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[b]Show 20 - Server Showdown Aftermath[/b]

Starting the show off this week is a recap video of Server Showdown. We hear the offical theme
of the PVV, Wasteland by 10 Years. We see the carnage of Vult/Dacia, the crowning of the new
Tag Champions, the flame spot by Astral, and finally the ending to Zemeckis/Seridam.

The pyros blast off, and right away the announcers tell us we have a big main event, Gaffar vs
Cazz for the Aeven Title! Arvid tells us this could be Gaffars biggest match yet. The new
announcer, Amy, tells us it will also be Gaffars next defense and only a few nights after the Triple

Seridam was out next, as the champ ran out flashing his title. Seridam went through the crowd
messing with fans as his music jammed loudly. Seridam finally crossed over the guard rail, and
posed his belt. Seridam leaps up the steel steps and hopped in, contining to pose off his title.
Seridam climbed all turnbuckles and posed his EOWF Title proudly. Seridam then requested a
microphone, caught it, and jumped down in the center of the ring.

The crowd chanted for their champion, as Seridam said he was glad to still be able to walk out
here and here his name announced as the EOWF Champion. Seridam says at Server
Showdown, he proved to the world he is capable of leading the company. Seridam says he
pinned his old mentor, and scored the biggest win of his entire career. Seridam says he has no
plans of letting the title go, and letting down the crowd. Seridam then told the crowd that he's
excitied for the 20 Man Battle Royal, and hopes the winner will be able to give him another fight of
his life at the next PPV, Log-In Lockout. Seridam thanked the crowd for having his back, and
promised to remain the champion as long as he possibly could. Seridam dropped the
microphone, posed his title, and started heading up the ramp.

Kastor came out and stopped Seridam, laughing. Kastor and Seridam exchanged some words,
before some officals came and broke the two up!


[b]Exibition Match: Slipn vs Tomaxel[/b]

The lights start flickering different shades of green and purple, as the strange wrestler Slipn
comes out from the curtain. Slipn, now with a unique apperance with face-paint makes his way
down the ramp and into the ring, taunting the crowd.

Tomaxel then ran out quickly. Tomaxel ran down the ramp full speed, rolled in the ring, and did a
perfect backflip looking and laughing at Slipn. The announcers tell us with these two, it should be
a very fast-paced match!

The bell rings, and right away the two wrestlers start pacing each other. Slipn tries a kick, but
Tomaxel moves and sends one back, unsucessful in a hit. Slipn then tries a fake high kick, but
quickly goes low and kicks Tomaxel in the knee! Slipn then grabs Tomaxel, tries a snapmare, but
Tom flips out of it on his feet. Tom reaches back, hits a snapmare, then a lighting fast kick to the
spine of Slipn! Slipn yells in pain, as Tom backs away letting Slipn stand. The two young wrestlers
then do a nice little arm drag routine, with Slipn finally getting tired and hitting a snap dropkick
after an arm drag!

Slipn lifts Tomaxel, hits some forearms to the face, backing Tom into the corner. Slipn then places
Tomaxel on the top rope, climbs, and then hits a huge top rope arm drag! Slipn stands, turns, and
hits a standing moonsault for a two count! Slipn lifts Tomaxel, forearms a bit, then whips Tomaxel
off the ropes. As Tomaxel returns, Slipn delivers a giant spinning roundhouse kick that knocks
Tomaxel straight to the ground. Tomaxel rolls out of the ring in pain, holding his head. Slipn then
grabs the ropes, leaps on top, and goes for a vaulting body press!
Tomaxel outsmarts Slipn, and moves watching Slipn crash to the ground. Tomaxel climbs up on
the apron, then to the second rope on the turnbuckle. As Slipn stands, Tomaxel leaps off with a
flipping summersault sending them both to the ground! Tomaxel stood, taunted Slipn, and lifted.
Tom then hit a snap suplex to the outside! Tomaxel lifted and threw Slipn back into the ring, and
stood on the apron waiting for Slipn. When Slipn stood, Tomaxel leapfrogged on the ropes, and
flew off!

However, Slipn got payback and the Quick Kick as Tomaxel was in midair! Tomaxel hit the mat, as
Slipn quickly lifted. Slipn then hit his Slip'N'Slide Driver, and climbed to the top. Slipn then hit a
beautiful 450 splash for the three count!

[b]Winner by pinfall: Slipn[/b]

Slipn poses for the crowd as Amy mentions that with all the wins Slipn has scored lately, will he
be on the road to an Aeven Title shot?

In the back, we see Zemeckis, Darcia, and the Tag Champs. Zemeckis stays mostly quiet, as
Cazz, Cador, and Darcia laugh and joke around with the tag titles. Cazz then says it'll be even
sweeter when he wins the Aeven Title tonight! Darcia says that's true, and that he's made a
request to get payback on Vult in a No-Escape match! Zemeckis then breaks his silence, and
says that he's spoken to Aengie, and got all four put in the batlte royal! Zemeckis then grabs his
bags and tells them that he's leaving, and he'll be back in a few weeks! Zemeckis leaves, as the
other three stand there worried about Zemeckis!


In the back, we see Sakurakur, Gaffar, and Drakkon. Gaffar tells Drakkon what Astral did was
pathetic, and that if Gaffar could, he'd give Drakkon a one on one shot for the Aeven Title.
Drakkon says he thanks Gaffar, and hopes he gets a shot, but he'll never get a fair chance as
long as Astrals around! Gaffar agrees, and says Drakkon deserves payback. Drakkon wishes
Gaffar luck against Cazz, as he leaves. Sakurakur kisses Gaffars cheek and wishes him luck as
well. Gaffar smiles, and simply says "Yeah..".

[b]Exibtion Match: Guille vs Kastor[/b]

Guille comes out first, without Ryuk. Guille poses for the crowd as he walks down the ramp,
slapping hands with the crowd. Guille then rolls into the ring, waiting for his opponent.

The lights get dark, as Kastors music hits and flames appear on the ramp. Kastor walks out
smirking, as the evil one stalks down the ramp with his eyes on Guille. Kastor walks up the steel
steps, gets inside the ring, and taunts the crowd and Guille.

The bell rings, and we're off! Kastor taunts Guille, trying to get Guille mad. It works, as Guille tries
a punch that Kastor dunks. Kastor then turns Guille, and delivers some very stiff shots to the
head. Kastor throws Guille into the ropes, and as Guille returns, hits a powerslam. Kastor stands,
places his foot on Guilles forehead, and crushes down! Kastor then lashes his foot off, as Guille
yells holding his head. Kastor leans against the ropes, as the crowd boo's his vicious antics.
Kastor then stalks Guille, and lifts him to his feet. Kastor then ran off the ropes, and came back
for the Emperor Lariet!

Guille dunked, turned Kastor, and hit Schwein finisher! Guille rolls over and placed an arm on
Kastor, but Kastor kicked out! Guille stood and lifted Kastor, hitting some nice elbows to the face.
Guille then hit a suplex, stood, and a jumping leg drop, for another two count! Guille stood as he
posed to the crowd! Guille lifted Kastor, whipped him off the ropes, then hit a Shoulder Back Toss!
Guille started to get completely confident, man handling a top name! Guille lifted Kastor, whipped
again, and as Kastor returned, hit a clothesline of his own! Kastor hit the mat, as Guille climbed
the top rope! Guille then posed, and leaped!

Kastor, pretty much faking all the damage he took, quickly stood and caught Guille crosswards.
Kastor ran around in a circle, jumped high off the mat, and hit a huge running powerslam on
Guille. Kastor lifted Guille, threw him to the ropes, then delivered an uppercut to the throat! Guille
backed away and landed neck first across the midle ropes. Kastor charged, and leaped, spliting
his legs around Guille forcing him down into the ropes neck first! Guille flew back holding his
neck, as he stood! Kastor charged and hit the Emperor Lariet, then pinned. At two, Kastor pulled
up! Kastor shook his head, and told the ref Guille will pay for hitting him with all the moves. Kastor
lifted Guille, and locked in the Torture Rack! Guille had no choice but to give up!

[b]Winner by Submission: Kastor[/b]

After the match, Kastor kept the Rack in for an extended period of time. Finally, the champion
rushed down and broke it up, attacking Kastor. Kastor rolled out of the ring laughing as he
taunted Seridam. Seridam tended to Guille as Kastor laughed his way up the ramp, and to the

We go back to Cazz, as he is now prepared for the match. Darcia and Cador start walking about
how when Cazz gets back, he'll have two titles to go around his waist. Cazz agrees, and says
with that kinda power, all the ladies will want him! Cador and Darcia laugh as Cazz heads out!


[b]Aeven Title Match: Gaffar(c) vs Cazz[/b]

One half of the tag champions, Cazz heads out first. The crowd boos as Cazz taunts the crowd,
and tells them to shut up. Cazz heads down the ramp and slides in the ring, removing his title.
Cazz taunts the crowd, and smirks as he jumps down.

Gaffar makes his way out next as the crowd cheers loudly. Sakurakur and Gaffar pose for the
crowd. Gaffar flashes his Aeven Title in pride, as the two head down the ramp arm by arm. Gaffar
rolls in and poses happily with his Aeven Title, as he then sees Cazz. Gaffar hands his title to the
ref, as we hear the offical announcement! The bell rings, and we're off!

We start with a lock-up, with Cazz outwrestling Gaffar to start off. Cazz laughs and provokes
Gaffar, saying the Aeven Title is his. Gaffar and Cazz then lockup again, as Gaffar quickly places
Cazz in a headlock! Cazz powers out and sends Gaffar towards the ropes. As Gaffar returns,
Cazz shoulder blocks him down, smirks, and stomps Gaffar in the stomach! The crowd boo'ed
loudly as Cazz laughed and taunted the crowd. Cazz then lifts Gaffar, and slaps him across the
chest. Cazz whips Gaffar off the ropes, and when Gaffar returns, hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!
Cazz pins but for a two! Cazz stands, stomps on Gaffar, and lifts him to his feet. Cazz knees
Gaffar in the stomach, wrist-locks, then throws Gaffar behind him in a Wrist-Lock Overhead
Suplex! Cazz stands as the crowd "Oohs' at the move! Cazz pins Gaffar for another two. Cazz
then spots Sakurakur, looking worried. Cazz rolls out and walks to Sakurakur, who is now scared.
Cazz chases Sakurakur, then grabs her going for a kiss!

Gaffar has now recovered, as he slingshots under the ropes and hits a baseball slide dropkick,
sending Cazz back into the guard rails. Gaffar then stands on the apron, turns, and hits a picture
perfect Asai-Moonsault as the crowd cheers! Gaffar stomps on Cazz, lifts, and throws Cazz into
the guard rail. Gaffar lays in some more shots, then whips Cazz back first into the apron. Gaffar
then dropkicks Cazz straight in the chest, sending Cazz flopping to the mats. Gaffar poses to the
crowd, then lifts Cazz up.

Cazz quickly rakes Gaffar in the eyes, allowing some time to recover. Cazz stands, runs, and
throws Gaffar face first into the mats! Cazz taunts some more, and stomps Gaffar in the back.
Cazz lifts Gaffar to his feet, and throws Gaffar back into the ring. Cazz follows, stands, and
stomps away some more. Cazz lifts Gaffar up, hits a snap belly-to-belly suplex pin, but Gaffar
gets out at 2. Cazz stands, and heads for the top rope. Cazz jumps off trying the leg drop, but
Gaffar moves!

Cazz crashes butt first on the mat, as Gaffar stands. Gaffar charges and dropkicks Cazz in the
face, sending him to the mat. Gaffar lifted Cazz, hit a quick hurricanrana, but only got a two.
Gaffar stood, as Cazz did as well. Gaffar hit a kick to the leg, as Cazz fired back with a punch.
This repeated for a few moments, before Gaffar hit a standing cresent kick which sent Cazz
down. Cazz quickly stood, but Gaffar kicked him down again! Cazz rolled out of the ring to
recover as we go to a break.


When we return, Gaffar is still kicking away at Cazz. Cazz then reverses a kick, and trips Gaffar.
Cazz then locks Gaffar into a side-leg lock, as the ref checks Gaffar. Cazz locks the hold in tightly,
not letting go, as Gaffar yells in pain. Sakurakur yells for Gaffar to fight out, as the ref continues to
see if Gaffar wants to submit. Gaffar finally kicks back, sending Cazz to the turnbuckle. Gaffar
stands wobbling from his hurt leg, as Cazz rushes forward and hits a vicious kick to the leg!
Gaffar falls, and Cazz quickly lifts him. Cazz then hits the Magic Trick, pins, but Gaffar kicks out at
two! Cazz looks surprised, and stands. Cazz runs off the ropes, attempts the Ablosault, but fails!

Gaffar got his legs up at the last second, crashing them into Cazz's stomach. Gaffar stood holding
his leg, now even more hurt due to the block. Gaffar then ran, and hit the first part of the Fluon
Flash! Cazz flew back, as he then stood dazed. Gaffar then jumped, flew off, and spreaded for
the hurricanrana!

Cazz leaped up and dropkicked Gaffar in the stomach, sending them both down. Both wrestlers
laid out, as they attempted to recover. Cazz and Gaffar both fought up, breaking up the count.
The two wrestlers started to launch forearms, connecting with each. Cazz got the upperhand, and
locked Gaffar in the Magic Trick again. Gaffar elbowed out, turned, and hit a jumping tornado
DDT sending both down! Cazz rolled out of the ring holding his head in pain! Cazz stood up
barely, and reached to the time keepers table. Sakurakur started yelling loud, as Gaffar climbed
the top rope. Gaffar jumped off, but Cazz turns quickly nailing Gaffar with the Tag Title! The ref
seen the act and called the bell!

[b]Winner by DQ: Gaffar[/b]

After the match, Cazz grabs his Tag Title and just walks away from the ring looking angred. The
crowd boo's, as Sakurakur tends to Gaffar. Out of the crowd comes Astral, climbing over the
guard rail. Sakurakur looks scared, as Astral stalks her, causing Sakurakur to run. Astral lifts
Gaffar up, and gives Gaffar a GODHAND through the announcers table! Astral laughs, and
singals for the Holy Edge!

Out from the back comes Drakkon! Drakkon runs down holding a flaming wooden 2x4! Astral
sees this, and runs away in fear! Drakkon swings, but misses! Astral escapes as Drakkon and
Sakurakur check on Gaffar. Drakkon then shifts his eyes starring at the Aeven Title, as the show
goes off!

-Show Ends-

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