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November 12, 2012 Dear Member of Congress, As the U.S.

Congress works towards a resolution to the nations fiscal challenges, I write to urge you to consider the impact that your decisions will have on vulnerable children, seniors, and families. We acknowledge that tough choices will be made as part of your ongoing discussions and that every one of these tough choices will be met with frustration, disappointment and even anger from certain segments of the population. Catholic Charities USA recognizes that social service initiatives will not be immune to those difficult decisions. However, as you look for savings, we reject the notion that those most vulnerable among us should feel the greatest impact of future spending reductions. Catholic Charities USA is one of the nations largest social service provider networks, made up of almost 3,000 social service agencies and institutions. In 2011, Catholic Charities agencies across the country provided critical social services to more than 10 million consumers. The work done by agencies across the country is in partnership with local and state governments. Despite increasing philanthropic efforts by private donors and corporate partners, public sector resources remain the largest single source of funding for Catholic Charities agencies across the country, making up 64 percent of total revenue. While we are committed to continuing to provide the nations most vulnerable with immediate relief through services, we also seek to find 21st century solutions to create sustainable opportunities for all whom we serve. As you well know, more than 46 million people live in poverty. In a nation of plenty, this should not be. Rather than simply embracing the immediate need to reduce the deficit by impairing local organizations ability to deliver critical services to those in need, now is the time to work together to create a new national approach to service delivery models that is market driven, results oriented and locally controlled, enabling the country to permanently make a difference in the lives of those living in poverty that have for years been trapped in the same safety net that was originally intended to save them. We can no longer continue to push the same challenges we have been neglecting to address for years onto the next generation of Americans. We believe that with your help we are capable of forever changing the way we address the needs of so many in our country, leading to greater economic stability for the nation, and greater self-sufficiency for the millions of Americans currently living in need. We thank you for your attention to this matter and look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Fr. Larry Snyder President and CEO Catholic Charities USA

Episcopal Liaison The Most Reverend Michael P. Driscoll, MSW, DD Bishop of Boise Chair John Young Vice Chair Kathleen Flynn Fox Secretary Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland Treasurer Marcos Herrera President Rev. Larry J. Snyder

2050 Ballenger Avenue Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703) 549-1390 Fax: (703) 549-1656

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