Green Tea

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Mohammad Baktiar Rana Department of Business Administration North South University

Md. Moin Uddin Shahriar Chowdhury ID: 1020457560 Mohammad Shahid Hasan ID: 1020773560 Fahima Akhter ID: 1020817060 Md. Saiful Islam ID: 1020622060 Nasimul Haque Choudhury ID: 1020571060 Course: Marketing Management (BUS 620) Section: 3

Apr il 30, 2011

Dr . Moha mma d Ba ktiar Rana Ass ociat e Pr of ess or Nor t h Sout h Univer s it y Bashu ndhar a, Dha ka - 1229 Bangla des h

D ear Sir : H er e is t he r ep or t on Gr een T ea you asked us to sub mit.

As you will s ee, our obs er vation p oint ed s ome sp ecific fact or s r egar ding ex ist ing mar ket scenar io and p ot ent ia l gr owt h of Gr een T ea . We wou ld like t o tha nk you f or giving us the opp or tunit y t o pr epar e t his r ep or t. We ar e sur e t hat we ha ve lear ned a lot of new t hings while pr epar ing t his r ep or t.

We r ea lly appr eciat e ha ving such an assignment. I f you need any s or t of inqu ir y r egar ding t his r ep ots, pleas e contact us at ma il@nas im. me.

Sincer ely,

Md. Moin Uddin S hahr iar Chowdhur y

Moha mma d Sha hid Hasan

Fahima Akht er

Md. Saifu l Is la m

Nasimul Ha qu e C hou dhur y

Table of Contents

1. Background Information (Green Tea).......................................................................................... 01 2. Situation Analysis.............................................................................................. 05 2.1. Customer Analysis.. 05 2.2. Marketing Analysis. 06 2.3. Competitor Analysis. 07 2.4. Forming Target market & Segments 07 2.5. How large is the target market. 09 2.6. Future growth potential of this target market 09 3. How do/does the marketers reach this target market .10 3.1. Develop awareness.. 10 3.2. Generate traffic..10 3.3. Build loyal customer base10 3.4. Generate Profit. 10 4. Marketing Strategy.. 11 4.1. Marketing Mix.. 11 4.1.1. Product strategy.... 13 4.1.2. Price strategy. 14 4.1.3. Distribution strategy. 15 4.1.4. Promotion strategy. 16 4.2. Re-position this product to another market segment. 18 4.2.1. Need-based positioning .... 18 4.2.2. Health.. 18 4.2.3. Novelty 19 5. Customer Feedback.... 20 5.1. Research Findings. 21 6. Conclusion.. 22 7. References.. 23 8. Appendix.. 24

This study has mainly been conducted through a preparation & responses of questionnaire and open discussion with the concerned personnel about the Green Tea market in Bangladesh. We have used both structured and unstructured method to gather information. A small survey was conducted to find out customer feedback regarding the existing brands of Green Tea in Bangladesh market. Telephone interview was arranged to find product related information from respective companies like Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate. We have accumulated the findings and analyzed those findings to determine the current marketing strategies practiced by existing companies and the potential growth of Green Tea market in Bangladesh.

Currently green tea is a growing niche market in Bangladesh. Mostly health conscious young and middle aged people consume green tea in this country. From our study we have found that Kazi & Kazi has the largest market share in Bangladesh. Also their product is available in large number of outlets, while other brands are available only big chain stores. Although this is a potential market in Bangladesh, only few companies currently competing to get the market share. So, there is opportunity to take new entry in this market.

1.0 Introduction
It is said that tea was discovered accidentally by Emperor Shen Nung back in 2700BC. After a large meal one day, he was relaxing in the garden with a cup of boiling water. At that time some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the cup. Unnoticed he consumed the drink. He enjoyed the taste of the tea and the pain relief of the drink was so much. Like this the cup of tea was born. The Indian legend tells how in the fifth year of a seven year sleepless contemplation of Buddha he began to feel drowsy. He immediately plucked a few leaves from a nearby bush and chewed them which dispelled his tiredness. The bush was a wild tea tree. ( The first tea used in England came from China, and it wasn't until the 19th century that tea growing spread to other countries and indigenous tea was discovered in Assam. The UK is the largest importer of tea. The English quickly developed an almost unquenchable thirst for the drink and began searching for a way to get tea without having to buy it solely from China . In 1835 the English East India Company, upon discovery of an indigenous variety of Camellia Sinensis in Assam , India , established their first experimental tea plantation there. It was largely unsuccessful at the beginning. In 1856 varieties of tea from the Yunnan and Keemun provinces of China were introduced in Darjeeling , India , and soon thrived. Some of the most prized and expensive Indian black teas come from this high mountain region. One year later tea was cultivated in Ceylon ( Sri Lanka ). Luckily, for tea growers and consumers, a fungus wiped out the coffee crop in Ceylon in 1869, then its' main export. This opened the door to increased tea production and exportation. By the early 1900's tea was being cultivated in Java, Sumatra , Indonesia, Kenya and other parts of Africa . Presently, the United States has been added to the list of tea producers as there is one plantation in North Carolina History of Bangladesh Tea Industry dates back to 1840 when a pioneer tea garden was established on the slopes of the hills in Chittagong where the Chittagong Club now stands. First commercial tea garden was established in 1857 at Mulnichera in Sylhet. During the partition in 1947, Bangladesh (the then East Pakistan) owned 103 tea estates, covering 26,734 hectares of tea plantation with annual production of 18.36 M.Kg. with an yield of about 639 Kg. per ha. Home consumption was around 13.64 M. Kg. upto 1955. After that home

consumption went up rapidly and Government imposed 3% mandatory extension of tea area per year in 1961. Ten years later by 1970, tea area was extended to 42,658 hectares and production was incrased to 31.38 M.Kg. During liberation war in 1971, our tea industry suffered colossal damages which resulted in poor management, high vacancies, insufficient inputs, dilapidated factory machinery, inadequate maintenance etc. leading to lower yield and poor quality of tea. But the industry soon got a big push on behalf of the government through a massive development program (BTRP-1980-92) with the financial and technical assistance of the British ODA and EEC and production increased to 60.14 million kg. with per/ha. yield of 1290kg. in 2010. (

GREEN TEA Green teas are teas that have been picked and rolled before firing. This stops the veins on the leaves breaking, preventing the fermentation process, so that the leaf does not turn brown. The brewed tea is pale yellow or green in color. Green tea is made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from Chinaand has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan and South Korea to the Middle East. Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where they are grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, horticulture, production processing, and harvesting time. Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting that regular green tea drinkers have lower chances of heart disease and of developing certain types of cancer. Although green tea does not raise the metabolic rate enough to produce immediate weight loss, a green tea extract containing polyphenols and caffeine has been shown to induce thermogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation, boosting the metabolic rate 4% without increasing the heart rate.

According to a survey released by the United States Department of Agriculture in 2007, the mean content of flavonoids in a cup of green tea is higher than that in the same volume of other food and drink items that are traditionally considered of health contributing nature, including fresh fruits, vegetable juices or wine. Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals in most plant products that are responsible for such health effects as antioxidative and anticarcinogenic functions. However, as a tea information site points out, the content varies dramatically amongst different tea products, basing on the same USDA survey. ( In Bangladesh Green Tea became firstly innovated by Kazi & Kazi Tea in 2009. Even though tea market is drastically took one of the largest market in the world arena, but consumer of green tea in Bangladesh remain at back stage of tea market. Kazi & Kazi Tea was set to market two new brands on November, 2009 to strengthen its foothold on the local market. Organic Green Tea battered the market on November, Anis Ahmed, chief executive officer of Kazi & Kazi Tea, said in a news briefing at Dhaka Sheraton. This brand is first of its kind in Bangladesh, said Ahmed. Bangladesh was once a major tea-exporting country, but the exports are being squeezed by a rapid rise in local consumption. Over 90 percent of 50 million kg annual production is consumed domestically. Big businesses are coming in to grab the market of over 150 million consumers. Local demand is rising at a double-digit rate, said Ahmed. Retail price of new K&K Green Tea brand are fixed at current Tk 120 for 40 tea bags in a packet, according to the company's officials. Kazi & Kazi has a sprawling tea estate on 800 acres in Panchgarh. The company has exported 55,000 kg tea in 2010 and is now planning to ship 70,000 kg next year.

Background Information
Kazi & Kazi Tea, the first organic tea garden in Bangladesh, located in Panchagarh, are the untouched lands of Tetulia. Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate (KKTE) acquired this beautiful, scenic garden in 2000, & introduced a forefront concept that was transforming the way tea was perceived. They launched an organic farming methodology - the first in the nation. The family-owned enterprise, which was founded by Kazi Shahid Ahmed, fused the old, tea-producing traditions with the new & created a process that although unexplored, was nonetheless beneficial for both the company and the community. The family, who believes in a natural and holistic form of living, situated this as their foundation. Dr. Kazi Anis Ahmed, son of Kazi Shahid Ahmed, said, We dont see that theres an alternative! As the only organic tea producer in Bangladesh, the company now manufactures bio-fertilizers and biopesticides on-site, a practice that various tea associations, including the Bangladesh Tea Board, recognize as the healthiest and safest option. In a country inundated with over 150 tea gardens, Kazi & Kazi Tea realized their commitment & vision needed to establish a new, useful concept; one that not only served the companys purpose, but also benefited the community. Having the resources and ambition, the company now needed to determine their framework, and how they wanted to function. ( Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Ltd. produces organic tea, making it the only substantial garden of its kind in Bangladesh. As we are internationally certified organic, you can trust that our tea is made using only natural and organic inputs. Organic means: 1. Applying only natural pest & weed controls. 2. Using methods that do not harm human health. 3. Employing renewable resources. 4. Protecting wildlife. 5. Maintaining the fertility of the soil.

2.0 Situational Analysis

2.1 Customer analysis There are two major target markets for kazi &Kazi organic green tea while having the largest market share of organic green tea in Bangladesh. One group is the consumers on the go. These are the employees, students, and other consumers who lead a busy Lifestyle. Thus, there is a need for products that are accessible and readily available. The other group is made up of health conscious consumers, specifically the consumer above 40 years of age who patronize anything healthy. The positive reviews as well as the studies on the benefits of green tea drinking have stirred an interest in green tea drinking. Representing about small percent of the domestic market for green tea, KK green tea is poised to improve its customer base through a joint agreement with Meena Bazar, other departmental store specially located in Dhaka city and technical marketing strategy. A Recent study (FTT Dept, SUST, 2010) that the main factor for the improving market performance of green tea is its health benefits. Consumers of Bangladesh started to believe that green tea is very good for the body; thus, it is more logical to drink more green tea rather than black tea with milk and other drinks. Small consumers group drink green tea because of its beneficial effects to ones health. Consumers consider drinking green tea as a healthy habit which thus positioning K & K green tea as a major participant in the local tea market. Many ordinary rational tea drinkers are choosing green tea because it is really becoming inexpensive and one can get it just from almost everywhere especially anywhere in Dhaka city. It is surprising that more people do not drink tea, as they would longer, happier and healthier lives if they did. Furthermore, some customers think that taking anti-oxidants are healthy, thus, customers drink a couple of cup of green tea per week. Green Tea makes you look younger too and gives you energy as well. You know it also costs a lot less to drink other energy drink too. Recognizing that majority of green teas consumers are the health-conscious and on-thego drinkers, K&K green tea provider continues to develop its product lines to make it more convenient, accessible and health-appealing to their existing consumers.

2.2 Market Analysis

K&K market analysts believes that the tea industry will continue to boom and is not expected to reach saturation level in the near future. The favorable movement of K&K green tea in the tea industry can be attributed to two major factors: a) consumers need for convenience and health concious services; and b) the positive press given to green tea. Bangladeshi lifestyle and work habits have made convenience a necessity. As employers demand for productivity from their employees, consumers are more pressed for time. In addition, the unstable economy has made our fear for their jobs; thus, any product that can fill the consumers' need for convenience and speed are almost automatically embraced into the bangladeshi lifestyle. For the last few years, the health benefits of tea as well green tea have gained wide coverage in the media. Studies continue to show the beneficial properties of green teas, with health benefits ranging from lower cholesterol levels to improve arterial health and decreasing chance of cancer. This positive press has definitely catapulted the demand for tea. ( Both the need for convenience and positive press on tea has spurred an increase in sales of green tea products, specifically ready-to-drink (RTD) teas. Recognizing this trend, various companies in the tea industry have come up with innovative products to take advantage of the booming market for ready-to-drink green teas. K&K tea, one of the local tea leader in refreshment brands, launched new product of green tea to meet the growing the need for ready-to drink teas and introduced innovative product line to capture the health conscious market.

2.3 Competitor Analysis

Till today there is no significant competition arose in the green tea market segments in our country respective. But considering the future growth prospects of this market segments no one would say that there will be no segment rivalry in the tea industry. Since there are various tea company are locally producing black tea it is nonetheless important to K&K tea that never going to be faced segment competitor. Definitely green tea is going to be a booming sector considering the existing consumer behaviour. The Bangladesh is one of the most populated country. The health related issues in Bangladesh also increasing day by day due to the lifestyle and inclination of the generation towards fast food or junk food which generally responsible for health hazards. Based on this issue there is probable entry chance of new firm as rivalry. One of the major competitors for K&K green tea producer in the local tea market is Finlay and some other importer of green tea, well-known competitor for K&K green tea. Like Lipton-Ispahani, Finlay Company has forged agreement with another green tea provider, mentioned before is trying to grab the green tea market. The strong presence of Finlay tea, the most dominant player in the global tea market, in Bangladesh remains a threat to the goals of K&K Tea producer of green tea. With the existing competition, K&K Tea with the expected growth of the million taka ready-to-drink tea market, K&K Green Tea is poised to capture a bigger share of the market with the existing marketing strategy: from packaging to advertising.

2.4 Forming Target market & Segments

Being Bangladesh as developing country the more and more people in Bangladesh are getting literate and educated. The education in turn brings awareness in the people and they understand what dos and donts. There is class of people who are health cautious most of them fall under high class societies. Bangladesh is predicated to be the upper ranked one in terms of diabetes and heart disease in the world in coming decades. It is difficult to change the lifestyle of people all of sudden and hence people look for better product which can keep them healthy and offer resistance or meditate their health for long life and better health. Tea

is hot beverage consumed by people all over the world at highest after water. So it is a great idea if green tea can prove as tea as well as medicine and offer better health & immunization as it is consumed twice to thrice a day. If green tea can provide health benefits it will be surely welcomed by the class of health conscious people. (Hasan, Mehedi. 2009) Based on this consumer attribution about green tea K&K Tea forming domestic target market. The tea market in our country is quite wide because of the traditional drinking habit. Nevertheless, as the company wants to offer the best quality product, promotion and customer service, it only chooses selected market segments that are most attracted: Geographic As in the countryside, people tend to drink fresh tea; K&K Tea chooses to target the product in urban areas and some tourism cities. Demographic - Age: from 15 to 29 years old. They are the active group involved in many outdoor activities, and use ready-to-drink products very often. - Income: Because of its price level compared to the other green tea drinks, K&K Tea targets people whose income in the middle group (Tk 25000-Tk 30000). Behavioral - Occasion: As K&K green Tea is a healthful refresher, K&K Tea focuses on both regular occasions and special occasions either official or households. In general sense K&K are segmenting its market based on two major target markets for kazi &Kazi organic green tea while having the largest market share of organic green tea in Bangladesh. One group is the consumers on the go. These are the employees, students, and other consumers who lead a busy Lifestyle. Thus, there is a need for products that are accessible and readily available. The other group is made up of health conscious consumers, specifically the consumer above 40 years of age who patronize anything healthy. The positive reviews as well as the studies on the benefits of green tea drinking have stirred an interest in green tea drinking.

Representing about small percent of the domestic market for green tea, KK green tea is poised to improve its customer base through a joint agreement with Meena Bazar, other departmental store specially located in Dhaka city and technical marketing strategy. 2.5 How large is the target market According to Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh-2001 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics the projected population of Bangladesh at the end of 2011 will be 162.43 million, and according to the National Media Survey 2010 by Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. the percentage of population belong to different Social Economic Class are given below.

Region-2 Total Dhaka Chittagong Khulna Rajshahi Sylhet Barisal

Total 100.00% 31.30% 17.10% 12.60% 23.90% 5.00% 10.20%

SEC - A 1.10% 55.40% 19.80% 6.20% 6.30% 5.70% 6.60%

SEC - B 6.80% 38.80% 37.50% 6.70% 6.70% 4.20% 6.00%

SEC - C 6.60% 36.90% 23.30% 11.20% 11.80% 5.90% 10.90%

SEC - D 17.10% 34.40% 21.30% 13.80% 13.70% 5.20% 11.50%

SEC - E 68.30% 28.80% 13.40% 13.10% 29.60% 4.90% 10.20%

Source: National Media Survey (NMS) 2010

As our target consumers are primarily are the health conscious people who have the ability to purchase the green tea, so they belong to the SEC A, which is 1.10% of 162.43 million. Again the future consumer of Green Tea are in the age group of 15 to 29 years which is 23% (tentative) of total population according to the Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh-2001 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics So, the estimated market size for Green Tea is SEC wise 1,786,730 (primary) and age wise 37,358,900 (future).

2.6 Future growth potential of this target market Future growth potential is connected with the population growth and the acceptance of the product itself. Till now all the scientists and doctors are saying positive and in favor of Green Tea. They are acting as the KOL (Key Opinion Leader) for Green Tea. So, the future of tea market is in the Green Tea not the ordinary tea.

3.0 How Marketers Reach this Target Market

3.1 Develop awareness The target market for Green Tea is traditionally responses to the new things that can enhance the quality of life and add value to life style. Green Tea itself can play the role of enhancer of quality of life by delivering that it promises. So, by starting sampling among this target group and focusing the benefits as well as the green image of our product we can reach this target market. 3.2 Generate traffic The more the number of trailers the more the number of people who will join this category and the product benefits can motivate them to act as the spokesperson for the product and hence the traffic to this category will rise.

3.3 Build loyal customer base We need to build loyal customer base by engaging the customer with the brand essences. As the existing and the potential customer are willing to pay the premium for the sake of better life, so the marketers can capitalize this to retain them as the base and try to bring the rest of the population under this category.

3.4 Generate Profit From the aspect of Bangladeshi marketers there exist enormous opportunity to serve the one fourth of the total population with this product. As the product is a premium one, so it will be easy for the marketers to expand the market by generating profit first and later use them to recruit more and more new consumers.


4.0 Marketing Strategy

4.1 Marketing mix Kazi & Kazi companys marketing objective goes hand in hand with their actions, and they are dedicated to maintaining high standards and ensuring superior quality. They are very hopeful about their future, and with their successful venture into organic tea, they have every reason to be. Since green tea market is gradually taking its market share among other local and imported green tea firstly it should go through a strategic marketing mix while setting marketing objectives for companys future ultimate goals that has to be achieved. Marketing Objective To offer consumer best health advantage through organic green Tea. To establish as market leader in tea industry To enable K&K green Tea to satisfy, fulfill the consumers personality & lifestyle To increase green Teas popularity as an icon in Herbal Tea product. The different managers should know the sales and marketing objectives of the firm in order to achieve these objectives. We are going to use the method SMART while considering 4 Ps as marketing mix for K&K Tea: Specific: The objectives have to be clear. For example, in each shop, the company of K&K Tea must achieve the selling objectives. The turnover to reach will not be the same in the different shop because we make the selling objectives according to size of the shop, the frequentation, the type of the clients. Measurable: The company has to follow the different targets in the sales outlets and if each shop allowed to reach the objectives. To measure the sales we can calculate the sales by day in order to understand how the client bought the product. With these data we can improve the strategy and the sales. The commercials can ask to the supermarket to put the product in a different way or to make more promotion.


Achievable: The targets have to be realist. At the beginning the turnover would grow slowly and after the promotion, it would have a faster expansion. If we reach to win clients from our main competitor (in a first time) and from the others tea brand (in a second time), the sales would grow increasingly. The firm should have a long terms vision and should be reactive in front of decisions or problems which can occur. Relevant: the objectives have to be founded on fact and not on suppositions. The firm has to respect its general strategy and its image. The firm should take into consideration the sales of its competitors in order to be based on relevant objectives. Timed targeted: each objective should have a deadline. It can allow measuring the different sales of the day, of the week, of the month, according to these data; the firm can change the objectives or makes promotion to reach these objectives. ( Kotler P, Armstrong G, Ang S, Leong S, Tan C, K.TSE D. 2005


4.1.1 Product THREE LEVELS OF PRODUCT Core benefit Scientific researchers have proved green tea is a healthy drink. Succeeding in conveying all creams of green tea, K&K Tea was noticed since the formative days. Customers buy K&K Green Tea to not only satisfy their thirsty; but also hope to find a healthy body in the pack. Actual product Brand name Number 1 was chosen to sponsor for K&K Green Tea because it has had a firm position in the market, and a good image in the customers mind before. Thus, when K&K Green Tea was introduced to the market, consumers would be more willing to accept and use it. Packing K&K Green Tea has basically one type of packet, which 60 gm-40 tea bag. The natural green color of tealeaves is chosen to decorate for its packaging. Quality level K&K Green Tea is made from fresh 0rganic tealeaves and is produced on modern K&K production line. K&K ensures to keep the quality of product that meets the customers needs. Flavors Traditionally, the green tealeaves are combined with jasmine before brewing, hence, drinkers can feel the comfortable flavor of jasmine in the hot cup of tea. This new flavor is promising to increase the sales of K&K Green Tea this year. Features Ingredients: K&K Green Tea consists of nourishing substances that are good for drinkers health. Vitamin C, and E increase the resistance ability to some diseases, especially, it includes EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) that can lessen the longevity. K&K Green Tea is


considered the first mover in the ready-to-drink tea industry in Bangladesh, so it is a big competitive advantage for the product. Augmented product We are responsible to every customers problems when using our products A roll-free telephone number should available for customers to call if they have any concerns or problems about the product.

4.1.2 Price strategy Delivering a deserved product to the customers budget is the message that K&K Green Tea wants to send to its customers. The products price is reasonable than other local and imported tea because of the equivalent high products quality it brings.

Price - demand relationship Most consumers consider K&K Green Tea as a healthy drink, so price seems to be a less influential factor on their demand. Different price should be set for different featuring product through trade-channels. Pricing adjustment strategy -Quantity discount: On special occasions, K&K Green Tea might offer price pack for buyers, like buying 2, 60 gm for the price of 180 Tk. Besides, 5% discount is given to any order from 2000 units (mainly apply for big wholesalers) - When entering a new market, a promotion price is applied to attract buyers attention in that area.


4.1.3 Distribution Strategy/PLACE

For reaching targeted market, as a marketer K&K Green Tea should go through an effective distribution strategy/placing strategyWhen introducing K&K Green Tea to the market at the third quarter of 2009, K&K Green Tea immediately used the intensive distribution strategy for this product in order to make it available. One advantage for K&K Green Tea is that it inherits the successful distribution networks brand. That helps to reduce the production cost greatly. The multichannel distribution system: The conventional distribution channel is being used; each is a separate business seeking to maximize its own profit and there is no control of one member over the others. However, sometimes, K&K Tea actually fell in a dilemma; its all about for their existing and targeted customer. - Wholesalers: order directly from the manufacturers and then sell for small retailers at a higher price than producers price to gain profit. Main wholesaler is its packaging and distribution centre located at Beribadh, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. - Retailers 1: buy product from the wholesalers and then sell to final customers at a higher price than wholesalers price to gain profit. - Retailers 2: order directly from THP and then sell at a higher price to final customers to gain profit. Both retailers 1 and 2 are mainly restaurants, super shop (eg. Meena Bazar, Aagora, Shawpno), canteens (at offices, universities, and schools), and grocery stores, etc. (THP Home Page, Natural Green Tea 0, viewed April 10 2008,)


4.1.4 Promotion Strategy

In order to get the recognition of customers quickly, K&K Tea invested significant amount in advertising for K&K Green Tea. A combination of Push and Pull promotion mix has been chosen. On one hand, consumer advertising is directly applied to attract consumers attention. Besides, Push the product through distribution channels to final customers is also used effectively. Five promotion tools should be taken to reach the customers attention and reach the targeted marketAdvertising TV advertising: K&K Tea invested in creating an attractive advertisement before introducing K&K Tea into the market. Even though this is an expensive advertising method, however, it brings significant realizations as it helps to promote K&K Green Tea on a large scale and quickly remind people of the product. Magazines and newspapers: K&K Tea has to advertise in some common ones, like the Star Magazine, The Daily Prothom-Alo, Weekly 2000, etc. A big message title, product image and model image has to be designed similar to the TV advertisings one to catch customers attention. Internet: Internet is a useful tool to advertising K&K Green Tea as there are more and more people using it to update information. The product should advertise on some websites that have the highest number of viewers, such as facebook, google bd, etc. Sale promotion Consumer promotion: When entering a new market, to promote the product more effectively, at some places, a free amount of K&K Green Tea should be available for consumers. Moreover, the price pack as


mentioned above buying 2, 60 gm for the price of 180 Tk. encourages customers buying power. Trade promotion: Giving wholesalers and retailers discounts and allowances (as mentioned in the Price part), is the most effective method to persuade them to carry the brand, give K&K Tea a shelf space, promote in advertising, and push it to final customers. Personal Selling To enlarge K&K Green teas market, K&K tea cannot lay on the efforts of its wholesalers and retailers only. The company should intend to open more official brand outlets in some big cities (eg. Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, etc.) and invest money in designing professional sale staffs.(cmrvietnam, The green tea battle, viewed April 15,



4.2. Re-position this product to another market segment: 4.2.1 Need-based positioning To tea lovers, K&K Green Tea would be the first choice that satisfies both refreshing needs and convenience ones. K&K Green Tea is made from fresh tea to reserve the original flavour of green tea leaves. Healthiness and convenience are what K&K Green Tea should promise to bring to customers. K&K Tea must continue its innovative research and development strategy to come up with new flavours and products. K&K Tea has extensive research facilities on product improvement. The company can use its resources and professional expertise to come up with new flavours that will suit the continuous demand for healthy ready-to-drink green tea. With attractive marketing strategy and need based product positioning, K&K Tea will poise to take in other local market for leading in ready-to-drink green tea industry. 4.2.2 Health Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cells, tamper with DNA (genetic material), and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet rays from the sun, radiation, cigarette smoke, and air pollution) also give rise to these damaging particles. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. Green tea has been consumed throughout the ages in India, China, Japan, and Thailand. In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, practitioners used green tea as a stimulant, diuretic (to promote the excretion of urine), astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating flatulence (gas), regulating body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes. (Green Tea, Complementary Medicine)


Based on these health benefits of organic green tea, K&K Tea has to make people think that by taking 2/3 times daily basis for longer period, one can easily make preventive steps against those chronic, periodic and mental stress. Since health is precious thing to general people, by motivating of different society people in different market positioning of green tea would be easier. 4.2.3 Novelty For creating novelty into different market Line Extension should be focused. - New flavour: in summer, K&K Tea should make offers one more flavor to the market, which is lemon green tea along with Jasmine green tea. However, in the near future, K&K has to take the strategy to develop green Tea combined with some common flowers fragrance, and fruit. - Packaging: K&K Tea should package another 20 bags pack in production and it will be introduced in the new market with a new penetration strategy. Customer perception of a package creates brand equity and purchaser loyalty. The image presented by the package largely determines success or failure of a tea line in a new target market. Appearance stimulates memories and emotions inside the purchaser, who oftentimes is female, often buying for an entire family. Colour, image and slogan all combine to facilitate customer allegiance. As for novelty, considering these aspects K&K should moderate innovation process to re-position in the new market to grab the future market share regardless the competitors.


5.0 Customer Feedback

The way marketers think their customers are feeling about the product is not always the same as customers really think about the product. The best way to override this problem and get a clear picture what customers are actually thinking about the product is to get feedback from them. Sometime its get difficult because most of the cases customers tend to think negative points first when they are asked to comment on a product. But the efficient marketers always welcome the negative feedback, because they consider this as a scope to improve the product.

Customer feedback is one of the most crucial factors to improve a product. A recent survey carried out by the Forum of Private Business shows that around 44% of business owners want to improve customer satisfaction and yet more still want to be able to do more business with their current customers. (

There are various ways to get customer feedback. Most of the companies use survey to get customer feedback. For our project purpose, we have conducted a small research to find out what customers are thinking about the existing Green Tea brands in Bangladesh market. We also tried to identify their level of satisfaction based on their opinion. We have used the following questionnaire to get customer feedback.


5.1 Research Findings From our research, we have found few interesting insights regarding the existing Green Tea market in Bangladesh. We have arranged the findings in terms of customers opinion. As per our research outcomes and discussion with customers we have observed that, most of the customers prefer to drink green tea due to the health consciousness. Branded and non-brand both are currently available in the market, but customers tend to prefer branded because of quality of the product and packaging.

By studying customer feedback we have found that, customers are less concerned about the price of green tea. They tend to be more concerned about health. Among available brands in Bangladesh market, K & K is the market leader in terms of pricing. They are offering less price compared to other brands

Customers disagree in the question of availability of green tea in near stores. During face to face discussion, they informed that K & K has more availability than other brands. While visiting stores, we have found that green tea is less available in small general stores. It is mostly available in chain stores like Agora, Nandan, Shwapno, Almas etc.

In terms of promotion, customers have disagreed with the question of adequate advertising of green tea. Most of them are inspired by family, peers and social groups. Green tea is a potential niche market in Bangladesh, but there is lack of promotion in this niche.


6.0 Conclusion
Kazi & Kazi companys marketing objective goes hand in hand with their actions, and they are dedicated to maintaining high standards and ensuring superior quality of their product. They are very hopeful about their future, and with their successful venture into organic tea, they have every reason to be. Since green tea market is gradually taking its market share among other local and imported green tea firstly it should go through a strategic marketing mix while setting marketing objectives for companys future ultimate goals that has to be achieved.

K&K market analysts believes that the tea industry will continue to boom and is not expected to reach saturation level in the near future. The favorable movement of K&K green tea in the tea industry can be attributed to two major factors: a) consumers need for convenience and health concious services; and b) the positive press given to green tea.

Bangladeshi lifestyle and work habits have made convenience a necessity. As employers demand for productivity from their employees, consumers are more pressed for time. In addition, the unstable economy has made our fear for their jobs; thus, any product that can fill the consumers' need for convenience and speed are almost automatically embraced into the bangladeshi lifestyle.

Progress of Kazi & Kazi can be measured in many ways; the most definite way is through their research and the methods they use to implement their learning. With Kazi & Kazi Green Tea, this means their ability to apply their knowledge in new, unique ways. Once they have created the necessary programs, the results need to be reviewed and improved upon. It is not enough to simply provide the assistance, the company needs to respond and elevate the working conditions. Since the market of this product is very much potential for future competitive market, it is mandatory for K&K Tea to take appropriate marketing mix with further positioning steps towards grabbing another market segment to be in a stable business growth.


7.0 References
Kotler P, Armstrong G, Ang S, Leong S, Tan C, K.TSE D. 2005, Principles of Marketing An Asian Perspective, Prentice Hall, Australia. Hasan, Mehedi. 2009, A Seminar Paper on Green Tea-Business Strategy Impact on Health, Dept of FTT, SUST. cmrvietnam, The green tea battle, viewed April 15 2008, Green Tea, Medicine Home -Medical Reference-Complementary, University of Maryland Medical Centre web site. National Tea Board, Bangladesh (2011). Retrieved April 19, 2011, from Forum of Private Business (May 2010). How to ask your customers for feedback. Retrieved April 21, 2011, from ttp:// customers_for_feedback.htm Panchagarh Info (2011). Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate. Retrieved April 21, 2011, from Hara, Yukihiko (2004), Green tea: Health benefits and applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Mr. Taslim Ahmed, Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI) Mr. Adnan Hossain, Senior Executive, Packaging Unit, Kazi and Kazi Tea Estate Limited


8.0 Appendix

Researcher use only

Dear Sir/ Madam: We are from an academic research group doing research on Green Tea market in Bangladesh. To serve that purpose, we need to collect some data from you. By filling up this questions will help our research process. We ensure that your data and other information will keep confidential. We will be thankful for your cooperation.
Do you drink Green Tea?

Yes No

What type of Green Tea you consume?

Brand Non-Brand

(If brand) When you think about Green Tea, which brand comes first in your mind?

Kazi & Kazi James Finley Others (Please mention)


Why do you drink Green Tea?

Healthy Thinning Tasty Refreshing Others (Please mention)


Have you ever come across Green Tea ads?

Yes No


Which of the following benefit do you think Green Tea communicate?

Digestion Purification Calorie Reduction Soothing Flavors Others (Please mention)


Which flavors you would like to have in your Green Tea?

Apple Peach Cinnamon Saffron Mint Orange Lemon Others (Please mention)


Who inspired you to take green tea?

Self Family Friends Offices Others (Please mention)


(If Self) How you get inspired?

Advertisements Health articles Press media Society Friends Internet Others (Please mention)



Please place your opinion in the scale of 1 to 5. 5 = Strongly agreed; 4 = Agreed; 3 = Neutral; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Strongly disagreed; 0 = No comments
Healthy Tasty Properly packaged Available Reasonably priced Sufficient promotion Awareness Informative labeling


5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Respondents Profile
Name: Gender: Age: Male Below 20 Years Female 20-30 Years 30-40 Years

Result of the feedback in terms of marketing mix 50 Years 40-50 Years Above Profession: Student Housewife Business Others Below 10000 30001-40000 Jobholder

Suggestion Total Income (Monthly in Tk): 20001-30000

10001-20000 Above 40000


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