Process of Change

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CHANGE Humans resist change. People don't like to change whats familiar to them.

Given new information to consider, individuals will search their existing mental models to ensure that the new information is consistent with what they know. If the new information fits an existing mental model, the person accepts the information. Perhaps this new information could expand or improves the person's existing mental model. If the individual cannot link the new information to an existing mental model, he or she may construct a mental model to understand the new information or discard the information as irrelevant, unimportant, or wrong (Duffy, 2003). Because existing mental models resist new information, they can be a major obstacle to creating and supporting self improvement and personal growth. People will not cast aside their current mental models as long as these models seem to produce reasonable results. Think about it, you probably joined Americorps bc you thought it would be a positive development in your life. There are many reasons why we are so resistant to change. People resist change when the reason for the change is unclear. When it is ambiguous to the people, whether it is about costs, or the benefits, uncertainty can trigger negative reactions amongst us. People also dont like it when they have not been consulted about the change, and it is offered to them as an accomplished fact. People like to know what's going on, especially if their lives may be affected. It has been proven that informed workers tend to have higher levels of job satisfaction than uninformed workers. People resist change when communication about the change (timetables, personnel, money, etc.) has not been sufficient. When the change threatens to modify established patterns of working relationships between people, the people will resist change then as well. Why would someone want to create a change that they think will cause added stress and tension in their life? So how do we get people to change? There must be a relative advantage. The benefits must be perceived as so great as to be well worth the inevitable problems and costs associated with any change. The changes we ask to create also must be generally simple for the public to adapt to. The innovation needs to be easy to measure. Once the new procedure or item is in place, it must be easy to measure the benefits, whether that is seen in your mood, work ethic, or paycheck. So why should we make changes in our life? If what we are currently doing is benefiting us, what are the positive aspects of change that should make it enticing to us? It builds your strengths and self confidence while educating you. It will create new opportunities. Change keeps you flexible. It helps you see things differently. As you develop new perspectives change helps you gain insights on the world and can help you better understand where your real priorities are.


improve self-awareness and improve self-knowledge

helps building or renewing identity aids in developing strengths or talents improving wealth, whatever that means to you spiritual development identifying or improving your potential as a person and as a worker it will build employability or human capital it can enhance your lifestyle and the quality of life fulfilling aspirations defining and executing personal development plans improving social abilities

Im sure in your time working for Americorps you have gained some or all of those aspects of personal growth. When you begin adjusting to change or creating changes in your life, this in turn develops personal growth. So why is personal growth so important? As you grow positively you will gain new positive skills and ideas. As you link these positive skills (that are brought on by change) to your existing mental model you can better tackle obstacles that are inevitably going to come up at your site. FORMULA FOR CHANGE Change=loss=frustration which causes anger When you manifest the changes in your life externally this will compel you to adapt to the new change and will in turn support personal growth. When the change is manifested internally you will fester the negative thoughts instead of working with others to adapt. This can create a feeling of depression. PEOPLE DO CHANGE Saying people cant change is the same as saying people cant learn The man whos experienced the lowest rung of existence and conquered his personal demons has an empathy thats lacking in more saintly people. If the world considered only your most depraved moments, how would you be judged? People do change. We make every decision for the first time with no obligation to the past. If we control anything, we control our own thoughts and behavior. **If can improve anything, it should be ourselves**

MAKING PRESCOTT HOME Move in with someone not affiliated with Americorps Getting a pet Participating in community events

Explore Prescott! Getting involved at the YMCA Get out on the weekends When inviting new friends to something, tell them to bring their friends!

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