Chapter 10, Section 4 Textbook Notes

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Sonny An

US History Honors November 29th, 2012

Chapter 10, Section 4 Textbook Notes Section 4: Reshaping the World December 1918: President Wilson well-received in Europe. January 8th, 1918: Wilsons Fourteen Points speech to Congress. March 3rd, 1918: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany. Bolshevism: Radical socialist ideology in Russia. January 1919: Russia and Germany completely shut out of negotiations between the Big Four the United States, Great Britain, France, and Italy. o o o o Ignored Wilsons self-determination belief. Claimed colonies of defeated enemies. Italy denied expansion. (Angry, will later turn to Benito Mussolini). Japan granted rights to the Shandong Province of China.

June 28 , 1919: Treaty of Versailles signed. All Fourteen Points were ignored except for one: League of Nations. Irreconcilables: Mostly progressive Republicans against Wilsons League of Nations. Reservationists: Approved of League of Nations, however, did not want LoN to supersede the power of Congress to declare war. September 1919: Wilson goes on a 9,000-mile campaigning tour to promote LoN. o September 25th, 1919: Fell ill in Pueblo, Colorado, then suffered from stroke. Could not function as president for weeks.

1920: Presidential election between James M. Cox (Democrat) and Warren G. Harding (Republican). o The Red Scare: Fear of bolshevism, contributed by Wilsons Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Amendment of 1918. Caused voters to steer away from LoN and internationalism, thus voting for Republican Harding. (Normalcy.)

February 3 , 1924: Woodrow Wilson dies. Tired of swimming upstream.



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