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[b]Show 18: Final Stop to SS!


We see a recap of the amazing show last week featuring Zemeckis/Wicked. After the recap video
we head backstage to the locker rooms!

We see inside the main heels locker room, with Zemeckis lacing up his boots. Darcia, Cador, and
Cazz are seen in the back discussing the 6-man tag. Zemeckis stands and calls Cador over,
telling him that tonight could be the deciding factor in their match at Server Showdown. Zemeckis
tells Cador to be as ruthless as he can be, dominate Sapphire to where he can hardly walk.
Cador nuds with a sick smirk, as Cador heads out of the locker room. Zemeckis then directs his
attention to Cazz and Darcia, telling them to listen up. Zemeckis says last week was a great
victory for their team, and tonight can really bring in confedence for all matches at SS. Out of
nowhere, Kastor interrupts the group and appears at the doorway. Kastor says Zemeckis has no
hope Sunday, because of how weak he appeared last week against Wicked! Zemeckis looks at
Kastor oddly, and says unlike Kastor, he defeated Wicked. Kastor laughed and told Zemeckis he
barely defeated Wicked..Kastor said Zemeckis has changed. Kastor says Zemeckis is a shell of
his former self, he's not as cruel, he's not as sick and twisted as he once was. Kastor says Zem
should think about that, as he then leaves. The three heels stand there a little confused, as they
laugh and shake their heads..

We open the fireworks and music, as right away Arvid tells us that since Mizzy was brutalized by
Vampira, Laine will take her position as an announcer!

[b]Exibition Match: Cador vs Sapphire[/b]

Cador comes out first, alone, as he walks down the ramp pulling up his glove, smirking. The
crowd boo's as Cador elevates himself to the apron, then stands over the ropes to get inside the

Sapphire comes out next, alone as well! The crowd cheers as Sapphire runs to the edge of the
stage and does his usual fairy dances, making the crowd laugh. Sapphire runs down the ramp to
one of the male fans, and gives him a surprise kiss! Sapphire makes a girly smile, then gets
intothe ring as the fan looks disgusted, but laughing!

Right as Sapphire was trying to enter the ring through the second rope, Cador charged and
started stomping away! Cador grabbed Sapphire by the head and brought Sapphire inside, then
threw Sap into the turnbuckle head first. The bell rang, as Cador started to jam the back of his
elbow into the side of Sapphires head! Cador does this a few times, then throws his arm up
thrusting Sapphire in his throat! The power of the thrust sent Sapphire in the air, crashing to the
mat. Cador lifted Sapphire up, lifted Sapphire onto his shoulder, ran, and slammed down to the
mat with impact! Cador stood, laughed, then stomped Sapphire straight in the head, then taunted!
Cador then charged off the ropes, came back, jumped high for an elbow drop, but Sapphire
moved! Cador crashed on the ground hard as Sapphire started to stand!

Sapphire got to his knees, as Cador quickly rised to his feet. As Cador walked towards Sapphire,
Sapphire leaped forward and dropkicked Cador in the left knee! Cador fell on his knee, as
Sapphire stood. Sapphire then charged, and as Cador was kneeling, rammed his butt straight into
Cadors head! Sapphire then lifted Cador, grabbed his head, then rammed Cadors head into
Sappiress own knee! Sapphire then lowered himself and placed Cador in a buffalo sleeper!


When we return, Cador has broken out of the sleeper and started to attack Sapphire. Cador
slams away with double axe handles and stomach kicks. Cador places Sapphire against the
ropes, then ran off the ropes himself. As Cador returned to Sapphire, Sapphire dunked and
lowered the rope, sending Cador over and slamming to the outside! Sapphire stood and posed for
the crowd! Cador stood looking angry, as he elevated himself up to the apron. Sapphire saw this
and charged, but Cador dunked his clothesline attempt. Cador then grabbed Sapphire by his
throat, and chokeslammed him! Cador smirked, and dropped off the apron! Cador reached inside
and pulled Sapphire to the outside, even though Sapphire was basically out. Cador grabbed
Sapphire by his head, then slammed Sapphire into the ring apron a few times! Cador then lifted
Sapphire in a bear-hug position, then charged ramming Sapphire into the steel post! The ref
continued to count, as Cador ignored him! Cador lifted Sapphire once again and took both
wrestlers to the steel ramp. Cador then gripped Sapphire by the neck and hit another chokeslam
on the outside ramp! Cador then ran and rolled in the ring before the ref got to the 10!

[b]Winner by Countout: Cador[/b]

After the match the crowd boo'ed Cador, as he rolled out and headed up the ramp. Cador
stopped at Sapphire, and gripped his throat again! Blake thankfully ran out with a chair as Cador
released Sapphire and flee'd the scene, barely missing a chair shot from Blake! Blake tended to
Sapphire, as we cut backstage!

In the back, we see Gaffar and Sakurakur discussing Vampira, and the triple threat match.
Sakurakur cuddles up to Gaffar telling him she's never wrestled, and is worried about her safety,
she doesn't want to end up like Mizzy! Gaffar holds her and tells her nothing will happen, and that
Sakurakur is a tough woman! Gaffar says he is also worried about his triple threat, and the
danger Astral brings to it! Gaffar holds his girl and title, as we cut and see Astral headed to the


Exibiton Match: Astral vs Slipn

The lights start flickering different shades of green and purple, as the strange wrestler Slipn
comes out from the curtain. Slipn, now with a unique apperance with face-paint makes his way
down the ramp and into the ring, taunting the crowd.

Astral comes out next, as his holy sounding theme plays, and two white robed monks follow him.
Astral taunts the crowd, then heads down the ramp. Astral then sends the monks to the back, as
he gets inside the ring. The bell rings and we're off!

Right away Slipn uses his speed to his advantage. Astral tries to lock up with Slipn, but Slipn
dodges each attempt and kicks Astral in the leg! Astral gets fed up with the kicks, and tries to
clothesline Slipn! Slipn dunks the clothesline, runs off the ropes, and when Slipn returns hits ana
amazing flying forearm which takes Astral down! The two wrestlers raise, and Slipn hits a flipping
dropkick sending the two down again! Slipn rises before Astral, but before Astral can even get to
his feet, Slipn hits another dropkick straight to Astrals face! Astral drops and rolls out of the ring,
looking completely angry! Slipn poses as Astral turns to the crowd telling them to shut up! As
Astral is doing this, Slipn runs and dives outside the ring hitting an incredible somersault flip to the
outside which sends both men down! The crowd cheers as Slipn stands and poses! Astral lays
out of it, hurt! Slipn lifts Astral and rolls him inside the ring, pinning for only a two! Slipn stands up,
and attacks away with forearms, which send Astral into the corner! Slipn then runs to the opposite
side, and charges at Astral.

As Slipn jumps, Astral moves which sends Slipn crashing into the turnbuckle chest first. Slipn
stays against the turnbuckle chest first, as Astral runs off the ropes, then hits a SICK big boot to
the back of Slipns head! Before Slipn could fall, Astral stops him, and lifts Slipn to the top. Astral
follows, then hits a huge back suplex off the top rope! Astral pins, but he only gets a two as well!
Astral while holding Slipn down, locks Slipn into the Heaven's Wraith! After a while, Astral
releases the hold due to Slipn not giving up. Astral stands and stomps Slipn, then lifts him to his
feet. Astral then grips Slipn by the neck, puts him against the ropes, and pulls forward going for

As Astral whips Slipn, Slipn flips out of it in an amazing counter, then reacts quick and hits a fast
superkick sending Astral through the middle ropes, falling otuside again! Astral stands and looks
at Slipn, shaking his head, then turns to leave.

DRAKKON jumps out of the crowd, runs behind Astral and launches an attack! Astral tries to
cover himself, but Drakkon goes wild with stiff punches and forearms, backing Astral up to the
stage. The ref calls the match in DQ, as Slipn looks a little mad..

[b]Winner by DQ: Astral[/b]

Drakkon continues attacking Astral ontop of the ramp, as Astral knees Drakkon in the stomach!
Astral punches Drakkon in the head really hard, sending Drakkon back near the edge! Astral then
grabs Drakkon and stuffs him, lifting for the Holy Edge! Drakkon while in the air, kicks Astral in the
back of the head releasing him! Drakkon falls and turns behind Astral and locks him in the Shock
Bind! Drakkon then spins around and jumps off the stage sending both men off, crashing through
many tables! Officals gather below the stage trying to help the two wrestlers!


When we return, both wrestlers are in the back being checked. Drakkon stands off his bed and
throws the officals out of the way. Drakkon then jumps onto Astral and punches away! The jump
broke Astrals bed, as Drakkon stood and stomped Astral, then threw many of the medical tools
down onto him! Astral finally stood and leveled Drakkon with a smack to the head with a metal
tray, then ran out of the room worried about his safety from the crazed Drakkon!

Aengie makes an announcement that instead of being a traditonal 6-man tag, it's now a tornado
style tag match! Meaning all 6 men will be in the ring and fighting at the same time! She also says
there'll be NO COUNT OUTS!

[b]Main Event: 6-Man Tag: Zem/Cazz/Darcia vs Seridam/Vult/Wicked [/b]

First out was the three heels, as the crowd went crazy boo'ing the three! Zemeckis led out Darcia
and Cazz down the ramp, then into the ring as Cazz and Dacia taunted away, and Zem still
looked a little rattled by Kastors comments.

The arena turns to a blue-shade of light, and Wickeds music hits! The snow starts to fall, and out
he comes! The fans cheer, and once Wicked hits the stage, he waits! All of a sudden, BOOM! A
giant blast of pyro hits and Wickeds music turns to Vults as he walks out as well! As they talk, the
lights go out, then spotlights fly around as the Champ runs out with the two faces! Vult points
towards the ring at the three heels, and the three faces charge!

All three faces get into the ring, as the heels quickly start stomping and beating away. The faces
stand and a giant brawl takes place! Vult fights with Darcia, Wicked with Cazz, and Seridam with
Zemeckis! Fists, feet, elbows, forearms, and chops go flying all over the ring, as the bell is rang!
The brawl doesn't even come close to stopping, as the faces all clothesline the heels over the top
rope to the ground! The faces all get to the ropes, and as the heels stands the faces leap over the
stop hitting body presses to the outside! The faces stand as the crowd cheers, going wild!


When we return, Zemeckis and Darcia are fighting with Wicked and Seridam on the outside. In
the ring, Vult is firing away on Cazz with fists. Vult clotheslines Cazz, then as Cazz raises, kicks
and places Cazz in the stunner! Zemeckis gets in quickly, rushes, and hits Vult with a Yakuza
Kick, sending Vult down! Zemeckis and Cazz team on Vult, stomping away as Seridam runs in
and leaps to Cazz, taking them both outside the ring! Darcia and Wicked are still on the outside,
but Wicked throws Darcia over the guardrail as the two fight up the crowd, hitting each other with
drinks, foods, chairs, and basically everything!

Cazz and Seridam fight outside, as Seridam slams Cazz into the announcers table head first!
Seridam grabs Cazz, whips, but Cazz reverses and slams Seridam into the steep steps! Cazz
fights away as we center away on Vult and Zemeckis.

Zemeckis is inside firing away with rights, backing Vult into the ropes, Vult however, low blows
Zemeckis, and whips him! As Zem returns, Vult dunks, lifts Zemeckis, and throws himself back
hitting a Samoan Drop on Zemeckis! The two hit the mat, as Cazz rushes back in, but Vult
clotheslines him over the ropes again! Seridam then stops Cazz from falling, lifts, and F-Us Cazz
on the announcers table, sending him behind it with the announcers!

We then focus to Wicked and Darcia, as we see Wicked go overboard off a seating area as he
crashes to the concerte ground! Darcia rests, then rushes down to the ring, attacking Vult inside
saving Zemeckis! Seridam rolls in as well, as he attacks Darcia! Zemeckis stands up, runs, grabs
Seridam by the head and jumps over the top ramming Seridams throat into the top rope!
Zemeckis grabs Seridam by the leg and pulls him out, fighting with him up the ramp. The two fight
to the back, as we focus back in on Darcia and Vult!

Vult beats away on Darcia, then scoop slams Darcia to the ground. Vult poses as Darcia grabs
the ref, distracting him!

During this time, Wicked finally gets to his feet and starts heading back down to the ring. Out from
the stands comes Forte, attacking Wicked! Forte hammers away on Wicked, then fights with him
to the back!

Back in ring side, Cazz grabs a chair, rolls in, and cracks Vult quickly as the ref is distracted. Cazz
throws the chair out, then hits a Ablosault on Vult! Darcia stands, lifts Vult, and hits the POENA,
pinning for the THREE! Darcia pins Vult!

[b]Winners by Pinfall: Zemeckis, Darcia, Cazz![/b]

After the match, the two heels pose and stomp away on Vult a bit, before leaving happy over the

In the back, Seridam and Zemeckis are fighting in a hallway. Out of nowhere, Kastor charges and
hits Seridam with an Emperor Lariet! Zemeckis falls back to the ground as Seridam hits the floor
hard. Kastor laughs and says just like that, he took Seridam out. Kastor says they wasted a
match by giving Zemeckis the title shot!

-End Show-

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