Training Design Worksheet: PDM NA

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Training Design Worksheet

PROJECT TEAM: TOPIC: TARGET AUDIENCE: TIMEFRAME: OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, participants will be able to outline a communication plan PDM State Based Virtual Teams State Based Project Managers 3 hours PRE WORK ACTIVITY: POST WORK ACTIVITY: EVALUATION METHOD: CORE COMPETENCY/CDA AREA: SUTQ APPROVED/DATE: ODE APPROVED/ DATE: NA Share communication plan with manager Standard evaluation NA NA NA

6 Step Learning Strategy* Introduce Lesson Present Content Administer Application Monitor Performance Provide Feedback Summarize Lesson *Apply to each subtopic

In this column, list everything that the facilitator will do. For example: Give instructions Show visuals Distribute handouts Ask questions

In this column, list the specific details of what the facilitator should say

In this column, list all of the materials, media or resource requirements. For example: Video PPT slides Handouts Flip chart Markers


Tell them what you are going to tell them Introduce Objectives Agenda Benefits *Only happens once in a session; do not repeat for each topic.

15 min 9:00 9:15

Introduction There are four elements that are necessary to creating a virtual team: Orientation


Flip chart Markers Handout Communication Benefits for Virtual Teams Slide 1 - Objective Slide 2 - Agenda

Introduce session State based virtual teams Conduct Have You Ever icebreaker Introduce yourself State the objectives of the session Present benefits of a communication plan by asking What happens when there is intentional communication in virtual teams? Flip chart responses Add additional benefits from handout Show agenda

Communication Project Management

Feedback Objective At then end of this session, you will be able to outline a communication plan for your virtual team. Benefits What happens when there is intentional communication in virtual teams? To dig into the topic, we will review a handout that has some key ingredients of a communication plan. I would like for you to spend about 5-8 minutes reading the handout. Make note of key ingredients because your

Tell them Sub task/topic Method Key points

10 min 9:15 9:30

Individual participants will read Communicating as a Team handout. In small groups at tables, they will generate a list of the key ingredients of a

Flip chart at each table Markers Handout Communicating as a Team


communication plan and why they are important.

table will work together to generate a list to share. I also want you to discuss why each ingredient is important. When you are done, write your discussion on the flip chart provided so that we can discuss them in the large group. So lets hear from the groups. Which group wants to share first? Here is an outline of a communication plan. As you can see, there are 5 parts to the outline. Using this as a guide, I want you to work in pairs to create a communication plan using the key ingredients. I have provide you with a template that can be used to create the plan. If you need extra copies, they will be on the front table.


Method Options Time 20 min 9:30 9:50

Each group will share what they learned with the large group. Fill gaps in information, if necessary.

Participants will work in pairs to create a sample communication plan. Review Communication Plan Outline briefly explaining the 5 parts of the outline.

Handout - Communication Plan Template Slide 3 Communication Plan Outline

Method Time *Only if skills are being learned

20 min 9:30 9:50

Spend time listening and observing pairs while they are creating plans. Find out how they are working.


Tell them what you told them

5 min 9:50 9:55

Allow pairs to briefly share their work and note their next steps. Flip chart next steps for each group. Share handout, Communication Plan in Action and Communication Plan Checklist

Who would like to share their work and provide the group with next steps? It will be useful to use this Communication Plan Checklist to help remind you of the key ingredients of a communication plan. It sounds like everyone is in the right direction. Here are some additional considerations that may support your next steps Are there any questions or concerns about creating a communication plan for a virtual team? I

Flip Chart Markers Handout Communication Plan in Action Handout Communication Plan Checklist

Questions Objectives

5 min 9:55 10:00

Ask for questions Summarize objective

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