia smirks, and says it's time for the
POENA! Darcia lifts Seridam with the butterfly lock then twists Seridam placing the Champion in
the POENA!

The titantron popped up, as we see the four main heels locker room. Darcia looks at the screen,
as a giant piece of machinery places a giant create infront of the door! The camera shifts and we
see Vult inside the machine! The crowd goes wild! Vult looks at the camera and tells Darcia to
perpare for a bad ass beating! Darcia looks surprised, as he drops Seridam and walks to the
ropes looking for Vult. Vult doesn't show, and Darcia smirks acting like Vults scared! Seridam
stands and stalks Darcia, signalling for the FU! Darcia turns, and Seridam lifts Darcia, then drops
Darcia with the FU! Darcia used his last ounce of energy to roll out of the ring to avoid a pin!

Darcia rolled to the ramp, as Seridam wondered what the heck was going on. The ref started to
count to ten! At seven, Darcia stood and said he won't fall to Seridam tonight!

[b]Winner by Countout: EOWF Champion Seridam![/b]

Darcia turned and headed up the ramp. As Darcia got to the middle of the ramp, Vults pyro and
music hit as Darcias face dropped!

Out from the curtain, Vult charged out full speed ahead and clotheslined Darcia on the ramp! Vult
got over Darcia and started pounding away with both fists hitting Darcia over and over! Darcia
kicked Vult off, stood, and ran through the crowd! Darcia looked back and taunted Vult, as out
from behind Wicked walked into Darcia! Darcia slowly turned, saw Wicked and freaked! Wicked
clocked Darcia, grabbed the back of Darcias head, and threw him over the guard-rails to the
mats! Vult ran over and grabbed Darcia, lifting, then smashing Darcias head into the
disconnected Steel steps several times! Wicked got in the ring, as Seridam and Wicked got the
crowd going wild!

Vult lifted Darcia and threw him into the ring, as Vult rolled in as well. Darcia slowly got some
breath, as he stood. Vult stalked, and finally Darcia turned, geting kicked in the stomach! Vult
then turned and hit Darcia with the stunner! Darcia didn't fall, but he staggered back and got
caught with another FU by Seridam! Wicked went to the top, and came crashing down on Darcia
with a Blizzard Splash! Vult requested a microphone, placed his foot on Darcia, and told him that
at Server Showdown, it would be Darcia, ONE ON ONE with Vult in a Falls Count Anywhere
match! The crowd popped as the faces posed for the crowd in the ring!

-End show-

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