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Rome Unit Study Items included in this kit to be returned to HCOS:

1. Life in Ancient Rome by Shilpa Mehta-Jones 2. Greenleaf Guide to the Famous Men of Rome by Cyndy Shearer 3. Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the Roman World by Fiona Chandler, Sam Taplin and Jane Bingham 4. Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts - a great video series that you can watch throughout the study 5. A Wicked History - Julius Caesar Dictator for Life by Denise Rinaldo 6. The Atlas of Bible Lands and 7. The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World
8. Parent Guide *Parent guide is available online with clickable links: You will also need access to the Famous Men of Rome. You can get the text for this at the Baldwin Project Online. You can also listen to the John H. Haaren stories for free on

Or visit these sites:

* ebook to read online is available here: * note that Famous Men of Rome is also available in an audio format here:

Ask your online teacher for a password for the Discovering Education website for access to the video clips. Other Resources available from HCOS library: Recommended: What in the World? Volume 1 CD by Diana Waring
4 Disc audio set Creation to Christ 3 disc audio set

True Tales Complete Ancient Civilizations and the Bible by Diana Waring Writers Inc. or another reference for writing essays. Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer Mystery of History

written by Natalie Sing

image from

Rome Unit Study

I am excited to have you join me for an adventure in Ancient Rome. This kit is based on 28 days or 7 weeks at 4 days per week. I have included daily reading and activity ideas. There also some suggestions of resources from our subscriptions as well as some novel/books that might be a great supplement. These are all just ideas. Pick and choose what would work best for you. Some items you will want to pursue and some you will need to let go of in order to complete on time. I would suggest that you consider using the atlas in the kit to do some mapping. Tracing maps of Rome would be a great asset to your study. You may also want to consider doing a timeline as you go through this study. There are many ways to do timelines. On your wall, in a binder, with index cards or even as a scrapbook. This page will give you lots of timeline ideas. I hope that you enjoy this study!

Each day there are a variety of resources and activities that you may want to take advantage of: Greenleaf Guide to the Famous Men of Rome by Cyndy Shearer for this resource there are many questions as well as activities for each day - I will include them all, but please do not feel obligated to complete them all. I have highlighted some of the questions that I feel are the most important for the study. You are free to use any or all of them within the study. Each day also has vocabulary - you could use the vocabulary words to review orally or you could have your student write out the ones that they dont know with meanings on index cards for review. The people and places part of this guide could be used for timeline work or mapping work if you choose. At the end of the guide there are some excellent timeline resources for you that you may want to take a look at. The Famous Men of Rome* by John H. Haaren & AB Poland - ebook format Life in Ancient Rome by Shilpa Mehta-Jones borne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the Roman World by Fiona Chandler, Sam Taplin and Jane Bingham Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts - a great video series that you can watch throughout the study A Wicked History - Julius Caesar Dictator for Life by Denise Rinaldo If you would like to further your study with geography we have two great resources in this kit The Atlas of Bible Lands and The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Links for Roman Times:

BBC Romans Roman Craft Ideas Construct an Aqueduct The Roman Empire: Childrens Section Ancient Rome Lessons Forum Baths explanation with short videos Here are two models of a Roman Villa. Roman House with Latin names. Enjoy an Ancient Roman Feast using this page as your guide. Here is a lapbook on Ancient Rome using a variety of resources. Here is another excellent lapbook on Ancient Rome. (scroll down) Here is a unit study on Rome that may be helpful. A powerpoint or a Prezi on Rome would be a great project instead of an essay. Choose an aspect of Rome that your student is interested in and complete a Prezi. This project works best with a topic with layers. For instance, The Roman Army has layers of command structure, soldiers, down to equipment used. A Glogster could be lots of fun as well. This works really well with a broader topic that you can find a variety of information on. It is also great for biographies.

Resources from Subscriptions:

Discovery Education has over 30 videos based on various aspects of Ancient Rome Brain Pop has 7 videos about Ancient Rome Ebsco Host is a great resource for information about Rome World Book - great for research projects about Rome. World Book Dramatic Learning has a play on Androcles and the Lion as well as an adaptation of Julius Caesar.

Possible Books to add to your Study:

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth Speare Word to Caesar by Geoffrey Trease (this is out of print but may be available through your local library) Detective in Togas and The Mystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfield Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliffe (and other titles) The Triumph of Flavius by Caroline Snedeker The Ides of April by Mary Ray Augustine Came to Kent by Barbara Willard Augustus Caesars World by Genevieve Foster

Overview of Study
Day Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Life in Ancient Rome Hill Villages pages 4-5 Guide page 1 Romulus Early Rome pages 6-8 Possible Activities

Day 1

Discuss the differences between fact, myth and legend - Tell the story of Romulus and Remus

Day 2

Guide page 2 Early Rome Numa Pompilius pages 10-11 Life in Ancient Guide page 3 Rome City by the River pages 6-7 Early Rome pages 12-14 From Famous Men discussion question - write a newspaper article or do a radio broadcast

Day 3

Day 4

Drive Thru Guide page 4 History Lesson 1 The Tarquins Life in Ancient Rome - Rise of Ancient Rome pages 8-11 Guide page 5 Junius Brutus

Roman Republic Discussion pages 16-19 Questions The Roman Discussion Republic pages Questions and 20-21 consider another newspaper article or broadcast

Day 5


Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Guide page 6 Horatius

Possible Activities

Day 6

the Roman tell a story about Republic pages Horatius at the 22-24 Sublician Bridge and you may want to read Thomas Macaulays poem Horatius From Famous Men - write a play dramatizing this story. Start a play based on Julius Caesar from World Book Dramatic Learning.

Day 7

Guide page 7 The Roman Mucius the Left- Empire pages Handed 26-29

Day 8

Guide page 8 Cariolanus

The Roman Empire pages 30-33

From Famous Men word study and discussion questions. Ideas of Roman Shields and video link to Roman Army video. From Famous Men discussion questions

Day 9

Guide page 9 The Fabii

The Roman Empire pages 34-37


Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Life in Ancient Rome Military Might Guide page 10 Cincinnatus The Roman Empire pages 38-39

Possible Activities

Day 10

From Famous Men discussion questions and draw a yoke that conquered soldiers walked under. From Famous Men discussion questions Roman Trade Map From Famous Men discussion questions and Draw a Roman Rostrum. Make a Roman Tablet

Day 11

Drive Thru Guide page 11 History Lesson 2 Camillus

The Roman Empire pages 40-42

Day 12

Life in Ancient Guide page 12 Rome - When in Manilus Rome Torquatus

Everyday Life pages 44-47

Day 13

Guide page 13 Appius Cladius Caecus Guide page 14 Regulus

Everyday Life pages 48-51

From Famous Men discussion questions From Famous Men discussion questions Draw your own Roman house plan

Day 14

Everyday Life pages 52-55


Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Guide page 15 Everyday Life Scipio Africanus pages 56-59

Possible Activities

Day 15

From Famous Men discussion questions Model of Roman villa From Famous Men discussion questions Roman Feast From Famous Men discussion questions Forum Baths From Famous Men discussion questions Roman Leisure Activities From Famous Men discussion questions Gods and Goddesses From Famous Men discussion questions Herbs and Healing

Day 16

Life in Ancient Rome The Economy

Guide page 16 Everyday Life Cato the Censor pages 60-63

Day 17

Guide page 17 The Gracchi

Everyday Life pages 64-67

Day 18

Life in Ancient Guide page 18 Rome Latin and Marius Learning

Everyday Life pages 68-71

Day 19

Guide page 19 Sulla

Everyday Life pages 72-75

Day 20

Life in Ancient Guide page 20 Rome - Religion Pompey the and Beliefs Great

Everyday Life pages 76-79


Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Guide page 21- Everyday Life 22 pages 80-83

Possible Activities

Day 21

From Famous Men discussion questions and acting out Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, Dictator for Life, Roman Aqueducts From Famous Men discussion questions Roman portrait or bust From Famous Men discussion questions Eggshell Mosaic

Day 22

Life in Ancient Guide page 23 Rome - Sewers Cicero and Circuses

Everyday Life pages 84-85

Day 23

Drive Thru Guide page 24 History Lesson 3 Augustus

Everyday Life page 86

Day 24

Life in Ancient Guide page 25 Rome - The Fall Nero of Rome

End of the Empire pages 88-89

From Famous Men discussion questions From Famous Men discussion questions and learn more about Pompeii. Trial and Triumph

Day 25

Guide pages 26- End of the 28 Titus and Empire pages Tarjan 90-91


Life in Ancient Famous Men of Usborne Rome Rome Encyclopedia or Drive Thru of Ancient History Rome Guide pages 29- End of the 30 Marcus Empire pages Arelius and 92-93 Diocletian Guide page 31 End of the Empire pages 94-95

Possible Activities

Day 26

From Famous Men discussion questions From Famous Men discussion questions

Day 27

Day 28

Guide page 32 End of the From Famous End of the Empire pages 96 Men discussion Western Empire questions

Daily Lessons:
Day 1 Life in Ancient Rome - Hill Villages - pages 4 and 5 Famous Men - Romulus - discuss differences between fact, myth and legend. Tell the story of Romulus and Remus - Guide page 1 - discussion question 1 and vocabulary. Usborne - Early Rome page 6-8 Day 2 Famous Men - Numa Pompilius - discussion questions 2,3 and 5 and vocabulary - Guide page 2 Usborne Early Rome page 10-11 Day 3 Life in Ancient Rome - City by the River - pages 6 and 7 Famous Men - The Horatii and the Curaitii - discussion question 1, vocabulary and write a newspaper article and do it up like a front page story or record it as a radio broadcast. Guide page 3 Usborne Early Rome pages 12-14

Day 4 Famous Men - The Tarquins - discussion questions 2, 5 and 6 and vocabulary - Guide page 4 Usborne The Roman Republic pages 16-19 Drive Thru History Lesson 1 Day 5 Life in Ancient Rome - Rise of Ancient Rome - pages 8-11 Famous Men - Junius Brutus - discussion questions 2,3 and 4 - and/or consider another newspaper story from this time - Guide page 5 Usborne The Roman Republic pages 20-21 Day 6 Famous Men - Horatius - tell a story about Horatius at the Sublician Bridge and you may want to read Thomas Macaulays poem Horatius, vocabulary - Guide page 6 Usborne The Roman Republic pages 22-24 Day 7 Famous Men - Mucius the Left-Handed - write a play dramatizing this story or record it as a radio drama, vocabulary - Guide page 7 Usborne The Roman Empire pages 26-29 This would be a great week to start a play based on Julius Caesar from World Book Dramatic Learning. Day 8 Famous Men - Cariolanus - word study and discussion questions 3,4 and 6, vocabulary - Guide page 8 Usborne The Roman Empire pages 30-33 This blog will give you some ideas on making Roman sheilds. There is also a great video link for learning more about the Roman army. Day 9 Famous Men - The Fabii - discussion questions 3 and 4, vocabulary Guide page 9 Usborne The Roman Empire pages 34-37 This interactive map will help you in seeing the growth of the Roman Empire over time.

Day 10 Life in Ancient Rome - Military Might Famous Men - Cincinnatus - discussion questions 1,4 and 5, vocabulary and draw a yoke that conquered soldiers walked under - Guide page 10 Usborne The Roman Empire pages 38-39 Day 11 Famous Men - Camillus - discussion questions 3,4 and 5, vocabulary Guide page 11 Usborne The Roman Empire pages 40-42 Here is an excellent Roman Trade Map. _trade_map.png This along with the map on pages 40-41 are well worth discussing. What was traded and where was it traded? Drive Thru History Lesson 3 Day 12 Life in Ancient Rome - When in Rome... Famous Men - Manilus Torquatus - discussion questions 1,2 and 3, vocabulary and draw a Roman rostrum Guide page 12 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 44-47 You could consider making your own wax tablet. You could use real wax melted on a cookie sheet or even plasticine would work. You could make a stylus from a chopstick, a bamboo skewer or a stick. Consider writing some latin words in your tablet. Day 13 Famous Men - Appius Cladius Caecus - discussion questions 1,3 and 4, vocabulary - Guide page 13 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 48-51

Day 14 Famous Men - Regulus - discussion questions 1,2,3,4 and 8, vocabualry Guide page 14 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 52-55 You may want to draw your own houseplan and label it with the latin names given on this site - Roman House with Latin names.

Day 15 Famous Men - Scipio Africanus - discussion questions 1,2,3 and 7, vocabulary - Guide page 15 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 56-59 You may want to consider a model of a Roman villa as a project. Here are two models you may want to use - one is for you to colour and one is already in colour. Day 16 Life in Ancient Rome - The Economy Famous Men - Cato the Censor - discussion questions 1,2 and 4, vocabulary - Guide page 16 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 60-63 You may want to have a Roman Feast this week or some other week during your study. Enjoy an Ancient Roman Feast using this page as your guide. Day 17 Famous Men - The Gracchi - discussion questions 1,2 and 3, vocabulary Guide page 17 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 64-67 Forum Baths has short videos explaining the Roman baths. These videos are from a bath in Pompeii. Just click on the numbers and the videos will appear.

Day 18 Life in Ancient Rome - Latin and Learning Famous Men - Marius - discussion questions 1,6,7 and 8, vocabulary Guide page 18 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 68-71 This site will help you explore more about Roman leisure activities and has some ideas for extending learning. Day 19 Famous Men - Sulla - discussion questions 1,3 and 5, vocabulary - Guide page 19 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 72-75 This might be an opportunity to look at Roman Gods and Goddesses. Though there are many this site has some statues in Rome to depict them.

It is amazing artwork but as with all the Roman Gods and Goddesses viewer discretion is advised.

Day 20 Life in Ancient Rome - Religion and Beliefs Famous Men - Pompey the Great - discussion questions 3,4 and 5, vocabulary - Guide page 20 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 76-79 This might be a great time to take a look at herbs if you have a herb garden or know someone who does. You could then take a look at how the Romans used herbs for healing on page 76 of Usborne. Day 21 Famous Men - Julius Caesar - discussion questions 3,4 5 and 9, vocabulary, and you may want to act out Shakespeares Julius Caesar complete with togas - Guide page 21-22 Usborne Everyday Life pages 80-83 This may be a great time to look at Roman Aqueducts - Construct an Aqueduct Your student may be interested in Reading Julius Caesar, Dictator for Life. Day 22 Life in Ancient Rome - Sewers and Circuses Famous Men - Cicero - discussion questions 1,3 and 4, vocabulary - Guide page 23 Usborne Everyday Life - pages 84-85 This would be a great time to consider drawing a Roman portrait or even creating a Roman bust from clay. Day 23 Famous Men - Augustus - discussion questions 1,4 and 5, vocabularyGuide page 24 Usborne Everyday Life - page 86 This would be a great time to consider doing an eggshell mosaic Roman Craft Ideas Drive Thru History Lesson 3 Day 24 Life in Ancient Rome - The Fall of Rome

Famous Men - Nero - discussion questions 1 and 2, vocabulary - Guide page 25 Usborne The End of the Empire - pages 88-89 Day 25 Famous Men - Titus and Tarjan - learn about Pompeii and discussion questions Titus - questions 2 and 4, Tarjan - questions 1 and 2 - Guide page 26-28 Usborne The End of the Empire - pages 90-91 You may want to learn more about the early Christians that were martyred during the Roman Empire. A Great book that you can read online is Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula. You can read it here. Day 26 Famous Men - Marcus Aurelius and Diocletian - discussion questions Marcus Aurelius discussion questions 1,6 and 7, Diocletian discussion questions 1 and 3, vocabulary - Guide pages 29-30 Usborne The End of the Empire - pages 92-93 Day 27 Famous Men - Constantine the Great - discussion questions 3 and 4, vocabulary- Guide page 31 Usborne The End of the Empire - pages 94-95 Day 28 Famous Men - End of the Western Empire - discussion questions 4 and 5 and summary questions 2 and 3, vocabulary - Guide page 32 Usborne The End of the Empire - page 96

Learning Outcomes for Social Studies 7Published 2006

Economy and Technology assess ways technological innovations enabled ancient peoples to - adapt to and modify their environments - satisfy their needs - increase exploration and trade - develop their cultures compare ancient and modern communications media describe various ways ancient peoples exchanged goods and services

Governance assess how ancient systems of laws and government have contributed to current Canadian political and legal systems describe the evolution and purpose of rules, laws, and government in ancient civilizations Human and Physical Environment assess how physical environments affected ancient civilizations identify the impact of human activity on physical environments in ancient civilizations Identity, Society, and Culture analyse social roles within one or more ancient civilizations analyse the concept of civilization as it applies to selected ancient cultures identify influences and contributions of ancient societies to present-day cultures Skills and Processes of Social Studies apply critical thinking skills including comparing, classifying, inferring, imagining, verifying, using analogies, identifying relationships, summarizing, and drawing conclusions to a range of problems and issues compile a body of information from a range of sources defend a position on a contemporary or historical issue deliver a formal presentation on a selected issue or inquiry using two or more forms of representation use various types of graphs, tables, timelines, and maps to obtain or communicate information

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